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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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WW 4K- ab'a Ur Thnn-A. C3 a BOO ISBERTER, veteran middle wing player of the Hamilton Tigers, who played 'a Mar game here against Ottawa, on Saturday. and gewer jnalnaa th hoBpital bulid- inga The marriage of Mia Gorman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Uor-man, of Ottawa, to Mr. Ambrone J. O'Brien, son of Mr.

and Mrs. M. J. Renfrew, Is announced. sir: and air.

-Armstrong: or Forl- tewart; are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Oeo. H. erguson.

Mia Gertrude Hvnea nurse-in- tralnlng at Dr. Myers' Hospital, Toronto, Is visiting her Mr. and THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913. OTTAWAS DEFEATED TIGERS II TO 10 COMBINES WON OUT IN LAST TWO MINUTES R.M.C. DEFEATED VARSITY MAY BRING AMERICAN HAM HERE Ottawa-Carlisle Game I Declared off.

Canton University May be Brought Here. Ottawa Would Flay Aaaerlcaa Team Horn on Thanksgiving Day Toronto I'mpm Knocked Wbkw Ottawa UBM The arrangements for. the Ottawa Combine to play the Carttal Indian Uj.Ki.ltl. toolbail team sv iuwh. i Thankaglvlng Oct, M.

bar twan dn iarrd off. Tha am wu arranged for by Mr. Walter Curran taat week, bui. euparently, ilia Toronto papara hava knocked tha iiai mucn, taking their cue from tha fact that heavy Pnaes would be a result of bringing Ottawa to Montreal, that tha promote hav. been forced, to-abandon the Idea.

The match wai to ba a on for Billy flee, former prealdent and -serretary vi tha C.K.MX..-who. la now aerlouely 111. A game will likely take place between ooa of the Toronto trams and Carlisle. Now that the trip 1 off. tha Ottawa have been looking around lor a team to bring here, and the Canton Unlver-alty eleven may be brought to Ottawa for an exhibition game agalnat tha lo-ial' at Lnsdowne Park on woek from to-day.

Coach Father Wanton ha, been working on tha Idea for om lime, and definite word I nectd to- A uaually the way with American itnd Canadian -half th game will "be played under (Canadian rule while tha other period will hav th American rule. In rogu. It la aim proponed to hava Frank Bhaughaeasy referee the tuaale. providing; Canton aiil consent to com. Tha gam would oeriHinry prova a grest drawing card n.

there ara many In Ottawa who never saw American football played. A great attendance would be la dence, a Monday Is a holiday. HOSPITAL WILL BE ENLARGED Debenture tar tlo.OOO Sold for Tola rurpoae Traoners Close Renfrew, Oct. 11 Special). Th fourth annual, of South Itenfrew TeaoberV Institute cam to a eloas on Friday.

Tho woo toon part on the final day wera: Ml Kraver. Esanvllle; Mlaa Lindsay, Ad-maetm; Mr. Lapp, Braeslde; Mia Whelan. Calabogle; Mis Kady and Mlaa Down, Itenfrew; Mia Shannon, Calabngie; Mlaa Hunt, Horton; Mlaa Stewart, Killaloe, all of whom gave flv-minute paper dealing with "How to Improve the School." "During the day Mre. A.

W. KaatM, gave a literary selection. At a special meeting ot Renfrew town council a letter waa read from Mr. D. Ewart, or tne public woras Department, asking the council to name the amount It would accept full payment on local Improvements at tha poet office.

Instead of by the yearly tnalalment plan. Councillor Rochester reported that debentures am-: ounting to 110,000.00 had been aold to Messrs. Wood, Gundy nd Toronto. Upon hi motion, seconded by Counclllor Gravelle, It waa agreed that 17.001.00 for the hospital wing extension, $1.000 08 to cover hospital over- Ul.ll, It, DUIIU 11 I hospital, 11, OOP. 00 to comtruct water1 OOOOOOOOOOOO THE RECEIITS.

