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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I V. 4' epeotairy. 8 .1 AUGUST i.25, 1893. THE EVENING JOURNAL FRIDAY T. LINDSAY mal Clearing Sale FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY.

Net a lew redaction In oar price I i i I Hi Hat Tweed Bnlta for $2.43 worth 13.35 KA I 1 m. A VI A COO 7.50 Boys' Tweed Enlta for 1.7S 9.20 io.oo 3.50 'I hi 1 I aouar. Also hi turn lb vux isty uqwi xcutu i i i.i a a 1 1 I I Terms Cash. T.LIN0SAYM 269 TO 875 WELLINGTON STREET. SODA WATER, ICS CREAM.

WATER ICES can at sA lorn of place BETTER AT OURS -tj THAN ELSEWHERE an bbo old flavor ead new oaos too mid by experts. i i tap's Conftetioneries, Ml 108 BP ARKS 98 RIDEAU STREET. THE Large Group jliifaSize Portraits BTUOiU tJse direct fromrobjeot Finished in Best Style. Prices Moderate. STUDIO i 1H Bk new Slater.

WM. MASON SONS Dlmeaaloa Timber, Luaber. 1.1: 1 Sawed Cedar, j. OdarFeaeeFvsta. Dry Greea Weed Shlaffles to qnUtita, to bo Cedar aod Fine, yy AllortUn, whethor nodTd by Ivmb Wf.L MASOII SOUS OTTAWA, ONT.

j. -Teiepbeae No, 1020. imbilttedBw tb0 aP.B Deool. O. F.

EDWARDS, 277 Bank Street, dnffi Block. Clearing Sale of Summer Dress Uoods, Muslina, t-naiiies, Prints, etc. Special Sale of Trimmed Millinery, 1 Parasols. Lace Mitts, Silk Handkerchiefs, i Ladies' Belts and Pnrsea REMOVAL NOTICE. I htw remored to No.

60 Rido next door to Elliott Eunlltoa'a. I J. Eolerts Allan Cnemist and Drnselflt. SEEIKC IS EELIEVIXO. Yea will indeed wkj to es oeetog W.

A CutU'o i WALL PAPERS The rtoofc cocUIm ororf'gnde, color and danga end tho price, it wy down for a hort time Artiitio end Deooratiro Hone end Sign Painter end Peperhenger. THIS IS THE UP TO DATE STUDIO All the Newest Ideas In PHOTOGRAPHY Ate It. Pittaway's Photo Studio 6 SPARKS STREET. The Electrlo Railway. Not near ae uetnl ea Dyer! Amloeted Veota Parte.

Prloe Sao WATCHES DIAMOfDRINGS See oar $28.00 Gold Watches 010.04 Diamond Rings. BeetTalnelatneoltr. WHOLESALE RETAIL JEWELLERS 82 SPARKS STREET, A. A. F.

McMillan P. 8. MannfaoUuiBg and repairing a lifetime. If are only ptTO, 7 TIT CO Clothing of Beadymade Boys' Tweed Suit for; $3.75 worth $5. 00 Men'i TwMd FuU foi 75 ,25 95 1.50 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 I I It HI 1 "Ml.

the II uJ antUn. i iuittuu mm iwiwwww i I 1:1. JOTTINGS AOUT T01 i I rM- ii I Apnointmontn this evening, Elestrio fark ISellaa and Aonda. 1 1 CitT HU Citio Property Committee Maaonio EaU Prince of Wale Lodge, pL kA.lL i.i Oddfellowi' Hall ProgreM Lodge, tt or ,1 I .1 I. 1 Workmen'! Hall Camp Argyle Bon of ii.

ii ocouano. i II Educational and Muiioal Railway Canal and Rirer 3 jag 3 2 MaU Time Table. Mi The oivio property icommltteo meet thii eveucg. i 4 Tasr ss for the oonitruotion of the Gatl- nean bridge will be opened on bept 15. A laboi gang of men were engaged io-3y completing thlectrio line on boeaex btroet between the New Edinburgh bridge and the end of.

Alexander street, iir mo eity, no. uaTia, vv euneee, Ubitty, u. jdcUormack, B. Hhortaod A. Wfaillana leare the city to-morrow; on fiihing expedition to the Oatinean lakes, The "Boo" tram from Montreal did not arriTe here nntil three o'clock this morning, two hoars behind time.

