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The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas • Page 1

Waco, Texas
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(Slip Warn Nftua-Srtbmt? VOLUMB WACO, TEXAS. FRIDAY, APRIL Lopy Kt'MRBR 1M Ku Klux Klan Candidates Win in Confederate Election State May Close Up Children Home Here Senate Committee Threatens to Cut Out Appropriation inspection To Be Made by Sub-Division of Finance Body State homr for dependent and neglected children in Warn in in of closed because of lark of appropriations, it became known in Waco Thursday. Members of the senate finance committee ot Anstin are reported as in fa vor of eliminating appropriations for the school for the next two years, and thus eloae it A sub-committee of finance committee in said to be due In laturdajr to Inspect the which wm opened fnr rlrat time last HepiemHer. The subcommittee Senators Floyd, Stuart, and Darwin, Cost $4000 Per Child Senator in at Aufltin Thursday at which the were discussed, is reported to quoted purport to that the budget for the next two ymmrrn for an of par child for of the .13 children now being cared for the home. Superintendent E- appeared befora the committee The finance ommlttee luuS a of heart Thursday, however, in making for other eleemosynary institutions of the state and allowed a building program practloally aa by the board of control.

Appropriations approved during the day called for a total expenditure of annually for the next two years, It waa previously tpMtthead that the mmy ap- for caw bull ding a. Palestine Man Is First Called in Text Probe fly The Associated Press AUSTIN, April 12 Bonner Frisell, Paieatine. was the first member of the textbook commission to be called before the Joint legislative committee Investigating activities of the text commission Prison was questioned at length this afternoon by the committee in executive regarding the for new bo ok a let Iasi and other work of the commission, Representatives of several book companies also had arrived here today and other of the state commission are pec ted tomorrow, Noliey Says He Feared Attack and So He Put On Guji for Protection By The Associated Press FORT WoRTH. April 12 Pleading thst he armed himself because he had been told that J. Jordan had arrived in Port Worth to kill him, Bam Noliey, ousted sheriff of Raatland county, testified in his own behalf in county court at law today in the case which charges him with unlawfully earning a pistol.

In the complaint It stated that the offense occurred March 1 when Noliey and Jordan met at Ninth and Houston streets and engaged in a pistol fight. Both men were shot in the leg but neither wag seriously injured, Noliey came to The witness stand today walking with use of crutch, his wound having not entirely Anti.Religious Demonstrators Desecrate Russian Churches By International News Service MOSCOW, April 15 Anti-re- ltgloun demonstrations were reported today from South Russia, cspe- dally in the vicinity of Odeaa-t. Red workers aero said to raiding churches and feUraing ikons Processions marched through the streets ah outing blasphemies Presbytery at Paris Adjourns TYLER April It The Presbytery of Texas, of the Presbyterian church, adjourned this afternoon after a two session to meet at Troupe next fall. Dr. W.

Carrall of Marshall, was elected moderator. The Weather TEX AS -Friday and ftatur- day, partly cloudy, llttls change in temperature WEST TIXAS Friday, generally fair, somewhat warmer in the Panhandle, Saturday, fair, LOUISIANA Friday. fair; Saturday, partly clou change in temperature ARKANSAS Friday, clearing; Bat urday. generally fair, little change in temperature OKLAHOMA Friday, partly somewhat warmer in north and portions, Saturday, fair. Jiuige West Blackshear, Former Is Honored Wacoan, Says 6.0.

P. By Gov. Neff Is Doomed in 1924 News Tr'bune Austin Bureau April one of tha happiest tifa Mariana Vega, above, went from Menico City to drank arsenic and went to the apartment of Charlie Chsplin to dia bacanas, police say sha told them, she had loved the comedian from Hhe'll live. Waco Klan For Evans In His Fight The has been thorised to make tha statement that the Waco chapter of the Ku Klux Klari strinds solidly behind W. Kvans, imperial wlsard.

in his present clash ith Em par or Joseph Simmons at Atlanta. "The Waco klan la behind Evans to the man said am officer. can wy that the local chapter Is 1000 per cent behind him. fight will all be shortly, and Evans will come out top of Judge John C. West of Waco, the venerable Judge derlarnd as he stepped past the Sfth milestone of his life, hsppy, vigorous, and full of reminiscences of the past half century, Judge West was honor guest at the governor's mansion tontght.

at a dinner attended by former I over nor Joseph D. Savers. Judge Hlmpkins and John r. of the unlversfy and John i Palm. Austin business man.

