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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGB TWO BLYTHEVILLB. COURIER NEWS JIONDAY, MAY 1931 Society: Calendar Tuesday The Eurcllan Sunday scliool class of the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Ann Bra teller, 109 West Ash street, at 8 o'clock. The Temple Israel will have the annual election of officers. Wednesday There will be a luncheon at Ihe Hotel Noble given by the American Legion Auxiliary in honor of Mrs.

Thomas Johnson of Dermott, stale president, and Mrs. Jesse Cox of Little Rock, state secretary. Mrs. J. H.

Stcadinan Is leader of the Delphian program. The New Wednesday Bridge club is mecling with Handolph Smith. Mrs. Joe Von Almen Is having the Matinee Bridge club. The Central school Parent-Teacher association Is meeting at Miss Sunshine Swift's room at 3:30 o'clock.

Mrs. E. C. Patton is having the Wednesday club. Mrs.

B. A. Lvnch is hostess to the Mld-Wcck Bridge club. The Thursday Luncheon club is meeting! with Mrs. C.

W. Affllck. Mrs. C. W.

Higglnson is having the Young Matrons Bridge club. The Night Bridge dub will be entertained by Joe Clifton Watson at Caruthersvllle. Friday The Sudbury school will have Us closing exercises at 7:30 o'clock. The Woman's club is meeting nt the club house for the installation of officers. There will be a service at the Temple Israel at 7:30 o'clock.

Blytheville High's Business Women's Club Has An Emblem Thirty-three members and guests of Uis Business and. Professional Women's club altcnticd the Emblem breakfast at the Women's club Sunday morning. This 1 affair, one of Ihc oulstand ing in local club- dom this 1 season, was in charge pf. 1 Miss Cora Lee I Coleman, emblem chairman, who emphasized the the invitations, decorations, place cards, programs and favors. The importance of this emblem was interestingly portrayed by the brief talks which dealt with the history and meaning -six poinls.

The Women's club 'served tlie delicious menu at tables which were decorated with colorful aankn flowers in which the yellow and green shades, were emphasized. This sama combination was used in the piace cards nnd programs, bound with an emblem cover. Each was presented an emblem, pin as a favor. i Miss Colcuuin gave an opening talk in which she spoke of the reason the emblem and tills was followed with remarks by Miss Althea Edwards on "The Miss Clara Ruble on 'The Mrs. Mac Bell, on "The Mrs.

Lewis Phillips on "The Miss Marie Harnish on "The Nike" and Miss Grace Low cry on "The in assembling the emblem. Miss Cora Lee Baldrldgc led Ihe group singing of the emblem songs with Margaret Merritt at the piano. Mrs. H. L.

Reynolds, retiring president, was presented an emblem plaque, by Miss Coleman. Miss Minnie Matthews, president, also spoke briefly of the emblem breakfast. In closing tills thought wns left vrith the group concerning this emblem: 'These symbols arc bound in a golden circle, sign of unbroken harmony, endless friendship, circle of, light, health, victory, peace, achievement, comradeship, blessing of work, benediction of This is the emblem ot Ihe National Federation of Business and Professional Women's club. Entertains With A Bridjc Tarty. Mrs.

Riley B. Jones was hostess to 2i guests Friday afternoon for a bridge party given at her home on Kentucky avenue. Roses, snapdragons and other early summer flowers were attractively employed in the two rooms arranged for the fix tables. For refreshments she served pressed chicken and jelly, cherry salad, spiced peaches, Gcrkins, hot rolls and taxi. tea.

Mrs. Dixie Crawford won the hljh score prize, a Maderia bridee clolh, Mrs. Ernest Roo was awarded a silver basket for second high and the cut prize, ivory beads. S-ent to Mrs. N.

B. Ellis of Wilson. Included in lliosc present were Mcsttemes J. H. Grain, N.

B. FJlis and Walter G. Card of Wilson and Mrs. W. S.

Jlanley, ot Stcele, -Mo. To Announce Committees. Mrs. C. W.

