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Asbury Park Morning Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey • 2

Asbury Park, New Jersey
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Alfred LEccles of the American 8a Story of the agister. THE LEADING HO'l'LLM, Woika, Treuton, a familiar flu at tbe hotels A8DURY park. Cuilew. whera La una aiwnt hi vu-atinn 111 I. I i juuuiiihij i mt mciai yeuni.

nir. ivuiina reuistereu rrom rew la fast making fileu.U at I there BaturditT with his wile nud little PUBLISHEO BY DEVEREUX A BURT NO. 72 COOKMAN Asbubv Park, New Jtrnv. Ui Laurel. daughter.

Iier. Charles B. Mitchell and wife of Juliua Herman, who is with Landlord ritunflelj arc eojoj lug few weeks' stay at Jomta at the llsrknley thia week, la a heavy the Portland. uiaoulkcturer of boys clothing, and ban a TIESDAY, M'GVSTV, JS03. Charles BlcCartr has abandoned his burti THE STRAND Third Ave and Klug.ley Anbury Park, Wew management.

Everything flrat clati One block from the ocean. CHAfl. HUNT, The laurel (Formerly "The Cor. Id Ave. and Klngaley Aabury Park A.f' JItutmuU renovated thoroughly' full view of oceau.

U. J. IKVCU IWr large estulilislimeut on Itlencker street, New York, the center of the wholesale clothiug district. 0. G.

Keeler, a successful lawyer of El-lenvllle. N. uot Into Asbury Park res- nes duties in Troy for a well-earned rest at the West End. R. G.

Grey, a business man from Gotham, has joined his wile and two daughters at the West End, terday and put up at the Coleman. Other Ined Vr. Molyneaut of Cincinnati has jol his family ut the Portland, aud will pas i some weeks here. Elleuville people at the Colemau are Q. U.

Du Hois, a prorn'oent hardware merchant of that town, eud wife. A pleasant face at the Brunswick is that of Walter C. Slier, organist of the leading Presbyterian Church in Easton, who in Written (brTa, Bra v. To I.overa of KihI Mot bog, I Mt oo the Wait End porch one night, A the clock atriaitig tti hour. And bout with four It-sa omu In sight That auarled iufvrually sour.

For lol 'twas th watch dog, black and fierce, At It cam (Wat bounding, ao free; And Umlcanlua bcaat, It tried to pierce Thi aoat of uiy pauta fur ma. I polmd my rocking chair aloft, And I landed him then aud there; And 1 niaahetl bla "oouipoa uientia" aoft i bough the seat of my pauta bare. Alaal but poor doggy la no more! You tnuat aak Uia "holnifiia" mum Walter Scott, the Plaiofleld maker of pHiitiiig jirewes, Joined his family at the Colerunu yeaterday. THE COLEMA3NT HOUSE F. II.

Judd, succrWuI salesman of New York, is speudiiiK his auntial vacation summering in tbe Mr. Htler. possesses marked musical talents, and ia consequently much sought as an entertainer in the parlors of this hotel, at the Metnipolitau. Oor. First Ave, aud llergh Bt Asbury Park, H.

J. trEWock." one block from eleo. R00U-Ui' fliaunce oiier, a flew ion rravon Treasurer Edwin G. Bates of the Bates Occupying an entire square, directly on th. beach.

An eicall.nt ball-room. Pool tabl and Bowlin, all In separate building, adjoining, anS connected with, tbe Hotel. Mualc flatly by the Coleman Houa. Orcheatra. For terms, and Information, call on or addreM ALFRED 8.

AMEH, Mawaoino Cwag or Colimaw Homs. Aabury Park, M.J. artist, is taking a month off at the Berke THE CURI FW ''ntui? AVENUKH, ASBURY PAR Bebullt thla Muon. Moriarn Manufacturing Company, New York, for a young man has made an enviable success In tbe business world. Mr.

