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The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • 15

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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more than 5,000,000 acres in wheat and ttimper-crop fall weatlier OklaKoma looking forward to a gmt, big, fragrant loaf. Net Paid' Sunday in October. THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN Net Paid Daily in October. Entered n't th Oklahoma. Oklahoma, as second ml) undw the Act or Marjh S.

1879. i In Oklahoma City, 6 Cent Dally, 5 Cento Sunday, PRICE -ioutsldo Oklahoma. City, 6 cents Dally; 8 Cents Sunday 1 (75 Cents a Month, $7.56 (In advance) a Year. VOL. 30.

NO. 65. SIXTEEN PAGES OKLAHOMA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918.ffaBxft Compute Report on Pap 15. LIFE GOVERNOR SPARES MOONEY For-: li FIRST BATH QF Imprisonment Allies to Demaiid SwrreEdcr Kaiser Life Is Decision HE'LL BE ONE TEACHERS GIVE OUT LIST MEN In Clemency Pled LONDON, Nov. 29.

-s The enteiite allies have decided to demand that Holland surrender the former 'emperor of Germany to justtce, according to the Daily Express. OF AMERICA'S PEACE ENVOYS HOUSE, WHITE, WOIOBE ENVOYS Five Officers and 34 From IMPETUS TQ FREE TEXTBOOK PLAN Governor Stephens Issued the Ranks Are Killed "Maiden" Battle. DRIVE TWELVE MILES NEW REVOLT IN Statement Keviewing tne Case anJ Announcing Commutation of Sentence. HUN EMPIRE IS Superintendents Favor the BUY SUBSTITUTES INTO HUN DEFENSES Deeds of Heroism Mark IN FULL SWA DEFENDANT FACED Move and Association is Expected to Act. SERVICE FLAG WITH DEATH DECEMBER Guarasmen as Shock Troops.

To Be Only Three American Delegates, Is Belief Now; Speculation Narrows -to These Names. PRESIDENT WILL NOT Several Generals Have Is 1,252 STARS GIVEN Mooney Was Convicted oS; sued Counter Earth Declares. CEDITOR'S NOTE Til! 3 lJ Food Administration Will Take Oyer Mixed and Corn Flours. TO REMOVE BURDEN Arrangement for Purchase fi Convention GetS Under AS U. S.

ENVOY ork ot tho old Way With Inaugural Address of Nih'art. Complicity in -JbomD Uur-j rage in San Francisco inf July, 1916. Now. 23.Tket; of Thomas J. Mooney, Wilson to Participate in Is Matte Through' (iram Corporation.

Thn thirteenth annual convention of WITH THE 142ND INFANTRY IN Oct. 22. (By Car LONDON, Nov. a Berlin meeting of the soldiers' and workmen's council, -Herr Barth, secretary for social policy in the Ebert ministry, declared that a counterrevolution was in full sway, according to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. Several generals have issued counter-revolutionary proclamations and have attempted to dissolve the soldiers' and workmen's tenced to.

bc hanged December 13, in; Preliminary (Jonierence, But Won't Occupy Place at the. Table. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28.

The im connection wltn tne ten per-. ried brilliantly lorwara Dy a spiru to -nnnnfT that hardlv' could te exccllen the Oklahoma Educational association got under way last night when nearly a thousand teachers gathered in the First Christian church and heard the The state food administrati sons trom a doihd explosion in om by the most seasoned veterans, the. made, arrangement? for the purchase by Gov. W. D.

Stephens today to life of all victory mixed flour and com- pression is growing among' those who auguration address ot ts. lyuiaiv, uresident of the association, and a troops ot UKianomans anu in this division have had their first Wli and have carved their nulsorv wheat substitutes now in the talk on the eifects of the war on Amer cils. about trie peace conference that the hands of mills, brokers, wholesalers and names in glorious letters on the pages of world history. In. giving the announcement of thei governor's decision to the Associated Press, his private secretary.

Martin Madsen, said that the commutation was sitmcd earlv this evening, but that vur-ther than governor's written stat Ames Would Remove Burden. been times when I doubt ica by I'rot. ilarry ciari; 01 tne uni- Onc of the early features of the convention is impetus which has been given free text hook agitation. In the nf the. emmtv suncrintendents a ed that I ever would be.

allc to write Ames, state food administrator, i announcing the olan tor tne incut, there would be no comment. this. Ihere have been moments in -tne little craters of mud, partially thrown im rli( hiffh' rvrnlosives of German chase of the substitutes; said it was three members, and speculation over the, personnel has about narrowed down to these names .7 Robert Lansing, secretary of state. Henry White, ambasador to France, ip and" to Italy under the McKinley ad-iwf. ministration.