AfTlick, recently clecl- cd president of the Central Ward ossociision, will announce members of committees lor next year at the final ot this group Wednesday afternoon. Another feature of the program, to be held in Miss Sunshine Swift's at 3:30 o'clock, will be ac- Bits of News Mostly Personal i Miss Margaret Jlllncr, who was declared the prettiest and sweetest girl in the cily high school in addition to other numerous honors, is a member of the graduating class. After spending most of the summer in Lttlle Hock, und-pine 1 BlulT, with relatives, she plans to enter Hendrlx-Henderson' college at Conway. -r- Sho has lived here two years. adlcs Iherc were rom Osccola and Altar Society lias Benefit rally.

The altar society of the church of the Imnmciilalc Conception cn- ertninrd with benefit bridge pnvty Friday aftcriioon, at the lome of Mrs. Lloyd V. Wise. In addition to the Blytheville several guests in the bridge games hosiery was awarded Mcsdames Frank Brewer and James B. Clark ol here and Mcsdnmes J.

L. Dsn- els ami R- J. Hayden of Caru- ihersville and Mrs. n. II.

Snecd, of Osccola for high scores. The cut prize, photos from Bell's, was presented Mrs. Laura Jarboe. Angel food cake, topped with strawberries and whipped cream, salted mils and colfee was served. Cirl Graduates Complimented.

Misses Virginia Terry, Charline Hoblnson, Mildred Judd and Lillian Briseoe, members uf the senior high school graduating class, were juesls of honor at a bridge breakfast given Saturday by Miss Gladys Barham. This. school colors of red anil while were atlraclively einphaslwcl in the red and while roses which adorned the living and sun rooms. A part of Hie menu' served was in the same combination of shades with a touch of green in rcmcin- bcriug the rose, the class flower. The hostess, was nssislcd in serving by her mother, Mrs.

George W. Barham. Miss Kalluiiync Ucnlon won first honors, hand painted handkerchief cnsc, and a flower pot went to Miss Jane Barnes for Ihe cut prize. Each of the honored guests received lingerie. Included in Ihe 20 guests were Miss Rosa Lou Cook of Luxora ind Miss Kathcrinc Taytcs, of Caruthcrsville.

Mo. This was one of a scries of In- teresltng events planned for the iraditatcs prior to commencement day, May 23. Has Birthday Parly Miss Dorinne Couller. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Coulter, celebrated ter 12th birthday last, evening by entertaining her class of the high grade and several ether friends Tho present enjoyed games In Ihc moonlight and the viewing of the interesting gifts presented the honored hostess. The hostess' mother served ice cream, individual cakes and -candies to the guests which included tlicsc older people: Miss Mary Roncy, Miss Frances Miller. Sloan Slciiart, Mrs.

George W. DiHahuu- hunly, Mr. and Mr. Milton Sternberg. Mrs.

S. S. Stcrnbcrg, Henry Slernberg of Fort Smith, Mrs. Rowland Wolfort, Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Joseph. nt the Bourland home. In the bridgo games played by three tables of members Miss Evelyn Blythc won the high score prize, lip stick, tho cut prize, a 'omuact, went to Miss Doris Mc- Kec, and Miss Sara Nunn was irescutcd candy for the low score award. The refreshments were fruit salad, sandwiches and iced ten. Girl Graduates of Two Honored.

Tho Business and Professional Women's club entertained the girl members of the senior and junior high school graduation classes and members of the faculty with a tea Sunday afternoon, at the Woman's club. The. 15 who called were received by Miss Minnie Matthews, president. Mrs. H.

L. Reynolds, past president, Miss Ernestine Holland and Miss Nell Harris. The clubhouse was beautifully arranged with garden flowers In floor baskets. The centerpiece of the tea Lasatcr-Paltcrson. I The marriage Patterson and Mr.

Homer Lasatcr, bath of Manila, loot place at thai city Saturday with Justice John Neerlham ixirformhig tlie ceremony. Hodffe-Ingram. Gladys Ingram and Mr. Fred Hodge, both of here, were married by Justice E. D.

Walker Saturday. Hodjc-Poc The marriage of Miss Ellen Poe and Mr. Avon Hrxlge, both of Whisp, took place there Saturday with Justice Robert Chisholm performing the ceremony. Justice Oscar Alexander iwrform- cd the ceremony Saturday when Miss Alice Austin and Mr. William Goodriim, both ot Caruthcrsville, were married.

To Untcrlain Club. Mrs. W. T. Oberst is entertaining the members of Hie Business Mrs.