New York, Oet. II. Forty-Bine playara who participated la. the series last week will divide between them on tha baala of 0 per cent, to the winners and per cenf. to the losers.

The stockholders of each of the two clubs will alao hava 171,. lOs.10 to divide aa a result of their, players' drawing powers during the world's eerie. The National Commlaalon received 111. (It for overseeing the live the entire gate receipts amounting to coming from the pocket, of fan, who paid to witness the play. The profit of the ticket speculators sre not available at this time.

The players ahare of-t-ht? receipts eeaaed with Friday's gum. they wvr not financially In-teresteil In Salurduv's atteml-ance, which totalled for gross rer.luts of HAMILTON TIGERS HAMILTON TIGERS WERE DEFEATED AT LANSDOWNE PARK ON SATURDAY IN THE LAST TWO MINUTES OF PLAY Local Combines Win Close and. Excitinsr Game by an 11 to 10 Victory Over. The Jungle Kings. Ottawa Gained Early Lead and Led by 9 to a at Half iime mmilton Score Eight Joints in Third Quarter, but Becker Tied the Score, and Gerard Kicked Winning Point.

xn Hamilton Ti their victory over th Toronto Argonaut failed to shake their hoodoo at Lansdowna Park on Saturday, and the forces 0( the Ottawa City and Lnlversity playera downed th vll-tora after sensational gam by to 1 Bis Crowd. Th gam was played before lght thousand apecatora and hti. i threalenad rain throughout th whole afternoon, tha weather eoadltlona 01 tne neat. During the last quarter, rain fell for a period of about three mlnutea, but no harm waa done. Hamilton have alwaya complained ot luck when It came, to Dlsvln in Ot.

taw. Th Juugia Klnga hav never won nere Since in formation of the Big Four, and they will now have to yalt another year before trying their luck again. Talking about luck, Ottawa's victory waa lucky, although on th day's ulay thev demtrvMi win by a blggsr margin than thsy did. Had it not been for a muff by Sam Hanson which presented Ottawa with a touch down early In tha Brst quarter, th result might hav bean different. Thi waa where luck played tha important part la the gam.

Ottawa Brat. On the day'a play, however, Ottawa had the three-quarters the best of play. Only in one period did the visitors excel, -and that waa in the third quarter. The score was to 1 for Ottawa at half time, and when the teams awitched over, the Tiger had the wlad at their back. Manson kicked Ave straight points, Ottawa being on the defensive throughout.

In the middle ot the quarter, CapL Sammy Manson put a different complexion on the state of the game when he ran through a broken Held, for a touch. Not an Ottawa man came within trying distance of getting the Tiger man as he ran over the goal line. This gave Hamilton a lead of a solitary point, and It was all they got. In the fourth and final quarter, Ottawa had the wind, and Eddie Gerard kicked the red, white and grey to victory, by one point. From a spectator's point of view, the game waa one of the beat seen here in lwt year, the Ot-tawaa won within the laat nineteen seconds of play.

This year, they win within the laat two minutea of play. That'a the way It goea. however, had Ottawa not had the wind In the laat quarter, they probably never would have won. Anxiety Felt, During tha early atagea of the game. Coach Father Stanton could neither be seen nor heard.

When th Tiger cored their touch, the reverend coach started shouting Instructions from the far side of the field. He pulled Kyan and Ollligan out of the game, sending In Reld Tubman and Mike Kllllan. This move wss a bit of strategy on the part of the Ottawa coach. Kyan and Ollligan were tired, but Tubman and Kllllan. both fresh men.

went in aa outside winga, and held the Hamilton backs right In their tracks aianaon, who had been breaking away for fif teen yard run on catching punts. was stopped abruptly, and the Moun tain City playera were forced on the defensive. True, Ron Craig, who with Sammy Manson appeared to ba the whole Hamilton team made many yards through his terrific line plunge. bus the ottawaa made up for it in kicking. In this regard Eddie Gerard more than held hla Own with Manaon and Malletl.

