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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 10

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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-1 tan i y'A' -ra-nee (-'f 1 THOTKDAT, UTOVBIK 1M7. TBS OTTAWA JOFEVIS WoTian's Realm and Personal Club News City Charities -wmmM. -Vr' tv I ARE PATRONESSES 0 ROTARY, SHOW Mm. WUHm PhUUM Iatdies CMMtinc to Act. sddltloa la Mm.

William Phillips, wll of tha United fHetee Mialalar Can ada, taa follow ing ladlaa who ara wall knows In Ottawa hsvs eonseatsd to act a patroaeaeee for tha Japaaaaa musical produo-tlon. "Tha Roaa of Toklo." which will ba atactd at tha Hassell Thaatra by tba Kotary Club, for tba baaant ot tha Rotary'a- crippled childraa and under privileged ehlldran'a fund Lady -Borden, Ladr Perley. Mrs. H. ft' Sostham.

Mra. H. Mae- Lena, Mra, rrarey McOaa. Ladr P. C.

Klngsmlll. Mra. O. E. Vau-qular.

Madama P. B. Marchand, sirs, u. TBorouro. Mra.

c. Edwards, Mra. H. P. Hill, lira, Jackson Booth.

Mra. J. P. Bal aams. Madama A.

J. Major. Mra. 17 P. WUaoa.

Mra. P. Roaa. Mra. Wilson Bontham.

Mra. T. M. Birbatt, Mra. W.

R. Motharwall. Mra. T. A.

Aoilla. Madama J. A. Plaard. J.

L. Rolston. Mra. t. Fred Booth.

Mra. A. B. Honeywell, Mra. Oordoa Bdwardi.

and Mtti M. Dtta" ipraatdant of tba Catholic Girls' Clob). To Ba Bridcaautd. Mlaa Maaiial Bramaar hat laft for Hallfas to bo brldaamald at tba wadding of Mlaa' 'Dorothy Paga to Mr. Chaaaear Bancs, which takaa plaes oa Oetobar 1.

Whila thara aba will ba (aaat at tba bona of Mlaa Pass, Imported; Goltlex jfersey Dresses At GmUy JUduced All-wool, Gosvaagginir, per-ieet-fittioa; fairmrnts. eollar and uff; also elf-trimmed. i Color: Old China Mas, raaada (ran, African brown, carnal, cocoa, balca, ablmaay rod, oraabarrr, Bargaadr and mat -brown, Claaa II to it. to $38.00 0 tUll TWDAT $18.75 1 Miilli's ltf Sparki St Ask Tow Oioosr -4 CHARMING BRIDE xo-ox cddiu of r2'r tA ft-m CVttW Paaaaoks OM To A. Joha Batt, PCMBROKB.

8pt. 11. A qnlat and cbarmlac aotama boaaa wadding took plaea at tba homa of tba brldt'i paranta, Mr. and Mra. William Markaa.

401 Murray traat. Pambroka, Wadnaadar ara- aing, Baptambar It. at wbaa Mlia Edltb Maroa Markus bscame brtda a( Mr, A. John Butt, of Emsdals, aoa of Mr. and Mra.

A. J. Batt. of Dapot Harbor. Rev, H.

Watarmao oftlclatad. Tha marrlaia took placa nndar as arcb of antama laaraa which wara mlnglad with bright autuma flow- art. Tba brlda wat flran In marrlaga br bar fathar and wat awaat la a pondra blua gaorgatta, mada wltb alaabad tunic affect orar balga. and wora gray ahoea and hoaa. Har howar boaquat wat of Amarlcaa Beautr roau aad UlT-ot-tha-allty.

Mra. Fred Crabjrtt. "Olanrlaw," Todmordaa, England, waa tba oalr attandant and waa In a Mediterranean crepe romaln. wltb diamante trimming aad wora a cor sage of opholla rotes. Mr.

Bertram Markaa. of Moatreal, brother of the bride, waa beat man. Lohengrin's Weddtnr' Marck waa playad br Mlaa Anna Malts. A barret avsper wat serraa to tba gnesta and Mr. aad Mrs.

Butt laft tha midnight trala tor Montreal. Toroate aad Niagara, tad will take as residence la Emtdale. TraTalllng tho brlda wore a ntrr blaa reloar aoat, wltb kolinsky lur trimming aad a small model hat to match. Among the "oot-of-town gnesta wars Mr. sad Mrs.

