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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


A note of alum is being sounded by newspapers across the lias at the enormou amount of capital that 'is being inreBted in the United States by Englishmen. As long as such inyest- snenta were confined to private, enter prises soca as railways and other works for dereioprng the country at British expense, the tnTestora being satisfied with the promoters getting all the profit, the United Seates press had nothing to aay against them. Bat now that the Bri-1 Tsjlstir proposes to oome orer and share la the' benefits reaped through the nse of his money, up goes the usual howl against "alien proprietors. It Is esti- mated that John Ball has found fully Treaty million oat of erery hundred million of dollars originally Invested in United 8tates railways and simPar un-- dertaTdnga. By far the greater part of the capital prorided for sta and muni a a 1 e.

"I sipai loans aas aiso come out Of British pockets. The total British inrestments in the United States of which there is abeolate record to-day to ray nothing of enormous sums of which there is mo trace, reach the almost incredible cam of upwards of one billion dollars. Of rlgins1 inrestments in railways bably more than fifty per cent has been wweptaway by repudiation, confiscation fraudulent sales and transfers to cheat creditors, and put-up jobs of radons kinds, and fifty percent, of the remain der has been practichlly lost by the -stock-watering dodges of the Jay Gould class whose operations hare swamped the Interest earning power of the ortgtnsl fltrrested capital and trans (erred the capital itself to their own pockets. John Ball is tired of being cheated, but more eager than erer to farest money. So instead of lending his cash to the Yankees and regelating on small Interest or putting up with confiscation as it jaay chance to happen, he is buyingHrhere he used to lend, and getting ralue in goods, lands, waranouaes, milis and so forth.

The only way the Yankees can get around this 1s to pass laws in erery state of the Union pre-Tenttng the holding of property of any kind by aliens, and this apparently Is what a portion of the press is after. Then Johnny will hare to get out, or take the oath of allegiance, or torn his back on the States and put his surplus cash into Canadian securities. TBI ANTI-JEbUIT AGITATION. The Congregational Union of Ontario and Quebec passed strong resolutions at Brentford on Friday condemning the Incorporation of the Jesuits and the grant to thorn, and assuring sup port to efforts for The Baptist onion long ago did the same, and the Methodist and Presbyterian church court are practical1 unanimous in the same direction. In addition to deliberstioot in church bodies last week and to the lists of publio meetings already noted in Ths Jouaxii as neld during the week, there were a number of others.

In Colling- wood diJl shed on Friday, 2000 people listened to addresses by Lieut -Col' O'Brien and others. In the Montreal series of meeting a third was held in Chalmers church. The principal speaker, was Major Bond of the Prince of Wales Rifles. At Sydenham, Grey County, Ont, on Thursday; at Guys- boro, Norfolk at Eagersriito, at Bljthe, Kippen, Midland, Pine Birer, Palmerston and Pahenham, meetings were held and delegates appointed to the Toronto conrentioa to-morrow. The meeting at Pakenham was particularly Interesting from the presence of Mr.

Jamieeon, M. who Is as straightforward and honest a mem bar as the House of Common i poesessea Eeleclared bluntly that had he, roted, which he was nnaroldably prerented from doing, he would hare roted with the gorernment: He expressed his beHsf thit the Dominion House had no constitutional right to disaUo the Qaebeo Act. He said he knew this sentiment would not be popular at the meeting, but he could not trim his sails to the popular breeze to curry faror. A prirate report sent Ta JousjULssys Mr. Jamieson's address was interrupted frequently, but as the meeting passed a tote of thanks to him for his presence, there could not hare been a rei strong feeling against him.

The meeting also howerer passed resolutions condemning the incorporation of the Jesuits and the grant to them, applauding the thirteen 'who roted for disal-i it ajwaooo in raruament, ana ap pointing delegates to Toronto from Pakenham and Fitzroy. Although we respect Mr. Jamieson's place and honesty, we hope the electors of North Lanark will be able to convince him at next election that he does not represent their riews upon the most rital public issue which has come before the people since uonlederauon. The Montreal Star is endearoring to explain its unfortunate intimation last week that the anti-Jesuit agitators are mostly men without stall in the country. Mr.

Henry Dalby, managing editor or the war, writes to the Glob saying that Montreal paper referred only to the agitators in the Prorince of Quebec. Does this greatly improre the position of the Atari Among the "agitators, that la, among those who encourage opposition to the Jesuit -Act are the ministers' of three fourths of the Presby terian, Methodist, Baptist and Congregational churches of Quebec and the leading professors of the Protestant couegee. xnese must represent a rery powerful section of Protestant laymen. The Star is complimentary to Ontario, when Mr. Dalby says.

"we recognize that there is a great difference between the character of the people supporting the agitation in On tano ana the cbaractor of the people supporting the agitation in Quebec," but it is rerr doubtful whether a large numuer oi rvepwtaoie uoeoec fmtes-tants will appreciate that line of defence The fact is this The Montreal Weeklw cwa 1 a aw ou a very urge circulation in Ontario country districts. -Bather than offend these, it prefers to take its chances with the anii-JeJuit Protestants in Quebec, whom rightly or wrongly it belierea to be in the minority eren among, (ha non-Catholio section of the people, CONFIRMATION. THE BITE ADMINISTERED BISHOP LEWIS. BY Celcbratlea as cartas Chare ta tae SUnlac aaa at at, Albaals ta tae lag-ASarM tae Blake Oatarle. Tto Biahop of Ontario yesterday held two is lbs aiorviaf atCbnrt ehnreh, bn tbirty-oiae mala sad female nanilirlatiTt from Ghria church, pariah and aixtoa from Si.

