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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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i 4 i 8 Cheapest Store Important Sale OF SPLENDID LOT of FURS Ws have just purchased (or eMh a bis lot. Including; MeiTs-Fur Coats and Fur-lined Coats. Ladies' Fur Capea, Ladles' Fur-lined Capet. Hen's Fur Caps. Fur Capa.

Ladles' Fur Buffsi 1 'Ladles' Fur Storm Collars. A. A. Foiiri-iier Co 327. 3271-2.

320." 323 1-2 I- i Upper Town Only. Ottawa lLi4rtiber Co MANUFACTURERS, ESTABLISHED 1888, RETAIL Office, Yards, goring etc, Hear Hordman't Bridge (Over Rldeau) Via Continuation or Nicholas St. Maple and Birch Floorltic ft." DRESSED LUMBER. Lumber Delivered ff CTTT TELEPHONE tU. Sittings Now -AT- P1TTAWAVS Tour Crockery, Glassware, Tinware.

Agateware, Dolls. Toy, and Notions, where you will get TRADING STAMPS. BRIDGMAN'S IK BANK STREET." 1 KENNY Aoooun it. And tor and Assignee Insurance effected. BANK STREET CHAMBERS.

17 J.R.SMITH. I 17 STEWART ST. a Tik m. ien 1 TST'ivirfrn ivnr SN9 FOR CAT-A-LOG PRICES 7T -FOE-. Photos OUR photos ARE i GROUPS, INTERIORS.

LANDSCAPES. i UMUERCIAL and ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTOGRAPHT. KEARDON PHOTO BUREAU 30 SPARKS ST. PHONE ML An Honest Dollar Canalways be saved by careful tlon to your clothes. By having them dyed or cleaned, you -can get another 1 winter out of that overcoat, ulster.

Jacket, cloak, suit or Ireaa. Now Is the time, before the snow comes, and -the right placer Is the Gold Medalist Dyera and Cleaners. i' i BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. 122 BANK STREET. Amibrechta 'j Torilo -4 Cocoa Win I- For Fatigue of Mind and Body.

Nervousness and Sleeplessness. by ARMBRECHT. NELSON at CO London. England. For sale by all druggists and principal grocers, $1 a bottle ejja-'caaaa WHT HE TOOK HIS DEPARTURE.

ChoHy "I never shall marry a strong minded woman, never. i Minerva "No, of course, you won't. The; woman you marry will be weak-snlpded, I'm sure. A' Ladles' Fur Gauntlets 'In Persian Lamb. Baltic Seal and Beaver.

f.y-.:-- .1 Such a collection of Furs baa never been nffmii tA thm trabuo before uch low piHctt. vi Come and see them early, nnOtinr. Drr Goods. Boots and Bboes, all at Xmas prices. WELLINGTON STREET.

i PHONE H2L I' RETAIL TELEPHONE 163L' The Market Saturday. TBere is. a class In tbli community who must have a food New Tear's dinner, even if they risk a severe bite from Jack Frost when secur- spue- oi toa lact utt Mercury unable t6 get up again, there was very. falr attendance. of buyers at the market during the morning.

One effect, however, which the frigid atmosphere did have, was to spoil the amusement of those creatures who delight to haggle for ten minutes over a matter of five cents In the price of a turkey, y- Their anxiety to-day to warm their toes prevented their Indulging In such sort. i As to the actual market, beef, pork ana poultry were as usual the tnree articles. In, most demand. As pre dicted Isst week, the cold weather Induced anadvance in the price of porkv The factories have Increased their quo tatlons fronq 8S.1S to. $6.25 ewt This figure should go up to, ewt, before long.

Some private sales of pork were made at ewt. although from $5.40 to $6.60 was the pries most usually paid for' the better-class of carcasses. Beef passed oft at from $5 to 26.5 hind quarters, and $3.75 to $4.25 ewt fdre quarters, the price depending entirely upon the quality of the article. In poultry there waa a scarcity of good dressed bfrds. One farmer with about twenty first class dressed turkeys, sold bis entire ldad in about half an b.our at from $1.00 to $1.40 apiece.

