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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PalmerHonse 83 aa4 SS8puu5tree(. 30,000 DOLLARS. ngnt we oannot war stock kM ndnctd dria OKU aaU Thlrt Ttuuk. eead dollar. Thirty thooaead dollen is a taajrMataarfraeMuvyenhard work.

Wa nil to radnooonr stock tm mora fd to Uh and wQl oontinu oar sal until Oftnrafty, iotb August. Special Jotice. vt p-- Wo hsro reoelved ttvwral mn oTNEW GOODS which willM ail opened aad BftTKM um ooano of ft day or two. Two Ceaesot Now Drma Goods. THE PALMER HOUSE.

LATEST EmMderedDresses la Debagea, Sergo and Cashmeres with gooo io matcn. wnoiceiotoi la tho latest Designs Shade and Colour at half-price. CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS very caeap. R. SWITZER'S, I 102 Sparks Street.

IFOR LIS. ONLY! WvJ 1 1 1 ui CUIUTTi OTJB ef tmtr'lsmeraU Outr'iS! ul vtscrtufos tuin r.KTsw seer. Choicest and Freshes1 GHOCEBIESo HAMS, BACONS CANNED FRUITS CEXAT AS AJTT, At Fitzoatrick Harris' 3 TXTsYsYIAH jfrmaKT, C03EDT MACHRAY Buirj, Brokin taa Iruta Lniajnura Co, UlPASUIT.wrTAWA. IfOOM diOBOtod. tODOOltO tOBOlTOa ftt 4 tp I aev eaet, mtsrisiLlcafta Imd wd cheque hill oa chief fts.

roreign aad sold. Bortp wanted. Montreal steoka aod ChJeem bought produce doatt a. QmattliiM fcw If onwaal twin dally from Galoaco ororr aaU aoor. BXCHANaa RKFORT.

Boon Maohbay A Oo wnawa. at, August ISaulBur- Mobtbba XxoHvuroa. ovoCOBwMawlo eeeeeeeea a- Ontario 71 333 153 330 145 iao a a e-a a Toronto. Marahaats Uaioa 1W 96 134 934 1 1271 2S137 Quebec V. a.

lUagenaBt MoBtreal Rioh. Ont.KiT;....( rgri-av IdonsreelGa a N.W. Land OP.R. 96 10 S5 61 SOS U0306 83 Cbwaqo Pbooccb. Wiui Aug Cob! Ang Bept Oat Au- Poaat Aoir LABDr Aug 7 A LUMBER FIRM 8U3PZNDS.

Pbmbiou, August S. Tb firm of R. A J. White, tamber merchants aad grocers of this town ban assigned for too benefit of their creditor. Tbio fins baa Iraoch Marat at Sudbury, North Bay and Ososola, bendw doioff a largo lam boring bnrina oo too Boancoboro, OooJoato aad Black rirera.

Tarn Now Ediabargk PraUortariaa eborob Soaday oohool, ptoaia atGnaUoa oa TbotadaT. A good programme of ganas baa bora atraagad. Ottawa CltyPaaaenser Br.Ca cliff braacb ia aow opoa. Faro from city 5 eta, ehildroa 3 oU. Gettraaefor tiokeia.

otlHott Jos.E.Esmonde. mj Gas Stores al 40c etoh. inn i mwi nuiun-Mk a. a aw tsawJy km jjjjj J2fyjla)5 la FUN FOR THE BOYS. an Hxtxsisntsta tdoe with thx CORNWALL INDIANS.

of taa Uvoty iw Worfc ow tikkar'a docea of doaky Bona of the foreet fan Cornwall Island aiadetbo Itotro- poQtaa groBBda rather lateravMng for about ftaboar aad a half oa Batarday, wboa, aordlag to gare tbo Ottawa a amok praetio laoroas a they oooU ia that time ge Irietora for HlSof good oath, which bad beoa bold oot a foethahuMtoromtiok MitcbeH Jacob, tho Toteraa oaptaiakof Corawaa Xalaad team, with whom aogoUa- tkmshadbeoB eoodaotad, promiasd to bring up a team com posed of aixof tho beat of St. Regia and six of th best of aha OBrawa wbeatbo oamUae4wp, was that with oae or two oXoepUm it wa tbo old Oorawan ladiaa teamj tho ozeeptioa were aow blood. AbooA 600 pareoB ware preeont, prodaoiaf Joet kboat eooagh oath to pay the expoaoB. Those who did aot go were aafov touts, for eeldom ka a more enjoyable game boaa pat oa tbo Ottawa ground. Tho enjoy meat did not lie oo aMfch Ja the quality of, tho Uoroan predated, altboogk at time good bit ot play were thowa on both side, bat the funny side of the play' From th the ball left tho Hfaon till tbo Indians and- dasdv drooDsd nlar whoa they hoard tbo SO o.

train whistle blow, aad iiaoeramonioasly tc tMihtn. then wa oao ooatiaaoa peal of lMwhtat from tho aadieaso. TV Ottawa atomed to look oa tho match a a pionie and took all the fan they ooold out of it Bhortlr before HIB th team lined ap a fnllnwa OCatwaa i isWdna. MeOonaghy Jaoob Drahaa point. Day point Joe White ClealeBaia field centre Joha Jaoob Cnnlaan home 1 John Boow I field IfW White ThcBaaa ontsida homo MLti Jacob Burke homo.

Deho Bey bold oaptaia MitcheU Jaoob Rataro aflohaa! araaagh. Umpiree-0. 8urtees aad Bidon" Roaaod. Pissunstt got tho draw, aad away west hall toward tha Indian naL where afte horering for three miaote it looad a by th ablodireetioB of Oorky O'Brma, Tbo second gam wa also takaa by Ottawa after 10 minute's iadiffereet play. CTendoania scoring.

