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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO BLVTHBYJLLE, COURIER NEWS 1931 Society Calendar Sunday The Business and Professional Women's club will entertain the girl graduates of the senior and junior high schools with tea at the Woman's club at 3 o'clock, Monday The Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian cliurch will meet, at the church at 2:30 o'clock. There will be a pageant at the First I'resbytcrian church -at T.45 P. M. given by the Woman's auxiliary. The Woman's Missionary of the First Methodist church will have circle mcetliiBS at these 1, Mrs C.

E. Crisjger; 2 Mrs. Frank C. Douglas; 3, Mrs. J.

Crowdcr; 4, at tlie church for a luncheon witlv Mrs. Ley Weld chairman. Mrs. ClinL Dunlap will enlcrtati the Missionary Union of the Sec ond Baptist church. Mrs.

W. T. Barnclt is hostess li the Woman's Council of the Firs Christian church with tlie Hope Division In charge. The Royal Neighbors will mcc at the liall nt 7:30 P. M.

The woman's missionary union the First Baptist church will nice at. the church with Mrs. Tom Jackson leader of the program. Tuesday Mrs. Tom licaton will entertain the New Tuesday Bridge Club.

The Temple Israel will have the annual election of officers. Wednesday Mrs. J. B. Slcadmim Is leader of the De.lphinn program.

The New Wednesday Bridge club Is meeting wllh Mrs Randolph Smith. Mrs. Joe Von Altncn Is having the Matinee Bridge club. Thursday Mrs. B.

A. Lynch Is hostess to the Mid-Wcek Bridge club, The Thursday Luncheon club is nucliugt-with Mrs. C. W. Aflllck- Mrs.

C. W. Higglnson Is having the Young Matrons Bridge club. Friday There will be a service at the Temple Israel at 7:30 o'clock. Lead Class at Osccola Bits of News Mostly Personal I'lLGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH II.

J. Kklndknst, Pastor Sunday school and Bible hour, 0:15 A. Divine worship, 10 A M. Sermon topic: "The Triumph of TlK're will be a Lutheran hour broadcast over the Columbia chain Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. Services are held each Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL L1CSSON Christ Enters Jerusalem as King Ham Thomas will go to Little and Hot Springs early In he week lor a business trip The Uev.

H. J. Klctndlcnst to business In Caruthcrs- Jlle. Friday. Miss Marguerite Pride will re- urn tonight from Portland, Ark where she was n.

teacher in the 'orllaiul high school this year. The Itev. and Mrs. Marsh M. Cal away spent Thursday In Memphis Henry Steinberg, of Port Smltl llic siicst of Mrs.

S. S. Stern berg. William Wunderlicli rcturnc home this afternoon from' point of Missouri wliere ho attended business this week. Mr.

and Mrs. E. H. Dcatte an daughter, Leva), motored to Com mcrce, yesterday. Mrs.

De aettc's mother returned with thei for several weeks visit. Judge G. E. Keck and his con stenographer, H. G.

Parllow, wl are In court at Harrisburg for two weeks, arc spending 'the weekend at home. lornlng at Hie Bt. Stephen Episco- al church. FIKST CHRISTIAN CHURCH E. K.

Lallnur, Minister Bible school, 9:45 A. M. Church. 11 A. M.

Christian Endeavor societies, 6:4 P. M. There will be no evening church service as the pastor' will be In Os ceola for services. CHURCH OF UOD Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.

Prayer meeting Sunday 7:30 o'clock. night, The International Untlorm Sunday School U'sscm for May 17. Enters Jerusalem us King, 45-48. BV WM. K.

Clli.ltOV, 1) Editor vt The The story of the iriumiilial entry of Jesus into Jerusalem from almost every standpoint occupies a strange place in the life story of the Master. This is an efiecling and moving story, ami one that has appropriateness, for no one surely was more worthy to rid? in triumphal procession as king, nnd before no monarch could palm leaves and clothing be more fittingly thrown in the way than before this Galilean carpenter riding Into Jerusalem on the foal of an ass. It was a triumphal procession, moreover to have depended upon the sheer wo: Hi and spiritual dignity of the monarch There will be an evangelistic meeting beginning May 24 with lae Kcv. W. A.

Foster, ol Caruthersville, parl lime paslor of Ihc church, in charge. It will continue for weeks. Rninellr- Wclnlxjrp, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.