A. J. Butt. De pot Harbor; Mr. Prank Butt, or Chicago, and Mra.

J. Craig, alttar Ot tha (room, of Chicago. Pembroke Personals Mra. L. Barrand was hotteaa at tha tea hoar Monday la honor of tho bride-elect.

Mlaa Essie Dev ils. Mrs. Oraham poured tas. i a Friday ftaraooa Mlaa Ines Duff was hoeteaa at pantry shower la honor of Mlaa Baals Darlla, whose marrlaga took placa hare. Tho Calrla Girls' Clah.

of which Mlaa Eeaie Dot lis was a valaad maaissr, preaested har with a ellrar taa pot, Tharadar oraalng mat. Is Jtoaor ex har aparaachlng aurrlaga. Tho sddraaa waa road by Mias Baatty aad tho presentation maoo hp Miaa Ian Harrey. Mamhsrs el Ut Calrla United Charch Choir praaaatad hUaa Eetle Darlla with, silrar flower baa-kat, Friday araalng. Tho mar-rlage ot Mlaa Darlla to Mr.

Frank Mercer (oak plsea yesterday. Mlaa Tlolat Laatar, ot Montreal, Is tha (seat oT Mrs. B. B. Lecer.

a Mr. Phillip Kayaa la spending a taw daya la New York, oa a butl-aaaa trip. a. a a Mltaaa Elleea Nerllla aad Efelya McOulnty motored to Ara prior tha tint ot tho weak. a Mra.

Margaret Copelaad, ot tha gueat ot Mra. J. C. L. WhUa sad Mrs.

J. McOlU Roney. -Mr. aad Mra. Klenck.

who bars beefl tho gttesta of Mr. aad Mrs, p. Forttsr, Chrlatkt atraat, mtt by motor tog taarr homa la Csllforala Mosday. a a Mr. J.

A. Day, ot Sao Paolo, Brat 11, while la Ottawa tha Jiaest ot Mr. sad Mrs. P. 8.

Reck-tt. It Ralph atraat. tha Utter halsg Mr. Dory's alatar. a Mr.

and Qaorgo Thomp-aoa. ot Mount Forest, motored through Pembroke Monday oa their way to North Bay. v. ICE IGE ICE; lsad avembara ot tha Ottawa. tea Dealer- AaaoeUttoa wish to thank tha Pah--'; lis ot Ottawa for their ralued patraaagw dor- --rfa- lag tho past sassow sad to solicit thslr bosiaess tor sail aaa later at Ua loiiowiag rataa: 1 MiU6 r- do not delay, tiut) PRODUCERS; 1 1 -t 4 Blodu fpr HToizmo ica co, asi oto.

nmi si7o. OTTAWA AXTmOUL ICS 00, LTD, 887 Hlcholu. Than B. 568. OTTAWA TOM 101 lOTPXY, 117 Halftn.

Ptuma B08S. 0ttwm nioibj a sm ftAMTrar HimtT. Brido. rmm o. isa -1.

5rli0B 9- tTD- 339 1 X. 60S. tt VAOHOW A BOOT, 60 ChtrnrUiars. PboM S. m.

s'-'t' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. This aaooa'a Tho Mlaaee Boatrfea sa4 Era Loadell, daaghUrt ot Mr. tad Mrs. J. Lopdtll.

Ottawa, aad graad-dasghlera ot tha lata Ma lor Jobs Lopdell. J.P.. Ranees Park. Athenry Oalway. sad Bally- dirett House.

Agbadoway Londonderry, Ireland, will ba two of this eettoa't debutantes. Datttacamhed Goret. Sir Gordoa Oul- gltberg, K.C.M.O., D.B.O.. Oorernor aad Commandar-la-Chlat ot the Old Gold Coast. Africa, since Ml, ta arrlrlng in Canada oa tha Moat Royal.

He will Tltlt different Caaadlta cities. Pos Mra, Blake. Mrs. Gllsoa Blake waa tha guest of honor at an Informal luarhcia glrea at the Country Club by Mrs. Barry German.

