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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 12

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WANT CANADA AISO TAKE OYER RAILWAYS Two Toronto Papers Urge Fol- lowio( 5. Exajcrtple. TOaOKTO, Dee. IT Comment- ma aa United Statoe BaUenaliatuaa ef ran waya the Globe aays editorially todayl Canada cannot las behind the DaHod States la the ercaniaatlea ef her military raaoirroaa Thin country moat keep abreast ot the tlmee la ererythlnar that ntakoe tor areatar eiaciaacy la the oarrylaa- ea of the r. The an mention at the traae- portaUoa fkctlttlea at Urn boantaloB la ealled for aow that the United States Government has takea aver the railway of the republic -raa auunoauoa of the Canadian railway eyeteea, rather Xbaa aa la ereaaa at railway rates hch ss that authorteed yeatardmy by the railway ursed by the Olebe from the atand-aoint ef national economy aad em-el en cy war time.

"Vanadk moot follow." ears the Toronto World editorially, -We ne 'e tnat our frienda to the Benin who are always too slow to aot, but do a Job thoroafhiy whoa they are driven to It, wUI eleaa up the whole railway akoatloa. They aes that private ewaerehlp aad operation have attorly tailed. ror yeara Ita locompetencr waa mere or Ma at a Joke, bat now to teeunoT time of a treat war a develops tat a tragedy. -ia aaorv pueite ewaerehlp aad oration of rail wave thrauetjont the entire leafth aad breadth ef the United Stat at wUI oooa ha aa ao. eompHahed fact, Boer lour Shan private awaeranip eurvrre 1 JUDGE WQR'S DATES FOR ATFEAIS PONTIAC Hoa.

Mr. Jasttos Wetr. of Mon treal, wlU aUrt hearmc appeals under the Military Berrtee Aot ta UUm4 a. th, and isth at Jaanary next ore aneat eevoiio apnea It from that nelshaorhood to be beard, An mob ae tho eehodutes ere reedy for- Quyon, ShawvUle, Campbell's Bay, Port Coalonsa aad Vule Maria, other datao will ee Sxod far th neanaa; ox taom. UNOKDAINTDFREAOL UnwlUiTtG, BUT BJUST CO TOBONTO; Oaa, It lames (he mora intereethw ease to Sonne be fore tba demotion Aepaal flenrts st Twerits remeraB- was that of Joha J.

Bofjorta, aa Bnordeined aa- tnaat pester at? the Weatora Cob-arasatlsaal Ohonm who aekeS rnptioa aa She aroaajS at reUrloee teBcsa, te amaitvoa the feet that ma fasner Bcntin la the ranve. hie contention acinar that ha amiai be ad mors wee ta th koya at ttie rroat ay remwniinj The ease aaane aafora Mr. luatuia Ku4ooh and ovea She atmUcaM's pMaeews pot in eome wrench at the Sereteo ether hes satins; Beat eras rerun 4. The coort wnXded shaf he asset serve in whatever kranwh of the mrrtc an minury required Mm. 10AI1 THE WEATHER IN' "TH NbXJ DONT rr Dominlo Meteorological Ser-Tloe, Toronto, Dee.

J7. Tora-cajat Light snow toaJfkt aad rridaj. The weather tiae been oaV and de cidedly eoid from Ontario to th Maritime Provlnoea. but a ahalloer depiwmioa aooormpanlo by eome aste meal anowfalta has now moved Into the ink reaton front th westward. It hae ecnUnutf vary sold la the west with" enow in some oat hern seetlans of Saakstehewaa and Amerta.

Tk Jooraat attDdard tritrmoni- tor at noon reclaterodr two dtprtit aoore aero. rAsaJCXaKR AOKXT DEAB. enOSTTtWAt Oes. STMla S. MoSmt, Oasadina rsMtnair.

scaat of She D. A H. Ry, ned earn neattt at aw reeideaoe ill Part are, mis elty. Ha eras years of ka nra.aMtTKir. HAatHJTOK, Oat.

