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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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1MT. Just think bow 70a will enjoy thinking- that a amall subscription from you ia giving a dozen little things from hot city streets and stuffy hornet a great til, ride In the country and a great hl day's outing among- the trees or by the water aide. HELP IT ALONG. Elnce the project of a Fresh Air Fund tarted. The Journal has received many auggestions regarding the scope the WHO OWNS ONTARIO affair might take.

Rev. Archdeacon of Sir Rl char if as a broad-Bogert pointed out that to many child- I tnlnded atatesman of de- ren who might wend a few hours In the park on Lake Deschenes, a glass of milk would be a most desirable addition to the outing. Vicar-General Rou-thier, said, what la sadly true, that many poor children often need a dinner even more than an outing, and that a meal provided at the park would be a boon. Another reverend gentleman peaking to The Journal dwelt on "nu lnttl desirability of some permanent arrangement whereby Invalid children could spend aome days In the country. Perhaps these things will all come In time.

It la but a beginning that The Journal la making, and beginnings are best tried In the simplest way. If a success can be made of the plain outing to the Take aide, of a few hours rpent in the country proceeded and followed by ten or twelve miles of an exhilarating ride in open electric cars If a success can be made of that simple Idea, and the money readily raised for It. there will be a splendid step provldsd for something better. Let ua make a tart. Later on.

perhapa very soon perhaps next week, who knows the glaaa of milk can be added, then perhapa a meal, and In possibly, a year or two something more elaborate can be done. Meanwhile The Journal wanta Are hundred dollars right now to provide five thousand outings for tired mothers and poor children. Already some two hundred dollars are In hand. The rest cannot come in too quickly, to enable an assurance that the fund will not be stinted. Until Mr.

Keane and the city clergy know what fund there will be, they must be cautious in their recom- Let us have the project in a generous scale to the proper beneficiaries from the start Thia la the mcnth of hottest weather. Let no poor child, whose parents cannot afford such an outing for It, go without the outing because the Fresh Atr Fund must be stingily used. What a boon the plan would have been during the past broiling week Let Ottawa have the fund In good shape without a day's further delay. To-morrow the outings begin, and from now on, why should not every eek of the summer make a thousand 1 poor children acquainted with the delights of a long ride through the fresh ccuntry air and of hours spent by the ahady aide of Lake Deschenes After all, why should not Sir Wilfrid be prime minister of the British Empire yet The Forty-Third Rifles seem to hold inspections and things with the Idea of having reviewing officers say nice things about the battalion. If they want Colonials In the House of Lords over In Lunnon, they'll generally have to provide the Incomes to maintain the dignity.

There Is no need for surprise that the natives of India should resent the efforts of the sanitary authorities to stamp out the bubonic plague. People In what are known as highly civilised countries are apttto get angry that way. We have had samples In Ottawa In connection with the Isolation princi ple, and the last vaccination crusade in Montreal brought on amall-slred I rlOtS. A Toronto Uqaor Lawyer lays the Temper ance People do Toronto. July 7 At the police leourt this morning, Richardston, a saloonkeeper, was fined VA and costs (pr SO days for refusing to admit a license Inspector Into his bar on -Sunday.

In passing sentence. Magistrate Kings-fcrd remarked that the penalty was a severe one and that aome representa- should be made to the government to have a lighter punishment for a first offence. Lawyer Harrison, who defended the accused, observed that the province was in the hands of a lot of teVnper-ance people, and he supposed it would have to remain there for a while. TARTE ON, CARTWRIGHT. Hon.

J. has an article which he has signed In yesterday's La Patrle Blr Blcbar Cartwright. Tne 'minister of public works speaks to the Me, to bis friends. "I would like to know the names of those who Would, like to see Sir Richard CartwrlKhf leave the gcvernment. He is lndiajenslble In the cabinet and In the Canadian parliament." NOTHING TO BEAT IT.

Mr. J. H. Taylor, of St. Paul, was married In Brockvllle, Tuesday, to a daughter of Mr.

WUUs Coates of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor spent yesterday with Mr. J.

R. Reid of Metcalfe street and were shown around the city. Mr-Taylor 1 speaking of the electric railway In Ottawa said It was one' of the beit equipped roads he had ever seen. There Is nothing In St. Paul or Minneapolis to surpass it.