Paul'i, Eocheaaarrina, r-orirwl iba Apoatolie riia, aod tba (hi is iba Train as the Cktmh of SI. Albaa the4 23tben ware eanJldatra. TboMrrioa Chris ehnroh eommeaoed Braver a 10 o'clock, tkia bems followed by aba domwnnaion eerrtoa. BUhop Lewie bimeelf wa oalebraa. beinft aaeurted by iMmm IimW and aha Kav.

Tbomaa Oarrs. who read toe Xpiatle sad Ooapal reapeeeiTely. 1.. faar aha reaeatiaa ol the IKmcb Crred, the byma, Soldlen oi Chria oo by toe ooBTrtiam, a toe cloae of whieh Hie Lordcbio atteoded by Arebdeaoim Laodec, ttrpped forward to the top of ibe ebaooet etepa, aad the Rot. W.

J. Maekleakooe preeenied abeeaodidates for Obrist Church pariah, aad the lie. Thome Garrett Urate for St. Feola. THS SMBOrS ADDBSSS.

The esariide- turns raaified thr baptiaviai rowe. the Biahop addnaaad them- ea tba aolame riu thrr were about to reoeire. tie aid ha waa nfaioad to be oaoe anil with them oa Whittunday aad aepedaDy to admla-iaer the Apoatolie nte of OooftrmaiD. It waaZO years aco that day atnos be held his fltet oooflrei allow terrieela old Chriet Ohtnreh end oa that oeoaaioa a large Burner of eaadi-datMpteeratedthemselre Theaqmberwae early aa lanr a on ttepieeeatoosaeiea hot ia tboee daj Ooi 1 ft i repreeentod the whole Aaglioaa church ia this city, while mw there were eereral ehorchea. He bIm tbooffht he ooold ooofrratolate them oa bmaa; better prepared bow thaa ths caadidatwe were theav They had to-day better preparatioa of intaUeet aad same with warmer heart, wait Sasday waa a particolarry appropriate time for thia rite, bans the memorial day of the descent of the Holy Gbort.

He waa not foinf ttfrpeakto them ia the way ol instruction. He felt quite sure that they were able to fire reason for the hope that waa in them and ve instructed in the scheme of Sal ration. Confirmation waa one of those mease of craet about the diriae origin of whieh there was eoaroaly a scintilla of doubt. It came down to them ia direct eoeoeesioa torn the postolio institution. Baptism aad oonfirmat tioa were never mentioned ia tba Holy Scripture, but in.

eooaection with the Holy Ghost. It waa baptism and the Holy Goose, aod eoafirmeiiou and the Holy Sheet, wasted each one about to reoeire the apoatolie nte- to do aoie my witn weir nearva mm well as with their htm. to day they had reoaired the Huly Ghost, tbia blessed Whit Sunday. "Then laid they their hands oa them that they might reoeire the Holy Ghost JTrum Apoatlio dart toe on urea naa eonuanea thia rite, and natu some 800 years aao it had merer been questioned. Henoe arose their mpoMibility.

God woold try oa 1m day for fpiritaml gitta aef teeted mmL Each om bad rwpooaitxlitT WMHt I or mie responsibility for the of araes. To-day they would tea re the ehnroh with renewed responsibilities. They would i lera harin reeeired confirmation, sad the holy communion, most of them for ths first time, alter that service, and these meant in creased rerpoembilitiee. They aeret before made their relicione news as much a personal act as they were about to do. To-day they made the declaration aeon aad erery- one of tbem.

MI hereby protest myself a godly, and righteous serrant of Jeans Chriet until my life ceases." He felt that there was Joy ia the prmence of the Angels of God ore such a tight as that before him that atoning. How were they to set up to their responsibility THSDimra aiaos. They most recollect that they were eoa firmed to reastre rraoa. He prayed that they might retain it, aad reoeire an increased dm sure of it. Where were all the rest numbers he had confirmed Many he thought with Itt were in Paradise, Many were srattcred orer the world and oomparatiraly few were ia the city.

Had they all kept and enenabea tne trace taey bad reeeired ia confirmation He wished to im press upon their mind aad memories that it was their duty to show that they were members of tba Oatbolio and Apostolic ohuroh. They were meet of them of aa age when they could form habits. He hoped they would fotm habits of good and go on to be bright and shining lights, shining more and more until the perfect He urged them to make Whitanaday a day for raluable memories. He was about to pray for them, aad be hoped.they would next Suex day take his prayer, aad ask themes! yea each one iiare eonunuea sune, nave I inereMed in thy Holy Spirit more aod. a Each one eouid gire aa honest answer if he would prayer fully try.

If they did this year by year, they would And their, coatrmaiion follow on through life, aad be a strong protecting power against sin. Their contrmatioa aim gars them admission 'to ths beet, the etrongeat, the most precious safeguard holy communion. He hoped they would oonv muns not only tores or four times a year, but foeoome regular ym in unity ntr. partaking whenever tney bad tne opportunity, la Holy Scripture they did not find much commenda tion given to those who dedicated their old age to God's service, after having given all the best aad energy and power of to but they did find treat eossmeodaaoa given to Timothy and St. John the Baptist and other examples of early piety.

Finally be com mended them to the earnest prayers the A few minutes were then spent in silent prayer, after which tba "Veoi Creator4 was rang by the choir. The candidates then in! turn received the imposition of hands, after which the hymn "Oh Jesus, I have promised was -and the celebration of the Holy Communion the newly confirmed all making their ant eommojuoa at toe service. AtStAlbaa'a, Tba service began at 7 p. au at St, Alban's with the processional hymn. When God Came Down of old from Heaven.

Evensong was sung by the rector, the Bey. J. Bogert, M. A. S.

