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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 3

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WINNIPEG- EVENING- TRIBUNE Wednesday, march is, me 3 TRINE J.EHS HOW HALL, HI, eojpizE Famous Winnipeg- Soldier Faced Death Twice to Sav Wounded Comrade in Trench Following Is an rmclnl acrount. Dbtalned today by Tftie Tribune, of lh manner In which. Pirct-MnJ. F. W.

won the Victoria Cross, which arrlvej In Winnipeg and ivaa preaontcd to hfc mother, recently. HergL-MaJ. Hall Mvml on I'urby treet and went -with the first contingent, belnjr iuachetl to the 8th liattallon. motiillxrd by the DOth Winnipeg Rifles: "If Klsher la ha Canadians' ma-chlne-cun V.C. 'hero, Frederick Wllllum Hall Is their dauntless llfe-ftlitfcs hero.

He was a. member of the Canadian Uat-tallon. and rained! hie V.C. on April 23, 1915. The Ma had been In the flnt line trenches; on the 22nd, and, la Bplto of a very lerrlble experience cf the greenish ksis, held on grimly.

Send Cloadt of Gai "On the day wlirta Hall gained the oldler's hlKhest honor, the enemy again launched tlielr aaphjxlatlng (u. Their attack was the most furloua yot experienced In this an-Kulnary battle. Tliey had boasted thty would be In bv April 24 and on April X3 hid orders to take Yprea at a.l costs, nd open the road to the Channel port. The Germans edvlnced In denth masses, firing their rlflea under Ihe shelter of the gas clouds. Ha ft was In charge of a company of meij.

Inspired jy his magnificent brave fy, they held their ground, itian aflur man was falling killed machine-gun and rifle fire. This- gallant nan-oommis-Ktoned officer deeply grieved at the losses, and iwlned tr see numbers of his con'trudes lying wounded with no one trf (succor them. The hostile fire had attempt at rescue Impossible. Suddenly Hall ht ard a cry for help, He risked looking- over the pnrapet cf the trench, amV saw a wounded nan lying some til teen yards away. He decided to death to save his Denote a heavy enfilade lire, he rushed frotn the trench and endeavored to rea-h the stricken man.

His flrt attiiinpt foiled, and a non-commissioned ofllcor and private soldier Who were Wing to assist him were both wounaeu. Goes Second Time "Although Hall escaped without Injury, he could not remain In the tnrnih long. He realized the. man would bleed to death, or be killed outalRht If he wero not speedily saved. Accordingly, he daringly crept over the parapet a sec ond time.

SheCs ami bullets were fulling near, but the gallant sergeaH major persevered, lty an aim fist miraculous stroke of fortune ho succeeded In reaching the wouimled Canadian. Stooping down. Hall quickly and gently took him Into his arms and 'arted back for the trench. He had Just reached It, And was congratulating himself ort his good fortune. In another mlnufto he would have been safely over ttje parapet.

He. was about to climb dovn when he was shot in the head arl fell Recommend Lister As Attendance Officer At the regular meeting of the Winnipeg public school boUrd held Tuesday evening, It wan decided to recommend the appiflrrtment of G. A. IJater as chief attendance "officer. A.

committee composed of H. Knox, W. J. Itiilm.m, K. W.

Cral.T and A. Congdon was appointed to deflno the duties of the office. W. Martin of the Kir IV In school, and W. H.

Clapperton, peinclpal of the I-aVerendrye school, nere granted leave of absence salary for military service. One Is Now at Front, Other Wants To Go 'it i XijHtSN. PERCY and REGGIE BOUSFIELD Mrs. F. I Huusfleld, S44 Home has two sons, one Is Pte.

Percy, who Is In Highland uniform, and Is now "soinew hero In Knince," with the 4.1rd Battalion, crqn Illfe'h-landers. Ills brother, licglo, Is a Klnu's Scout und Is with tho 8th Winnipeg troop. He Is too young to go to the front but Is eagerly awaiting tho time when he may go. Their father was P. I Kuiiallcld, principal of Wycllffe school.

