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Daily Republican-Register from Mount Carmel, Illinois • 2

Mount Carmel, Illinois
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MOUNT CAUMEL PAII.V REPinil.TCAN-REGLSTER. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1821. r.I'AOt,!." FRANKS CASK WITNESSES STATE WORKER 10WDEN LIKELY KIWAN1S CLUBS PLANNING BIG SAYS HIS POTATOES PLANTED EXttLY ARE YIELDING FINE NOW Charles UinderliUr of Lancmder Hond for Erection of Two New Schools Approved by Voters Tht Centralia Sentinel tell of tho approval of bond issues for two new TO BE CHOICE FOR THE VICE was on of the first ones in this pari' of the country to plant potatoes early PROMISES AID FOR WABASH CLUBS Representatives of House-' hold Science Clubs Meet With Miss Sparks. Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F.

A. Fisher, county president of the HouHchold Scionco Cubs of Wabash county, group, of enthusiastic Something of the History of the Organization Is Given. this spring, when ho put them out on St Patficfs day. lie said at the time that he would have some early potatoes, and today ho stated. that his predictions had come true, that on Sunday he dug potatoes from the patch as large as RV Wv 7M The Kiwanls Club International, the gruue hoolH la Ucntriuiu, in me following: With a total vote of 377 for to 177 against on the bond Issue, and 3R4 for to 170 against on the building of a new Kugene Field school, and for to 177 against on building of a new Lincoln" school, tho citizens of upheld the wisdom of the school board in the election yesterday.

A total of 554 votes wa cast on all tho propositions. i Tho bond iswie, which calls for thn Issuance of $60)00 for the purpose of raising the money for the qrection of the two new school buildings, Rives Man Who Came Within Acc of Bcinjr President Fav- ored by Leaders. fa jit (Tnltisl J'rwM CLEVELAND, Juno 9. Frank Or-ron Lowden once cume within he proverbial ace of becoming tha nml-riee of hii party for 'he presidency. That was do longer ago tlmn the lat convention.

All thmuirh the conven nnual convention of which will )te goose eggs, field wvJenvsr leginninf June "VEILED WOMAN- a a composite group of business, pro- MYSTERY CLEARED ifessiotial und ogrlculturak men -de women representing fifteen of the six- AFTER MANY II AYS teen' Household Science clubs of the voted to the, rendering of civic, und I county, met to greet Miss Sparks of roeial servlco to tho respective communities in which tho many local tho extension department of tho state for each PARIS. IlL June (I. N. F.I The "veiled woman" mystery whirh clubs are This International organization is made up of nearly has ptmlcd ParU for several weeks has been ekared up. It all has been traced to paraffin beauty treatment.

l.aui) clubs in that many citl(wof tho United States and Canada, ach of these clubs enjoying self autonomy, uuostlona surtod flying when DOCTORS MEET AND DISCUSS MODERN ILLS university-. Miss Sparks in a "very pleasing "and interesting manner outlined a plan whereby the women of tho county might avail themselves of tho opportunity of having a trained. Worker como here from tho state" university to hold a school of instruction inJIousehold Science economies. It is.n splendid plan and tho members of the club ermsidcr it a great brivile-iro. since the county is so small stylishly dressed Woman veiled so but each functioning in direct con nection with district and international heavily that her features were entirely obeur4 appeared on Paris streets.

-It was learned she was from mlmiidstration. Each dub Is made up of two tit the leaders id each business tion hall, and in hotel corridors, the word wan heard that on the morrow Lowdcri would bo swept across the lino separating a posmhility from a certainty, But there was a hitch a hitch that wai not Lowden'a fault, but that of aome of hia over-enthusiastic henchmen. And on the morrow another was nominated, Since that time, Lowden has been living quietly, triad, if the truth were told, to be out of the fierce limelight of public life. Now his party speaks of him again in connection with the viee-presidency. He will have a strong following in the nationnl convention here for that post and unless his compatriot from Illinois, "Hell und Maria" Dawes Is chopen, Lowden seems to have a (rood chance.