The delay wis occasioned by waiting 'for connection! with uoeton train at Montreal. Two more carloads 'of Chlneae cam over the C. P. R. from Viotoria, B.

reaching 8mith's Falls yesterday where they took the direct line to Montreal. From Montreal they are snpposed to have gone to Boston. To-morrow Judge Ross will bear t9ie appeal of Sheriff Swaetland and Mr- Charles M.ffee against the decision of the Cortof Revision confirm an assessment iof the oonstrnction ef a granollthio sidewalk on uwper St. Thi O. P.

R. local train which was but on between here and North Bay on the first of June will from to-day ran only as far Pembroke. The company have found that the traffic above Pembroke does not warrant the running of the train henoe the change. The local will run on the same time as here tofore. 1 1 i SP0RT8 AND PASTIMES, I .1 Vl Confident ell Bound.

1 Mr. W. J. MoKenna, secretary bf the Shamrocks, was In town Speak ing to a JouKXAt, reporter of the' rrespects of the champions, he' said that the! team against the Toronto on Saturday would be a good one but they wouldplay the remainder ol tne season wltnont toe services. ot( Murray and probably one other change wquld be made on the team.

They expeet twi hard matches but expected to win. The Capitals are equally confident that they can beat both Toronto and the1 Shamrocks although both matches will be; bard ones on the enemy's grounds. Nearly 300 of the club's friends will take in the trip to Toronto by 0. P. R.i I.

Messrs, B. Blattery and W. Stewart leave this evening for Toronto where they will take i the Toronto-Shamrock match to-morrow and get any little points that may be floating found. The Toronto's team against the Shamrocks to-morrow will be picked from the following art in.Cennlchael, McCarthy, William Hartley, u. Hartley; war ones, a.

Gale, Campbell, Knowles, Lennox and Draper.1 ll i i Davis, vross, .1. The Shamrocks will' probably be 'without the servioe of Bark, Murray and CfMeara on eaturday. 1 Mi ll Notes of Sport. At In'Uanapolls yesterday A. A man won the mile open bicvole race i mmer- 2:12 4 5, doing the last quarter to 30 3-6 seoonds.

wiiue windM was tnlrd in the da flyingolass, opme xoronto entnusiaita nave made up their mind that the only way to bring Oan-daur and Stanbury together is to offer a good purse for them on Toronto' Bay. Tljey are now making arrangements with this kad in vlsw. i VI il ill i- At Columbus, eeterdav theTflre heat record for rtce wa beaten. Alix and Lord Clinton doing the hi.t on an avesage of 2.104-S. ii The plseon homlno match to have I taken place to-morrow from Carleton Pifoe to Ottawa has been postponed for one week.

Some of the World's Fair bicycle tournament prizes have not given satisfaction, Geo. Taylor won si gold watch and returned it as not being worth the money it was listed at, and W. A. Rhodes returned a diamond ring for the same i ''III'1, INTERESTING: NEWS FROM Toronto. A Yonng- Life Saved A well-known and moat estimable Toronto lady writes to us as follows "In May last I visited a young mother who was fretting and full of anxiety.

Her home and it surroundings were comfortable and luxurious, she had, many friends, and her husband was kind, noble and I Notwithstanding all I these advantages I detected sorrow 1 and mental suffering. Being an old and intimate fiiend, I atked the oause of her trouble, and found it tras her babe's health that troubled her. The; doctor was attending thej little one but no perceptible progress towards (health was made. I foued that the infant 'was being hand fed with cows milk and a oertaln prepared food. At onoe) I suggested the use of Lactated Food, knowing how my own baby progressed on it.

The Soung mother hesitated about changing the abya diet until her doctor was consulted. Next found that her (doctor had consented to try! the Lactated! Food. Soon after the LaoUted Food. was! used, happy result were apparent, baby steadily improved in health and general strength. Four weeks of regulaf feeding on Lactated Food made my baby bright and happy it slept well and Was no trouble, i You can imagine the iov of tno young mother to-day she now Is a fiin boil-ever in the virtues ef your excellent and life? saving, tood.

