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The Comanche Chief from Comanche, Texas • Page 7

Comanche, Texas
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YouJustTry NR For That Indigestion Get your organs of digestion, assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch your trouble disappear. NR does it or money back. One Test Proves NR Best Ti ptom.ich only partly dlgrst The t-ivai tinlvhed Ue ii li's-tlros hero food Is I iiu i ti 3 from tho liver. It 1 "T.f-lWo por- i Urat the 't mu t. work i i hi -ny 1 atlve trouble i l) av.

I or overcome, -t fact also tide! from nlfo nfTt-r mcD or sa from head- biliousness nr I 1 Ion. If you nro one of the many un- fortnnato annot without auffrring afterv rd, If you constlpctcd, li vo bilious spells, coated tonguo, breath, variably i.piutit*’, are m-rrmir, losing nortry ana feel your health slipping away, tako this advhe and a of Remedy (NU rljrht today nrd start taking It. CJlve it a trial for a wwek or two and ju pee how much hotter you 1. quickly your sluggish bov els vili bicorne an as work, how your coated tongue li up and your good, old-time petpo i turn? Sto how Hplondldly your food will digest and how your rgy, "pep" and revive. Just try it.

You no whatever for ibletsO (NR box, naurh to Remed) la only 1 nty-tlve and It mu help ami to entire satisfaction, or mom i turned. Five million boxes every million Nil Tablets aro hy ailing people very that's the bvM proof of Hh run its. Remedy the and pafent thing you ran for blllous- constipation. Indigestion nnd similar complaints. It la soid, gtiar- nnte.

1 anil recommended by your druggist. THE WM REESE Comanche, Texas. FR Tonight Tomorrow Fee) Kjght Get a 2sc Box Proctor The of Mrs. I' Stevenson was shipped here from San Antonio last Saturday morning and was laid to rest that evening in the Proctor cemetery, Rev, Pace conducted the funeral services held at the Baptist church at 3 p. m.

Miss Rose Wilson is visiting in the Callan home Itweek. Mr. Fred Stevenson and wife of Ho by, Texas, were here this week. Kev. Lambert is holding a meeting in Hasse this week.

Miss Alma Grainger is visitingj here at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. John Pinson visited her son, Dave. Saturday and Sunday is in training at ('amp Bowie.

Ruth Gray visited in Brown wood last week. Among the boys that were mustered in last Saturday from here. Fine Pinson was made sergeant and Claude bcrts corporal. Sergt John Lnker and wife are visiting here this week. Mrs.

Henry and and attended and Sunday with Willie (ircenlee church at liasse. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I).

Swearenpn spent Sunday with W. I. Davis. Mr. W.

I. Davis an dfamily spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Buffalo. a bel licei! spent Saturday night with Opal Whitehead.

Klla Davis is real siek at this writing. Mrs. Archie Swearengin is spend mg the week ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

F. Horner of I Springs. 0 CAN FIND ANY Gum Springs. The drouth still continues. S.

,1. Kerley and daughters, Mrs. Roberson and Mrs. Woods of near Wilson were visitors at the homes of W. T.

Kerley and Klabe Kerley Sunday. Miss Mollie Roberson and Miss Zena Loftis of Hobersonville were guests of Mrs. Wayne Marshall Sunday. W. T.

Kerley and wife, also Mrs. Mary Johnson, attended church at Vandyke Sunday. J. Johnson and wife of Buffalo visited Mrs. Russell Sunday.

Miss Verna Kerley and Miss i Xora Burl attended church at Vau- ke Sunday. Mr George Glide of Wilson vis ited at the home of Clabe Kerley Saturday. Mrs. A. Mercer an d.Mrs, Daniel Rohersou of Hobersonville visited at the home of J.

T. Kvans Sunil ay. W. Kerley and family visited at the home of Mr. Drury Sunday at Briar Grove, Several from this community attended the party Saturday night near Salem.

Miss Mary TIogan has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. A. Swearengin of Center Point was a guest at the home of J. T.

Kvans Monday afternoon. Kmzy Kerley ami wife of near Wilson visited his parents, Mr. Klabe Kerley and wife Saturday. Grandma Kvans is on the sick list this week. ft TONGUE SHOWS IF LIVER OB BOWELS ARE ACTIVE If cross, feverish, sick, bilious, I give fruit laxative at once mot her realizes.

giving children "California Syrup oi that this is their ideal laxative, because thev love its The War-Time Value of Good Tires Yi ur enr is a vital war-time necessity if you make it ute to war work and war service. Moke ii the limit of service. But Jcm'tadd one extra dollar to your driving expenses. makes economy imperative. Practice it in per.

your car cr truck. Keep down your tire costs. 1 tires- United htatcs Tires. thousands are recognizing the war-time value of Uni States 1 ires. They gt iting away from haphazard tire buying.