The dFnner followed a day which developed into an informal reception for the as of oVd friends and others him. Judge was dreswed In a gray suit and gray hat, and wore a bouquet, alongside of Civil war medala. He proudly related he wiis the first married man to go from Mctjennsn county to the war. He exhibited a watch ha has worn and which haa been in bis family tsely a century. Governor Neff tonight presented his guest a picture of governor, bearing this Inscription: "Presented to my friend.

Judge John C. West, on occaalon of his visit to the governor's mansion on his Judge West will visit his niece, Mrs 01. West, While and return home Friday. Posse Pursues Negro Slayer Of Lockhart Man it By The Associated Prasa ACSTIN. April 12 Roberts, aged 31, negro, aaid to have killed flip Twitty.

farmer near Lockfeairt Wednesday, fleeing before a headM the sad deputies from Ijock- hart tonight. All officers ware out on tha hunt from and late reports said that they ware at laOe. village east of Lockhart, Earlier said that tha officers expected to catch the gro tonight. The republicans will be absolutely swapt off their feet In the election frf and the party will have the hardest lick it has had in many A year." said W. 8 Blaokahear, former business man of VV aco, who now lives in New York.

Visiting in Waco Mr Blackshear and his wife are visiting in Waco He has always boen a careful student of public of sentiment has been declared Mr A kinsman of mine. In Boston recently. suw the picture of Harding thrown on the screen; there was rt mild demonstrafton. Then cams tha picture of Wilson; the house went wild. This was in Hasten, too, remember.

Tharp are many other evidences of the swing of sentiment Wilson, who is regarded by many as one of tha greatest human beings of all time. Blames Big Business league of nations sentiment Is growing by almost unbelievable bounds, and republicans have been forced to admit it. The party is torn asunder, anyway, and in bsd plight, Certain business deals which have to the surface show that the big realise that the republican party cannot stem the tide and protect them longer in the policies being pursued, flatting back to the league of nations, many people who formerly utterly rejected ft now It In it elements of the force that will save the world. Weaker nations are looking to It as never before, and strong nations are bound to admit that the world has gone awry without It Na Constructive Legislation Republicans have given the country no really constructive Segis- lation in 10 ywars. barring the Inter- Walter commerce act.

and that It will be recalled, was due to the unflattering efforts of that stalwart democrat and high-minded, intelligent citiien. the late John H. who finally succeeded in getting the measure put through, though it happened to be during a republican administration. "The hour of the undoitvg of the republican party draws at the door. Watch developments of 1114." Wot That Hurt Anybody, Bat Thty'r, to Hurt of VeterailS Also Pick Klan Member as Chief Memphis Wins Next Year's Convention in Hoi Fight With Friends of Dallas Highland Contest Due To Be Filed In Court Today t'ontest growing out of tha recent election held for the purpose of determining whether or not Highland Plaoa be incorporated ag a munlcipaltn under the commiaaion form of government is expected to come to a head Friday when Attorney John MKJlaaaon, representing the contestants, files papers in the Nineteenth district court before Judge Janies P.

Alexander. JSoino dosan or 15 citizens and voters of Highland Place opposed to incorporation, rnet with their attorney Thursday afternoon in the office of County Judge P. fleeter and witnessed the formality of declaring the result. A rheck of the ballots oast in the election showed that on the question of incorporation 77 votes were cast. for incorporation, SS against For mayor W.

received votes. J. W. Murphy 24: Thiel, Josh Woods, P. Wallace.

1 P. K. Wool folk, total of 64 votes For coAmtagion ers Raker IMNriyft received 47 votes P. Woolfolk, St: Hamilton. 21; 1 The potl list waa carefully checked and the status of aach voter and his qualifications discussed.