Das. eTer its ret time ta tko klatory at the ally aa ate saembers at th hoard at a trot, elty eeaaeil, heard ef education and oeueiola eohool boerae aoreyeav terday re.eleotad oy eonlaanatlna, trMOtrg woKnax liANonAOMs. jnw K. Sbudy of iorelaa kieiatam la tk tmuitatma sckeot of th etts he IIiiiiu- tlsved armr Fetimsry and or a deoleloa te idled the Board at BdnioaUott at a ateetlin last nirhc WhUe etmlylna; eeuaUy ta aat lanwaaa-aa, Oenmas wt be affoatod ematey kttaimt akeut SI per oent ot ehlMrea ta 1mtatary rmdee ern are atoaytne; seraict In ter- oOKaTRnor incw ovzira SATJiyr bTB. MAKIB.

Oat, Dee. IT. Tho Aoma atetl Oospara-lloa kas starud eenetractloa work oa tS new br-aroduot oke orens for the eaanu factor ot tar, aoke, ammonia, beaaale. Mlwotet, Th new event will be amillary eo thoee now la operation, and will la-creaee the eatpn. per oent.

More order for masJUens trill he Ink en whoa work is completed neat atldrummer. WAas ErDtnrnuza tun rowim. i WASJKlNOTOJf, Tms. FUb sra ketae ererked ewt by the War rndosanes Board, soma at which ready have booa hat kite effect ta uffala, by trhlch there trial a -UlotMbatloa of available power eo Utenmtries resarded as of laeeer mnorlaaee the war" proeramm thall reeoive their power at times v-hen It la aot needed ay eoaesi norklnoT directly on war orders. Te tome eatenf also the amount of power rot elect by lb laduatrtee of leas importance, Bumeerms aaoat I lit.

arm bo curtailed, bat was lu. UU WAS Wu Jm. la ardor that th whole city mlrht FROMIUM TO SS BEST SHOW. Tk Eastara Oatarta Foultry thow. which wUI he held her ea Janaar II ta II.

BTomlata to be the beet ever held In Ottawa. Mr. Oeorae Mlsmaa. and the eoeamit- tee la aharce have beea huetlln. aitd nave aa the aicimeiy arranae- i'tnt well la band.

Th enow will held in that part ef Howiek Bail r.loh formerly hoased tho poultry fall aad winter enow. To the saadliaaT ef entri, Mr, W. O. act eon. eeorolary, haa moved hi of floe from Carp, and will, after today, be located at th City Hall, where prlsa lleta and full Intorana-liea may be obtained, amtriea oioos Jaaaary tu wuKrnam or tbwcbtbs.

In tetter received today hyUr. i H. airtsa, 111 Percy street, from hi soa Cecil, dated Pee. 1. he taysi tnadian election start today, and "he boye have keen makine eoeoches ind eollcltlny votea, loot the atra as home.

Shore ere tol( bit mee from aow till Dee. IT, whea a polee eloee. Of ooura tkeva jnly eat emy fra aa tnwnt trr ar sme ta envoi' owreultee, and I rem the eoldi-re' vote will earry too oiectioa. "Utr's hi op inc. A NO PTE.

B. IIAXWELl SERVED THREE YEARS i THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917 11 BSINOina UP FATHER -By Q0BO McMliTTJI. ACCIDENTAL tkttorraaa Tcllf Corooer't Jury He Wai Soundbg BeJL X(ililnir th verdict re-torned by th lory empanelled to aeaulr tote the death Mr Urdu Morrlaen. of lAarentiaa View, who 41 a tow momnt after track braftHwIlt Britannia 11a 0, Uo Bi-ht December Hth. The vtdnc ef error! wlt- ii wma take br Coroner oral.

and it mads clear that, vklto the window the ear woro fronted 1 1 xft 7 oyr too tvorf never tA It A to Mk a war that tho rlaw st th1 tinim tu abstracted, thaw. la th front afforded tk motormaa a alear view tho rlht of way. Dr. 1. B.