Tbo boys did aot seem to xrrt thcmealro amok, bat rather wont in for fun, aad fooling tbo which they socceeded vary oBeoooally ia doing, altboogk la )uUoa to the it most said that there were ont them aot by any means to bo laagard att ia foot asreral ot tbo rod aUaa gave tbelr mtot a little more thaa they oared tot ia tho way ot play. After tho third gam had teaminmtes, Biaaoaotto aad Jaoob th eentr mea rot iate a row aad were ahoat to atatt a mill whan Oaoeaia Seybold laasrposed. Xa ah meantime while the Ottawa datssn watching th impending aarap Instead of tho baD. Lonia Whit for tho Injun bored it through. The 'Indian also took the next game after S3 mamtee fair play, Leri Jaoob sooring.

Ia thU nmaMcKar cot an accidental bang ia them. Boacn worothoa equal. Matter looked dangerous, aad then was evidently ao more margia for fooling. 8o tho boys dropped their fun and weat ia lor' play, sooriag after thro minutes. Th Ottawa also scored at next game ia 17 minutes, she aoan to 3, when as stated at the ladiaa aod aealy took their laato.

Th Ottawm bowed om aioa bit of play especially whoa ooddiag their doaky brothers. Foal didn't oooat. Nothing oooated except goal, which weren't ooaoidered of much oonooqnenoo one way or tho other. Th rests between games were very brief, tb boys wishing to get all th praotto possible. AT THX TARGETS.

o. a. a. iKnuaaBTM bhoot. On Saturday aftamona th Guard held i akirmisMng match at the Bideaa, Range.

Tea shots were fired advancing, aad tea ro aring, between 500 yards and 100 yards, target( haiaa axnoaed to roiw 15 aooonda ftt ft time. Prises wer alsogirsa for the four highest ia' dividual soorea. The oooearful team wen as follow. Ut, No. 3 Oo.

(1st team) Oapt. Gray Ool-Sergt. Sergt. Short 161 Sad. No.

Co. (Sad team) Sm. 49 Pav Brown 5s Pto. 37 Total 139 3rd. No.

4 Co. Staff -Sergt, Oawdroa 44 39 7 130 Sergt. Reardoa. Corp. Carroll Total No.lOo.Ottaam-Captaia Thompson') Bergt.

Watte, Pte. Nutting 105 No. lOo. (2nd teem) Lt. Winter Pw.

Gooding Pte.Holbreok 104 1 For the four Individual prim th highest more were tie as war also the two aext. The prizes were therefore divided 1st and Pte. Nutting, No. 106.... 14 67 2nd 0oL-8gt.

Mailanie, No. 14 3rd aad Lieut. Winter. Na 11 4th I Pte. Browne, No.X.

11 The following, made 40 point or better Oapt. Gray, No. Ob. wee Short, Sergt. Dawson Corp.

Carroll, No. 4 Oo Sergt. Oawdroa, Sergt. HoRaa, No. 3.

Co Tbo. regimental matobea will bo held Saturday 10th iaet, aad No. 8 Co. intend baring their matches oa the 17th. OTTAWA BITll CU7B.

The spoon eompetitioa of tho Ottawa Rifle Club oa Saturday wa shot at 800 aad 900 yarda. A very strong wind blow all th afternoon aod interfered with good sooring. Fol lowing an the highest soores: J. H. Ellis (spoon 2nd .....63 J.

W. do O. OXSrady (spooa 1st 48 W. E. Cook (spooa 3rd 46 D.Sutherland 40 H.

35 G. A. 38 27 ST. HUBOT' 6DH OICB. The Hubert Gun club bad fairly well attended shoot on Saturday, 15 bird each, with th following a ft aoor R.

J. Daltoa 10 B. 9 J. Detlanrier 8 J. 8 H.

D. L. 6 A solid silver tooaooo box ha beea given a a prixe to the club by Mr. Wa. Davis.

The eoaditioae an that each oompeUtor will be given 34 boon to shoot hn gam, starting ia a oanoe, tb plaow bring restricted to the Rideait Canal aad th Rideaa River, the man bringing ia the most game toreeeivo the prize, which is a solid silver tobacco box, ornamented oa one side by a retriever with a bird ia bis mouth, and nq tho other by a paw of grouse. THE 43ai. ATMONTREAL. OCl VOLCXTXXB SHOT SWBXP BTnTTBUlO rOUTBXK. 1 At Moatreal oa Saturday the team of tea from the 43rd Batt.

datinjraiabed tbomselre ia oompeUtioa at tb raagea with tha bast shots of tho mawopolia. Th match with tho Viotoria Rifle teaaawa fired at 300, COO aad 600 yard, serea shots at each, with Snider rifle. Tb rang aoore stood i jLocai. 43rd 381 878 195-753 Vios.v..... 378 359 175713 Tha iadiridaal total won a follow 43XD BATtAUOir.

Pte. J. S. 87 T. CL 85 8taS-8ergi.

A. 83 Pto. Pto.a8.Soott.. 8 Pte. T.

UcJanet. Pte. J. D. mar eia a eex -II axajor Sergt.

W. G.Dial.... Lt-OoL W. P. i 753 ncioau ainn.

Oapt. 64 Pto. 79 Lieut. 75 Pte. 75 Pto.

Bmm 73 Pte.MoCrae 69 8teff-Sergt 69 Pte. 64 Pto. 64 ....60 713 All tea of th 43rd catered for tbo individual prizes of the M. G. A.

opea match, aad two team of fin member each were entered for tbo team eompetitioa ia th came match. Tbenwen teams entered tor nearly all tb Montreal regiment. The 43rd oaooai taiating of OoL-Scrgt. BovOle, Serga. Dial, Pte.

