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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 10

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 FIRE AT 1 BBOCKVILLX DAIRYMEN HONOR i MK. KIDO'S MEMORY Tlcoolutian- of 'onclufcmce t'aestd -at "bast- Mes-tleus HrecinUUi Chi Jlosw-rd. Hp ml to The Journal, Hrockvllie. Hepl. large portion of meeting ol the Urocatll' nreae Uvsrd was occupied bo.iurini the ratuiory of the lute Edward Kidd.

M.K lur CrIton. and one of, CM oldest and' most influential members ot th organisation. A week ago a coaimittee appointed to uiaft a resolution of condolence, v-ns presented by Jobn Webster, JU.K us by K. l.elgstt. Seconded by John B.

iviisoh, and resolved thut we. tb members of th Brockvili Iairym--a'a Board of Trait, now as-ai'mbitd, wli-h to tender to tha friends and relatives of our lata tallow member, Kdward Kldd. M.K, our profound sorrow in thla the of their devp affliction for tha loia they haya sustained through tha of our much 'beloved member, lie waa ona of 'the oldeat and moat respvcted membera of this board of trade and hit visits to this board wer lwaa looked upon with great pleasure by all hla auouaiutancas. We fully the dairy indust-. rV throughout Ontario, and particularly to th Kastsrn Dalrymen'a As aovlatlfia aa lie had been closely Identined with the workings of tha btaid of directors of that body' -for a 1 long term of year.

The late member waa a man of such sterling quail tie and of such warm friendship that hla 'place will ha very difficult to nil as me knew hi worih' "iJSfteT" than the dairymen of Eastern Ontario: Resolved that a copy of this remlu tlon be duly -forwarded to bla' brother, Air. T. A. Kldd. Ex-warden of the United Count lea-of and Grertvllio' at hla home In Burrltt's Raps by the, Secretary of this Board.

Mr. Webster added a few worda of personal appreciation of the deceased, who, death had caused profound re gret'smong the dairymen of Eastern Ontario, who fell hla loss Mr. Kldd. he said, was ona of tha "oldest members of the Eastern Ontario Iiairvmen's Association and th4 Ttrotkvllle Cheese Board and though' he did not visit Brockvllle frexruently nevertheless ha was always welcome when he did come. Mr.

Webster reviewed Mr. Kldd's long career, as i dairyman and rheese manufacturer, surmounting difficult" in the early days of the tratie at great financial, loss. his honesty ofpurpose, and keen buslnee foresight ev-entuslly brought him uccess. He held that his Ufa waa a modal for young dairymen to follow. Kx-Warden A.

Sanderson, of Oxford Station, a lifelong personal -friend of Mr Kldd. alts paid a glowing tribute to hla memory. Among hla friends he was prince nf good-fUw. ea-o hlMlie-ra devoted to ihe'dulry O. E.

whose business con- nectlons with the deceesell extended ever many years, stated that Mn Kldd richly earned the name so rew Deserveha was a meal. Mr. Smart deeply mourned hla death aa a personal friend. After Prealdent Henderson had spoken briefly In regard to tin motion It was carried with a Mnra-il lo The Journal. Eganvllle, Sept.

80. Mr. and Mra Alex- Zummach left for their borne In Hanover onThursday. Bight Rev. Bishop Hamilton, -of Japan, will conduct Anglican service In the afternoon of Oct.

11th, In the Canada Lutheran church. Harry McOutrs' of Chicago. visiting hla sister, Mrs. Alex. Tail.

Mr. Herbert Mclntyr left on Friday morning for Cleveland where they will In future make their home. W. F. Meyer died In the low-nship of Sebastopol In his 67lh year- Mr.

Meser was an old and respected resident. He leaves five, daughters, to mourn hla loss. The funeral on Wednesday at 1 p.m.. was conducted by Rev. Fulta of Augsburg.

The services were held at his residence. Mr. Kmpey of Montreal, has Joined the Merchants Bank staff her. John Price of Copper Cliff, Is spending a few daya la town. Uov.