E. M. House. M' President Not a Delegate. PTflLEOISLilE resolution was adopted favoring the buying of the text books by the school district boards and the distributing of Case Carefully Reviewed.

The governor's statement reviews tha ise fullv and.ouotes in tlteir the desire ot the administration to remove so1 far as possible the hurdei nlaced on dealers flour bv reasoi guns and partially dug out by the industrious shovels of our own men, that the two message's President the nosMhilitv ot a typewriter nas oc of the compulsory substitute rule, which them tree to the scnooi cnimrcn. Mma Consnlidated Schools. curred to me as being the. most remote Whether Hikes Will; was rescinded For the sellinc of sub Woodrow AVilson, in winch the. action now taken by the.

governor wai 6ug-v gestcd. -The commutation, says the gov-i ot lar distant tnmgs. cut nere i aiirl in tnif-p. of three weeks 'M There lias been no announcement-and there may be none before the president addresses confrress next -week bat if was uniiu' 1W had Already steps hae been taken to have the matter brought before the next legislature, and' the stand taken by the educational association on the matter Made Depends Upon Living jConditions. flip fipld without, a chance of under- war, I am disgustingly healthy and fat Henry White.

America's peace delegation -wiU probably have three members," Washington dispatches say. Henry White, regarded as certain of selection, is ambassador to France, tiecn given to understand that these stitutes to the grain corporation through the food admiriistr'ation hius't bo made with the state food those Having lots of substitutes on hand should get in touch with tlie state administrators. As the substitutes may as a cuo Dear. mar. is cnougn auuui.

will play no small part in nttfenrne'of the olan. LOBBYING IS STARRED ViS men would be the American envoys. 'X4 Tt nrMi indiratpd.verv definitely of that" Warren Ki Billings: "1 refuse to recognize this case as: in any fashion' representing a clash bc-i tween capital and labor." the governor says, and he characterizes as absurd! the propaganda 'i that i'would maket Moonev -aonear as a martvr to the TV, tlie COUntV mysejJ. OtKioraa Blood on French Soil. superintendents also lakes a strong stand if that reports of the president having Question Whether Judge Oklahoma's name has been written be turned back in carload lots only, the for more consolidated ana union graueu; schools, nnd urges the legislature -to make sufficient appropriation to maVccj indelibly On the soil of trance by blood of her sons.

The total of dead county; lood administrarors are ex-nprted to he 'of assistance in the as self as a-delegate were untrue. irnp? to take, nart in the trreat orelim- Koertson win touch on Situation. cause of 1 action in that first test of our spirit- sembling of small lots into carload State Board K-l i'nary meetings of the beads of the as- more such schools possiDie. Viaht nn RpOrlMmzatiOa. wa? five officers, and thirry-iour men Bcrkinan Is Quoted.

In support of this statement he quotes; Vftrr lrnm AV.iander Ernati'- our-: These were: A plan for the creation of a public The uncertaintv of livir.ff exnen Prices Fixed for Products. iininrr the blan afterward adoDtcd for, Puts Ban On and war's and salarv scales in nrfv Victory flour and compulsory wheat OFFICERS. Carter Hanner, Still- school fund sufficient to turnisn eve child in the state of Oklahoma with .11 nunKfif. trarhrr for a term of the Mooney carhpaign. He denies that nusiiess, in the future, promises trouble Capt; flour substitutes will be purchased at the following prices, per barrel de-1 livered at the seaboard: Victory I formal conferences under way, but not ffi to serve as a.

delegate. Peace Party to Bo In addition to the accredited dcls-gates will be a large party, eluding, besides the military, naval, dip--vU loraatic and economic experts, other in the multitudinous ques- Drug Drinks nor those who will sponsor salary irv creases in the coming session- of the general assembly. Laptain Willis t'carce, u-amorc. First Lieutenant Arthur J. Matheney, months or more, -and the enforcing of die compulsory school law frqm the first day of school to the close bf the cha acter Izes his prq vious record asl that it does not enlist faith in him- among law-abiding; citizens, but says in conclusion this particular case has been decided upon1 its merits S10 5U; barley flour.

straight or patent rye flour, dark rye flour, 7.50; Chandler. Legislature to Consider. Proooscd increases in salaries for term arc also indorsed in the resolution. r-imll fnnniu timp-rintendcnt First Lieutenant Kicnaru narnson, Sale of Jamaica Ginger and flour. cream'' com Wcwoka.