Everett B. Gee and Mrs. 1). F. Klrshner spent yesterday in Cape GJrardeau.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Isaacs, Mr.

and Mrs. W. D. Chamblin, and B. B.

West motored to Sikcs- ton Sunday to witness the Bly- thevllle-Sikestoii golf tournament Miss Rosa M. Hardy and Miss Mary Emma Hcod spent the weekend In I'aducah, with Miss Hardy's sister. Miss Magalene MeKlnnoii has relumed from Dyer, she visited her sister, Mrs W. U. Holt, and Mrs.

Hoit, for two weeks. Mcsctames Horace T. Culp and J. A. Waterman were in yesterday for the golf touiiiamenr.

Mrs. H. A. Smith Is ill at home from scarlet fever. Louie Isaacs Is a patient at the Memphis Baptist hospital.

S. G. Sntlba Is 111 at the Baptist hospital at Memphis. Mr. and Mrs.

P. N. Lnttrell hai. as their yuest Sunday, their nan- Thurinan Tcnnett, of Mer.i- phis. Mr.

nnd Mrs H. Paddison and (laughter spent the weekend with relatives in Jackson Tenn. Randolph Patton rcturnci fiom a three months trip to En rojiean countries. While away he visited France, Germany, Bclgiuii and Spain. Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Leggotl am daughters, Louise, Mattic Lee an. Millie, spent yesterday in Mem phis with relatives.

Mrs. B. A. Bugg was a visitor ir Memphis for the weekend. H.

P. Parks, of Oxford. i (he guest of Mr. and Mrs Leggett today. Mrs.

Willie M. Cox, who is re covering from a serious illness was removed to Memphis today Hie home of her daughter whil she Is convalescing. Lincoln Cockran, who was en route to Carmi, after havln been In points of New tlie weekend with Mr. an Brs. Bernard Gooch.

Mrs. W. Leon Smith and Mr Rodney L. Bannister were visitor in Memphis Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Rcc an two daughters sjwnt yesterday i Memphis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roe an two daughters spent yesterday i Paragould.

Mrs. Smith returned to her horn in Liltto Hock Saturday after visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and family. Misses Willie A.

Lawson, Cont Hughes, Frances Parker, Ln Scott and Mrs. Roland Green spen yesterday in Newborn, Tenn wit Miss Winnie Virgil Turner who ill her homo from injuries ccivetl in a fall a month ago. SI is resting very well. Mr. and Mrs.

Kewberry Join ycsterda with of Stcele, friends licr Patou Solves the Evening Wrap Problem Originality is tlie first requisite, if you would have ynnr evening wrap the epitome of chic, ''-rv formal, very i-lcgaiit and very sumpluous is a wrap 'from Jean I'atou made of soft ar.irruinth'v Yvc' which is delectable wilh the green, muuvc ami yellow cliiirjn (jown. The wrap's iltevcs" -r- tremeiulously picturesque and a huge floral in the guwu's colors stands ace hisli on one Right: A liraml new evening: idea of I'atou's is to top a black Imperial -atin sown with a black v.i-ui of the same, tlial Ira.ists while sleeves and an original roll collar softly chapelt. A blacfc I rat with a of p-lillc. icamelias is very appropriate. Talon calls this "A Sunday Night in Spring" ists for daytime clothes.

A chiffon simple neckline. A gcc-J deal ol frock can just as well he worn in dress sense must intervene -ioi, winter as in summer. The same is to run the risk of placing i-fj true of satin. Change of season is flower oi- too scanty a not isi' VATOU Written fur rti'A Scrvicu analysing evening styles there is a tendency, I have noticed, to sive a very detailed description of the gowns, but scant attention ever seems to bo paid to gown and wrap rather than by the ensemble by the cither the gown or wrap ssparale- perceptible in evening clothes by to speak of a caroful the constitution of the ensemble I general lines of the wearer. stuuv tho lable was a silver basket of.radl- Professional Women's club ancc roses with jiconles and snap i wllh a mil golf party tonight, dragons aroand Its base.

Miss memuers ar to meet at the Ruble poured tea, and sandwiches, Iotcl individual cakes and mints were' served by Miss Marie Hkkmnn. Miss Margaret Merrilt played the piano throughout the afternoon. This is. but one of Ihc interesting affairs planned for Ihc graduating classes prior to (ho commencement exercises Friday. May 20.