MoJaaee. SooH aedt Tay lor, took tha first team prize, with total of 838.. They tied with tb un of tb Tics, not only ia th grand total, bat ia that of each ramre U1 aad 107 hot in oonating off tha tie it ia Ottawa' favor. Th 5th Royal Soots' third with 136. Thar won just three team prizes.

The 43rd first team had 233 points. Of tb fifteen individual prise offered, fin wsre taken by Ottawa, that be ing th 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th aad 8th, taken respectively by Hatoheeoa, Moodie, Borille, SooUftad Piak. Upon returning to Montrealtha 43rd wet entertained by th Tit to dinner at tb Windsor, when a pUasantlim was ipeat. CRICKET, The Rideaa Hall rounds on Saturday wen lanely attended. Th cricket taeavOServioe, and Ottawa Cricket club tme, attracting a mrg number of visitor.

Th victory lay, after an interesting match with th horn team, oa the following soores Civil uirica. V.H. Steele bPottit. P. B.

Taylor bPettfe L.OostoTurtonvb Taylor 13 P.D.BeotleyBPewit...... 16 ta Lawrenee, F. X. 8. Groat, N.

Taylor, L.aPaaet,a.Z.FripplbStowo....4. 19 E.F.JarviabH. Steele F. Harris bH. Steel W.T.

Wilson, aot tt L. Dnplemis, Bogert, H. Steel. W. Almoa, oBogert, Stow.

By Leg Total 84 O. 0. o. tir 1 10 H. Tartoa tpro.) P.

Bt Taylor, Ocste. Nortoa Taylor H. F. Stow Lawrence, Groat F. A.

Pestit B. Bogrrtb Groat. 18 16 J. MoNioholaotOBt ft I H. Steele ran out 4 E.Frippb 3 i1.

Perrolt rua Byn 108 A. K. TUG OF WAS. Tb hear hall tnam of tha and traffio braaohea of the Canada Atlantio Railway played aa Saturday, tha match which was to ban taken place at the picaio at CUrkV hlaad oa July 23. Th result was a win tor the Traffio Department byj a eon of 9 to 7 Tb team iron as follow Traffio Depaitment Walsh, Daamy, Lamp-laugh, Walters, EreUae, Gallagher, Jamieeba, Oox aad Hooter.

Mechanioal Department dark, ODoh erty, Howe. T. Kane, Borbidge, O'Connor, Wmtoa and Chambrrlin. 8ATURD AYBALL GAMES. National York 18, Philadel phia 8 1 Pittsburg 6, Indianapolis 8 Washing ton 8, Boston 3 Cleveland 3, Chicago 1.

International. Hamilton 6, Rochestsr 10 Detroit 15, London 6 1 Toledo 6, Toronto 86; Syraouae 13, Buffalo 16. NOTES OF SPORT. Final preparatioa for th great meeting beginning August 10, of th Amerioaa Oanoe Association at Stan Island near Gaaaaoqne an almost completed. Not lam thaa 2,000 canoeists with their win, familiee aad friend wffl attend.

The four-oared race at Valoia, Batur day, wa rather disappointing. Grand Trunk crew Na 1 wa tb winner, th Point Claire and G.T. R. No. being swamped early in Colonel North, of Loadoa, annonnoes that be is going to build a yacht up to the fall limit for bis son Harry, aad will ehaUeag for tn America' oup next year.

at Lake Minnetooka, oa Saturday, Winnipeg won th senior four-oared reoes aad the senior doable. LAID AT RAST. Th funeral of th la Samuel Sksvonson, ot Fitaroy, took plaos oa Saturday from th old homestead, aad wa largely attended by friends from all parts of the county. Tha paU-bearers wen Means. Thoniu Giabura, Nepeaa i F.

Richardson, March Tbomaa Wilson, Huatleyj S. Young, D. Mo lHaa aad W. Croskery, Fitaroy. The funeral errvioe was oonducted by th Rev.

D. Winter, of Ashtoa, a personal friend of the deceased, aaristed by the Revs. Topping and Maclarea. Mr. Stevenson wa bora ia Belfast, Ireland, ia 1830.

He removed to Canada when 11 yean old with his parents who settled ia the then deaae wood of Carleton, Before hie Der se verance and grew to man' estate, tb forests disappeared, aod by degrees a eom. fortoble aad a handsome bom was erected. He was a don student of the tl methods of farming. Aa a result, hi extensive farm waa one of the best cultivated in Carleton county. As a man aad a Clhristiaa waa very highly tpected by all who knew him.

He gan largely of his means to support the ohuroh of his choice (Methodist) fat which took leading part. He wa prominent ia municipal affair. Hs was of genial disposition, and had few, if any, enemies. The death of a dearly loved son two yean ago mam to ban undermined hi health, and brought oa aa affection of the heart which eventually oauaed hi death. He passed peaoefuDy away trusting ia a Saviour wbomAhe bad early learned to earn.

Hi sorrowing widow aad cnudrea nave the sympathy not only of their neighborhood but of the oouaty ia general. A BIO WHEEL. Then ha just beea turned out of Perkins' foundry, Bparks street, for X. B. Eddy's aew sulphite mill at Hall, a big pulley wheel, 7.000 bia weight, 7 feet ia diameter, aad broad enough to carry a S3 inch belt.

Tb object ot having the wheel so heavy is to ensure the aeoesaary steadiness ia the motion of the machinery. wheel was made and designed, by Mr. Albert Perkins on original ideas with out a model, neither the inside or the outside of the: mould being "lifted." Then ia a webb of 4 inches running round tb eeatre. wheel is oa ot tb largest that ha beea turned out lor soma time sad reflects credit ca tb founder. tHE EVENING JOURNAL, MONDAY, AUGUST 5.