They are buying tires that fcive most i.tiles per dollar. United States ires offer supreme dependability and unapproached economy. There are fi different types of United States ne for every possible need. The nearest United Stuies Sales anti Service Depot dealer tell you which one will serve you best. United States Tires STOPS COMING GUT Save your Make it wavy, glossy and beautiful at once.

LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY TI SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, tine and downy at but really new hair all over the.scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. So difference how dull, faded, brit- At the cost oi a mall jar of ordi- and scraggy, just moisten a nary cold cream one can prepare a eloth with Danderine ami careful- full quarter pint of the most won- draw it through your hair, tak- derful lemon skin softener and injr one small strand at a time complexion beaut itier, by squeez- The effect is immediate and a muz ing the juice of two fresh lemons ing your hair will light, fluffy into a bottle containing three oun- and wavy, and have an appearance ces of orchard white. Care should of abundance; an incomparable be takejn to strain the juice through lustre, softness ml luxuriance, and a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets beauty and shimmer of true hair in, then this lotion will keep fresh health. for months.

Every woman knows a small bottle of Kuowltou that lemon juice is used to bleach Danderine from any drug store or and remove such such blemishes as toilet counter, and prove that your freckles, and tan and is hair is as pretty and soft as any the ideal skin softener, whitcner that it has been neglected or injur- and beautifier. ed by careless treatment. A small Just try it! Get three ounces oi trial bottle will doubh the beauty orchard white at any drug store of your hair, and two lemons form the grocer (----------------------and make up a quarter pint of this Obtuse American, sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and VVhereabouts can I pay my massage it daily into the faee, neck telephone asked a stranger arms and hands. It is marvelous uf Bengfort, head of the pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, at the tongue, Mother! If thick coat ed, give a teaspoon I of this harmless laxative, and in a few hours all foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again.

When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion a good cleansing' should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep Syrup of handy know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Syrup of Figs. which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of couter- feits sold here, so be fooled.

Get the genuine, made by Kig Syrup are Good Tires -1 i -rtl i urn WE KNOW UNITED STATES 1TRES AUK GOOD TIRES WHY WE SELL THEM. R. DUDLEY. THE R. W.

GRAY Hasse. PROCTOR MERCANTILE CO Proctor. A. A HILLEY, Sidney. NAVY COLLECTING PHOTOGRAPHS OF MEN LOST IN SERVICE This? We Hundred for any of that ran- not cured by Catarrh Cure.

Hall's Catarrh has taken by catarrh rs for the paat thirty-five years, and has known as most reliable remedy for Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure arts thru the on the Murous pelltnff the from the niood and healing dtfteated iwtrtlons you iken Hall's Catarrh i To perpetuate the memory Ol these Cure for nhort you will a -1 gr. it nt in your general health Start taking Catarrh at and rid of catarrh. Send for CHENEY Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all PrugpusU, 75c, Through the Bureau of Navigation the Navy Department is now collecting photographs of all men of the service who have lost their lives in service against the enemy. to smoothcn rough, red hands.

tary department of a store in Des Moines, Iowa, have no such place all ed Center Point Dry weather still continues and replied Bengfort in surprises, tho feed stuff is about burn-j what you got them si up. Cotton and peanuts will soon be gone if it rain soon, jug to a sign in the door. up hat you got tnem signs queried tho man, point- Miss Johnnie Reed spent Staur- day night with her cousin. Hattie Gill. Sarah Davis spent Saturday night and Sunday with Susie Shupp of Sardis.

Most everybody went fishing on tho fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Buffalo spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

I. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Reid spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Leo McGuire Archie Swearengin, Alvie Dan ids, Willie and Henry Greenlee all left for Ranger Inst Saturday to find work. Maftie Bell Swearengin and Vcs- ter Davis spent Saturday night No Worms in a Healthy Child All children trim tiled with an uu healthy color, which poor blood, and a rule, there ia more or disturbance TASTELESS chill TONIC tilveo regularly (or two or three weeks will eork-h the blood, lui prove the diiteetioo, and act as a Ooeral Strength cdui Took to the whole system Nature will then throw off or dispel the aud the Child will be io perfect health. Plea to take bottle Bengfort looked. Tho sign was a Liberty Loan Street Journal. COMANCHE GIRL COULDN STAND CLOTHES TO TOUCH HER father got me a bottle Wonderful Remedy for stomach trouble and I am feeling so much better since taking it.

