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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WIDNXSDAY. AUQDST 16, 1923. WOULD DIVERT A ROAD PREVENT DISTURBANCE Objection Raised That Auto Traffic Would Annoy Worshippers. Two bylawa providing for th erection of St. JoMph d'Orleam and.

Overbrook to ihe statue of village! rere pas-dat Carle-eon County Council which mi' at the' Court Houee yttrdiy afternoon. Previous objtctlnnt to the Overbrook proposal having hen withdrawn, the third rvadlng of the bylaw was proceeded with aftar tht beginning of fh meeting. A unique -ebjtction a jetrtfbn asking that tho county "oad4hrough the Village of Manottck bo diverted by way of Mill street lnt.tea.1 of firldgo atreet waa regleterej by F. II. Pratt, who declared that there waa a church on- tho rout of tho proposed divoralon and that tho bonking of automoblla horn, ehlfi-Ing of goara and ktadrod noises from motor traffic would disturb thv worshippers.

He attack! tho authority of Mr. Goo. Clark, who appeared In aupport of the petition, declaring that Mr. Clarke was not a proptrty ownir, and hinted that Iho roal reason for the petition was tho deal re of a certain, land-owner to have, tho road diverted by hit pro pert lei In order to Increase their value. Later Mr.

Pratt retric-ted hta statement concerning Mr. Clarke when the latter stated 'that bo owned property In tho village. The matter of the road waa referred to tht Roads Committee for report A. deputation from Kenmor laked tor road and complained of tho. dust This natter waa also referred to The appointment of a caretaker to tho County Court.

Houso occasioned some and a dllTl-eulty has arisen whtchn -may. yet auso confusion. With the appointment of J. W. Armltage.

reeve of Torbolton, as caretaker In succession to Wllllsm Wilson, who has bold the position for tho post twenty years, practically decided upon, a communication from tho county legal adviser states that there, may bo difficulty In passing a bylaw providing for tho payment of 91.009 gratuity to Mr. Wilson, and In appointing a man who la at present a member of tho council to the position of caretaker. Mr. Armltag has handed In his a reeve of Torbolton, but the township council refused to accept It. The matter will probably be solved by the appointment' of a temporary caretaker, and -the giving of leave of absence, technically, to Mr.

Wilson. -until June 4, 1921, at which dai tho legal adviser suggested the council could vote on the gratuity. Communications from A. J. Weathordon.

applying for portion as caretaker of the House, from tho Ottawa Suburban Roads Commission regarding the bridge over 8a Mill Creek and from Honeywell. Caldwell and Wilson regarding tho High School at Westboro, and ths accompanying matter of school grants, war referred to separate committees. The meeting was adjourned1- until this morning. All the members of the council were present with the exception of Mr. harrier.

DEFEAT FOR OLIVER GOVERNMENT IN B.C. By-election Returns Conserva tive With 1,006 Volet. KlON, B.C 'Aug. The Government of Premier John Oil ver received a defeat in the by-election In. Cranbrook constituency today.

necessitated by, ths appointment of Hon J. H. King, to Ih Federal cabinet as minister of public works. With returns complete, A. Walllnger, Corner-V9tive.

hsd 1.909 votes, end John Taylor. Government. 791. concede his opponent- 109 majority. Or.

King was formerly la-let er of public works In the Oliver Government, representing ran brook in the legislature. TORONTO LIBERALS TO BANQUET PREMIER Wellington Hay Will Also Be Guest of Honor. TOltONTO. Aug. 1 9.

Arrange-menu are bslng mads. to tender a banquet to Premier W. 1 Mackenzie King and P. Wellington Hay, L. Ontario Liberal leader, under the joint uusplces of the Ontario Liberal Association and the Ontario Liberal Women's Association In this city on August 90.

