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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1904 CONTENTS. H. of Conwaees TV Death of taa Date of ArBT end aaw Vsta, Report of Snndy I Speech by Mr. A mo Forster 4 rVlitsMenwy Notices Coasauiaw p.f of ib Duto of OMbridp Fall Obituary 1.. Fueeeml rrtera sad rVae at rWaseuth Oats Mai rVool Gift fol.l' HM fu rVnrk IV hMMM a Haw fa "TV B.H and Torhcirml Iartitotiona i roi.

Mania Olfttoj KlTtaf Maehiaea ell M. Taikiah J. and Spanish a Chinos MM to In South if they do not one rale, in tbe case of obstetric m. in the. nehhonrhood Tk.

wn I bmiid who own it 1 7kT tC DEATH OF THE DTTKE OF Sooth African examine i no report before committincr themselves Gold Fields fell land Rand he aceentanoe of cvorr detail in that docu 11 tB thinking that the substitut ion of good JA3I BK1 lXiE. Mines (p. 11) raont. He did not know what cmtind there was tn" hrad of rooms for the lodgings in which the student, now lor IM mw that there hd lrn a change 01 I a ami ncmiuiii dtf to live, win do a real noon to them and to TuTK Wa. Our Special Correspondent reports attitude on the part of the t.rernment.

Through conservative in its idea, and wanting in the the medical school. A prevent of "200 which irora ww nai wei bis experience during visit nrir uucrarx os naa iKn consisi' rn rmi ii experience Ol actnal war which would have Sir Donald make oo behalf of his daughters in on Monday to Chi oam po. He says that naviga hon. members warned a l'1 the stimulated it to to nnderst and and keep order to furnish the nur bone and to supplv theprenceof drif. TbTj.pnVt ry to al.

thnt in Part II. 1': 52 ISS librv and puno ffraeefnUy with them all necessan landing appliances, and report without fnrther considers Permeated l.v a sp.r, be would completes larje and well considered scheme have built some hundred vards of pontoon jet There wore ortions of the report whirl, we re Qeeten mar it jut as faithfully ns the of benefac ioris. The troops Brat landed "at Hai ju and Chemulpo at ronnminetidat ions to action, hot criticisms one he actually found. Hot he lacked the We trust that Sir Donald Ccrsic strategic iront against, any imagiuai mn rx eooii to maU. an active refnrmer.

ijujor irr.m tar la iu, aoua JO Dm thins that etisted was a nart ri the nnler of natnre, and he was incapable jp. We record with the deepest regret that Field Marshal hi Royal Hifhness the Duke of Can bridc at Glooccster Iiooso at 10 33 yesterday morninp. Shortly after '2 clock in the mornins his Royal Highness was seized with another attack of hemorrhage of the stomach, and became rest leas, Bed md about davbreak there was a remrrence of th eqially ceneroos and equally thought. At 0 o'clock a meseencer waa Urjrer force now being dis, within value, and were, to My the leat. exacce of of was'lrnable prnPrif iTrn despathe.1 t.

the Dukes domestic chaplain, the 'r 'vrr' jtz. of arr nw thin. ur: th' ann there se ms to luvo lieon a waacn ran airoai neon uken. i no "I'm wimineti innkiy i'T poyiijle wjv. hv handinz it over rros Ha I 1M (Vrt trwisr aint News T.vA Amv rriBMiti Tb.W 'irr asaai KS lost EaasI tmt Mfftary lalsttsjsaui SfnrUBC Istf :i.cene roa Tb, ataR Virkrt T7 and l.irt atiaw 1 samaes (sag I aWt itrran es HlH Hfamg Syndicate 1 MifB V.xrtrli lu RasM v.

iv hw Osarts. relWe HofriUl neiDoral Ford (Mr. Dr. Arthur James) hens river, and there eem to analch 1 id ahead bwn taken. The Ooretn all.

He admitted fnnklv ennrh. for k. v. saiLswisier aaaaaai aa further retirement of the Russians. Theoutp.ts mont.

had appointed the Army foun. il. the example, that the prcriso srstem KM eoorrti h. aTr. pnrl'in n.