NOTE AND COMMENT. Progressive Itngland Toronto Globe. Last year In London (Eng) more than 12,000 children of both sexes were taught to swim. Doubtless In a hu-maner age that knowledge. will be Included In the regular course, of Instruction In the schools.

Prsoeptaei Practice Hamilton Herald. The man who wrote the song Silver Threads Among the Gold, whlcfc expresses conjugal love In all Its sweetness and purity, has Just been arrested on a charge of reflecting to support his wife. Men who make "grand, sweet songs" are not always those who make their married life "one grand, sweet Hot Very Good Oram mar Rev. Dr. Tarmage.

I declare It, fearless of contradiction, that the mightiest champion of Christianity to-day Is the throne of England. r-- Qood Character for us Investors' Guardian, London, Eng. Apparently Canada la to show the States the way to prosperity; at any rate, whilst the Republic Is still laboring uneasily amidst general depression, trusts and something of a boom Is developing in the Dominion. The over-sea trade of the colony, both export and Import, Is showing great elasticity, and city men and speculators are already busily at work on the mining potentialities of British Columbia. These, among other things, point to a great revival In Canadian affairs.

Bears a Good Deal Wyoming Enterprise. The country editor may not know It all, but he doesn't live long in a community without knowing a deuced sight more than be publishes. Keep Cool Pittsburg News. There ain't no sense in gettln' riled An' havin' all your temper spiled. Inere no howln' spite Becaut things don turn out Jest 1 Jest right.

Don't flare ap like an or blame fool Keep cool. When things Is gettln' In a muss. Don't rave aroun' and. start a fuss; Gol darn yer eyes it might be wuaa Keep cool. Te'll sleep a good dell sounder, too, Enjoy yer meals and won't get blue, Te'll find the sun ain't dropped away Because there is one cloudy day.

Don't let yerself be Dull Care's tool-Keep cool. RURAL HAPPINESS. Have you escaped the groater harm The modern city's magic charm, And learned industry on the farm Then thank your stars. Have you enjoyed your 'country life, Made choice of a contented wife, And settled down away from strife Then thank your stars. Do you possess your acres clear.

And still the ground from year to year; Seeing, first the blade and then the ear 7 Then thank your stars. Can you let politics alone; 've happily In any When buying beef expect some bone TV, Then thank your stars. Then thank your stars. Can you from vain ambition keep, Learn what to sow and when to reap Enjoy your work and restful sleep Then thank your stars. Give to your neighbor no offense, Pay all your debts one hundred cents 1 Make your religion common sense Then thank your stars.

Can you assist the man that's poor Perhaps he tramps from door to door Mr. P. A. Egleson's sudden death to lWKh prospcU of of nay a grim testimony to the stress of such provlslon made for rainy day weather as has prevailed during the I mean a little put away last-few days. Mr.

Egleson came Into I Then thank your stars. The Journal office on Tuesday after- Have you got children, two or more, noon, looking cheerful and fairly well. Wltn of a half a Kor although somewhat pale, and speaking With hats and cloaks and boots, galore? brightly of some plans for the future in connection with St. Patrick's Literary Association. No citizen had ap- parently a surer hold on life and ac- Uvlty.

KILLED BY A NIGHT TRAIN A Farmer Prom Hear Oxford stills Meets a Trade Death Oxford Mills. July 7. A farmer by name of Duncan Christie, living at Patterson's Corners, three miles west of here, while returning from Kemptville impart ouf of your goodly store was struck by the midnight express Then thank your stars, train, and Instantly killed, at a place I called Harris' Crossing. One of his Have you a nope bejrond tb 1 Are you a servant, not a slave, horses was also killed. The other es- obeying whom your blessings gave 7-caped uninjured.

It Is supposed the Then thsnk your stars, man was under the Influence of liquor. 4 William Strong, Hamilton. Thirty-five years ago Mr. Joseph Hobson, chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Railway, lived In Berlin and bad for a partner Mr. M.

C. Schofield, the firm doing business as surveyor-. The following paragraph from th Guelph Herald of 6th shows that the ex-Berlinite Is still at work "Mr M. C. Schofield left this morning to survey Beauty Island, situated about a mile and a quarter from Little Current, and belonging to Mr.