You Shotud not miss the opportunity jf visiting Ai Sable Chum Saturday, August 26th. The jchacc 0 CAME FROM A i BI DIOCESE. i 1 ui. BISHOP NEWNHAM.0F M00S0NEE IN TOWN. Be Telia of Hla Work Among the ,10,50 Indians of the Bndaoa Bay DlstrictH- Thry have a Problem to Solve About the Hodson Bay Rail war The recently consecrated Bishop of Moosonee, Hudson Bay, Bishop Newnham, is in the the guest Mr.

Parmelee, deputy minister of trade and commerce. The diocese ot Moosonee extjands the entire distanoo around Hudson and 'James Bay and for from 300 to 500 miles inland. It has no defined limit to the: north. I Bishop Newnham was seen by a Jocbxil reporter this morning and 'gave some interesting facts concerning his I big diocese. The population consists almost entirely of Indians, only exceptions being the' Hudson Bay Co.

the missionaries and a few half-breed. The diocese of Moosonee has seven missionaries In addition to the bishop i and is divided into eight districts. As it is four times as larce as Great Britain and Ireland, an idea of the amount of work that has to done by each man ctu be had. The India number 10,000 and of these about 6,000 have been baptised into the Church of England. Of the remainder 2,000 are Roman Catholi(e and perhaps 2,000 The latter live far awav in the interior.

I 11 As a rule the Indians take the religious teaching very willingly, Those living iu the vicinity of the li. ii. post oan read and write, and when they go into the woods on bunting expeditions, take their prayer books, hymn book and testament, 'along with them. i PKOBLXM TO SioLVB. There will soon be an important question to settle to this part of Canada.

Soil and climate are not soluble for agricultural pursuits, game is gradually disappearing and the question soon will be, where are the Indians to make ajlivingt Even now often have to be given 1 considerable aid by the missionaries and the Hudson Bay Co. people. One remarkable fact is that to this country the Indians are not disappearing, before the approach of the white man. The bishop believes the only oause of such a disappearance to other portions of America was that the white men oame to with powder and whiskey. In this; oountry the H.

B. which is the only, source of supplies, does not permit any rum to be brought to. One ship load of supplies comes to yearly from England via Hudson straits. The bishop said be did: not know ranch oonoerning the Hudson Bay Railway. His headquarters are at the extreme south of James Bay and the proposed railway was to run up in the northern portion of thedioeeee.

He did not know what was the nature of the country I through which it would pass. While the railway If eom-nleted mieht helo the mission post to the north, those In the south would be little benefited. The railway route was a fortnight's journey from the southern posts and at present the missionaries had not the equipment to navigate Hudson Bay, 1 KOT rBACTICABLB, Asked for his opinion a to th nracticability of the much' talked-of north' ern route for Manitoba wheat to Europe, via Hudson straits, on the completion of the H. B. Bishop Newnham said he did not believe it was practicable at presents It was out of the question for sailing vessel to attempt to run the straits and if a steamer had to carry a supply! of coal sufficient for the tno both wavs she! would have but little room left for freight, If coal was dis covered to the diitriots, and there were many rumors of its exiatenoe there now the scheme might be practicable, but not otherwise.

I-- i-i-. 'i Bishop Newnham visited the department of Indian affairs yesterday and secured grants for six of the Indian schools, being oonducted by the missionaries. The diocese in all probability, will never be a one and the church to Canada is looked to for aid. 1 PROPOSED COLONIAL1 BRITAIN; PARTY IN Meeting of Returned Colonist and Colonist) to Talk afAUer Oyer. London; August 21.

A number of members of Imperial parliament who are returned Australian colonists, together with the sons of Britiih settlers from Australasia, who have made England their home and secured election to the House of Commons, are attempting to form what they call a colonial party in parliament. They held a meeting yesterday and were joined by Mr. John Henniker Hcaton, who has much land to Australia and by Sir Charles Dilke, 1 who, as the author of "Great Britain," 'also has been shown to be much interested in colonial af fairs. The meeting, however, adjourned after an informal talk without doing any business beyond deciding to ask the co-operation of such members as are interested in Canada, especially Edward Blake, and also those having interests in ether colonies. In the word the object is.

to form a colo nial party to advance all colonial interests. Naturally this project has- created a good deal of oorament to political circles. Commenting on the movement, the Stan dard, the organ of the hopea that the formation of this party will lead into a better sight into the which.are always cropping up. The paper continues "Politics apart, every one is glad to see snob a representa tive statesman ol tne empire as Air. Kdward Blake at Westminster.