PT r. at the bedside. The bnDetin taaned A Onfu te.ecram of the Forces the Wrector. UwrMttaB Amr had done good EjL tZl 2 5 Russian destroyer, while enteric the harU.ur wh.e wen. d.

nlsl in l'art work under that stem he mUui with the fullest apprraM.ain. It was as follows st Port Arthur on a mine, and the rr. and a c.nmittee tod 1 kaowledgeof he rbject. to which ir is H.chness the Dnke of Oaabrldg. iictril.ntir.n oould work at all under anv other, and he would Lloyd's asent at Nin chn.Ti rts here thef.

p. esiu this coun'rv could best be carried have retained it on the ground of Its practical are i.o sipis of any trouble tho. c. A J. nw 0'" He.

not say what I SQeeea ill toe pa i v. the new system was Corresnotident learns that the possibilit of the would done, as his committee had not reported. established in spite his opposition he trans Uadirostok sonadron hiring left the North The ions for the formation of the Wfpd (o (h) oya, alpr; hfl had shown etersnurj; three davs Minister in London ha Accney to declare that certaiu rwasOWTS which re lieinc circulated as to Ma action just tofofC the war began are cut irvly falM (p. 3) A a. Motions recording srave objection to the introduction of laliour into the Transvaal till a rrfrrendtim of whites on the subject has been taken or responsible governme: RTaniou were stil.ini tot yestentay The Japance Two officers had een appointed and he was tnc uW Lim ht liori'l I.eutor's alv.ut to appoint third.

Then the office of the enemy of the bet tor. and lie r.iivsel rishtly descriW the cift as a valuable help in the promotion of ends which both the and the CoUefa lieve to of the highest 'importance to the future of lniver i Houses of the Commoi.v ealth l'arl Canada. A Bill aastndjog tb was intrtstuced in th Domini yesterday by Sir K. Borden, (p. France and Qua Britai Figaro publishes an important, st its IiOtidon correspondent with negotiations for a settlement of tli Colonial questions between Fran.

Britain. He states that a ira has lieen attained in.regar.1 to Kgypt, Mi Newfoundland, and (p. hira the Rood was irrent oppor hut had already butt deeentralUted. tnnity to win renown as a reformer.

For while for lie was oarefiiliy with the Army 1 the opinion of the Annv at larre pave him no Df f.on.ior t'ouncil the whole of the repi.rt not with any Mlor cm "no tlm wjth hu idea of sctung aside the committee recommenda n.iu Jr far nd in what msnner the report could be Wd have done mnch to stimulate the Army, demands which 'the progress of Inn ins makes Au usti.s FitaCaeissi (his sons). H. IT 1 sj adopted With adraatace to the service. He Things which met with dntxed opposition cominr I vnnn rf ihn Fulb'r, who. with Sir Thomas Barlow, has lsn 'i two ho 1 srid cnouph to satisfy thoHoBael fPOal others would have found a much better 0 Cambridge and her i iab 'itr moe e''1'' attendance on the Ihike.

the Kov. Ir. cd and urtred by (hem out of her own resources have been 8 r.i. Mr. Hall and r.

DM By, ha I). ike of aaaatasrriaan this Royal Hishtvess is now in a condition of profound exhaustion." Immediately after he bullet in had been issned his London. That is a verv great ob cu 1 11 Wwiefl would reaaind the man owner, of lanre the vital powers, us that ureut as are th claims He lapsed are other and older mi versifies nnd ia I FirzC.eorp AJtn. al rse, ant Colonel much in need of generous The Taris hat raised by R., he expressed the hope that in time the Colonies would realize that they were excised to dangers and that they ouht to associate themselves with the mother country in guarding against them.

fill R( 1111.1.. Mil. BfCHAXAS. StR Carvk M.wut! Skii.v. ami other members con and Great tinned the discussion and after Mr Bromw.y lCt.lement 1)AN' 'm'.

the Treasury bench as a guarantee that effective pain la suite of the Cermati Navy. (p. laWBtM Arrno.s TV rVnVr of Ct br.trt Tho fiift to fniTersity Tb relitical SiViatitm aJjaaaiBvsafENTa i ItaaUn Jj The House divided and the amendment was rejectel by '2i votes against 1 10. T'o vole was then confirmed by a majority In the House of Lords, yesterday. ot 04.

1 I0Rr. LAXnowr. gave expression to the deep At thp rrmins after some opposed recret with which the House had heard of the death private business had lsti distxisj of. Of His ROTAL HlOHNBW the Dl KK of Camhridoi, T. Thcywerefortunitein I .11 lb r.