Bates is the inventor of a wonderful lltttlo machine An inch square which is introduced in printing presses aud automatically numbers cards and sheets of paper from 1 to 100.000. Just you buy a wuMg from hli atoro, And maybe a dog yuu'U scan, I alt on the Weat End porch to-night, But alaal that beaut ia no more; Every tima I ar that man In white I dream on that accna of gora! kpilouci. I aat on the Weat End porch ona night Eating that hot dog meat; And alaal 'twaa a wondrous light, A piece of my pauu to eat ferfocl Bcweraga, Home Ciomn.rt. ley, on fourth avenne. H.

Smith, an evangelist from Minneapolis, is attending services in the Grove. He stays at the Htratford. Miss Illauche Doll, daughter of a Philadelphia toy manufacturer, is an attractive young lady at the Stratford. One of the prettiest and most stylish young ladies who frequent tbe Boardwalk Is Miss Iiicbe of Philadelphia. Frank D.

Pello, manager of tbe Metropolitan Manufacturing Company of Newark, is resting at the Hotel Ebbitt. g- B. Proprietraaa HOT111 EBBITT. Cot. Cookman Avenue and Hack tttrt bll Pnnan.nt ortrmo.

Slant board. Barber shop attached. J. A. Mellck, Prop'r.

BBRSELBY W. HlBBKaT-WAHlt. The young Inventor is stopping at the Coleman House. Four members' of the Clark family of Treuton, known far and wide for their heavy pottery and lamp interests, are at present in Asbury Park. President P.

K. Clark, of the the Clark Bros'. Lamp, Brass To Shorty P. Tiik Si-ray notices, with regret that you are np to your old tricks again. titke our advice, and don't permit the Green-Eyed Monster 'o influence trlclty and gaai modern W.

M. Brownhalk. a wealth merchant aira. v. jn Jonas, you la making any more bad breaks, for if of Philadelphia, who reside at Hryn Mawr, ana copper Urapany, lias a cottage on As-bury aveuue; Secretary Frank B.

Clark has a home on Fifth avenue; Treasurer Charles Clark is an old guest at the Curlew, and J. Y. Clark makes the Brunswick bis summer juu gev too gny witn your gnu-led pen you arnveu yesicruay at trie west Eud rBNZMORB. L. A.

Cobb of Cleveland, a representative will soon hear somethiug drop. Second blocks from ocean, Asbury Park Madam, of the Toledo Bolt aud Nut Company, registered at the Coleman House yesterday. FA1KV DA(tR(. borne, a Men's Russian Calf Hand -sewed Bluchers. Rev.

Richard ITarcourt. D.D.. nastor of Children's (inter Cut Ntepa in Hie Cole. wuit MV KUeiU, Thoe, Noble, t'rop'oa BELDEN. 814 Fourth Avenue.

Aabury Park. S. J. Near the Beach. All modern conveniences.

A. B. Waabmood. urneeaieiiHxiist tiiurcn, lsaltimore. is one man Dnll Boom Lust Mgut.

$3. Star Shoe Store, 147 Main street. There is nothing in the drug or medicine of the many dominies at the Carroll ton. Dr. Carlton Dobbins, a nonnlar dentist of The children's dance at tbe Coleman House last night was attended by the crowd Jiorristowu, nas journeyed down from that town to join bis family at the Stratford.

line that cannot be found at Kinmouth Hi Ca's. Iliiy lrr'e 'nulir. iuih aiwayi throngs at such events. If Congressman John M. Wiley of Buffalo anything, the number of epectntore was and Mayor Manning of Albany are ex Always fresh, kept at Kinmonth greater, the interest more intense, the heat ST.

CLOUD First Avenue, Aabury Park, H. J. New bouse, with all modern Improvements. M. Lewi.

BXETROFOLZT AN. Near tbe ocean. Aabury Park Table utuurpasaaed. Theodore Ores, prop. pected at the toleman House this month.

