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Victoria Advocate from Victoria, Texas • 4

Victoria Advocatei
Victoria, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tr 8aturw.iavr: plTE A LETTER. torra. CBESCEXT VALLEY NEWS. tH Toth Cbescki Villet, Texas, Dec.J 30-Tbe conitTOCtiaa of a L' wuuetj-. illuminated C'brutmaa tree" in aurri school house last Saturday night jj, drew a large crowd of people from far and near to participate! iu the afEiir.

For this occasion arrangements had been made by MaTjTwerc'a live vbrre Uktb ia mo liTL specialist i wrtarm' Atme, ami attU more cuaM aSbrd to pay tiie frr rtwJt.d. Thr toit amif Mr. Ana wuiy.rfxii'i. I the generous and diligent people i-tTtw. a.

v. WerwjBaaute. n. WW i 1 jt ai-t -ua lnm 01 hifc- irtVeif'aHe then'; i mual of mo, Wiwlil fow.e aain Ui. aty lorer, (fowl bye.

Jilt waa exeo brtctaf lover, s-wd 1 n.anlr, anl aMl. Ami 1 lnvkr. Ikr.e-v. a-', lore Itisht, 2 i i- wUh Idtit i-r kit ex. a.Mri v.

W-5-; i '-nJ eare. orrioi mo bwer, oJ lift, 1 T.T. Irte 3aro Vt rpitiir id fiia auiemlhl beahh. lr.Ji.mitil'le ill and Ireuiendons enei try are not innrM wtiere li, iiver. ki.lm-r jjiLVv ila are out order.

If yoo Bunt qnuhtie and the iic- eili.ev hriiiir. K'mc'a New Life I'llla. eve-ry power i hr.iin and li 'y. Ofiily. 23 al all 4 3 From Xonday'i Daily, Vou will not, know how mnch good tlond's will ih yon try it.

Hay alwttle 'Mr and hegin ta tart it. A egro who tried to take a white raan'alace in the line at the delivery effir at the rvnt ofSce thia evemnc. came near getting his face damaged. Yolaaala Kraptiaae Are grand, bat skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, cures tbaui, aWoohl, rrinning ana levor sores, nler, boilr, felon, corns, warts, sats, bruiaes, hums, sraldi.

chapped bands, ehilblaias, Beat pi's care ewrtb. Drives out pains and aches. Only 60c. a bos. Cnro guaranteed.

Sold by sll druggists. 1 County Court opened this morning but adjourned without transacting. any business as to-day ia a legal holt day; Court will open to-morrow morning and the docket will be taken up. EXPOSUBH TO DISEASE Does nor necessarily m-an tho contract tion ot direaae provided the system is in a vigorous condition, with the blood pure and all the organ in healthy action U7V.A. in il i I i Miilim.i.

la li.i lit 01n.11 i.fii.((iMii..,i.. 4i4y-reitei jdisea- trerrns ean find iio lwliriiiiiVV--tIood' arsa-parilla is the beat medicine to build Up the svstem tecaue it make pore, rich hi 00.I, and pare blood is tho tiaais of Kooil health. In cold weather it is especially necessary-to -keep -op "the health tons because the body is' snl jeoi to greater exoosnra and mora lialile to Ilood'a Kaisjiprilla is the safeguard of health. Mr. Brice Vineyard is helping the' Advocate man gather news and 'solicit.

Mr.v-. Vineyard a clever, juuug liiiMJ anu any favors shown him- will be duly ap- predated and considered as though dsne to oursehres. The camel in least of great strength and endnranre. Nothing hnrts it until th proverbial "last straws ia added to Its bar Jen. The hnnwn digestive-sytei is vary mnch like a camel It is really astonishinr how mm-h abase It' will stand.

Sometimes, however, something worse than anal will ls eaten, anil will go through the stomach into the bowels, and there it will stick that's oonstipa-tion. Mnt tenth of all human sieknes is doe to ooutipalion. Some- of the simplest ynipt'iin are coat el tongne and fortl lirea'h. dixxine. flatnleni-e, i'flltiiwne'ii.

distress after, hendarhes and l.ifsiimle. A ts t.I thing will can -oniiiiiimi and a little thing will relievo ft. Dr. Hen-e l'leaeant Pellets are a certain rnro l-r ronstipa-i. Theyx te suffrr-inteil granalea, mild and- namrnl in their action.