Zulot SoTflSS members of which mado con.stai.ilv deir. hv 'their conduct, that it IM, dea to arS 1 and allowances themselves of cvorv to take a us. fill attention to the honourable part it, public 11. o. In this ofhee of ludgo Alv.

atc f.eneral. who wa. restct he I was exceptional! f.i iv. lv advisor of the Covcniment in milit tbemilitarv pn.tcssion and held manv prominent aisaster. wnetne appointments, and for no less than 10 years he Kr a go of Ru( fill.d the high and distinuishiHl oSi.

eoftom "'u i mai.dcr in Chicf of the Army. During those anomaly, and insisted that a Judge Advocate great ana important cliangi Those tne AjratUDGE. recently dean Wo must, however, take men as they are, of Oxford art ami tne ueiecis oi their qualities ot There is ample rr wiUiont thankfulnes.s that thoy have to Englishmen who di atone for the defects. The Drier, of CAvnnrocE. edncation of which with his resolute ailliesion to what had loon tried, i Thoy have only to results would have been boter had the system 1 States and in nii rnlnnr nf PiniJ, a ,1 I "P1''1' steward nnd Tnlct.

ad The been more rational, omhodiod one side of the English character to which the race 1ms owed a great part of its success. He embodied the qualities which have enabled us to muddle through so much, and to come out successfully a world the knowledge of thi mucn given to muddling, the world it organized upon a different r.ot smaller or less im i caus dcaih was i lowing on room for any number of watt d.ire to do a real service to the "iS: nt Sir D'h" .11 talk so much at present. 'n1air, an h01IF SO Sir Dovsiji Prrp.r Pa 1 ae was uesparci.eii hj their WatuHlll the King and every year. The Universities are sadly in need of and particularly of benefactors who have i he good sense to leave the particular application of their gifts to th experience nnd Muddling Ooern a' Bur :ingh.ini sent to the Prince and Princess ef'W ales at Ports roonth. the and Duchess of Teck.

the Crand Due he Mecklcnbnrg Strolii r. Prince and Princess Alexander of Tck, an I Trim Francis of Teck. The King and Queen called at Gloncestcr gh by the undisciplined efforts of untrained bsbss loo inTOfTes flonso ar 1 o'clock to expn ss their sympa; liy individuals has given place to scienl ific co ordina ano.her feat to tho Government th Wkm't family, and remained ab an hour at n.i pposnion may ie trusteu anii the Prince and Princess of Wales, who. as to make alt the rapiial they can out 0r sUtfMl in another colamn. cut short ths their victory.

As the Cnionisi, majority had. Sir aM LadT Fisher at IVrtana. itU oa after two uncontested elc tions. fallen in I'lOO no sa. decisive 1 o'cl jck la st evening, and staved some Tune.

tion of forces and to ordered evolutions npon a great scale. The qualities represented so faithfully by the Don of CAMfUUDcr. will remain as the substratum of character, but they will no military longer samec to ensure below three figures, military or in commercial i in Liberal uinnrtion w. ro I tht hould le appointed who would be place: and. while not enumerating them, he might nti "lat decisions mention two the alolition of purchase and the miZM Ik ofn to review.

introduction of short service. It would Ik the Ar.Noi.p FoiTi3t agreed that the time had merest affectation to describe the Di ke of eomo for considering whcth this office should CambkiDck as having lieon a great Army I not again be bn.ucht under Parliamentary reformer. His bent of mind was eminent Iv eon authority. He held that it would be unfortunate sorvatiTo: he was content to leave it to others for the Army if the House were to cot.stitute to introduce changes; he wished to be the i itself a Court of apfsal from the decisions of the watchful guardian of the interests of the Annv. Advo.

ai (, i, ai.d he was therefor of niai uie course io taao wouia cepted changes which might le distasteful be to make the Judge Advocate the legal to him with absolute lovaltv. In that House His iser oi ar mice, ins action con ia in. Roy.vl Highness spoke with sincerity and a full be criticiyetl in Parliament, but the critici? ksnaUat of his tikrt and. ont.siil.. it.

ho would dinvted against the Department and associated hims. lf in his long. Useful, and, he agains; he offi. ial himself. He also thought that might say, his happy life with all beneficent nl movcmeuU.

