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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 9

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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mohdat, vovxian t. im. THE OTTAWA JOUBKAL Pert ontl News Opmed 'Mm (show. Tklr Bxeallaueles opened th Chrysanthemum Show al the awflmental Farm on Saturday axiraooB. To at Bidema Mall.

Their aUcalleucle entertained to deputy mlnlstere of the province attending th Dominion Provincial Council at tM at Govern ment Houw oa Sunday. a Caaedlaa x(k Hosts. In honor of liar Excellency the iiKvuDim wiuingaon tan Ottawa branches of tha Canadian Legion of tha BHUeh Empire service win antartaln at tea Trafalgar Houaa from 4.30 tu ciocfc tnia afternoon, when the roppy nay workers will be guest Weeaxnd Tea for Mian Box Commander and Mr. Walter uienaineq at a delightful fa in nonor of their ueouianu daughter. UIm u.rm- aretUoee.

aire. II. B. Taylor, wife of Commander Taylor, and Mra T. C.

Phillips prealdtd at tha tea table, which waa prettily adorned with yellow 'mums. Tha Ices were rut by Mlaa B. Kearaa. A large uuwoer or inr younser aal of Ol wire present. At Coaatry Clab.

Mr. and Mre. C. A. Cray enter rn ninuer at the Country wihm oaiuruuy eveulug.

tnm College. Mr. Horace Raril.r wh i. tending Macdonald College. Ste.

fenevue, la apendlng Ih auuuay week-end with hi. and aunt. Hon. Dr. H.

King and Holiday nut-ate. Portland. are ependlng the holiday week-end with their uncle and aunt Hon. W. R.

Motherwell as jars, atoinerwell. a Howe From Vanity. Mr. Alex Rurrttt hii eMM Toronto University spending the 'uiiiuiiiidi season with his varenia, ixiiunei and Mrs. Burrltt, a a Hoan Froan R.M.C.

t-aaet Edward May, Is borne from Hoyal Military Collet. Kingston, tha guest of hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Ernest May for the uuuuay weeg-ena. a a a Dance for Debataute. In honor of Mlas Julia MacRrlen, one of tbla aeaeon's dahutanta Major General and Mrs. J. H.

Mac- one entertained at a delightful nous danca on Saturday evening at their hone In RoekclluV Hark. Autumn blooms In bright tone with palms and ferns ware used to adorn tha rooms. Tha hostess wore a smart gown of black reivet mr-d In bouffant fashion and Mia Julia wore a pretty Period frock of llama rolored transparent velvet and carried an old fashioned nosegay. About 10 young people were present, tncladlng several out-of-town guests and those home for tha holiday week-end. Prior to IK-partarr.

Mlaa Klhel Cbadwlck waa haa-tesa at tea last week In honor of Mrs. Erie Charles, prior to her departure for India. Electric Seal Coats At Sale Prices Every parmeni guaranteed to (tire satisfactory nervier). Made In onr own work roome with tha usual good cara this Ira la known to (Ira to detail la tha execution ol fur garments. Ottiar lo far erf re larnw efocfe on hand ica are of.

fertr Coatt at ntucti ericas. F. D. BURK HOLDER LIMITED. 119 BANK 8TKEET.

OtfavM't Ltryeet aTjeaatlaa Far aWlaaUsAaMtU. Thufagmni Dinner 'AT VaULCV. MONDAY, NOV. 7tk IS TO 75c of the Capital Ea Boat tot tadla. Mr.

Ella Ckarlaa, and har daughter. Mlaa Kathlaea Charles, who have been flatting relatives la uttawa for tha paat faw months, salted on tha Montclar for Eng land an route to ladla to Join colonel harles, who la Command ant at Poona. Mr. Burton C. Wright, of Mono- ton, N.B student In medicine of McOIH Unlreralty.

la apendlng tha Tbanhsgtvlug week-end with hla Brother and srster-ln-law. Dr. and Mr a. J. Frank Wright.

a a a HlgfeUadrre Opra The officers of the Uttawa iilghlandere are holding an open nmiit tnia evening at 8.30 clock which all the officers of Ills Ha Jeaty's Forces In Ottawa, are cor- dlaay Invited to attend. a a a During their visit to Montreal as delegates to the Northern Con- ferenco of Unitarian Churches, Rev, Norman Btewart Dowd and Mrs. Dowd were the guesta jf Dr. Milton Hersey, of 13 Kosomoant avenue, went mount. Mr.

Dowd took part In tha Installation err rlca of Rev. Lawranca Clare as mlniatar of the Church of the Hee-slah. Montreal, on Thursday eve ning. a a a Mlaa Marjoiie McNeill Is home from Brankaome Hall, Toronto, to spend tna Thanksgiving holiday witn ner parents. Colonel and Mrs.

E. R. McNeill. a a a Left for Washington. Madame Phllllppe Rov and her uaugntar, Mlaa Kllxab.Ui Itoy, have left for waahlngton.