Many Enlist In American Legion Many men who have served In the United States nrmy, navy and marine corps are enlisting In tho 212th Ilattnllon, American Legion, which has started on an active recruiting compalRn after some time has been devoted to organization. Major H. C. 1'iUiiiiiri, officer commanding, left Tuesday night for Swift Current, to open up a recruiting station. The battalion already lias recruit.

ng offices at Kurt Wll- llam, Port Arthur, Kort Francis, Weyburn and several other places. 'Many of those joining the American Legion are paying their own fares up from places In the United States so that they may be In the bt tight with their fellow countrymen. D. J. Dyson Will Again Head Industrial Bureau Introduction of several bylaws to be submitted at tho annual meeting of the Industrial IUireau, which takes place this afternoon, was considered by the executive of the bureau, met at 3.15 p.m.

Following tho meeting of the directors at 4.30 o'clock, the election of officers for the coming year and a confirmation of the appointment of tho commissioner, ami such other business ns may conic up, will take place. 1. J. Dyson will bo elected pres'dent. Tho directors to bo appointed are W.

Pafoe, J. H. llucg, Mc-Dlarrnid. A. M.

Nanton, Wm. Tear-son, II. A. Robson, It. L.

Richardson, J. H. Walker, Ir. It. C.

Wallace and T. It. Deacon. Americans Coming In Large Numbers The American Immlfrntlon Is Increasing every dav. paid the Immigration at the Union d' pot this morning.

Many families are arriving In Winnipeg from the FOuth. Arrangements have been made by the Dominion government for two trains weekly, commencing March 21. to cope with the Immigration situation. On these trains low rates will bo given to the American settlers. Official Statements BRITISH LONDON'.

Mar. 15. 4f7YV VTfc The Pritish official communication Issued A last night says: "The enemy exploded vX'' two nilnf-8 morning, 'iy ono southward of La Hassee canal and the other near Neuve Chap: elle. In one case some damage was done to a small salient of our "Northward of Ypres. we carried out a successful bombardment of 'nemy trenches.

During list night near the Ypres-Roulera railroad, our grenadiers and machine guns drove off enemy working parties who wero attempting to work In a mine crater. "There has been considerable artillery activity today westward of Lens." ITALIAN HO MR, Mar. 13. The y'7 communication Issued kalian war office jTJ'i today says: t''fcl ln I-aKnrlna A enemy artillery activity It the NcOf Hovereto zone, dolnn B1" some damage to Inhabited places. Our artillery dispersed enemy working parties between Selva and Ivlco, In the Sngana valley, destroyed enemy defence works on the Cordevole helpht and In the Cordlna valley, swelled transport columns ln the vicinity of and bombarded the Toblach station.

"Along the Isonito front torrential I rnlns and fog have again Impeded our nrtillery and Increased the of the ground. However, our Infantry resumed their attacks with success against enemy positions, notably on the Sabotlno slopes between San Mlchele and San Martlnn del Caro. and eastward of Moninlcone. "The best results were obtained In the San Martlno zone, where, after I severe artillery preparation, a i Queen's Infantry brigade stormed with the bayonet and captured a strong redoubt, making the occupants prisoners. On the'r left other de-' tachments entered and destroyed en- i il cmy lines ln the neighborhood of the Martlno church.

RUSSIAN PETROORAD, March fcdh'W'ng rial communication was Issued yesterdav. jstfiFV i estern tltusslan) front: There has been "rt-ii 1 heavy firing southward of UiUe Pablt. on the rtlga front. On a sector of this front In Lettish detachment, havlnsf forced artificial barriers, the enemy's; trenches, bayonetted the oc- eupnits of them, and returned with- out Ioks. I "Southeastward of the village of Podliamlen, and on the middle Strlre sector of Gallcla.

