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The Comanche Chief from Comanche, Texas • Page 11

Comanche, Texas
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ARMENIAN AHI) SYRIAN RELIEF 'Cham ir etui i The Economy of Buying Good Tires mighty poor economy to put cheap tires on your car. If you depend on your tires, you depend on your car, -and you get the high grade of service it ought to give you. It pays to buy good States inp 1 ires. They represent the highest value it is possible to build into tires. There are five different passenger car only complete line built by any tire manufacturer.

Each has the built-in strength that means your money back in extra miles. Among them are exactly the tires you want for your car, and your driving conditions. Our nearest Sales and Service Depot Dealer will gladly help you. United States Tires Good Tires and Sunday schools of the Co. urged to take ari mIf sometime in February if possi- 1 for Armenian and Syrian relief, The ehief offend of the Ar- in the of Turkey fckttt are Christiana and refuse their religion for hasimedauism.

Khali we fail them 1 ci brother or he naked aud in laek of daily food and of you say unto them, in peace, be ye warmed and and yet ye give them not the needful to the body; what doth it Societies, organisations of every kind lend a hand. Teachers and oter the take pact in the campaign. While they last we will aend postern and leaflets to those teachers who are willing to take the matter up iu their schools. Write us and gite your address. Automobile it is asserted tbut if every car owner would pay the fund would be raised.

Fife dollars entitles yon to display our windshield poster. Save a life. WISH ANNIE S11APAHI), Hocrctary and Treasurer papers please copy. MM The Proof is Hero tho Same as Everywhere Center Point Health of the community is good at present. Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Davis and daughter of Sardis spent Thursday night with Prank Davis and family. Misses Dovie Davis and Dessie Bradshaw attended singing at Gum Springs Sunday evening. Mrs. Henry Reed spent the week end with her daughter, tis Keid of Ilasse.

Mr. C. P. Horner and family of Gum Springs spent Saturday night ith Archie Hweareugin and family. 8URGEONS agree that in cases of Outs, Burns, Bruises and Wounds, the FIRST TREATMENT is most important.

When an EFFICIENT antiseptic is applied promptly, there is no danger of infection and the wound to heal at once. For use on man or beast, BOROZONE is the IDEAL ANTISEPTIC and HEALING AGENT. Buy it now and be ready for an emergency. Price 25c, 50c, 1.00 and $1.50. Sold by S.

Smith. STORAGE BATTERIES We sell storage batteries. We charge storage batterica. We rent storage batteries. We rebuild storage halterios, (tfi Higginbotham Bros.

Co Ta TO WHOM IT M4V CONCERN tho County Court, County, February A. IP19. In matter of«» of Myrtle and Cleo McCullough, minora, L. 8. McCullough, guardian.

You will take notlcv that the Court of Comanche County, Texas, lias ap L. H. McCullough Temporary Guardian of tho ut Myrtle ami Cleo McCullough, ami that he has made application to County Judge of Com anche County. Texas, for permission to for oil and gas lamls twlouglnx 10 tho aakl and that bald application Hied on 1()th of February A. ItUS, ami that name will 1 on the 22nd of February A.

11)19, at whleh time you or any person in sab! or In said enlate Mill ap I and content application If they so deal re. That said land of an undivided 9-R i in and to 65 of (bounty, Texaa, and he- of lu Ivo tracta as follows: out of tho Hamilton Mirvey am! out of O. it. survey lug the N. VV, of nani James Hamilton, la Comanche County, Texaa, and out of K.

survey. Witness my haait at Comanche, ihU 10th of February, A. I). H. McCullough, (It) Temporary Guurdlan.

are For those who seek relief from kidney backache, weak kidneys, bladder ills, Kidney Pills offer hope of relief and proof is here in Comanche, the same as Comnche people have Kidney Pills and Comanche people recommend the kidnev remedy used in Arner; id for fifty years. Why Why run the risk I kidney disease. Comanche proof. Investigate it. W.

L. Robertson, R. F. D. No.

2, says: had kidney trouble for a long time and the pains across the small of my back and kidneys were awful. 1 was also annoyed by kidney weakness and my strength and energy left me. Nothing gave me relief until 1 started taking Kidney Pills. The result of their use was beyond all expectations They not only removed the baek- aehe, but made it possible for me to sleep well aud restored my strength and energy. Price 60e at all dealers.