Ths Liberal Women's Association will hold Its annual meeting hero on that date, and It la Kneeled that the executive committee of the Onttarlo Liberal Association will meet hero tba 'following day. SYMPATHY MESSAGES. TOLAftYNORTHCLIFFE From King and Other Members of Royal Family. LONDON. Aug.

IS. Lady North-cllffe today a l.l.gram from King a.orge. It wa cjat.d Bolton Abb.jr. Monday, and "I hav. Jmt htard with rear of th.

death of Lord Norlhrllff. after a palnfuj lllncaf. and offer you my r.artfelt aympathy In" your Queen alary. Queen Mother Alexandra. Princes.

Victoria, and th. Duke of 'Connaug-ht alro hav. ent th. widow aympath.tlc AS BOAT UPSETS TWO ABE DBOWNED IV Albert Balancer, aged 14, and CharlM Cadraln, aged II. both marrl.d, war.

drowned yeaterday at Berthler, IB th. Lower- 8t. Lawrence. They were eroaalng to th. island, known aa lalet.

B.llchaae. wh.n boat upaet and both w.r. thrown Into th. water. Both bodies w.r.

recovered about an hour after th. accident. Save your. health before it's too late YOUR With Is too raluabls to riak needlessly Guard it carefully. The vary nMinsprings of jroor health your happineaa your suoccm your.

NERVES. A wakeful night or tleepy liver give warning of th approach of nervoua disorder which re-cult from tba ua of harmful table today with Instant Poetum, the happy. beeJthful cereal beverage with the delicate aroma and th fun, rich, satisfying flavor. Avoid th breakdown that I sure to follow nerrouansas. sleepless pes and indigestion unless you bsed ths warning signals of distress.

An astonishing improvement in health and comfort often results from the change to Instant Postum. Why not give it a fair trial? Itiapura, wholesome, delicious and safe, Instant Postum "Tken'im Rtaso i Caeadlaa Peataai Canal Coeapasy, LtA OTTAWA ROTARY HOLDS FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON Controller Balharrie I9 the Prin- cipal Speaker. The Tfolary, Club of Ottawa en joyed' a ''fellowship lunch son" as a hot weather feature th Chateau Laurier yesterday' 'when Controller J. I Halharrie. a member of Ihe club, was ihe principal speaker and A.

K. Msndy, chairman of the fellowship committee. waC chairman. "Itotarj, through fellowship, draws the htarta ef men logetlier. Goodwjil, frltndhlp and fellowship are pownful influence! tn a community," declared Controller Ual-liarrle during the course of his speech -on ihe subject of "fellow-thlp." Ou( of' friendship grows fellow.

hip Fellowship is fellowship ths world over whether It be In, Edinburgh Kcotland. or Los AnreWa. Lllarry louder ias said. The way iu jpi irienns is to ds one. menus are IIk epectae'es It Is hard to find them without them, Itotary is an Ideal plus a praothal plan." Controller Italharrle declared that his first Inspiration from Itotary came when he set out for the Journey to the International convention In l.os Angeles, and he related many Incident, humorous and otherwise, Of ihe trip 10 the Coast.

The Canadians were welcomed at many points tnnd at Colorado Hpringn. a comparatively smnll Itotary club, had extended a fine reception to ihe Ottawa de elates even though they were on the rear end of a special train and I 700 Rotarlans hsd previously passed through the centre on their wsy eat. At the outset or his speech, the Controller facetiously remarked that he would have preferred to talk about some, subject such as the civic swimming baths, -lie was warmly applauded. Noted Speaker. Announcement was made by President Jack Allen that the speaker at next week's luncheon would be Ernest Thompson Set on, tho well-known naturatltt.

To allow an extended talk from this guest. tne luncheon next Tuesday will open at 12-90 sharp. Secretary W. J. Albra gov notice that he would- move for the establishment of the club's present birthday treasury as a fund for unfortunate chUtfren.