As it was not in accordanc with precedent to move a formal resolution condoleure. he thought they should sigi.ifv thi deep sympathy in a less fonnal vay with His and all Umm who a.vpo.v, rnrDAr. WABCK is, not ir Dckt or CAVnniocn died yes'erday morn itg houM His Highness, who fas Dm last surviving gninusoa of King Be. sge had nearly mpl. tcd his 85th year.

elbger of his death was at once sent to Palaeo. aid early in the afternoon t', King ind Qufs went to tiloucoster house to lei hVrir condolence in peratM to the late Low 1, ni, Tributes the mem Royal Highness were paid bv the Ministerial and request associated them with the graceful and DpsjaaMiesj leaders in both Houses Of Parliament, i elotfiient words which had fallen from Lord a.i 1 there were other manifestations of the public i The Dear, of Cambridge was v.r A to the London Gazette, absolutely the last male member, of his generation. lie King's command of the House of Hanover, and that fact of itself ail wear mourning for six weeks brought before them the sense of the changes haul day. The King ha graciously nckivw which had taken place. What struck him most letlged a telegram of svmrathv addressed to his about the late Dike was his absolute determina on the occasion of the death of the Duke I tion never to give in, which was a national ol Cin.hridgv by the Lord Mayor on behalf of the characteristic.

They sincerely mourned his death, Ot 'f London. It is understood that the and expressed their sympathy with aU his rcnr ul will take place on Tuesday next from I relatives. "ee Abbey, (pn. 7 and 8) Several Bills were advanced a stage, including and Pr.i or Walts yesterday the of the peace Bill. if.cssst an exhibition of torpedo work The House nsc at ten minutes to 5 o'clock.

lion Id give the whole of hi duties. There the invaluable services rendered Jltnk, he was iu favour of making a change. Sir. H. observed tl Sn: F.

was to undcriake these dut as a provtskmal arrangement. It Was I altogether satisfactory that a Judge should hargo functions which were partly 1 candidate. lesson Langht bv which will never be out of date. No science. organization, no progress will avail unless there lives among ns that unswerving devotion to public duty and that assiduous attention to the work in hand for which the Dike of Camrridci: deserves to live, honoured aud admired, in the 11 memory of his countrymen.

seaf oftier callers dnrinir the da was not unexpected, especially as the namr of iclegrams letu rs were HOT lighting the seat, with a MM Among tho callers were Prince Nan Raaltk. though unsuccess i of Teck. I'rin. Alexander of AlaWrt ver. to be coneratulat.

on having, Mensdorff. the French. AaataWatHtaV, fi rot" Than hul eTeT before been Ambassador, the Japanese atlauutrr. the Sat awe I the Fnionist side, but tho still tfc Minister, the Belgian Minister, the Turkish ease in the Liberal vote secured the i Ambassador, the Spanish Am bits, ador. ihehwi a lthj.

ine conto has u.s lought when the Opposit Lord and Lady Kosmead. Ixrd and I ly paring no St rat hcona. Lord opfn. M.P.. Lord and liorts to excite every sort of irrelevant prejudice San.lhurst.

Ixr.l and Lady Dart rev, IaWd igainst the Cvrnment. The yellow labour cry, um, Ladv Lilian Wen. aU, I featl particular, haa been a perfect godsend to them. 3tlll CoUwtCa UatUOW, Lord and mj iTj. ind no doubt even in rural Dorset it has been Lonl and I idy Tcmplcnior, L.

r.1 S. llmme. xploited indnstriously. and not albagether with funeral Sir Martin DiHon. (ietier ,1 Sir D.ghton mt result.

As we all know, the attitude of the V.C.. S'r Dean Bat 1 list at present the shivery argnment is Sir DosaU) Cctirit; has set a ise and a noble example to the wealthy men amongst ns who desire to devote some portion of their riches to the welfare of the community. It ill he scon from the correspondence which we publish to day that he has offered a sum of over 100.000 to Tf the CnAXCEtxor. of the rxivrusm of London Opposit on upon this quests proton in i Phillips, Sir John Mumv Lady and the PawtuuNr of rsivuwiTT CoLL; in variety. at pr.

sent the argnm. nt i jo Haaiilfou. It.I while he appreciated fully i order to facilitate the incorporation of the College most in fashion. Of the various possible mi. iiy Ta ikerviile, feennul Sir RaglMM witn tne university, ine gut.

as lr.n Knumtar r. lt prowun iw mosi. wiung to Lady t.ipps, S.r Ii i i un: Had nd Lord Rrat remark in their letter of thanks Pnt before the uninstructed ele. tor. for the othr ijeneral Sir F.

