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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 MOBDAY, UTTSMBKt IS, 1837. THE OTTAWA JOURNAL 27 0.ER. STREET CARS AND PART OF BARN BURN IN $200,000 FIRE Sunday Afternoon Lou May Be Duo to Smoking Valuable Plant Up in Flames Company May Start Reconstruction Work at Once. Causing- damage estimated by the company at approximately (200,000 and apparently atarted by clandestine smoker, fire wjped out one of the three sec tions of the car barns of the Ottnua F.lectrie Railway Com pany, on Princes! Lou ire arenue, within a short distance of Government House, Rock- liffe, at 5.80 o'clock on Sunday flernoon. The loss is covered insurance.

'fwenty-flve summer street cart II ready for emergency service, a rail "bonding" car and a rail weld- oi car. with Ihe barn Itselt and nurh eaulDtnent. ware deatrovad jjWllle firemen from seven city sts- lons. aided by O. E.

R. employes, ougbt to save the other two anlts tbe shops, snd to prevent flsmes from spreading. ajjwle fiearrh tor ftmofce. The fire gutted a familiar land- srk st the western entrance to SlQckxIltfe Park, aarlooaly the rolling stock of the O.E.R.. ind.

threatening to destroy shops elng prepared for aa early reopen-Df alter having been closed tor wo years, to accommodate Increae- street railway equipment. Bo fiercely did the flames ravage he buildings, fanned bv itrau kind from the river, that the In- teiior soon resembled a ragtag furnace. The collapse of the roof sent showers of burning embers Into the dense growth of evergreen trees on Pine Hill, behind the sheds, and only the energetic work of the firemen In running 100 feet of hose up the steep hill saved these trees and others on Rldesu Hsll grounds from destruction Had the ftamej got a start In these trees, tt ts felt that the entire park might have been nre swept. Only an hour before a passer-by noticed flsmes shooting from the root of the nearest unit to Princess Louise avenne. a watchman o( the O.E.R.

had been sent on an Inspection tour of the premises, lie smelted smoke In the barns. He made a thorough search, suspecting thst someone had entered and was smoking on the promisee. Although he went through every car In the three units he tailed to locate the culprit or culprit. About tour o'clock the watchman locked up the building and went away. J.

U. Ahearn. asslstsnt msnager and purchasing agent, who Bas charge of the rolling stock of the arrived In the etty abont T.IO o'clock last night. When- notified of th (Ire ha went to the scene. After a thorough examination of the effect of the blase Mr.

Ahearn said that he believed the damage would amount to approximately (200.000. Lose to Hertous. "These barns were In first class condition." Mr. Ahearn satd. "The cars la them were all conditioned FOOD STORES VW Cleanliness Quality Courtesy Seryice MODERN HOUSEWIVES re taking a great interest in our ROSE BRAND SHORTENING DEMONSTRATION Thil Week at th BAITK VHD 8LATIR STREET BTOSX Vlatt th store and sample th Delicious, Dainty "DOUGHNETTES" end Secure a Becipe Use ROSE BRAND SHORTENING For AH Cooking Purposes lOO'c Vegetable Oil Product Makea Delicioua Cakes and Pies SOLD AT ALL C.P.C.

STORES Canadian Packing Company LIMITED The minuu the bell rings and school wets out, OuhJrtn come rushing with joyus shout Into the Store They all udnl some wart Plain Yorkr-it'M the choc' late they won't do without. thin odI Anil I Plate York, thaw i of a lias ilana This oVUdoM, try wmxh plain Rowimi chnrnlaW fa (ha trfawpia of aaaeina. i nd war there tor emergency I rush hours. They were all ready tor a motors step lot them aad tak them out. They were lbs summer type, aad were by mo means oat-ot-dat.

Th loes Is a serious one." Mr. Ahesrn said thst ths building could not reconstructed for It. 000. It wss 110 feet long by 0 feet wide, and had lire tracks sntering It. The centre unit, the next to thsl which was destroyed, was cut oft from the south wing by a two-foot brick wall, the asslstsnt manager aald.

This alone sated the centre, which wss closed two yeara ago. but was now being reopened to uke care of the Increased rolling stock of th com-psny. Tb barns were constructed about 16 years ago. Regarding the cause of the lire. Mr.

