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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY, JTJKK 25. 1952 W-TTHETTLLE (A-RK.) 'KVW9 Much of Nation Gripped by Heat By The assnc'lated Press All early summer heal wnve held a sticky grip over wide areas of the country today. There appeared no immediate relief from Ihe hot and mugigy weather. New heat records for the month repotted toppling in June's collar-willing weather many parts of the swelterbell in the Ka.stern hair of the nation. The torrid extended from the Giilf states northward to the Southern Hreal Lakes region and the lower Missouri Valley.

Violent rainstorms, strong and showers brought temporary relief to sections but in others there were no signs of rain Crops were burning badlv in Ark-1 ansas. hasn't liad a heavy rain in more than a month. i Temperatures soared abmp 100 in many cities atirl readings In the 90s over most of the Miii- I west. Nighttime broiiRhl little re. lief from the httmirliiy.

An estimated 70.000 persons jammed beaches and parks Chicago outinp rhe niu'ht To seek relief from Ihe near fUl-floctee hor.l and humidity. Thousands stretched mil. on blanket? while hundreds spent the frnni rocks and piers. Cars were parked bumper to bumper throughout the beach and park areas. fi.i fn Chicago Tt was 95 Chieaao yesterdav.

the eishih day in June with temperatures of or hipher. But in Jacksonville. Fla the mercury climbed into the 90s for the 21st strait-ht day, breaking a 55-year-old record for June. Louis sweated nut its 19th day of 90-dcKree weather this month, with 8 high of 39, a record for the dale. But thei were hoirer spots yes-! terday.

IT was 107 at Hill Kan. Nashville baked in a reading: LONDON Russia has protest- I C1 cy JUIW mnrk a Britain that the From the Nebraska pi-nine lands Western Powers' plans to "ive Italy Grand Island reported a sizzling wider admmisiralive powers in 1 their zone of Trieste violates tlie High marks for 24 94R Peace Treaty reported in Little Rock. wnh Thp British Foreign Office an- OSCEOLA NEWS By Met lye Nelle Slarr PAGE THREE llo Fol Jackson. country, the Arabian MC- and Mr. and Mrs.

W. O. Hathorne! tlon of Jerusalem Tlie government i ol Memphis will be house guesUs of Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Hayden.

Mrs. Hathorne is a sister ni Mr. Visilurs F.oter(.i[ned line Campbell anri Mrs. Eri- Mrs CliRrline Watson and. Miss rinpton spent the weekend in Ann Massey entertained informally Friday night tor several visitors who are home for summer vacationing: Mrs Reid Prisby of Columbia.

visit ins her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benton, III. Arriving in Oscpoln Julv 1 will be Moore.

Mrs Rock Hams and other relatives. there has changed since Tauil arrived here seven years aco and he is taking out American English Reds Insult- Dean Ruliy Davidson of Ml tip i stiest of Mrs .1, Wil- i nip papers HP ivas a classmate at Baylor with Mr. V)orrll. who a cousin, of Mrs. Sanders.

Mr. and Mrs Frt MrCorkle are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders had now located in Barllesville, Okla as thru Bursts the past week, wheer Mr. MoCorklc is associated Mrs.

Sanders' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Plnlllps Oil Co. Mrs. McCorklp lown elgns lit quicfcly as they vert ds- covered.

One slogan was slapped on building al Wadham College, Acheson dined lasi night. OXFORD. England 'f Big while signs reartiiiR "Acheson Go Home" and "Yank Go Home" i were found plastered on streets' Breaks Out Anew and buildings of this umversily Jewish-Moslem Fighting rf nl ls Angeles, Mnore of Mrs. H. I) llaldi idee, ner Krandmothe A.

Webb of Conway. Calif, and their; Mr. and Mrs William Dotrlil, Vmronte Mrs. Dfirtill, le former Miss Kate Thoinason. Miss, Anne While, clauehler of Mr Godfrey While lefi Friday retirv Chester Dauchower: Mrs.

Marshal i ''auehlci. Kline of Memphis, visitiiiR her par- i of 1 Columbia, South Amor- l-'m'a'i Tawil of Waco, Tex. Mr, i a six pks sum)Wr fnwsr cuts, Mr. ond Mrs. Sponcer Driver; ica.

They will be here wreks asl "'aduatcd "us month from hcr return shr will in ni' Mrs. Gerald Barnes, of Couway. 1( of Mr. Moore tunlhor Mr naylnj 'V Waco Through Mls Miss' White is maiorin- the former a inla Lee fmtna Moore and "i 1 1 and Best; Mrs. Ednie Pharn and Miss 1 Martha Ajm Moore who are visiiinc ihrir parents, i Mr mid Mrs M.