Stephenson. Lieut. uant rcncr.l to the donor, is as Umely as it is splendid. It appeal to the enlightened sHf falterest of th Sir John and IjiiIv Fryer, Sir igcl ami K. (ot will benefit University College Hospital and voter is almost too thin not to be instantly Kingscote, Major to s.r It.

mt Lsatj is 'he Medical School, and at the same time it through. A Radical orator must he Thynr.c, and th Chief re. will assist the L'niversitr and the College to yrr7 persuasive, and his listeners extremelv He hoped that the matter would be put upon a carry out tho poUey on which they have agreed, pliable, if he succeeds in convincing them that Field Marshal tJe. rro William Frederick prop, nidi luu.

m. is.r.m and or the 0f which thevaro now I they nave a passionate desire to emigrate CtaWaal Duke nf an hm BavJ Tu.uerarv commanding the confidence of the Armv would be I u.l i promoting a Bill in Parliament. Upon the to oouth Africa which only the prospect of Harm CqMh the Peerage ot the The vote havine been confirmed. I 3 iuorporu 1 wu ram au, in Mr. ARNoLn FoBfrrm brought In the Army I Annual UUi, which waa read a tirst time.

otes wero then considered i the V.rnon Torpedo School Early in the afternoon their Royal haMttg the new of he deal uibridge, r. turned to London. feeling terms to the College, Lo Tne death of the DfKn of C.oinr.lDc.E, which it is our melancholy duty to record to day, will arouse throughout the country a feeling of deep and genuine regret. It wiU no less call forth warm sympathy with tho Kino and the Royal Family, whoso sympathy with the sorrows of the nation is always spontaneous and sincere.

To these feelings expression was given yesterday in both Houses of Parliament on behalf of both parlies in the State while the Lonn Mayor a ided tho tribute of tho City of of both officers and men. A great figure hid, with Ii t'ue Dt'Ki: of Cavbkidgr was of (he'Vollegewit'h fiofrom among us. and it was right that the connected by peculiar tics, and in which i a ms f.ers.itiai otuuaes i.iaie uim umvenauy Dike as a member. popular. To the great majority of those now Sir.

H. CAMfBTXL BAXNTJtMAN, en behalf of the st nart which be lea. enaorsea an mat tne i kimi. i Bii DmuttB CcintrK has intiaaated, in letter i rl po.eb. Chancellor of the I Hirers; Of and D'tsl Reny, President of Univ.

intention giving In the House of Commons Balfovr referred it death of the DCKEof Can said, not onlv a distinguished uiemlici Family." but a man who devoted of Lis active life to the service of his country intimately acquainted with 1 intention nl giving a sum of ..7 erection of the row buildings of affected the Bntish Army ami who 1 connexion with UnlVMalt; throughout his career the confidence The Hou I o'clock. adjourned at five minutes past wisdom and indeed the necessity of incorpora thinese invasion restrains. l. if the scheme for a real tea hing L'niversitr exceptionally unscrupulous perversion of the of (lilidt.nau n. k.

London is not to be indefinitely postponed, facts to represent Chinese importation as meaning nrst Duke of Cambridge, and Augustus Wiilu lmm there does not seem to be any doubt amongst the tbe exclusion of the white worker from the Louisa, daughter of the Landgrave of most competent judges. Last November Sir Transvaal, and it is the sort of perversion which Cassel. His l.V val Uighnesa wm, taWtuCaaUA Akthtr RCntEB dwelt on its importance in a nttimateiy ne overtaken by its nemesis. If 1 pranda I 6mh "I tr remarkable lecture upon which we afterwards I there one point that investigation seems to Ouevn ictc ria, and first once r.

1 i Houe should I rr wit nl eMAml in nurses' home vltn uiusv, i connexion iih l. College and ado. that ihree rt.a igl.ti for the proviuon bnrda Bosebenr aiitt lteav have Sir a letter of hehrtv thanks trr his magnineetit gift. p. 10 Immun Sen." lISoaioj.

At yesterday's weekly Kov. Stewart Headl am brought up report of the Ccmniiitec. and in moving its reeeptim done during the year avfter asm diseaaaaoa the report was received. Br. PaMBKK'a Da mmeroorated yester 6i it, ly.i by a general wearing of shamrock Mfi uj aim oi.ser es.

Minister had said. From a long a thcDt CAMiir.nx.r in t. a.lmimstr; the AVar Office he could bear t. st itn.mi intense devotion to the Army, of which he Coinmander in uhiof tor ion with spic ration of Mlch lr mark, it maki i their time an. poi souality the in our public life.