Archdeacon Lander leading the Icasona, After evraeung the BUhop advanced to the chancel steps, and Mr. Bogert presented me canoiaatea. In addreeing the eonnegatioa. the Bishop dwelt in great measure on the eame line of thought aa ta hie address at Christ Church ia themorninc, He reminded them that they never couia realise toe value of oonarmation. nntu tney leausea main la a Divinely appointed ordinance by which God souls.

This was done in a variety of ways, but every one waa Divine. He spoke of tba day of Pentecost and the great outpowenng of the Holy Ghost, reminding them of tba res butty incurred in reonving the nte, aad of their personal renewal of their papti- mai vows, He referred to Ubanrmatioa aa a mesas of grace, and protection from temttttton, and urred upon each of them the importance of becoming not Booasionsl, but regular communicants. Ha prayed each oca to oake periodical ezasnio anions of bow they- were living up so the Ctmfirmation prayer. Speaking of their re-spoon bil.y at church mem bets be said that as members of the Church of England they had great reeponabiliiee. He could not imagine aay of tbem becoming traitors or beretios to the church in which they were confirmed but they would have to meet arguments tending to make them believe one denomination was aa good or as bad ss another.

Ia order to combat tbia they must become reading men and reading women. They would never be able to estimate their privilegeo aa members of the Catholic and Church of England, until they learn't something about their church. In order to do this they most study the history of the church and the book of Common Prayer and compare tbem both with the New Testa-men. If they did this hie prayer would be answered aod they would daily increase in the Holy Spirit more and more until they eame to God's everlasting kingdom. Ths candidates, twenty-three la number, then reeeired their baptismal vows, after which a time waa spent in silent prayer, and the choir sang the Veui Creator." The apostolic rite of the imposition of hands waa then bestowed, aod the Oh Jesus I Havs Promised was sung.

The service closed with the singing of the hymn. Through the Day." Dr. Davies presided at the organ LAUGH. Washington Post At tea a blithesome little maid. Restrained by naught but nature's law, Wrnt romping o'er the glassy glade And laughed a merry Haw, Haw, Haw I At twenty she was bright and fair; Bat now restrained by fond She only tossed her golden hair And laughed a nrpling Ha, Ha, Ha! ej At thirty she was more sedate.

And, etufrom wedded bondage free, She mid she time waa growing late, And laughed a yearning He, He, He. At forty she despaired of Joy, For none had oome her heart to WCO She sighed for either man or boy, Aad laughed a dofeful Who, Who, Who MS. POPE'S RXTXSENCX TO DK. c. Eorroa Jocm a The letter of Dr Littto-of the dale jn which tba Reformation aa "an I gentleman act of divina vengeance" aad the Ketormera aa "utterly villains" appeared first ia the Guardimn of ths 30th May 1880, and was copied into the Ckurth Tom and other papers.

waa under the impression that the dttc at the foot of the letter '16th May 1868," waa sufficient, to indieet that It was published within a few days of that period, and that the Liverpool tem ore was given aoout tne same time. There is apparently some eoniueum of thought oa the part of Dr. Hurl bar with respect to my letter of the 38th May. Any one who eeres to refer to it will see that ia it. I did not defend the Jesuits.

I did not Bonbon them, or make any allusion to or their acetones. 3. I did not attack Protestantism or Fro- testanta. It waa Dr. Lirtlddale who did that.

ImersirnsMlsrtooktosbow wtoere he did so. without cawing aay opinion oc my awn -upon the nhhes. i I IS. I did aot dream of attacking Dr. Litthv Far from it, I owe nun great as that ia making my point I hat to mention that he bad be years combating with great ree tM cherished principles of Protestastira a fact as well known ia England as that Oobden fought the corn laws.

i I do not see what the fact of my being "Kocnanist or the First Mudiwrs secretary has to dc with the matter ia hand. I have not obtruded my views ia the matter at all, and should have gratified Dr. Hnrtberf curiosity untfs- a nost i trfvme. were it not that I a prejudice agates, aoootmg irom behind a hedse. I lm oondusioo, submit that if Dr.

Litthv. dale wrote the letter I ascribe te him, (a fact which can seedy as aseertained) I have a bun daatly aooomp.1 bed all that I set about doing, sours, Joexra Pon. Ottawa, June 8, 1889. P.8.-8incs ISnbUabedDr. Littledale's lvtter, I have had aa opportunity of comparing atyeopy as it appeared in Thi Jocshal with the Guardian.

The following trivial tjoas are neeeseary to perfect aocuracy 1 28 line Italioixa 'the. 4Srd and 44th lines Not italioijsd original. I I i line, for Abvasinia read Abrwiniaa. la Una. I lln 54th line, for Shermidor" read "Thar midor i I I tin 64th Ens, for "St" Isurage" read "Har.

xnjist line, itauous -you J.P. Ottawa District ITewi. .1 KABfl. ess Ccirt Kars LO. F.

'exoursion Alexandria bay is to take place on the ins. The number of tickets are limited to four hundred and fifty, that being the carrying cscacitv of the boat engaged to take tne ex cursionists from Preeoott to Alexandria bay aad return. IQuits a number ol our eitacna are either building new bouses or repairing old Mr. Samuel Jamieeon has oomDletelr novated his by putting iron sheet mg on both roof aad sides aad making other alterations internally. is i Mr.

C. G. Lindsay kas erected a large aad commodious storehooee adjacent to his shop. udto now about to erect a new dwelling Alongwiookrd for and mooh needed boon hat been conferred oa our Tillage by the plao ingot a telegrapb office in sirs. Dqnoeal fancy store by tne O.

N. W. telegraph PTbe exeeerlve rain togetber with ths cold weather seemi to be somewhat detrimental to tba growth of the crops, especially that oa low IWOM- M. MANOnO. tHonot roll for May, S.