A. 13. Pet-rle. He will be there for about three' weeks. Mr.

Schofield states that this will be the first time he has camped out for about thirty years. What Is particularly remarkable about this trip is that Mr. Schofield Is In his 79th year." Premier Laurter, when asked In England regarding his views of those who ran down Canada because of the sniw that falls In winter, said that sucn critics were haifbrained. "Why," he asks, "what would Canada be without her snow 7 It is one of the greatest of her treasures. Her great lumbering Irdustry would hardly exist but for the snow, and much of the wonderful fertility of our farm lands and the salubrity of our climate we owe to this same winter visitor.

Our snow is a thing to be proud of and thankful for." It Is, It Is. Suppose we order a little ci' it now It Is Interesting to remember that human perspiration, If Injected Into dogs or rabbits, acts like a deadly poison, according to M. Arlolng's experiments. Perspiration secreted during hard muscular work has more poisonous power than the ordinary kind, while that obtained from subjects whose secretion has been checked by cold Is very poisonous. 80 some people think woollen underwear deslrablj even In hot weather.

Father Kenelm Vaguhan, an English Catholic priest, has been gathering money in Spain for the new Westminster cathedral. In Biscay alone he has raised It sounds like squeezing blood from a stone. A Paris young woman of 16 having been reproved by her mother for some slight fault, rushed to the window and jumped out, fallng two storeys. Her nineteen-year-old sister became excited and at once Jumped after her. Both were picked up, badly and perhaps fatally Injured.

German toy factories have received so many orders for Turkish and Greek lead soldiers for the Christmas season that they are refusing to accept any more, as they will be unable to deliver the goods. Russia's Imperial appanages, constituting the domain reserved for the support of the younger branches of the Imperial family, which was begun by Emperor Paul now comprises 000 acres, with a revenue of 110.000.-000 a year. The Department of Appanages is the largest land-owner, farmer, 'and wine producer In the Empire, and Is developing timber, sugar, and cotton industries on a very large scale. It is distinct from the private possessions of the Romanoffs and from the state or Crown demesnes. The Baroness de Hlrsch recently donated 11,000.000 for the relief of New York's poor.

The trustee of the fund, Myer S. Isaacs, has just received the first draft upon It of One hundred and fifty thousand dollars of this sum will be donated to the building and maintenance of the enlarged Baron de Hlrsch Industrial School, which will accommodate 400 pupils, Russian or Roumanian In nationality. The remainder of the fund will be applied In several ways and eome of the first beneficiaries will be the several hundred families rendered homeless by the creation of a small park between Hester street snd East Broadway. A number of women In the "smart set" In Washington have taken up the fad of a silver whistle, to be carried by them and blown whenever a man paya them a compliment they regard aa too extravagant, after the manner of the old "chestnut bell." A cynical old bachelor expresses the opinion that the whistle will not be worked overtime. A peculiar case.

In which decision has not been yet given, Is reported in the Albany Law Journal. A man sues a clergyman for naming a child at a christening in accordance with the mother's wish, in opposition to the father, who claims damages for the "serious disappointment, loss of authority In his household and laceration of feelings." Miss Ethel Rebecca Benjamin, LL.B., aged 25, of Dunedin, New Zealand, having passed the bar examination, is the first woman admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor In Australasian courts. Australia continues to be ravaged by the rabbit pest. All efforts to exterminate it have failed. In seven years New South Wales has expended over 000,000 in fighting the pest, while since 1S90.

958 miles of barrier rabbit-proof fence has been erected. But to little purpose. And what Is most alarming Is that the rabbtt Is reported to be developing new and alarming capacities. It can climb trees and fences, crawl through the meshes of wire fences supposed to be rabbit proof, and generally triumph over all the arts employed against It. Queensland is trying, with great patience, to enlist battalions of microbes In the warfare against the all-Invading rabbit.

The bacillus of Pasteur's chicken-cholera Is cultivated and concealed In pellets of pollard, and these are to be scattered over the country. How It Looks in Welsh. The Welsh version of the Jubilee hymn Is a most awe-inspiring production. Here Is the first verse: "Dy deyrnas sydd. a Frenln mawr.