For all removal of a familiar land i in their mental picture ol he general scheme of the'u chord of with extreme reluctance, almost with 'anguish, associations, and it sounds a graver cl that he severed his connexion with the Army, personal emotion than a more intimate make cleare I labour commented. The College had offered ill its property under tho control 'niversity, and by so doing to make the latter body at a stroke the greatest teaching bodv ia London. This step, as Sir Artucr iinted out. wnuld raise the 1'niversifv from iU fosition as a more agent letween competing colleges and through the clouds of secure to it its rightfnl place r.s a teaching thp Opposition have involved it. University.

At the time when ho spoke the Exhaustively as the question has been debated scheme was hampered by the lack of funds, already, a clear reiteration of the C. ven ment About X' 100.000 had been raised for the I reasons for its policy mar help to dissipate hose purpose, inclusive of a handsome grant of 1 clouds, and from this point of view the Prime 30,000 from the Drapers' Company. But Sir. in iktTR announced yesterday that ho proposed Arthur declared that another 100,000 was 1 to utilize the earliest poauint required, and ho complained with truth and discussing tbe vote of censure but he recognized loyally the necessity of th; severance when he felt the hnrden of advancing He was not only a conspicuous figure in public lib but a true friend with a rsonal harm which attracted every one with whom he came into contact Ommmnm' CoMI AT ave resolved to I leaders were speaking all mem ti itute at cross at the end of remaincl uncovered. (p Sin H.

CAMPWJJ. BANVi itMVN having asked the ssr Kmition. The result of the Piuvr. Mimstij: to t.ntr.e a day for the debate on iug for maUtaeney was declared vester i Ibe Opposition vote of Mm with regard to the Mr H. was returned, i imirtation of Chinese labour into the Transvaai.

ivitc votes." o.ltrj issv.rded for Mr. BAiJ oru said that the debate could be Vat, luulte (C a trijoriiv of KJ0. This taken on Mouday, which was the first available lv. a the loss ol a seat to the Ministerialists, da; '1 before BRIDGE I nf the Bn Hir.u Maxim gave a demonstration of his new apt flying machine at Thurlow park, Kanaaud, cMeedar. tp.

5( The Ijiw Dnm In the Jodicial Cunmittee i eil yesterday, before tbe Lord tbe estimate, his object being to obtain from ChatioellorVnd lrds IHvey, jamea of Hereford. the Government an assurance that economb and Lindlev. with the Archbishop ol would bo effected by the War Ullice in the knowledge For nearly forty year, the Di ttos Command.r iu Chief of the British Army tho embodiment of military authority to generations of soldiers, and the most conspicuous representative of the Army in the eyes of the nation. That great office, fiUed by him in a manner which commanded unbounded popularity in the Army, alone sufliced to give him a very prominent place in the national life of his time. But he was much more than a soldier, and he establish.Nl claims upon the sympathy and regard of the country by the unfailing zeal and the remarkable success with which he promoted social and philanthropic movements far removed from the military sphere.

With the sure instinct Wakm.i., who opened the debate, moved which belongs to the Royal Family he avoided reduce by the number of men appearing everything of a partial or sectarian character, but as numerous movements in which no dis tinctions of class or party are recognized he was hers it is that such an nr mt Mat.stv ase of the unskilled labour supply as a Knight of ti I mplated affords the only possible mer.ns for Rl Patrick: a Knight C.rand Cm and encouragement of unite th Order of tiia Bath ami law Bml We admit, however, that in present Victorian Or tirand Masttr and First tmi tances it is difficult for truth to prevail Km oi tho al St. Hacba.1 am! St. tie. rgr a Knight t.ran.1 ominati.ler ul the Orders of the SUr of Itvlia and of the Uaaal Empire a OfMal Cordoti ef the Lcgi jii I Hono'ir Chtrf personal Ai(le to Jal King honorary in 'bief to the Fon Colonul in Chicf of the 17th Liincers, the Royal Regiment of ArtilLrv, tho Corps of Roval Engineers, and th Kii Roval Ri3e Con tv for Colonel of tho 0MMbM liuonls honorary ladrr Colonel of tb 4th Battalion Suffolk Rogunent. humour of the incurable propensity of the of the Oppoaition ban gi ven notice.

The motion tb" Middlear i Kcgiment, the ity Eng.ish people to demand, in al, grade, of accordingly, be taken on Monday. It is tf education beyond the elementary grade, that difficult to see what fresh thing the debate can pnjril "Native a tV iiuu: bricks shoubl be mado without calling upon possibly provide, unless if be a speec from Ma. Duk of York 1: ta Suhooi. '1 ha them to supply the necessary straw. A certain 1 Balfocr, who was unable to be in hia phke on Dob wa also a naaanbar oi His Mac r'a ftimj amount of straw seems to have been forth the last occasion when the matter was diMaawd.