No. 724 Cookman aveuue, and under the West End Hotel. James C. Ogden and family of Elizabeth ana uncomfortable juxtaposition of many people in little epnee more marked than on previous evenings. All this came about be i i an ari irn llwrn fl 1 i THE WEST ES JXTID.

Nnperllne iolai Water. If yon would like somcthinu sunerflnn in are summering at tbe Laurel. Mr. Ogden is the fashionable funeral director of that town. cause Mr.

Rivers' programme was of more Soda drinks go to Kiumonth Co's. Phar ASBURY PARff, N. J. Steam Beat. i.

r. RfPLEY. isses Maliel aud Annie Justice are two than nsual attractiveness. macies, iso. 724 Cookman avenue, and LENOZ 25Z0Urtn Aabury Park.

One block from ocean. Open all the year. E. A. liiuby.

accomplished young ladies hailing from dancing began at 9 o'clock. The first uigansport who are eunimenue at the fit under the West End Hotel. New Advertisements, mite to do in public the steps that had been Cloud. ATAIANTA :41 Recent summer visitors at the Strand are practiced with great care aud pains before the vigilant dancingmaster's eve. was Miss Fronting the Ocean.

Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Bullard of Newhnnr.

I U8T BETWEEN 8EA BREEZE VILLA (Seventh avenue) and Eiugaley street, or Mr. Bullard is a prosperous merchant in his Leila Brown of Philadelphia, a girl of A Flrst-Claaa, Model Beaaide floatelrV WM. APPLEOATE, Proprietor. PORTLAND native town iciiio uaui uuuae no mo, rooi neventn avenue, a blue leather pocketbook, containing breastpin with child's miniature picture and ring with eight, in a dainty frock of white, fleecy Miss J. A.

Carew. Miss Kate A. Moor stuff. This little dame went through the Sink pearls act in mall diamond; also a few ollare in money, po reward will be paid lor re and Miss Marion Roberts are three accom lively measures of the Santiago dance. table a apecial fraturat hotmilmM plished Boston ttirls who are summering at turn or pocaeiDoot ana content to 206 Seventh hi fetr batha in house.

avenue, Asoury raHc. 88 the St. Cloud. n. v.

lauiman r. c. Urabam. following her was Miss Catherine McCor- Rev. W.

T. Kruse. a Presbvteriau divine micir. oi lroy, who gave tbe La Belle ANCnORAon 08T-A FEMALE PUG DOG, WEARING A 11 light leather collar with steel trimmings. Answers to the name of "Waggela." Reward mmmmmm France, a graceful French movement.

of Elwyn, one of Philadelphia's prettiest suburbs, is taking his annual vacation at Second ave. and Bergh Aabury Park. N. ttrm oc'n- Artealan water Good aaniury condition. Home comfort.

mr returning lo bis second avenue. 3s Miss Gertrude Brown executed the Hiiro tne tarroiiton. 4 GENTLEMAN WISHES TO BENT A FUR- land fling and Miss Josie Ten Broeck did a J. H. Killen, wboisoneof the Coleman's Ji nianea room, wiuout board, in the Park or aira, A.

Simmons. ST. CLAIRE 308 Second avenne. Aahnrv prw newer guests, represent tbe wenlthv firm umTe, near me water. Anawar, with skirt dauce with considerable chic and grace.

Miss Frances Acker of Troy danced of Haunt Booth, the New York ai'llr one block from beach. Modern improvement manufacturers. me lion dn bal, a French measure. Then ACoommcKlatloni for 40. Mrs.

W. G. JosUc. Among the recent arrivals at the Cnlnn. -there was some more skirt daucing by the Misses Gertrude and Leila Brown, and an HOTELS.

OCEAN DROVE. nade are the Misses Eva and Currie Wolff, two handsome girls well known in Hebrew other rendition of the Highland fling by society in New York City, ilias Agnes Uayes. Rev. A. H.