Ahearn bad bis suspicions. He declared thst all possibility that the fire had been caused by electric wiring wss removed by the fact thst power Into the barns wss turned off. He bed been st the place on Saturday personslly. snd had superintended the lock-log of the barns. Reconstrurt at Once.

Mr. Ahearn aald the employes of the O.E.R. bed reason to believe thst persons gstned entry to the barns for various reasons, and hsd even sons to the eateat of digging under the doors on occasion. The company has clue to tb Identity of st lesst one such visitor. Csreful witch hsd been kept on the barns because of these persons.

The barns destroyed will have to be reconstructed without delay. Mr. Ahearn announced. Owing to the location of the lire, reports spresd la Lowertown snd New Edinburgh thst Rldesu Hsll, the residence of His Excellency the Govemor-Genersl, wss in danger, snd soon sutomobiles be-gsn to srrlve st the Intersection of the Drlvewsy snd Princess Lonlse avenue, near the blazing car barns. Dy six o'clock there wss a large crowd present.

Including msny who hsd been picnicking In the sdjscent psrk. end a larxe number of residents of RockcllS. Lln-denlea snd New Edinburgh. police were quickly st the ritne sad a cordon was formed sround the place to keep children and others awsy from the snno in which the wind scattered sparks. Soon sfter the outbreak.

O.E.R. employes st the Chsmpagn car barns were ordered to the Rock-. cllSe bsrns In esse It should be possible to ssv sny of the cars. Among the first to arrive waa Inspector D. Monro, who ditoct-ed the work of the company's men, who aided firemen.

Mas of Twisted lroa. The roof of the burning section of the csr sheds, and Ita double doors, were first to burn, despite the efforts of the firemen to confine flames to the Interior. By aix o'clock the root had entirely gone and spectators were able from the front to look Into th biasing Interior of the long sheds where the street rsilwsy company's rolling stock wss. even then, only masses of twisted Iron and charred framework. The flames were tanned by a stiff breese off the Ottswa River.

Only stout brick wslls saved the whole shed, of three sections, from destruction. Luckily there were no other buildings la the 1mme diste vicinity, snd the only dsnger from sparks wss to fences and poles nearby. The first Intimation that a flra had broken out reached the fire alarm headquarters at f.ZO o'clock whan a motorist paaalng the car barns saw the flsmes aad telephoned from a nous narby. Station and want to th scne. snd 17 minutes Inter sn alarm box was aonnded by firemen from No.

fir ststioa. bringing additional apparatua to the scene. Five minutes Inter Fire Chief Robert Burnett, telephoned for additional Plain Mr. York of York, tells the boys and girls of the TASTE that set all England acclaiming and eating PLAIN YORK chocolate. Jy! f0 Abo in bffer thm Tnsst tb bore and atria a spot scene.

JZ0fc- "fex. VJ r-Er-T I ITOlUi A No woooer so trar 5SStgSC XrvKZ XV I caocoix not eoo btrtcr, not too nrw, a -JKsSs -V. I apparatua. It wis explained Utr (hat the need for a great iengta ol bom made tha eecead call nr I. Ft ran a aad to etretea boa mora ibao 1,000 tt la iodi InaUDcAi.

to raach hydrants. Tha aaaraat watar supply was fouod on 8uiii straat naar tha gats to Rldeau Hall and on Prlncaas Lou lis avaoua, naar tha raar ot Rldeau Hall. ae ,000 Kwt of Hoe. It waa poaalbla, avan then, to lay only (our lines to tha flra. In all mora than 1,000 feet of hose was used Fire itatlons 1.

1. S. 4. I. and sent one or several pieces of flra apparatus to the scene.

Tha outbreak was so cloae to the city limits, and so tar from the waterworks thst pressure on the streams was low. Tha "all out" or "return" call was not turned In by flra officials at the ice tie until 10 o'clock la order to have tha water pressure maintained at Its maximum. The blue was actually well under control before aeren o'clock. Kear that -parks would set flra to buildings In the grounds of Government House, the nearest residence, the Koysl Canadian Mounted Police picket at the guardhouse there, urned out soon after the ftra stavrtfd- the fire treat car service on tha Rockcllffa route was matutalned at regular schedule, but motor traffic on Princess Louise avenue bad to be routed to (he upper roads of Rockcllffa via the park driveways. An Interested wltneti of tha fire was Group Captain J.