our patrols continue their operations with success against enemy posts, and have made further progress. "Caucasian front: Our troops continue to force buck the A NERVOUS JREAKDOiYNj Can Ee Averted By Feeding the Starved Nerves With Rich, Red Elood Nourish your nerves that Is the only way you can overcome life's worst misery, nervous exhaustion, The fits of depression and Irritation, I the prostrating headaches, the weak-1 ness and treiuhlin? of the legs, the! unsteady hand and the Imperfect dl-' gesUon that mark the victim of' nerve wenknesH.1 must end In ner-i VO' breakdown If neglected. Nourish your nerves by the natural I process of fining your veins with rich, red, health-giving blood. Your nerves are crying out for pure blood and t' e. mission cf Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills is to make new, rich blood. This explains why these pills have 0 proved successful In so many enses of nervous disease that did not yield to ordinary treatment. For example, Mr. W. H.

Weldon. Annapolis. N.P., says: "In the strenuous life I have to follow the drain on my system was so great that my nerves became shattered, the blood Impoverished and my whole system undermined, I tried a number of so-called remc dies without deriving any Finally having read so much about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I decli'ed to try them. Tho result was beyond my expectation.

I regained my energy; the blocd and nerves were rebuilt; I lost the sense of constant tiredness 1 I had felt and was filled with new life and energy. I have since used the lis with bnnrfl res Its in niv family and will always have a word of praise for them." You can get Ir. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mall iost paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing The fj Dr. Williams Medicine Brock-1 a vllle, Ont. il i i B0tS fr tIlP FamiIy thousands of pairs to go yet.

Our best 5 valucs wc rut dispIay for 16th' 17th aml 1Sth- No Shoe Sale has ever been more welcomed by the public. Tremendous crowds haV bCCn hCrC (la'ly Sin(' th'S Sale opcned- Kcimfmher, we bought 1 I iW OTk thCSC fr yU Wh I1001 R0ts and cl not want t0 pny ortiRO I jm Avenue prices. Every day till the 10,000 pairs have been sold at I fill 1 Winnipeg's Great Family Shoe Store. Mighty Values Quoted Here With Brief Description 111 LADIES' BOOTS LA01ES' BOOTS MEN'S BOOTS MEN'S BOOTS low Hunt GUn K'P Blurher Boots, Dres, Boots In tan, pat- and low heel. button or lace, also EU11 VI well made, good wearer.

Viol cushion sole nurse 00 ce sete. on i sh 31.98 T'3s LADIES' B00T8 GYPSY BOOTS MEN'S BOOTS MEN'S BOOTS IFtent V-lcl Kid Oun $5.00 regular price. 347 Hox Calf leather, lined Flne drnBJ i SS $2.48 s. 5Tj3 CHILD'S BOOTS GIRLS' FINE SHOES BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS BOYS' BOOTS 3 (. Kei 'VoS SoJKm': AblgMof strongschoo, ,3,0 values, all spring heej.

Regular liegular J.OO values. 1,00,8 for by- Tho lnoe 8t'lps Rn(I leath- $1.60 everywhere. On Vour opportunity to klnJ fives service, ers. The real shoe for 98c ST 81.19 $1.98 1 1 i I MISSES' BOOTS GIRLS' FANCY TOP INFANTS' SHOES ll 4 In box calf or vlcl kid, BOOTS An Immense lot of In- 1 button or lace, liegular In patent with rod, brown rants' soft soles i i ,3.00 school boot. On or black kid, or cloth 25c, 35c and COc iKVi "aI Q1 OQ 'Br Q-l Of) alues.