Ames. D.D.. who oecnnipa ISotel Brunswick. icruw, 10 victor ADuenton, commercial Hotel. 38 SBURY PARK AUDITORIUM, Two Nights Only.

Thursday and Friday, August II and 12. Grand Concert by PRINCESS LILLY DOLGOROVKY, The eminent Russian Violinist. the pnlpit of the largest Methodist ilere are some of the vounir ladi pfl nnrl gentlemen that participated in the waltz THE. NATIONAL. MAIN OCEAN GROVE.

MORROW, DAY A CO. in White Plains, has joined the colony of ministers at the Carrollton. Noted for Ita tasteful elegance, superior appointments, home contorts and desirable location; ing mat loilowed Miss Marguerite 0 wings, Miss Gerardi, Misses Alice, Edith aud Vir within seventy yarc's of the ocean. Dr. H.

Lowenthal. a lone-established nnrl Now open until October 1st. For terms, address, MORGAN Asbnry Park, N. J. and successful physician of Yorkville, New York, came down to the Berkeley recently for a few weeks' stay at the seaside.

ginia Kalpli, Miss Isabel Snyder, Miss Logau, the Misses Winans, Miss Agnes aud Angela Hayes, Miss Mabel Walsh, Masters SEASIDE HOTEL. Ocean UrovA. ft. ismA One of the larsest cotton mannfnrtnrprs mie aua ram Kaiph, Geoige Hickman, Carman Sheldon, Louis aud Joe Gerardi of Pennsylvania is Khoades of Aston beach; unohatructed view from all rooms; fronting on 3 avenues; special rates forSentember aua waster Vii.son Mills, Delaware countv. now stonninr nt A.

Stockton. "THE BLACK PATTI," (Mrs. Sissieretta -Jones.) Tbe greatest singer of her race. RUDOLPH VON SCARPA, The grand Pianist, and the the Curlew with his wife and family. W.

H. Geistweit. the vounir Bantist min CAXIXIOEXTOH. HOTEL IIAPPEMXGS. M.

P01? Pthway, Ocean GroTe ister from Minneapolis who spoke at the Auditorium Sunday evening, is innkinc th xear ue Deach aud Auditorium. Stratford his home during his stay in the Grove. John WUon. THE STRATFORD Main Ave clone to imn rWan LUTTEMAN SWEDISH SEXTETTE, From Stockholm, Sweden C. Frohlin.

first tenor; F. Erickson, first tenor-C. Smith, second teuor; E. Schill. first S.

Wiuterlierit, a New York mnnn- A family hotel hrut-clftaa reasonable. P. O. factnrer, is settled at the Berkelev. Mr i Box 2,166.

A. w. Lyman. unci uriK simp, locaien On tine Hnn. A -T3E3CE5 A.lR.lLMttSrGr'X'OJSr JACKSON nonsu oass: m.

LowenmarJc second bass; U. Kiudlvndli. second bas. Who are recognized as being the finest orirani-lation of its kind in the world. dred and Fifth street, is one of the largest in Harlem.

Heck Ave. and Pilgrim Pathway. Ocean Grove. Near Auditorium. Kah mnA tat.

Assemblyman Thomas Smith and wife nf yrw iiivCJ. Temia, 7 to 10 per week. Ma J. C. Jackaon.

Itpms of Interest oucemlng tliel'nrk ml Grove Hostelries. A Punch and Judy show, given by Pat O'Hara, greatly amused the children of the Brunswick lust uigbt. The leading spiiits at the Curlew are getting np tin entertainment in the interest of the Second Avenue Improvement Fund to be held in Educational Hull to-morrow evening. Mr. John Tweednle of the War Department tu Washiugtou bus consented to read.

Mr. Tweetln'e is an elocutionist of exceptional ability. The Brunswick's guests had a delightful little hop in the parlors of the hotel yesterday evening. Newark have registered at the Laurel. Mr.