There were a number of birds of rather poor quality-! offered. These were neglected by the i buyers, who seemed to want the best and what was mare, appeared to be willing to pay for It You Can't Keep House And Keep the Family in Good Health Without the Old, Beli able, Tried end True 1 Dr. Chase's Remedies In these jdays, when a new "patent" medicine comes to light nearly every week and as suddenly disappears when Its shortcomings are discovered, you can't tell what you are taking. To avoid dis-a Intments, dangers. and unnecessary expense there's nothing like clinging to the remedies that have stood the test of time, remedies that were discovered by America's greatest nhvsl.

clan. Dr. A. W. Chase, and have ever since been endorsed and prescribed by eminent physicians.

Not patent medicines, remember, but the greatest prescriptions of the, author of Dr. Chase's Recipe Book. Dr. Chasers family remedies were never so popular and never had such an enormous sale as they have to-day. i These great prescriptions are as follows: Dr.

Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, for liver and kidney ailments, backache, urinary trouble, and intestinal dyspepsia. The only remedy having a- direct action on the liver and kidneys. One pill a dose: 25 cents a box. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, for cold In the bead and catarrh; 25 cents a box: blower free.

I Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, for croup, bronchitis, asth ma, coughs, and colds: 25 cents a box ouuBiw, ana coins; za cents a oox Dr. Chase's Nerve for thin blood and exhausted nerves; 64 cent a oox. Chase's Ointment for plies and all Itching skin diseases. The only guaranteed cure foi" piles: 60 ornts a box.

1- For sale at all dealers, or sent by mall on receipt of price, by Edman-son. Bates 4V Co, Toronto, THE OTTAWA EVEKIKG, JOURNAL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1399 Oats o1d for I9e to SOc bushel. Not' butter waa offered.

In palls and rolls It sold for 22c. ltx, and In prints for 25c. Ib. There was scarcely any vegetables. What few sales were made aeemed to be at the usual figures.

The attendance of farmers, probably owing to the cold weather, was not more than, half as larjje as last Satur-day. TORONTO PRODTJCE MARKET. Toronto, Dec W. Butter Receipts are' Ugh and are largely of inferior Demand for-choice butter is good; market steady. Good to choice dairy tuba fetch 17c to I8c, and medium Me to 16c.

Large colls are steady at 18 to 18 r-5c. Dairy pound rolls are quoted -at ISc to 20. Creamery butter Is in good demand and firm at 21c to 21 l-2o for tubs and 22c to 23c for prists. t. i Eggs Market Is steady; receipts mo derate.

Strictly new laid eggs in case lots' are very scarce ana are quoieo. at 22o to 23c. Fresh eggs, choice, fetch 18c to 19c. held stock 17c; limed. No.

1. 2, 14c; Inferior, 12 l-2c Poultry receipts, are at a standstill. Light, left-over stock of poor quality are 'on hand and. are quoted nominally. It IS thought there will be some demand Prices, tor good poultry are quoted at 7o to so lor turxeys; geese, to 40o to SOc; 26c.

to 40c. 1 Potatoes A few-cars on the track bere ere. offered at SSo to 40c. Potatoei Ulll UK iwrv BVil www Balefl. tlay Cars of 1 on track bere are quoted 4t $8.80 to 29.60.

Market IS Baled Straw No change in the market and prices her are nominal at $4.60 to 16.P0.( i r. V' SUGAR. MARKET. 1 Toronto, Dee 20. Sugars are" unchanged.

i- 'The world's production of sugar for the year now ending has reached the enormous total of M14.MM tona. The production-' of this staple commodity has increased -three, and one-fourth times sides 1872, when the output was only Th averse price per pound declined considerably more than one-half during the same period. Of from 5.27c in the earlier years to 2.396 for the year 1898. the average for the current year not yet being 'j '(" i' Latest adviees report -that the exportable surplus of "the Burmah rice crop will be 1.942,000 tons, whioh. is 400.000 tons in -exacts of list year, and this will b.

needed by India to relieve the1 famine In that i i. 1 MONTREAL FARMERSM ARKET. i. Montreal, Dee. 120.

The egg market furnished no change to-day, business ruling, quiet and prices steady. We quote: 23o to 26c for. fresh new laid Montreal limed. 17 1-ic to 18c; western limed, 16c to lie and culls, Uc to 12o per I With an increased supply prices of poultry were rather. easier but the cold "Weather is a favorable factor.