Don simply ask for a kidney remedy get Kidney same that Mrs. Robertson had. Foster Milbum Buffalo, N. Y. MENI to fire ten days before the return day hereof, In a of general circulation.

nuMHa-i fallowing notice: STATE OF TEXAS. CUK HTATK OF TRX.AS Sheriff or any Constable of Coman County, Greeting: has continuously aud regularly are hereby commanded to cause to published for a period of not than one Cured each for a period year In said Comanche County, a copy of the return day the following notice: aewspajx'r of XHK STATE OF TEXAS been continuously and To persons In the welfare iss oml of Nora Moore, minor. hi aaid Comanche County, a copy of H. Moore whs by the Coanty Court af Comanche County, Texas, on the Sth day af i i. February, A.

1919, appointed aU persons interested iu the p0rary guardian of the person and eatuta i Stewart, Ella Stewart, Win. Fox nf srtjtj minor, which appointment will be and Hilton Stewart, minors. 'made permanent the same shall be Stewart was by County CourtI autrcessfully at the next term af iMaaache ount Texas, on the loth sajd Court, commencing on the flrat Hon- Of January A. I). HMD.

duly appointed jn A. I). 1919. the same Iwlng the nrary guardian of person and 711 Qf April A. 1919, at the Court aaid minors, which appointment House In Comanche, at which time the same p0r80ng interested in the welfare of said he at the next n)jnorH may appear and contest such ap- af Court, commencing on the if they so desire.

llerolu fall not, but have you before said Court, an the said first day ef the next regular term thereof, thla Writ with your return thereon, showing how you have the same. Given under my hand and the Real of said Conrt. at office in Comanche thla the Sth day of February A. P. 1919.

Jennie R. Garrett, Meaday in April A. 1919, the same the 7th day of April A. 1D19, Ourt House thereof, in Comanche, time all persona interested in the af said minors may and appointment if they no dealre. fail uot, but have you bi'fore said an the said first day of the next term thereof thla Writ with your Utereon.

showing how yen have ex- the same. under my and tho of art, at office In Comanche thla the I af February A. D. 191D. Jennie K.

Garrett, ik County Court, Comancho County, (25-26) STATK OF TKXAH To the Sheriff or any Constable of Ceunty. Greeting: are hereby to cause to pabllahed ouce each week for a jwrlod Clerk County Court, Comanche Caanty, STORAGE BATTERIES We sell storage batteries. We charge storage batteries. We rent storage batteries. We rebuild storage batteries, ftf Higginbotham Bros.

Ce TRY OUR Confectionery for HOT AND GOLD DRXNKb BEST CANDIES FRESH FRUITS DRUG SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Bud Bishop CONFECTIONERY SSSEBSgSeStBER Energy The health of the community is good at his writing. Mr. 11. 0. and G.

F. Caraway. T. llodd and C. 8.

Anderson visited the Luckey oil well Tuesday. The young peoj)C enjoyed a par- Iv at E. Friday night Private Russell Horner of Co mauche visitetl relatives in this community last week. Mr. John Robinson of Stanton is visiting his father and mother Mr.

and Mrs. J. I. Robinson, in this community this week. Kidney disorders cause distress of the mind and body.

Such ail meats should not neglected, be cause they lead to diseases that are dangerous. Prickly Ash Bitters is a fiae kidney tonic. It strengthens the kidneys and purifies the stouaach and bowels. $1.25 per bottle. Wm.

Reese specia is. Stop That Hacking Cough Mansfield Cougb Balsam hoals the inflamcc and lacerated membranes anc quiets Ibe tmkliag nerves that lie underneath the Inroetod Invaluable for babies. Price 25c and 50e. Tim STATU rKXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable Ceman 1 ahe Caanty, GreKing: lou ari1 ktroby commanded to ctow to I published once each week far a period af ten before the return day hereof, lo a newspaper af general circulation, which been continuously and regularly pnbllshed far a peried of not lcaa than one year In aaid Comanche Coanty, a copy ef the following notice: TRB STATB OF THXAS. To all persona interested In the welfare af WUUa Mobertaen and Annie Eoberhsoa, rn Inara.

A. J. IJayd waa by the Caanty Coart of Ceaianche County, Texaa, aa the Mth day af Jaaaary A. D. daly appointed perary guardian af the person and estate of an Id which appoJatiaaat will he paraianent auleaa the aaase shsll oe successfully conteated at next term Mid Court, aa the first flay la April A.

D. 1918, the aaaa be4ag Ue 7th day ef April A. D. lill, at the Court oubc In Comanche, at whlcli ttoae afl paraona Infcrreated la the weffare said minora, aiay appear and eantoat aaeh appointnaent If they aa ieslrs. Herein fall aat, but yaa hefere aaid aa the first day of the a ext regalar term thervaf thla Writ year retaro thareea, ahowlag haw jwm hare ax aatited the Qrm aader anr hand mM Cnrt, at eftloe la thla Wm of FehriMUT A- D.