Smith is one of tbe National Commissioners OMAHA HOUSE Central and Pitman Am iwn nm tor Jersey of the World's Columbian Exposition. Centrally locatrrl near Ruah Forming in all the grandest combination of music in America. Prices of admission 25, 60 and 75 cents. Tickets on sale at West End Hotel Drug Store. Change of programme each evening.

lum; home comfort. Terms. 7 per week: Uble board. 11.50. Mrs.

M. E. Hiller. D. B.

McCovot the Hurl. sou division of the New York Central Rail BELVZDERE 66 Lake AvemiA. Otmh road is down aaain at Asbury Park, and has apartments at the Brunswick with his On We lev Lake, near the wne auu lamuy. to Rosa' Pavilion, the Auditorium anrl all nnin. William R.

Greer, who is snendinrr name of interest. Reduced rates by the season or in Septembtr. G. H. See.

8-18 OCEAN GROVE. N. J. First Class Appointments. No Back Rooms, WM.


LONG, MANAGER. Tuesday, August yth, TONY PASTOR'S Double Company-American and European Novelty Combination TJORMArj HOUSE No. 27 Bath Avenue, nnr Hpiuk lin Open June to October. Nniiuiv nOUSa Mra. C.

TL PrW. Thirteenth Season. FOURTH AVE. AND KING8LEY A8BURY PARK. Keep Cool By-Whiling Away the Torrid Auumonui itooma.

Locution Close to Bench PHILIP IIILDRICH, Proprietor of these August days with his family at a Cookman avenue cottage, is the young and successful teller of the Second National Bank, New York. A well-known clergyman of Wilkes-Bai re is stopping at the Coleman House in the person of the Rev." K. A. McAndrews, who is at the seaside for a few weeks' rest and recuperation. Chief Clerk John Tweedale of the Department ol War, Washington, is a popular guest at the Curlew, where the Tweednles have been spending the summer mouths for several years past.

William Caliill. Thomas F. Barrett, Frank Hedges, William Ahearn, Harry Watkins, Robert Gilmour and William Haukinsnn make up a jolly party of young men at the Laurel. Rev. James Brand, a distinrrniHl erl niiin Copper nuil Zinc for Sunburn.

This is the time of year when prescriptions for removing tan and snnburn are eagerly sought alter. Almost eveiy womau one meets has some preparation that she Strongly recommends, while the local chemist does a flourishing business ia certain lines, and many half hour is stolen from the afternoon imp to be spent in preparing and trying different Unions and creams. Here a good recipe for removing tan. but one that must be kept out of the reach of little jieople, as it is deadly poison: 15 grains of oleute ofcop'per. i ounce of oxide of inc.

To be rubbed on the lace at night. Seaside Novelties at lieriuger's. Edgemere. Bessie Bnnehill, Maggie Cline, Lizzie The Italy's Vinie, and others TONY PASTOR at every performance. Prices 1, 75, 50 and 25 cents.

Seats at Kinmouth'g Drug Stores. Next attraction Hands Across the Sea, August 11 and 12. A few reserved seats, 35 cents. Hours Riding on the Cars 1 -J 1 HOTEL OOIjUMBIA. FACING THE OCEAN AT 6TH AVENUE.

ASBURY PARK, N.J. A New Hotel with Modern Improvements and Liberal Management. Ocean View from every TOOta- W. HARVEY JONES, Proprietor. at the ROLLER TOBOGGAN STTJXTSIIZT HALL.

FOURTH AND FIFTH AVENUES AND KINQ3LEY STREET. ASBURY PARK Oneofthe Leading Hotels, Accommodates 500. JOHN ROCKAFELLER SON. Musical and Literary Entertainment, CURLEW HOUSE, Wednesday Evg, August AT 8.30. Mr.

John Tweednle of Washinc-ton nr. clergyman, registered nt the Coleman House yesterday. Mr. Brand's home is in Ober- the Go to Beringer's, 125 Main street, 0 nly exclusive Cigar Store iu town. Exhilerating Sport Old Commercial.