The New Edinburgh boy took hi tlm with punt, and Mrs Fred Powell, tit Ottawa "urprinea tne wnn w. raw visiting Mrs. Qua. M. French.

Very Very Pleased That is what our cus tomers are saying. They are very pleased at the fit and style of the Fall Suits we are making for them. Our new cutter from the WestEnd of London is giving them the real fit the fit men frequently go to London or New York to get. He designs the suit that will most become you, give you a dignified appearance. Sec some of the has turned out.

Distinguished Clothes for Men That is what our clothes You have here oneJof the greatest stocks of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds All Wool to choose from, that is to be found anywhere in Canada. Prices from $20 up. The 2 Macs, Limited'. (The Store where the styles come from.) he out Into them. Fumble Costly, The Ottawa backs did lea fumbling than those of Hamilton.

Boucher, Gerard and Becker, caught punt tlm and time again without an error, but Manaon' fumble In the first quarter coat Hamilton the game. On the wing line, Ottawa did exceptionally well. Tha Hamilton line, owing to having more weight than the Com bines, were conceded the best chance when It came to bucking, but Ottawa were right there with th tackling, and Isbester and Craig found themselves up against a hard propoaitloa. On the other aide big Ed Elliott showed that he ha not earned hi reputation for nothing. The big Ottawa wing player tore through th Hamilton line for fifteen and twenty five yard runs frequently, an he waa con stantly frustrating Hamilton lint bucks.

Mrgloughlln and Black were alao good In th line, and they held their uppoent mny time. The Burt. 1 Hamilton preased the play from the tart, and they, scored the first point when Manaon kicked to Qullty, who wa downed for a rouge. Ottawa took the lead when McKelvey fumbled behind the line and Eddie Holly, the fast little scrlmmager, dropped on the ball tor a touch. "Silver" Qullty converted In great atyl.

Before the quarter ended, Manaon kicked to Gerard, who made a great effort to run the ball out, but waa downed by Uatrnby. Karly Ottawa were not wtlafled with hav-. Ing the score to nd they Immediately proceeded to get additional tallica Gerard kicked, and McKelvey was downed for another On a fumble by Manson, Meglough'lin got possession for Ottawa on Hamilton's quarter yard line, and Gerard kicked a touch In goal. On another fumble by Manaon, Caasells got th ball, and Ottawaa kicked another point. Half time ended with Ottawa leading to S.

In the third quarter, Hamilton booted the ball continually, and they pull, ed up to within four point ot tha Comblnea, Then It wa that th Ottawa allowed Manaon to run through them tor a touchdown, which It luckily occurred, waa not converted. Thta gave the Tiger a lead of on goal, which they retained until tha and of th third period. Ottawa Win. When Coach Father Stanton sent in hla substitutes in th laat period, Ot tawa cams to life. Becker brought cheer from thousand ot throat when he kicked a touch In goal, which tied tlx scors.

A few minutes latar, Oerard kicksd to th Tiger dead Una for th point which decided th gam In favor of Ottawa. Tlgera commenced a determined onslaught on the locals towards the laat ot th fourth quarter, but they were repulsed. Near the end of the quarter, Maaaun kicked to tha Ottawa goal line. Becker caught th ball, and returned out of danger. Had Becker muffed, there might have been a different story to tell.

Th gam ended a minute 1st with th ataad 10 a tar. rlo uproar. When It comes Id picking out th stars. It appear a difficult proposition. Manson and Mallett th pick of the Hamilton back division, with Manson doing th most of the work.

Ha presented th Combine with a touch, but he made up for thi by scoring on himself. Mallett caught and kicked the ball without mlacue, while hla running waa good. Ross. Craig, tha Alert player, and Bob Isbester, plunged frequently, but they failed to make the impression here that they did in the west. Oatenby and Ulaasford were fair, but outside of playing a reliable game, sons of the others shone in any way.

Gerard Good. fieri. rd did moat ot the kicking for the Combines, and throughout he withstood all the hard tackling he waa submitted to with his lame knee, which made. him. noticeable to all.