Klotx. who perforated tho poet-mortem examination, reported that death ww caeed br InJurloa tho arenna of Uo cheat. followlnf ompreeeloa at tk troat vail of tho cheat. IMfoaDO Cherboaimaa. Holland annuo, moeormnn of tho ear which track the woman, aai ho aMr her areeelna- tko tracho when ka waa ap- proaahtn HHIoob annua, sou na Huu.

hat oho did wot appear heed It, lure In and ajons tho track 4a froat of tho oar. Ho applied hie emerxeoey braka, bat ooutd wot atop before trlkin; her. A oooa a th ear aeopped, ho roah-t uh body, which had booa ap ea the platform. Bo ealled tho eondwetor, and ator beokinc ap the ear. tho taw, with a Mr.

Davmaon, doeldod to romov too victim to tho homo of Dr. Neteoa, bat later cenaldered that thai waa too far, and too her to nearby reeldaaee. wOera ho toft her. ta the oar of eoadeotera Richer aad Dubey. Tko wltneat oald ko waa tmvelXnc at a rata at from 1 to II mllee aa hour.

Be declared that the front window waa of deabla (laas, aad that It waa aat fromed; halt ot the erae ctlone la front of the ear woro eno exnaM laa, and ware wot treated. lawoa Rloher, Botollor street, eonductor at the ear, eorreboraled tho evidence of the motormaa. relit Laionde, ft Merloa street aad John Shore, I Roaa etreet, motormaa and eonduetoi, nv vt-deaea rrdlnj the part played la tho fatality by tho 'Jitter" erew whleh they oomprlaod. i Florence Preach. 41 HamUtoo are, a paneenrer on tho ear.

eald tho motormaa waa rlnsint the belt lood- ry before the ear etopped. She oald the wladowe were fronted to ouoh aa extent that ehe could aat aee where they were at the lima. The oar waa aot travalllnc at a teat rata. Similar evidence waa ftlrea by Ethel French, a eleter at the pre-etouely earned wltneaa. tobu T.

MorrleoB, haehani of the deceamd, tettlfled that her bearlaf and ereelrht were food. Archibald Oarldeoa, Weethoro, who (ot oft the traok to lot ear ll paaa, did net oaa the woman anlU after the aeotdoDt. Other wltneeeea woret Lionel Hunter, It Wllorad otreet, aaf) Henry Pitta war. aparha atraet. Alf EICREASED JBAJORjTT FOX KLTER OF JUSTICE UOHVKMAU Wie rv tarnmf alhcera emdai count of the votea eaat la the ganeral eteetlon aa the lalaml ef Montreal, eo tar at aaaetiaeed, roducee several aajort-tlea and adda to the majorities ot Hoa.

3. Doherty, Mlaleter ef JntUoe, and A. Ledae, who defeated Hoa, Albert Sevlray. MlBlater at In. Mad Iteveaao, the latter koine given nearly thoaeaad lnoreaaa, "ollowlnr are the official Btajort ties, as far aa made kaowat Weetmoant-at.

Kanryt JL tadwa, t.Itt ever Uea. A. evKny: St. Ann 'el Hon. t.

Dhertye majority ever Dr. I. J.eOuerln, 1, It, and aver Dan Oallery f.Olt. Oeorre xuoaae Cartlert Jaroh'e atalerUy aver Dr. Bornter, Lit.

A LaurlrrOatremontl P. R. Da. Trmblay8 majority ever Bob, K. Blondm.

a.4t. 8t. Anteinai Sir H. B. Amea majority ever Alderman Uuehloa, III.

St lAWronoo-M. Ooartai Bon. C. Bella ntyne'a majority over W. Mann, 1,414.