RetairsMi oat Mega at lc Mr. A. A. Heapt. member ot Par liament for Winnipeg, retarns to Canada oa the Megantlc.

which It due In Montreal this week-end. Mr. Heaps will be la Ottawa tor a b'ltf Tltlt on hit way to tht Mr. and Mrs. Gllsoa G.

Blake, who hare recently returned from British Columbia, are the guestt of Dr. and Mrs. John Coolldga. while la town for a brief rlslt. Mr.

Blaka was formerly member of tba United Btatea Consulate staff la Ottawa. To Vast! Barter. Mlaa Margaret Southern learea for Toronto at tha ead of the week to rlait bar titter. Mra. Paul Fetrre.

Mr. and Mra. Roberta Allan pact to lean abortly for a trip to the Mediterranean. At Batarday's Wedding. Colonel aad Mra.

Reginald Orda will ba among the Ottawa guests at tha Biahop-Reid wadding at Portage da Port. Que oa Saturday. a To Beside oa Clcswow Areaae. Mr. sad Mrs.

Keith Darldton, who hare occupied, sa apartment oa Laurler areaae. oast, will shortly take sp residence oa Cluaow avenue. Mr. aad Mra. A.

E. Blount hare returned to tho city from Charlottes Lake, where they hare been lor tha aummer moaths. To Caber at WecVUsur, Mr. and Mra. J.

Booth sad Mr. Shirley Woods will motor to Toronto at tha aad ot tho weak to attend tha Da Pander-Malcolm weddlag. Mr. Booth aad Mr. Woods will both ho at ban at tha Mrs.

B. B. EehUa expects to leare shortly for Csllforala to spead tha wlatar atoatba. 'e htereataag WoMfcagj. Tba wedding ot Miss Osrtrads Da Pencier to Captala Roaa Malcolm takes plaea la Toronto oa Batarday atteraooa at St- Psul't Charch.

a Mrs. M. i. Slater oatertalaad ta-formally at tho taa boar yesterday la hoaor ot Miss Alleo Ptckap, oaa ol Urn asasoa krtdea. i Par Warhaf Brid WaVlaa.

Mrs. B. F. Bishop, Mlaa Ellas-bath BUhop, Mr. aad Mrs.

R. P. BlahoB, Mrs. A. T.

Bishop, Mr. aad Mrs. P. B. Bold, Mr.

aad Mrs. W. Battarwortk aad Mr. Raawrt Bold will bo among tho Ottawa gnesta at Ua Blahoa-Rald wadding at Portgaga da Port oa Batarday. To Ba Oabctav f') Mr.

Elmer Dsrls. Mr. Irrlng Cameron aad Mr. Douglas Ball left yeeteraay tor Halltaa, where they will act oa aahara at the Bangs. Pago waddiac sa Batarday attaraooa.

Baaiae'eei Pwsrall Ara. Mr. aad Mrs. Howard Meaaans haws takes as. roaMoaes at lt7 Powell gvenae, Tho ashsrs at tho Oaathlar-'Me-Mlllaa woddlaa aatorUlaad at tha aappar-daaco at- tha Cbatoaa Laa-rlar last oroalaB.for tho st tend-as tt aad oat-of-tows gaaata.

k. 'a .1 1 Mr. aad Mrs. B. Rallott, of To-roato.

who. hare boom tialtlai Mrs. Charles E. Bachleo, ot Wjrch-wood bars rata md homa. a a- o- -i Mrs.

B. L. Qwaala, Mist Gladys Qasalo. aad Mr. Ksaaoth O.

vnsaua, aaro retansad froal a motor trip ta Tofoato. where they gsseia or sira. WW Mra, W. H. Mrs.

Joha lut rataraed homo from tladtsy. Oat, where he has bosa tha taset ot bar daaghtar. Mrs. Lloyd Wood. Mlaa Banteo Blrtch wtrt totara this weak troas rtalttag trloada la Niagara, aad Hamilton.

a. A Mtot tthol asset ot Blr Cbsrlot aad Lady Klagamin at Rldaaa Lakea. amieJw; fc.ctta.rM fit (J Tw. BMasal WorKPa Coaatrsaa. Maisr aad Mra.

W. Arthur Ileal will Uses at tho aad ot tho week ta motor to Washington. DC, where Major Steel will be one of tho dalagataa to the World's Radla Co agrees. They expect to be away tor eereral months. a To Ba Dabatauaw.