'nnt tn hr dealt- with. Am one them First Lieutenant Keith Lowry. King of schools in Comanche county, who is chairman of the committee appointed to. lie case as presented to fornia courts was that of murder with other corn fjour, $7.50. iJitters Hit by New Ruling.

Swill be men of high rank prepared to participate in discussion that will take fisher, Commodities must be delivered out further, evidence of motive that county officers, some state officers and department, employes, are slated for consideration in the ascrfibly. If conditions' remain as they are, and show no sign of change during tlie session, the possibilities of salary increases are britfit. draft plans for a reorganization ot tric educational association, said last night that the matter would come up today hfnr tlie association for discussion. carload lots to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Galveston, San Francisco. Portland.

Oregon or Jnlace outside of the formal contcrenc Sand in position below only. the accredited delegates, who, it is assumed, wil ambassadorial rank. Time of Sailing in Doubt. the impossible tenets, ot anarchists whose sympathies for the German' causei in the war aro well Their-wili pacifist theories fitted into the. activities' of the kaiser's agentsi', in this country.

"A number dE 'persons of -oronoiincccl organized forces cither for Seattle. In no case will a higher price it. conditions- cnang, it living ex or against the adoption ot tne new pi. Iiivp a vrf nrcsented themschts. ENLISTED MEN.

First Sergeant Elmer New, Mustang. Sergeant Arlcigh Burnent, Omega. Sergeant Charles S. Bouse, Chandler. Sergeant John H.

Greene, Durant. Corporal Lawrence L. Cooper, King-isher. Corporal Lon A. Hill, Chickasha.

Corporal Roy Roper, Bennington. Corporal Gilbert Moore, Holdenville. Cornoral Rov L. Warren. R.

F. D. 4, De paid man tne actual invoice cost, plus freight. The exact time of the president's penses assume a downward trend to the accompaniment of wage and salary reductions in private industry and biisi- opinions of educational leaders of the state last night varied widely as anarchistic tendencies were ar.restxitt shortly after the explosion and of the'sef 8,000 See Allied 'irsailing for Europe apparently unknown 10 anyone except the pTCsi-'CTdent himself. He is expected to -leave -itl after be the new ses- the proposal is doomed.

At least Is the way many legislators, who linai status 01 inc pian. warren liiumgs was convicted sentenced to life have given the subject some thought, TTn last niffhti as far as it could War Show in Day ifsion of congress, beginning Monday, Man gum. Thoma J. -Mooney found guilty ar be learned, no campaigns for the presi Frivate first ciass sam sr. t-ricc, 5ciw3iccu.

to do nangca. More than eight thousand persons Tcashers May Get More. Lobbvinc bv some of those who will dency ot tne association nau l.iiinrhori T.cadrrs however, oredicted Annpfll KrrlmiiBtftfl Sand the address -usually is delivered ccond day of the session. By "tho Associated Press. 'So lonff as avenues of anneal An to -trve that the presidential booms would start visited the allied war show in.

the Ford plant yesterday find last night arid saw The sale-of Jamaica ginger, bitters, lemon extracts and numerous other concoctions containing a preponderance of alcohol in their makeup is under ban in Oklahoma henceforth. Basing his action on authority of an opinion from the. attorney, general and recent court' decisions, Walter R. Jarrett, secretary of the state pharmacy, board yesterday issued a statement declaring. that in the future drug stores and other places, which handle, such concoctions will be prosecuted for violation of slate -and federal prohibitory measures.

The sale of Jamaica ginger and other medicines containing a -large percentage of alcohol, it is. said by Jarrett, has increased out of all reasonable proportions in some sections of the state, the theory being that 'it is used as a substitute for whisky. Some brands of Jamaica ginger, he says, contains .51 percent alcohol, while other brands contain much as 90 percent. courts' remained opened to Moonev if TOKIO, Wednesday, Nov. 27.

