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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KICJIT McMULLINS I GROCERY Bargain for Saturday Sugar Limit 10 ib. 48c Hayli Personal MEAL Sk. PANANAS I.b. Post Toasties 3 for 21c OLEO Uni'olored COFKBK Hulk bcrry. 7

$1 Krispy Crackers 2 Ponnil ISox 28c EGGS Fresh 17' -Li 1C BREAD, 8 15 Milk Evaporated Morns Supreme 3 Tall Cans 23c CHOPS 15 SAUSAGE Mrs. Edith Skelly was liostr-si lo the Aim Culbenson Class of the Methodist rhureh utt- ernoon, wilh twelve ineir.iK-rs jire.s- ent. Mrs. J. It.

UullliiKtui opened the si'ivlccs by one-humhi-'dth pMihn, which was followed by prayer by W. D. Rhymer. The business ses- conducted by Mrs. Huilln- ton.

in the absence of the presi- ient. Mrs. A. D. MfHilmlls rd with a psayor.

The next inect- ing v.lll bi- with Mi's. Mr. and Mrs. R. N.

Nrashcr en- Ictlaint-d Ihe twenty-six rlijhih uade jnr.duates. und their Insituc- or. Mr. al Iln'-slier's dru'4 tore Tur.nlay murniiw. Thr- tmesis themselves uromul tnbles with bouquets of flow- The hostess served banana plits.

The W. M. S. nvt ul (he Hap IIM cliurch Wednesday aflernoon ter HIP Royal Service I'losnim, wllh sixteen present. Mrs.

Muttie Mlfilln was louder ol llv "Our I-'ielil," and issU.lod by other members. W. CininhiRham read ttie devotional ami Mrs. R. Cillberl -(initwted the business session.

Mrs. Mntlle Mlfflln will Iv hosl- In Ihr W. M. K. Society nest WeiliU'Siliiy afternoon nt the home Mr.

N'eely. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C.

Shannon, managers of the Maxon thenlcr of hut formerly of this city, entertained the Seniors of llayli with theater jiarty Wednesday evening. The picture "Hchirid Office Doors," featuring Marv Astor und Ames. The Senior Clas.s presented llic lilay "Tlic llrlde Klecl" Tui'sdny In the andlloriimi of the Hayti high school building. The play was a hiiije and wns en)oyed by everyone who attended. Miss Essie Rcnean entertained crowd of iicr frlcnils with dunce party ut her home Wednesday evening.

Richard llauira of Renath. Mo. few hours here Monday venlii'i visiting In the lionv of Ir. mill Mrs. Wolfe Khourlc, while nronle lo SI.

Louis, Mo. Charley Koli-y wns In St. Lonis JntuVday for an examination ul lie Veleruns nurcau lluspllnl, re- urnlng iioinc Sunday. Mrs. Angelo Moulu'lts wns cou- Incd to lier binl Monday btcnuse if Illness.

The norih-end of Pcmlscnl coun- held Us eighth grade Krudua- here Monday evening with one nindted sisly-itiroc grRdniites re- ejving their The siwak- of the evening wns Orvilt K. tnimcrmnn of Kennelt. L. C. Henderson of Concord, but ormerly of Ibis city, was here siCnc friends 'Hicsday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. P. S. nnvcnslcln ifid ns dinner guest Sunday, and Mrs.

Dolph Galnen of Carulhcrsvllle, Mrs. H. D. lliirbtt, Misses Naomi Harbcrl. and Vlr- 'Inia Mcvi'an of this city.

Mrs. Sophie nml Mrs. McWa'inhnn were in Club ndmlls no uninvited visitors dolph Mrs. Rain Rjarit at! lo the place. It was funned 1880, UlylheHlle and the combined wealth of Us urls- Mm.

L. A. Mr.xuell wjs l'-o pu Inal 100 mi-inbjrs ma estimated at of Mis. Prank lie-sixth of all the money In ,1110 Mr. und Mrs.

Ed Moody FRIDAY, 1331 BRAINS Pure Lard 5-M). Limit Ib. lOc attending to the slgnlmj papers to the pension vhlch is being offered to elderly (Continued from IWRC one) collect works of art. Although he. held IS al the time of his (tealh, he was a member of as many as 43 boards In Ills naive, ihys.