8. Scott. Director of the Royal Canadian Air Force, who waa flying late yesterday afternoon In a teat ol a bydroplane from Echo Lak4 to Ottawa air harbor at Shirley's Ray, on Lake Oeschenes. Half an bour after the fire broke out tha 'plane was seen (lying over Rock-cllffe. George L.

Snelllng. secretary treasurer of the Ottawa Electric Hallway Company, who resides at Mioto Place. Rockcllffe. was on tba scene of the flra shortly after tt was discovered. Mr.

Snelllng said be was confident only tha brlrk wall between the three sections of tbe barns saved the whol building. He had no clue to the atise of the flra. About nine o'clock last night firemen turned their attention on tbe oush behind the barns. Trees and stumps caugb: fire snl fire-men had to drag hose mora than 30U feet In amour; the trees to extinguish tha blaxe. AH evening two pumps kept at work on the four hose lines to augment the low water pressure.

Chief Robert Burnett said after tha tire that the heat was tha chief obstacle to the work of his men. He expressed pleasure that the other units of the barn were saved. Ftremrn Arrive Boosi. Although the flrar waa outside tha city limits, the Ottawa Flra Department lost no time In getting to It. The close proximity of Rldeau Hall, which Is within tha cltv limits, made It Imperative that city apparatua be on the scan.

Therff are faw hydrants la the neighborhood, and to obtain watar. firemen were compelled to run long streams from tha front and back galea of Rldeau Hall. MANY MOURN DEATH J. CHALMERS WILSON Was First Newspaper Reporter In Ottawa. Th fuaersl of Joba Chalmers Wllsoa.

tor assay vesrs a member of the Printing Bureae. sad ths first hewspsper reporter In Otisws wss held on Ssturdsr aftsrncon, being sttend br msnr friends. A short tsmllr service wss rondncted at the home. iSO O'Connor street, br Vea. Archdeacon J.

M. Snow-don, following which the 'iiasrsl proceeded to 81. George's Anglican Church, where a beautiful service, full choir la sttendsnce. wss conducted bv Archdeacon tinow-don, assisted by Rev. Bernsrd Johnson.

Interment was msj in Beechwood Cemetery. A great number of floral tributes expressed the esteem In wli.oa Mr. Wilson was held bj a Urge circle of friends. Among til tributes were a sheet from th Church of Ascension Prayer Orel: wresth from th Ottawa Typographical Unloa No. 101.

aad from th superintendent and staff of the Money Order Branch. Post Offlc Department, aad a aprsy from Miss Andrev Wilson's clsss of the Ottswa Civic Hospital. Many Momrnera Present. All members of Mr. Wilson's fsmlly were present at the funeral service, they being, bis widow, Mrs.

Msrgsret Wilson; three sons, Rev. Andrew Chalasera. of h'ew York City; John W. M. Wllsoa.

ot tb arm ot Wilson and Keith. Ottawa, and Rev. Haslngton TV 11 son. of Patchogne. Long Island, aad on daughter.

Mis Let tie Wilson, of Ottaws. Also present were a brother-in-law. Aleisadsr Wilson, ot Ottswa, and seven grandchildren. Among those present at tb service were: T. A.

Rlvlngton. J. M. Clarke. E.

M. Barrett: J. A. Mar- Jhy. A.

H. Jarvle. J. J. MeCsan.

K. Peffers. George Stroalger. W. C.

Teague. E. F. Borrltt. T.

A. Brownree. P. Pelletler. R.

Hart. A. Bennett. T. H.

Hoire. Wllllsm Lodge. C. H. Bennett.

George T. Barrett, W. J. P. Wsy.

T. P. Chsrleson. D. A.

Hewitt. Dr. J. T. Bssken.

Potter Swan. Andrew Swan. Rev. Erneet Johnston, A. Poulet.

M. W. Msynard. W. A.

Rankin, and others. The many personal floral tributes were aa follows: Beaatlfal Floral Tribal. Pillows Miss Lettte Wllsoa. Croaaee- Masses Jarvle. Brook-Ira.

N.T.: Mr. aad Mra. Howard. Sheafs A lie Pelton, Mr. and Mrs.