Welnberg, is th valcdlclorlnn of llio 1531 graduating class of the Osceola high schoo Wayne Dent, daughter of Mr. Jisa Weinbcrg was named the most outstanding senior, an honor based aml Mr Rt Dcnt 1 ls wlth loyalty nnd acliicvement and conferred Jointly by the class 0 principal of the Ar- 'acully. Beatrice Rose, right, IB salulatorian of (he graduating class.morel school', has gone to Jones- Win Have final Musical of Season Local musicians, who have been cooperating in presenting series of Sunday afteinoon musicals tliroiigliout tlie spring months, wll give the last program until the fill jscnsoii, tomorrow afternoon at the First Presbyterian church, 3 o'cock TlicJc numbers hnve been arranged for thc'''lro3 entertainment voice solo, Koss Stevens; selections by high school trio of Misses Lillian Grace Elliott ant Othus Bracken; piano selections Mrs. Marvin Chappclle; voice solo William Trotter; talk, "Music Ap- prcciatuji;" Mrs. Ethel number, Mrs.

Wilson Henry selections by a quartet; vocal solo Griffin Ecliol. i FMtbjltriaus To Have The lives of Missionaries in Africa and their message to Presbyterians of the United Slates will be dcpicled in the pageant play ar ranged for Monday evening at tin First Presbyterian church, 7:4 o'clock, for tlie birthday celebra tion of the Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. C. H.

Babcock is in chare of llic tua act production In whtcl 30 women and children will tak part. Mrs. R. K. Kirshner, as th returning missionary, and Mrs.

Ross Stevens, represent ing the auxilinrj will lead in the play's convcrsa tion. Music, by the church choir, wi be another attraction. The public is cordially invite to iltend. Faculty Entertained. Mrs.

T. E. Tatc and Mrs. W. Williams, of Armorel.

were ho tesscs to a bridge and rook parly Wednesday evening especially complimenting members of the Armor- i el school faculty. In the four lables of guests present high score bridge prize among the ladies was won by Mrs. W. C. She Is the dauijhter of Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Rose. rthl who received bath salts and led soap.

Mr. Wnhl won for Ihe men's prize and Ihc ook award, deck of rook cards, enl to J. H. Slcadmiin. The refreshments were chicken iliul, strawberry shortcake and fd Icn.

larlin-Scrgrn. The marriage of Miss Lula Sci- en and Mr. Sterling Martin, both Cnnilheisvllle, took place ere Thursday wllh Justice Oscar Mcxandcr performing Ihe ceremony, olmston-Mcirrhcjd. Miss Louise Morchcnd, of Swift, nnd Mr. Jiuucs Johnston, of 'ortageville, were married here Friday.

Justice D. Walker pel 1 orined the ceremony. lave Theatre Tarty. Members of (he Girl Scouts Troop were Kiiesls ol Mr. and Mrs.

O. Thursday evening 'or the show "Trader Horn" ul lie Rltz Theatre. This is a monthly event In the ioclnl activities of this group. A marriage license was issued Thursday lo Miss Agnes Campbell ami Mr- Charles Lnccr, both of iVants Guod Attendance. The Dorcas Sunday school ehiss ol tlie First Baptist church plans have a record attendance lo- norrow in keeping with las', Sunday's attendance.

This Is known as a jump bid. There is considerable disagreement among different, uulhorillcs us lo what a jump ovcrca)l bid ihnll Indicate, but generally, under Ihe straight forcing system, indi- cutes a powerful liiind coiitiiitiing about Ilircc quick tricks and a strong five-card suit. Some players Inslsl that partner shall this bid as forcing bid and must keep the bidding open, while other authorities call it an "urge" bid, not an absolute forcing bid. is made with a two suit liiind or a strong re-blddnble suit, and while it is not an absolute forcing bid which requires Ihe bidding to be kepi open tmlil a game- going declaration Is arrived at, it is an urgent appeal to partner to support tlie btil even though lie does iiDl have, normal trump support but has one probable trick Another thing for the partner of the jump ovcrcall bidder to remember is that even though the op- IMiicnt puts In bid after the jump overran, you should endeavor to support partner's bid if you hold one Irick. Ovcrcalliiii Opponents' Suit With the Same Suit This strulcglc bid Is now generally used only after parities has bid e.

g. partner deals and bids one leart, opponent bids one spade am bid Iwo spades. This show lormal support for partner's sui md no losers in opponents' sui md In addition shows slam iiossi jillties. It is a forcing bid am cquircs partner lo keep the bid ling open until game-going dec laraliou is arrived nt. Some players also advocate th lidding of opponents' suit eve though partner has not bid, bi now thai psychic bidding has cu Urcd the game, it is belter, to em ploy other Relics, it Ihe op iwnenls open with one spade an A Series Explaining tlio Contract Bridge Systems AKTIC1.K NO- 210 BY WM.