1 I tiner ity ot OxJonl LL.D. coming in the interval, as we understand that the As for tho opponents of the measure, even their 7 ColUn. uL. loquacity and powers of m'rsrepresentaf ion must Ro, ni eventually be exhausted, and it can only he h. pe 1 and James's, tho ti t.

Hyle, that this renewal of the discussion may serve, a and Richmond Parks. it is practically bound to do. to make still clearer His Militauv Cir.rxr.. the inconsistencies and absurdities of these Oeorgo of Cambridge, as he was clll passionate orators. If the Opposition, emboldened in his ear'y days, liegan hn career as a soldic by their snap division, cherish the hope of a i very early iu life, for when just ovr nine years hoped tbat the example of the liege will be simUar success after a fnU dre debate, thev mar "1 April ixjh.

troa oeorgo followed by at least some ol o'ber institutions usefully take note of tbe very blunt render JjTt tba TtDnaJ mrlatd which were eonstituW its "schools" by which they got from the leader of their Irish tc Hirovenan army. Hal K.y.i the Act of 1898 and the Statutes drawn up by allies yesterday. Rcdiiond took advantage th." high military Lord Datet's Commission and nromulnted in I of St. Patrick's Dav to coint out that ho rai.x f.

subaeounntlv did 1900. i would pre fer Homo Rule frarlly bv a 'ltvas a private soldier in th In order to effect incorporation it is essential Tory Government to Home Rub to sever from I'niversity College and to vest in I shelved by a Liberal Administration. Now titerhury and the shops of Ripon and South I coming financial year. a 1 a tical Assessors, tne Deanng was eoncloded of the appeal of i he Rev. 0.

Moore, vicar of Cowtey, near Oxford, against a decision by tbe Consistory Court of the diocese of Oxford convicting bai of immorality and ribaldry. Their Lord.hips allow. tbe appeal, bat said there would be no order as to costs, (p. 12) The Wuemm forecast for Southern England (London and Channel) anticipates for to day winds rib cast and aouth east, light or generally, (p. iui alwavs a willing and most effective helper.

Wh Ml. Pox asked whether the linked batta njoney was needed for any purpose ol general s'ste was to Mil, tctice oue was in greater request DiutE. after obsen ations from Colonel than the Dvke of Cambridge, nor could any Blckkell and Mr. C.

HOBiionsE, pointed one morf persuasively advocate its claims. was no doubt due in part ailable hal increasevl bi about 112.000 Donald Ccrrie's gift. His muiiifi es the last obstacle to the erecnt ion me. There can he little doubt that xptforation of University College with the 'fsity will greatly promote the develop ment of the latter body, and it mar reasonably be indefinitely A.e British Armv. Icing ar oninted.

to el irom 'Jctotwr Hi, I lM.i, he was attached to th lumber ISO. ha University could not take over and administer. part of Unionist members will allow a Liberal was attached to th Lancers, with perm is Thev are the Boys' School, the Medical School, Irish coalition to inflict irreparable damage sion V' wr the. tn" regmient, witb and University College Hospital. The funds on the position of the Government.

There is 2 already obtained made it possible for the important and serious work to he done which Fehrr.arv of the following vear. and did dutv build a new ys' School ar.d to I ought not so to bo jeopardized. In the with it" for the next two years, nearly tba authoriti. buy a sit. the Medical School, as well as to forefront of this work is the reorganLtallOB debt upon the College, but they had not of the Army.

Mb. ARNOLD Fons rrn's speech a erect the buildings of tho Medical in tho debate on tho Estimates last night It is this money which Sir Donald bore testimony alike that 1 Ccrrie nerw places in their hands, though he sup the task and to tbe great amount of fruitful dav later, he was transferred plements it by some valuable subsidiary gifts. He change that haa, by theefforts of the Government, ght Dragoons, now the 17th offers them for this purpose, and the hola tiire in Ireland. On April 15, 1842, he was gazetted to tbe 8th Light Dragoons, as Lientenaut but his connexion with thin re iment, now the fth Hussars, waa verv brief. a mnch as on the Trth of tbe same month, ten 17th St James's Tu eatk e.

At this theatre last to substitute for it one that would make it possible night there was produced, under tbe title Low's Conaoil, an English version by Rudolf Bleichmann of Ilartleben's play Rosewavmtag. (p. 9) SrrciAX AJtTKxa are published to day in tbe Literary on Letters of Lord Acton fp. 81) Tbe German Emperor and bis CriUca (p. 82) Mr.