This- motion will be considered next week- Mr. Hor ace Rand an two solos his capabls fashion and was well received, i i Mr. Sam Thompson announced that 44 Kotarians were going to ftfCdenihurg. N.T.. for the Iloiarv rally Thursday.

They will meet at th Chateau Laurier at 9-49 p.m. sharp for the trip. a ceaiure or the meeting was the "fellowship roll call" In which each Rota la was called upon to Intro duce the member on his right. Th hit of Introductions was mads when Mr. Rob Stead Introduced Mr.

Angus Gordon, manager of th Chateau, as "Angus Laurier." ARRIVES AFTER, DELAY. CHERBOURG. Franc. Aug. 19.

Th Cunard liner Berengarla arrived her today 24 'hours, overdue. The delay was caused by ths propeller being da matted, presumably by hitting some submerged wreck- ago. II tm ar-fcV sjae yym- L.Z -SLCB) "m' ST? I 001 I Are You Loyal? ELECTRICITY is a Btaple commodity At one time it was a luxury hutue to i the efforts of your own company, th Hydro, it is now the cheapest and most effective medjum for lighting and power. The Hydro is the tht, has iept prices down. You can keep them at their present low level by backing up and patronizing your own company.

Bear this in mind whenever you make a'change or a new contract that it should be Hydro service that you buy; Ottawa Hydro-Electric Commission Street in Be Loyal Phone Us For Particulan Phone 1901 Queen Alt THE OTTAWA JOURNAL LOOKED TO GENDARME LIKE CHICKEN THIEF SILVERR0CK Spring.Water at'UiattJ to foa bm la a aalhrn atcttllsc4 IMflML as aeats. I IEALETS R. 332 Dairy ICE CREAM at a bralUiM and Bi.laoraUna food al all oan WOULD CLOSE ROAD NEAR K1NGSMERE Arislidc Briand Looks Through Residents May Make Application Ban For A To Have It Improved. IlOUKN. Tranct.

Aug, IS Po-He htadqueirtci. htr, (ollowfnc cpldtnilc of petty chicken coop theftt, I iy wenV out lnt ructions for Alt th eommlMrl of (liia diatrUt to on th look-out for auspicious characitra. and lo dtmand their papers of Identity. A young ambitious gendarme, recently appointed, hailed a cde-trian along the high road today who was not so armed. Th gendarme, sxcorted his prisoner to the nearest police station, two miles wet of here.

Jor iurlbr lamination. i- ''You rpude a wonderful capture." tht urutimer, tpJd the youthful of-licer. ars certain to receive a Uut ofA cVedit for this Lyon arriving at the station houae the prisoner was alfowed to telephone to the. public prosecutor here, who ordered his. Immediate He proved to be one, Arietide Hrland, evea times Premier of France, who headed the French delegation to ths Washington conference last November.

He had forgotten hta Identity papers, and was gong fishing a few miles from his summer home In a nearby village. APARTlfiUSE SPOILS STREET VIEW Need For Bylaw Defining Building Again Emphasized. Residents of Second avenue on the weat side of Bank street are somewhat annoyed by the appear-, anee of an apartment house on the street, which threatens to upset all the carefully laid plana of the house-holders to keep the otreet line uniform- The apartment la being erected by Dr. O. C.

Bpratt, ot Hi Third avenue. The house In 'this section of th street are built well buck from, ths original street line, making the street very wide and at tractive. The apartment house nt being built directly on the street line, and' Juts out In an unsightly manner from th rest of th dwellings, spoiling the produced by the uniformity of th other buildings, and greatly reducing th commercial value of adjacent pro; pert lea In the opinion ot the complaining parties, ther was absolutely no necessity for putting the structure out so far. as there is plenty; of kind to th rear of the property which could be utilised. Building Inspector H.