Late City News HATE HA IN FALL According to Pr lafdor Block. I the af rstn only 21 mbtutet time Wednesday evening BICVCLt TMifVES Two hoys were lodged in the city jail by City Detective Ed Howard and two they are alleged to have were returned to their Thursday ntgt.t afttr thefts had been repnrtpd te Klght Chief Tate Kheltou. CATTLE c. Crump of Thursday night reported IS bead cattle drowned that section by Bull Hide creeM which night reached highest tn 20 At neon Thursday he found haii- stonea, as large as hen eggs, drifted 4 or I inches high TRAINING SCHOOL I hr. a a.

PobNns of touisville Ky addressed Pundav achaol training achoei nowv in the Plrat Baptist church Th night on "The Prodigal Hon the prodigal Father The cods tonight with an addroas Ur. Bowera. With tha heat sttrndaJtue ever had at a Firm ITaabytarian churth banquet the Wentmineter club held their regular monthsy social meeting, in tha church Thursday evening nerved as toastmaater Dr. a Jacobs, paetor of the Ftrnt Presbyterian church of Houston. the principal address WINS SUIT rtougtaa Davidson won tha suit offered A Goldstein for best attendance Vat the Working club Thursday night The program in clU'ted music by Mrs recitation hy VClas llillv Virgin.

taK bv iMtan of Baylor at hoai; music by Verda McClain Body of Murdered Man Identified as Dailaaitc By Ths Aasociafad April 12 Oeorgt Clay of Dallas last night Identified the body of a man found murdered near Sunday as that of his brother, Clay, of Dallas. A man with Clay hare on tha day of the killing is in Dallas county jail, officers said Catholic Priest Charged With Murder of Rector Acre of Auto Parts Stolen at Temple Found Buried on Farm TEMPLE, April in a round up of a hand of automobile son' thieves operating batwaan Temple and Cameron, of fleers today found an sere of stol on automobile parts which hsd been bnried In a field recently in cotton. generally idy, llttls Or. ItiSsr Block, Optlctsn and Mstssroio 0 4gi Auatle Avs Forecast for today: Unsettled, clearing, probably colder. Maximum.

71 at p. minimum, ftt at ip barometer, it 16; humidity, pat cent, total wind for the day 131) miles, 24 fastest at I total rsin fnr the day 1.49 total wind the month, 2 P-I miles; total rain for the month, 1.2S 30 Houses Demolished By Louisiana Storm By International News Bervica MEHIDAV, XA, April teen houaea were demolished and five persons injured by a cyrloae which struck this town early today. aooordlng to thla afternoon. Paralytic Father With Hatchet to End 8nffeiinf By International Herrice KVAXHVHJ.E. Ind.

April 11 Coorge Virgin, 48, waa held in tha Vandarburg county Jail today charged with the most brutal slsy ing on record In southern Indiana. He Is charged with killing his father, John 'Virgin, 71, a paraiytie seven yearn with a hatchet. Virgin said, according to Sheriff Huske. he wsnted to get rid of father to end his njlaery, and thst there was no other motive. Coming hare from St yaa tarday younger Vtrgih in his confession ssld he took his father from the house, rolled him down hill to a spring, took off his and hit him in the head with hatchet several timea.

Five Radicals Fined $300 Each for Attending Meeting 'By Tha Aaaodated press KANSAS CITY. Mo. April 13 Five men arrested here last night st an alleged radical meeting were fined 1300 each today on charges of disturbing the Henry Julian, attorney for the men, said the meeting was to obtain funds for the defense of William K. Foster, an alleged radical Senator-Elect Owes Bell County Tax On $40 Worth of Property Special to TWIPLK, April 11 Senafor- Karls R. Mayfield the city of a hUT of which has been on books since till.

At thst time he claimed this city as home and tax show that he rendered personal proparty for taxation valued at I 4 a watch The poll tax for that year was paul but other tax was permitted to go delinquent. It not considered probable that suit wili be filed to in- force Dynamite Fails To Blow Up Negro Home at Temple dinner By Aaaoctatad Kalamazoo. Mich. Apm 12 The Rev. Father Dillon, assistant rector of ft.