So many j-ald plcris went liil'i Ihe trust lunrt that Ihe boy a fortune In six when he reached his niajni ity. by l-'or in'jre than two decades vloLjsiy, Cieurge had been iicsldent of the Fnst Nalloml bank of New York. 1U slock blill lernalns nip of principal ol ISi! 1 Uuker fr.i'luii: 1 und Ine old- li.nni on a cornpi 1 aiul Ilioadivay remains the Icrs. u-re ll-e workcil next IG dimly 111 nlliec- of his f.i- Iher, and manually came kutj-A the by which llaker thcs2 lo I)! us "Jusl an loned banker." Me deals coiuuiu- Lited silently. Ik- watched ills l.ilVcr'b entrance Into llic railroad field.

milLl in: ranked wit 1 1 I In- Hills Goulds and llarrl- mane. He learnjj Ihal his father thought more of linn oE alhu-hii; mergers ULK! eDiubliui- llons. aiul was mure Interested hulldlni; up railroads and Irlal concei-ns Ihan in sensational promollons or strokes In the stock market. lie S.iu 1 Ilir Shnw Young llaker had a riiiRsids when Ills untl K. II.

Haril- man Meted as lieutenants of Us: eider J. P. Morgan in riding oul the panic of 1D07. The penon-i and business frlendslilp of Mirgui mid Uakcr jncw siionH'-r iron llml. time on.

ullh llaker. on tin rare occasions when lie sought advice or aid, Implicitly upon tile elder financier. When Morgan left for Europe where he died, he left word will his associates that when they were over any business affair 31) to Haker for counsel. Morqa son. nrcsrnl head of IVc "firm Ihcrealler souehl uiildance frmi his father's Now, however nn older limn linn th; junior liak- cr.

he finds (he position of inter- apnln reversed. The I'nJn Invc.stij'atlon of (lie "monev trust" came in 1313, an; In Washington youiii! his father mak? llnanchl his tory hlr, testlmcnv and opinions voiced on the Nut inilll then did press and iiublli realise the vast power Ihe silent old flnanelir. IVas a lliit'k Private the early days of til 11 war Oeorue llakei- served with Red Cress with the rank tleiitennnt colonel, lint he was satisfied, nml in 1918 startled 111 friends by enlisting as a private i- an artillery corps. Ofl to Cam Znnhary Taylor, like any othe rookie, went the -10-year-old via president of the First Nallonul bin and Ihe Cmmnudore of the N'c 1 York Yacht club. In 1011 he hntl married serial)-, prominent Edith Drevoort and In 1920 bought for lier tile Fifth Avenue, mansion which had been built In 1834 by her qrcat- is by hih'eri ancc only, and no amount of cash jn the gate.

Kmpluyi-s rare Ainoni! employes of the bank st-R. Is an iintholcgy of stoiic.s Ijoul the kindnesses of father wisil on. They arc civilllnl with some sychle p'jwer of wh.en allied employes are in financial hirers, or when their lamllk-s ure Ick. Tncn, too, there nip bonuses nnd visions. When Ih-j linkers left for cruise In I02G, each member ol he of some 2fX) men und wtj- nen KOI somethint' (o hein cheik for a year's sally.

Kvcry year In November, "Yoini'j Mr, Gcorse" Rives for llu? iank. It Ls the one day when door- 111:11 and i-Jllreis alike drop all for- nality and arc laki-n to dinner nnd lie tliealer. "V'oiiiix Mr, George" till calls them his "Vlklns or he Imld them on before th? force to the irojxirtlcins of ferry boat crowd. Many fiifls Anonyinous 1 Tlie of llic nak- er.s to have totalled about XiO.GOO annually ilnrini; the lus! or more. Schunls, liospllals.

nusenms. shnrcd varlons- In their bounty, and most, of the jifts wen. 1 anonymou.s. In 102-1. Hie only year thai in- lax were made pubic by the covernment, the junior Uakcr paid Mighlly more than hh 'alher, nearly S7CD.OOO.

1927 Ihey were leiwrtcd to be iimkinij-n million dollars a wcrk throujii their First National tank stocks alone 1'he market crash of 1920 tool; many of their millions, but only Inst l-'ebriiary Ihey were revealed two of Hie world's largest holders of rail storks. Cc'unjc liakcr in ndrtUlon to Ihe bank chairmanship tlmt he no holds, lias I-I oilier directorships, including U. S. Sleel. A.