Prices are as follows: Turkeys, 9c to 9 I-2c; duxkSi 7 l-8e to l-2c; chickens. To to 3cr geese. 6c to 6c; old fowl. 6c to c. 'a Honey continues, dull, but steady.

White extracted is quoted at 9c to 10c; dark clover at 8o to 8 l-2o; and buckwheat) extracted at 7 l-2c per lb. Beans remain as last quoted. Choice hand-picked pea beans, 31.52 1-2 to 3L67 1-3, and choice primes at 1.42 1-2 1.4. Tn. potatoe market continues steady under a good demand, despite liberal receipts.

Car lots on track quotable at 46c per and small quantities at 8c to 10c per bag advance, accordlmr to the slse of the lot. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK, Montreal, Deo. 30. There were about 200, head of butchers' cattle, 15 calves, and 600 sheep, and -lambs offered, for nM at the Kaat End Abattoir' ta-dav. i No primo stock was offered on the market "to-day, and there seemed to be very little demand for beef of any kind; with 4e per lb about the top price paid.

Several' large bulls, were brought for Shipment to Great Britain at 2 3-4c per common cattle sold at from 2 1-2q to 3 l-4c per lb; good veal calves sold for $20.50. Nearly all the calves were' "bobs," whlcH sold at from $2.60 to $4 each. The mutton, critters were not a good selection, and the sheep sold at from' 1-tc to 3c per while the lamb brought from 3 l-2e to 4 l-4c per. lb. Fat -hogs sold at from $4.15 to $4.30 per 100 for straight lots, weighed of -the cars.

KFepVISIONS ARB 8TEADT. i i Montreal, Dec. SO. Pork and smoked meats are moderately and Canadian shortcut mess 314.50; short-cut back, 214; and. heavy: long mess, $14 per narrei; pure, Canadian lard, in palls.

7 l-4o to 7 J-4c per and compound refined at. 6' to l-2o. per R. -Hams. 10; to Ul-2c; and bacon, 11 to lll-2e per ib.

-i LIVERPOOL MARKET. Liverpool, Dec 30, Bacon Cumberland 20s 4d; short ribs, steady. 83s; long clear middles. 'light, steady, 33s 6dr lone- clear middles, heavy, 33s; abort dear backs, steady, 82s.d; lard, Aimcrican refined. In palls, firm, 30s prime in tierces.

Arm, 29a. I 11 FAra Grain demand. Montreal, Dec SO. A fair demand was experienced tor wheat and considerable business 4n-Manitoba 4iard was put through at the; old basis, 65c Fort Coarse i grains are dull and deliveries at country points are still Hght, though they are expected to increase shortly. Oats are quoted at 25o to 26c l-4a; peas at 67c to 57 l-2o; rye at 60c; buckwheat at 48c; No.

1 at 39c; No. 2 at 38c, jiwest. of Toronto freights, and buckwheat at 49c, eastern frieghts. Some Ontario spring wheat is moving east of Toronto at 65c. FUOUR AND FEED.

Montreal, Dec. 30. There la only quiet local trade -til flour, and prices are steady. We quote: Winter patents, 33.60 to straight rollers, 33.30": to in tHHrs, sManltoba patents, 3S.90 to and strong bakers, $3.60 to Oatmear coniinuee steady at $3.50 per brU And $1,70 per bag. Feed was the same.

Ontario bran. $16 to $15.50 In bulk, and Manitoba do $14.60 to -f- DINNERS FOR $0 FAMILIES. 'The Friend of tb'e owing to the generosity with which their appeal for help was) responded to, were able to give this year nearly sixty dinners to poor (ami lies for Xmas Day. They bg to thank all who have kindly helped hem by donations in money and The following fire the names of those' who. gave- donations hi money: Sir Louis vies, Horn! Mr.

Fisher, Hon. Mr. Paterson. m. tr.

Davis, Mr. Oa B. Pattee. MK George Dr. Borden, Mr.

Mr. M. P. oooowin, str. Warren x.

Soper, Mr. R. Gill. Mr. J.

R. Wm. BaskeryUle, Mr, Alexi" Fraser, Mr. D. O'Connor, Mr.

DArcy Bcott. -Jlon. R. W. Bcott; Mrs.