Mr. Brackbusch left on Friday for Northern Ontario, to be present at a aeries of meetings In connection with the German Lutheran church. Mra. Ernest. Week und eon left on Wednesday for tlie.r home In Pembroke.

They 'wero accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Week. Intends remain-! Jng for some time In that town. mll S.

Lausell of -Providence, who has been spending ithe summer with friends here, left, for home laat week. A very pretty wedding took place at Lake Dor, on Wednesday afternoon. Sb th homo-of Isaac Orler. when hla eldest daughter. May, was married tol John, Renfrew.

The ceremony waa performed by the tev. Mr. Puttenham In the presence of a large number of frlenda and relative. Th who was unattended, was at- tired In a -beautiful costume of white satin wnd carried, a bouquet of rosea and Th- hsppy couple left on the- evening train for their home In Renfrew, where a reception was held. The hride's travelling costume was navy blue blue' satin BQAimLW ij presents were very numerous and Mr.

end hdy carry with them th tMM 'Wishes many friend In fcTanvlU. hpertat to i ike Jtiurnsi Kara. Kept WllliamHtcka, of Toronuv la vlsUlag at hla home here. Carrol Hkka left, foe tha Waat but weak. Mr.

Maocel. Harold Roy and Mire Mildred Wallace, accompanied by Mr. Eldon 'and Miss Florence Kenncll. attended their cousln'a wedding at Mure-wood recently. l.

O. Boyd exhibited hla horsaa at Curleton ounty fair. Ktchmond. a numuer of farmera In thla vlclntty have purchased Ideal green feed silos. Tha lulerrueot of tha.Uts Mr.

Heav- 'ln the Msthodia cia the contmaed wet i THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1911 weather much of the grain in this LauMer la scheduled is be In Smith's vicinity Is still In th stock, and tha Fails on Tuesday morning and will re-fall work In general la delayed. jmain In town about lour, hours. Hs The continuation class has been re-; will speak on Monday night at Brock-opened here with a greatly Increased vllis, and will be en route to Pster-attendance. borough. Laical Liberals wanted to The walls ol the new school building hold a demonstration In honor of their ars completed and th carpenter work -chieftain," but Sir Wilfrid has Is well under way.

tasked that It be abandoned, hot ha -Andrew -Potter-. Is the "guest of his will be "at home" during th mornlnr alaier-in-ltt Mra Potter, of this place, tin hla car to any who may wlab to call 1 i i BSTBON Bryaon. JO. Mlsa Louise H. w'i': to.

lo. 5'r Mrs. u.ert.el r.i.,m.. VL--. M.

i f.r. Inr lie ii? horned "0, i u. Wtln frtnds I it of nf alSSn llonl1 I Mrs. mSLS rl-L" Mrs. Michael Pigeon, who was per- T.

tawal Is Mm. 'reoepilon since her marrUg at her ho.bsnrt wIL horns on Wlnnlfred street on Wednes-hrorn" brouhl lay afternoon. '-Mrs. Alexander wore' her handsome wadding gown of duchess laitn and ears and carried a bouquet I HA WKE8BT7BY INCREASING THE Sir Wilfrid Laiirier At Cornwall Dal ICD Cjrtali'rad te while the gueats were look. "ULIvCarUKvE by Mrs.

Wesley Culien. Mlsa I suites are Orjrsnlilng a laid Irs' Musi-' cat Clnb Chaa. Chrhxlsn la lerad, I Canadian lrrse bespatchu 'to. Charles Chrla-ftlson. and for mai'y years ah.

engineer on, the U. T. died, here on Monday, i Bept. Jl. Toe funeral took place on AVednesday at Hlchmond, Que The local polka force has been Increased by one man- and hereafter Constable Parent will assist the chief.

The presence of a large floating population haa made very neceasary thla increase in ponce protection. Mr. and Mra. Oordon Hisclneon hava returned from a motor boat trip to lvlns-sf nn. Dr.