Newland stated yesterday to The Journal that Dr. Bpratt was perfectly within his rights in placing ths build Ing wher ti did. In his opinion, the incident la only on of a number where the beauty of fine residential streets affected by the erection of buildings any distance from the otreet 'line in any haphazard position owner desires. This condition exists owing to ths lack of a bylaw compelling prospective builders to respect certain distance from a recognised so that one building will not" Jut out and abut out th view of other buildings. A similar Incident occurred In th erection of th new Oleb Collegia Institute, whew considerable controversy arose over th placing of th building directly on the street line, in spite of the fact that th common Hn observed was many feet back.

Mr. Newland further stated that this was one tea-, ture of town planning which had not yet been attended to, and said that new grievance would continue to crop up until the civic authorities took action and passed a bylaw to cover 'such PHOTO SURVEYS OF THE MOUNT A.IN A In th fall of each year a stout wooden box eas urlng bout a foot acta way rs hipped from the west th Tepoxmpnicai surveys Branch. Depart raertt ot th Interior, Ottawa, and labelled "Glass. Hand Carefully. Vay, fMOO." Th box contain several hundred exposed photographic plates, th enur results of a season's work by a party of experts engaged In making photographic surveys In hs mountains They are sent to uiia tu be developed and enlarged, after which theyar used In malting a man on which every mountain peak and gentle elope, -every brook and alpha lakelet.

very valley and ravine will be shown In fullest detain merely by measuring th photographs. A camera surveying Is adapted to mountainous country only, the field work i rather strenuous and th surveyor ha to an alpinist of th first order. The most desirable camera, station msv bs on peak" that ar very difficult of but th surveyor does not heeiute to tackle, th stlffest cilmo. Camera, surveying, or pnoio- topomaphtcal surveying as it 1 usually ha been carried on In Canada for about year; in no ether country ha been uted to great an extent. Dr.

E. DevlWe, Surveyor-General or. can a a. is universally recognised as on of th world' a authorities on the subject, and to. worthy, of note tht In India, on th recent Mount Everest expsdltlons, photographic rurvsys were mad with a cooled from those designed by Dr.

Devi 11 for ns Canadian urvey. CASJOR I A For Infajxla and Chfidrea IN USE FOR OVER 3D YEARS DRINK Ait a the fatal accident List vk on the Mountain road. of ChuLit-a. realdente of Klnnsineie and at Chelsea district are serl- iuly conMderlng placing a formal before the Quebec tior- crnmpnt. to have the road improved tr.

failing this, to it entire!) bciaute of its dangerous condition, Hi'veral accidents hav taken plact-n the road, two automobiles hav In it Murntd there as a result of mn-hanWal mishaps dus to the vcrj iltarn srade. The road desvendi-vriy iuukly for hiilf a mile' and ii 1 very narrow with a ravin at on xle. lUsldenfs' In the vicinity. Include a number of promlneiu Ottawa people, who spend the summer thne. point out that the daniier ouid he entirely avoided by build- i ins an inexpensive bridge across the I tA ine near the top.

Thla bridge would cut across a comparatively hallow' portion of the valley and (he road would then continue on lo the wsst and north at an easy grade. Kna-ineerlng statistics) show' that the elevation at Klngsmer Is 7 fret, while at th foot of the hill where 'ths road Into the valley below, the elevation 1 Vs fret. This means that there is a drop of SIT fet In approximately half a mile. King Mountain, which is nearby, rears to gn elevation of 1 100 feet, which shows the pouuN nature of the country. Pamtrrurcre iet Out.

The road in question it uicd to a onsiderabls deiires by fat titers and summer residents. Jdany us It in order to reach the church al Old Chelsea and the stores in the village. Yet, there are many people who are afraid of the road because It Is so steep and narrow. Except in one or two place there Is no room for automobile or rigs to pas with absolut safety, and there La always a feeling that a runaway car will crash into other vehicles or peopls on the road at some time. Two motorists pointed out yesterday thit they had required th passengers in their cars to get out and walk whll they drove th automobile down alone ih order to reduce the weight and strain on the brskes and to aav Injury other in cas the" car got beyond control or fell into the ravine.

