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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 2

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
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2 EL PASO DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1899. THE DAILY HERALD FRIDAY MAY. 19. 1899. Published Every Evening Except Sunday -----BY THE----Herald News Company, EL PASO, TEXAS.

LITTLE PLAZA. TELEPHONE 115. An Independent Republican NEWSPAPER. this wanton attack on our troops, at a time when everything was tending1 to an early restoration of peace. The United States had to wait until the peace treaty was ratified before she could take any definite steps toestablish local self government in the islands.

And then on the very day before the treaty was to be voted on, whose ratification would restore peace and tranquility to the and enable a honest, and stable government to be established, the Filipinos attacked our army and brought down upon themselves the of this great country. There was only one thing then for the United States to do: that was to restore and peace assure absolutely the supremacy of the military power of the United States in the Philippines. Rigid Enforcement of Existing Laws Is the First Step Toward Municipal Reform. A. mith H.

D. later Henry L.C apell General Manager Editor Business Manager Entered at the pnstofflce at El Paso, Texas for transmission through the mails at second Class rates. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally, one "-00 six 3.60 three L75 one Weekly, one year 2.00 six L00 three FACTS. acts are the best arguments in this matter of standing by the president until the war is over.

The anti- Americans can claim and allege and aver all they want to, but the facts, embodied In official reports to the government by our army and navy officers, are indisputable. When they are considered, right and reason are on the side of those who believe that whatever policy is adopted in the Philippines after the natives have laid down their arms, until that is done the president must be sustained in his effort to put down the armed rebellion that exists in the islands. History is a dreadfnl nightmare to those men who persistently misrepresent facts for their own unworthy purposes. Let us see how this war in the Philippines began: As early as July of last year Aguinaldo proceeded to hamper in every way the work of the Americans in the Philippines, using every means to interfere with the landing of the expeditions of American troops, and employing all sorts underhanded and petty means to accomplish his ends. He was assured in writing time and time again that the American forces had come to expel the Spaniards and to assure to the Philippines a good and free government.

There was never any hint of independence, or even cr a but every assurance was given that the natives would be encouraged to govern themselves. He was shown that the military supremacy of the United States was absolutely necessary, at least until quiet could be restored. Notwithstanding, from that time until the war with Spain had been brought to a close Aguinaldo did all in his power to obstruct the efforts of the Americans to conditions in the Philippines. ooking back over the events of the war and since, it will be seen that every advance of our conquering arm ies in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, has been followed by the immediate establishment of a civil administration that utilized the native ele mentsasfaras possible and was free and dominated by the single purpose of bettering conditions and insuring the wellbeing of the natives. In Porto Rico the Americanadministration has been notably successful, and the people are well satisfied with the new regime.

The natives and the native press are un animous in declaring that the American government of the island has been to the best advantage o-i all. They are made to feel the responsibility of gov eminent, while at the same time the strong arm of the United States army is behind the civil 'officers to compel obedience. If the Filipinos had given our government a few months time in which to get the governmental system in running order there is good reason to believe that a system would have Deen devised that would have given the natives the largest measure of personal and municipal independence, while at the same time the supremacy of the United States would be fully and glad- recognised. If it had not been for Filipino hot beads and American copperheads such a system would even now be in operation. in praise of the men who have gone ahead and against great obstacles have gained success.

As we have said before, the operation of the company, if the is generally subscribed to, as it should be, will almost amount to municipal ownership, since consumers will bo as a rule stockholders, and each stockholder will be vitally imerested in making the service as near perfect as possible. I Dewey had left the Philippines after his great victory, or if the islands had been relinquished to Spain in the final would undoubtedly have taken them. The United States has many times the commercial and strategic icterest in the Philippines and the coast of Asia that has Germany, and why should we give up the great advantages gained by the fortunes of war for the gratification of a few bleating lambs in this country who are afraid for the nation to assume a new responsibility? ince the United States army first set foot on the island of Luzon, the poiicy has been to work in harmony with the natives, and to use their established institutions and governments as far as possible. With the advance of the American armies and the occupation of towns, native civil govern ments have been set up, native institutions reorganized and utilized, and native leaders recognized as far as could be done without sacrificing the dignity of the United States. hall the people of the United States stand by the government when the nation is at war, or shall they turn traitors and give definite aid to the enemy? That is the question presented today to citizens to be answered.

Our Stock Is Ready For J08HUA 8, RAYNOLD8, ULY88E8 8. STEWART, Oashier; M. W. FLOURNOY, Vice-Pretiden J08. F.

WILLIAMS, Asst. Oathitr. THE We Are New Ready For Business. he attitude of the traitors and copperheads who are denouncing the president for trying to put down armed rebellion in the Philippines is disgraceful. Consider the time that has elapsed.