"Dutch" Becker was there forty way, and put up a great gam. The former A left halt back waa good In returning punts. George Boucher' catching waa good, but he failed to get away for any of his sensational runs, aa the tackling waa too deadly. Ryan tired after the third quarter, but young Xenney Casaella, who figured In the Ottawa scrimmage In th place ot Jack Sullivan, who was fore-ad to remain out of the game with a sprained wrist, did some wonderful tackling. On one occasion, he got two men with one tackle, which brought forth a round of applauae.

McCann, Tubman and Kllllan, who got Into th game In the last quarter, put the necessary "pep" Into the team, and their tackling waa a feature. Dr. Gordon and Dr. Smlrla Lawson were the officials, and their work waa aatlsfaotory. Ottawaa oallmed two point on a blocked kick to th Tiger deal Una Just before half tlm, but Referee Gordon disallowed It.

giving tha Combihea on point. Th teams. OTTAWA PLAYER. fc ff'as 4 -I i i t. I 1 ft ti 2 i ED.

ELLIOTT, Ottawa husky Inside wine player, whoea line plunging Made him conspicuous tliroughoat eiaAarday's game. officials, penalties, and summary, war aa foltowa: Ottawa. Qullty Boucher Gerard Becker Snelllng 'i Kmmeraon Holden Casaela Black The Teams, Flying wing. Quarter. Scrimmage.

Inside winga Vaughaa Middle winga atrglottghlln Elliott Outslda wing. Ryan flhr Officials. Tlgera Belg Manson Mallett McKelvey Dixon Mylea Young Neville Craig Wllaon Clark lebester Olasaford Gtnby Refers Prairie Lawson, Toronto. Umpire Haromy Gordon, Montreal. Timers Dr.

Dave Balrd r- Thompson. Hamilton. Tardsmen H. Heyward, Ottawa, and Dav Tope, Hamilton. Goal Judge H.

Ackland. and Seymour, Hamilton. Ottawa, Penalty timers George Church. Ot-lews; H. Hamilton.

Substitutions Rnmtt r. Chagnon for Dixon i Mylea for Wilson; Ollligan for Fisher; Tubman for Ryl an; McCana for Boucher: Wwim. OTTAWA CAPTAIN. fe' 'X) BDDIat GERARD, raptala aad era. It half of th Ottawa Football teajsu whose great all round work.

and kicking was largely responsl Me for Hamilton's defeat. Ostenby; Lewi for Woodley; Kllllan for Kmmeraon: Sullivan for Black. Penal ties. Qullty. I Fisher.

I Wood ley, i MegloughUn, i Olsss- fcrd, mln. Summary: First Ottawa Touchdown (Holly) Con vert (Qullty) 1. Tiger Rouge (Boucher) rouge (Oerard) 1. Seoond Quarter. Ottawa Rouga (Belx 1: touch-in goal (Oerard) 1: kick to dead line (oft Mallett) 1.

Third Quarter. Ottawa No core. Tigers Rouge (Boucher) touchdown (Manaon) s. Fourth Quarter. Ottawa Touch-ln-goal (Becker) to deed line (Gerard) 1.

Tlgera No score. Total Ottawa. Tigers, -10. The Standing. Ottawa Hamilton Argonaut Montreal.

i i Won. Ixt. f. A. play.

14 11 14 Si 2t 44 Next Saturday' game Ottawa Argonauts; Montreal at Hamilton. STARS CIRU Waterbury, Conn Oct. II. Enraged because his wife did not unlock the door to let him Into their home a promptly as he thought shs should, Martin Dwyer stabbed her three times with a Jackknlfe and then jut hla throat. He will probably die, but his wife will recover.