Catholic church, shot and killed Bev. Father Henry NeSU, ractor church, sat at the table tonight, then calmly went to and notified the and coroner. 'Ortvan to Fury' According to statement the as- si rector ia aaad to have made to and county he By The Associated Press TEMPLE, Apri, An to dynamite the home of N. A Baaka, principan of ths negro high school here, fisiled out last nigh; when planted bomb neglected to Inaert the fuse ln a was 'driven to fury" by allegad HI treatment at of dead percuaaion cap imbedded in the dynamite found on the negro In structor porch. The fuse bur down to the explosive and want out.

tftan Maid of Honor to Grays He traated a boy, nfnsinr to permit me to the familles of the parish. or take an part in the of the sa kl proteated in vain agalnst Ihis attitude and toaight, ovar the matter at the dfnner table, he onJered me to pack of my belongtng and oui Wouid Lst Him "1 got up from the table and went upstuirs to pack up, but it wma a revolver a suit case. I picked up a phlal of holy oll and UTTLI aoCK l'reaidant r. then went where Allen ef Southern aa- ther and Father were I intende to formtr Birmiagtwwn oui fie 1 er from him a hanca conress and to WichMa Faits of laaguej before killed hlm. but aa which obtained htm the wia Bulletins NtW Borah Id replying here tonight to the recent of of Robert Cecil dectared con- vfctson that no peace league can funct.on for untfl war has been Outlawsd as an institution.

Col. Harvev May Not Return To Court of James By International News LONDON. April Belief pre- mils in British diplomatic circles that P. ambassador to Belgium, will sue Harvey aa American ambasaador to England, Evening Standard stated today. Thla report waa ridiculed at the United embassy Harvey will shortly return to America on furlough, DECISION NOT MADE WASHINGTON.

April 11 No definite decision haa yet been made as to whether Cotonei will return to London after hia leave, ft is understood. The question will be settled during his stay' In this country. Colonel Harvey haa been ambassador to Great Britain for two and he hr a been reported of aa being of retiring. This aaid to been actuated tv the introduction of Interna tlnaal court issu Into American poll and the colonefs wiah to a hand in the direction of the nest republican ea. -suiign.

Colonel Harvey was one of Preaident Harding's trusted advisers during the Marion front porch campaign, particularly ir, the field of foreign By The Press NEW OELEANS. La, Aptil Klan the United Confederate Veterans aad Sona ef Confederate Vaterana oryanuationa here today in the annual election of offiwn, when General William Haldeman of liOnia- ville, was made command- of the veterana and M. McDonald Lee of the 1 Lee waa an avowed candid of the Ku Klux Klan, whila Ualdeman ia aaid to have had the of the inviaible empire aftar Julian 8. Carr, retiring commander and candidate to succeed himself, retired from the race in favor. Is Kirkpatrick of stayed In race and waa defeated hy Haldeman Tfl to on final vota.

The wms awarded Memphis. over Oalkis with vote of to Sli an fight two cities which only oaaa center, ilng All there had ramors that a row klan was almmertng and that It would out tn full at tha least provocation. Carr a Ku General Julian Carr of Durham. at forwnoon during a dls- cuaalon of the term aa applied to og federate soidiera shouted at point: "I am a rebel and a Ku Klux. At aftormoon session 1 and this time shouts of am all of the auditorium.

Troutt of leaped to his feet and waving hia hands wildly fey way of emphssia fairly arreamed that he was to anything but law and or! and unalterably oppoasd to '-ugsrtog anything of that kind the He did not TCRN TO PAOE COLUMN Fort Worth Youth Is Held for Murder tn San Francisco Holdup By Associated BAN FRANCISCO, April Engdala, S3 years old, a waa ahot and Instantly kilisd by Smith, If old. Fort Worth, Texas, in an attempted holdup of a downtown Jewelry store here late today. After a down Market street, Smith was capturad and charged with murder. This Is Marian Jones. secretary to Dr Sawyer.

personal physician been appointed maid of honor to May Gen, Archibald A at Vaitfd Confederate reunion. ter in which sent Jake tar to the Barona DUBLIN columna cf free stata inttM under I Fraud are gesturing monatatos a Tipperars for Famon de Valera, Breen and the other republican who escaped the«! Lam waa fataily wounded and captured edaesdav TALI.ANAS8I—Flocsir of vtcts in to which have leased this will he the center of legislative attention here tomorrow. An employe of a etate senator is involved in the investigation SEMINOLE, csmi flood r. charged with of Midland and A Aiyagta of oattle brand In a I April 1. were dented ball District Judge Miilligan tonight Voi- ef to court of criminal appeals was given, Peclarm- tton that AdJ Charles Hiaok hen mPoctaed hy 'penavo nel June fi, thst was impending near Ill, replied "Let them damn go to was made hv colonel at the Biserta taaulry After the alleged remark fktacg was mentioned hv Colonel Ranter another aensatton came whrn be red tn answer to Of Michael Igoa t'h ago that Can eral Hia.