The sixth day of February was the first on which the American commanders in the islands could feel that they were really working in United States territory. That was the day the treaty with Spain was ratified. Therefore that day was the first that can rightly be considered as offering opportunity to establish effective native rule under American protection. But the very day before the treaty was acted on, the Filipinos wantonly attacked our troops, the movement being prearranged and deliberately executed with a view to aiding the anti-Americans in the elsewhere, to combat the policy. Why did not the Filipinos and administration haters wait a little while in order to see what the president and Admiral Dewey proposed to do to better the condition of the natives? Philippines and filipinos.

I see that Aguinaldo, Luna, Mabini, Buencamino, Paterno and other insurgent leaders in the Philippines are, in certain parts of this country, believed to be patriots, and as such are landed for their resistance to the Americans. If they are patriots, they are misguided patriots, whose attitude is surely not to their advantage, for Aguinaldo and his companions, I am glad to say, do not represent the best element among my countrymen. I once believed Aguinaldo a patriot, pure- minded and anxious only for the good of his country. This was in the days when, almost single-handed, he led the forlorn hope against Spain. It was then that I knew him, and I must sav that what I then saw of him filled me with admiration.

For he everywhere showed himself able, alert and sincere. And while I have even more cause than formerly to admire his ability have lately, led to ques tion his motives. For, from the point of view of the best element among the Filipinos, he is at present pursuing a course that is working much detriment to his country. For the wealthy native planters, the business men of Manila, and the other substantial classes among my countrymen, are very desirous for American rule, persuaded that only a stronger power can recon-1 elle the differences among the various tribes and establish a stable and neficent 9De which will 6 6 Ci New York Store NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF EL PASQ AND VICINITY: We take great pleasure in notifying the people at large that we have opened the cheapest store in the state. We sell strictly for cash at lower prices than have ever been sold before.

We will prove what we say and convince you of this fact. The stock that we carry consists of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, and Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. It will be to your interest, should you be in need of any of the above mentioned goods, to look over cur stock as we will undersell any and all competitors. Respectfully, iNew I I 0 FIRST NATIONAL BAM El Paso, Texas, Capital and IIKNK L. NEWMAN, Cashier.

"WEBli, Assistant Cashier. H. L. NEWMAN SON, Bankers, EL PASO, TEXAS. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Purchasers nf Gold and Silver Bullion.

Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Mex ican Money and Exchange Bought and Sold and Received on Deposit Subject to Check. Transfers Made by Wire to All Points in Mexico. Special Attention Given Collections. Correspondence Solicited.

C. R. MOREHEAD, President; J.C. LAOKLAND, Cashier; JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vice-President J. H.

RU88ELL, Asst, Cashier, STATE NATIONAL Bu Established April, 188 A legitimate banking business transacted in all its branches Exchange all the cities of the United States bought at par. Highest prices paid for lean Dollars. JUAREZ BRANCH Banco Comercial of Chihuahua, CAPITAL, $600,000. Bay and Money and Exchange on all the cities of Shis Republic of Mexico, the United States and A General Banking Business Transacted. irectors LD18 TERRAZAS; ENRIQUE O.

CREEL; JOHMFArnnvf MAXIMO LUIS TERRAZAS, KKAKAUEK, Manager of the.7 BailCG ChiiHUhlll. H. LESIN8KY, President. A. SOLOMON, B.

P. MICHELSON, Vice resident. Secretary. 8. J.

FREUDENTHAL, General Manager IBS H. LESINSKY Whol esale Grocers and JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. We carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and guarantee all our class. We solicit the trade of dealers only, and give especial attention to mall goods mail orders. York STORE.

The United States senate agreed that the final ratification of the peace treaty with Spain should be voted upon on Monday, the sixth of February. The treaty bad been under discussion in the senate for a long time, and the pressure that was brought to bear upon those senators who opposed its ratification was tremendous. Half the senators were lost to a proper sense of what was due from them to the nation, and by their delay they caused the Filipinos to become strongly demonstrative and to threaten the great things they would do. The acts of these unpatriotic senators bad undoubtedly much to do with ing on the terrible slaughter of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, February 4, 5, and 6, when the Filipinos made a general attack on our troops before the movement to have been ned deliberately and not to be the an accidental clash between the armies. The city council did exactly right last night in refusing to grant the franchise to the old street railway company on the terms asked for.

This city can do better than that, and we do not want the field closed for six months without a guarantee that the project will bfl carried through at the end of that time. If the old car companies will offer a good system and will give the same cash guarantees that are the citizens, then the city might look at the proposition more favorably. The proposed franchise only covers the streets at present occupied by car lines. What becomes of the north side and the east end? El Paso wants a system that will be of some use to people other than those desiring to cross the river. We want a system that will help develop the town, aud moreover, we do not want to have three or four different companies different sections of line, as would probably in time if the north and east ends were not covered.