Moore. 1 While they and for the University of Colorado foi Mil 11 ..,.11 Baylnj University in a woman misslnnnry from Mr. Tawil was allowed in rome tn arc i ihf- United stairs to receive his ed- neaumi providing he return tn his oday bin thp US ihem. Cleaners were r.tilrd om pflrly Lo reinovc flip wliirpwash-painrpd TUNIS. Tunisia rhe Jewish quarter Tunis asl bin FrfinnhtroopA mMorrrJ order before anyonewan injured.

nomic Read Courier News rl.v-fidert Art! Rrn, Robert A. T'rifr of Ohio smilirs iJunp 21" he hP'il win thn He pisbj pnMciential noinina- tinn mi rm parly ballot in the L-om niton opr-iiine in Chicago on 7 Tlif Ohm afoi 1 inrdrcfrri a nfv.r fprr-nrc in itut hf and his rhk-f rival lor the nominal i in, Ocn Dwight hnwcr. on a foroi2ti poliry plank at AP Russia Pact Mixed flov.ers from tlie Mas.sey Rjrrien were used throughout, tlie bouse and on the sun where the yixins enesi? cathered fm cards At a late horn, the hn-tcsses an assoitmr-nl of party foods and if id drinks. Celebrates HirllidaT Cnmine all the way from Oca la. to crlebrate sixth hirlhrlay with his anr! Jolm Eririnoton, was John Allan he left when lie rnnvi to Acala were iiiviu-ci Friday to help John celehiate Home movies wr-tf.

rlnrine tile Hftrrnnon, foMovfn bv cake and ice The decorated with pverythiiii: to a lit- tie rnwtviy rm.1 cowyirl liari Birihriay, John" spelled out a Persounls Bill Phillips, son of Mr and Mrs H. Phillips, tef' Mnricirtv morn- in? for Mriinmtilli Spring where he will he in camp for 'u-n n-eek Mrs. Kate. Hale nnri Mrs.

J. H. Lovevvrll are Ipai'ins by plane tlie morning of July for si. Newfoundland. In visit Mrs.

Half's daughter, Mrs. Frank Critchfleld. Mr. CriichfieM and yvandson, FranV Jr. Mrs.

is an aunt of Mi-f. Ciilthficld. They will arrive Boslon that niylll nnri will lake a Canadian plane out. ihe next. nmrnina.

arriving in si J'lhn on play refreshed re a 98 and Cleveland wilh Sfi. In contrast, there were need that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky handed new spots, such as Buttc. Russian notes to British and Amor- i where yesterdav's mnxiinum tern- i ican rr-nresemalives in Mosco' rerattire was -18. nishlt Fairly moderate weather pre-1 Th( soviet protest lined Russia i a vailed in ihe. Northern New Eng-1 wnh Yueoslavia her land Slates and in the Far West.

i satellite who broke from the Com-i A tornado struck in Northwest-! inform to become a bitter opponent e.rn Wisconsin last night, the sec- ihe Kremlin rule, in attacking onri 24 hours. Violent wind and tr May 10 Ansrlo-American acree- eiectncal storms swept Minnesota meri second consecutive night, Ullder Hlis Rsrf emml Italy inrn lo the stales, they wil Boston for several Charlie Suilenoor Is home after spending two weeks vacalion- ine throiish West i'nsmia with son Charles Hayties Sullenger. his wife and children of Little Rock. Mr. and Mrs.

Charlie Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. L. C.

Youn? were week end miests nf Mr. and Mrs. Hale Jackson at, their hnmc iu Kan- The Bister. Ric, iW Ho- Irn ke for moliAtiing nnri riRmn-me Si an ri Briiish-nrcuptcd Zonp WTrp plfl buildinffs. topplmp 450-forrt A nf TriPslc.

which includes HIP by nf Ml anfl Mrs townr nnd knocking out power hig mrm at the hnari of ihe il fni rP Ia VVf One In linns. One half Ihe chy of population blnrkori out. youth was innircfi. Six pnrson? wore Cleveland, in nf by (he tuo-po Minru-Rpolis. which appnarpd thp.

i hardest hi! by the Xriniip5nta storm. fnnn btiildincrP were blovk'n riou'n. power and telephone linep knocked out anri several co mm unities flooded. Adriatic Sea. The acreement becomes effective July Jiv Yugoslavia occupies Znue of Trieste, which is nol affecleri a rr ansement.