S. No, 9., Nepraa, Fourth Class 1 Bridget CI ark, FJleaO Mary Baxter. 3 Ellen Mary Molonghaey, 4 usnoran mara. i Senior Third Cists 1 Thome Baiter. lfihl Delaney, 3 Edmund Maloomneon, 4 Archie McNeil, 6 Willie Costello, 6 Stnart SXcNeai.

i Junior Third Class 1 Hannah McBryde, JUisa Brown, 8 Beran Uowe, 4 frank Uergia. Senior Second Class 1 Cam McNeil, Ann Elian Baxter. 3 Minnie Benin Junior Second Class 1 Liuic McOullough, 3 Willie McCuIlough. 3 Thomas Delaney. Part Second 1 John Bergiman, 3 John Howe.

'art I Charlie Oummings. 3 Willie Joba Bergin, 3 James Howe, 4 Willie Caaie, 0 alary Moloegboey. EASTM ANfl SPRINGS. tars 6. The District 1 lodge held their KDtttriet meeting here oa Wednesday, last, WQich was attended largely, eooaideri iog tba weather.

There were 29 joioed in the evening. The; public meeting was opened by Brother Tie timer, Pest Chief, the meeting closed at 1(3Q, after which they returned hoese by special train on Canada Atlantic Rsilway. Cameron Enterprise Lodge no. Be, javataesaa graaassoaon. JSrwin.

proprietor ol tns Russell Hanse of Eastmans Springs, has fitted it in excellent style. Tne boose ia a credit to this place. The travelling public will find the i Russell House, one of the best equipped hotels la the Dominion, The house was opened by a grand ball last evening. Mr. and Mrs.

T. Bassett arc visiting their friends I i Mr. N. Parbam will erect his new buildings shortly, be intends erecting a new bar and Other buildings. J.

Kyle, proprietor of the fine horse. Light Foot Bill, intends trotting him in Ot tawa this sesioa, Mr. and Mrs. B. J.

Kyle, were visiting mew inenas in wincneeter last wees. The saw mill hern is doing good work, they will bare all their logs through by taU. They intend running uigots anortiy. W. G.

Hustot Mist M.Crookett,Miss Fripp and a few others aooompained the Missis Crof bid down to the 0. A. R. stasioa last i evening The train being so lata they remained there and enjoyed themselves very well as excellent music i was served oa the! guitar by Mr. L.

A. O.Z Sullivan Those that took second degree ia the District Lodge on Wednesday were L. (XBulflvea. Mi. ElJrirfge aad Miss Crocket.

Miss M. us unawj, n. iencey, mim D. Baskerrilla aad a few others. HAZLEDXAN.

Tuesday, 4th iaist, tba Metbodat church be scene of a pleasant evens, whea Mr J. K. Faulkner, sob of Mr. A. Faulkner of Gcalbara led to te the hymeneal dtar, Mia Prndenee Bradkry.

eseond danghter of Mr. Then, Bradley of this plane. Ths ceremony wai performed by Rev. Mr. Richard-soaj and was witaeesed by a large number of friends.

The. happy couple and their numerous after the ceremony drove to the residence cf the bride's father, where aa enjoyable evening waa spent. Tb4 happy bride was the recipient of a lari number ol beautiful and costly presents. and air. jratukner left tor tneir future near Fallowfield.

oa Wednesday, aa followed by tba best wishes ct a host of friends. i Tba Methodist Sunday school has re-opeaed tor aba summer, aad we hope there may be moon good accomplished through its agency. Mr. Peter Richardson, son of Rev. Jw E.

Richardson, of Carp, will occupy tba pal pit of the Methodist church oa Sunday next, 16th "ii AN UNNATURAL FATHER. DisooTssT or a axroLma cauts at biibcjk- WARS. Bstdobwatsb, June 8. One of the meet serious crimes ia tba history of the County of Hastings has Just been unearthed here by High County Constable Johnson, who has been diligently at work oa the case for over foue months. The result of his investigations is that a member of the Salvation Army, a man; supposed to be above reproach, has been charged with unnatural conduct towards his daughter.

His criminal conduct has covered a period of a year and a half. The suspicions of the captain of the army here were aroused come four months sgo. Bbs informed the constable and he finally succeeded in inducing the girl, who is very band-soma and the belle of the rill sgo, to explain the Cause of the ngly rumors which were afloat. She said she had not bad the power to resist her lather, but her subsequent conduct does not prove her to be dtogether gmlaoss. Sbe anya she ie now 17 years of age, but aba.

does not kiohj more thsa 15. She informed tba constable that her fstbr waa then working at Tweed, when the offia set out for Madoe intending to ge to Tweed and arrest the man after be had finished his business in Madoo. Tne girl at once set out for Tweed on foot, informed ben father tbat the hffieere of the law were oa his track and that1 he had better take to the weds. Acting oa Shis inf ormntiaa be armed himself with a guajand started through the woods, and has not been seen since except ones by a driver, and I be was still armed. This was several weekeego.

Tkis is a esse similar to the Robinson affair at Tweed three years ago, in which the offender got SO years. Hs belonged to the Salvation nlso. I ROCHESTER SCHOOL. Id. Craandlrhae called on Inspector Stnirle for the municipal grant of $181 due the Rochesterviue school.

The grant has been held1 back oa account of certain matters being la dispute between Rochesterville and Hiatcott burgh school. These matters Aid. Crannell formed Mr. Smirle were now all amicably settled, aad the money would paid over, Mr. Bmirla promised te order immaditta pay.

oi me. Baskerrilla. i. watt mas, THE EVENING JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 10.