They hv lght Terriffic Batting of Philadelphia Athletics Was Too Much for New York Twirlers During World's Series It was the terrific batting of the Merkasea thai seat tha championship title to Quaker Iowa for the third llasa That' all there was to It- They just poanded their way to vacaary, aaaad by the womlcrfal pltuhlnc or Bender. Bath, and Flank, and hacked by the sphinx leader, Counle Mack. The Mackmra' artillery mauled and sUagw tared tha sVUrery of the tilanta' rlflrsnen, The Mighty Maihewaoa. aha Olaat, Twareaa, Marquard and Drsnarre felled to smother tha batalag attaok af the world's champions. Motiraw famoaa gaarteua which, aaaay prrdlvtrd.

would atop Mack' slugger, wlch thehr oaaahag. baTIusg eurvea and tunoky peed, were all given a drubbing, CosnanesH aa -the following complete batting averages at the twe Masai nraald be usrlrsa. The figures sneak for themselves PHILADELPHIA AI1.R-UH.1B IB. H. B- SH.SO-SBAB-HP.

T.C. Collins It a I 0 11 I I 1 Maker 1 1 11 ht-hang II I 1 ft 10 1 Olilrlng II ft 1 1 Barry JO 1 to 1 1M K. Murphy 10 It ft ft 0 10 I j)pp 4 OOfte i.l Plank 10001 110000 .11 Mtrunk IT 1 I 0 1 -1 11 1 Mclnnla 17 I 00111 1 Bush .0 1 td Bender ft 0 0 9fl ft 1 ft ft ft Oft TouU Ill 11 I ft 4 44 ftl ft 11 ft 0 Ml NEW YORK AB.R.HR.IB IB. H. B.

sTrI.80.ftBAB.HP. P.C. Mathrwson ft I ft ft ft ftl ft ft ft 1 ft -to Mrln 11 000000000 400 MiM'ormWh-r-r-ft 1 1-a-ft-ft -ft-w ttnodgraa 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 41 Fletcher 1ft 1 ft ft ft ft ft ft 1.1 I 1 Murrajr leftftftftd 41111 .10 Mrrkll 11 ft 1 ft 0 ft ft 0 1 ft 1 ft M0 Hum I 1011101010 .151 khafer 10 ft 0 1 1 ft 0 0 10 10 .11 Doyle 1 ft'ft 1 llersog 10 1 0 ft ft 1 1 ft 1 I ft ft Ml Meter OOOftftO .000 Cooper aaftftOft o0 Grant lftOOft 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isrmaire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marquard I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ft 400 Teareatt 1- ft 0 ft 0 0 ft ft 1 ft ft 'ft ,000 Wlltse lOftft ft ft ftl Ift ft ft JrOO Wilson 0 0 1 0 0 0 400 Crandall 4 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Total 10 1ft 1 1 ft ft 41 1ft 4 ft TiTCU Finch, Oct. It (Special.) Mr. and Mrs.

B. H. Cameron hav left for their home in Edmonton, after spending a few months mi the former's home here. Mr. Duncan McNaughton, of Montreal, waa renewing old acquaintance in town laat week.

Miss Sarah Simpson and Mlsa Nora Hutt visited friends In Cornwall a few daya recently. Mr. Dougald Cameron ha left to vis-It friends in Winnipeg. Mrs H. Clark ot Avonmore, spent Friday with friends In town.

Misses Clara and Rose Lalonde, of Montreal were renewing eld acquaintances In town on Wednesday. Mrs M. Casaelman and little son, Mahlon, of Morewood, are visiting at Mr. Jaa. MeMartln's for a few daya Mr.

George Smith left on Baturds? for his home la Norwood, K.T, after pending th past week at Mr. J. a Merkley. Mrs. D.

R. Forsyth and daughter, Hauls, left on Friday for Ottawa where the latter intend staying for aom time. A chicken pi aoeisl, under th aus pice of th Methodist church Ladles' Aid Society, will be held la th Measey Hall. Finch, on Thursday venlng. Rockland, Oct (Special.) Mia Pangborna, who ha been staying at her home here for com tlm, left laat week tor Kureaa, calf Mrs.