My stomach was so painful I stand my clothes to touch me.M It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including ap pendieitis. One will convince or money refunded. The Win, Reese Co. Spartan Woman Suffered Untold Tortures but who wants to be a Spartan 1 Take for all female disorder Price 50c and $1.00, Wilson. This eommuuity is needing rain very badly, everything is burning Up.

except cotton and it is suffer ing. Health is better at this writing (111 Faulkner and ftmily of the Midway community visited Frank Roberson's family Sunday night. Kev. Milton, the county mis sionary, preached at Center Hill Saturday night, Sunday and at night to a large crowd. S.

,1. Kerley, Ola Woods and Mandy Roberson visited at Ihe home of Clabe Kerley Sunday. Johnnie and Eddio Gatlin, Aaron and Eddie Massingill are visiting at lluckaby this week. Emma Massingill and children visited relatives heer this week. Alvio Falkenberry and family visits! his brother, Mai ford, of Gustine Saturday and Sunday.

Will Kerley and John Simpson came very near having a serious accident Sunday night, their ears running together. No one was hurt but both cars were slightly damaged. George and Elmer Chick returned home from Fairy Friday where they have been at work with the thresher. Mill Knight and Sallie Warniek were married at Center Hill Sunday niyrht. men who have made the sacrifice: their pictures are to be preserved! in the various training stations of the country.

Secretary Daniels has requested that these photographs be sent to department by the next of kin. As rapidly as these pictures arc service, received copies are made and the lerv of original returned to the owners, formed where he began his career in the There, a memorial gal- honor or corner is so that for all time the A photograph of each man is then faces of the men of the ho forwarded to the trainimi station have made the supreme sacrifice training Flies Never Bother. In the summer worry an animal. Get a bottle of Healing Remedy costa but 50c makes a pint worth Apply it to the wound. Flies will not bother it.

Get it today. You may need it tomorrow. Wo sell it. The Cash Store, Comanche; J. W.

Carter, Hasse, and Stone Trnett, Proftor. Women! Hero is a message to Buffering women, from Mrs. W. T. Price, of Public, suffered with she got down with a weakness in my hack and I felt helpless and bad about given up hopes of ever being well again, when a friend Insisted 1 Take CARDUI Die Tonic I bfgan Cardul.

In KJ a abort while I saw a marked I grew stronger along, and it cured mu. I am stouter than I have been in If you you can appreciate what It means to bo strong and well. Thousands of women give Cardui the credit for their good health. It should you. Try Cardui.

At all druggists. E-73 may be honored by the youths ot the future sent to the station for training. Relatives of men who have been lost in the preesnt war who have not received requests for pictures are asked to mail them to department for this memorial. All pictures should be securely wrap ped after they have been marked with the name, branch of service and training station the young man entered after enlisting. Thest should be addressed to the cruiting Division, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, I).

C. When copied, the photograph will be returned to the sender ith one of the copies. Save a Doctor Bill by keeping Mississippi Diarrhoea Cordial handy for all stomach complaints. Price 25c and 50c. Mrs L.

McCullough Takes Over Colonial. L. McCullough for the past year chief clerk of the Colonial Hotel, has taken over the management of the hotel, assuming charge on July 1st. Mrs. McCullough is well knowyi in the hotel circles, having operated a hotel at Coleimui before coming to Comanche, am) for the past year she has been sit this popular hoist cry.

We pretiict a successful management of the piatte aud a continuance of its excellent service under Mrs McCullough Marketing Hogs beats burying them. Steve Hoover, Mt. Pleasant, writes, feeding my herd of about 100 hogs 14. A. Hog Powder over two monthsc ago.

Fifty wero sick and off feed. Nearby herds had cholera. 1 did not lose one- they arc well and growing For sale by The Cash Store, Comanche; J. W. Carter; liasse, and Stone TVttett, Proctor.

lirove's TaateJeaa chill Tonic vitality ami by puriiyiug aod eo rich lug bkjod. auun feel Streugth- eniug, luvtgoraltug Clfcrt Prk-e Wr Our Confectionery 8 IS Your Confectionery We are in business to serve you in any way we can and aro always glad to do so. Our motto is tq give a little better service than seems necessary. little the best Candies little fresher Ice Cream little better flavored Cold Drinks The very latest Reading Matter at our news stand it is our desire to give you. Bud Bishop Northwest Corner of Square..

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