Indianapolil-and was taking treat nml profession in tho city brought together in close association to aid in ments at Paris hospital. and it-is impossible to employ a home Finally it was disclosed that the (rnlti-d l'rV CHICAGO, 111, June Thousands woman was being treated to undo the of noted nhvsiclans and surgeons i mnfp m-enarerlness art in -the sensational Chicngo boy murder work of a "beauty doctor" who had froms all over tha world today at- Thnvo im imnortnnt witnesses in the Franks murder. At the left Inserted paraffin In her face to fill he solution of national, staU and community problems, Kiwanis represents 0' cross section of North American life. It is a mosaic of varied social and economic points of Tho ftit Kiwanis club was or adviser. Following the meeting refreshments of ice cream and bake and iced tola were served by the' lestes," assisted by Helen Berborlch, Olive Fearheilov, Hazel Smith, Bessie Leipold, Katio Schrodt and Ivalu Couch, out Instead of filling out tended the opening of tho annual con- ven Knglund, chauffeur for the Leopold family, who upset tho alibi of the wrinkles, the paraffin fathered in lumps in her face.

The veil was worn to hide, the lamps. vention of ty American mookm as- y'nthan Leopold ly rierlaring young Leopold uia noi ihkc mo wnivs-sociatlon here. JKnipht car out nn the dny of th Franks murder. In tho center is Mrs. The strides of medical anrf Rt right, Edith Hauler, maid in the Leopold houne, who will science during the past year were re-1 testify regarding the typewriter on which tho ransom note was written.

Lowden is a son of Minnesota. He i I showing progress in the In I lift niiiivriiiu iiiwuivnA i vivnoii. ganized at Detroit, Michigan, in January, 1DI5. During the. following yenr, two more clubs were established, one at Cleveland and the at Pittsburgh, la the second year 35 Habitat of BeahSpongea Best sponges are obtained from eight to fen fathoms below the surface of the water.

A Seamy Bark The baric of the tree qulllaja snpcv aria yields a soupy liquid valued for washing woolens. was Porn in jMinrwe Uty, wntcn was dlnlft.ii,- heart, social and othef so named, according to rumor, because prevalent diseases, cvoryhwty who lives there gets up to conferences of specialist RICHLAND WOMAN IS NOMINATED ON clubs were established and In the third year more clubs were added to the groups will bo held doily durinir the week of the, convention. The in dustrial workers will dcrivo much Read the Republican-Register wan ads. You will be surprised at the list, so that on January 1, l'J18, there were 73 clubs. At the time of the Birmingham convention in 1919, there Read tho Republican-Register want ads.

You will be surprised at the hiir opportunities yon find listed there. benefit from the special sessions on in NATIONAL TICKET bitr opnprtnnit.iM yon find listed there. dustrial diseases. In one meeting the wero im clubs' with about 15,500 DELEGATES EACH STATE WILL HAVE AT CONVENTION Wins Second Place On Prohibition Ticket for the Fall Campaign. Following is the number of delegates each stuto will have in tho Re members.

Two years Inter, at the doctors will discuss modern methods of resuscitation after poisoning in modern indurtries, as among hoto who work with storage butteries and other apparatus in which lead is used. time of tho Cleveland convention in Jurw, 11)21, there were B33 clubs with a membership of 47.070. the Detroit Lady Tells Wins Second Place on Pro-. hibition Ticket for the Fall Campaign. clubs convened at Toronto in June, Facts in Her Case Vj'22, there were 802 clubs and 010 members in the International or Mfss Marie C.

Brehm, former Olney woman and a niece of the late Captain William Rhode, will lie on tho na ganization. At tho time of the Atlanta convention in 1923, there were "Indigestion Made Life Mis clubs and members. To publican convention opening tomor-1 how at Cleveland. day there are 1,250 clubs and over members. Delegntes and se tho sun come up.