On resident declared that Writ Hull Council had refused to secure the co-operation of the Quebec Gov-ei nmci'u for the improvement of this and other road In the municipality. South Hull had taken advantage of th asMlsinnce which had been placed at the disposal of townships by the Province, but Wert Hull hnd apparently refimcil in do so. This was on of th reason why residents conaidenl taking in matter direct to the Quctooc Government. If the dongerou condition f-h Mountain road cannot be' Improved, then there may be a dcenand that It be closed entirely to vehicular raffle. Motorists Warned.

Ttie Automobile Club.ot Ottawa ha placed a large warning sign ths top of ths hill (o advUie motor- IMS of the dangerous grade- It ad vises nutolsi to put the engine In! low gear and to use both bra risht fiocn the top of the alt vlin. There are one' or two In th road that add to the oi tne graae. Hemdunt of Klngsmer and Chelsea are also Indignant over the condition of th Chelsea toll road. Otie teen obi I owner declared that ha had not been paying toll on this road although be used It frequently. said thattns toll company had been giventh right to collect tcfl on ths road and that; also been obgated to keep th road In good condition.

th company hod Tailed to do. he said. He had. I therefor, refused to pay toll for I his car. Ho understood that the jn umber of car were being takrei, but he waa -ready to con trot tlje Issue.

ADVOCATES CHANGE IN CRIMINAL CODE BROCK V11LE. Aug. An the cr in leal cod whereby. a presiding Judge' ahduld bo authorised' In case 'of, murder to appoint a commlIoM-to examine Into Ihe mentAl state of the aecusi In any csa where the Judge ahould have aufflclent reason to so demand. was advocated before th On.Urlo Neuro-physlatric Association her tonight by Dr.

F. E. Devlin, medical auperlxitendeflt of St. Jean' de Diau Hospital, Montreal, an alienist who was recently called la the A de- lard Delorme cas at Montreal. Vr.

Devlin further advocated that the suggested amendment ahpujd allow- medical commission sufficient tart to study, observ and Inqulr Into everything connected with th mtntal action of th accused. The custom of appoltitlrig such commit ions) had been don away with by ih court of King Bench on th ground that' ther was nothing Jn tn law tO twarrant it, he atd. said Dr. Devlin, "in many form of menial dieeaa the lireaponaitiillty ef ths accused Is a itr or a snort penoa oi ovser- vatlon and the medical commis si otV report could be rtiad without. delay, but In.

th difficult case re quiring lime and study for their solution it 1 self-evident that auffl clent. tim should given to so important a matter In which th futur and fat. of a human being bs Involved." Dr. Devlin said had no beai- tatloei In atatlng that th day has wni worn society reanscei max ior It fullest protection, it tnuet'noi only punish th cram, but It mint, If It would remove the cause, study th criminal, and predicted that in th next 2-t ysarO a medical dossier would accompany the legal on In th administration of Jusllo. (.

REMAN DEI? FOn TRIAL. Oscar Olgnac. of Hull, rested Monday night by Detective Ubald ateuva oa charg of stealing an automobile, th proptrty of Joseph Cay sr. of Ottawa, pleaded not guilty in Hull Police Court yesterday, and was remapded for trial until August by Judge Achlm. Detective Sauvo arrested Oignac after had sen him.

driving, th car which wa reported aa stolen. Lou I Bourgeoii. of Dsschen, ra given a preliminary hearing on a charg of indecent assault on th person of a young girl. pleaded not guilty, and was remanded until August 11 for voluntary statement. HARVESTERS' SPECIAL TRAIN.

a Autii Hat, Cnadlaa Pteittt llaUvay will run Farm Labor.ra' Sixrlal Train Ihroufh to 4h. Wf lla.ut tanf Ottawa pm. your tkkt. rl)r (rom.

anjCaaaiaa PaciOo JLttaL TREAT LEPROSY CASE IN A flX. HOSPITAL Woman Wat Removed Orient 'Steamship. From VANCOlTVfclt. B. Aug.