Denations In McKay Milling Mrs. Trentbtay.i Mrs, Tbos. Martin. Bate 4k Mr.1 J. Cunningham.

Mr. Waltap Cnnnlnb4uzi. ..,..4 Our CHINA Discount It Is our custom 1 are marked In they are getting. REMEMBER wnoie montn, lowed alter tnat i This Is an cleared out at 1 An. excellent THE JOHN In general to TOPLiEY Just Received almost too late tit the holidays, 2 CASES PHOTO Which will be cleared i NOVELTIES FOB AMATEURS.

Renlrew (Special to the Journal.) Renfrew. Dec. 28. Mrs. Joseph Plaunt nee Isabella McDonald, died at, her home here at ten o'clock this morning.

Mrs. Plaunt had been an invalid for years. Latterly her condition bs. came for nearly a week! now death has been looked forward to as certain. The deceased- lady was fprt'y-nlne years of age.

Hero where Mrs. Plaunt had Uved all her life she was looked up to and respected as few other women are. 8wetness of disposition and affability were hers In a marked degree, but more' than all cbor-lty. The poor will miss her, and the sick and suffering. Mr, Plaunt and family have the sympathy of the community In.

their present hour of gloom. The funeral will take place Saturday at 2 p. m. REBEL STRONGHOLD CAPTURED. Washington, Dec Adjutant General received a cable message from General Otis yesterday telling of the capture of a mountain stronghold beyond Montalban, north of San Mateo, formerly supposed to be Impregnable, and the capture of many -prisoners and large quantity of arms and ammunl-ttoa, EXPANSION CONDEMNED.

New YorlCDec. 30. At the meeting of the New York city council yesterday a resolution condemning the action of the United States government in continuing the war In the Philippines was passed. The resolution stated stated that the war was begun against Spain forlthe purpose of procuring the liberty ofjthe Cubans, and was now being carried on for purposes. of gain.

Window Glass ALL SIZES; PRICES RIGHT May Mc WhlMtile Heating Engineers. Contractors, and Architectural Sheet Metal Workers. "SUNLIGHT" Gas Burners ano Mantles, save gas. i eyesight and, money. 1 1 167 BANK STREET.

Phone 1644. first Great Annual Discount Sale of AND GLASSWARE r-' IW will Range from 10 to ldour Montreal stores to have ONE ING SALE each yearight utter New Year's, as we take stock 1st February. The same, plan will adopted here, so commencing Tuesday morning, January 2nd, we willlllow a discount on everything in the DISCOUNTS'ON DI2CER SETS ON ALL FANCY CHINA DISCOUNTS ON CHAMBER SETS DISCOUNTS ON LAMPS DISCOUNTS ON fcA SETS DISCOUNTSon all GLASSWARE i All the odds and a)ds will be collected and offered. at half price Man pieces of Fscy China Half Price. Special Tables willbe arranged from 6c to' $1.00, but these will not be ready till later in thejweek.

i All sets that are op, or have one or more pieces missing will be sold at 20 to 50 per cent dtsijunt This is a genuine Clearing Sale. All out goods plain figures, so that everyone can sec 1 Sale commences Tuesday morning, January 2nd, on the 31st No ran opportfilty that comes bjit once a year exactli half price. oppojtunlty for boarding houses, hotels replenisj their stock of china and glassware. CASSIDY Sparks Street. FRAMES I ott mt low price.

KODAKS. KNEW THE ORDER OF THE PAR-, ADE. First Esquimau Hurry upT There goes another those North Pole expeditions. Let's go nd beg a few candles. i Second Esquimau No use.

It's got by, But get your cap and we'll go out and touch the relief expeditions as they go by after. -r IS53. A Happy and Prosperous See Fage 2 j'fnnouncementpf GREAT REMOVAL SALE 4. 4. 4.

4. 4.4. 4. 4. 4g4 4 4 4 4 4' 1 Everything Marked at a I Genuine laroain And must be Cleajed.out before removing to Our Palatial PremiUs on Sparks St P.S.