DC. They have been spending soma time In Uttawa und In Montreal since their arrival from Paris, ranee. a a a Mlaa Furka Here. Miss Mary Forke. who la atudent at Queens Unlveraltv Kingston, la apendlng tha Thanks giving season with her parenta, non.

itooert rorka and Mrs Forka. a a a Week-Ead On eat. Mlaa Dorothy Frelman waa tha WMk-and guest of Mlaa Nathalie jacooa in Montreal. a a a Mlas Beatrice M. Parkinson spent the holiday with Col.

and airs, it. r. Parkinson. a a a Mr. J.

A. Rodd. of tha Depart ment of Fisheries, has left for Winnipeg and Reglna on official Dustneea. a a a For November BrVlr. Mlsa Edna Bogart entertained at a supper party In honor of Miss Olive Patton.

whose marriage takes place shortly. a a a Miss Edna Howe has returned to the city altar spending the last two months In Detroit. a a a Mlaa Lucille Duhamel enlerlale- ad at a delightful house da ace on Saturday evening. Da ace for Drbatantr. The pretty summer home of Captain and Mrs.

Oeraid Watta-tord at Kingrmere. waa the scene of a lolly Cinderella daaca oa Satarday evening In honor or their debutante daughter. Miss Lillian Wattstord. Ona barge room far dancing ant' two sittlng-oat rooms were effec tively decorated with flags and pennants and Chinese lantama for tha occasion. Quantities of evergreens warn alao aaed.

A pleasing programme of daaca numbers waa provided by a three piece orchestra. Tha hostaaa wore handsome black ere pa gown, embroidered In gold, and a lovely black and gold acarf. Miaa Lillian, who received with her mother, waa In black velvet with a pretty ahonlder bouquet at fluffy pala pink 'mama. About 46 yonag people motored ap from tha city for the event, including several holiday visitors and out-of-town gneats. a a a Miss Ethel Arts, of Detroit, la tha gueat of Mlaa Fay Leslie for tka Tkanksglvlng season.

see Mra. F. A. Vena, of JI7 Frank street, has left with a party of frlenda oa a motor trip to New York and Brooklyn. T.

a Mlaa Molly Orabam la spending tha holiday week-end la Montraal, tha guaat of Dr. and Mra. Fred Burgees. a Oaagayt Brtda'e Mjaajaat. Mlaa Evelyn McGregor caught tn brtde's bouquet at the Alrork-, Frwaojaa wedding oa Saturday afternoon.

Mr Cyril and Mr. Ambrose Phelan motored to Montreal aver the week-end. Vlalta Mra. Fred Brathour. of Detroit, and her young baby, are tailing Mrs.

Bratboar a parents, Mr. and Mra. T. E. gtrattoa aattl Chrlat- To Malwtala Baby.

Tha Oordoa Blhia' elaaa. at which Mra. Ana Oordoa la teacher, beld a Thankaglvtng aenrica at Ihe Klng'a DaaghLars' Oalld yaatarday afternoon, tka apetlal speaker being Mr. Carr-H arrla, tha toauder at the elaaa. Mra.

Hughe con-tributad a aiacaxajoyad aolo, aad at tha conclnaloa of tha sarvw tea waa served. Mlaa O. Onment, aalaatoBary frova tk Zaaaaa aad Medical Mlaaara- la lalla. spoke daring tka. ta kear oa the werk of bar babr mlaatoa.

aad ai tka raaalt ot her remark the elaaa deeldad to autatala on at tk babies. Hold Oaoa Lodge Bowood, t.O.E., beld aa op auatda tm Albloa Hall, Kant aad MacLarea atrMta, tk mens-bere and their wtvwa apeadlag a aodal avwalaa aroaad tha aackr taklea. Tha wlaaerra tha aacciaa prtiaa werat Mr. Howard aad Mr, t. Da aad Mae are.

J. A. Bk tat H. O. -Oinar war klgk scorers aaaoag tk mea.

whll Mr. J. A. Kwr waa at tk oka. After tha gajnm.ntraahaaaaU war ra ed aad tha latkaring oatoyad vocal aoloa by Mra.

O. B. Toaaa. Mar. W- F.

Roaehe and Fred W. Irreaaa. erttk Mr. i. Arnold Ca at tk laa Tk fyiwatdaat at tka lodge, Mr.

O. B. H. Toaaf, Waa aaaaiar oaraaioBM. "SEND YOUR BOYS TO PEACE RIVER," GARDINER'S MESSAGE TO MOTHERS Kmpltaaizre Importance of Canada) aa Trading; Coauatry a ad Make Opt Imlstte Htateavamt en Fwturei of tleaalalua Many Dtetlngwlahrd CMeai at thw Provincial Coaferearc at Laacbwoa.