15 A ruse of Isprony under treatment in ths General lIoMpltnl here for Hi last five months Is declared by hoapltnl dni'tora to be yleldliiai in i be oil tre.itrm-nt Hi ven months aito a ChHiir win-tn ae removed from a Rtt-uhmhlp from the Orient mf ft-ring from leprosy. Owlna. it vii mid. to the 'lm tMntion on lry Inlund. 'V, 0.

ha.vltig fallen into iimtr or diiuse, the w.i i.i rtl i Isolation at thr r.rn-rl 'it and soon after th t'hmiliiinn oil treimnent wi cnmnifiifyd is now claimed that ihe pjiiit-nt far recovrrfd th.nt rlw a Midijtion to be irlca)'i'ili KMDAHNY Aug IS todav destrovd the lEu-eian nbanv In Ang.irn nd JS other Hidings- in the 'uuvr- ths capital. STORE 9.00 SHOULD STANDARDIZE CANADIAN HOSPITALS If Thii Is Ncxwry Canadians Should Doh. TOKO.NTl IS lf.i it neciMary to the ho-pitale In Canada, then it should be done by eony one in Canada. ih'ji ajs the tcpty madr to the fi'ar today by lr Waiter MiKfOHK, of St Michailii to a of Ontarro hcapitale maJe Itf-Hr director of American College of S.i'svon tf tio'pita! etandai dilation for i' nd director-general of Victorian Order of Nuiacs. Or Mc: Keown ontluued: "We ltuve loo much lo the AhieilcanS' and lo Much institutions as the Carnegie and Itockefcllcr Ko ffidatlona.

We shou?) da this wor ourselves. If ws t.k about being a nation, ths sooner we do it Oiiialvei the better it wUT, WM HOPING TO SAVE CRUISER RALEIGH Sramcn Wore Buried With Full i-. 1 1 iviiuiary nonor. I' KlIIN S. Nfld 1-8.

ate at woi aurveyiiig th extent cf the daiiinii to he hull uf th nritih, crutttfr lUlelglV, Willi Ii went 'aground on I'ollMtv Ainuut. l.alialr. on the TnOrnlHtf of Au.u-i 9. Thu iMK coo tip moii. and tli ti nth Admiralty -mil bM'(a thit.

Hie i'insrr may si fa ed Thr i iew of Hit ilvtgh Xvpt for 1 ''(l iiMn ft be limd tit aid In the uoiM of wire-luUrn on. bouid the liner uutiue -of th ('annd an ific f.ce.'iit whii li miilt'd froin MntiMful (or l.icip(Ml lt iV- The c'uua- diaiY Ciovei nmenl'e wrr' tUjT l.urd Mtiaili'ona now al th scone of tt' iei-k Thu ofv (luce arainejv -dtnnnt'd when Ihe crui struck the roiks were hurled with military honois. Mniipc l'l11aHg)fjTr, I 30s Sale Fancy Linens Half Price We pun-hascd tin; overstock of leading Canadian Jobber at exactly half the list price. All are new and fresh. Come early the earlier in the dav the better the choice.

Genuine Hand Made French Cluny Doil Purt Linen us bread and Purt Linen Centrei. 6 in. round. Kcgular Thursdnv 15c 8 in. round.

RegularitOu. Thursday 30c 12 in. round. IioRiilnr $1.10. Thursday SSe 8 12 in.

oval. Keg. $1.40. Thursday 70c 10 14 Jn. ovK Reg.

2.00. Thursday $1 20 in. 24 y(. Win. (oand Centre egular $3.75.

Thursday Rrgular Thursday Regular $6.75. Thursday Begular Value $10.00. $1.88 $2.76 $3.38 Built with all n.w cuttim. roll eov.r.d quality lleklnf. A thick mtttrni.

that will wear. All alsta. 4' 4'. 1' and I'. August furnltur.