A. Wllsoa aad family. Teddy Boyc. Mr. and Mra.

D. H. Hewitt. Wrutha Mr. and Mra.

John W. M. Wilson. Mrs. H.

Wilson. Mr. and Mr. Wright Stafford and Ruth. Aadover, Rev.

H. W. and Mr. Brown. Dr.

aad Mrs. H. B. Moffstt. Mr.

aad Mra. J. R. Keith, Misses T. Barrett.

M. Tremblay. B. Lepolnt. N.

Gallagher. Mr. and Mra. George MowaU Mlasea May-bell and Msrgsret Mowat. Sprays Grandchildren.

Mr. and Mr. Arthur Bennett, Eva P. Taylor, Mra. Gray, Mlaa C.

McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. V. E.

Bullock. Mr. aad Mra. Jackson. Eftl Lelasd.

Brooklyn. Mr. aad Mrs. O. A.

Browa aad family. Mr. aad Mr. Thoaua, Mr. and Mra.

O. A. Ball, MlaaU aad Magdeleae Caaay. Mr. aad Mr.

O. E. Pnatoa aad tsae-lly, Cmnsa. Rhode aad Allele Pal mer. Dr.

aad Mra. Baakea. Mr. A Bennett and Rita, Mrs. i.

A. Walker. Ml A. Robinson. Mr, TRANS ATLANTll TO CHANGE Wl CER FARES HE SEASONS Will Be Thre Different Tariffs in Future, Make Plan to Stimulate Bub in ess Across the Ocean.

CaaaaUa FrN CafcU. SOUTHAMPTON. England. Sept. 25.

Trans-Atlantic pisseuger fares la the fature will change with tbe seasons. Cheaper rates for steamship nassata are to prevail durlni the has been tsken to stimulate bust nesa In what are known as the off seasons, when comparatively few persons mske tbe Atlsntlr crossing except for business or other pressing reasons. By the new arrangement, agreed to by all of the principal trana-At-lantlc com pan lea. there will be three different tariffs, one for sum- FUNERAL TODAY OF DE. MACLAEEN The funeral of Dr.

Henry Mac- Lnren. former well-known Ottawa physician, who died at Will Ism-bead. on September IS. was held this afternoon at two o'clock from the residence of his brother-in-law. George F.

McCor-mlck. 38S Wilbrod street, to Msc-Laren's Cemetery. Wakefield. Que. The service was conducted by Rar.

A. O. Cameron, of St. files' Presbyterian Church, and Rev. W.

H. Leatbem, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Dr. MacLaren was born at Wakefield.

Que 62 years ago. After living for some time there, he went to Torbottoo, Ont. He entered the medical faculty of tha University of Toronto and graduated with honors. Before his graduation, be en I rated In the university army corps and served In the North-West Rebellion in Later. Dr.

MarLaren came to Ottawa arjd enjoyed a wide friendship. Dr. MacLaren went overseas with the Csnsdlsn Army-Medical Corps during the Great War. While stationed at Bramsbot. ha w.m one of those Instrumental iu discovering the cause and rem nier when travel Is st Its height.

77e one for the Intermediate seasons, ths late fall and early spring, and another for mid winter when travel ts lightest. Limited reductions of certain ot the better cabins and suites which fall and spring as well as winter, are known as the luxury type, wuijuoo on lnis action oi sieamsoip oiiinm nucu vuon inwi iuj companies hsve decided upon In order to have this class oi accommodations occupied during as many voyages as possible during tbe off season. The reductions on the more luxurious Untri. such as the Majestic. Rerencarla and Lvlathan.

In some instances amount to 1ft to 15 from tbe summer tarlff. Sign of Hope edying an epidemic of anthrax which had broken out amung the soldiers in camp. He went to Willlamhead. B.C.. a year and a n.ilf ago His death came as result ot a heart attack.

Ho married Miss Alice Loudon, daughter of Dr. Loudon, of Ham- (' ilton. Allanshaw; Scotland. In I rl Uesldei, his wife, ha Is survived C' by one daughter. Mrs.

John Glbbs. of Shawtnigan Fails. Que one brother. John A MacLaren. of Ottawa, and two sisters.

Mrs. Theodore MrGilllvray. wife of the late Julge McGllllvray. of Whitby. and Mrs.