It reoentlj aakrd him to Change and rev toe hia ritten of the rioting made July Qeveland Grl Sets New Dance Record Ry The AaaoetetaiS: Press ITJCVKLANU April Helene Mayor, department store saleslady, today established a new continuous dancing reeord of hi hours and 14 hraakmg previous wwd of ia hours and I minutes made by Miss Alma Cummings at New York Sa at week Mayer started dancing at I a Tuesday and at I ill 9 lodai, i advanced into the room, with tho hand holding the revolver extended, I I saw him grsb a ceiiax to throw at me and I fired twice After that I do not roeaJl vary well what happened Lightning Kills Young Mart Farmer Texas Company Well At Currie Is Still Burning Special to Thf News-Tribune CORSICA A. April 11 here today the iwtthern part of the county report that Tessa company welt on the Morrow lease. Carrie, which caught fire Saturday, is still burn mg. are being made to put out the flamea, are still i' 1 leaping many feet the fnound VV eSt irglllia Klan Thinks Deceased Chief Special to The A RT. April 11 looking after stock pasture, two miles east of Mart, 1 edr.eadav night about o'clock Henry Sonr.tag 21, a struck hy lightning killed, and a yards away, alao was killed Members of the family, finding that young Soantag did not return, instituted a search and found his body.

He is by his wife, father and mother, several sisters and Owing to bad condition of the roads the funeral will not take place before Sunday. family has lived many 3 ears. Father of Harding Says Son Runs Again Ry International Service NEW ORLEANS. April tn Ohio that 1'resident Harding will be electad In Dr Harding, father, declared today' upon his arrival to attend reunion of federata veterana Dr. Harding said his son was a "true frtend of the south and a lover of the land below Mason and Dixon line jK Browning Brothers Face Murder Charge By International News SALT USE CITY, Utah, April eoiaplainta charging Marriner A.

and John Browning. and prominent Ogden bus- th first degr murder for death of Benjamin bank teller, who was shot and killed In his home Monday afternoon, taauad thla afternoon by county Tongue Twister Letter Sunday's Lrtter Will IV Announced Tomorrow for fun" Nesra- Trtbunv is giving a prise of II each day for an Indefinite period for the best Tongue Twister in aach key letter. will announced 10 after each key letter is announced. First announcement of winner artll be made April It, for which was ths key letter. Victim of Gunman I Intematsonal News Service April U.

of Kent Ogden, wealthy man of Va. eshumed for further es- ami nation by order of Coroner Matheny at the test of persons who believed was murdered The coroner's first verdict was that I Ogden had committed suicide. Notes I by dead man ind.i«*t*d had I greatly worried by revelations he is said to cwerning Ku Klan acttvitiaa He was for- 1 marly chairman of klan, Clarksburg ktan and I he was 'Slain. The klkn 1 haa offered a reward for his saswtn arrest, if it ia proved waa murdered. Students Strike; School Bonn By Internationa! April li broke out in main ing of the National Farm School I near Doylestown afternoon.

A I strtks ia in progreag at the 1 school Bonar Opponents Win Out in Big Fight By International LONDON, April 12 The arm" of opposition 1 the of wrung a 00 eesalon from government today when Chancellor of Stanley Baldwin announ-ed that a commission would conduct an inquiry into ths treatment of in civil Ice. Oitixem Invade Office Of Prosecutor to Demand He Enforce Gambling Laws By The Associated Houumolio, April 11 this city aformed by an aggregation of 200 men laat night, who demanded that hia election prom and up the mining town of Panama, on Bond county line daclared law enforcement is a that liquor la sold openly ever and that gambling and Without any Shota Of i.

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