From a point of national Inter -eel, the luncheon given oa Saturday la the Chateau Laurler by the Ottawa Women's Canadian Club waa ona of the most outatauding nf Ita many Important activities for tha eeaeun. fcvar ready to eccure for Ita ambers the aioat girted speakers available, the executive took advantage of the preaence In Ottawa of Hon. J. O. Oardluer, Prime Minister of Saskatchewan Other distinguished gueata ing tne provincial conference were also cntortaiaaa at the luncheon.

Mure tnan luo members were present In the banqueting ball Mrs. Charles Thorburn, president of the Ottawa Women'a Canadian Club, expressed a warm welcome to the Premiere and their wlvee. bhe voiced the hope that there would be a greater representation of women at the next conference in Ottawa. It waa a truly great tnlng that provincial reurpaenta- tlvea of different political beliefs should come together In such way. Mrs.

Thorburn regretted the luablllty to be present or Iter Kx cellenry, Vtacounteaa Wllllngdon Mrs. Prweman-Thomaa and the Kt Hon. w. L. Mackeuiia Kink-.

Prime Minister of Canada. Kovfcrwrd Coadltluae Htrlklng aa Impressive note as to the future of Canada, the Hon J. ii. Gardiner gave an lntereatlng and competent review of condltlona In the Dominion, now and In the past, under the title of "Canada he brought forward with dynamic rorra Ideae that would develop a broader conception of what Canada la and what sha may become. The Importance of Canada as a trading country waa ahown in the fact that she waa rated fifth In the nations of the world, despite the fact that th United Btates, la first place, had a population of 130.000.eoo and Canada had Leas than 10,000,000.

In the export of wheat, of such tremendous Impor tance to the Caucaalan people. Canada took first place. Its mln era! resources bad hardly been tapped. With all the asset that wonld make a great nation. Canada was deterred by Its sparseneas of pop ulation.

There was no Govern ment that gave greater posstblll tlea to Its people In Justice am freedom than In the Canadian In stitution of government that was copied from the Mother of Parlta- ments. We are beginning more and more to realise the truth of Hir Wilfrid Laurler'a words, that the 19th century was the United Btatee and that the 20th century would be Canada's. I do not believe that It la Impossible that by 1950, shall have (0.000.000 people In Canada. However, we shall havj to apply different prlnclplea than the United Stales did In aecurlng their preaent population. The continued agricultural and Industrial devel opment of the republic did much to enlarge their people.

We are proud ti relate that we have otner ideas on which th' basis of settlement tr.ay rest. You cannot develop a nation without people and the question that Immediately ob trudes itself, la where are you go ing lo gat them? "Aa far aa 1 kaow there la Anglo-Saxon rac of blood, but there Is on baaed on Ideals. If yon will go back to the beginning Brltlah hlatory you will aee we have the most cosmopolitan people lu the whole world. Our Ideals, however, show tha quality and iualtce that la dear to tha heart of every man." In outlining tha wonderful opportunities awaiting settlers In the west. Premier Gardiner Impressively of the Peace river.

"Send your boys to th Peace river Instead of the United Sta'es." waa hla message to Ihe Oanadlan motheradn Eaatern Canada. There were grant poaalbllitla in tha Pear rtvar district. II Caaadlana would west, tnstaad of south, th Individual aad th country would bwaeflt graaUr. The Peace river needed worker and theaa wko wer aot afraid 1on over alls woald succeed. Will Baild Now Race, la speaking ot th so-called menace at tk mixed race of writers Canada aegrsgatlng themselves Into roeamunltlaa ol lateresta aad rellg-loaa.

tha apealar aaJd that la Ms provlnc of' aaskatakewaa, 7t per teat, ot Ita people war born wttb-J la tk' Brltlah Emplr. Ol this aumbar, ft per rani, were Canadian bora. Th remainder ot th population was largely Nora. Rn. aiaa, Carman aad French, tk vory rac from which.

th British people kad sprung. Thar waa little likelihood ol such people being a menace to lb British Institutions ot government. "About taa Ideal ot all." Mr. Gardiner said. will build new rac that la th generations to com will be baaed oa thrift, ladnatry and reliability.

It will a Caaadlaa rac Inspired by similar priaclple aa tho oa wklch tka Brltlak Emplr rests. There la a flna futar la Canada. It laaplraa lur men to go Into the- hinterlands ot the Dominion and to rk pioneering district to establish hearthsldee. Th futur ot this grant country reata oa ner horn. Just a Eaiiaad'l has dona la tka paat," Tha appeal that Ho.

Mr. Oar- dlnar'a ach mad to tho meeting waa aary zprwaaM or hoi. Howard Fergaeoa. Prima Mlniatar of On tario. "It la wall," Mr.

Ferguson said, "for yon women to accept with roar privileges ot cltlaenahlp. tk reapoaelbllitlee that It entail. Tk Ideal ot th coaatry can't be Expert Picture Framing PitUway-JuTlt, IA4. a aaaf fan Bauer at. lit i Ask Tiv ftwr; any higher than the Ideals of alllsans.