Just to keep his middle western viewpoint on straight, Lowden 'attended Iowa University and there contracted a habit of leading his classes that followed his to Union low college in Chicago. He was valedictorian at both institutions, which speaks something for the character of his scholarship and his ability to buckle down, to work. The law and good government have always been Lowden'a hobbies, lie also likes blooded cattle and farming in all its phases. Ho practiced law for a good many years, finding time also to teach it at Northwestern University. He mnrried in 181MJ, Florence Pullman, daughter of the man who headed the Pullmun Car company.

Lowden served in the house in the K9th, BOth and fllst congresses, and was a member of the Republican national committee from 1904 to 1012. was one of tho executive committee that conducted the national campaigns of and 1908. In 1917 he elected governor of Illinois serving until 1921. has one of the most pleasing personalities in public life. He combines dignity with geniality.

He makes a good speech, and has a fully erable; I Was Nervous, Weak and Depressed Tanfac Ended Troubles." tion, njid I felt nervous, weak and depressed. My sleep wns resiioHs, my head and body achy and my energy had about all left me. "Since Tanlac has ended my troubles and made, me well and strong again, I believe I am one of the happiest persons in the world. I now rejoice in a wonderful iCppoti to, peace-ful nerves, a fine complexion and splendid health. Tanlac has yarned my life-long praise." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists.

Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. State Alternates. Alabama i 32 Arizona IS Arkansas 28 California 58 Colorado 30 Connecticut 34 Delaware 18 "I simply wouldn't trade, my good The name "Kiwanis" is a coined word. The real meaning to it has come through tho constructive unselfish work of Kiwanians.

The motto, of tho organization, "We Build," is an expression of tho spirit of Kiwanis. Modern anoiithesia and the use or electricity in medicine are on the pro-grams. Some time will be devoted to the study of ethylene, an antithetic whiA has been in use for a little more than a year. Patent medicines will come in for a rap in the display showing the comparative prices of proprietary and non-proprietary remedies. Quackery in the profession is to be combattcd by pamphlets and books to be distributed by the association.

The world known figures on the programs nro: Dr. Leonard, Findlay, Glasgow; Prof, lleinrich Finkelstcin, Berlin; Prof. Kail Gramen, Stockholm; Dr. Harvey J. Howard, Peking; Dr.

Louisa Mar-tindale, London and Dr. Claudo Ke-guad, Paris. Dr. Reguod is director of the Radium institute of the University of Paris, with which Madame tional ticket next fall for vice-president of the United States, says the Olney Pajly Mail. Miss Brehm was nominated by the national prohibition convention at Columbus, Friday.

Farls of Clinton, was nominated for president. Miss Rrchm became a member of Captain Tthode's family when he lived at Clareniont. Rhe became a lecturer for the W. C. T.

in 1891 and became noted as a temperance and woman's suffrage lecturer. In I'JM health for a fortune," recently as serted Mrs. Jennio Shirk, 1538 West Klrby Detroit, in speakini? Of what the Tanlae treatment has been worth to her. LEGION MAY BE "About three years ajro indircstion ASKED ASSIST Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa .1 20 30 22 .122 60 '58 40 trot such a firm hold on me that it made life miserable. My meals, although very light, were always fol sho was elected; a member of the permanent temperatico committee of tha Teniae Vegetable Pills for constipation made and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac.

Adv. rt'nltort HAYWOOD. 111.. June 9. The lowed by gas pains and heart palpita Presbvtenan general assembly, Kansas When the new board of temperance American Legion posts and auxiliary organizations throughout the state and moral welfare was created by tho Cume, co-discoverer of radium, is associated.