Er dj'ddlan tragwyddoldeb; flaen Py Falne coronau aur A deifl Dy Saint mewn undeb Neuddan dlsblaer mefoedd wen Gan Koran per ddadseiniant; gad i'th blant I agosau A dwyn eu baberth mollant." The great trick Is to repeat more than one line at a time without becoming tr ngue-tlcd. Editor Mr. Cose, your Jokoe hare lost all their humor of late. What's the trouble Joe Done I guess I'm not weX I've feit rather furor tor a weak past, VARIOUS tfOTES. aillag sad spangled Tall of All Colon Tot Rat Flowers are used in millinery with the Utmost profnslon, largo one being employed In a detached way while small ones are bnnobed together In closo matws.

Pome beta are rvally rovered with flowers, while many small toques and honnets are entirely composed of them. Flowers aro placed under the brim of hats, In front, at the side and at the bark; they loop the brim or are arranged above It; they surround cr cover the crown, and they stand up In algret form. Veiling, open and spotted with chenille dots, Is largely used for hats, bring gathered Terr full and formed into thick ruches snd puffs. Of course great deal Is required for a hat, as It Is so thin. All colors are employed, violet, green and bine haying the preference perhaps.

Hpangled tullo In various tints la much liked as a trimming. Where it is applied flat It should be placed oyer satin rather than dull finished rllk, as the gloss of the satin counteracts the dimming quality of the tullo and shows off the beads and spangles to greater advantage In making up any silk garment the Iron should not be applied flat upon the silk, as It leaves a glossy mark on the right side which cannot be effaced. The scams alone should bo pressed, a seam board or the rounded edge of tho Ironing board being employed. Pressing the silk all over also takes awsy Its natural spring and stiff-tens and leaves it looking old and characterless. A picture is given of a costume of finely striped taffeta in a pale and a medium tone of violet.

The skirt opens at the side over a pointed panel of whits lane upon violet silk. The edges of the opening are bordered with a cpongled embroidery in many tenss of purple. Toe bodice has a double bolero, the lower of silk, wiWirevurj adorned with gold buttons, the upper of Richelieu lace. The chemisette Is toll and la of ganse embroidered with violet over nblte silk. The collar aad belt are of dark violet satin.

jcnic Choixbt. Gay nothing It is the only way to avoid beln misquoted. E. D. ST0KY.

ysoscriptioo druggist, cor. Bank Ann sts. Night bell. Phone 1078. EQUALITY BT EDWARD BELLAMY Author Looking Backward." Price Paper 75c, Clolh $125 Bellamy'a "Equality" will monopolize a great hivr of the conversation of 189T." "The first C-vnadlan Blltlon of Mr.Bdl-amy a new iook was taken up by the trade before It wu ready for issue, and the American publisher confidently ei.iect that the sale ulll exceed that of any booi: lsaued during the year." DURIE A Few Facts OUR AIM Has always been to represent beat planoe we know of.

the REPUTATION Came to us by holding strictly to thia rule. OUR HOTTO Is to give good value for the money. HIGH GRADE Haw always been the claaalf 'cation of the instruments we offer for sale. Our stock Includes new Upright Pianos by reliable and weU-knun makers, at 1275, JV0 and upwards, on the easiest roe-alble terms. Cxsea are finished in rich mahogany and walnut.

Bargains in second hand pianos. J. ORME SON 169 6PARKS STREET. Fo jou purpose repairing or banding new addition to your residence 7. It so.

it may ba to your financial Interest to drop aoe a card, CI1AS. HOPEWELL Carpenter Bulldtr. Beat ot reterancea. Victoria Ava. WOOL AND CARDING DAVID MANCHESTER 444 WELLINGTON Ottawa.

ROLL CARDING AND SPINNIN3 MILL. First class work and reasonable charges. Highest price paid for wool In cash and goooa. A call won't be time washed. o-Dfy.

Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats.

R. J. DEVLIN MORE SNAPS FOR MEN 7 pairs MEN'S BLACK CALF LACE BOOTS, that wore $100. Ii.06, J5.00. Tour choice for SEE WINDOW.