It is an annual custom for the Scliool Superintendent and Teacher at. Luxora Marry LUXORA, wedding of unusual interest occurred Friday evening when Miss Hay.el Broach of Business and Professional Wornc'n's! Atkills Ark became tile bride of club to entertain the girls of both Wilkins of Arkadclplila. TIIC groups, Announcement was made Rev. O. C.

Hall performed the ceremony in the manse of the First Methodist church here. Tile bride was educated at Tcach- of the marriage of Miss Marie crs college, Conway, anil for the and Mr. N. Woods. 1 lllrce has leaching which was solemnized May nt i tllc nftl1 Erade in.

the local school, the home of the Rev. W. J. U-Hoy. j'' vlr Wilklns was educated at Oua- paslor of the Lake Street Methcdisi chita college and for the pas', year church, who performed the ring counts of recent national P.

T. A. meeting at Hot Springs by Mrs. Affuek and Mrs. Otto Koch- tlttky.

Chili Entertained. Misses Marjorie Stewart nr.d A marriage license was Saturday (o Miss Ina L. Barnes and Mr. C. II.

Ovcrby, boll) ol Lcrich- vllle. Hall-Gran. Miss Mary Ellis Gean and Mr. Albert Franklin Hall, both of nell. were issued a marriage license Salurday.

CrolLs-Bcnueli. A marriage license cblain- cd by Mija Srtlic Bennett and Mr. Briuklcy both ol Armorer: Miss Dora Samples and Mr. liam Stutters, both of Manila, wove Issued a license for marriage S.u- urday. A marriage license was obtained Saturday by Miss Hazel Broach and lias been superintendent of II cal schools.

They left immediately following the ceremony, keeping destination a secret. Earlv in they will be at home in 75 Attend Strawberry Supper of Luxora Class LUXORA. The Men's We class of the I-'ust Bapiut church entertained with a raw berry in Ibii 5 evening. Scvcnly-Rve ineinbcrs and guests were presctit. P.

B. KiiiMijv- pastor of the local H.ipi'u; church, was toastmaslrr and J. S. Jones of Osccola spoke on "The Value of Christian tlons." J. B.

also of Louise Bourland were hostesses to Mr. Thomas D. Wilklns, both of Ihc Saturday Night Bridge club I Luxora. on "Tlirrc World Is Not Getting l(oUrr. crs taking part on the were, Hov.

Eli Myers of O. C. Hall. Luxora. awl Smith and J.

Majors. Utxora, Courier News Want Ads Pay, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Car of Wilson, were guests of Mr.

ai Mrs. Rilcy B. Jones over Sunda Neville Blakemore and Horni Walpole have returned from ville, where they attended ttie derby. Allan Piekarri is able lo be out following a serious illness. Miss LaVergi" Hood spent Saturday in Memphis.

She was accompanied home by Miss Miller who silent Simciay with her. Miss Grace Mouitrie, of Menasha. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Mouitrie.

operation of Mrs. Leslie Hooper and rinugh- iv lines, tcr, and Miss Leone Callicott spent the weekend with relatives at Kivcs, Tenn. Mrs. John H. Long and son, John 'T.

have returned from Little Rock where they accompanied a woman patient to the state hospital for nervous diseases. Mrs. D. S. Laney, of Osccola, shopixjd here today.

P. E. Coolcy silent Friday in Conway with his son, Billy, who is a student at Hcndrix-Hendeisori college. Ben Elliott has returned from brief visit in Little Rock. Mrs.

John H. Long attended to business In Manila and Lcachvillc Salurday. Mrs. E. K.

Latimcr and two daughters have returned from a month's visit with relatives in Riileville. Miss. Mrs. T. E.

Purvis and foil. T. E. jr. nnd Mrs.

O. O. Moore of Memphis and Mrs. Pearl Collins, of Pcrryvilte, visited durini; the past weekend. Mrs.

Moore and Mrs. Purvis wormeriy lived here. Mr. and Mrs. E.

c. Patlon had as their guests Saturday night Mr. Patten's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

If. C. Patlon of Little Rock. Accompanied by E. C.