Meleonneavet Rob, Redelphe lomleax'a majority O. U. Cahan, K. C- 4.411. Tho flyurea tor Jaoquea Cartior nave aot aeon announced yet.

noomraur jntomOTKix tTAaTONOTOM, roee. Vt. Amene; Tortp-aavea otwooia at tho enpeaj. Oonary forces recommended tor promotion by Oenorel Perth In 4a a Hot made puhao yeeiianmj hy the War Pnartment kt Siaond ilant. Arhol- B.

HonoereM, aca of HoeeoweK. la aUncy of tnfontry, VICTORY Ptymenri du on January ths 2nd mty mtds it any Cms to and Including Uanuary the 11th. Scrip Csrtincatst will be delivered in xchang for payments then due. Payments due' Jannary the 2nd mutt be made at the Bank branch rrmntioned in application. "'i:" The extenaion of time to January the 11th I olven for the convenience of Mbttvtbera and Banks to that aubacribera will not unduly detained waiting their turn at a Receiving Teller's wicket, as would most likely be the ease If all pay-ments had to be made en one day only.

Subscribers should not wait until January the 11th, or a day or to before, and tfiut create the situation sought to be avoided. In every case, Interest at the rate of five and one half per cent per annum from January the 2nd must be paid if payment la not made on or before the 11th. cj For the convenience of eubserlbers, by arranoement ef the Canadian Bankers' Association, Banks will remain open on the evenlnos of Thursday and Friday, January 3rd and 4th, and on the afternoon of Saturday, January the Bth. Evening hours 7.30 to 9.3a Saturday afternoon from until o'clock. It been brought to the attention of Finance De.

partment that, a considerable number of subscribers, who Ksve deposits with tinU, are under On Impression that their r.i4i 'i t-i-e tare of their January pymnts by uto-' i cwuntswiaithetiecesttry i ia t. Each and every subscriber must personally a i f. t' psymens. T.aCOVILLE,- Detany sr.mittsr ef Fbwmbb, Ottawa. Boy Operated on Five Times For Wounds.

litis Private Clinton B. Maxwell, aoa of Mr. Robert 1. H. Maxwell, butcher, sit Bank street, bas returned home attar aervlrvs three years aad four montho wHh the Canadian Bspaditlenary Force.

After Ave operation th medical authotttee finally decided Maxwell waa phyateally anflt for further sortie ta the trenches, deeplt his per. eiatent reenoats to Do allowed te re turn te France. Private Maxwell ealieted with the nth Ucbt Mora, Saskatoon. turn at, 1114, and waa wounded at 'ho second battle of Tore. In April.

till. Ia th eprlns- ef 1114 fca wae Invalided home to Canada, hut Bot- wlthataadlne hla Injuries volna-teered for sorviee aeraln fa Ancuat, ill. This time he tot as tar as Havre where no waa turned, back by the meaioni authorities. The Maxwell family has a decidedly patriotic record In She preeent conflict. Beawoa Pt.

CUntaa Maxwell hla two other brothers ot military are are aow eervtnr; with the Canadian fore ta France. They are Private Oeorr aad Alfred. raXiSD BT AOCbAMATIoW. BROCBTVTIJ.B. Ont, Dee.

IT. Taoancies ea the boards of public ana eeparate sonooi tract were ftlttd eat ei day by acclamation, HOT FIGHT snUhn8EaX WINDSOR, Oat, Dee. IT. Mayor unarm K. fsob will not yet aa aoclejnatloti as was xpoeted.

Parka ii mm oner. H. w. wiatoa. baa entered th anajroraJty cooteet and not nam on.

WHeoa annhwad eecond met yaar a tratatulss tush. EIGHT MKUCAXa KIIXHDV -MARFA. Texaa. Dm If-Birtt bandit were killed Tueodav whea riere asm Amarleaa eHitrniM red ett hand of Mexican raMere altar the Mealeana had kiHod Meohaoi Welch, arivwr ef a Dmved tatas moil and ttde twe Mexican pemomore and had looted (he I. o.

ante etor at canaemra, Tex This eras th cfAomt report recerr-4 her yeeterday. kooroa idu. TORONTO. Das. Dr.