P. Doyle, for. soma, time located In South America, is visiting his 1 motner nere. IsOeo. Waddell ha returned to Toronto to resume hla business.

has (been laid up for over a year In con-j sequence of a serious automobile accl- ucnt. while riding a bicycle he waa run down and received several dangerous Injuries. A ladles' musical club Is being organised through the efforts of some of the local lady musicians. There is considerable talent In thla town and It-la be hoped that the club will be a succeaa. Canadian Preaa Despatch.

Csrieton Place, JO. Mrs. 8 j. Berryman Is very III, suffering from a atruke. Miss Eva Porterfleld entertained her friend.

Miss Locale, of Barnia, last week. Mrs. D. B. Oliver received on Thurs day for the first sine she came to re-' wide In town.

Harold Bos haa snne tn. Toronto continue his studies In the Dental Col lege. Geo. E. Leslie has received from th provincial government the appointment of inspector of anatomy for North Lan ark, Norman Gibson, -of Toronto, Is hers for a two-weeks' vacation with hla parents.

laa flsrah Vllcksn la Vlaftle. 'Toronto. H. JlcC Wilson Is entertaining his mother. She la1 visiting here from Ujmlih's Falls.

The Canoe Club met last Friday night to wind up tin affair for th season. The band Is practlslnsT hard to-be In readiness for th concert In a week or so. A social hop will be held In the town hall next Wednesday evening. A thres-plec orchestra will furnlah the music. Miss Rose Murphy haa gon to North Bay, where she be- th suf of Mra.

Burke for month or so. Miss Mildred Magulr was "at home" to her many girl frlenda on Thursday afternoon. She waa assisted by Mra T. C. Magulre.

Mrs. (Dr.) Oliver, of Almonte, snd Mrs. D. Magulre In receiving her guests In the drawing room. Mlsa Besa Bates delighted sll with her music and Miss Florence Edwards looked after the welfare at the guests, conducting them to the tea room, where a bevy of girls served.

Th table was "Vary, tastef ully arranged with nasturtlnm. Mrs. Arthur Burgess poured tea and Mrs. A. E.

Cram AKENJJAM Spertal to The JoaraaL Pakenham. Th funeral of the lats Mra. Lindssy. aged rears, took placo from the residence of her son-in-law, James Lindsay, on Wednesday morning at 10. so o'clock to tha Presbyterian cemetery, and was very largely attended.

Rev. W. Mackenll officiated. Services were held at th nouse at io a. m.

Mlsa pearl Pearson of Renfrew -la Visiting her atatsr. Miss Wm. Edwards. Rev. A.

K. Ferguson, who is' visiting id. oome oi mr. ana sirs. wm.

El-Hott's, oondacted th "evening tervlc ou jsars i-nurca on Sunday even ma. Mrs. Wm. Elliott and "Mrs." A. K.

1 FeiwusoB sprat Wednesday with Mrs. Orr and chUdra. Glhsxrar street, o. s-CAllXETOK PLACE i I i alias M. B.

Dack was tha guest of ilia aliases Cull, luolrnw. last 'j'he litlerlor of the LbUjO Uank la beiiia 'ualntad and tinted. Xbe people of thla town are going Bfl be warm this winter. Anotner car load of coal arrives In town on Thursday. The members of tha W.

Y. M. ft. held a Um, la ia school rupa one svenliuf last week. ORANGE BLOSSOMS OiN EVERY HAND Bwrcrsl Pretty Weddings Thla i.

-i. In 6011011 talis Churches. 8ier4l lo The aVMtmal. esmun raiu, eepc sj. oir uma ion his.

Mlsa Vera Mcklnnoa waa th hostsssi at a mist-ellsneoua shower in honor of iMtss liura Meaaher on Tuesday svea- -lng. Th popular bride-elect waa the (recipient ot many beautiful things, and iTbVueeise t'elnMW 'frlends'of he guest of honor, Oliver Whltcomb attending the foundrymen'. convention at Buffalo. Mi 8. C.

Stoodley and children left Calgary, where they will 4n future reside. Misn Wllloughby, who baa been vUlt. iln "1 own. the guest of her sister. Wn' her 'home In Belleville.