Miss Margaret Vernon Bmlth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Versoa Bmlth, will be oae of thlt eeatoa'i dabataatea. Master Paddy Baskerrllle. who has bean apaadlng tha summer wltb kit mother.

Mrs. P. J. Baskerrllle, haa returned to Loyola College, Montreal. Mlaa Ptckap Hoaored.

Mlaa Dorothy Hooper was hoatett it bridge last srealng In honor of Mlaa Alias Pickup, whose mar riage take place shottly. For Toronto Gaeet. Hon. Dr. J.

H. King and Mrs King entertained at dinner last evening In honor of Mrs. E. Armstrong, of Toronto, who Is the guest of har titter, Mrs. Cortlandt Starnas.

Major C. P. Hanlngtoa, C.E of 451 Rldeaa street, haa reached homa, after a loag trip to -he Pacific coaat. He tpent lght months la California and British Columuit, and Is rsry much Improved In health. a Ea Boats to Mr.

and Mrt. J. B. Monk, of Winnipeg, with their two tons, wara recent vlaltora la Ottawa on their way hoaa from England. While hare they wero the guests ot Mrt.

H. Carleton Monk. To Preside At the tea A Tea Table, to ho held at St. Patrlch't Home, on Sunday after boob, tha following ladlea will pre- tide: Mrs. B.

G. Connolly. Mrs. J. Brennan Losty, Mn.

J. Neville. Mra. H. E.

Orange. (Mrs. P. Graham. Mra.

Edward Bambrick. Mra. Joha O'Reilly aad Mitt K. Whelan. Mr.

and Mra. Samuel Btttonson are motoring to Dsiroit with ther son, Mr. Pater Stevsnsoe, and his wife, tor a brief holMay at toe real snce ot tha latter. Mr. aad Mra.

Peter Btevenaoa- spent a week's vacation In tha Capita: district. Mr. J. F. B.

Llveaay arrives in tows this morning from Toronto to attend tha funeral of tho late J. 8. Crate, which takee placa today. Mra. J.

A. MacKanala and ber family have returned to town from their aamtner- homa st Farm Point. and have takaa up reeldeaco at their home. 1H Clemow avaaaa. For Sister's Wed6na Mr.

aad Mra. A. D. Watson will laavs at tho sad of tho week for Portage da Port tor tho wadding of Mra. Watson's slater.

Mlaa Viv- i Raid to Mr. Leigh BUhop, which takes plana oa Batarday. Mr. aad Mn. Joseph Taylor, for merly ot Toronto, who haro bean residing oa Ollmoar atreet have asovsd to t0( Wllbrod street, a Tho opeaing dance of tha eea- aoa at the Ottawa aad Hull Gar-rlaoa' Bets oaa ta Ateoetatlon.

will tako plaes oa Friday wralng at tho O.A-A-C. baildlng. Mlaa Las ore (klaner. who kaa boon with bar paresis. Mr.

sad Mrs, Harry Skinner, for tha sum mer, aas left to rssume Ber at tha Ualvenity of Toronto. Mr. George Stead nun. of Car- tetoa Place, apsnt tha week-end la a 'a Caasht Bridr'a Bowqwrt. Mlaa Bowmaa caught the brlde'a hoaqast at tha Osatblsr-McMlllsB voddiac, A maattsc of tho aiecutlve of tho Boats tor laearaMee, King Edward arenas, take place this aftaraooa af three o'clock.

rl e-' Mrs. Barry Engal. who has beaa visiting har parenta. Mr. aad Mrs A.

Mart, tor taa past asonth. reeves today tor nor home. ta.Naw York. Br MireSaa Ctrcfe. Mrs.

William BUtom. 1 wife ot tho paator -Eaatvlew Baptist Charch, was sleeted nresldsnt of tha Womea'e Homo aad Poralsa Mission Circle of- Eaatvlaw Church at a well attended meeting yesterday: Aaaoctateo ants Mra. Blltoa will he the following oilcan: First vtoa-praaldeat, Mra. Joha Prlth; aero ad aloo-vrbeldeat, Mrs. Thoaua Sklaasri aearetary, Mrs.