R. Mop. Turner Is under arrest ea a chart of atanaiaasaler la eoaneotloa with th death of Marion atone, wht joouudor at oetmrat UoooMeJ fallewtat aa al1yd pratloa. The doctor Is confined te St Mlchael'e koepltkl safforlB; from blood sole-Snlnc and his eoadlUoa said te ho i- fa HAldTAX VtVTTJt. TOAONTa Da.

IT That Dr. T. Ia Bocaa we one at the TictVmt ot the Halifax ensmtloa feared hv hd hretner. O. M.

Hoaan. 111 State rt, ASmnr, M. Tj wrltee that ate brother lent Xvlcceton. N. T.

far Hatatas ea December I and baa aot alno been heard at. Mr. Hoaa haa beea te BAUfas aad spent eeverai days la searchine ant ooBMej over aae seat, wecnout result. OBITTJAJtY. LATS) BTOA COCTIiIARiV, 1 fBSowlaf aa epmHea of her ran.

Bit ihnrna Coulllara. th one- year-old daashtor ot Mr. end Mrs. John Coutltera, died la A local hoa-pltat very aaddanlyi Th funeral waa held from the late reeideaoe of her rrandfather, II Electric street. N.KL.

te Beeohwood lotiietory. aervloe nem eondacted by Rev. Mr. Xbla- SSaV- UnKArMtEK'; Mortimer Bom Fraeor, here at Orenvllla. Que aad dor a Mnmer of year A reetdeat ef Ayhmer, Qaa, died at Wlnaipee- aa Dec IS after a short Ulneaa.

Ke waa II years eld and am a member of the Maoonle order. ken beea a real dent ef Wutnloes for the mat five year, and I survived by ten brother aad Sve latere. Th tuaeral took pla la Wlaalpev ea Baturday. Deo. 41, aad tree ooodected br Be.

A. MaclAaa. ef St. Oilaf Proebyterl charah. latTC BTBtJI); 'Of laa dartre da Stack.

II roar 6d anushter ef Mr. Jaenoa Stack, formerly of Douslae, Ont- new a prosper, eo tanner ot Mot her lite la aa automobile konlaoat at As eulth. BeaJu, reoenUy. -I Mia Stack waa a eoaeol teacher, 1 with overt premlte ot a moot one.

ooeafal career. Beiac of a wriaht aa ealal mepoelUoa ah wlU I really aliased by all her friend aad taeootetea Bed doe her par ante, atx later aa nor Brother earvlve. Lula, tachiay 'at Semana Saak. Irene, teaching at Barrye Bay, Ont. Nellie, taatln at Del many, Saek-l Clara, atteadlnr naktoa.

Normai Scheoli Catberlaa, Marnret, Joke, em en Thome, and Barmoad. at bomn The yunrJ waa very larye-ly atteaSed. Th aahoot ahlldrea ot Betmat School, where deoeaatd taasht. arora all aremnt at the aer- Tic and eooapied ta froat eeata la th church. Beejulem Huh was lbratd hy Be.

Father Tea-Hnord. The pallbearers were Stack, Jamea B. Slack, Joaeph Oan- nnn, Tbemns Decline, Robert Kentlo. and Dunce MrTavleh. The Sinl end, spiritual efierias I 'I; i -'v "i PTE.

431 B. MAXWETX, FJRST CONSIDERATION TO NEEDS OF CARADA The third extra of the Ci OaxeU. (ins the detejhi of tk order eovtrlny Usenet nc of deal ere ta fmk. The order otateai That the lioenee fee tor a wkmM-sala aah Uoenae pAyaM by any per- tcd la th wncleaaJo Salt Inula am Is Canada urine" the twerro awaths lmmdutly nor tk let daf January. Ills, ehall 111 when th vara of the Osh djoaK ta does not exceed per The license fowls recreated 111 per 1100 value ef fits, handled to 1100.001 aad II tor each 10l- SOS thsreaftsr.