Wait a while, say the people, and see if we do better. In the great battle of Monday, Feb- Paary sixth, the Americans lost two hundred and men and the Filipinos four thousand men. That was the beginning of the fierce war which is now nearing its close. Filipinos made this desperate attack, with the encouragement of two score United brown man. States senators, with a view to defeating the peace treaty in the senate.

The Americans immediately followed up he article by Ramon Iteyes Lala, reprinted on this page today, is a striking one. It shows that we really owe plan-! nothing whatever to Aguinaldo or to the faction of his adherents, because of aoy sentimental sympathy with his rebellion. Aguinaldo has sold himself out before, and has shown himself to be a man of low motives. He not represent the Filipinos in any sense, and it is likely that time will show the islands to be generally in favor of American occupation. At any rate we ought not allow ourselves to be led astray by the moutbings of this little he changes made in the franchise before it was granted were tbeir advantage, and put enemy to eminently proper, and exactly in line flight.

It seemed then and it seems now with the recommendations of the Her! ald at the time the franchise was an inaliy granted in trust to the citizens if the terrible less of life was not only committee. The city is to be congrat entirely useless and without recom- ulated upon securing this strong com- pesse but that the Filipinos immeasur- pany to furnish its lights and assure ably injured themselves by making cheap rates. Too much cannot be said command respect abroad and security at home. There are no less than thirty distinct tribes in the islands. Of these the most powerful are the Tagalogs, the Visayans and the Mohammedans, who, together, form about tive-eighths of the native population.

The other three eighths are savage mountain tribes of mixed and doubtful origin, who were never conquered by Spain, and who are as hostile toward the civilized natives of the valleys as toward the Europeans. These barbarians are nomadic, and they live in primitive communities. Their tribal government is of a patriarchal nature, and there is therefore no cohesion among them. They have probably never heard of the Americans, and would resent all efforts to civilize them, whether made by antiquated Spain or modern America. They can therefore hardly be said to have a political attitude.

Their only philosophy is to live without work and to steal all tr ey cau. Their views should therefore be entitled to but little consideration; and they will form a perplexing problem for American statesmen when tne islands shall have been pacified. Such are the Igor- ro, Chinos, the Negritos, the Tinguia- Bfes, the Gaddanes and the other savage tribes of the interior. Now, the Tagalogs, of Luzon, who number about 2.000,000, and the Visayans of the southern islands, who are estimated at about 3,000,000, are true Filipinos. The inhabitants of the Sulu protectorate, who number only a few thousands, who are all medans, though civilized, are so ferentfrom the natives of the north, have so little sympathy with them, and have 60 far been so little affected by recent events, I shall leave them out of this discussion altogether.

The Visayans are a far gentler race than the Tagalogs. There is great hostility between these two races, both of whom have been under Spanish influence for centuries, and each of whom is jealous of the power, This bitterness and rivalry have recently been increased by the course of Aguinaldo, who has put garrisons of the hated Tagalogs in nearly all the Visayan towns, putting the latter ihto a state of apparent resistance to American rule, when, in reality, the yans eagerly desire it. For to them nothing could be more odious than to be ruled by their hated rivals of the north. It will therefore be seen that the represent but a small proportion of one of many races, and that the insurgent chiefs who talk so grandiloquently about their battles for the political and constitutional independence of their country are insincere. For the withdrawal of the Americans from the islands would be the signal for a race war that would be carried to every part of the archipelago, bringing ath to countless thousands of its people and destruction to every vested interest in the Reyes Lala in Weekly.

Morehouse Block, Next to Postoffice. Semi-Steel. Stamp, Shoe, and Die WE GUARANTEE THE WEAR. Write Estimates tO'ttie ------Paso Foundry-Machine Co. NOAKE.

is the best flour in the world. It is the standard. EL PASO GROCERY Corner Overland and Oregon Sts. PIANOS On terms to suit all Purchasers. DEALER IN Fine Vehicles, Mitchell and Old Hickory Wagons.

Harness. Cor Overland Santa Fe £ts Whips and only putting on Rubber Tires In the Southwest. Old City Hall Building; PlAuo Tailing, Pollshlux and Repatring. W. Q.

DUNN 330 San Antonio St. SURPLUS IS Mountain of Strength EQUITABLE Mutual New York. $56.731,703 44,458,685 37,876,179 Received weekly from Balsa Veracruz. Mexican leather carver at work. Call on us.

W. A LZ CO Ciudad Opu. Custom House. J. C.

VOSS. I Jeweler I Optician I 38 years experience. 102 San Antonio St. El If You want to find a man and see him on the streets, to the Gem Billiard Rooms The Resort. Surplus is the only fund from which dividends to policy holders can be paid.

DIVIDENDS 5 vears, 1893-1897 EQUITABLE New 9,834,733 DIVIDENDS 1898. $3,059,745 2,255,245 2,759,432 UNITEDvSTATES. WALTER N. PARKHURST, Manager, Albuquerque, N. M.

F. District Agent, Koom 5, Morehouse Block, El Paso, Texas..

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