There ia nothimc injnrioas ahont them. S.ll iy nil drmnmts. Aihtrees with 2t rents in onw-cent stamp, to cover cut of tiiailin- onlv, World's Dietenary Mediral Aasot-ialmn Itoffalo, N. and get a rew epy of the "Peoide'e Com 1110 11 Sene Mihtirai Adviser," Mr. Luke Mauix, foremen of sec tion Ho.

236, and wife, of Port La- vaca, pasud through here this morning with their eldest daughter, who is seriously ilL Miss Manix, we regret to learn, has been an invalid for several months past and it was lately decided to place ber in the EoepiUl at Cuero, to which place ahe was taken to-day. 20 Ct3. GIVEN AWAY; Cut this oat and lake ft to tha drag- gist named below and yoo will receives regular J5c siss bottle of Dr. Sawyer's TJkatiaa tor tkatino positivelr enres all forms of Kidney difficulties, patlon. Headache, Rhinn mD 1 tlsm.

Puffing of tba eyes. Ukatina tares l'lmples and Llotcbes. and makes sallow ami v.H. skla white not delay; bat take a1-vantagt ot this great offer, as thonjanda bear evidenro lo the womlerfnl i-nraiia WWMrfc Mero4 la tba Poet OS- Victoria, Tea. uMMl'lMmiUaMW.

it ci rii. Jiiriii 7, Southern TwjJSc railroad has abandoned the gate system. The people.of Port Lavaca, to tLe Bomber of 130 tut payers, have petitioned fnr a election to aboil eity Incorporation. Mr. H.

C. Tray lor has 14 tbe iiayVrew Hotel, at Jrt Lavaca, to Mr. D- ATTrajM-rj who took charge of tame op January lt. "In Iowa loan broken archer-- tising to make fa rmjtatfns atl per cent Itfreiss the rate IS about that jftj tcVlidV'l'w Kr. road -ftffiterfeg here 'hr have the effect, should it bccom a law, of makin Victoria a simple whistling -V tbtiig 'JV xas can 'o Cotvtilntion.

TVrc tnilit be rhanee then of 'the b-jj'btir' iaw that WGj'd hut r' lien i jir.nt dtih. follO latflAy hi a'vance. rr, fiftr weel 'cft I i IijrJ mat- ler to rend paper -T. 3 dcr, ss brother of Prof. naiivit of Nor- San Juan V'ji.

JUco, iews. ceived iri9 TP 4 bi i likes brothei Porto IS 'itonr't-bk'-t-Orleaci C'lutlOfl Injoks barn at' Ke lavii tnicd a rp-rinfrniity of tbe bent (luati'UHl interest. 1 if tears rear tb nibt' progfT-iive of the country baT lx-? ti'btinjj tbe unl- f.grra text bk Idas' attempted to be pa.wd by diflcrrnt tate iegiIature. 'In omn iiwtanr'. il.ev have been iuc in keeping aucb lawt rl tie ititute ocioVi but untortnnate'y Tc a not do of ibe ctatea id wbicb they bave been ucceflub Tbe rt'jckboMe'rs of the OuaJjiluj Valley railroad bold their annuil meetine here on tbe 7th ot February.

Kt that time the erade will be fully Ompleted to YMkurn. Xoce of the etorkboldew exprrw any opiniorta for publication, but mi they all aeero genial and wear a pleasant mile, we tike it that ewrv thing O. K'i! it go slowly. 'Ibe fact about tbe matter a the partiw rnii)oin? tbe roropnnylare eooiigb collateral and moner-1 build the whole line wUh oit help from ti nionev center and rtill be able to continue biwiaew at the old 'j. A committee stamp speaker for tbe Chicago platform iu Texas is lid to have discovered tbe cause of hard times.