ROCKLDTE EXTENSION. OPENINQ OF THX ADDITION TO THE STREET CAR TRACK. Canadian to the aUaklUBi fewrtva ntareea Vtowala Today the 'Rockcliffo extension of th CStf Paaaanger Railway is opeaed for traffio, and for oae ooathmooa fan. Passengers from any partot th rout win able to raaoh th great Natural Park, from, whence can be obtained what ha beea called tb 'gtattdeit paaorami view ia this portion of tb Dom-iaioa. Oa Friday tb djreotors 'made their trial trip, and ea Saturday, by the invitation of Mr.

T. a Keefer, th h' of tb board, tb newspapermen to 1th number of aome twenty were drivea over th extension, aad shown tb bean ties of the aetghboarhood, Starting from the olio of tha aonbaar oa Main street. New Edmborgb; tha old Una to th eod of tba trst at iU juaetioa with John tree, which for nearly a quarter of a century, na lain buried, ha beea dug out aad raised to a new grade given by the city engineer. The ogee on arriving at John 8U ha to alight, aad is given a eoatbaoas siftket, a from that poiat (or the distanta ot 400 feet, the track weald ban to be laid over eorporatioa roadway. Whoa tha extenaioa oegua tbo eom paay was not a war that this small pieos of toad way was within th city limit.

Mr. Keefer said to Tn Jocaaal oa Saturday, It ha for aomo unknown rami brought in and tb city is taking advantage of tb only power they have over na. This piece of road never oost them a neat. Then aa old road ran down by th lodg to Rideaa hall and this pieoe wa mad by th McKay ettate ia exohangs and passed into th band of th city through annexation. HOTOUaQca aoznutY.

Arrived at tb end of th 400 travel. lor finds a ear waiting for hion having boarded which be commence to travera a mil of probably the most picturesque scenery up by any street railway ia the world. Hen an the deep green wood around Rideaa Hall then a steep aaoeot, over old Road, with tb bush oa both sides, and glimpses the river down below, sharp curve, aad opea meadow land betted by tree a genuine piece ot wild pin wood, looking lovely in the rummer son, an opttv plateau, aad tb trrmiau at old Mush toon lodge Tb eoursiowst uteoands ia probably one. ot the moat delightful pionie grounds imaginable. Oa the one aide tb bush rise tfll it sinks into th sky, oa th other is tb Grand river, with tha silvery stream of tb Gattaeaa flowing dowa to meet it, tb village of Waterloo with its ahnrah of St.

Franoif, tb wid aadulftttag lead ot the Gatiaeaa vaUeyv dotted with, aoatee, and beyond alk the bold outline of ah green clad peaks of. th Laureatiaa range; i Th park itself i well clothed with tree aad greek, and dowa by tb pin wood. dear and Oold, risee a maguifiosnt spring water. Jaat ftt tho terminus stands the old oadar log hut, known a Mushroom Lodge, built by Macnab, when th century was not yet iU teeoa, and which been th favorite object of many sketches aad painter. Below th hut sinks tb road to tbo old ferry, tb only ever-scceesitls ooming to Gatiaeau Poiat This roadway has beea doubled ia width by Mr.

Keefer a th only townships benefitted, Templetoa aad Uioaoester, eoald aot legally spend a eeat oa it, I Qum thi ooCTrax. Although only a little over a mil from the city th park ia perfectly guiltless of th slightest glimpse of even th highest tower, and si completely a rural resort. Passing Mushroom Lodge the party of Saturday ooaduoted by Mr. Keefer arouad tb wonder fol natural terrace which skirts th hill, aad from which a asries of most extenein beautiful view are to be obtained, to hi red denoe, when refreshment awaited them. Sueces to the enterprise, coupled with the health of Mr.

Keefer having beea duly honored Mr. Keefer acknowledged the same. In the coarse of hi remark he said ths new extension wa aot a sodden thought, it had beea growing for yean aad but for lack of funds would have beea carried into effect before. Ia 1873 it wa contemplated, then came a rua of mat ten, which oould act be put off, aad ap to 1864 they never again aaw th same amount ot eeipte. They found that from New Edinburgh to Centre town their can wen eom para tivaly empty, whilst from Centre town to tb Chan dler they were filled.

'raoiunn fob thi oatikxau fboflb. In order to make both aad equally well patronized they had oonoeived tb idea of affording facilities to the people of tha Gettneeu valley for reaching they hoped they had aow done so. They intended to put oo more open can and make th road Mr. R. Blackburn who wa on of th party aad I rice president of the road aad Mr, J.

D. Fraaer did much to eon tribute to the pleasun of the time which was soon after brought to a close by the visitor returning to the car and thence to the city. The new roadway i well built and in good running order. No paiaa Mem to be spared to make th road a snoaess. It ia understood that the tension oost some $4,600.

LOTS OF PRIZES FOR CIVIC HOLI-j-1 Th sports committee of the Son of England picnic met oa Saturday evening aad arranged a fine programme of sports. Then an twenty fin events oo the list. The first prize for tb baby show ia valued at $35 aad baa beea given by Aid. Stroud. There is alio a fine(gold medal for a half mile race to members of she order, given by Dr.

Goutens, Another inter- featun will be a tog -of. war between married and single member. Other valuable, prises twenty three' in number have bean secured by Messrs. J. W.

Foster, R. J. Tanner, Fred Cook and R. J. Wicksteed.

Pre, Powell aad Wicksteed have presented beautiful silver caps, one trf which wiU he first prize for the ceaoo race. a POLIOS COURT. Aldermen Durocher aad Honey beard the at tha polios oourt this morning. Wd. Martin, tor being drank oa Lett street oa Friday evening, was fined 13 and $1.

Cha. Phail, drunk oa York ttreet oa Satur day waa fined $3 sad tL 'Alt." another drunk, wa also fined 32 aad Wd, Leah, arretted yesterday for being drank, wa let off oa paring afine of S2)and $1 Lucy Perrott wa charged with being drunk and disorderly on Qoeea street oa Saturday. She was dismissed with ft oautioa. Daniel O'Mara aad Matbew MoMahoa wen charged with assaulting Mr. Rowley, manager tor E.