Choice at -I 01. JO Now AUeIT.ce lUC QUEBEC SHOE STORE, LTD. 639 MAIN STREET Bon Accord Block WA All Cart Pass the door )f jj rf 'i 111 1 ni JniniBnirrT rilti; I Lgiito the future, months ago, enables us today to quote prides which are Go-Carts I WaWay bel0W Avlmt 0tIlCr st01'CS l0SS fortunate are abI t0 d0, In SOmG liUi'S Ur or(lers Tollapsible Oo-carta, same as I m) wcre over a year ago, and these goods are nw just arriving. You will be rylt; 10-inch wheels, half-inch i I surprised at the low prices prevailing throughout the entire store and S'Z bill I A yiv TjT cd black enamel with pol.l to Our Easy Payment Plan tziL 1 fUr makes it so easy for you that in no ease is it necessary for you to be without necev- pC(, $9o75 saiT Ilomc furnishings. This modern way of furnishing your home is exactly 'the sa'aie pi fTE-SrV idoa as bu)'mS your place.

If you had waited until yi had spot cash to pay out-, Uming Chairs feTSJ right for your home, how long would you have waited. Think it over. You will 11 "SCA-l agree with US. 0i spindles and tiouhle nuips. 0 Special I JAaJJ Put Maid Linoleum on Your Floor- 75c I TfvffiW v.

Storage Jror hconomy jszt When you lay Linoleum on your floors which has the colors clear through to the Uick jfou may cleiirnd on receiving years, rates for storage. "We will ho of splendid service and satisfaction. These poods are poing to he very hard to secure in the near future and now is your dianee pleased to quote you nites tor to buy the pattern and colors you like while our stocks arc so complete. Q1 It 7K charfres on all kinds of house- Trices range from, per square yard P-L LO to PX I hold furniture and furnishings. This complete Bedroom Suite consists of six pieces "''V ZU fjFfcljPlI vv and is a credit to the maker.

Dresser is 42-inch case, 23x i'Uj itil j' 4 Vrr -Z I 34-inch mirror. Dressing Table has triple mirror (two on jgj' e'sr" I i HI a Ijjpff hinges). Chiffonier is 32-inch case, 20x22-inch mirror. jj Ql 'ArQX'Til iMllj 1 Ded is 4ft. 6in.

wide with patent catches. Bedroom Chair uE-J 1 llTSj lilr fS2 and Ilairdressing Chair made to match balance of suite, pcSS j-TvIl" "TtX TTr-44f I which is genuine walnut throughout relieved with inlaid, ilJjO-------" -S'tlW If II 11 with perfectly matched tops and fronts. Splendid value 1 rv at $240.00. nQ rn NX I JroSASTl TTT Special Price, as above V-L I U0j If) I jfl iFrV I I Our Upholstering Dept. fcW Dinin8-Room I 1 1 now fully equipped' to Jp SlllfiGd I fl I handle all orders.

Our Jit 0r showing of Dining-room Furniture was never so large and well- Tv4i I 1 (fi assorted as at Iho present time. Period Designs are very much in evidence as Vl tock of tapestry cover- I well as modern designs. A treat awaits you when visiting our store. fePvT ex-rciiriTry co- 7 A Coonplete Dining-room Suite plete and our workman- 'Jl jC I ship is of the best. Al- OIT pDoOU' I low us to send our expert Natural grain complete Dining-rorlm Suite in fumed finish, comprising buffet with 48-inch case I Lj with cane insert in back at each end of bevel plate mirror and centre front panel.

Round Tdj) Exten- -J-tt- to 5our 'lornc Klve sion Table, 45-ins. in diameter mounted on pedestal, which opens to 6ft. when fully extended. Six mktil) you an estimate. Dining Chairs, of which one is an Arm Diner, are full box seat construction, well braced, and covered tt with brown moroccoline.

FEME CARPET SQUARES AT LESS THAM Jmlr- I HALF-PRICE Mfllllll These goods are made from goods taken from our regular stock, and comprise some of the best designs proven by the ''Jf-'a'eTi Tt'' fact that quantities have sold down to just sufficient to make rugs as below mentioned. If ak fSm One only, Axminster Square, green with terra-cotta One only, Velvet Square, in green floral design 8.3x JAM wBl border, 7.0x11.5. Regular prico OfT (( 11.7. Regular price $41.00. flJOA HA Ii mWMti X'MM $51.00.