The House, of Commons or the House of Lords would have been all the stronger if men the late Sir John A. Macdonald or Sir Henry Parks (the ex-premier of New South Wales) had been members." 1 i j- Elootrlo Color Signals. 1 The electrio cars are being fitted up with color signals so that no one may mistake the oar they wont even at a great distance. The white diamond at front and rear of the car denotes the main C. P.

R. and Rideau street. The green diamond Wellies-ton and Suuex street and tho red diamond Bank and New Edinburgh. jj i i General Herbert a Disciplinarian. PA Kinston despatch to the Montreal Star says: A prominent officer of the Fourteenth Princess of Wales Own Rifles stated to-day that if Major-General Herbert had had his own way about the matter of "F'f Company reluaing to leave Montreal with the rest of the battalion on Dominion Day, each member would have been individually persecuted Upon his arrival from Europe the eeneral wrote Lieut.

Col. Smith to this effect- I The colonel wrote bick, 1 however, point ing out another clause of the statute and stating thut if possible ho did not wish to do what Herbert suceested; ince this an swer General Herbert has Sot written the battalion what he intends dome. The gen- oral wanted to be very severe. Chicago Are yon dressed In a way thai will taks iu, vuiuinuwn suit uu, try Macs. They know it all.

the 2 'I owe this zood people a creat del ex. claimed the dead boat, a he jumped the wwn, THE CIVIC ADDRESS TO THE i PREMIER. I A Copy Forwarded to Sir John to Meat aim on Bis Arrival at Ouebeo It 1 Wholly Ken-Partisan I The clvio address to Sir John Thompson has been prepared by the reception commit' tee and a copy forwarded to Quebec to the premier so that he may get it on his arrival by the Parisian, and be able to consider it terms before the formal presentation. It is understood there is not a word in it from first to last which can be con trued as of a political party character. Aid.

MacLean, whose liberalism is of the most atalstart kind, and who had been absent from the city since this matter came oefore the city council returned yesterday. Being seen on the subject, he said he saw no objection to a civic reception to Sir John Thompson, providing it was divested of party significance and there was no party politics in it. As an arbitrator the premier was responsible to the Imperial government. I "Although placed on the said Aid. McLean, "it was done in my absence, and of course without my knowledge or consent.

My absence relieved me from the option of taking I part or not taking part, and I do not feel that I can be held responsible for the terms of the I understand, howsver, that a copy of the address has been forwarded to Quebec, and I have been assured that it contains no references whatever to matters of a political nature." Mi I WHAT THE GLOB SATS. The Toronto Globe says "The true ground Of congratulation seems to be well stated by The Ottawa Journal." After quoting what Tub JouRKALsaid in regard to the arbitration being a great triumph for peace, humanity and Globe says "There is surely no ground for the suspicion that any serious attempt will be made to create political capital tor the Conservatives out of the 'civic welcome which is to be given to Sir John Thompson on behalf of the citizens of Ottawa. Such an attempt would only make it authors supremely ridiculous. Surely all of us, without any shock I at our political conviction, can admit that Sir Oliver Mowat, Mr. Laurier and Sir John Thompson are men of whom their country men have a rtgnt to be Attempted Jail Rescue In Cesarea, CoKSTAiiTixoFLav August 23.

The Ar menians to Cesarea made a strong effort two or three day ago to rescue from jail their competitors who had been imprisoned on charges of inciting to riot. Their purpose was thwarted, but they threaten another demonstration. The Turkish official are preparing for trouble. I I I Cnolera Out In Austria-Hungary. IjONDOU, August 25.

The Vienna correspondent of the Time says it ha been announced officially that cholera Is disappearing slowly from most of the infected district of both Austria and Hungary. The valley of the Tbeisi is the only region where the cholera still spreads. There the ignorant peasants try to conceal cases of the disease from the doctor and sanitary official and refuse to take any precaution against the epidemic. The The temporary depression present yester day broke up towards night when the attendant rain ceased. Conditions are improved this morning but i still unsettled.