Bruce, M. B. Is vli- 'l" town with his parents before tvlng for New York, where he will resume hla duties on tbs staff of Cc- iumlj a L'nlverslty Sra Alexander held her flrat of asters. She waa assisted by her mother, Mrs. Byron Caswell, who waa prettily gowned in a black silk with touches of cerise.

The tea table had for decoration tarx cut glass vass of while aaters snd aaparagus rem on a lace centre. Mrs. olln Whltcomb wmui.HlH HIIMN SH Miss Ella Caswell. Mrs. i'eter McKenxl.

of Toronto, Is visiting friends in town. Miaa Mabel Keith, who has spent the past two months In Western cities, haa returned to town. Mrs. W. Rlddell spent with friends In Carleton Place.

George Kutherford, of Vancouver, B.C. la renewing acquaintance In town. Misses Pearl Church, Ethel Calms, Mabel Best and Ula Lyle left this week for Ottawa to attend th formal school. Rev. Alex.

Dewar, who has been the guest of hla sister, Mrs. Norman icLoa. for the past week, returned 'to! hla home In Toronto on Tuesday. Albert Emerson, of Syracuse. N.Y..

Is spending a few weeks with friends In town. Amomr the out-of-town guests whs attended the marriage of Miss Laura Meagher to Garnet Cheley on Thursday were: Miss Robinson and Fred Reynolds, Brockvllle I Miss Kata Mo-Carney, r.ananoque, and Harry Van-luven. Kingston. Miss Amanda Richards, of Qan-anoque. Is visiting In town, the guest of Mr." and Mrs.

Watson. CrtELE EACH BK. J. A verypretty wedding took place her on Thuratlay morning, when Miss Elisabeth Laura Meagher waa united In marriage to" Garnet. Joha Cheley, manager of the Jiank of ot-( taws.

East view branch, Ottawa. Th nuptial mass was celebrated at eight o'clock by Rev. Father end during tha ceremony Miss Nora Ryan sang sweetly Millard's "Ave Marie." and Mrs, cheley left on a wedding -trip for Rochester and Syracuse, Y. -v KEITH CUNN. There was a pretty house' wedding at tha residence of Geo.

McLaughlin, MeGlll street, on Wednesday evenlnt. when Miss Annie, H. Dunn became th wife of A. Keith. Both bride and groom have lived her all their lives and are very popular among their young friends.

The ceremony was performed by. Rev. K. w. 'Mackay of Hi Paul's Presbyterten church.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith will tour th West for several months. MAYrLSW LER. Another very pretty house wedding waa solemnised at the home of th bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Lee, on Wednesday, when- their daughter, Miss Eva P. Lee, was united In marriage to Mr. Charles M. maynew.

The ceremony was per- formed by Ravi D. T. Cummings ofj the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs.

Mayhew left on an extended visit tc Chicago. I HARRINOTON CODE. A pretty church wedding was solemnised 'In St. John's church Wednesday, when Miss Rebecca Coda waa united In marriage to Rev. 8.

B. Harrington, B.A., rector of the parish at Pittsburg, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. Btlse.

assisted by Rev. Gedrgs Code, brother ot the brld. -a collision. An Unfortunate nnlltalon hetweea two motor boats occurred on Rldeatt Lake on Tuesday evening, but. for- tunately no one Waa hurt and both il; I It I TRIBUTE TO boats were beached before filling with waters.

4. IS. ttubr had found trouble with his launch and had tied It up at star Island, coming down to Hmlth's Kails In another boat. On Tuesday afternoon he went up Ir u. Whllcomb's launch.

Uklng wltl. him aa expert machlntat. They auc- loeeded fa starting Mr. Kuby'a launch and Mr. Yarwood started down In the other launch, and in looking hack found- that at r.

Rubs waa In trouble with Mr. Whiusomb a they turned bsck to help him in his difficulty. The Bight was very dark and Mr. Ruby was leaning ever adjusting something at the engine and did not notice the launch ahead turn back, and as a result the two boats collided. A big hoi was stovs In th side of Mr.