George F. McCor-mick, of Ottawa. LEAMB I KAOCSI. M)or I.eagu loaders: ftaflwaal. Rsttina Wnr.

ill Runi-L. Wsnar. Plrts. Hm-P Wsner. 211 PouMp Mfphennon.

Cubs. IT Trlpl Wintr, Pirates II Homtrs Williams, IS. Wilton. Cuba. JS.

Htolen bet Krltch, 44. Pltrhlna (Jrlmea. titanta, on II, lott Atatrl. Batting Rimmora. Athlettra 391.

Itutit Ruth. Yankt, 16 lilt Co in ha, Yatikvts. HI Ioublt (ifhrlf. Yankd-fa. 3 Tn (ilea Tnniht, Yankffi, 21 Monier.

Ruth. Yanktaa. IS. (Jth- rlgt Yankera. i.

Ktnlrii ht niiltr. Brown. 21 Pit-hina Piparaa Tank win 3 Rommil. Atbiilca. won i.

ia 'TT-HS ia a mraaage of Hope an aasuranc of better health for the wealt. iU-nouriahcd per too who stands in peril of Tuberculoaia. Are you willing for four own aalce, or the aelce of aomeoM very dear to you, to follow these simple sugweatioasT To Avoid Tuberculosis Recognize that Tuberculosis is prtoenubU and emrabU, if combative measures ere taken early. That patent riWirinra and "quiet cure" not only do no good but actually delay the real cure. That sa qualified physician can quickly detect Tubercufeau aad prescribe treatment which may check the tfiaeaae at the very start.

That Tuberculoaia of the Kings ia in reality a grim battle between horde of germ and the protecting hosts of living cells which form the lining of the lung. A healthy person can win tha contest iu fact he ia winning it every hour. That you can strengthen the system to resist the disease yon Era aa much aa pnibi in the i sun- FORMER PASTOR HAS GIYENJIMSELF UP Warrant Is Issued By Attorney-tsenerari Dept. I tm Tt Joaarmal- P1CTON. Out Sept.

lb Rev. Joseph Mellor. former pastor of the I'mted Church, released on suspended senteni and fined nedu-tlon charge In be half of a young choir girl by police Magistr.i'p Levi Williams, surrendered himself here yesterday afternoon Accordini to Chief Constable Bert Biddlt Mellor Is believed to have been "Mpped off" to tbe fact thai tbe authorities had a new warrant out for him This warrant. Blddls Mate, was Issued from the Attorosy-Cenerara Department. Toronto Mellor left town after his release: and ts understood to have h-en In Syracuse.

since the rase. TWIN' A ARE BAIT1ZKD Mavor Ernest Charrou. Madame mitiin and Mr. and Mr E. Bou-'r.

of (iatlneau Point, were the nl parents at a christening yev iii'liv afternoon of twin dauchters of J- and Mrs. Valmore Leblanc. Sr Jean Baptists street. Gatineau Point V3y On account of the observance of the JEWISH NEW YEAR Our tnre will closed Tuesday and Wedneedajr, September 27th and 28th. OPEN THI R8UAT MOHMNfi AS 1'81'AL 0OJe4lHilrlrj bank sTRcrrLoucermi pon't Suff er 'rVith Itchini Raabea UseCuticurd i PTL mmm Now packed in Aluminum, the same as years ago.

MPLS TIE Jis good tea" REP ROSE ORANGE PEKOE it extra good. thine, breathe freah air, avoid overwork and mt nourishing food. To Cure Tuberculosis If you have a chronic cough with a failing ape, rite and lot of weight and notice symptom which you do not understand, go at once to your family physician, and get hia opinion. At this stage of tbe dieeaae the greatest danger ia 'tba danger of delay. Change of climate ia not always nf rrgaaijf.

In the hoapttalt for treating Tuberculosa humhetk of people are cured each year car have their Cvea greatly prolonged. They reoerra proper msvOcal treatment, plenty of rest in tha par air and lean how to build up their system to combat the rfisraar For the tame attention, you wul have to pay no more than you can afford. Don't leave your health to chance. Let a doctor' examine your physical Condi lion at least one year. Better health, longer fife, greater happmesa, a more whole entiled joy in living will be your rewards.

m9 aav-ai i H. Beauett, Mrs. T. aV. acotu and Mra.

W. J. Way. Mr. aad Mrs.


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