He quit the com-iBitiee's service to run for office. 'Jle desired to secure some money from a bank, and the bank cashier asked him what collateral he dc-desired to Hie to secure the same, lie asked ibe- cashier what he meant by collateral and when the matter was explained to him be walked out of the bank and made a little address to a party standing He said he bad been making speeches for two years, and attributing hard times to the scarcity of the- circulating medium. Us said he had Just learned a point It i not," said he, 'the scarcfty of the circulating medium, bat tbe scarcity of collateral that is tbe cansebf hard George Heck making a name! as a hunter, and lias two deer to -his credit this week in proof of! hisskilL i IS OLPKS TIMES People werlkd t.stporia,ire t4 prmanDtly luft'il rfT ai.d mt ltli 1ml inw that it is gviivrail ki.ow I hat rnp nt i Ftp wilt rcomchalitiol wiriio. rieui! llttlt, I -11 1 bUAllT plrllf rjrirm. I'.

iy lit fvHniur, nude lit 'i Judging from remarks made, it appears tftt several people are getting tbe idea into their heads that there is, oris about to be, a vacaney on tbe aider manic board of the city. T(JTnEltJbLlC7 a We are to gmrAnvt Ji 4 Ciaiiitfclatv' C'Hitt Kui1 ar.l il nt flUUu lj dhiI il.r mi r-t-v t.j ll. iairlirf. Tlxr ia r.n i-ir It frij-i-. c'-l'l ik1 li'i'ii'tf i-ctniiN.

l'iie, 25 and frk- fM-r tmii. Tijr ii tr aU by drliKitirie, "There were two uirmge ceremonies performed at Inez this week by Rev. W. HefTernan.t The united are -Joseph Sittcrle and Mrs. Caroline Decked; M.

Hunt and Mian Adali'ne Miller. IX) VOL' KKU What itrtt turin lAimt tloo'1 84rxapa(ila? It in atii'in the wort fae if rlienmati-an anu all loriM of blo-id dioemar.oitip- 1 i i I (ivins' i It to -and tiied womeii. Uy Innld jimi li itaf to take it when i Join? inm for Others? 4 n.KKj'a pi't rathmic Hiid liver toaia. Uenlle, tnrefe Victoria bus lately received a consignment of first-class hobos, who are working the town thoroughly, Dut Marshal Jfleck bns four them now under lock' and keyand it won't be long until the entire gnng is getting free board. HOWK.TU1S? We One Iliinlr-d lillara Raiutfr a'liy ee CwiVirro (hat aniw't luriired tv HaM Catarrh Cnrf.

Cunt it Sii'n Toledo, O. We, il-f linvtJ knawn l1. Client- the 'n 13 year, ami Ix-lteve hit. i fw-ifwr'lv Imnorahle In all l'Ulne wnil Mnaiiiilly utile to vntty out miV t. ligation made iy their firm.

vVimfc iittAX. i't Waijhio A MarviS, tfho- ieale liOirii-i, O. lUiralju arrli Cnie taken internal acting ilim-tly ripon the the hlofHl and mncoitt nila't the ayalem. IVire 75 per lxtll, ly all Drnil nisia. Te-tuitiHiiiU free.

Hair fitii-ilv PilU me th teft. A wagon containing a large num ber of big fish tra it th stivet today. The fifh Were airof the buffalo Variety and were selling at fifteen to twenty -fi ve cents each and as the fish weighed from ten t' twenty-five pounds each there was but little difficulty in selling them out. LA GRlPPKHfUCKSSFULLT TREATEDe hava jiit recovered from thsiecoiul attack. of Uarlppa i'i year," says Mr.