Th order proridea that la the eat ef a dealer or firm navlna more than on store la eperaUoa, the head office ehall pay the atmr lie-one aad all ether etoree ehall pay a lice nee fee ef It for eaok branch. Tn ersar atatesi "That all por-sens llooaead asder thia order shall live primary eonaidaraUoa to th requirement at th Canadian eonsum- inc market, and the Feed Controller may eaaoe tho Uoenae of any per-aoa who has refused to fill a lerltl-mat aad reasonable order from a Canadian wholeeale distributor or from a Canadian retailer la good financial "That each Uoenae holder ehall send, en or before the fifteenth day or aaon meata, to tae ooa control-Mr, monthly return ot th parchaeee and ealee ef flah made br awab u. eoaa holder tor the preoedlnc eai- THBK TKABS JM RLWCBJI. MONTR At- Dan. IT.

IJant Col O. B. MoOuaiy of th nth Royal Hicheandera of Canada, 0. a F. Is enpeoted to arrrr ia this to-day ea tick, leave, aad he WlU tire a warm reception by th local military and friend.

has been mora thin thro year ta ranee ant jriaaawra. TjfCRXASS) BEEB, OCTFTTf. LOHDON. Daa. IT.

TAaad Controller haa laeaed ta order per-mittlnc breerara to laereaas their recent eutpat by It per oent. bt the iret auerter of th new ran Th order also permits aa additional la-ere II 1-1 per tor brewer supplytntN. "neoeeeltou mnniUoa DT aVWUfB. 7 QTJBUra. Oat, Daa.

IT. Of the II moa amniaated ea Monday tor their ojiakaiaaloa papare, and thews era Brain iTJiavly deutm'ed eleoted by aeetemoojo. Mayer Oeha KteeUtl la BOtrar anad tjy SS anenau uwvea tiawta. tRNAnt CXTF DBAD. tfORTtl TAX1MA, Wash.

Doe. IT. Milnahika ordof ot ha Tahem Indiana, deed Taeamny. He la a of vte old us ef Owrfci ehlft ana atneo tne tribal relatione of tn Taklm have beea broken ha th laot of their Okie Ho we wheat ss years aidw MATOtt laABrnM'B AJTSAIa 'afCMTRBAI IT. Mayor Maderts Martla haa taoaed a New Tear' mieeac ta wMch ha aa tba hop that the rases sohposinej thA pemwilaaJoa, a( UMUmohwCaAriUejwye march haac hand." Farther, ads warshlai aTi "It la tba tntoreot st en and all-t ttv united, and to avoid) a dleetneion and eoeatlena ef nationality and) all satiieota ef dls-oraV Te thia end am ear eKorts sktaUeT Me BALdFAX Bt4'B HALIFAX SMU Doe.

tret asMnesI temt Sv hamtred at totally aotad. aad on melertty at dran. Sir ederkt her one Helena attiae anil CommiUeex Umatee that a fkMed ef provid accemmedXiea and ooi table tl'eaneraj lor euaee www i a owe MAM arm air Frederick aVecer ear be nonea na rvw wntiew i(ee w4ll aeetveey rotmired. weenea aoa otuearea aoa toteiiy poroaHy belad a a raooM a nrieeaa aa lealna ma at JINGO IDEA REVIVES IN GERMAN PAPERS Are BoAitina About CKnched Tit It ead Hard Blows. Doe.

IT. A asocial aakia to the Mall and Bmplr under data of Rotterdam, Deoemher II. any! "It Oermanv'a OotpomiaMu. reoud praw ta any way reflected in mwoa ar the people, then there was Bohln avod-wtu or recon-elllatloa ta their rjhriatmna fl actio ne. Th eootraet with hut yr at strlkrn-.