Pay-day Special Pay-day Special D4U.UU WiMWjl0M One only, Axminster Square, plain self-colored One only, Brussels Square, in green and tan shades WV lfmZJr-M green; 8.3x10.11. Regular Gif) A Kf 8.3x11.11. Regular price, $46.00. tf00 PA fts. t' Sif vfMWfSi price $50.00.

Tay-day Special Pay-day Special PDU 5 0170 JW mjMm I A ht "JtZS One only, Axminster Square, rich Oriental coloring; One only, Velvet Square in red floral effect; 6.0x7.8. yS'W 7 6x10.6. Regular price, $60.00 QrtQ (0 gular price, $21.00. (TJ-, ft MMMS Pay-day Special Vt.UU Pay-day Special PlU.UU I $0.85 The Thermos Window Shades Rope Portieres Madras Muslins jj Special purchase of hand- Ten ony RoPe Portieres, in Fifty-inch Madras Muslins in fl U- -L. made Opaque Shades, in cream shadcs of brown, tan and floral, conventional and stripe 1 jl VVaollCr color only, motintud on guaran- retl- Some with tapestry band effects, in cream shade only; irTl ir teed roller; 3ft.

wide and 6ft. Pnnels- Regular prices from suitable for living-rooms, dens, The tub of this machine is Spccial Qr $.5 to $10. IT If dining-rooms, etc. Regular up '4fJ male of thoroughly kiln-dried Price, each ODC Special to $1.00 yard. Of I best-grade cypress wood.

It is Special Sale, yard OOC (fellllwi uhild'8Play tomn it, as it is so Turkish Towels PaSy WC Con8ider 1 abIe Strong Bath Towels size 20x Cotton Sheets P'Wk-f lm nC of the bcst washinff Unmask Table Cloths, in 40ins, assorted, brown with Fine even thread Sheets in fiA 1VC have ever stocked, bleached or half-bleached linen, white, red and mixed stripes. plain or twill, full bleached; Itf'l'Ml ttn is fully guaranteed. Let assorted sizes and price's. Reg- Regular price, 40c pair. Spe- full bed size.

Regular price, us demonstrate. ular up to $2.25. Q-l AA cial Price, OKn $2.25 per pair. Special Price l.UU pair Special 31.DU Maifst. J.

i BAWFIELD 158? Three Villages In Minnesota Go Dry ST. PAt'L, March 15 Complete returns today fiom local option elections yesterday in 85 Minnesota villages and towns, show a change of three villages from wet to dry, while one city Owatonna chanced from prohibition to saloons. The villages which went dry were Foley, Kyota and Kimball. Lavergne Asks Aid Of English Minority As Audience Cheers QUEP.BC, March 15 A plea to the minority of the province of Quebec to help the Trench-Canadian minority ln Ontario was mude by Armand Lavergne In the legislative assembly Inst evening, ln the courso of a soecch which was considered by the members os more moderate than any hitherto prouounced by the Nationalist member on the bl-llngual question. It was the occasion of consideration of the amendments made tb the Oall-peault bill.

Mr. Lavergi accepted the amendments which eliminate munlcl al.tles from doni-rU ng for the pu ses of the bill, whlcli was framed to allow to national, patriotic and educatlona I movements, particularly to aid the 'nench-Can-adlans In tho Ontario bl-llngual flght. Mr. Lavergne did no't refer to th wnr, and speech cwas greetutl with lie up'teld Quebec lis the province of toler luce and Play. Many men hang rlgns like (his, "This I My Husy Day" over tiielr desks and then spend, six afternjona a week: playing golf.

If everybody's knowledge meaanjf up to his own estimate or It, wtV wise world tills would be. ft WHY HAIR FALLS qtT Pandruff causes a fevr r(ol, tlon of the scalp. t.T loosen and 1. conies out fast. To at once and rid th.

fvey particle of Pandrcir bottle of Dandenur store pour a t.ttU Jn yLXLl rub we into tin. Af, applications all (landruff dlMppra'riI and the hair ft oul.

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