Albert Edwards and Mrs. Arthur Campbell were la Brock vill laat week attending tha annual convention of the Baptist's Women's Mission Circle In Eastern Ontario. 1 The Perfect Tone of Columbia Records Is made into living music itself by Columbia Reproducer No. 6 THIS latest improvement in Reproducers makes the Columbia perfect MUSICAL INSTRUMENT not a talking, singin' or playing; machine. The ftound waves, perfectly recorded on Columbia Records, are perfectly reproduced on Columbia Iofttrument.

i The one-piece tempered iteel needle-arm will follow with absolute accuracy sound (roovei in the record little aa one-thousandth of an inch wide, making1 each note clear and true. The improved tone-arm ha done away with the rubber collar still used on reproducer less perfect than the Columbia. No need to muffle the usnal "machine noises" on the Columbia fAsns mrt nun. We will be fjad to show you the oUfference. Hearing ii believing" i v- EXCHANGE OFFER.

kavt htm'" muthorixtd to allow S3.00 for mny prrviout Columbia Rotnducor in part payment for No. 6prict SS.OO. Horteau Williams I Limited 167 Sprk St. Ottawa IIS Nice Warm Flannelette $1.35 IHERE is limited in this only a number lot and they are specially good buying just now, They an come With a nice stripe and include pink, blue and gray shades. Fast colors and worth regularly up to $2 a suit.

While they last $1.35 lMSparkiSt. You'd look good in one of our Fall Su ts tailored to your measure, Th Russell County Sunday aehool Convention waa held Isat week In St. I Andrew r-reeoyterian Church. Three aeaslon were held. Mr.

Preston Orwlg, of Toronto, waa th principal apeaker and gave excellent addresses at the afternoon and evening sessions. The a.ivnosiace waa large. C0BDIN Cobden, Ont, Oct. It. (Special).

A severe thunder storm passed over this section of the country on Thursday night and lightning struck the barn on the farm owned by Mra. John Logan, about three ml lea from Cobden, killing a team ot fine horse and burning th barn and the whole of the aeaaon'a crop. Another team of horse were happily gotten out of ths stable uninjured. Mr. John Collin has disposed of his fln farm to, hla son and has purchased th old Methodist par so nag, where ha will reside.

Spend your winter (at the -world famous Hotel Da Monte DlIX MOEKTE CAUTOUftlA Wheva ft 9amrmojr sfl Uns ymr. On tlm hmy ott MoatsMwjr, 12Amilti aouthof Hm FitvfMifw vi thm Paeifio K.B. Golfer's Pmse AMMywl, lfUbokOtMn with workl nrf VairwAj ni blu sra rHwtls OlwsMU, 0W.T I WNVTES WALK FtOM ROm WotMUrlNil GrWiM, Bftthlftg, Boat Inc. rtftvbiivg. Honttock llidiac.

Motof- tJf gafftd (. MTEI; WOO MY ANO VP 0b Ten ess aajay tas asms fiilillagaiaijil stop St tas PAC1RC GROVE HOTEL Thres miles from HOTEL PKu MONTE la ths beautiful sttls Iowa ot PasUs Grove, Twenty auaatei rids byeUetrla ear to Del Monte' Famous Golf Link, urn: uoo, U-so, uoo, mm Both Rotelaos 'the Amsrleaa Plaa eoly and uader the naAagemsat al H. IV WARNER. Dsl Messs, Cat, Writ for besstUsny mostrstsd booslst. giving full infonnsuoe, REFERENCES OUR FORMER GUESTS Polish Your Furuittiro) with S-in-OMoa PataiewraeBaaf 3D-Onooaoaa sd' II soft dotll wtum sat esU wassbTVa win eaai pisaa, labia, ebakaav asWd laail ai.

All sad anew ansa Ths psssa witk dry chess, cksk sabbiag wsk sW Baia at law wean ta7waV0. Oilalaal Uatra hi hi 1 alt it anltisa la nqta asrtama. JA assan.onoissi Jr 3Jtsa.laOa.OIICe. atsaweal.

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