B. Eddy, Lumber last evening oa Sparks street, near Butler' livery stable. A fine of $3 and' t2 costs was imposed on each Joseph Palletier charged F. Prudbomme with insulting him. Dismissed.

Two assault oases, Cellier vs Raymond and Raymond re Cellier, wen dismissed. H. J. Gale waa charged with stealing S3. The waa dismissed, i A boy named Hart was caught opening the tiU in Mr.

John Terancs's batcher shop oa Saturday evening. The oaa was withdrawn by plaintiff. A TIMBER SALE. Mr. Robert Booth, of Pembroke, has pur chased front Mr.

Alexander Fraaer, of West meath, a timber berth containing nearly 27 square miles, and situated on tb Ni pissing branch of the Petewawa river, partly in the township of Butt and partly ia the township of Devine, tn the district of Nipiaaing. The price paid waa 870,000. gw-Dr. WMhiagtoa baa arrived aad win remain until tomorrow nifht, Auirust 6. All effected with dUeasea of tha throat aad lungs should ooasult thi eminent specialist at once.

Delay an dangerooa. ConsaJtsaoa free. Select RetuUnga. ACCURACY. Accuracy eaten Into action a well thought, and into speech.

Ia actio! apt to oaD it thoroughness, beoaoae doing work accurately aad nioely in every point, with thing Unfinished or Untidy, aeoamarily Involve tborootmese, however email or larje the work may be. It allow eunelvn to be Inaccurate ia minor Setaila cf actions if lean ends of thread banging from our sewing, or turn th oornen different wan ia hemming a aqi ksrohief; spread the cover oa the table hastily without minding whetbe the corners hang even or not; go to a closet of drawer for pieces and thrust th bundte ia with the expreseka, "I win Coin and put them to right by aad hy an we aot haunted by feeling of thiftleesnea. of wishing to go back and begin over again a feeling! so much out of proportion to thai actual Careless' neat that we are toroed to conf ess that inaoour acytsbot a trifling fault. Thesatni prtekiu when, after telliiig story in Vhiak aa enterUining way for the edifi ifice- ttoaof a friend, our small child says "But, mamma, she didn't my that: she said so-and- so," aad forthwith proceed to take the pout off our tale by Dresentinr it without the adorn meat with which we had endeavored to mtke it attractive, Th child oaa be tiienoed by being told aot to interrupt mamma when she ia speaking, but oonacience doe not so easily ex ouse us, ana lee again anas loer is son tbiagwroBt. i How, thee', shau aet thi wrong right find It oomparatively easy to say to oar eel vest I have a general idea of th matter, aad whoa I ban time I will think it ant.1 It ia not so sasv to take ft portion of tb general idea aad think it Out esrtfun-1 aad vet bv so doina tho small thought becomes completely onr own, ready loruMlB any emergenoy, wnue sac ganeca notion is so large and so very general that actually never lad tim to think it tout, and thus it doss aot become our own at alt Mothers in OounoiL THE PEACEFUL LIFE.

BT MABIAim FAUTOIOHAbI. "Count aot attention to ths daily thestriotness of th Christian life, to be bond' age, but aouat it th sweetest liberty and tb only way of true peace. Wr erever thi is ac counted hard, that state which is embraced instead of lt will found harder, John Roger, of Dedham 1585. The working lif i th lit of pesos; Tb Words of the arise in golden -Aad dowa the line of three hundred yean Comes the truth of these words Brown olden. Not the day that an paseed amid song ftWsXB, la dreamy inactive leisure, Botth day that are strong with tn ton An thossof th truest pleasure.

and The eye that iook straight toward God and heaven; Nor Wrn from the path of duty, An tho eye that see, in this changeful world, Th sights of th truest beauty, Who lire for earth and to self aloo Most find his enjoyment shallow, While who live but for God and right Find something each day to hallow. Hs who is bound by the yoke of Ion) Aad regains hi freedom never. Has his perfect liberty hers on earth, Aad be shall be free forever. Ot life is short, and it skies sometime Are darkened with can and sorrow, But the loyal hearted, the bran of soul, Has always a glad to-morrow. Then let us patiently bear the cross.

Oar ssrvioe and love confessing, For the lif at favor and faith and Ion I th only lif ot blessing. DONT. Don't snub a boy becauae wean shabby olotbes. When Edison, iaventor of the telephone, first entered Boston, he won a pair of yellow linen breeches ia the depth ot winter. Don't snub a boy because his home is plain and unpretending.

Abraham Lincoln' early home wa a log cabin. Dent scab boy bo cause of the Ignorance ot hi parents. Shakespeare, the world's poet, wa ths son of a man who was unebl to writ hi name. 'Don't snub a boy because he chooses a humble trade. Tb author of Pigrim't Progrtu waa ft tinker.

Don't snub a boy because of physical disability. Milton wa blind. Dont aaub a boy because ot dull ness in his lessons. Hogarth tb oelebrated painter aad engraver, wa a stupid boy at hi books. Don't snub a boy beeeun he stutters.

Demosthenes, the greatest orator of Grecor, overcame a harsh aod stammering voioe. Don' aaub any one. Natalon because some day, be may far outstrip you ia the race of life, but because it is neither kind nor right nor Chris. tian. Episoopal Recorder.

THE CHURCH. BT OBOBGI BOBBj Stay, traveller I stay I Without how dark tbo aight moon illnmiaee the winding way, Above ao star giro light The road is wild and drear, Tb hills ars rough and steep, The precipioe is near, Tb river broad and deep And who, alee, can save Beyead upon that sea. Where, rising from its darksome wave, No rook is cleft for thee Stay, traveller I stay I Nor answer nay I Stay, traveller! stay 1 Regard the King's behest; No longer from hi presence stray, But be hi welcome gueet; Hen ia water for thy feet. And oil to 'noint thy head. And raiment fair and sweet, And hen the table spread; His make thy home.