Jat. A. lonee, of the Leader, "In tbe letter raselnant CMainltarlain'a Conish Ueuietry, and .1 think with eoniii-M'-te ncei', only heinain led a liulu over two dav' arainat ten days the former attack. The aetwri't attai 1 an utieried wnnld have leen eqnally ImI as the firt lint for tb thin in as I had la to to bnl In alx.nt ii li'iin afrer Iieina 'S'rnck' with it, wlilla in the tfrat ral a arde to attend t- bnsineaa a'jont two days before iteltinif For stl bv all dinirit a. DIVKKSIFIKD CROPS, President Dubney, of the University of Tennessee, says: iThe successful firmer is the man who grows the best and finest things, tbe richest fruits and the freshest vegetables, or.

who manufactures his farm produce to the highest degree before he sells it It is not' tbe man who makes common shipping tobacco who grows rich, bat the man who grows the bright, golden leaf. So it isot the man who grows corn and oats and sells them in the grain who makes the most money, but' the one who feeds them to good stock, and thus converts them into tbe best meat, milk and butter." MOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. one are per Imp aware that pneu monia always teach from a cold or Irom an attacb of ta K'ippe. Daring Uie epidemic of ia enie a few years ax when so many ea-s reunited in pneumonia, waa observed that the at ark was never toliowed hr that dioeare when Cbaniberlio' t'onIi Remaby was nse.l. It ronnteriicla anv temlt-ne ol a cold or (1 ips to remili in that danjrerone dieease.

It i ihe heat reniolv in the nil. I for had etiliand la an Every, bottle warranted. Iir Iy llitio- i 1 I am ntiorinr went rMi. IHankt ts voor kio-1 wlnre asd aii I oTd rr, awed mtth Imuk ilmnw fo aaore thmn lautrm IM I wrote toroa be aJW After orrfailv.U'vw'tn roar (rrr arinor. a4 talunr aoltlr rl tt tw.

rV-r-r'i Parw a4 Coiilira Mritcal i am mow a wS tuppr "oraaa. I aUo take M-rrrl ila a yoor FWr.t- "'ca ukI ia a rraal 4cai L. Dr. Pirrrc baa Trbblytretr4 and crd bif aide and headache, trrerul tririea. Blcerattonata- mora anT other I mala trmMea.

than any other )nrin Hi wide epn- rme pculi4rtr fcta him to brinsr aVxmt c-otra when every one elae Ufa. He charjtaa ao ft whatever to tboac wiio write kits fur advice, and he inveei all to eenaaUt him free by maiL Hi wondrrfal remedy. Dr. Pieree'a Favorite PraJcriptiwa, can be depeaded upon to cvrtrime nearly e-; rry kmd of diaeaae that afltcta fitl aad women, It contaioa no alrobol, optaaa. or other arTotica, anl doea nat ereate eravinf for injtirioD Umulat, at ia ao ofteo the cane with other rnedif'-T advertiaed tor A honet medieiae dealer will five yoa Uy to pnA yoo to take aome iofrnot Dr.

Pierce' Favorite fwcnotwru aml not Aitxitute for tbe little added profit aaay make therena. Thoae who may eocloa one-rrnt atampa in their letter, aad Dr Pirce will ieod- free hw Cnnmon Sena Mrdical Adviaer. which ia the moat complete aad practical family doctor however published, tontaininf over 700 picture. The aamc book, cloth-bound, 41 aUmpa. rKBSOMAV.

Frvnt Saturday's Dmlly: J. II. Kroeger, ol Lamar, is in tl eiij. 4 C. (i.

Lsvl is oat a rain aflr a sick spsll. J. P. Pool paid Cosro a tasinus visit to day. V.

B. Proctor little son, David, ii on the aU-'it lint. Miss Mary alder wss np from Pott Lavaca today. W. Peas waa down from Mission Valluy Thnrsday.

Hon. John I. Bailey, of Cnero, cam down this morning. C. 8, Mitchell, who has Iwon visiting J.

Mitchell, left for hit Jackson conn ty horns this inortiin(Y W. P. Regan, Port Lavaca, was in town today. C. Crip retnrned to BeeviUe thle afternoon.

F. C. Ptoctor rams jn fioni Cialveatoi today, whete he has lieen engaged if the Hollivan-Piere loit. Mayor Williams returned last eve a liiKfrtirn IIotiHton Col. N.

C. (iallelt is down withr sjr'v seveis cold." J. M. R'Mhor mgh snd ron, Ja( came np from their lionie oaHyne'. Paj yeoterday to proenrs ranch Sopplies.