HOW TBE dam gaye wat v- r- SLTTY MILLION TONS OF WATEJR PRESSING AGAINST IT. I The smdeWklse US aeata rVs CaUapaa attaa Xartals- rier Xetwm aa the JenmsUva allay. Joba G. rinl engineer Who was engaged oa the grounds of the South fork Club, giret the followmg account of the breakiog of the dam aboVs Jobnatowai Thursday night the dam waa ia perfect oonoition ana tne water was not within seven set of the top. At that stairs he lake is neirty three miles long.

It rained very hard Thttrsday aight I am told, for I slept too soundly myself to hear it, but when I got up jmoay morning i couia sen were a nood, for tne water was orer tae a rive in trust of the eJnbhoute, and the level of the water a the lake had risen until it waa only four feet below the tod of the dam I rode up to the bead of the lake aad saw tbat tns woods were boiling foil of water. Booth Foik aad Mnddy Rnn. which emptied into the lake, were fetch ing down trees, logs, cot nmner, and stun from a sawmill that was np in the woods Sin that direction. This was about half pest seven clock; ATTLMrt TO BTlXiraTHra THS DAM. When I returned, CoL Unger, the prssident of the dub, hired twenty-two Italians.

aooT' a number of farmers Joined ia the work ea the dam. Altogether thirty men were at wets. A plough was run along tba top of ths data, and earth was thrown in the lacs of the dam to strengthen it. At the eame time chtnnel kras dug oa the west endof the dam td I make a ahuoe-way there. There was about three feet 5 of shale rock through which it was possible to cut, euttned we struck bed rook that tfwti impossible to get into without blasting When we got the channel opened' the wato anon ssoenred dosm to bed rock, and I stream twenty feet wide and three deep rushed out on that of the dam, while the was? was letting aa enormous quantity on the other end.

I Notwithstanding these outlets, the tne water kept rising at the, tats of about inches an hour. i HsassT orr wasjidio. By 11J0 I had made up my mind 'that" it aa impassible so save the dam. aad ret tine oa my horse, I galloped down to South Fork to warn the i people of their danger, jbc telerph tower is a mile from the town, and I sent two men there to have mam ages eent'te Johnstown and other points below heard that the lady operator faiated whea she bad seat toff the had to be cartied off. The people at Douta trerk naa ampte time so get to tne high grounds, and tney were able to their tamifinre, too.

In fast, only on son wasMroward at South Fork, and he wtiile attempting to fish something from the fli as it rolled-by. ft It wee just 13 o'clock when the telegraph messages were seat that! the toeople of Johnstown bad over three hours warning. As I rode back (to toe dam I expected almost every moment to meet the lake coming down oa me, but tht dam was still intact, although (be water bad reached the top. At about one edock I widked over the dam. Attbatlinoe the water was three inches deep oa ft and was gradndly eating away the earth oa tba outer As the stream rolled dona the onftt face it kept wearing down the edge of the rjpi baakment, and 1 saw it was merely a question of time.

An ths niri oaka went np to the dubaouae aad dinner, aad when I returned I eaw that a deal more Of the outer edge of tba encrumbled away. Ths dam did aot give way. At a rough guess I should say tbat tbee were tons os water in tnaa ths premure of that mam of water was increased by floods from two streams pouring into it, but the dam would have stood it could the levdpf the lake have been kept below the top of the dam. Bdt the firatsun of tne water pouni over the dam 'gradually wore is away from tl outer faoftjmtu the top became so thin that rare The break took dace at 3 o'clock. waa about ten feet wide at first and shallow.bpt now that the flood had made a gap, it grew wider with increasing rapidity, and the lake went roaring down the valley.

That three miles of water was drained out ia forty fire minutes. Tne downfalls of these miluone tons was simply irresietable. Stones from dam end boulaers in the river bed were carried for miles, Trees went down like you might cut a mullein atdk with a swish of your cane. It was a terrible sight to see that avalanche water go down the valley already choked with floods. Col.

Unger (president of the Club) srs completely prostrated by it, and was laid up EALP a xiixior pollaxs BAFS. JoHRBTDwir June As men and pour into Johnstown the spirit of tba town greatly re Tires, and the people begin to tan a much more favourable view of things. The One thing that is troubling people lust now (s the mckuf ready money. There are drafts here ia ady anantity, but there is no money cash them until the money In the vaults of Use First Nationd Bank hare been It ie known that the vaults are safe, and that about 3500.000 casta is there. Of this sum 9125,000 belongs to the Cambria Iron Company.

It was tb pay the 6,000 employees of the works. fThe snen are paid off every two weeks, aad the last pay day -was to have been oa the, Saturday after the fatd flood. The money, was brought down to Johnstown oa the day before the flood by the Adams Express Company and deposited ia the bank. After the water subsided, and it was discovered that the mooejr was safe, a guard was placed around Aaamlstaat cashier, Thomas MoGee, in the Cambria company's store saved 312,000 of the comosayB funds. The nroney was dl in peekagesjof bills ia bags ia the safe, on the ground) floor cf the main building of tba stores.

vvnea tne waser oegao so nee ne went up Sthe second floor of the building, carrying the money with him. When the crash of the reservoir torrent came Mr. MoGei clambered upon the roof, aod just before ths building tottered and fell he managed to jump oo the roof of a house that went Thy house wxt swept near tbe bask, air. alcUee Jumped off and fell into the water, but struck out and managed to clamber np. tbe bank; Then he got up on the hill and remained on ail Bigot guaraiBg nit weasurs.

I 4HB HOT WSA1HSB TM.LIH0 1 JoHJBTOwir, ana 10. Yesterday fifty-eight bodies Were recovered. Tb remains novf found are far advanced la deoomposiji tion, end physicians advocate their cremation aa fasti as luond. nas neesj the hottest day sinos tbe disaster and the weather ha been tellini -on the workmen. Many of tbem were ex hausted before evening.