Th Oermen OMMimmI hul acrvceo- ont a Irieadly band toward tt "eo aan wae Bllln th world with shout of II deelre for 'an konornble Now there la not evee a lili. mm ia. u. Morahl write la th Taxeblatt: TAter a la the vat, as we have done a the eoath end eaat, we ehall alince. aa a i .1.

CKnched Bete and hard blew will be our anmrw to th epeeobee of tk Bnaileh -rn taernaarcar Flraandentdatt says: We andereund what Imdon-eerft means when ha ya to aot talk: about peace. We' nnder-staad at aUll mar nearly whea we hn An. a-a 1- there that they ehould be tnrncd. were cue atapendou aeaieioa in enu worm warwm bo amana tm I task Be before an Bnylaad knows www i nvr, oat in lOOI- mh prtde ahe ehalleneo 'Ia weakened will for 'wlo-tory, BOtwlbhetaad ln oar dapriva-Uen, any aha Koolnlaeh Volk-seltanaj, oaa look forward to -thoa wilt Bnylleh and French taol- bmvimw do oronen. "One or two Boclahet aews- aeinet the revived Jin pUK." ek.


IMnw. Oea. Vlotor WUhAma, a prloooer. prevlooaly at Cktosthal. ha been moved ta Rddelberc, Baden.

Lieut. t. a a.Ma m. aa a pneonor at XBiar, Mow. BnatmindaB, sad prtee.

Table Sale of Crepe Blouies Ladles' lray Blouses ot eropa de diiae, noon end lad. Thsy ere torokea Hnes aad ere reel bajfin. Vain te rriday and Saturday Tailored Silrt WsJsU of white plqae sad repp. Neatlr bumps wHa. s) eoBTerlSble noIIr aad buttoned ttiS, Utatl priee ILfiQ.

Friday sad Saturday 919 Ttflored' Wtaitnt figj weigt Teajtitar and no lsSCD Yii. cf 43. In a One-Day Sale at Jkm wtfaordlaary ons-day offering of tUs fnttrvorntMs ftbrk for nvSos' and ehfldrca. drraaMt ead triraTrnja. Silk brash pUa, bast WsmU's dra, hi mk waoioxl ataades Bs Ihnrfe TbJs fferiaf; prtsaiim lees thaa Btsaaf totartt eoat, ror tVklay a-taTdny Mos ttrny.

keBBWtwal IsVIpWbww BMee Betrera MORI FARMER EXEMPTED BT JUDGE MACTAVLSU Wedneeday was fanner' aAy" at the Central Appeal Board, preaided avar by Jadaw MaoTavlah. Farmeru who proved their claim, wore exempted. Th axppeeJe heard yesterday ware dmpoaed of as follow: HARBY BHB1BHAW, farm hvborer, BrRaanta Helfhta. emDted wbtfe en raxed In asri cultural work. JOHN.

A. BRADU5T, II, farmer, StltbwIH. Bxampted: THOMAS 143MOLNB. II, Britannia HeichtA Kxampied. WLLLJAM A.

CRAIO. II. farmer, R.r7Mo. 1, City Vlawi lire wtth father and work 111 acre farm, Exempted. PERCY MoEWBN.

It, farmer, CKy View. Exempted. ALBERT 1BAAC EVANS, H. milk driver. Bxemptcd.

PERCY MoOUIRE. farmer. Htntontrarf. Exempud. "Say, Doctor, This Pretwrlption Works Like Magic" PhyBician Explaim Whj Nuzated Iron.

OxdcaJv Pmta AiaMniahlaar Tonthfal Pun at fnta tho Vahm ar Men aad 10 tn toman Irtvwdtliy ll-SMtltB. I nStel aME aT aUUtejel InsV Dr. Jmmm Inetti 8nl-Ilvava, ltintjeirljr Phy-srlclaa Of BQTm HtspHl, Oatttoor DtafvtU Maw Tork, anl th "Witch- Ur Coantjr HosinteU, MTsft of nn-io)rii ftisavtmio poopU aTUf-for from Iron do fvrwf Tfcai ET quickly enrich the blood, pat roeee. in of womoa. aad eive nan that youthful -pnook," vitality and 'Vtayln' power.