Lloyd M. Stevens, aisnajrer "of the Victoria Fnrnitnra is down with lagrippe. Lannes Jscker is look'mi after the hnaineas Of the Jt. W. Itttteley, who has been lfrtdirtt the Imliflays with friends in the city, left for hit horns lit Bay City this morning.

Mr. Rupeley made raaay fiioiidi' among our yonng peopla sur itig his stay who will welcome bin back again. KEEP QUIET aad nae Chaintiarlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Itemed; for all pains of the stomach and all nnnatnral looeenow of the bowel. It alwaps cures. For sale by all drupgist.

Chamberlain's Contra Reitievty has saved the livts of thonsands of eronpy children. It is also nilhotti an eonal tr cold and whooping rongh. For sals br all drngzist. 1 yr A LONG WEDDING TOUK. Mr.

a II. Briijhtwellol tbia place and Miss Anna Woodward of Tayb will be married at Taylor, tonrorrow, the 4th according to annouce- ments riven out last week. Dr. G. Peterson ia to be present -and oc cupy the important posiUon of 'bet roap Mr.

W. P. Began of Port Lavaca will alo be an honored guest at the wedding. Mr. and 3Ir-.

linehtwell will make a rnosiLttour of the country in San "Francisco and other places of importance, after which tbey will be at home in their neat and comfortable residence here. The New extends congratulations. Calhoun County News, January 3rd. SHAREHOLDERS MEETING. The regular cannal meeting of tin shareholders ot the First jSational Bank of Victoria, Tex at, for the election of seven directors, will lit held at the bank 00 Tuesday, January 10th, 19W, at 11 o'clock a.

ta. All shareholder are requested to present either in person or by proxy." Thko. BrHLKS, i -r Cashier. OAOTOniA. Beantke, 1 to Us (Uw fat lore bad a more interesting or glonous'celcDrauon ocenrrea ai 1 this place than the one this year.

At 70O tbe tree, with Its burden of presents of every description, and cprIizg stars; shed its light through the still, coidr-wlntry-Tiight "TheTrfianta Claus appeared, clad in a most ludicrous attire, and distributed I the presents. Alter this ceremony 'prepara-' tions were made for a concert," which was a complete success in every particular, and showed some promising talent. It lasted till 1Iu30l Among the noted pieces presented were tbe follow- ''The of Nerve," by Miss UiCkman, Prof! Ii 6. Garrett and W. Hunt, jr.

A Instrumental and vocal music, by Mrs. Brocks and Miss MattH Wade. Recitation, by Miss S. Thames. Becitation, by Miss M.Wade.

Speech, and recitation of "Uncle Sam," by Ilngb Bacon. The tableax were: "Essay on Girls," by Misses Iliokman and Jessie Hunt "A Scene in the Wild West," by Trot E. 0. Garrett and Ilunt, jr. "V'aiting for an Answer," by Mias M.

Wade snd W. Hunt jr. Everything passed off quietly excejptjhe thundering fireworks, which were heard till aftex id-night. 1 The next day dawned clear and bright, and a white sheet covered tbe vast landscape, which, bow-ever, soon di8appearod, after the first penetrating sunbeams. In tact, it was the loveliest Christmas day I remember ever to have seen.

In the afternoon there were divine services, conducted by Rev. J. Johnson. Lnatl-Tuesday we bad choir practice -probably the last this winter. XXX mm TE8 CF SIKP ledaa not only to the origin alily aad aimplioity of th combination, baft also to the oars and skill with which.

3t ia manufactured by proossaea known to the CaXrroaurtA F10 Sixer Co. owly.andwo wiah to Impress upon all the IsaporUaoa of rorchasinj? the trao aad original remedy. A ths ffaotUa Srrap ot Fbraia maanfartniwrl by tha Caxifonxia, Flo Svatrr Co. only, av ksowtodgv of that fast will- A.faV a anas vnm in avoiding" us wortaless-imitationa aanafaetnrwd other parties. Tba high standing the Cajj- roasrta stxtrr Co.