Women should have a free aad lutelllgeut cohceptlou ot ihe country's neda. Th nation Is bound to reap tha success ot tha results or the newer and freer education of this time." With Mrs Thorburn aad Mr. Gardiner at the head laulo were Mra. William Phillips. Mra.

Gardiner, Hon. W. R. and Mre. Motherwell.

Hon. Robert and Mrs Forke. Hon. Howard and Mrs. Ferguson.

Mrs. Cromi. Mrs. R. B.

Osborne. Mrs R. A. Kennedy. Mrs.

A. Kobb. Mrs. Charles gtewnrt, tllsvllle. Mine.

Henri Belind. Mrs. H. W. Bnow.

Mrs. Charles Dunning. Miss Crawford, Mra. W. Hodglns, Mrs.

II. I. Thomas. Mra. Frank Cuming.

Mra. W. Cowling Oullork, Mra. Norman Wilson. Mrs.

H. J. Cloran, Mra. Mlnnei. Mrs.

D. K. Edwards. Mrs. H.

I. Horsey, Mrs. Harold Fisher. BADMINTON CLUB HOLDS FIRST TEA Mr. HI.

D. Kllpatrirk. Mra. Krir Temple and Mlaa Kate IMaoa Are tha Husteaare. The first of the season teaa at the Ottawa Badminton Club was held on Saturday afternoon ltii a repreaentatlre attendance of members.

The court a are In splendid shape for play and many 1m pro re- men is have been made In the comfort of the lounge. Tea waa served during tha afternoon from a table prettily decorated with chryaantbemuma. Mra, Arthur Clark la In charge of the tea arrangements, while the boat esses were Mra. O. Q.

D. Una trick Mra. Brie Temple and Mies Kate Ulion, Among thoae whe attended were: President J. B. McRae.

Major and Mrs. Ernest Flexmaa. Mra W. D. Cromarty, Mr.

David Crom arty. Mr. and Mra. M. Grattan O'Leary.

Mr. W. J. Ke-enen. Hev Robert Ceorge, Mr.

Allan McCal- lum, MUs Wlnnlfred Ray. Mlas Marjorle Runcltnan, Dr. Wallace Troop. Mr. and Mra.

Grant Dexter, Minn Maud Scott, Mtss QaakelL and othera. MRS. D. B. CODE RECEIVES GUESTS Mrs.

Douglas B. Code, at Brock- vllle. formerly Mlsa Kitty Hilton. of Ottawa, received for tha first time- since her marriage at her residence In Brockvllle on Satur day afUrnoon. Many Ottawa peo ple motored up to call on tho bride, aad in all 1(0 guests were present during the afternoon.

The young hosteaa was assist ed In receiving by her mother. Mrs. Oeorge Hilton, of Ottawa, and by Mra. T. J.

Code, of Ottawa. Tha brida wore her lovely wadding gown of Ivory ail In and lace, and carried an arm bouqaat of Ameri can Beauty rosebuds. Mrs. Hilton was handsomely gowned tn blue aad grey crepe with a black hat. and Mrs.

Code was charming In grey georgette with a black hat and a corsage bonotiet ot orchids. Mrs. Cordon Code, of Ottawa; Mra. Arnold. Mr.

K. Conatltt and Mra. Merrill MacDowcll. all ot Brockvllle, presided at Ihe tea table, which waa attractively adorned with 'mum in the autumn ones. Those assisting were Mr Allan C.llmour.

of Brockvllle; Mrs. David Klrby. Vlss Ksthlecn Cone and Mis Margaret Holromb, all ot Ottawa. a a Protestant Girls' Club Tea Is An Enjoyable Eoenl Thera waa a largely attended and moat enjoyable tea held al th Wembev on Batarday Protestant Girls' Clab. Mlsa Mlna Mclawd Stewart received the gueaU.

A silver basket Of baby 'mums centred Ih lea table that was pre sided over by Mrs. A. Ilodgion and Miaa M. H. Cummmgs.

miis Anna Quarlo was th convener In charge and wax assisted by Missel Halel Crrthr. Ixls oroett Blanch Daalels. Grace Pnibmaa. Darl Swerdfager, Beatrice rati, Cdllh haoherd. Phyllis Jones, Lola Windier.

A Thankagivlng tea will be given thi afternoon under the couvener- shlp of Miss Bllraheth Low. Mrs- C. C. Bmlth and Mtaa M. B.

Cum willrga will preside at tha taole. OB Wednesday nlglit the business meeting will be followed by a so- elal avoalag for member and their friends. A novelty stall and raffle of Christmas gltu will ha added attract Ma. Shampoo and Marcel Brtwatlj 9 ajut 11 P1. Bxcwat terardajra and Days Befora Holidays.

Misses MacMahon IM ftPARJU BTRKKT. The EUREKA" KLCOnUO OLaUNEn "CTTS THE tMRT SANS art. Ida PEOTOOSaiPES wftl arvad to show Car aad that wa win prend to acknowledge a oar work. Autumn Weddings Alcoct' Charming In every detail ass the autumn hone wadding on Saturday afiernooa at 1.30 clock at tha home ot th brid's bruther-ln-law aud slater, Mr.

and Mra lleuiy Campbell. Clemow aveuue. of Marlon Ethel McBala. daughter the late Mr. R.