George Balaaoa; treasurer, Mra. Albert Camp; social coaveaere, Mrs. Joha Shepherd aad Mrs. Edward Raadolph; -agent for "The Uak." aad wlaltor, Mra. L.

D. -The Circle baa pleased to aalto with Ua Ladlaa Aid Society hi serving sapper for the congregation oa Tharadar. October I. a a Oca don Mr. and Mrs.

Molstoth. ot WUliamtbarg, sale bra ted their Ittk ssnlrsraary ea, Sands, September 11. It was, a very happy oeaastoa, harlag bad, all their eh tl area and i arnadehlldraa with taeaa samalyi Mr. and Mrs. Itaa ley Mclatoeh.

Mr. ano Mrs. Ore Mclatoah and Maater Bam Tar-ford, Mr. aad Mrs. Mela-bash aad Maater Bdwia K.

Mcln-toah. ot Wllllamsbarg. Mr. aad Mrs, Lladea Bhasnetta, of Ottawa, Mr. sad Mrs.

Adam Frosts. eater Oraham J. Proa's and Baby Gladys Fronts, ot vinianubarg, sad Mlaa Beatrleo at beaaa. The three traaechndrea la behalf ot Us children prsasntad the happy eeuple With a handsome pane, situ aad boaatlfal boaquat ot Qowsrav 4 Darlat ths day they all SBjeysd lost motor dtirw, ratwrtSIa by way of Lancaster lo ths SaraataJ liaataaa gaeats eejored dleaer at aevaa o'clock. Ca)rraa ai'inna w's r'lrd rom ua aataeiiu( CiVES PARTY FOR' HER YOUNG SON Mrs.

Barry Oa ssaa Entertains Twwtvw Yoauag FWrnds of Munttor Andrew Barry Onus. I EH RB. BARRY OBR-MAN entertained at a charmingly arranged children's party yaaterday In honor of the third birthday of her small son, Andrew Barry. Dainty fntlt fav-on nlled wtrb each of the II guasta' places aad after taa, tha childraa enjoyed moving pictures of "rail th. r.i Tha yonng guests wen Joan allies, TTii.ce none, jobs McLalne, oarDara wgieoa, Jtaaaell Drake Nancy Haululn.

Raymond Willi. uonnor. Pamela Erwln. Peggy and Charles Miller and Gillian uermaa. Autumn Weddings Dalgle later.

Holy Family Church. Ottawa Eaat, waa tha scene of a protty wedding ceremony oa Tuesday morning, of Charlotte Slater, eldaat aaugntar ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Slater, to Ralph Dalgle.

eldest aoa of Mr. and Mra. E. Dalgle. of Holyoke, Mats.

Rev. Fatbar Beao- doln. O.M.I, performed tha cere mony. The bride waa lovely la har dr In one of the new fall thadaa and a velvet picture hat to match. She carried a abower boaqaet of earna-Hons and rosea.

Mr. ana Mra. Dalgle left en a motor trip to Montreal aad Holy- oka, and will ntsrn to Detroit, where they will reside. The bride travelled la a emart tweed costume. MacKetgaa- Alexander.

Aa Interesting wedding of much charm took place at St. Gllea Pres byterian Church at htgh noon yes terday, ol Amy Myrtle Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. 8.

Alexander, to Mr. Donald Mac-Kelgsn son of Mr. and Mrs. C. MacKetgaa.

of Wallaston, lormerly of 8ydney, N. S. Rev. A. G.

Cameron officiated. The cburch was attractively adorned with wblta asters and quantities of aatumn leaves. Mrs. A. G.

Cam eron played the wedding maslc aad daring the signing ot the register. Miss Rena Cameron aang eweetly "Ail Joy Ba Thine." Tha bride wat given In marriage by har fahter and was attended by little Miaa Constance Palen. as tower girl. Messrs. Clyde Aber-nathy aad Noble Beach acted aa ushers.

The bride wora a pretty gown of noadre Mae georgette trimmed witn velvet in a oeeper tone. Her hot wss modal of blua valor with Malaga Mae-needle Canton Bias Koogoori Silks COMING EVENTS it. Charch, King Edward and Daly araoass. Harvest Thanksgiving aervlce tonight at sight o'clock. Preacher, Rev.

J. H. Olson, rector of St. touches of velvet. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses The little flower girl was winsome la peach georgette and carried a basket of rotes, sweet peas aad panalea.