with tha modi. eal profession, and the aatiafaetkm which tha genuine Stfbp of ilea has. fivaa to raillioos of families, inakeai taa nam of tha Com put a sroarantv of ta zeaUeae of iu It iaJ far ia advasos of all other lanUveaJ as acta on tne kidneys, liver and howala witaont IrriUting or weaken-iag thetn, and it does not grip nor snaaata. In order to cat its beneficial effeeta, plsas tasaembtr the came of i uaa UBtnpaay C11IPCRKIA FIG STRDP CO. aaarauun Oat a.

aiw faaa. FroM Monday Doily: a Victoria waa very quiet tb-day on account of many of the stores and all tba banks being closed for 2few Vear. CASTORIA Tor IiAnts aad Children. Hi Ihi Yea to Alrs Boars the SBa j. I A II I a dtfi4't baa rttj (k Wttk UtUCciKxatolBtt).

Harhalx la Sm, i water tsri Ccnock Bor, u4 1 ia ty kf mem act wM yjtt 5. cntri Attt CticagM, UNEXPECTED KOTlt'B. The people Victoria were surprised this morning to rend the following notlce'on the edito rul page of the fluadalupe Valley iiton "On account ef. certaipmisfor-(unci of a private nature and personally concerning tbe proprietor of this paper, is compelled to announce to all persona who may be' interested in the publicjition of the paper, that publication will probably be suspended indefinite ly vfter this iesue. So that, if the paper shall not.

make its regular appearance next year and next subscribers will understand tut the paper is suspended. On th other band, it is deemed proper to givfr notice tbat'an effort is being made t.i place the paper in the, hands of another management, and it is possible negotiations may be coneumna ted, and the paper make its ap peanuice either as a weekly, as heretofore, or the new proprietor ship may publish both a daily and weekly paper. The unearned portion of all subscriptions that have been pre paid will be returned to the sub scribers. Frankly acknowledging that the paper has fallen fur bhort of the excellence that we hoped it would have acquired at the end of the year and, that managing bead of the paperiaresponsible for many of the sbortcomings, we re turn thanks to those friends of the paper who have been kind enough to overlook Its imperfee tiona, and to stand by us to this time as subscribers and patrons. Tbe peper is not abandoned.

Nay, we hope to succeed in our efforts, to place it in the bands of a competent and proper manage that' it will be alt tbe better for tbe cbacge and iin bued with new vitality, nnd en ter upon a long Ufa of usefulness to Victoria and Vtctorians," We regret fXte3inglv to learn ol Mr, Thurmond announcement. 0 dinarily nre would leet no deep ft grat over the misfortunes of a com pctitbr, but the conditions which militated against the nccess of the has.operatetl against our rue cess. There are entirely too many print shops in Victoria lor the want of the town and the good ot tbe eoun tyOnAugust lt, 1995; the, writer became editor ot the AiTOCtk anl has coatinued to be its editor ever since. In point tif continons service be has served longer than any other perton now fiilingxa like posit iou in Victoria. During all this tune wc have witnessed all manner of quill pushers come and go with tbe fre quency of the moon Print ers come and go.

Tney solicit job work on tb commission plan and ad ranee all kind of schemes to get a few ready dimes. Legitimate com petiticra is a thing of the past in printieg lines at Victoria. SPAIN'S SUNKEN SHIPS FLOATED Perhaps the treatest mechanical feat of he ctntnr jr tins been lltt isi o( Some ol tbe Spanish warships which were ap parently Hum to pieces st anttairo. It seamed utterly impossible to flot them tieranje of thelerrible danmre Inflicted bvonr tnno, Imt the tusk ha been acrotnplished. Diseaes ot th tlool, stomach and liter Ireqneolly wre-k the health sa that there appears no rhauceof recorpry.

But wlten lloatettr S'btnarli Bitters i taken, thi ili- ordr4 system is peedilv restored to, ilSOM-time vixor and tone, Th Bittert ill rrxnlate the liver, howe-ls an! digestive (anetlons sod porify the Moc.t. loaean bny ths remedy in any dttig store, and under, no cirraniRtant-i-s should too a crept anything said to I VMfe rani 1 Powers of Ukatine. For sale by n. ElcnnoLs. Ctgnatare of I limes.

And be is right..

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