A. Freeman and Mrs h'reeman, of Bowesvlllc. lo Frederick J. Alcock, of lie Dr. 8urry, Ottawa the l.t Mr.

Alcock and Mis AI 'i Meaford. Ont. Kev i. Hro. nle officiated.

Ktatlitry 'mumt lu pale or hid yi-llow ahadlni to bronze u-ust-d with bankings of rn lu aduru the drawlaicrwoai, wt. -v ihi frTeniuuy w.i held. Pink b.b ruuniH udiiriMkl th dlnlnpc rutim IMm lr-n3 Miller played the vd dins iuult' and durlac the sIcninK of the register, Mtaa MarUm Walrt run Bung sweeny of iuU Alone Olven In marriage by her broth-ir, Mr. Carman Kreetnan, bride was attended by her si iter Mint Kvelyn Kreeruan, as brides maid. Mr.

D. A. Men oils waa best man A dainty wedding gown of white georgette, made on Hut-a ot qutslte simplicity with tou-hei ot bllrnr was worn by th bride, veil fell from a pretty axraneement or "liver aud oranpte bloaaoma aud aha wore pearls. Her ahower bou uuet waa o( Ophelia roses aad Illy- of-ihe-valley. I ht bridesmaid wore an altrac- I tlve gown of shot taffeta in peach li.idea with a hat of soft green felt und sha carried a sheaf of Sunset roses.

Mrs. freeman, mother of the bride, wore a handsome gow-i of black aaliu with a corsage bouquet ol violets Mrs. Campbell, sister of the bride, was charming In black georgette velvet with touchea ot blue with a shoulder spray of pink roacs. Mrs. J.

R. Dymond. of Toronto, another sister of the bride, waa tn green georgette with hat (p match and wore pink rosebuds. Miss Alcock, of Meaford, sister ot the bridegroom, wore a smart beige georgette dress with bat in matching tone. An informal reception followed the ceremony, after which Dr.

and Mrs. Alcock left on a motor trip to New York and Boston. Mass. On their return tby wilt tak up residence on Carllng avenue. Th nrld travelled lu a bige and grey dreea with hat ot blue and grey to match.

Her coat waa of navy blue trimmed with fur. Out-of-town gueata included Mr. and Mrs. Ucorg Wallac, ot Mont real. Proliaaor and Mra.

J. Dymond, ot Toronto, Mlsa Alcock, tt Meaford, Dr. and Mrs. L. Bruce, of Kingston, and Dr.

and Mra. Bruce Rose, of Kingston, a a a Keanedy-MUlcr. A very pretty bonae aedding ax held at 8 30 o'clock on Saturday evening at the home of toe bride's mother, 338 McLeod street. ot Doris Grace Miller, daughter of the laie J. E.

Miller and Mrs. Uabrl Millar, to James William Kennedy, B.Sc son of the late 8. Kennedy and Mra. Kennedy, cf Hamilton. Ont.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. 8. Mllllken, aasiated by Bv. Frank Bmye.

of Merit real. A banking of ferns and pink hacry 'mum In the hay window of the drawina; room made a pretty background for th bridal pariy. Bronia baby mum wer aaed to adorn tha other rooms. Miaa Miller, sister ot the bride, played the weddlag march aod Mr. WIs-hrt Campbell, ot Toronto, sang "All Joy be Thine." The bride waa given In marrlxge by her mother nd was sttended by her twin sisters.

Mumcs Marjorle aad Bvelya Miller, aa brldeiraand. Mr. Lyl Kennedy, of Hamilton, brother ot lha bridegroom, was best man. A lovely gown ot white satin and Chantllly lac Wa worn by the nrld. It was made with flounced klrt aad a cape-like effect, liar veil waa of aenhroidered tulle fall-in from coronet of orence bloa aoma and carried a ahower of roar aad llly-ot-th-rallry.

The attendant wer dressed alike In frorks ot pink georgtt and transparent velvet: Their head dreea aa were of silver follag and pink georgette and they carried pink ahy 'mams. Mrs. Miller, mother of the bride, von a kandaome gown ot beige georgette with lac ot th same abide. Mrs. Kennedy, mother of the bridegroom, was charming In b.acH georgette with touches ot whit.

Mia Iran Miller, sister of th bride, wore a dainty frock ot ior gettc. beaded la crystal. A rwcegitlon waa held after th ewatnoav end later Mr. ana Mrs Kennedy left for ClevslsOd and Gait. Ont.

Th bride travelled In smart bla crep back satin with a hat ol nine and grey felt ana velvet and har coal waa of blue hroad- clth. trimmed wltk caracul. Out-of-towa guests were Mr. and Mra. Harold Rogers, of Hamilton.

Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Wilbur. -f Buffalo. Mr.

and Mra. William Hemphill and Ml Nora Hemphill, of Buffalo. N.T.. aad Mrs. Dills and Mr.

and Mra W. R. llorwell, of Clwiand. Ohio. rVeer Gard.

daweaal Tke Jaavaal. HARNIA, Nov. I. Tk wedding at Mlaa laobel Gard. eldest dauahUr ot Mr.

and Mra. Norman H. Ourd, of Harnla, and Praacl Paal leers, of Ottawa, took place this morning fa ociojx. Monsltneur Arlward performed Ih eroony la the prtaaac of tk Immediate relative of tn eoa-tractlag partle. They wer unat- taadad, Th bride waa fives away by her father and won eand aad geld costume with kat and a nova to matefc aad wearing alao a platinum broock set with tka (IR th groom.

Mrs. Card, mother of Ih bride. wore a black grgtt aad velvet gown. Mlaa Halaa Ourd. sleUr of th bnda, wot roae crep ehln trimmed with valvet, aad Mia BeXty Oard.

aleter af tk brld. war haana arap da chlaa trimaaed with velvet. Mr. Itaera, mother of th groom, wore black velvet with a black aad whit aaaub shwl, aad Mlaa Lll-llaa atMra, sister of tk (room, waa axtired la aavy Mm crap ehln with aarige front aad beige aslorad kat, hoa aad atockrag. Tk -wMdlBaT waa a arrrat aa aad.

fallowla Ik WTWrnonv. a ra WBtloa waa held at th Ourd hoax aad a wwddla kraakfaal a erred COMING EVENTS a-hed Cbarch M.S. Luochoa, lu honor of Han, India. 11.46 Monday. Not.

Mth. Vtrit UntUd Thurch. Tlckf i 6 ZOO plac ouy. Nime neul (o Urn. H.

S. WVacbMUT not Uier than Not. 10th. relatives and out-of-town Mend of the famtllPt. These iru Mrj.

Si f.rn and Mlaa Lillian Hirer, und Brry. Rent a Id. NoH hpi lUmld Steers ot Otl.w.. olln A of Ottawa: Mm. Orll Anit'h.

Turanto; Mlsa CoiiHrtm-e. ((irJ. Muntreal. Mlaa ('ami Krdt H'K. Stratford: Mlaa Marlon limd auA Mrs Harry Cory.

8t. uir. Mi. Ii MUa Helan Hnydur, Mr. Smart Snyder and Maaara.

KranifV, ViKkt-n and Kanbar, Watsrloo; Mr iuid Mrs. Conaall 8teer, S.irnla. Mr. and Mra. Hteera laft by motnr for a wedding trip In Detroit.

Ni-w Mint Uurd waa onn Sarrlu'a very popular young ladles and previous to her wedding waa the iiet of honor at many social function, and showers. -Her wedding glfla were very numeroua and handsomu. l.aal evening tha bride aud Krootn were gueata ot honor at a brilliant dance and reception at the (loll Club, which alao waa tho occasion uf the debut ot Mtaa Belly liui.l. youngt-al alater ot the bride. Mr and Mrs.

Steers wlil realdu in Ottawa. a a a Lett 1 or Her Hounc. Mra. Fred Merrill, of Saaer-vllle, 0.ue who baa been Ihe Rueat of her staler. Mrs.

A. K. Sladrn, fur aome weeks, has returned tti her home. PEOVINCES AEE CRITICAL OF THE METHODS USED Coatlaued fro en Pace Oar. grant.

Kxaralaatlon showed 80 er cant of tnaaat of laiia and in-lJan asylums la tha City of Mon traal arc forga-bora. He complained that immigration aulhorl-tlea wer admitting to Montreal foreigner who brought with them the principles of Bolshevism which they taught. Hia view was that ther ahould aome htter plnn of aelectlon. and nTtr racours to deportatioa tn th latareats of the couatry's aundard of cltlaenahlp. Premier Pargusoa recalled th abjpment two yare ago of jieul workers aa farm laborer, with the reault that theuaanda had to fr-d during th winter by public charity and money raised to par Ibelr paaaage home.

He suuxeaud the appointment ot aa Immigration board of perhaps three persona. each representing Maritime. Cen tral and Western" Canada vlewa, who would serve without remuneration and mak gnral aarvey of the country and make recommendations to the Federal Government after study of conditions In every provlnc. laawilgTaata Not HaUable. Th general criticism of the present Federal plan was that It failed to select suitable Immigrants.

Premier Brnwnlee, of Alberts, atrurk an Important note from the weat when expressed uneaalness over the Influx of Central Europeans. He stretsed the Importance of determining earh province's power of absorption If any Immigration plan wer to prov a success. Th aueatlon of Ihe mark'uing of agricultural produce waa the other Issue upon which considerable dlscuaeion centred. Th Importance of standardisation of Quality and th desirability of estahlhthlag some Dominion brand which would come to he rteogalawd aa a quality atandard. wer the principal polnla considered.