None ia it e'er ban died. And when thou seest the Master oome Thou shall be satisfied; Stay, traveller I stay 1 Abide for aye I Jr. Y. Observer. SEED THOUGHTS.

Chooee to believe, not ate aight tempt the heart From sober walking ia trne Gospel way. -Joha Keble. It is better to fall among cttwi thaa among Absolutely Pure. Thi powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, atrength and wholeaomenee.

More conomical than th ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powder. Sold tmkin wu. Rotal Bakho Powdcb 106 Wftll St. M.Y. D.Gardner&Go's SALE Our Semi-AnnUal Sale seems to Lave aroused from a business slumber one of our SjMrks street merchants, the amount sold by us during our sale startles him almost into an unbelief.

Well, we feel sorry for any Urge Dry Goods House in Ottawa who claims that it takes them fire yean hard work to sell $30,000, such ft one must be on the down grade ftnd if bakes an not applied soon tner mas. eviaenuy do a riTCU is. A few reasons whv our trade penerellr is such a success. ininort direct from the manufac turers and save wholesale or second man's profits. Gardner fc Co.

sell Checked Shirtings ftt 6 cents worth 9 cents. D. Gardner dc Oo. sell Oxford Shirtings at 9 cents, sold by other houses ftt 10 cents. D.

Garduer dc Co. sell double width Dress Goods iu pretty effects at 10 cents, while we have seen them marked ftt other stores aa great bargains at 45 cents. It. Gardner fc Cot sell double width All Wool Tweeds at 60 cents, good value at D.

Gardner dc Co. sell English Fast Colored Print at 6 cents, which our friends sell as bargains at oj cents. Ttu flanlnAr Ac. sHa. jM flnitn In wKitjl mnH ell Aftlnrfl m.t BOiu vj o.ner nouaes at irom io vo at i i i i A.

A. A. ii. Gardner A Co. sell Grey Cot tons at cents, regular mm price tor toese goous is a cents.

D. Gardner dt Co. sell Tapestry Carpets at 25 cents, th sam goods are sold in tne city at oo cents. D. Gardner de Co.

sell a fins Linen Table Damask ftt 23 cents, worth ao cents. D. Gardner dc Co. th hous for Gents' Furnishing Goods. D.

Gardner dc Co. the etora for Black Dress Goods and Crapes. i D. Gardner Co. the place for all ifttest novelties in rasnionaoie uoods imported direct from the leading centre of Europe.

REMNANT SALE I REMNANT SALE 1 Our Remnant Rale will days longer in order to clear them all out wiwiv lut Brnvai vi our tail importaiioo. CO. Direct Importers flatterers for they only devour the dead, but tne others dtvour tb living. An tUthsnet, B. Let us be like tree that yield their 'fruit to those who throw stone at them.

From the Persian. How many go forth at morning Who never come home at nisht I And heart hav broken for harsh words spoken, That sorrow baa never est right. I Marnrat E. Sariaaasr. Then is ao witness so terrible, ao accuser so powerful, a oooeoionoa, that dwell in the Dreest ol eacn.

ray bins, B. U. 200. Tb heart that trust forever singe, And feels aa light as it had wings A well of peace withia it spring. Isaac Williams.

He that boesteth himself to know everv thing is most ignorant and he that preaum- etn te know ia most wise. Plato, C. 437. i "Without a Sabbath, ao worthta: withont wonbip no religion; and without religion, ao permanent freedom." Moatalembert. Ob, life of man! when moat it proepereth.

It is but limmed ia outline: end when brought To low estate, then doth the sponge, full Wipe out the picture with it frequent touch. Etchylns, B. C. 600. Be kind to your friends, that you may keep them; be kind to your enemies, that tbey may become your friends.

Thales, B. C. 640. A trne peroeptioa of the Gospel ia the entire forge tfulness of self, utter absence ot any pre- tensioo, aad the complete aad entire refusal to accept, the world' praiet or judgment. General Gordon.

I Afflictions, mercies, health, and pain, How long shall these be all in vain To teach this heart of pride? Rev. R. M. McCbeyn. -HAY11 toub- WATCHES, CLOCKS Jewellerv EEPAIEED -HAri- YOUNG'S mRpauka Street.

Years with the lata E. Kenley, D.GARDKR MEETINGS. OTTAWA UNITY PROTESTANT BENEFIT SOCIETY, meets thi Monday sven- ing in their hall, Kideau Mreet, at 8 clock p. m. J.

BUIXVAK. A. KnATBttiB Reo.4Seoretary. Jrresident. VICTORIA JUBILEE LODGE.

LO.G.T.. No. 80, meets this Monday evening 8 p.m.) in hall cor. Duke and Queen sta, Cnaudien. Visitors and candidates always welooma.

H. T. Was to if. Jab. KilFatkicr, Reo-Seoy.

Chief Templar. LO.L No. 4T meets ia the Orange HalL Albert street, this Mondsy 8 p. m.Yii ting brethren always WOswUUlaSa Thob. Dbazb, Rea -Secretary.

iV, ATTAWA LODGE, No. 170, U.W. mr-rtm tMnnrmr. IW A Aioert street, at ooioclc. a So, J.

O. irnair O. No. 227. meets LU to-morrow Tuesdsy evea- mg, in the IMange UaO.

Albert street, at 8 o'clock. Visitors made welcome. A. iavrrr. E.

MoMabor. Reo oecy. w. ax. ST.OEORGE'S SOCIETY Tha tMtfrtl meet ings ot the society an held oa the first Toesaay ot A 11 Jnl.