The balance of Holfflay Goods sacrificed to-night GEO, B. BLM -4 SONS 300,1302. 306, 308 Wellington Street PHONE 1303. 50 p. GRAND CLEAR the exact discount I and will conjnue the discounts wi be al many lines will be and housekeepers LI MAF AFFECT OTTAWA; Railwafs Considering Schema to Bodies Number of Excursions.

-MonJal, Dec 29.. Passenger officials ol the Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunlcttlicblgan Central Toronto, Hamiltm and Buffalo railroads have under pnslderatlon a new 'regulation, which, IT enforced, will preclude the holdt.pfof club or society excursions on big pislic holidays, when the regular bolldaj exoursions give the railroads as mul as they can conveniently handle. ej have also under consideration I proposed re-arrangement -of excuron traffic in Canada, with es-peclalyeference to excursions between Montal and Ottawa; which have become ho frequent in recent Summers, owing to games at one or the other placejhat the rail-way companies have lost nuch full fare business from travel, wtich waited for the lower excursion ktes. WORD-SAVJNG POEM, Somtcooks bake with cottolene. lard.

A use no irrease at all. But their crust's mighty, hard Somi men put their ads In papers. them on the fence, never advertise Whqought to have more sense. 'Igoo" to You All. fo Special Our hi MITED.



ODD CHAIRS. P'ain and Rattan. COBlii.ER ROCKERS. feAPlES' fANcr rockers: EASY CHAIRS. HALL SEATS.


LUKE CO. HOUSEFURNISHERS "THE 6 RIDEAU ST. jCutters ani Sleiglis- jpSj? Nowhere In the city can bs found a fYr j.V'ii i- more extensive or better line of Cut- VJ. i vfl- ters and Sleighs than We )) C'Ln atlat3r you 00(0 in quality and C00H STOVES AND RANGES. -ceSJ alS Coon.

Wallaby and Siberian BuOaio. We have' about seventy-five Sample Coats. Stoves, Ranges and Heaters on the ROBES Musk Ox. supplied you will find our prices in- advances and purchasers will rt tha terestlng. benefit of our bargain.

Kenneth MARKET SQUARE. KDDY'S THERE AkB SIX Out of Four Dozen of with Large, Hctvy, Roll Back, and I'll sell them for EacVi. CHRISTMAS CUTLERY Best English Mokera Carvers in Cases, Carvers in pairs, Table and Des- sett knives and forks, fine line of 'pocket" knives and razors Thos. Birkett Son UtiHted Ill aiyl US RIDEAU STREET. SELLIING OFF At 444 Welllngtort Street: Boys' Overcoaes, 23 to 2T, 150.

Boys' Overcoats, 28 to SO, 12.00. -Youths' Overcoats, 31 to 32, Youths' Overcoats, 33 to 33.00. Boys' Suits, piece, tt to 84, 3LC0. Boys' Suits. 2 piece.

25 to 27. TLTs. Boys' Suits, 2-piece, tt to 30. Boys' Suits, 3 piece. Zt to 32, tZM.

Sparks St Rugsr An unllually largeV shipment 'of RUGS and MATS' received this week for the Christmas -Trade. We have ma.rked these goods at except- tonally low prices to ensure a speedy sale. Thos. Ligget, Genuine steel engravings, colored photographs, latest style english dinner and tea 8et. exquisite silk piano drapes, 7' DIRECT FROM JAPAN ft silk table covers.

silk chair drapes, curtains. portieres. rich oriental rugs and squares, parlor clocks. HALL CLOCKS. -'r CHILDREN'S TEA TABLES AND CHAIRS.

Many Others Equally En tiring Ennallw Rnifahfn Mc Donald OTTAWA, i MVS those Wicker Rockine. Gwi 1 rrs J. A. PARR -iiANUTAOTUREB OF I 1' Planed Lamber, Doors, SasB and Blind AND ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FINISH AT nUAIiniCDC DIAMIMH. MIMQ UnHUUILni.

I LHIUIIU 1V1ILLU THE ONLY DISTILLED WATER FACTORY nlJ 1 1 1 I 1 Manufacturers ot German nUblYLLc) l)U Soda, Belfast Olnrer Ale, RanHWH OusenSL Sole Agents for the celebrated CAL- 2p and 32o yuBBn ot edonia springs saline Phone 108. duncXn waters. Purveyors by appointment to His Excellency, the Governor-General.

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