Ifft. Jesiais THF, HTATK OF TEX AH Te the Sheriff or any Constable of Comanche County, Grt'etlng; You are hereby commanded to to published oure each for before the return In'nMjf, a of general circulation, whieh has eontlnuously aud published for a period of not than one year In Comanche County, a ropy of the following notice: TIIK HTATK OF TEXAS. To all In the welfare of Myrtle McCullough, Cleo minors. L. S.

McCullough was by the County Court of Comanrhe County, Texas, on the 10th day of February A. lJ. appointed guardian of the person and estate of said minors, whleh appointment will be made permanent the same shall be contested at the next of said Conrt, commencing on th efirat Monday In April A. the same being the 7tb day of April A. I).

1P19, at the Conrt House thereof, in Comanche, at whleh time all persens Interested In the welfare of said minors may appear and content such appointment if so Herein fall not, but have you before said Court, ou the saltl flrnt day of the next regular term this Writ with your return thereon, showing bow you have executed the same. Given under my hand and of said Court, at in Comanche this the 10th of February A. 1919. Jennie E. Garrett, Clerk Conuty Court, Comauche County, Texas.

TIIK HTATK OF TKXAH To the Sheriff or any Constable of Comanche County, Greeting: You hereby to to be published onrv each for a period of ten days return heri'of, in a of general which has In-en continuously and regularly published for a period of than one year in Id Comanche County, a copy of the following notice: TH 15 STATK OF TEXAS. To persons of Garland Carmichael and Vida Carmichael, minors. H. L. Carmichael by the County Court of Comanche County, Texas, on the 11 th day of February A.

1919, duly appointed temporary of the and of Minors, whieh appointment will be made permanent unless the same shall be succeasfully conteated at the term of saltl Court, commencing ou the Monday In April A. 1919, the same being the 7th day of April A. 1919, at the Court in Comanche, at which time all peraons intereat- ed in the welfare of said minora may appear and centeet such appointment If they ae desire. Herein fail not, but have you before said Conrt, on the said flrnt day of the next regular term thereof this writ with vonr return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Olven nndeT my hand and the aeail of aaid Conrt, at office in Comanche this the 11th day of February A.

D. 1919. Jennie K. Garrett. Clerk County Conrt.

Comanche County. Texas. (23-26) Tailoring We do the rery highest grade tailoring in all lines ineluding Cleaning, Pressing, Altering, Repairing. THE SUITS WE ORDER FIT Gille Nabers Reliable Tailors I SEE ATWOOD BROS. fir PURIN1TURE AINO PEED IMI Vano.

TIIK HTATK OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Coman che Ceunty, Greeting: Too are hereby commanded to cause to ho published once each week for a period ef ten days before the return day hereof, in newspaper of general circulation, which has been continuously an dregularly published for a of not lees than one year In said Comanche County, a copy of the following notice: THH STATW OF TEXAS. To all persons Interested in the welfare of Eula Fletcher, Elmer Fletcher, Ewell Fletcher, Dollie Fletcher and Robbie Fletcher, minors. Mra. C. M.

Fletcher was by the County Court of Comanche County, Texas, on the 11th day of February A. 1919. duly ap- temporary guardian af the peraon and estate ef said minora, which ent win be anade permanent unless the same than be succeeafnlly contested at the next term of said Cenrt, commencing an the First Monday In April A. 1919, the same being the 7th day of April A. D.

1919. at the Conrt House thereof, in Comanche, at which time an persons Inter- eated in the welfare of aaid minora may appear and contest suck appointment If ini Herein fail not, bat have you beforo said Coart, ou the said first day of next regular term thereof this Writ yon return thereon, showing haw yoa have aaaaahiii the aaaie. Given under my hand and the of Court at office In Comanche thla the tftfc of February A. D. 1019.

Jennie W. Garrett Coanty Cwri, Ceunty WE HAVE RBAI. HEW TORNXTORE WE CAN HANDLE YOTO SEOOND-HAND FUBNITUIE im QWCHf DlMflVfl Ai I UK ifiu WE WILL HAKE YOU THE VEBY LOWEST PRICE ON We Ask. our Patronage Undertakers Service We Kave added to my undertaking equipment a Hearse and are better prepared than to give the public the highest standard of servioe in lines. We carry a complete Hue of Coffma, and aM calls reeeirt mj personal sites rion day or wight T.

M. PULLIAM Pfcona S54 Residence Phone innnnnnrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniilliiWM.

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