E. JIi'KKNSEY Srrrclary Anicru-an llridge l.cnpnc Perhaps Ihe most illflicuH thing lor Ihc beginner at contract In Itarn is how lo properly overcall tlie bid of an opponent when using the straight forcing system. In our previous article we explained hov. overcall with minimum hands and we further learned the use ol the informntory double. There are types of hands, however, whero we overcall our opponents' original bid with A juini bid; c.

g. opponent opens with one spade and we bid three hearts one boro where he will attend'summer school. Miss Bob Williams, a member of ic Armorel faculty, will go lo lemphis today to spend the sum- icr with relatives. Mrs. Dora Wright and eon, Joe, r' Trimble, have arrived ere to spend two weeks with their aughlcr nnd sister, Miss £ra Wright.

Scott Harris is spending the vcckcml In E. A. Rice has gone lo West 'lalns. lo spend Ihc weekend dill Iris family. Mrs.

Spurgeon Patterson lias' re- urncd lo her home in Birining- luin, after spending two veeks with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Oberst. Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Glllen and Mrs. C.

S. Stevens spent yesterday Memphis. Misses Mary Margaret McElwain and Lillian B. Aycrs, of Osceola, visited here today. Miss Rulh Wilson, of Cleveland, is tlie gest of Dr.

and Mrs. C. E. Wilson for a week. Louie Isaacs will spend-tomorrow in Memphis.

J. W. Roach of St. Louis, district superintendent of the Missouri district of the Church of llic Nnzarcne, was the guest of the Rev. A.

T. McAiuilly today. Mr. nnd Mrs. William hang and daughlers, Misses Mildred, Pauline and Sain, and Joe Appicbauin will go lo Memphis tomorrow for the Junior lladussali dance at llic Hold Peabody.

OF GOD CHURCH South Lilly Slnwt R. A. Work, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, a.

m. Christ Ambassadors, 2:30 p. in. A good attendance is asked. Evening praise and sermon, 7:30 o'clock.

Prayer meetings Monday morning, 9 o'clock, and Friday night, 7:30 o'clock. Choir practice, Tuesday evening, 7:30 o'clock. rather than upon tlie trappings and pomp of slate. It Is a satisfaction to liave in our New Testament this one presentation of our lowly Master In the kingly role that was in harmony with his true greatness. A SlrUiiUf Contrail One cannot, however, fail to contrast Ihls incident lo llic triumphal entry with all that went before and with all thai so immediately followed in ihe life of Jesus.

In the beginning of his public ministry we have Ihc picture of him as holding alooi from crowds Occasionally when the multitudes pressed round about him, in spoke to them, and on one occa sion tlie pressure of the crowd was so greal lhat he went- into a boat and thrust out a little Irom tho land speaking lo Hie people SECOND 1SAPTIST CHURCH 1. L. Newxim, I'aitor Sunday School, 9:45 m. Preaching, 11 a. Subject: "The Print of the Nails" li.

Y. P. U. 6:45 p.m. Moon light picnic next Tuesday night.

Preaching, 7:45 p. m. Subject: "Tlie Whole Family." Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45 Aml it Bethany. l.ukc. a me to pats, when he was come nigh lo Ccllipajie and at the mount called the mount of Olives, lie sent r.vj ot Teachers meeting Wednesday, 1:30 p.

Subject "How to Teach llic Lesson." FIRST MKTHOJIIST CHURCH Main and Sevenlh Streets I'. Korie, 1'sbtor "Cause and Cure of Financial Depressions," subject at 11 a. m. This service will be broadcast over KLCN. The Great Promises of the IJiblc at 8 p.

in. Sunday School 9:45 a. in." Junior, Hy and Senior Leagues 7:15 p. m. Meeting pastors nnd Sunday School Supls.

Monday 7:30 p. m. to discuss Co-operative Vacational Bible School. Prayer meeting Wednesday, who crowded on the shore. But that was exceptional.

