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Wise County Messenger from Decatur, Texas • Page 3

Decatur, Texas
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iMUbNAN, uitMON WIVFX Moif Th in Hate Kimnmls Jaw Mil loe Who YIhmI to ost Snow he ftlornious Don't Practice 1 yfrmity an Extent Wor.h Making a Row Abou A Salt Luke eorresjionilent to Tue freiv York says: i ho lirst round between the United States government and tlie polygamous Mormons having come to an end with twenty- eight or thirty of the latter in prison, the sa nts who have not yet been apprehended are doing their lest to Stimulate the faith and courage ot each other. Bishop grandiloquent remark on receiving his sentence, that ho would rather take imprisonment and honor than freedom and dishonor, is now heard on every hand, and few Mormons fail to repeat it at every opportunity, The great majority of the women are furious enemies of the government, and they have made life a burden to the saints who weakened, liriirham Young once made the remark that a man who would not go to jail lor his wives did not deserve to have one wife, and the polygamous women repeat this as an aphor sin. Speaking in conference the other day. Apostle Lyman said: will come to all of us, sooner or later. These trials will come uut 1 we are found to be true.

We have wives ven to us. They are for time and eternity. God gave them to us, and man can not take them from us. God has iriven our enemies power on th earth, but, thank God, they cannot reach beyond the grave. A man has no right to have one wife until ho is qualified to have several and fulfill the law.

We turn away from our wives, because what we do in that direction endures forever. No power can break us away. We can not be driven from the land. The Lord will sustain and keep Aposlto Richards got off this: a man takes a new wife, when it is mutually understood between his wife and the new one, I want to know who is injured. When a man takes a new wife without the consent of his old wife it is bigamy, but when a man goos into polygamy as we do it is no crime.

Only those found worthy enter the covenant, and I'd like to ask whose liberty we violate. We are not very badly scared. What have we to tear of all the hosts of the United States? In New England a child under 15 years is never to be seen on tho streets. Why? Because tho women will not bear children. I call around my Thanksgiving table ever year from twelve to fifteen children.

God never made a law in violation of the law of the land, but men have made laws in violation of the law of God Addressing a meeting just after his release from the penitentiary Mr. Musser told the people that they had nothing to fear. country is going to the dogs," ho said. million devils are holding high carnival throughout the land, while peace, contentment, happiness, joy, and progress reign only in Utah. These eastern lepers come out hero to tell us what we shall do.

We saints are not murdering children, while tho people of tho east are doing that very thing, and they are so stupid as to compare the life multiplying system of tho saiuts to the heathenism system which they practice. Tho saints should go on and raise liner boys and girls than ever so that there will be moro faith and loss preach hi Alfred Best, one of tho convicted dignitaries of the church, has suadod his mother to turn his two daughters by his lawful wife into the street because they testiiied against him. The girls are under 18 and are quite attractive in appearance. Both are opposed to polygamy. They have been living of late with tlieir grandmother.

But Best ordered them away, and they were finally cared for at a hotel. Among the recent arrivals of Mormon converts in this city were several people from east Tennessee. All were ignorant and not more than one or two of them seemed to have any idea about the real character of tho Mormon church. On their arrival hero they were taken in tow by an elder who proceeded to explain tho situation to them. Ho told them that as matters now stood tho church was engaged in hostilities with the United States government, but that it would win in the long run.

In the meantime it was necessary to keej rather quiet and not run into trouble unnecessarily. All but one of the men appeared to be satisfied with tho planation. This one, a tall, grizzlj fellow of perhaps 50 years, wanted tc know: is the disagreement between the church and the United States nothing; only a quarrel over tho enforcement of a law. We believe that we can marry as many wives ai we like, and tho government savs we they arrest tho bovs and try does it come all gone to tho penitentiary so far, but on there, stranger, hold on. It was just that way down south.

We thought we were going to win the long run, but -----d if we did. I thought I was with you, but I done all the bucking against tho United States government that ono man has time to attend if your game It was impossible to persuade him that this was not a new rebell on, and he parted company with his new-found frinds irnrnod.ately. Tho sentence of three years imposed on Mr. Newson for polygamy trives general satisfaction. His polygamous wife, Lucy Devereuux, stoo by him like a martyr.