Mrs Alexander, mother of the brlda, wora a gown of black crape satin snd a Mack hat. Among the out-of-town guests who attended the reception held at tha home of tha bride's family on Fourth avenue were Mrs. H. W. Cook man, of Bmltha Falla.

Mrs. Mary Virtue, ot Carleton Place, Dr. and Mrs. Kemp, of Richmond. Mr.

and Mrs. 8. Winters, of Finch and Mr. and Mra. 8.

Mac- Dlarmld, of Carleton Place. MrXally PnrcelL The marrlaga took place Tues-day at the Church of the Presents tlon. Brighton, ot Harriot Klisabeth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Purcell, of Antlgonlsbr N. 8., to Dr. William J.

McNally ot Montreal, son of Mrs. K. It. Mc Nally. of Ottawa.

Rev. E. T. Mc Nally. ol Bonflsld.

brother of the groom, officiated. The bride wore a gown of white duchess satin aad Spanish lace, a tulle and lace veil caught with orange blossom r.nd csrrled a shower bouquet of white roses and llllea-of-the-vslley Miss Hilda MscNell. of 'tallfai was bridesmaid aad wore a robe de style ot yellow taffeta with 1 black velvet hat and carried a bou quet of lavender larkspur and but terfly rosea. Dr. John McNally, of New York brother of the groom, waa best man.

Following a reception held at the home of the brlde'a ttster and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan, at Brighton. Dr. and Mrs.

McNally left for a wedding trip to Bermuda. On re turn to Montreal they wtl take up residence in tne Linton. Hher- brooke street west. The groom Is well known In Ottswa, having attended Ottawa University for some years. Mlsa Raymond Honored.

Mrs. Fred Browne and Miss Gladys Hurlbert entertained at a delightful miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Delia Raymond, a bride-elect of thlt aeason. The guests Included Mrs. W. H.

Vsn Allan. Mrs. W. Sheridan. Mrs C.

Ogllvie. Mrs. Walter Plorj. Mrs. Kemp, Mrs.

J. Brlaa. Mra. E. V.

Gilbert. Mra. A. 8. Raymond, Mrs.

J. Fortter. the Misses Myriad Ken dall, Doris Mix, Erla Pennock, Flo Wstson. Helen Douglas. Rita Derraugh, Doris Hurlbert.

Marlon Waldrum. W. Bunnell. Mary Blaek and Meldrum Maxwell. Mra.

J. Hopewell and Mlaa Inei hare returned from spending two weekt at Klngamare. Que. CHARMING TEA TO AID BAZAAR Mis. Wallace Rodler Many UsMaas e- Bon'e A tea was held yesterday from three to six o'clock by Mra.

Wallace Rodley, at tha home ot her son. Mr. T. R. Rodley, Aylmar 1.

I A .1 fh hendkerrhlef table of St. Luke's Women's So ciety Basaar, 10 be neia on novem-ber It and 17. Tha rooms wen li.rnreted with autanftB flowers and the gnesta ware re ceived oy aire, nouivy tan mi m. H. Davltoo.

pnsldent of the Those presiding at the lea taste wen Mrs. n. uoroem r. 1. Kmm York.

Mn. Hail. Mra. Gins snd Mrs. T.

R. Rodley. Those 1 contributing to tha programme wen, Mlaaaa The I me and Isobel LUlIco and Doris Rodley. In the evening cards 1 mmvmn a 1 and II a very enjoyable time was spent. The winners of prises for carda were Mra.

Gheeny, first, and Mrs. G. Donne, second, and the consolation prise. Mra. Davis; n-ntlemen, Mr.

J. Corrigan. Mr. H. H.

Allen and Mr. A. Beattle captured the booby prise. NOVEL MEETING ERSKINECHURCH Iaxltre' Aid Members Relate Exper- tracea la Scoring of Con-trlbationa. The Ladles' Aid of Erakina Pri-hyterisn Church held a most enjoyable experience meeting last evening.

The guests were received by Mrs. G. Williamson and Mra. E. B.

Wyllle. Soma very amusing experiences were related by the ladles tn the securing of their dollar contributions. Refreshments were in tht capable hands of Mrt. M. Mc-K sever, ably assisted by Mrs.