Baron he was availing -V hims1 be benefited by an upward revision of ihe-ofticial salary scale is already in progress, and there are some who claim to have received encouragement from the legislators-elect. Whether Robertson will touch on this Question in tne grcat coiiectiott or war croprucs anu material. The show will continue for three days more, closing Sunday -nighC Mnkino. former forcisn was made last night by President Private First Class Roscoe Easton, Geronimo. Private First Class Pleas M.

Rogers, Wewoka. 1 Private First Class Ben L. Rogers, Rubottom. Private First Class Edmond Fobb, Eairlestown; neemcQ it improper.ior executive att thority to interfere. Although the eon and member of the privy council, Nihart.

Tin resolutions committee is Arrangements have been made for a comoosed of T. W. Kobinson, Okla aagand the other subordinate delegate 1 wim cimcres at Versailles. niiinbef. of airplanes which' will come to stitution of Cafifornia clothes the gov ernor with power to exercise clemency at any time after conviction, it-is irrH homa City; Miss Roxie Hughes, Gar his message to the assembly, or whether I Respected to sail for France on the bat- the proposal will come front some indi Private First Class' Edmond Vrnna, Tiilcshin Konero December 10.

The vin H. t. fausr. snavriice iliss Lane. Wcathcrford W.

C. Checntab. and Fred RfcCar- tne cuy oauiruay trom rost neiu, ny over the city Saturday morning and drop tickets good for admittance to the "victory to be given Saturday portant, so- tar as practicable intrude into any criminal case untit thq judicial branch has finally disposed ci vidual member remains to dc seen. Judge Robertson is out. of the cily and, so far as known, there is no one here Varies, nrnhahlv will delav his dt- rell, Stillwater.

The auditing committee is composed of Turner, Okla K. b. v. ukianoma Litry. Private First Class Fonrcst Cox, Chandler, Private First Class Joseph LeRoy, Agra.

to speak tor him on matters pertaining i-tparture to a later d3ie on account or The Fort Sill band, which came to the city Wednesday, will remain here to proposed legislation. More pav for teachers and other taken, by the Uiiited States supreiri court, and the case of the people VJ Thomas J. Mooney placed squarely -1)0 homa City; Miss Gladys wiuttct, mc-Cloud, and Miss Margaret Mitchell, Mnmnn ivliiln the tecislativc commit school employes will be 'suggested by PIsa for Russia Made by League uniii ounuay. "Today' at the show 'has been designated as "Teachers' and Students' tee is composed of M. H.

Sheppard, jrrivaie r.nious i. ttoaric, Aiva; Private Edmund Cooper, Kinta. Private Don Dakin, Kingfisher. Private Florence W. Turner.

Thaak- btate K. it. Wilson his message to the lawmakers. Death Sentence Commuted. Has Wilson's Appeal.

Chickasha; John Wright, umanoma Mm-daiie-h. Edmond: A snecial admittance of 35 cent for Sentiment for Hikes. havft had hefnrp th. nroont AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 28.

The death mtence of Frank P. Gilbert, who was 'ci-viller. teachers and 15 cents for children will J. P'. Batten field, Atoka, and John -MwRW YORK -Nov.

28. A pica that trivate Dclwin Thompson, val- of the president of the United State that I grant commutation. be Those in touch with the situation say there is no question but that there is considerable sentiment in support of tlie 1 have been hanged for the murder ol is' wife in Liuer'tv countv Vaughan, KuiRSton. Wilson Presents File. One of the features of last right1 Jfrivate Clarence E.

ttolbroolc, Dela the- party of lav and order in Russia 'should have its place at the peace table Germany has been sent to Wilson by the American Defense was commuted to life imprisonment tonight by Gov. W. who acted Mauritania Sails ware. become a reality anoears to denend 10 (Continued on Page 2 upon tne auvicc or tno hoard ot pardons. Private First Class Waldo Burch, Henryetta.

yWM 4,000 Troops Sbcicty, it was announced here tonight. 'iSfflV. Imm willi ninnsnment that it is tirely upon the question of future living expenses. One member of the new house who i contemplated that the party of law and "WASHINGTON. Nov.