When Ihe throng wanted lo make him king, he eluded them and went into the mountain lo pray. Repeatedly when publicity seemed to be too great, lie withdrew with his disciples. Possibly Jesus felt, as he expressed il on one occasion, that his hour had nol yet come, lhat lo coiiu public approbation and a popular movement putting him into a position of physical leadership, woulci have been premature and calculated to defeat his real mission, which was one of the ministry of Until, the procla- into tlie village over asuins! you; in the which mat ion of righteousness. Ihe Choir rehearsal Wednesday 8:15 G. W.

Earls New Superintendent of Cooler Schools COOTER, O. W. Earls dcini of Arkansas A. and M. college, Jonesboro, has been chosen siipcrlnlendcnt ol Cooler Consoll- yoil bid Iwo spades it, docs dated School District No.

5. There necessarily show that you have no losers or slam possibilities. Supposing a good psychic bidder arc five white and two elementary schools in the district, anil one high school. FIRST I'KKSRVTERIAN OIUUCll Mnrsh M. Callaw.ty, Paslor Church school, 9:45 A.

M. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. The pastor's subject will bu "Watching for Ihc Evening worship, 1:45 o'clock. The pastor will continue his scries of sermons on love stories of the Bible.

The subject will be: "A Strange The young people ot the city are espccinlly Christian Endeavor, 6:45 P. M. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:45 P. M. was not vulnerable while you were F.

B. Bryant was rcelectcd lo a vulnerable and he held a singleton lliird term as principal of the siinde and ojiciied with a bid of Cooler high school, nnd Marcus one II you had a very good Umbnugh was named for a sixth spade suit, it would be better for you to bid two spades and then, if parluer shows -anolher suit, re-bid the spades. Partner could well picture Ihc fact that your real suit was spades-' term as principal of Ihe Cooler grade school. Fred Copelaud and Jack Rushing were named principals of the schools, nt Number Eight nnd Mnrtln's Lake for their eighth successive years. Practically all of the assistants nnrt primary teachers in Ihc district were reclcclcd.

The district maintains wh te schools nl Cooler, Richard Powers, cily. wns acl-: Number Eight, Tyler, Crockett nnd milted to the Blylhcvillc hospital: Lake, and colored schools last night. Hospital Notes I at Tyler nnd Martin's Lake. UiEtt WE tiOt 111 OR itr? c-ar OPEN crvri VOU'vfr -PECUXO ONCE- MORtf AU. iNHO 90MME.V?— FIRST CHURCH OF THE Lucalrd at the Corner of Second Vine Slrctt A.

T. SIcAnally, I'astur The Pastor will preach til both morning and evening hours. At It A. M. and 7:45 p.

M. Sunday school at the regular hour of 0:45 A C. E. Coljb, Superintendent. The N-V-P-S meets al the church al 6:30 P.

Kenneth McAnally. president. Monday evening al Ihc church, al 7:45 P. M. will be our regular monthly church board incellng.

We want all members of (lie revelation of the savins power ol the grace of God. Just why Jesus should lalcr have permitted hiniiclf to be brought into Jerusalem with such popular acclaim and rejoicing is not iiuite clear. TYom Ihc earneslncss of his praying in Ihe Garden ot Octli- seuianc, il- would appear lhat in his human consciousness the Master was r.ol sure just what form llic impending events were to lake. Bowed to Father's Will With agony of prayer he prayed Hint the tragedy that he sensed might pass. His only concern was lo do the Fntltcr's will.

But in the very form of words that he. used, "not my will but thine be done," he implied that the Father's will had not yet been made cnllrcly plain to him. It is miile possible that at Ihc lime of Hie triumphal entry the believed thai tho impending cvouls, the Importance of which he sensed in llic his earthly mission, were to be brought about in a somewhat dilfcrent way from the course they actually his would seem almost to be confirmed by the words on the cross hi the last hour when Jesus fell that he wns forsaken ol God. Whatever be Ihc truth of these matters, the triumphal entry, as 1 hnve suggested, was lo stand 'as an incident in ilsclf in sliiking contrast with all lhat wcnl before nnd with nil that cnme after. In the light of all that we see this Olives, the whole inullitudc ol the discipUs to praise Gcd with a loud voice lor the mighty works lliat his disciples, Saying; Go ye at your entering ye shall find a coll lied, whereon yet never man sal: Icose him, and bring him hither.

And if any man ask. Why uo yc loose him? thus shall ye say. Because the Lord hath necil of him. And lliey that were sent went Ihcir way. anil lound even ni he had said unto them.