Sal. I'rtc. $350.00 Solid Walnut Dining Room Suite, $199.75 I Pisces. G.nulh. SolM dull Aal.h.

Buff.t, .4 Inch top 4 with mirror baek; oval 4Sx0 arm chair ana vast eov.r.d witn leather. Auguat Furniture Sal. Prle. y. $199 75 Farnllure Poo rth Floor.

Women's and Misses' Suits $19.75 Just 15 Suits in the lot. Made from fine all-wool and. serge, superbly tailored with braid or embroidery trim mings. Sizes 16 to. 40.

Priced for Thursday $19.75 Rrarty.toWrar arrowd Floor. Tea Cloths in. round. $13.00. Thursday in.

round. $20.00. Thursday in. round. $30.00.

Thursday ill. round. $45.00. Thursday Scarfs and Runners 36 in. 45 in.

54 in. 72 in. Main Floor. with glv 16.95 $125.00 4-Piece Quarter Cat Oak Living Room Suite, $91.75 8ette. Arm Chtir.

Arm Kocker 4nd Tbl. Fumed flnleh. aolld -ftuarter cut nak cane panel hack. tapeMry covered aeate. tnhl with 40xS4 Inch at each end and good site drawer.

-Auguat urnltur Bale Trlre $91.75 $500.00 Grey Bedroom Suite, $375.00 Decorated -grtv bedroom wtfm, full vanltv dreielng. table and bench. larg rhUTomitr and double pmrtr bed. Auguat Furniture Bale Price tOEf AA 8.50 $10.00 $15.00 $23.50 Regular $9.00.. Thuroday $4.50 Regular $11.

Thursday $5.50 Regular $13. Thursday Regular $15. Thursday $7.60 August Furniture Sale Cotton Mattresses glHXl anort $1.25 Feather Pillows, 79c All chicken f.ath.r.. iltint. .4

quill, cru.h.d. with (nod quality ticking. 8li. 17 a ih Inrhaa. Aniuit Furnliur.

8al. Prica, r7A" 45 Brass Beits' 2-lncH rontlnitoui pnti ot ball 'orner brasa tomm, with one-Inch flllem. combination ribbon nnln. 4 4. 3' nd J.

rurntture Sale i Prir $25.00 BMdlng Ftoarth Floor. 36 Inch Marquisette Final clearance nt taped edge marquisette, fully mercerized, white and ivory. August Sale Price, Off 6DC Draperies Third Floor. Summer Corsets 1" la and m.dlum bu. plnk whit.

4 hoa., light w.lght (or warm weather. K.gulae ralu. Il.ti, An. Thurlay IfQC Brassieres front and baek closing, pink, or CA' aiSM to 41.

Clearing Thuraday DVC Onrarla Second lloor. Silk Lisle Hose Black only, Bwimo manufacture. EartrV ihr knit, haa the appearance of eilk, with i at back: eflda tops. All alaea. ot value.

Thursday, pair 69c Hosiery Main JTIoojtv Boys' Khaki Bloomers Men's Cotton Pyjamas fltrnna washabt. Vhatkl ktwtmrai faahloncd and 'finished with knee traps. Site to 17 yeara. It II. Q.

Thuratlay 0C Boys" Blouses ion aumm.r bkUM with collar attaoh.d. (In. for achool hbllday oar. Aasort.d pattern, aiiw 4 to 14 tmrm. R.gul.r (S Ji ll.

Thurad.y. DaC floya Shop ainy' noor tn aasort.d ttrtpad patterns, nk slieayt to 44. Regular Q0 ll.TS. Thursday OC Men's Soft Collars' Plain' or aaUa flnUb.

Mrlp and athr patt.rnat eii.a II to HH. rslsa. ThurM.y. 4 for 'Men's Mala fW, SI.

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