Johnston Mrs. R. M. Carmlchael and Mrs. O.

Visard. A splendid programme, under the direction of Mrs. O. Thompson wat slven. and tha following artlsta assisted: Mrs.

Vernon Montgomery tn tongs, assisted by Mra. John O. Carmlchael at the piano. Scotch rianrea were given by Mlts Alrd't pupllt. Jean Gray.

Irene Lapolnte and Heather McDonald. Recitations were given by 111 a Russell. Agnes Chesaemaa and Dol- ie Russell. Tea and Money Shower. A tea and money shower In aid of the Orenfell lesion will ba held at tha home of Mra.

M. Wallace, tot Llsgar atraat, thia week under tha auspices of the Ottawa Chapter ot tho Eastern Star. Mra. Rsasahsim. ot Montreal.

wife ot the Consul-Genera 1 for Finland, will be the gueat of honor and apesktr at a luncheon to be glran by the Ottawa Womea'e University Club oa Saturday, uc- Nemo-Flex Foundation Garments For tha balaace ot the week Mlaa McCnlloch a specially trained eor-eetlero from New York will damosatrata tha new models of "Nemo-Flex" Foao-dstloa Garments la the Corset Department. Yon ara Invited to ask her aid lo ehooelng the proper type of garment for your flgore. The All-Occasion Coat $45.00 to $69.00 Woman who choose but one coat ta wear evsrywhers want It distinctive as well aa serviceable. There Is a real diversity ot rastilon la these coats la dull-tone, suede-like fabrlee Including broadcloth, suadlne. duvetyne and veiny.

Showing lacks and ssamlngs la chevron and sunburst amusement. Aad they have the acclaimed shawl eollere of long-balred fare Vleana rex. Marfael. Natural and Dyed Amarlcaa Opossum and Caracal. All casts are rally Inter lined and richly lined with stlk crepes.

aOvelty tassahs and luxe satin. Uses it Colors: Wis Shadee Coper Leo Vacp Black Eiderdown Dressing 8trange how one vests warmer hath robe these anorslaga and thaaa elderdowa robes) are) most appropriate tor Immediate wear. la becoming color combinations, with Plata tone cot-lara, eats aad ajrdlea "they an at tractive Indeed. They are the guaramw teed Manhattaa robes ta sites 14 to Urn $9.93 and $1175 IBW nWiai.r fMIKa W.I'M sFTU losntWenisl 'W is MmI for 44l H-i fin. wri-tnM.

Nlly' naweirw ayw mam WMifx iBststadMl WitU. M. yard Norelty Silks In tale aeaerteaeat rira fealarde, a I areaae. eeonetlea. sail- teste, eelansee In a'.

ehelee ef etttereat eaaSea In- llgha Jaad. eetsrlaga. Aj 7 $L95 a a 'laT Alarm Clocks uSfccB 51.00 sCv if 1 a iY a. aaw. -V, 1 Ta Ms.

-silt Peerless Fingering Yarns A medium weight -ply wool for socks aad golf Blockings. In groye, fawn, hnwa a -a --d heaUer mixtures. $2.00 a pound Excelsior. Fingering Yarns A 4-ply Bootch angering la bleak, white, grey, fawn aad" hnwa heathen. $1.35 pound Sale of niodel Village" Colored End All Linen Crash Towels, 25c Jaat raoalaaJ hwa ajalraat ImUU aaa of these attractive eraah towela.

wltkaera- Mlteaed eotsred tinea aade la shades ef Italian HemstitchedLiasens At tntstuidiiif raoea 1 a1ala llaaaa af nl thtus alAwMfc, tlaea, la Ivory shad as are featnrrd In sea era! altea Meawtlteaea aernettaa. tt by II tnekee, eaekr WC BtemeUtcaved Teaalslaa, It by II rrn i Inchee. each e)lOU Ifsamtltehed Teeeletht, by It fa laohea. each M)Vt Taaaaatka. as Ba mj r- aackee.

each tbOriHI aaeiv, A stC' asaaneutones oamnga. (a ay it laenee. rn- Heawutoaad oarfs, II by as I 90c llewaMHewed aVanvray I as tK raraaa, earn aienieiiteaea near re. ii ay as CORNWALL SCENE SMART WEDDING Him Doratbr-'Sibtw Xtrbol Ii Married to William Bs i Sloan. Barnard The marrlaga ot Miaa Dorothy Josephine Nlchol daughter of Dr.