There I a marked lucre ise of heat accompanied by a mnzztoeea and a sultry feeling. Yesterday temperature reached 70 and fell to 65 at midnight. This morning it is 75 at 11 o'clock. Barometer weak. FOR SUMMER.

Summer Coats, Cuderolothing-, Vests, Flannel Shirts, Bathlagr Suits, Towels, Neglige ShlrU-; Socks, Bath Robes. Blazers, Silk Shirts, Etc, Kto. i. Sri' M. M.


I i ALBUMS. I i I I 1 Mannfactupiiig Co. 657 Sussex St. TBI Evkctko Joukxai, Is published by Th Joubkal Printing and Publishing Company of Ottawa, Limited, P. D.

Ross, managing director, at 38 Elgin street, Ottawa. SHIRT WAISTS We have I in stock Blouses. They are all new andfashionable. Stiff Collars and Cuffs, both in1 hvhite ancl colored! We wish to will give you your choice fojr OJH3ZLSTT 1 worth $1.25 up to $2 95 each. H.

W. WILSON CO. i 71 Sparks HURRY UP. Just one giving away sugar with Dry Lrooas purcnase. i H.

H. 49 and, 5 1 Rideau First Annual Sale MEN'S CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING DRY, GOODS, DRY GOODS Room mast be made for fall good. Summer good mast be what cost to us. The bargains are many. Call and as for yourself.

MORPHY, BURROUGHS: 256 AM 257 MORE BARGAINS, WE. WILL MAKETSPECIAL THIS-WEEK LADIES' PARASOLS, LADIES' BLOUSES, You will understand the price best in this way they 1 .1: 'I were bought at "i- i 55 GEN fS IN THE DOLLAR We are selling them at equal reductions. 1 for yourself. X12 SPAEKS, STEiHIE3T THE RED I Marble and Granite Works. A large stock of Granite the latest de-isrti, conMantly oa hand.

sisemoaameocoi oaa tery work, poliehed by ttie It out improved maohmery, dilvsn fay staam power, to order. Buy direct from the works and save Agents' Commissions. K.BROWN Works Geonre as. OTTAWA. THE WORLD'S FAIR STORE Is where you get all ths etoetraa for I Kitchen, i Laundryt I Batnroom.

Toilet Table; aiouse, 1 i 1 Sell. Outdoor Games, I -1. Windows, A veritable fair: a thousand and one article tiIim a reenlar multum In narvo evei Mna; euential, practical and so cheap teat a oaa only wonder how If done. Done Wigb, ji j- WORLD'S FAIR STORE, Cor. Bank and Slater sts.

BEADY-IADE l' i'l Regular Prices. 4.OO .4.25 I' 5-75 6.00 s.75 I 10.00 1 1 BLOUSES I 22! Shirt Waists ancl clear them out. We i i I week more for i PIGEON 1 REDUCED REDUCED FfZSSJZ REDUCED For the aext 1 fourteen days only. nlaared aw matter at OO VYELUNQTOK STREET. 0 rpoaite the Royal Exchange.


BAtbs open from is to ll p. a. i FRANK 0. RING PROPRIETOR i WARNING dsadre to warn eewssuner of Twa'CT. ROLtxo Oar aniast Utedor grades tt Kouss Oats aaas are Wat offered fa this atsy, aad waloh are talaely as kalas tt en uuratacOsxe.

alo sd axrtta aay oa roend forfrla. Inc ea Ou Bsuiro or TnaDi staasa will be prosecuted to she full extant of tfcelaw, THE MGKAYMililKG CO' (LDrrTKD) I. OTTAWA OHT. CLOIHM SA1E -r I i I- -y i 1 1 1 1 SaJo Frioes. -s -i.

1 3.69 4.SO S.00 7.5 9.00 i1 1 -i i Boys' Suits and Pants at SMar Redactions. Intending Trarchaser cannot afford to nasi thi sal aad pay higher price fes their suits. Call and see us. ,1 i R.GAMBllE GO. .116 SPARKS STREET..

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