Btunre Moore'. Poems (p. 82) Bath in the Eighteenth Century (p. 83) Literature in Society I (Krom our New York Correspondent) (p. 83) 1 A Soul's Tragedy and Op o' me Thumb (P 86) and Tbe Elgar Featival (p.

85). Tn CiTT. Tbe Money Market waa quiet yesterday but them was a slightly firmer tendency far loans. Silver wan fixed fd. lower.

On tbe Stock Exchange tbe tone was dull in all departments, and prices left off rather lower In moat ana. Consols warn finally unaltered Booth that, although it was understood Ksfimates would justify the assumption' that rank and distinguished position tbe svstom was to be continued. He hoped the but it was also due to an even greater extent to words which accompany the offer show that he I House would refuse to part with the vote until a the simplicity and probity of his character, to the appreciates and desires to foster that Ml itj Wit which he said the right thing in the 0f general education and of the sciences which are right way, and to his possession of the natural the handmaids of medicine, that promises the I art without which all oratory is cold and in best results. Ho says that he is acting with the I effective the art of getting upon good terms knowledge that after incorporation the coTleee I to natch un the armv corps scheme would be I with his audience. (will remain as a centre of wide academic culture.

IliaajV I ijMiMiim laa uui, anatomy. puys.oioKy, pnarmacoiogy, uirectors who tne inncuoos oesenneu the tb. last rrin mt! r. Sin B. Rkid joined in tne uemanu lor economy, i of general benencence, and by his more sustained biology, chemistry, and phvsics will continue to second part of the report, and a finance branch colonel In 1842 whilst in eomaadofawa and suited that the colonies ought to bear a 1 eflorts on behalf of institutions such as Christ's be taught there.

The second gift which be such as was also recommended. A committee 17th Light Dragoons, Prince Georaw had to of the military burdens ot the rnpirc. Ho6pUal. that the Dlkz of Cambbidcb won and makes is an admirable supplement to the I has been appointed to inquire into tbe whole ivu part rn anpieauii tbe Hotn in tbe Mw Ananaui aMIWtt WM am waat itntirniii Ml Itttll mm tla IflUt Imw In first. It consists of 20,000 for the provision of I Question of the distribution of th.

manufacturing diatrict. and ha eerviaea this Ttlt conver tl nromise of a very ArrrT i unique popularity waa due to his i a nurses' home close to and in connexion with Now the SucnCTAJrr for Wab going carcfullv mattw' ''y vAuowledged by 1 niversity tollege Hospital. The want of such through tbe entire report of Lout Eanzx and bis been brought about already. The Colon. and he joined tbe regiment for duty.

for War can already point to a series of "TT 1 ouwiuosancw momentous step, actually taken, which, by com Wff tT" previous tinkering reforms, may nracticallv that of the lientanaaUenlonel nl tba fairly be called revolutionary. Following regiment, as is shown by a return givon in an tbe report of the War Office Committee, tbe appendix to the Report of the Boyal Coaamiaaion Government has appointed already an Armv the Army held RJ54, in which Council, an Inspector General of the Forces. SL Py to promotion to general's rank ia given a three Armv which did not convey the pr.aise nhcianfial reduction iu the Estimates. thought that tbe solution of the expenditure difficulty would probably be found in a Mdnetinn of tbe men on the active list. If we eoold have a larger Reserve and a smaller active unique knowledge of military affairs from tbe Army's point of view, to hia steady identification ot himself with the ideaa and aims of tbe average soldier, whether officer or private, and to the would be effected.

With conndenee inspired, not only by tbia regard to the report of Lou Eran'a Com attitnoe, out tne lact tnat ne auxn uign aoovc. mittee. be did not know that be could i all i nexsonnl ambitions which are suspected. an institution baa long been felt, and a site for tbe building baa been already acquired. Sir Donald has noticed that there is another class ot workers in the hospital who need comfortable and convenient housing as badly ae the nurses.

eoueaguea in co operation with tbe Army Council. I for tbe Staff in the Ionian 1 Mucn as Has been done so tar, tbe vast and i as Colonel on 1 reorganization ha. still to be dealt wiih. and 1 1 Mayor imiiaaThTta! interruption tbat would paralyae it. pmgrea.

amvZ of tto IbBaaria, which I I to be donrecntod on the kiehoM Mtiaal Bommj.lbSkmBmVjmnmmM.

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