Kuby-n launch and Mr. Whit-comb's launch was damaged at the bow. Both boats began to All with water, but were beached, at Arthur Jones' Point. Inspector Philips happened, to be In th vicinity with- th Klia C. and vary kindly looked after th party.

Th two-launches were brought to Oliver" Ferry to be repaired. WEDDING BELLS ON SOUTH BRANCH Mass LuelU May MrKay baa Boooms the Htfe of Jas. K. Camcroo of Special to The Joau-naL Cornwall, Sept. A pretty house wedding took place on Sept.

11 at The Maples, South Branch, the horn of Mr. and' Mra. D. McKay, when their OOskwAIX I only daughter. Luell.

Ma, was united in marriage to Jam. R. Cameron, of Sgre. Milliard of Water-Russell, ont. formerly of Grant nwB n.

la visiting her parents. Corners. Rev. J. B.

MacLeod of 8tMri aB(1 MriL Milliard. Andrew's church. Martlutown, ofB- Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyr, of R- jtlng.

Th wedding music waa gins, ars visiting old friends In Ren- played by Miss McLennan, of Corn-' walL only th Immediate relatives and a few intimate frlenda wer present. Th rooms- were prettily decorated with evergreens and cut flowere, the ceremony taking pise under an arch of evergreens. The bride, who was unattended, wore a beautiful gown of ivory satin with Irish point lac and crystal trimmings, veil and orange bloasoma, and -carried a "bouquet of. Whit carnations. After a dainty luncheon the happy coup! wre accompanied by a few frlenda to the O.

N. Y. depot, Cornwall, where they took th south-bound train for Albany and New York. Th bride wore a handsome tailored suit of navy broadcloth and velvet hat trimmed with a whit willow plume, and grey oatrlch boa, the gift of tha groom. On their return Mr.

and Mra. Cameron will take up their realdehc In Ruseell. Special to The Jooraal 1 Cornwall. Sept. so.

Francis 'Arnelt. ot Bonvlile, threshed tor Denis Wheeler at BU Andrew's. S10 bushels of oats In ela-ht noura. includlna the time renulr- ed to carry the oats a distance of 121 yards and up a flight of stairs to the granary Th following day he moved to P. J.

Wheeler's and threshed ZU wsll cleaned and At tor market, and co at times It turned out a bushel and a Th Cochrane vie-peck to the minute. The machine. to.T -u to the auperb pitching which la a Ma hooey horn power, was carefully operated by Mr. Arnell and bis son. Lewis, while P.

J. snd D. E. Wheeler snd O. J.

Eldrbroom looked after tberettw Interests concerning th Kfira A "babjr "Winter' stroch Cornwall Saturday morning, following an all night fall ot rain and the weather took on rather wintry-like feeling. Snow tp depth of about an inch fell on the level, much to the surprise of every one. The snow was of an exceedingly wet nature and the flak were unusually, large. The oldeat resident of the con-hot remember of snow falling In September. In ths year ltoa the first fall of anow occurred here on October Mth and la M04 the flrat appearance of snow was on October 11th, and this latter data waa considered early, but for snow to coma on September Sth beats this record by nearly two weeks.

The damage done by the unprecedented fall of -rain, of late will be Increased by th, early appearance of Sir Wilfrid Laurler will begin his tour of Old Ontario at Cornwall He will arrive at the O. eV N. Y. depot at a p.m., and will there be jPreseqted with an address of wel come by the acting Mayor Mr. Pol lock, on behalf ot the corporation of Cornwall.

The meeting will, be held In th Victoria Rink at I and will be addressed by sir. Wilfrid Laur ler. Hon.jaeorgs P. Graham. K.

Lemleut and other speakers. On ac count of. the general desire (o hear the great -Liberal chieftain, special trains will be run on th o. eV NV Y. from Ottawa and on th Grand.

Trunk from Brockvllle and Coteau, returning after the meeting, about 1LS0 pm. indications point to a big crowd from all directions. Th speaking ill take place from a platform on the West side of th admission to tha platform being by ticket. D. B- Maclennan.