Oetahev. in Johnston's bail, No. 30M Wllinvtnu atrimt- mk 8 clnck p.m. The April quarterly meeting toe an- etc. Committee meetings are neld.oa toe nrst UUJ4 nHHIW UR.N.II Tuesday of each montn.

W. Labi Mabakb, a Dowvna Fbtff, rresiasnl. if aietcaue oa, Hon. Secretary VO SURRENDER LODGE 11 O. O.

T. meets, to-mor row. Tuesday evening, in the Temperance Hall, 15 O'Connor Visitor made welooma. W. J.IiroiAM, T.A.

Hood, Reo. Secy. Chief Templar. riOURT LAUREN- TIAN, No. 229, 'O mSj so-mocTcnr.

O- Tue-day evening, at 164 rj perks at oiooa. G. W. Patebsow, H. a Rosa, Chief Ranger.

zteo. oecretary. WHXJIXVXR IT IS TIKI FOOD THAT WILL Henri ish, InYigorits ted BuHi Up tie ConsUtuton, use Ths Great Strength Glrer. Slaughter -OF-, OPEN AND COVERED Bing-le and Double Seated III OARTS, ExpressWagons -FOR ONE MONTH THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT I ed stock in Central Canada will be slaughtered at prices to defy competition I want money, and my necessity is your opportunity, as every article will be sold regardless of cost, Come and get prices and judge for yourselves that this sale is bona fide. in Sole Agent fortla Braatford Cow 385.

387 dc 380 Wellington Ottawa. P. 8. A I full line of Singl Harness, Something to please. The price is right.

A Ime of cheap Knives and Fork at gLIX Tea Pot la Rockingham from Mot to at. Tea Pot la Agate from B0ota.togl.00L Good Market Baskets from lOcta. to fl.00. Whips from acta.toll.00. Bird Cage from jetctotUO.

Oheapett Tinware la tne city. All kinds of Crook err. China, Cups, eA, vary low Toy Wasvoaa, Marblee. Heeds aad Bella, VloUna. rtnmrnllsns Katffff rfsrnmetrtsa Jsw HarpsT Jewellery at J.

K. GLEN, 38 By'Wr tMrKft, Mrs, E. Cttrrijjan, I i 29 KENT ST. Waon ah) hat a few roOinafor board. ra.

Tftbl Boardarg at low I SI Tho. AsBaf W.M. raa in rCO? 7 Great 1UJ BJ JlAlo DRi WASHINGTON M.D.,1. 5k T.Lfl, OF TORONTO Will ba at tha Grind Union Hotel, OTTAWA. Ann.

5 and 6 T.AWfJASTEn. Ane. 1st. Mc Ileaa Hotel. COBXWAIX, 2nd.

AT.KXAimillA. ATJtr. 7 8th aianY.TrrAlV PJACE Oth. Hiaalaaippi Hotel. SniTU'S FALIJ3Aqg lutn.

Create Bnaealtf CarA Aa English Church Clergyman speak. itaesory. Corn walL Ont. lf a a yb? TW Hir.I Am clavd to bU to inform yoa lhavl oor Abactor is quit weil ftvia. a L' 2.

a.L. alewaA ka ksaaW hMsfm anaM of gran btorjchiai woubln under yonr tree- write to express my gratituda. Plean aooept my ainoera thanks. sours truiy, a B. PETIT.

iWtKrrt rJk the Head and Throat. Catarrhal Deafness, Ohroaia Bronchitis. Asthma aad Oomsumption, AUo IOSS Of VOIOe, mMW 9tiivmm, FT' MmH the eosa lemovad. early. Consul tatioa tne knows, ia aa eminent aothonty oa aU diseases of thethroat and tangs, Dae oeea mose so oessfol ia the treatment ot us pauenia, NEW YORK TESTIMONIAL vr.

it runnn. WerA lo4th sat etA. New York City, who was aot only eared himself, but who is so ooanoeat of tne mens of the treatment that a write th doctor as fu wriktM noolt but WS waiting for a decided answer from my friend. Mr. Jona uawson, in raerraaoe nuii treatment for his daughter for her catarrh him I would be responsible for bis moory she wa BOt eurea.

A bow anereuwe ww- cheek for fall course and guarantee of our, etc" Dr. Washington personally superintend tb prompt answering of all correspondence. MAIL CONTRACT. ALED TENOERS.ldreaed to the Post- master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, oa FRIDAY. 6 th 1889, for the conveyance of Her Majesty' Mails, oa a proposed Contract for four yean 6 tame per week each wey.between Jookvale aad Uttawa, from the 1st October next.

Printed notion nontaininr farther informa tion as to ooadiaioa of proposed contract may be seen and blank forme of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Jookvala, Marl vaie and at this omoe Uttawa. I T. P. FRENCH. I Pott 0oe Inspeotor.

foss Uffioenspector's Uffioe, 1 18th July, 1889. O. XI. CDNNIKCHAll, Acont, llOWellingtenSl MCria Street CHLTTf CO Aactioneerasfc General Agents FOR tUlJC-Lota and ft MeLana street Lot 4 and 48 Somerset net, Lou and 6 Klgla aad McLrea streets UA.H ai saana Those lota an th beat th ettgta privat HUUSES of every demrlptloB tor aal cheap. ARMS olos to th city at a bargala.

TO LKT House 01ouoeter.Nevil.Nloa. Rldeau. Vittorla. rioreooe. Kigln.

MoLaren, sserta, minor, wceuana ana uin suwjte. Oall In and examln our register. Employment bureac opea from ajn. to I pja ISO TASTE! NO SMELL NO NAUSEA PUTTIiER'S EMULSIO! Of Cod liver OO with Hypopheephltes and l-aacreaUae i largely prescribed by pfcrsician for Nervous Prostcatlon, Waatlog and Laag PUTTIiER'S Er.lULSIO! Ha eepeotaUy proved emoaeeon In WJCAK sad DKUCATW CHIXJIRBN those who are GROWING feat. For women who an debl'itated, retard by nursing, family oares, ever work or troubles peoular to their sex.