-The stench arising from tbe (wreckage above the bridge baa been more offensive to-day thaa. at any time yeC At tbe Cambria bospitai over ow persons bare received I attention. Sererd women wbd nursed the injured became ill, and ooe of them may not recover. i- i AW ws vt nniMniwa uk Up to this evening there was about registered. The number of tbe lost is placed bow at 6,000 by those who held it would reach 10400 a week ago.

A Conserauve estimate a between 13,500 to 4,000, i Up date ther nave been 1,500 bodies reooversi. here. 1 li i doctors org all who havs no aigbt work to perform to remain indoors at aight Tne scene, at Bigot wnue run of ssaaess, 'is also full of beauty. The surrounding hUhr are dotted with a thousand camp fires, aad; the thousands of white tents look like moun-t ments to the dead '1 tl And on till the lot is disposed of we offer 00 VOLtTMES CHAMBER'SJOURNAL 1008 -AT 75 CENTS. 1 i This admirable volume sells 'regularly or 3.75.

N3. pents Cash if booked, 31. 00. Cheap Sals of asta of Standard Aathors ooht tinuM for week. -to) mm 88SPRING-1889 Hw SpHat; OrereoatiDga, Nw Sprioi 5 Naw TroaaarliiKS Have been; received ia all ths latest colors, shades, patterns and styles at the "Broadway Tailoring Establishment," 133 Sparks rVsct, where public inspection is respectfully solicited.

A well-finished and good'fittia garment always guaranteed. ftlna J.PI W. H. MARTIN I- RELIGION AND POLITICS. 1 ths roars dibtxxss at ths cxvaruno or ths Bsoyiof MOKmraT-rUST ahd'thb chvboh.

RoKX, June 9. The monument to itruno, b4 was burned as a heretic in the 17th eenbary, was unveiled yeetrrday. The imoosinr. 30.000 persons. i Deluding students and I deputjnises from i various parts of Italy, mrehed in incursion inronga ute principal ssreess.

The Vatican was dosed, and remained so all yesterday. The Pope waa much depressed. Us will solemnly expose the sacrament ia ex piatios of the outrages upon religion perpetra ted by tne ioaugaration of toe memorial. Many, priests and members of the CathoUo Church left the dty. Four hundred telegrams armed at the Vatican, deploring tne unveiling oi the: Bruno monument tbowbu ta rtAircx.

-Pais Jane 8. The discussion of the Edu cational Budget was continued ia the Chamber Of Detsttea Conot Albert de Man, Of the, Bight, referring to exPreetier Ferry's speech ocj Thursday in which be said dc cesirej to see pesos uetween uonron ana State, regretted the advances of Feny to the church and made a aavage attack upon him. The Count's aUojeoa to the exPremier as a man whose name alone caused the country ta shed tears of blood was received with frantic eppjaoae by the Right. Mr. Cleaxnceaa repudiated the policy of M.

Farm It was better, be and, to srage war with the Church frankly since it was chimeri cal ta dream of rsorsvnliaaion. The Church must aot be begged to to terete but most be compelled te obey tbe law. (Applause oa tbe I COUNTY SCHOOL MATTERS. i This week has been a buy one with County School Inspector Smirle. He started by finiabjng up his inspection in March and Tor- boltoa, finding everything satisfactory.

The bridge across Constant Creak has be burnt down, and there bow being no way of crossing, hshad to go round about 15 miles reach Torbolton, Ia tb township a a school ts being built. Tbe foundations a work 1 being pushed forward so as to be ready lor opening alter tbe summer 3Qp 1 Nett he visited Dunrobin schooL finding dl snuBiactory in tnu village Air. tuoncber is buildmg a fine new store, and Messrs. Young' husband are building a new snooping place. visited Filxroy Harbor aad Galfete schools.

At the latter place be found a new howl had been atartsd. lb is was tbe ant of Ite kind ta ritxroy tl had; been started for 10 or 13 years, tney having been under the Doncan, and Soott Ait; At Motor's corners he' found a large attend anee the new teacher Mr. Ross, doing excellent worsi At Am prior he found the schools ia good eonditioa. aod the town prosperous. A fine new hotfl was being built aad they were Just completing 'a magnificent town hall.

The last schoi.U he risi ted will change schools ssettoa 10, it aad li. Hi visits throughout war most satids toryj IjUX CAMP AT GANANOQUE. The brigade staff of tbe aaand camp' of Military districts and 4, ta commence on tbe 8th at Gananoqoe'will be as follows Van Suanbenxie, oommaadant. iA-CoL Lewis. brigade-SAsJor.

Ma lor Cotton. hsttwrv. R.C.A. in command of artillery. uraveley, 0.a Data, orderly lJcol J.

P. MacPberson (activa list). uuuctor ot musketry. Major uuiilet, 40ih Batt, camp qoarter- Capt. Heron, G.

G. F. G. tupply offioer. Sargeon Saunders, Kingston Field battery, principd medicd officer.

Steff-Sergt. Bock, 14th Batt, brigade clerk, i Sergt. Codd, G. G. F.

sergeant iastrue tor of musketry. Sergt Eliott, 40th Batt. samp quartermaster WBrgeant. Q. Bergt.

Greenfield, G. G. F. Geupply "ugM Major Taylor, G. G.

F. bogle. malar is the time ot Vear fthat Honaekeeesn a. ms wtev ueanuaj ana renovnasg ra ture sod Carpets. For the Information of those wishing to hay their Furniture recovered I have a very i Coverings in BretIIe.