B. C. will occupy the chair. gallery will be reservea tor ladle. Mr.

and Mrs. George W. Bender, of Cornwall, announce th engagement Of their youngest daughter, Orac Ola. to Harold Cryaler Bouck, formerly of Aultaviiie. The marrlag will uk plac the second week In October.

Green is the latest man In this section to have raspberries at this unseasonable time. Mr. Green picked a number of ripe berries from the bushes of his garden on Fourth street, Kaati ths ether day. Thar were lus cious fruit, the benies being large and perfectly ripened. It costs so Little and Docs so Much.

POSmVEIY THE LARGEST SME IN CANADA MR. KIDD- More 1 HI Lordship Bishop ilacdonell. uf Alexandria, will pay. a postponed visit to ht. Coiuroben'n Pariah on Sunday, Oct.

(th, whtn tha classes, now recelvuig Instruction, will be confirm- Th music Hall' baa been engaged tor Friday night, Nov. Ith by Ontario Knights, ot Coiumbufc-- ahen the Boys' t'hanoel Choir of St. Patrick's Church. Montreal; will give an entertainment under -their auspices MrA4rlan Clerk, who was candidate for the position of Counties' Treasurer, rendered vacant by the death of Or. Stea-cy.

has soncluded that he will not seek tli ofllce, a it wosld neoeealtat hla giving up soma of hla present duties. A large number nf friend assembled st the resldeno of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franklin on the occasion of their twenty-hfih wedding anniversary (ailver wedding), and tendered their congratulations. A large number of beautiful presents- testified to the popularity of th host and hostess.

A bountiful supper waa served and the friends dispersed 'after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Franklin continued health and happiness. FIELD DAY HAS BEEN POSTPONED He VYrathrT has Interfered With Training of Collegiate Institute AUilitra. Special to The Journal Renfrew, Sept.

SO. Mra Thoa. Wat- (rew. The snnual "Held day" of the Ren- frew Collegiate Institute, which waa to take plac on Wednesday, Oct. IS.

haa been postponed for-a week, owing to wet weather and consequent bad condition of the grounds, COCHBANE HOUSE DESTROYED IN EARLY BLAZE Hookey Trasa to be Organised Cot-eree) Rink Built This FalL Special to The Journal Cochrane, Sept. SO, Already there Is a lot of talk ot a hockey team here and the laurels they are expected to bring to Cocrane. It la expected that IS held shortly tu organise th club for the coming season. 1 Several Timmins, baseball fens accompanied their team lo Cochrane re- oently and saw their team lose to the rour batters. The play waa fast and clean throughout and furnished the specta tors wtth many chances to.

applaud. Cochrane will be. sorry to lose one ot Its pioneer families when -Mr. and Mra A. T.

Tomllnson leave for Toronto this week. They were among the first to locate In this district, and their de- -j lh fir the the tire bu 7 in a a Every box contains twenty packages. Each package contains live sticks- all full of purifying mint leaf juice. A singl stick benefits much the habit benefits more. Look for the Cops for Hawkesbury, partur 1 generally regretted.

Many of th eitlsena wer aroused other morning by th alarm of the hell. A frame bouse on 14th avenue waa discovered tu be on fire, and flames had got good start before alarm waa turned la. When the brigade arrived on th seen they eaw at one It was hopeless to try to save, the hulhtlng, a they aucoaasfully directed their ellorts to saving the ad-Joining buildings. The occupants of ho house had a very narrow escape. all cot safely out of the burning bonding.

Th cause of the bias was attributed to a defecllv chimney, FINCH DR. W. A. McLEOD DIED IN FAR WEST Resnalos Were Take Hosna ami In-terod In FMcti Ccrne-. terjr.

Special to The Journal. Finch, Sept. JO. Robert Mulbem, la aerloualy IIL Mr. Jackson of Winchester, passed through town on Friday.

The body of Dr. W. A. McLod, who died suddenly at Saskatoon, arrived at his horn here on Wednesday. Kept.

U. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Presbjaterlan church, otter which Interment made In the Finch cemetery. Kenneth McRae has returned to town after spending some tune In Alberta and other parts of ths West. John McLeod of Winnipeg. spent the past week visiting his parents.

Mr. and Mra. William McLeod. Mrs. John Munro of haa returned home sfter visiting friends In two days utst week.

Miss Beal ot Smith's Falls, who has been engaged as ons of th teachers tor th publie school has been oa the sick list th pat few days. Robe Waldrolt met with an acei- den on Friday when- had on of Dr. Crane ot Cryaler Was la town two daya this weeek. A large number of people from her attended the Melon Fair last weeks-Mrs- D. Cameron and daughter Jennie, have returned from Potsdam.

N.Y. BIG SHODDY MILL BURNED DOWN R. V. Lee and Csmpany's Big Factory Destroyed by Flrei Loss 120,000 Partly Insured. Special to The Journal.

Almonte, Sept. 10. The stone mill ot th W. Lee Co on Mill street, was completely gutted on Saturday afternoon, although the substantial walls remain. Th fire broke out oa the flat In the garnet room.

This machine Is a kind of ptaker for tearing- Into fibre waste matter from the mills and revolves at a high rate. It I supposed a nail or soms hard substance In the material caused perk that ignited the lose feathery Jlbre and an instant th room waa a blase and the operative he'd barely time to escape. Ths (Ira spreak flash and passed downward through th elevator shaft to the lower flats. The alarm was Instantly given and In short time -two powerful etresms NOT ALMONTE the refrehing, breath spear -WINTER AT from th town Or engine and one from th Rosamond Woollen Cc's milt wer playing upon th doomed building. Th Are.

aided by ths oily character of Interior and contents of the building soon spresd to the top fist of the six story "building, snd although kepi from wetting, very la la use at aay ona period waa very hard to over, come owing to the height of tbei building and the want, of proper pllaacea or lighting a fir at. such a high elevstlon. Lints of hose were elevsted to the top ot Mr. West shop across th street, and also to th top of Mr. Mo- Muan's feed stors adjoining It to some advantage, hut still flr fn the tipper flat could not be reached, and the roof continued to burn until It fell la.

Th Are was kept wsll under control and as there waa practically no wind little danger of lis spreading existed ar anr Uma. Steadily until about 10 o'clock at night the light WW.W..T.T.y.T.vWATATAT.-.m.nrfY'WW".. HrTATAToT-TAl YET BUT BS HE'S BUYING IT BY THE BOX! The flavor lasts Lowney's shows vyou how Cocoa ought ALE STOUT LAGER Pure Palatable Nutritious Beverages FOR SALE BY WWE Ali STOUT MERCHANTS tyt3XWtX LOCAL OraON Residents In the local option district! can legally order from tote brewery whatever they -require for iWsonalor family use. Write to -JOHN LAB ATT, LnnrED, London, Canada. It costs less that way.

Every stick preserves teeth sharpens appetite aids digestion removes, over' eaten feelings. 1 HiB kn I l.i IS mm CORNWALL continued "until the flames wer drowned by the deluge at water pour, ed on them- la sll bul Ihe-eexser story, where they still gnswed away at th stout timbers supporting th heavy roof until these were burnt, when It gradually subsided. Had It gone down suddenly it would have carried the floors tight to the basemsnt and smashed everything to a mass of use lessees, but there Is a hops now thst soma ot th valuable machinery not have been rendered entirely use-leas. -Th mill, which wss a shoddy mill, "had three sets of card and th far-net on th flat I where the fir broke out; la addition to ether machinery. The herd1 wast picker was In a sep.

arate fireproof building adjoining and escaped. Th feuslneaa, which had been built up by the lata w. Lee. waa a prospering one, and much sympathy Is expressed for Mr. Hlret Tayp lor, th gentleman -who operates It, as mtrnmrut on pa ii.

SOON Made iii Canada WDLWrigleyJr.OuUd. 7 Scott Street Toronto, Ontario mm.

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