The sure of th bee-keepers In marketing their produce ander brand atandlner for aalforsnl'y of quality waa mpnaited by Pr- i in- ler rrs-asOB. wh also pointed out Graced by the presence ot '1 heir Kxrellencleit the governor tiencrul and Ihe Vlacuunteaa and their son and I'aptaiu and Mra. Freeman and a number of Italtoia In the city. Die cffl la! upi'tiiiik the annual clltytii-ttieuiinu abuw al Ihu Dumintoii Kx-pcitmenlal Farm ou Sjiurday. troeti t.i bo a very deUttlltijl 'III Ihelr Lkcelleuclea ar.lwd tain and Mra.

FreemaB-Tnomaa, Mra. II. B. Oeborae. Mr.

aad Mrs, Melville, Major and Mr Ha Willi. O'Connor, Lord Harding. I'oloucl aod Mra. II. W.

Knew, RU Hon. I. Mackanile King, llou. Itaoul Dandurand, HoaulH iree o.lock and fr In Elliott. C.

Hon Luclen Cannoa ie main green houie Hon. W. Mra Cannon. Hon. Petr It Motherwell.

MlnN.eio: Ar.lVeulot snd Mrs. Veniot. Hon. 1 1 Mr" Her w. Killer and Mra.

Eulr. Kjcellcncy a i hamuli: figure Jlllr, Malcolm and Ml, lu a soft green crepe dreat ll Malcolm. Hon. Robert Forke aad a veelee of ecru Uo a hat of deep I y. Mn jMMI green vlvei and a mat ot the name irlmmed with Jyn green shoes completed Ihla cos- tume.

Freemen Thomas aoru nuy blue velour lilnillied alili pale Kiev fox and a navy blue l'a'. with a grey ornament. Mrs. Motherwell Wore a handsome palu grey drea with a hat bluo felt aud a seal Their Kxcellenclea both apoke a few worda espre.alng ptea-aure lu being naked to opeu the exhlblllou of lovely tloaer.H aud isald that ihe showing wm eveL beautiful than laat year. Her kicellnney look great -light In christening a tall.

upstanding feather pale yellow 'mum. a lie 1-ml Wllllngdon, after His txicl U-tic. This ia a new rare species of in a in aud has been vary murh admired. Their Excellencies greeted personally ea guest and the officials of the farm, who were prescut. The greenhouaea prceuted 1 very appearunce wilh Hags flying outiido aud a soft green carpet laid down.

Over the door of tho green, "Jubilee, ISI7" is outlined in bsby 'mums in white an 1 yellow Flower loveri will find a rare treat In v-lowlng the show. There sre 400 varieties on view and each one la lovelier than the other. Klutty larg ones und tho wee button 'mums compete with each other for honors. Mr. McKee, th greenhouse specialist was congratulated on the rtsulls ot hla splendid efforts.

Tea was aerved at the rear ot the asala green house, the buffet tsbles being adorned with howls ot shining crimson apples and bunche of luscious grapes. The Idea of fruit contrasting tha flow ers was uniquely and effectively carried out. Those Invited were There aacei- lencles th Governor General and the Viscountess Wllllngdoa, CP- tha succeee which was atttadlac Ontarlo'a effort to market abroad under a standardised trad mark. Mr. Ferguson urged that th mailer of a quality brand ahould be mad Federal In Ita scope, and offered on th part of Ontario to enter Into any euch schwa, not-withstanding that the provlnc already had a plan ot Ita awa In this regard.

Osrercaaria til DinVwltj. Th other Item of dtecueslon received scarcely more than formal attention. Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister ot lbor. facd th conference fresh from bis diplomatic snecaaa tn th rarpenUr' strike nt Tid commended to th nrovSac th ladaatrtal Dispute Investigation Act which kad bee psd by tka last evasion of th Dominion Hons.

declared that It overcame th difficulty which hnd caused th previous act lo declared nltra vlrea hy the courts, and strongly urged tk proviaee to pa IB their leglslaturaa tk arssarr ancillary legislation to mak It affective. Mr. Heenan was again In charge of th discussion which arose from the proposal of Hon. W. J.

Major, that tna province annum nave a riprsNpiu th Internstlonsl Isbor coalersnca 4 A native weaver tn casta)) wfll show haw Oriental VUgj are ails, I. Rags may xcba(Vd wlthia a yar. Orlenul Rugs last a lifetime. IfarphyKMw.Ms't Town Floor. hmeni l.apolnte and Madame Lar-poinie.

llou. J. A. Kobb and Mr. Iti.

hi. Hon. Charles Stewart and Ste. art. Hon.

Dr. J. H. Klag i an, I Mt. King.

Hon. Charles Dun-4 i it aud Mrs. Dunning. Hoa. J.

C.J and Mrs Heenan, Colonel tha on tBi Mti Rtltm ii Willi. l-hlllln. I Ion. Mr. Phillips.

Mr H. Doraey New- son. Mr Frederic Dolbeare Hoa. it. i and Mla Bennett.