And as they were Ic-osing llic colt, the owners th'-ivof raid unto I hem Why loose ye the colt? And they said. The Lord hath mvd of him. And they brought him lo Jesus: and they casl their piiiwuls upon Ihe coll, and they set Jesus iherron. And as he wcnl. spread Iheir clothes in nay.

Ami when he was come even ul di'tccnl of llic of and they had scon. Savins, Blessed bu Hie Kins that ccmeth in tli: 1:1 Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. And some ol the Pharisees tvcm among Ihe multitiKl; unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered said unto them. 1 tell yen lhat, hold their peace, Iho would immediately cry And he went into the and began lo out, them mat- sold therehi and them that bought.

Saying mi'-) them, is wrilten. My house is the hous: of prayer' but ye have made It a (icn of thicvc-s- And he, taught daily the temple. ISul Ihc chief pih'bli and tho scribes nnd the chief of tlw people ioughl to destroy him. And could, not find what thoy miglil do: lor all the very attentive to hear him. side of I he cross, the ivnl r.hia-.

no man lopu- siiip of ami his true anil power would do. i-uriib this es us lo cry P.ihn throiiijh the it tioii lo liave the n. iiiipinn-j' i.tiiry tint mci special rcini'inbi-ance- as we approach I'lO Kas- Trniplnlion Thrust Asicl-j One thlnj ci-vlain that i' thi-i'c were any oi earthly gioiy, such JL-MIS alrrady in niiis of his minioivy, lhat tempr.i- was now qmcUly asici'-v thai lie was in a did r.L-i niiiiimitre in liic (In: and inlcnsity oi his leaching. As he drew near me cily. he wept over it .1 thing uf ciiics Iski 1 to IK: nnd lo fc; fi'ik-juiu la huv.j th lo the I hut or in 1 iije iirt: fj tin; cvui HEe cf cc.iio to declare in piTlonn in fr.ct.

church present at Monday. May 18th. this meeting. Wednesday evening al P. M.

Is our regular Prayer Meeting at the church Monday afternoon at 2:30 P. the Indies Prayer Mceling will meet at Mrs. Tyrones homo al 504 Lum- erale St. LAKE SIKKKT MKTIIUIllStl- CHURCH W. J.

l.cKoy, Paslor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Church, 11 a. in. Church, 11 a.

m. Subject: "The Man, His Day nnd Time." Hi-League, 6:45 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m.

Joules M. Anderson of Jonesboro presiding elder, will preach nnd holdllhe quarterly conlcrence. Spirit reap life everlasting" (Gal- nticins The Lesson-Sermon will also include passages from the Christian Science lexlbook. "Science and Health with Key (o Hi; Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, one of which reads, "The jjrcnt spiritual fact must be brought on; that man is. not shall be.

perfect and immortal. The evidence oi man's immortality will become more apparent, as material beliefs given up and the imir.orlnl facts ol being are admitted" (page David Belasco ST. STEPHEN EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. C. C.

Burke, of Marianna, will conduct services Sunday morning, 11 o'clock. All are cordially iiivilcd. Flying Kitchenette On Tour of States KANSAS CITY, (Ul') A "living kitchenette" airplane, complete even to the ice box and corn- Pact electric stove, now Is flown on tour of the West by the Stinsou Aircraft Company ol De-troll. The ship is an eight-passenger' uicdcl, equipped with lounge chairs, dressing rooms and a small kitchen. Fmtiishings include a bridge table, individual hiTidscts for rndio reception, drsks and small I tables for buffet luncheons.

The ship is being piloted by O. II. Pinntre, chief test pilot and experimental -engineer for the Stln- son company. CHRISTIAN HCIKNCK'CIHJKdl "Mortals and Immortals" Is the! subject of Ihc I.cssoii-Srrmoii to i be rend In Ihc Christian Science! (service Sunday at the Hotel Noble. The Golden Text Ls: "He Urn Uouclh lo his shall ol ihej 'flesh reap corruption; but lie jsowelh lo the Spirit shall of MATERNITY HOSPITAL -For 11IV fortunate girls; secluded, private, rates reasonable.

For infovmatiou write Falrmount Hospital. 4D11 27th. KniLsn-s City, Missouri. Walpole Elecli'ic Shop Fans Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3M fjtned and colorful "miracle man" of American stage, who Thursday at the ate of 76..

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