A. J. Stephens Son 117 SPARKS STREET. CALEDONIA SPRINGS passengers fro-n Ottawa, now take 3 a. m.

and 3 p. m. Cuntda Atlantic train, mutiny transfi-r at Vank-Uvk HJI to Canadian Pacific direct to Caledonia Springs. HAMMERING IT IN Not a raU. but the tact that can, and do.

make clothing ot a superior quality Snod as the best and better than moat, ur wide range of ma ten ale and our long experience enable iu to build GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING In a thoroiurhlr up-to-date and aUofetber satlcf actor; manner. We will rood the statement If you permit us to tas rour measure, and not hurt jour feelings as to charg-e. either. T. KEELEY Successor to P.

A. Bacieson. Ml SUSSBX ST (Near Riileau.) EYES EXAMINED FREE Alfred Wutizel, OPTICAL SPECIALIST, (4 BANK STREET, OTTAWA. Summer Clothing Half Price. MAGDONALD BROS 183 SPARKS ST.

Jubilee A CHANCE 331-3 OFF A FEW PICTURES led from Jubilee week. C. H. THORBURH t0 SPARKS STREET, LADIES Call and see the new corlgnment Also new and beautiful Studies Full linet ef the latest AMERICAN and MOULDINGS to match. Prices right.

VV IV1 LADIES See bargain window KID BUTTON BOOT. GENTLEMEN See bargain window TAN LACED BOOTS. 72 SPARKS STREET. THEY ARE NOT Victoria or Rockliffe Parks of an evening are not as fascinating as a visit to WARNOCK'S Bijou Parlors. Here more enjoyment is had over a dish of his exquisite Ice Cream and Cake or a sip of his famous Soda than at any other summer attraction at the Capital.

Sussex Street is the place. BINDER TWINE Ve believe that the fanners in this section want best Binder Twine, not old prison md- article that has been thrown on the n.ii ket this year. We bought 12 a of Hinder Twine from reliable maVera. and we will best at loneat prices. A.

WORKMAN 301 Wellington and 81 Rldeau Streets. To Contractors And Builders W. MASON SONS, Mason St TARD COR. CEDAR (SOMERSET) AND FIFTH AVRNUH, Cat! and see our stock er send ua specification and we will quote prlea, Phone 1A. fsoeooagoooocotoofllHitli PritcliardS Andrews Ui ITS SPARKS sr.

3 MACHINISTS, ENGRAVERS, SCALE HAKERS The Heaviest Load does not siways mean the beat coal, you may hava noticed that a scuttle of one kind of coal would last all day. while a Kuilit of another kind would be gene before supper lime. Our coal is of standard quality It ner Tarlea. You get f.coj rounds of satisfaction In ersry too iou buy from us. DONNEUYl DRUM us 1-: sparks sr.

Fbooe. 01. ooxoooooooocooooooooocooo Sharness We best to call Farmers and the public generally to our Urgi aa! choice assortment or ail luua of Lumber and Farm Harness 11 of which we are oSerla at very prloai CaU and see them. The largest aad cheapen aswrtuaoat it HJiiiJ BLANKETS ia the Domiaioa. 8s.

WW 8 t8 and 90 Rideaa sU H. of French China. Latest navel designa. on ROSES and LANDSCAPES. PAPE3U3.

WALLS, FRIE'dES, CEILING Howe Block H'deau Strest IN i Ton can save money, tiros and trouble by buying Rough and Dressed Lumbar, Timber, Scantlings, Blinds, Sash and Door, from Sheet Metal Workers 1 Rorfsrs. Manufacturers ot Calranttad Ir Cernlosa. Metalte Ceilings. Skylights, at HOT AIR HEATINQ 130 BANK STREET Fbooe MM. Wil Hn (T handaare those whose "tiling work is a pleasure.

fiaflsfied and pleased Workers 1 in the kitchen who are provided with THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDEM After CouRh Consumption stop us cn mi Cough Is the best, the Quickest, the Cheapest Cough Curt in the world. Made only by ton lOcts MT'G GO CAELETO.N PLACE. ONT. And sold by all wide awake dealers. the actuation of Ltirabermsa, MASSON BORBRIDGE, 5 anJ Ui Spires it.


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