Hon. I). Mc I.e. ii aud Mrs. McLean.

Hon. D. Johnaon. Hon. A.

M. Manaon and Mrs. Manson. Col-ooel the Hon. C.

ri. Harrington and Mra. Harrington. lion. Edgar Ithodea and Mrs.

Rhodes. Hon. W. L. Hull.

K.C.. Hon. A. F. Bar.

stesd. Hon John Bracken. Bi t. llou It A. Iloey.

lion. W. J. Major, Mr John Allen. Mr.

R. M. Pearsoa. Hon Howard Kerguaon snd Mr. Ferguson.

I.t Col, the Hon. W. H. I'rlc- and Price, Hon. J.

D. Montieth, Mr. Edward Bally. Mr. Lelghton Foster.

Mr. J. T. Whit. Mr.

George tirant. Mr C. C. Hal, Hon Gardiner. Colons) tk Hon.

J. A Cross, 1) 8 K.C Hoa. A. P. Taylor.

Mr. Donald A'laa. Hon. K. Brownlee, K.C, Hoa.

George Hnadley. Hon. R. O. Raid, Mr.

It English. Mr. Jsmee C. Thompson, Hon. Albert C.

gander, Hon. G. 8. Innmsn. K.C, Mr.

J. O. Clair Campbell, Hon. L. A.

Taaeh-ereau, Hoa. Hosor Mereter, Hoa. J. Baxter, Hon. C.

D. Richard. Mr. Antolna LegaT. Hoar.

D. A. Stewart. Hon. Loais Smith.

Hoa. P. P. D. Tiller.

K.C Mr. Hrvy Mltrholl. Mr. W. A.

Loudon, Mr. Tlbert, Profeaaor Kerstead, Dr. A. T. Charron.

Dr. Frank P. Bhatt. Mr. F.

C. Nunnlrk, Mr. Henry Baldwin. Miss Baldwin. Mr.

W. H. Measures. Mr. David 81m.

Mr. w. Seller. Mr. William Id.

Mr. O. Heldman. Mr. M.

J. Cull. Mr. Ford Prntt. Mr.

L. P. Pickard, Colonel C. Bcknarr. Mr.

A. Major Walter Veniot, MrTw. P. Harrell. Mlas L.

Craig, Mr. F. Charpentler. Mr. Pierre Braaat, Mr.

R. O. Chemeney, Mlsa Isabel Cnmmlngs, Mlsa Ague Monakaa. Mr. M.

B. Oavla and Mr. T. Rltckla. at Oeneva.

Th Federal Mlniatar took ao objection to th auggeetloa, aad agreed: that If tk proviso woald agre spoa a aomln, woald appointed aa oa af tk Canadlaa delegitee. Thoeaaaaals rer-)oairlaaied. Hoa. Dr, i. H.

King, Minister Hltk. waa, for a faw laataa, Th diretdr of tk conteraaea whll a dlacnwaed th Importaao of diet la relatioa to tha malnatrV-tloa at chlldrea. Hit heals waa that thoaaanda at ahlldraa war under-aourlahed, aot hy lnsaaV ciracy ot food, but by Improper dial. He sttd that th Depart-, meat of Health had ar pared paaa-ahkst apoa Aa aaajaot which tt dealrd to i ku. dlatrlkutad through th schools ot th provinces, and asked tk eo-op ratios of th confervas la tha work.

The Federal Mlnlster'a rwaama of kla department'a work wa followed hy brief account from P-" mtr Fsrfusoa of tka work of tha Ontario Department. Wail would he glad to co-operate with tks Federal department la any way possible. Hob. Mr. Ferguso eoat-aaenUd.

Dr. Kin skoald nalt ka OnUrio deoartmaat tt wished to see work dIbc conduct apoa a ral. -nch COmwk.ala than practised by th Dominion. 8 tort Closed TluitluTlng Day Delayed shlpmtnt kaa rs-aalted la a hatter, aura compraaentlv coUactloa. Tk sew Rags are tremely low la aric.

Th Ruga la, stock ar at arte that challeng On Tuesday Commences the Great Semi-Annual Sale of Oriental Rugs Bale, upon bales have been arriving. For variety, for splendor of coloring, for dowiiright value, we think this excels any collection we have shown. Experienced buyer visited the great marts of the East and penetrated Into corner to obtain the Ruff And because ot direct' connection with theae buyers, Murphy-Gamble' are able to oTer wonderful Kuf at very substantial economies. Some Facts About This Sale 1. Evary rag tt unconditionally gaeraateed.

I. Rags ar laid la your own horn oa approbation. t. Mr. R.

0. Holloman. well kaowa sxpert, will be la'. aUendanc. THEIR EXCELLENCIES OPEN ANNUAL CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW AT FARAf I.lj Hllliuiidira ChrUtcua l'tlr Tel low 'Man.

the Lord WUlicdoa I'ersonally iirm ltrh ad the OAclUUa Pmeit..

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