Prof. Finkelstein is ona of assembly she was placed on that developed mind that works on all may be called upon to assist in financing an addition to the greenhouse they erected at the United States Vet hoard. Kentucky 54 Louisiana 20 Maine 30 Maryland 38 Massachusetts 78 Michiiran 00 1 Miss Brehm i has been a delegate cylinders when he tackles a problem. Lowden is fond of outdoor life. He ia 63 years old.

erans' hospital here. to temperance conferences in London, I at The Hague. Milan, Italy, and in line present unit affords the. pa tients in the hospital a great deal of 1913 delivered an aauress 10 tne world's Sunday school convention at pleasure because of the light work in the greenhouse, but the unit is far too TEETH SAVE WOMAN FROM BEING SLAIN Zurich, Switzerland. small, it is pointed out, and in order that all men in the hospital may bo benefited, an addition should be built.

Europe's foremost authorities on the diseases of children. Tho Convention was officially welcomed to Chicago by Mayor William E. Dover, iVesident L. C. Taylor of the Illinois State Medical Society, President Archibald Church of -the Chicago Medical Society and Dr.

Willia mAllen Pusey, president-elect of the American Medici Association. Radio tnitead of Exercise Jud Tunklns says when bo wns i boy ho always followed tho bnis bonds. Now lie sits quietly at luim with a radio outfit and lets the uiul hunt him up. Washington Evenin Stur. Virginia 34 Washington 34 West Virginia 38 Wisconsin 1 58 Wyoming 18 Alaska 4 District of Columbia 4 Hawaii 4 Porto Rico 4 I Philippine Isolnds 2 Minnesota 54 Missouri 78 Mississippi 24 Montana 22 Nebraska 38 Nevada 18 Nv Hampshire 22 New Jersey 02 New Mexico 18 New York North Carolina 44 North Dakota 20 Ohio 102 Oklahoma' 46 Oregon 20 Pennsylvania ,158 Rhode! Island 4.

.26 Sootlf Carolina 47.J.i'..S22;r" KEWANEE, June 9 (I. N. The teeth of Mrs. Dragana Mile-senvich, a boarding house keeper, saved her life. When a robber was about to shoot her in an attompt to obtain her money, Rhe clapped the teeth down on his trigger finger.

He dropped his revolver and fled, screaming with pain. Origin of Bride' Cake TI10 bride's cako of twiny Is a rell of a Roman custom. At a Itomnn mni Han the brldo was expertetd to pri pare pnrt nt lenst of the weddln fust with her own hands. T. Diltermnt 1 9- 20 i asittadnk seven davs," ald ncle WMetttttV It In amooth"imrt'of work Ht ttes ip do time." Waaliluijioii Star.

MflonhMrwn-Reslster warn art Like Children riThe plaintiff and the defendant ln lawsuit may be like two boys ducking their heads In a tub of water each during the other to remain under the longest. South Dakota Tennessee Toxns TUV. 54 40 Xtor DOl lGi 22 A- mil erniont 22 kj poiips ana I AYERS WITH KIN; FATHER OF BOY IN CRUEL MURDER Lhoivders YOUTHFUL CHICAGO, KIDNAPER-SL VICTIM, AND EVIDEC TTlTCHEN toy Service 'EASURE the value of the Stanldard Oil IV1 Company (Indiana) gasoline service by 4 the year by each individual purchase or by the life of your motor. Li When you have all the factors involved, you will admit that for dependability and convenience thi3 service is unequalled by that rendered by any other organization, pro-dudngammoditiesenteringintoyourdailylifi. Dependability io the essence of Standard Oil Company (Indiana) service.

You may buy the products of this Company with the complete assurance that they are of uniformly high standard of quality no matter where or when you get them. 4 For convenience, Standard Oil Company (Indi-" ana)gasoline service is conceded be Its trim, efficient, fully-stocked stations meet the motorist at every turn on highways 1 The scope of Standard Oil Company (Indiana service is broad and comprehensive. Manu- facturei? of motor cars, trutks and tractors find this service convenient and dependable, and most of the large plants in the ten states served by this Company find it profitable to utilize the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) as a source of supply. The service isofvaryingtypes-ffom tank car deliveries to factories, tank wagon deliveries to 1 farmers, and others having storage facilities, to small deliveries at service stations all are made with infinite care and extreme efficiency. The reliability of Standard Oil Company (Indiana) service and the high Suality of its prod- ucts is admitted by alL.