Palton they went to Memphis yesterday to be with H. C. Patton who is ill at a hospltnl. Mrs. John LaFont, of Caruthcrs- ville.

spent yesterday with Mrs. A. M. Butt and family. Mrs.

C. M. Buck and dnulilcr. Mrs. Frances Carpenter, and Miss Mary Louise Taylor, Salur- day In Memphis.

Mrs. Harry Kirby, accompanied I by her houscRiiest. Mrs. Franklin Wilbourn of Paragould, and Mrs. Elton W.

Ktrby and Mrs. James H. Bell, spent Salurday in Memphis. J. D.

Vick, of Vlcksburg, spent yesterday with his stsler. Mrs. C. G. Hires, and family, en- route to Cairo and St.

Louis. Miss Liicile Fisher has returned from a two weeks visit, in Lafe anrt Joncsboro Mrs. W. D. Henley had as her guests yesterday Mrs.

G. A. Chapln. oi Cape Girardeau. and Mr-.

I Temper, of Willow Springs, who were enroule to a vacation trip lo Los Angeles and poinls of Ore-! gon and Washington. WTap and For some unknown reason this is made to appear quite uiiimp3rtiint. The question of an evening wrap is, nevertheless, of great, importance in the creation of an evening ensentble and a couturier is bound lo study iiie final effect of the two rather than either the dress or the wrap The matter of color intervenes in Hie creation of nn evening wrap to a larger extent than is evident to the outsider and the liason that has to be effected between tlie cut and style of the dress and the accompanying coat is of first, importance. ly, which after all is only A chilfon evening yoy.n is art- i numbly set off can' well sup- port, the addition of a long evening wrap ot chiffon velvet, whereas A satin gown, bscaiiie not so by a Varied Lengths Arc Chic Both the long and the rfiort evening wrap are smart season. Short, it serves to enhance and continue the new evening silhouette, is lorm-ntting almost to the knees, and allows the skirt fullness full play.

Long, it serves as a setting for dress, by its operation of color and by its length ivinj lines. There is no hard and fast rule Coat and Dress Must Harmonize When the dress is hidden by a long coat, it is necessary that the latter should no', destroy in any way originality of tlie dress. A couturier in this case, create a on the same lines as the dreis and in the same. Etyl6. You will have naticsrl iiie almost complete absence of fur trimming on tlie latest spring evening This has been replaced, on m.uiy mcdcls, by a new treatment- of the sleeves, which show varying decrees of fullness and a great de.V.l of in the permis- sable in evening clothes, oi course, Collyis arc usually of the ina- UTial, sumrttmes of the shawl pcr- snattcn and softly draped, and more often than not a Hospital Notes Patients admitted to its lilvlhc- ville hospital Blown, were: and F.

MUJJ oiu L. Gooth, Ecniith, MI-S. Willie M. Cos, city, wa suis missed. Head Courier News ads.

"Nothing Like It" Say Lovely Ko wonder beautiful women love. this new face powder made by exclusive French process. MELLO- CiLO stays on longer. Prevents Ifirge pci'cs. So smooth and line, iD blends naturally with any csm- ple-xion gives liesh, youthful bloom- No irritation.

No or pasty louk. Never leaves the skin dry. It's wor.ctcrful. 5 regarding'the fabrics'used for eve- ning dresses find ihcir wraps in respect to the scnsons as there ex- Tlie Proud Owner of a OM ihu "It nit! a sTiisdl amount lo have la-l hat turned inlo a new one, and Huiulini had nothing on tlicso lint cleaning boys. "Send yours over tiicre, folks, and you, too, will be dollars ahead.

They do g-ooil job and nuickly." i 13 colors the er.sem- puts the finishing toiicii to ir.e Walpole Electric Shop Fans Cleaned and Repaired rhont; 3M 'hone 180-7M To Delight the could Uuin sonic oi' tho Hosiery Handkerchiefs Scavfs Costume Jewelry I'nrscs (ilnvcs Gowns to tlie girl graduate dicai gifts? Step-in Sets Ted (Ik's I'rinccss Slip Step-ins you itiant to her happy Choose your gijls here! ron HOV CKADUATKS: TIKS, AM) SCAUPS. Sisters Shoppe.

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