T. and Cicneral Motors, Uenerul Klcelrlc and Pnllinan Mrs. IJ. O. Moody were visitors In Sunday.

S. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1111. Mrs.

Ike IlolianntiiK and I.ind visited Mrs Sum Hum vlio Is a pallcnt al a Memphis hos- Tuesdiiy. II. Anu-y wns lilythevlll? visitor Mr. and Mis. W.

II. attended churcli al I.nxora Similay, Ike Ciiimadsy, Ab lilaylock, Clyde Fcxlon. Hurry Stanlord. Hill. William and Marvin Frank Mini aii-l Oils WoDldriis? ciidcd the bill game at Luxura Sunday.

Ixml.s Wliile- was I.nxora vlsl- lor Wednesday. Inquest Reveals Story of Sister's Mercy Murder LONDON, htoi-y of a 72-ycar-nlcl poisoning her Ijivnliil sisk-r "I could not bear to her any longer" and then Inking her own llfi'. was lovi-sled at 1111 inquest nn sb Caroline Mary and Miss Fanny Ellzubolli Unwell. Dr. M.

L. C. Irvine Icbtmcj Miss Caroline had suffered from cpl- and lhai on April 11, when he called nl tlic homo. Miss Fanny admitted she elven her sister ami taken some herself. A maid that worked for the two sisters suld Miss 1'nnny had told her: I'oor.

I coidd not bear to sec her sufferinn any longer." Midway Miss Lorcne of Blyllisville visited Mrs. K. M. McDonald foi several day.s this week. Eil Qulini of Oaccola was vis- llor In nils community.

Monday. Hill and son, Clarence, were visitors in Osceoln Tuesday. Mrs. Orplia Atkinson and Misses lltizel ami Mary Randolph were iiicsl.s of Mrs. Jack Hill Sunday.

Mrs. Orplia Atkinson nnd Ike CanniKlay attended church nl Bur- iletlc Sumlay night. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Lhid, Mrs.

Juck Hilt and Mrs. Virgie. Ran- HOME THEATRE Friday and Saturday See. Wallcy RITZ THE4TER Friday and Saturday Kicharci Arleii in 'Gun; Smoke' 'Red Fork Range' Sunday nnd Monday Look At Her! Bargains for Saturday and Mondavi IT IT I' II Genuine Black Sliced PURE LABI) I.I). PIG LIVER COMPOUND LARD -i.

C. Baby Beef, Shoulder Clod Ib.l9c, Thick Rib Stewing-or Brisket Ib. PIG RIBS HENS DRESSED 24 -FRYERS DRESSED Brnndfather. Henry Urevcorl II. But the couple always ureferrf! ill? RHUBARB ,.,,.12 SPUDS New Lb.

IVORY Snow I'kg. 1C 2 Soap i (lOB White Gnglc ars 29c Freda Rose Crafton. who has en 111 for millc a white wilh the measles and whooping now. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Raybuek and snn, Harry were in Clarkton, Tuesday visiting Mrs. Uuy- ourk's tlsler, Mrs. William Enyle- hnrt. Gale Hall, of Memphis, who is nploycd in rv garage in the city, wns here visiting his lather. D.

W. Ball and brothers, ihc last week-end. Mis. R. L.

Dorlcli is ill this week. Mrs. Carrie Meattc visited her Eistcr-in-law, Mrs. W. W.

Lnws of Point Pleasant, Sunday. Mrs. Waiter Chllton, who has been quite ill for some time, is re- norlcd much Improved. Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Johnf-on nnd son Kenneth of Ctmffce. formerly of this city were here Monday and Tuesday vIMtltM; ivlativi" an tifriends. Mr. Jahnson has teen ill for Ihnc. but o-l prerent is much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Roland of Netherlands accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Trainor and Mrs. T. Habb of this city motored to Cape Girardetui Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip, returning homo late Monday cvemiig. Marion "Dusty" Rhodes is unable to attend to lib work on the railroad, because of tin injured leg.