They lengthen ihe life of your motor lower your operating cost minimize fowir repairs and increase yopr pleasure in driving. i lh matter where you may be, every service ofthe. Company with whom you may come contact, will regard it as a privilege to be per mitted to serve you. Service of meStandard Oil Company (Indiana) recognizes no obstacles and admits of no delay it is where you want it, when you need it, and as you can best use it Standard Oil Company (Indiana) Geaerxl Office: Standzrd Oil Building S10 Co. Lficbiisa Avcsus, Cfciccb J54S Made from fresh vegetables.

Gives rich 1 flavor, color and taste to all home cocking. Onion Soup I tablespoon Kitchen rWtqtH-r krpe onions: 1 tabfcspoon finrfy minced carrot; tb)espin. butter. 5 tnblcspoons flour; ptnta boiling water; salt arW vriet taste; 1 bouillon cubes: cup thin cream, Peel and parboil onions for rmnutea. drain and chop fine, place In saucepan uh carmf and bmiet and simmer 5 minutes.

Ada flour, stir end add boiling mer a. It and pepper and cook slowly a half hour. Strain, add bouilU cdbt and stir until dissolved. Add Kitchen Bouquet and cream Place several piece toast in tureen pourover soup and serve i on. Mock Terrapin Soup Bofl 1 poundjof calf Uvt sell water for half an hour; add smoU herbs; 6 grains of pepper; one teaspoonful cloves; a few slices of onion, carrot, eta.

When the vetetNes are done, take them out and mash by putting them through a colander Mie a Spanish sauce by frying bacon; put into the fot a tittle of onion. 6 peppers, two eprlgs celery, one-half cup tomato and cook brown. Make a paste of ona teaspoonful of tfalad oil. a volU of hard boiled egg. dust of csyenna pepper, make mtp small halls.

rul thue Into Spanish sauce, then put the sauce into the soup. When they come to the top, skim them out. Add I teaspoonful Kitchen Bouquet Pur in the tureen a slice of lemon, and pour fa) the soup, then cut the calTi liver into email bits andaddfc. Savory Chowder 1 teaspoonful Kitchen Bouquet I qt diced rav potatoes chipped beef; 4 tablespoonfuls butter; I tupful corn; rnedium-elzed onion, chopped fine; smell piece of mlprpper; 1 yi cupful hot milkj cupfula not water, Put butter, onion, meat and some of the pete Mi- V. i i- -1 i 7 eWBTr Is i 1 mtP 71 Citft ITanrhtf ftr tLme Ceokmi 1 toes tne saucepan ana try golden crown then add hot water and the rest of the pota toes and pepper.

Stwlowly till done, about; 1 hour. If one uses biwi com. acorc down tha rows of kernels and scrape out the inside. Cook this in a little water separately, being careful net to scorch It. When the other mix.

runs Is done, edd the hot milk. corn. Kitchen -Bouquet and salt to taste. Let boil tip once and serve hor with crackers. SPECIAL OFFER: Mtebfae mtimr rntbai ttm I I KITCHEfl BOUQUET, IatS Nathan E.

Leopold, and Rich-fird confessed kidnapers and slayer, ef 14-year-old Robert Franks, art twn above in tho large photograph as they appeared in Judge Cav- erly's court in Chicago. With thorn are Jacob Loeb, uncle of one of the prisoners, and Nathan fi. Leopold, miltonaire father of tho other. Jacob Loeb is at the left, next to young Leo pold, and the1 elder Leopold la at the njrht. Tho inserts show the murder victim's brother and father, Jacob Pranks, and the clothing of the murderers and the shoes and, socks of the Franks B23 Fifth AewuMi NnrY 5 Hl It.

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