A patient of mine eald to me after a abort eeuree of Kuxated treat "Say. Dootor. this preeerlpuon work Ilk ataaw, Unlike the older form ef PToxatad Iron aoe pot Injure the teeth nor apart the atom eon, bat is readily aaaimllated and yon oan quickly reootrnlne Ita notion by a renewed feellnc of enae, vixor, aad la-oreaeed etaylna; power. No matter what other Iron remedies' yea hare need wltheat oeeea It you are aot trona or well roe owe It to yeureelf to max th toll- In teat: Be hew janaj yea oaa work or how ce knadred Inktaa I net to I I J- 1 Atvmnet VI Hcaw Winter Coat Oft re aSaciif icavd for Quick aeiu-ance at OFFERING yon a vmlue as regards quality of mate-rialti that cannot be duplicated under present eoiW diliona. Women Heavy Winter Ooats, body and aleeTn lined Bmall collar.

Jn Black, Navy, Brown, Grey, Brown and Green Check, Navy and Green Check, aad fancy twvjed mixtures from $10.00 to Wollcn JGIotc tuid CUMrea. Wool ealort 80s, for naif irriav. CJalMrsn Wool Krbtt, Tfvrj XasrSse' "WW (rVrrfn, Keeann, frsnt brnfiof ttptmrtvAtj 1 Ody, yd. XTT vA 85 a 2ir, ROBBER AT NIAGARA SENTENCED TO FIVE TEAM NIAGARA FAXaAT, Ont, Deo. IT, Benjamin Arrer.

believed to be th hmdlnc spirit th robber bend erMoh he been taarwrhnne the Nktamra duaiiot, robblns awtry forv eitrnet of their aavlnce. waa aen. tenoed by Matietrate Frasar to Sv yeere la th penJtonliary. Artwrs nret am aoBxpatrtote la a loeal hoardine; nova thro wi ike awe and offered 40 abow them how over th river. He aaw them eeoret their money, then led them ee a lonely epot ht the eaborbs where three maakad men Jumped ea them.

and. po kin ptntots la their tnoee, ordered them to pay ever their avoney. One Tmtim bad the money hn aho. aad th robber knew rent wher to look for It. am iiioe, namiuaa wo far to.

Wlk.WthOt i.J', ti-e arain tablet Nuxated I a timet per day aster meals for tw week The teat your etrenath asalu and eee hew mack yea have rained. Nuxated Iroa incraaeae th strenstn. tower and eadaranee ef delloate. aervoae, ran-aown people Its per cent, la ten daya tlm In many la- NOTE Noxated Iron recommended above by Dr. Sullivan ana ee obtained from say coed druxxiat, with or without a phyeiola' preeoriptloa, oa aa abeelote anarantee of uoea or money refunded.

It Is dlepeaeeu In thle ony by Allen A Coohrane's firnaT Storas, Bad all Food Aruxxlet. jjww-i for OtroMriMt Mitts at Half Setrlet and Oardiaal, IBe BMk, ptir, amV and SOt ot Ihtlf iwise. Qaarinf Sala Hat Shape Only 79c- very sees suetiay of veeve. eiae pi emad beaver aad eome ancia hate hrom 11. Tl te M.M tar 7e Chil-rea'i Hati Clear 29c Cntldren'a Bate and Wool Onpe from to ILM, MS tt.

Mounts 15c. Scarfs 50c iw n.M, toe AvmV-( e'WT-t. ir re Oear Thro MAU km. rVlopl. An.

fwa ft. Otl I I fl It 1 1 II vv 1 oan I Oehws art Bwaw. Bienra. Bme, aad earn eeeared Veeaure. ewmtSBBT aero ant axeaB.

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