ASBURY PARK, N. COR. EMORY AND COOKMAN AVES. Iin, the seat, of the great Presbyterian university of the West. 1 Toward T.

Alexander, a graduate of Wes-leyaii University, class of '90, and Vice President of the Central Oil nnrl Rnnnlv IfyonwaDtto make money, nttei the Great Special Sale of Shoes at Rates Reasonable. ujicu. newaianagemenu New Plumbing. New Furniture. Apply for terms, COMMERCIAL HOTEL.

very popular Elocutionist, will give select readings, assisted by efficient muHical talent. The proceeds for the benefit of the Second Avenue Improvement Association. me rjtar snoe this week, 117 Main street. KIiiiiioiiIIi A- Co. LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Admlssipnjjy ticket, 2." cents.

Can secured at this house. CHAS. LEWIS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, Successor to Never offer a drug or medicine for sale that not absolutely pure and fresh, and of the and Young. Superb Music Careful Attendants THIRD AND OCEAN. the rA.n.u: MERRY-GO -BOUND, Cor.

Lake Ave. and Heck St. (Opp. Pilgrim pathway Bridge.) Personal attention to chUdren. Coolest place In the Park.

A. W. Maolntlre. ubilee Band of Singers frames, mouldings. Chas.

Lewis ETC. Company, New York, comes down every evening to tbe Fark. The Misses Belle and Rosa Marks, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. M. Marks, aie two.

vivacious and sprightly young women from Hartford spending a three weeks' vacation at the Colonnade. Mrs. T. F. Northrop and her two daughters, the Misses Georgia and Lottie, of New Yotk, will spend the remainder of the season at the West End.

The Northrops are prominent figures in New York society. William Adamsnn, a fast sprinter of the Tioga Athletic Club, who also represents the same association in all tennis tournaments in and about Philadelphia, is spending the mouth of August at an Ocean Grove hotel. SOUTH MAIN STREET Branch Yard, GRAND COMBINATION of the celebrated Nashville, Star and Original Georgia Singors Forming Ihe etar Factory, Dunkirk, New York. Asbury Park. Spring Lake.

Colored Plantation CONCERT COMPANY nignesi quality. Large stock of Crutches, Trusses and Surgical Appliances kept at Kinmonth Co's. Xotlee to Ice Consumers. Owing to the extreme hot weather and the consequent increase both in shrinkage and consumption of ice, we find it necessary to adopt the following schedule of prices, to take effect August 1, 1892: IM.veric pf 100 lbs. or less, GOc.

cer cwt. Over J00 lbs. to 250 I hp, delireries, SCc. Ir 'S)f 2.V,. per cwt.

United Jee Compiinics of Turk. Beside Kxclnuiue Jce Co. Ar- 1'nik Ice and Cold Sttrv 35-39 D. m. POLiHEcnus, fi W.holcBale and Retail Dealer in Ice Cream and Ices, Good Cakes and Pies, Fine Confections.

MORROW, DAY tj Will Give a Ornnd Concert at AT EDUCATIONAL HALL Ties. ay Mag, Aagrst 9tV1892 Admlsi-Ion, 23 Cents. nncei eommeno.) at o'dnclt. ticitetuntS.illade's Mrat htnro. fiU Pnn: Elijah J.

ITalford, the President's Private Secretary, while hece ruueed an old-time with Picsidenl, J. 0. fiehaeler of iliw electric isilway. The two genth men knew n.rli other in In liiuiapolis, and di-eiiHsed bvpone niemoiies over one of tlio Urnnswiek'g Bhore dinners. Meats, Poultry and Vegetables, ASBUuY 1 ARK, N.

Everything Clean and Prexb Prompt Service. I Bvin.l BnJ ttt byte's Buzaar, Kiugtloy ttrctt I ana Third avenue. MAIN A Ocean Grove. Jersey City. 81 MONTGOMERY.

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