Ilw Silks, Umlea, Tapeatritw msid Plain, Flxorcd, Watered msMl Stavmped Plnahea Dntasela, Balmoral, i Tapestry mad TfU In Oil Cloths Seatch. Eacllah, I i AnserienmsftOaaadiaB The jsggest and best assorted stock of Plain and iTancy Fnraitura ia ths.Dominion. JACOB ERR ATT PALiciFuaNrrimisroRi, 34 36 RIDEA.U ST. -rj-IQlISBC TEMfS SHOES IHPOIlTEI DIUECT -AT- i STEPHENS' 88 parka. Street.

Opposite the Russell Hons KEGXSTEBEO las. PI11US PILE REIIEDY. ii PINUS OmTJiXENT. For ktcbinieV BUnd or Extonul PiW. A will never fail to follow a few applioa kona.

Pinns 8uppod tones For Intend or Bleed Bg Pile, a poaiBive Cure and Preventive. One of the principd Ingredients is ths pur Gum of the Northern White Pine. Put up In separate Boxes, ySeeatfper box. FOR SALE AT THE DRUGGISTS i I ZlSlXJaJRZDZ3 BY Tbe; Pinns Medical i S'SASOHABit! T1HX3 Carpet i t. 1- i i.

OTTA17A. ONT, i fHEYEATHEB. Now that the Srvseaam hMHlut thirtesn brs) tea andenlgned ie eneon -aged to hops that WaterprooU are again in order. He therefore effsrs tae fonowlag A lot or Ba)ja BobWr Caata. A neWIT ISinsHMl misaolr m.T ws ssnaoer fjoaUu A tUaber aflnvarnsas flmmmsi -New Styles lafweed.

I I Sndal'it rJ araa ti.v, sm. Twesd mixed CteBterfldt Coats. i Thcelsstani h.n price that enables me to cell them for six ms tnaa msaafaotarrtr cost. ii -T See our Eattery Boo' at Spicial pries foe eight days AT- 102 Sparks Street.

Elegant I HAVE tbe best value ever offered PEARL STIFFS, $2.00, regular price 93.00. Abo an English line ot STIFF HATS BROWN, BLACK and NUTRA at L00. Call aad further. tbem aad yon will look so 170 Sparks Street, t9OXE PBICE. Lawn lowers.

The "New Easy" Lawn Mowers are with out doubt tba Beat Mower in the market, and give universal satisfaction, all sizes ia atook. BVBBEBnOSE, ULVTN SPBIllUEIUI aad IIOSE A.Workmdn&Co S. H. BO BRIDGE WBOLBSaXS aSD KXTan DBAXXBS IH Leather, i Gad(Ury-Hardware Whips Robes MANUFACTURKS3 OF- saddles. iiAnnEstjcunx) Valises, Basr, SatohelSr Horse Blankets, Beef Oil-Tanned i i rioccaslns 88, 90,92,94 RIDEAU 15 ta S3 If aajgrare 186; Sparks Street i OTT L- A.

GAS3RAIII Oenaral.CommlBlon.aad Baal Esrtata Airrntt nOUSCS TO LET. House Ne, tst Pern erer street, SU a month, with soo4 yard and stablse. Heuae Sr Usstersr street. roonrs wtth and Bnmmtr fcltohsn mt per hm Na Kalaon strret. wttn all modern mprovements, large yard perataata, HOUSES TOR SALE.

Brick hanse No. 7S Dueeeist street, prlo ll.oo, e.ev terms. Stone House corner 0 Stewart aad King strees, at a bargain, Kenta and deos ooTertrd. Prompt ssttlemerts, Money to kma on red eststo. Aw a-eot for 0Brieo Tekpoeoe Index.

-OFFICB- 580 SUSSEX STREET OTTAWA. Ti'i 9iet 411. Ottawa field I Battery o)- filASSON CO HATS MILLS BROS NOTICE. fTHK ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING I of tbe Chaudiere l-xic Wbl aal Power (Limited), will be held at No. 46 Siwrks street on MONDAY, the 17th day JUNE next at 7:80 p.m, for the electtoa ct directors, tbe transaction of general bostnee and also for tbe purpose cf eonstdcriBg a ty kw toe chancing the bead ofhoe of the com panytromlWotUwn.

i I "Ottawa SSthalay.lfffllV Artists' Depaitment. Just received ex. S. Carthageniaa Madame Vougus PANEL STUDIES, First aad only lot importri into tbe Dominion of I -Canada. I Price kss than one hdf asksd for this goods ia the United States.

Electro Plating Works, AS BAKK STREET. Every description of Tableware replated equal to new. Been! tan ef riateslwnra nn4 Jewellery H.P. B0HL; Prop. Sole Ajrent for the celebrated LKbtninc- lesmsr.

which has aot its equd ia the market lor tbe cleansing of riatedwara, Jsweilety GUscete JOHHSTOH'S UiLLS Olchmoata XUa4, Are aow tawtnc aaS proprietors are Jrepar 1 1 to ex scute a Act SASH, DOHB, AND FRAT.1E& Or ere at be treat at N.frO. BaT. Spark THS UA606 TEXTILE P2INT CG WO Offer or Boring Tend theLAaOXST GBZAFJSST and atOST TAsUXO taags at PrtBti smiaswa' saatadbag SPRING NOVBLTIEO LATEST PAH13 DESICIIS aTerehants win da well tesee their Barrmli hdorebnilafeleewkere. Karty ad vice wla gtvsa whea Travellers wfa oaU. St- Potar Strata.

HOHTREAL. CABSLAEE'S SMQER SWEEPt 820,000.00. ia aeree (U dmpUoatel fl.000 eark ld 11.000 it.eea I Other starters (divided equally) tvteee-1 4.000 Tiokata, $5 ach. KS Xatrles Km dnpUeaU tlO barseat Drawtnit BstX. 9th.

Race Sent. IltSSH Result of Drewlaf sent t9 all subs-albers. Ten per eer deducted from all arises. Addreev, OCa CAlULAK, Man! xi House 633 St. Jam sSt.Montred 6CinaSbe4i.