After enduring imprisonment for several months for con- tumaey, she was again put on the stand, and was as stubborn as ever. When the defense saw that tho government had a pretty good case of polygamy against Newson, a desperate attempt was made bv his friends to lie him out of it. The evidence showed that ho and Miss Devereaux had been married after the passage of the Edmonds law, but she and many others swore positively that the ceremony took place in 1881. He was convicted of polygamy and unlawful cohabitation, and was sentenced to three imprisonment on one count and six months on the other. One of the most manly Mormon convicts was a policeman named Smith.

When he was asked if he had anything to say, replied: have been placed on trial for practic ng my religion, which 1 do not intend to relinquish under any circumstances whatever. Therefore, I have no promises to make, and I am ready to receive any penalty which the court may impose. I could not under any circumstances give up my religious 11c got months and $800. A fair illustration of the workings of polygamy is given in the complaint which Mary Swain files against Robert Swain in an action for divorce. Sho avers that were married twenty years ago, and that she has borne him six children, all of whom are living; that since 1875 ho has married three other wives, who have a dozen children; that for live years he had contributed nothing to the support of herself and family, and that she has been compelled to support herself and her children by the work of her own hands.

It is the old story of the old wife put away for the now one. At the Logan conference a few days ago Apostle Thatcher was put forward to say a good word for the goverument: 4 It is not the United States government that is persecuting he observed, falsehood. Tho administration of Mr. Cleveland does not understand us. If it did the president would not have the hardihood to do what he has done.

When this nation reaps what it has been sowing, Utah will be the haven for tho people. We will maintain our professions and ask God to grant that we may soon see Young Apostle Taylor said: all the men in Zion who have taken more than one wife worthy? No. One man applied for another wife the other day, and the requels was refused, because he had not paid his tithing. Another, who kept two wives and two families, who got the approval of the parents of a "young woman to take her for a third wife, and who got a permit from the bishop, did not get her after all, because the girl found he was not worthy, and secured her release. There are many evils among the Apostle Grant said: makes my blood boil to look over the past.

Some men have gone into court and renounced their wives. It perfectly tonishes mo that they should do it. We know how to cull out our people, but the Lord knows, and Ho is doing this work for our own good. If we had lived up to the gospel our enemies would not I ave had one- fourth of the power over us that they now Apostle Snow said: law of the new and ever asting covenant was repulsive to the men and who led this church, but it was commanded by God under pain of everlasting damnation. Our people, in spite of this, do not practice it to an extent worth making any particular row about, as only ten thousand or twelve thousand have accepted the terms of escape i from everlasting damnation.

Those who revile us are worse than we. promises to Zion are sure to Elder Wait was on trial for unlawful cohabitation he was asked: you living with your tirst wife was his reply. you liviDg with your second not living with either of asked the prosecutor in astonishment, and then, as if a new thought had si ruck him, are you living third he answered, smiling. Some time last spring Elizabeth A. Starkey, 17 years of age, the polygamous wife of Charles L.

White, was sent to tho penitentiary for contumacy in refusing to answer the questions put to her by the grand jury, and has been there ever since. Public feeling has been so strong in her behalf, and so much contempt for White has been shown, that he voluntarily gave testimony against himself, and the girl has just been released. Waste Paper that Wasted. Down in the basement of the Treasury Department is a room in which about a dozen girls sit and sort over the waste paper which has accumulated from the work of the day before by the 2,500 clerks in the rooms above. All of the waste paper of the department is transferred to their room by the sweepers at the close of each day.

Then the girls go over it carefully piece by piece, and they frequently make very valuable discoveries. Not long ago $10,000 wortfi of bonds were found in a waste paper basket in Ito oilice of tho Comptroller of tho Currency, and there was a great howl about it at the time, but in tho end nobody was punished for the gross carelessness. But such large sums as this seldom find their way into the sorting- room. The principal discoveries aro penholders and stationery which has been accidentally dropped into tho waste-basket. Sometimes a valuable document disappears in an unaccountable manner from the tiles of the department.

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Experience has convinced the Treasury oilicials that these girls annually save many times their salaries to the Government. The sale of the waste paper is ono of considerable importance, and tho revenue each year is in the course of business turned back into tho treasury where it properly belongs Traveller Noiseless Powder. The pot-hunters in Massachusetts are to be using a new explosive called noiseless powder for shooting purposes during the close season. It is not absolutely noiseless, but makes only about one-third the noise accompanying ordinary ammunition. A New York lawyer snys it will take the United Supreme Court 133 years to tret even with business at the present rate of progress.

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