Roy MacGregor Nlchol, to Mr. William Barnard Sloan, son ot Mr. and Mn. Stephen 8loaa, waa aol-emnlstd la Bt. Columban's Church.

Cornwall, oa Wednesday mornlsi la the prase ace of many The ceremony waa performed by Bar. A. L. Cameron. The bride, who waa given la marriage hp b-r father, looked lovely la French modal dress of champagne georgette, floral embroidery la Baltic Korlace coloring on a Ruttlaa ottse.

hat of beige felt with trimming ot darker shade, ahoea, of champagne moire silk. She carried a thowar bouquet of butterfly rosea and llly-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid was Mlaa Agnet-ta Sloan. R.N.. of Hudson City, N.

lister of tha groom. Her dresi was ot Flemish bine georgetteAind velvet, small relret bat IP match, blond shoes and stockings. She carried an arm bouquet of Columbia rosea. Mr. John M.

Tobin acted aa best man. During the cenmony Mr. Charlea J. Flack, organist, sang an Ave Maria, acd Miss Marguerite Magwood rendered a violin solo, "Andante," by Beethoven. Two cousins of the groom.

Gerard An. Ctetor JdSjn. ton. served maaa. Almost Immediately after the ceremony Mr.

an I Mra. Sloan left by motor on a wedding trip to New York and Atlantic City, the bride travelling In a tobac brown cashmana coat with eollar and cuffa of rainbow fox, with hat and thoea to match. On their return Mr. and Mr. 81oan will take up residence Cornwall.

a Gordoa AnitHary W.M.S. Several new members were welcomed latt night at a well attended meeting ot the Gordon Auxiliary W.M.S., of St. Andrew's Charch. Mra. W.

Cowling Oallock pnslded tad Interesting reports were given. Mn. J. R. Hill, president ol Knox Church W.M.8., wat ths special speaker of the evening.

Mrs. Hill dwelt la aa Interestfog manner on the meeting of the General Council of tba W.MS which the attended In Windsor. Mra. Percy Wliklnton reported to the members on the packing ol tka Preabyterlal bale in Knox Charch. The bale bat been sent to the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian School.

Daring the evening a delightful vocal solo wat given by Mra. E. Mllaa. a Mr. and Mrs.

T. W. Aaeellatjn- f-ralfiai1 at rlaltsrhtfnl Informal danoe party lest evening lef honor of their guests, mn. ueer ana Mitt Levins of Merrill, Mh-h Mra. flaer and her daagh tar.

who hare been visiting In Ottawa for the paat month, will re- tarn tq thaly. homa oa Prld Speaking of Topcoats This Is topcoat time, sad nasa who are Investing satisfactorily In this Important Item ef apparel, are Oadrng THtJ MKN SHOP equal ta their aeeda. Ben yoa may Had the hew thlags la top-eosts Imported tweeda la Doaegal aa hsrrtegbono effeota In ap-to-the-minate styles plus the assuraace ef a good ratura for yoar money. $25.00 to $28.00 "Blusea" Serge Suits A etnas' favorite with the eoaaervativa easiness man. They are featured la three popular style.

la a complete range ef $35.00 i is IS 11. College Stripe Blue Suits It to lite. war the maa ef reathral etyle here in blaa suits with Btrleee la slesle Half Hose aulklA araaataa models la alaee It ta 41 for yeaag men aad maa who feel young. $30.00 "Two Steeples" Half Hose smews tar oaalltr wwei eas lief amsllsn maantaetwa. abtalaable ta Bra new ebndaa aa well aa black ess navy, at aaa $1.00 pair English Ribbed Socb arxselleat enalltp tibhed aaehmen aeeke all wool, la els different ahadea.

SI en $100 a pair Morley's Novelty A Bear aad aamplate nage st fancy cash-nten aocki (a alaee IS i tilt la the aaeeen. Marlsy atasltah stake, 75c a pair "Mercuryr Cotton Combinations lliwhad eewmlaatlana af htim a. eetleat welsht for fall la taa aepelar Msesarp nyaae are obtalaablala alaee I a gaxmenC 2 i.

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