Ottawa, Oat CHITTY Aaetlaneera lBaaranee ft Real Eatata Areata. FOR SALE -Houses, Farms, Lots aad Mines. TO LET Hnoses dl parte of the dry. AN INVESTMENT A beautital cottars with acre of ground, nicely planted with trees and flowers. Soft aad bard water ia kitcbeo: also ri(rht and title to large store stock at a vduation.

This property is near the thriving Villsfeof Ironside oa Qstiasao macadamised road. STEAU CARPET CLEAHINQ Aad raather Xatabl'shroent. X29 AUGUSTA STREET. AO ordert promptly a' tsndrd aal satisfaction guaranteed. rTEPftZX WILKtKS.

mm mm Freeh Fish consistine? of Salmon. Chid- dock, Codfish, Mackeral, HalibuU Shad, PROMPT DELIVERY. KBortSMci J. THE PAINTER 701 SPARKS STREET. ART SCHOOL, tS4 Maaraa Strwwt.

i lOtaOsaVoa Open from 1st Nor IBM, to 1st May, ISM. Ufa. Oil and Water Color Paintinr. Draw- tng from tbe antique, asxl draped njrure. Mr.

rrsaklia Urowaell, (papu of pougnerean asm Bonnat, and SB cxhibtter ta tbe Pans Bdoa.) Design, Freehand aod Architeetud Draw tog Evening class. Mr. Fsnaings Tayior, (OertificBted by tba Ontario Government School of Art.) Meohanicd Drawinr, Ijocomoava aad Sta. tionary Enrins aod Mill Work. J.

B. Iamb, raSSid Geometry and Prospective. Mr. J. T.

Bowerman, (Certificated by ths Ovbark, Qovenrment Bobool of Art.) Art Needlework Miss Barrett. Classes are held as follows Morning, from 10 toL Evening, from tola Btotuh class oa Saturday arternoon. Art rteeaiewora Tneeday aad Ftsday EXHAUSTED VITALITY. TTHI 8CIXNCX or LITI 1 the great Mediod Work of the aire on Manbood.Nerv-one and Physied Debility. Pi em stureDeoline, Errors oi Touth, aad the untold mis-ertes soosegoentthereoriySOO pages itt preeerlpaoB for all diseases.

Clolh. full gift, only tl.00 by mail, saded. IUaetrattv sample tree- young aad miojdle aged ansa. Seodaow. Ths Gold aad Jewelled Med, awarded to tba author by the Nationd Medical Address P.

O. Box 1896. Beaton. Masa, or Da. W.

H. rraduats oi Harvard Mediod Oolleffe, yesnrpraotios ta Boston, who may be nonsuited sooMentidly Bpeddty, at Ofbaa, No VnlHnot. OHEAPs-FUEL COKC HEDUCED TO 33.5 Per Coddron, delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders BttbeOs Go's Office SI GN 8PARK8 8TREET Ton 8noeld PILCER'S COUC REMEDY a your stable, a a sare ana emcient, naa Kuaranteed to cure all (arms of colle Instaatly baould your asareet drmgxlstaot keep It, writ to aa, rrme per neeue ooaiaininir tea M. Uberd Discount ts the Trade.

Tht imericin lin Stock Supply Co. Pronrietors and MaaStaotnrers. Street Cwtsvet. Wh THE GAPaTAL Boot eft Boo Stora A reoerd sssortmeot of ladies aaa gentlemen aa sewed boots. LadW aad genUemen's avenlny shoea.

A good stock of American A Oaa-adlan Rubbers. All winter goods selling at Cost. 01 Ridean Street H.C.REYNOLDS, Contractor, Carpenter and BuUder. 499 COPPER STHXTe TTTTS WH thrown on out for 1 X. 1 i Ottawa's Largrest and Cheap- est Stock ket.

Look FRESH FISH. 2 itolJilt miwki I J. IVIacLAREII cS CO LUMBER ttercluiits i -OTTAWA, SAWED DHESSED LUUCEQ DOORS WINDOW 8ASHXS Blinds, Mouldings lai.Eonsi jilaisi. AtJhitovW IVIcLAREN'S MlX4aS OTTAWA. ONT.

W. H. JESSOP, BOTAL-. Baker and Confectioner IIXIIOVSD TO i 2531 Wellington St. OppoalU Royal Ka-rthajica.


HIoKAY 450 Knssew. fctj Ottawa, 1 UHIOU BAIIKOF CANADA. Dlridead If 43. TOOTICX a hereby gtven that aMlrtdead of 11 three ear een epos tbe capital stock of mus inantnBon ass neea aectareo tort half tear, aedthat the same will be payable at the bank aad its branches, en and after TUS9- uti, tne too. oa of oiy next.

TBS i nooks will be elaaed from tha 17tb ta the Bkk Jaae, bote days tnotueive. i The Anned Oeaeral Meeting ot the share-bo'dert of the bank will be neld at the Banking Hons la Quebec en Monday ke Utk day Jnly.MZt, 2he chair te be taken at OSMWk. aoon. fiy order ot tbe Botrd, a. wkbb, Qsebee.

Pad May. ISPS. Caabiar. ART DliliSffof LOIIDON An la their subsoripttons THURDAyjH28WACCII la order Is i a copy "Trao and Loyal' A also thetr share ts the deetribedon of prlss JilMES HOl'E Ajcaats Ottawa. J.

STORRj noaae Palatr, Glazier iPapar IZaagcr. J. Whutswashmg sndTinting alspecidty. 404 Bank Street 404 the mar Co MM I 146, 148, 150, 152 and 154 Sparks street. Use only Clapperton's Spool Cotton, the Best Brycon.QralxaiQ.

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