Ally O. E. Hooker and A. Gannon of Caruthorsvllle transacted busincts'hire Wednesday morning. Rody Jabour of Carulhersvllle visited in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Wolf Khourlc Wednesdaj morning, xvhile enroute home from St. Louis. A. UcWccsc is confined lo his i ted because, of Illness.

Mrs. Zcbb Reiieau had as he guest, the past weekend Miss Hel rn Lee of Morley, Mo. Ed Bsll Is rick this week. 1 Mr. curl Mrs.

Angclo Mouhali 1 by Mredames I Uotcher, turns I'oweil, and Jak Williams motored to ntytl-oul Wednesday to attend to business. 1 Tom Edward, who has licen on an extended visit in California, has retunvsd home, residence on least inilll they recently liuilt a S100.0M town house on Eiianky avenue. They Invj 1S foin- children. A list of Haker's club reflect-? his social popularity. There nre 13 of the most exclusive in New York, sonic of them lor golf and tennis.

Rut his fuvorijc is the yacht and much of his time kefii spent. In the LsDlutioti nfforded by his boats, earh one nnmetl Commutes on Cruiser From his country home at Valley. 0:1 the csimnulcs regularly to his In swift SGO.OOO cniUcr. Slill in he can board tlij cr.ilt at hh private dock in the niDrn his b.ith and breaXtnst at leisure, dress and slop clt the yacht club pier In Manhattan in half the time required by the av- ernse commuter. Ills winter cruises load to Jekyl Island, ofT the (tl CJcorgia, which wns a favorite retreat of Ills father during his Liter ears.

There again he flints ab- olutc privacy, lor th? Jekyl Sunday and Monday ALL NIGHT LONG lie gambled in vain! daybreak lie returned to 'ay Rood-bye. A great ro- iiiiintic picliirp Scliiiilxlcr's soul CCIltR, Best Sides Ib. 12c, For Boiling llonsv, Canova or Sunset Gold. Iiimit 3 Cans LM CORN FLAKES ry All OA Flavors. 1'ktrs.

Spring Brook Pure Creamery or Sw. Jlixetl Ol TCI or Sw. Jli.wl Ol iir Dill 01.61 PEAS stiin(li 10 Courier Large Can 2 Cans RFA1VN Quality I I'. (J. jjon or Crystal Whit i- DRESSING I'l.

1AC Ki-ifl's Kitchen ISnltlc IJ Kroger 1'iile Dry." Qf. Hoi. FIOIIR 01(l sc Sli fiQ SI. 15; 2-l-U). Suck Jt? i-sl Cream a I-M).

Sack 41 No. 2 No. 2 21c Xo. 1 12c Ramon OVARRO Ccmpound Sflc I'nil nc Pail Buccl antl ahlc on the sur- and relrnllciis in ln-r ie.irt—a hijr little licauly who played the panic of love un- faiilv! 1FRLKX CUAXD1.KU AN 11KKSHOI.T C. AUBREY SMITH directed by JACQUES FEYDKK PRUNES Krahsu SNOW DRIFT (i New California Kellons, Each KUOTJl TAKKIXOTOX'S story uf the i I who couldn't be In the cast: Conrad Nagcl.

Sidney Fox. Humphrey a t. ritts. Presented by CARI, I.AKMMI.F. Directed by IloMrl Henley Trcducrd liy C'arl BANANAS nc (ia cy cal si 19 I'ancy I'luridii OfC 200's Uoz.

GREEN Krosh Kn.q:li<h l.h. California Iceliertj OC COBN Nicc rrcsh rciule 6 53 Fancy Home Grown. Qt. "orns Come Out Without a Murmur; I'ain Gone At WAFERS THIN AS I'Al'KU SHOES DON'T lUIRTl "I never saw then- equal." Yank: corns right out by (he rexils anrti never pain or It's a Joy lo flick nn 'O-Joy Corn on! a tender, achy corn. Away cots pain immediately and then later- out comes callous, corn, roots r.ntl all.

Slip shoes right on -Ihry won'l hurt. O-Joy Cum thin as pipor. Step u-in? iijly burnin? acids and doiulmut plas- lers. Thousands of people tc.rli.ird with rerns have joyfully O-Joy Wafers. Resull.s absnlutely Six wafsrs for 10 2 2r, an 1 Uiolinnl Dix.

rnmiiiff. "SHll'-MAT Kobt. Monlffonicry..

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