For tnvalida recovering from sickness it toe nroaieat oeaent. PuUnaTa Kmulslon is sold everywhon for 9Ca BROWN BROS. CO cnxmsTS ziALir ax. n. f.

to l.eivx G. W. Mnk. Of Boath March. P.

O. is prepared to Loan Money la sums to suit bono wets from company private fuada. Loweetrateaof mterest. THX OLD ESTALE3BXi Implement Warehouse W. ABBOTT- 84T Wellington Street" Keeps constantly on band great raxiety of Farm Implementa and ahinery.

Ho represents some of the nog prominent manufactures of the Domin ion. DR. BEOWIT, Blarble Wrlui Jaat arrived, a large consignment ot KIGHFICIST SCOTCH QR1N1TJ, Ist-olaMWOTtonaa ahlvlasverypartioBia guaraauea. 04 GEOBGE STUEET. and tnaaufacturer of Maaw ooulptara aad Oametry Work.

a ea I mi 23 4 isl It' rt "-ill LOADED JHELL The prioe likely to advene ia the stats, but' aot with a. Wa hav booked aa order .1 At tha preceat krw prices, which also secures our enstotner. We are nieg the U. M. a anb Watenroaf Cartridges cheaper than the material oaa be bought.

All ataee of charges kept oa stock. They are loaded a shown lath ebon cot bet Ainertcnrwder, four wads rathama rrkllled Bhei. Those f. that nan bought thee. entak verr aiahly of the Quality.

i Tjberal discount to the trad aad dubs D.HUNTON CO i 1 S34 Wellington Street. i. AGTJrra-ror fheraratohiem Blaofcbtr AMlUcfiw Atr Rides reoaived IMPORTANT. To Trust), Xaspactora mMd Taavchara of Schoola. TnaatWUntnad has aoipted the agvacy of MiAtnted Preetoa Maanfaetnrb Oew maaniaotan of every eVeoriptlaa of Camroh.

Lang. Sundry Bchool aad School FURNITURE AbA lisnaanrlos and takes pies sure la tnforw. teg the above named eentlemsn aad the wnbU that be ha fall samples and prion may be ab- Ulaea by oauing oa aim, John Oliver, t82 294 WELLINGTON TERRIBLE SACRIFICE OF Preserve Crocks Quarter Siae 6elateh OaUloa CaalloraSlM. 10c XUtch 1 OaJloai Slaw SOe. XUtch aOaJloaiSlao 80c Esvch r- Every person requiring Preaerre Jan or anr thing elae ahoold attend this SPECIAL SALE.

ROYAL CHINA HALL (Orrosm Bishop's Horn.) 306 Wellington Sireet TaXKPHong 679 Ashitixd. NOTICE. VTOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha pertaership baretofon snbsisting between ws, the undersigned, under th name, style aad firm ef Stanley and Bradley aa livery stable keepers aad blacksmithaja th city of Ottawa, rath County of Carleton, has beea thiajday dissolved by mutual ooaseas. Al! debts owing to the said partoertliip ars to be peid to ana uadenigaed Johnaahan Stanley at Ottawa afonaid, and all claim agaiast th said partnership an to be preaeated to tn said Johna-tbaa Stanley by. whom the Bam will settled.

Dated at OtUwalthlCtwentyixth iday ot July, A.D., Wisnem :1 A. W. ERASER. JOHNATHAN STANLEY. TN.f.

BRADLEY. AS. L. WISEMAN 186 St. Jta Street, KcntmL' REAL ESTATE for sal ia aU of tha city and country.

TACK AB FIRRY, Aactkiaear aad Real Estate Agent. AUCTION 8ALK ef Howseheid raraltora aad Ifleota. Th aaaersiirnsd haa beea la-Uraoted to eU by pnblie anotion. oo FRIDAY, the tth of Aaguak at Z9 8parka street, at Up.m, a lair qaantity of rornitare, I parlor eta, bedroom aeuC tapestry carpets, 1 cooking stove, lex eat ion tablaa. 1 tile boards 1 writing desk, i wool mattraasea, wfn bed spring.

I -bed easy dmiBe-room chairs, ranking chairs, bedsteads, bareaoa enclosed waae stands, common ebatra, towell racks, stair earpeta. wardrobe, 4 pictureaxaUey.crorksry, chamber sets, louaa-es. carpets, chairs. IS perforated chain, caatn table. 1 onran, marblo top bedroom set, etc 1 B.

TACK ARKRRT, Aoouoaeer. THE BEST DRIIHC For Hot Weather WOlTilSlWT 1 -Pure Line Fruit Juice Nothlna la better after any ath'etie taaa a glass ot MONTSKRBAT cither alone or with soda water, Th effect 1. peculiarly satisfying It oneaehM thirstjeavlng a grateful aanss of clas nlfn sss aed freshness la the mouth. Is very pal at Die, and perfectly pan and wholesome, MOKT8KRKAT- Urxtideverrwhereta Im serial QoarU and Pints. EVAliS MID SOUS, llontrtMaVaaXtd Toronto Lotrooer.

Xvaaa, Lescherta; Webb. Lrvxaroot, Sua. Evans, Bonajft Co. HOTEL WINDSOR ON LAKE CHAMPLACr, Bouggg PonaT. A mia! mmA dellflfhtfnl famftT I ma-'aria and Insects, oelebrated for ft catenae Trater and Mountain Bosraar Tiniiineesiw eauty.

Obxt Hocb btC. a. BR. raoat Ottawa Ppeclal terms for families. AtoiroBlara, go, adorasa ff BECkl.

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