Four Children Foil Five Floors Press Notes Birthday Of Korean War Charges MOSCOW ThP Russian press observed ihe onri loriay of thp sfnrt of the Korean War uiih new attack. 11 on "Aiiicri- I can nnri charccs Koiea is a ''general rphears-: al" by the U.S. for Worlri War IFT, The covRrnmcnt nrpan said (lie Amcrirans urr THtempting to expand the Km War into: other partj; of the world. Pravthi, the Communist pappr. ro- stntpd previous demand? for They roiurnrd home Moiuiny eve- nine.

Mi? t-nlnh CoWf and David Lsincy visirpd with Mr- mid Arthur Mo re an nvnr trip Momphis. Mrs Morgan is a hos- parienf. Mrs. W- B. NRW YORK Theresa went downstairs to a store yesteniay.

Ipavm? her three m- In ihe care of their 14-year- old cousin. Moments later, two of (he rhil-' armistice based on "withdrawal "of dren plmmeri 10 Ihe arroimd from all foreign foice.sfrom Korea. the fifth-floor tnnenient apnrttnptit Seconds afterward, the third child i and the cousin hurtleri to the eround. "Please help 1 capped Ihr cousin. Rose Cadiz.

"They foil out the window." All four were taken to a hospital, but Sncorro Cadiz was dead. Her sister, Rnmnmta. X. nnri hrother. Francisco Jr.

1. nnd the were in rrittra! condition. Police said txvo nf the infants. Apparently ptayins nn a hert noai the window, rolled out The 'bird leaned over the sill 10 look and fell with Ihe rniism. who slipped she rushed to the window.

makes your cook your fast coo It's so easy to find in so many places so easy to ire in a cooler for out-of-the-way places. 40TUED UNDEl OF COMPANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF BLYTHEVILLE RCA Room Air Conditioner RCA Honf It again! Thie time with wonderful air r-nniJilioner thai you control of inside climftta nt thf nf a dial. Cools, nltprn. the dnflt, potlcHK, lint.

kurakijty, A siw toe every room nee il tfMiavl A FOR IVIKT ROOM! Priced 01 low of RCA HEART-OF-COLD" top rooJinp "AIRFLOW" GRILLE you grntlr. no-drah nlr rir- culntinn tn all par nf tlif room. fAMOUS KCA FACTORY HRVtC! prrfrrt trft ptrfornianre, Low-eost tontrac.t availahlr. $229.50 Llbarol up 71 WMki pay, COMI IN FOR FREK DEMONSTRATION Johnson Office Equipment Co. 106 So 5th 4420 One, Each, Arm: $65,000 YORK Robert 1 a wimp.

43. won a Frrlernl i Court lury award of -j terday hf 1 to feed hu off nchi i Thp mridcnl occurrpri siini HIT uhen the hippo beine broueht hrrp from Africa for Park 7.n Aboard 'he freighter Afnra pf ar. Ra sued the ship's owner. Farrcll Inc. i I I proves superior! NttChty man only an from moment hp 1 ran't baby--a famm i -in a I ly kr-r, er li "Thp Xartiral Superiority Women" in the Hie -Inly Homo eires all the only." Reari it rrnii yovr kufhwuil AND SLASH UPKEEP COSTS Whatever your Iliere'i a Dorigs (ruck that's "Job-Rated" to fit your job, JOVQ you monay.

Every through 4-(on engineered with tho right load-carrying units. Every model Ibi. fo 40,000 Ibv G.V.W. it engineered with the right toad-moving units. Better weight distribution enables you to carry bigger payloadt without overloading.

Come in today for Show Down of truck value a demonstration ord a good deall The Righf Power. Wilh a Dodpft you'll enjny power thp rijfht eneine for the jnh. You'll loxvrr npkrop of 11 re? a cli roino- pi top is ton ing 3 aiif! nxhaimt valve srat "We switched to Dodge and upkeep costs went down." puttine nur first Unrip, inlo TIP havo Iwn F.itisficd. As as we switchi-d lo 1 R0 our upkerii crisis went own. havo found that Dmler ,1 mm hotter IrvH of onomv in and Ic previous makes we owned." longer Truck Life, nf a Ofxigo "Jnh- Knlrtl" triu for low upkr-rp ruul long life.

You'll H.ivr of a 1 -hot rear"l.s, and Ftvjid Drive Protection. Depend" on (ryro! Fltiid Hrive lo prntoft vital tirive-linp parta. krsp npkrrp low" Thi? power between engine and Hulrh is available on I-Con and Kimie-Yan models' us ton- See us today-fcr best buy low-cost DODGE i. TRUCKS BLYTHEVILLE MOTOR CO. Wolnut First Phone 4422.

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