2S.Oneral Originally, in January of 'this yeat' I received a letter from the presidenfl asking me if it would not be pnssibla" to postpone the execution of Mooney until he could he tried upon one of thi other indictments against him. "Inasmuch as nn appeal 'already'. had been taken to the supreme court of California, which appeal itself acted as! a stay of tlie execution, -there waj. ai; that time, no occasion of action on my, part. I take it that the president waa no correctly informed as to the statud'-of the case." nas uccn-in several legislatures.

ed as one of the stroncr men s'cnlation at the pence conference and jrrivaie-tdinonci iims, irtugo. Private Charles P. Hill, Hanna. Priyatc'Jamcs E. Adams, Durant.

Private Roy J. Arnall. Checotah. Privafc Mack Pettitt. Pettitt.

Private Thomas F. Ross, Checotah, Private William M. Royall, Milo. Private Kvl T. MrCWrv -XfnrrW.

March, chief of staff, announced today that the Cunard liner Mnuretnnia. which, sailed from Liverpool for New lower branch and who will be among its most active members, in discussing that, on the other hand, bermarty be'rcnresenlcd there." the mcssace Nine; Persons at Banquet Held in Airplane 2,800 Above Flying Field 'S; HTKer are a manv indcoendent cov Salaries Lower Than In Prlu'iL T.ltwe eVn'mcnts in Germany today as there torn lasr aionaav at p. aboard 165 officers and 3.83-1 me the American armv. ineludinr? 116 Private Samuel McAdanw; Carroll- are in' Kussia, and nil the vario crnnvnts in Russia except th: and wounded. The liner is due in New "ft is true that the paid some county ofdeers," some stat officers and employes of state and county rleparttnents of government are lower York early next week.

Countintr those on ho- Maurelania, Private. William S. Harjo, Bearden. 1 Indians Play Role of Heroism. AH Defendants Told Cpsiflicting Stories ducted- by the bolsHeyiki-are upon the side of law and order i Anarchy cannot down in Germany if it can act iwo minutes above the Kroimds a real inan me salaries nam in some private Amone these men who cnvi fhclr 10,995 officers and men, most of-' them attached to the air service units which lives for the: sake of all we hold sacred tion nas existed for more than a year, but before we attemrit to rait into ef.

SAN FRANCISCO. Nov, 2S.Thorrf Mnnnw nnd Tcr.irt WVinhw react from Kussia." Blockade to Remain Till Treaty Is Signed feet a blanket increase, such as has been there are many things have been training England, are now enroute home. Three liners the Lapland. Minnckahda and Orca-carryurg 382 officers and 6,614 men. left Liverpool last week and are due at New; war3 Nolan, Mrs.

Rena ifomtey' andl Warren K. Miners iWr' persons, Among the guests were Capt, Ren B. Lipsncr, superintendent of the air mail service, and Allan 'R. Augustus Post and other officials of the Aero Club of America. Speaking of the proposed nation-wide extension of the mail service, Captain the name ot democracy are to be found numerous men of the original Americans.

These Indians who have been in the service many months and who have, borne' their, part all the way through as well as the best, went to the attack the same way that. first morning ELIZABETH, N. Nov. 2S.Thc first' aerial banquet in history was held today on an airplane 2,800 feet above the new flying- field of the United States air mail service here, marking tho 'inauguration' of the field as the terminus of the air mail service -between New York, Philadelphia and 1 A' fcw minutes after the mail plane, in charge of Max- Miller, left the field at 12:10 this afternoon, a big machine rose under control of -LONDON, Nov. 28.

The Times. ii we were absolutely that says the absurd story which tlie are reported to have spread officially that the entente nrohablv wit conditions; that' the cost of liviug wi! remain nraetir.illv at if York early trt the coming ivcclt. This represents about half the total ndmber of American troops in England when the armistice was signed. The remainder, will embark, within the next Lipsncr said: within a week after the explosion: ofl the bomb at Steuart and Market street shortly after 2 o'clock, July 22,4916. Billings was the first to be brought to trial after lie and the other's hart' hecn indicted for murder by the county grand jury.

was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Hi -'consider the abolition of the blockade. "We will have machines which will Mrw ton and a half of mail, and tli another two years. -and that there will he no general reduction Iri salaries and ang in tne tune ot trial wnen iney were called upon to advance in the very teeth of machine gun and artillery fire they did so steadily and coolly and gave days and ail tne men irom nngianti I'uvaio micrcsts, tneti tne jua absolutely unfounded. The allies -(lave not the -slightest intention, the (CutUnuect on Paso 4, Column 1) day or jrcini aim jwrcci post oy.air- should be Iwmo bcfciro tha mid41o ll.

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