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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mrs. Artbar fctslAsn left tor wiaalpaav aaa ihii la a eovple "weeks with, bar two Dr. J. Cbtkw Vr.til Mra es.tortelneo' it a dears an. Hetardar alghv all Farm Point.

AbMt iiMf aresant. Mm 3: A. Ka4dkrk nlvuinlui at aa safornaei aaace this, svn ills', at iMr ww waaie at Hoeahunu Mtee Mary Vaelraa tha (utM of IsUa. IV A. Ttbblta, 'sua Paint.

Mr. u4 Mr. Martini Derle Wn oa a motor trip la 0o4-lch. Mrs, J. A.

CaMer? to speadlna; Mw lima In Wooostars. the HM at Mr. A. M. tihsr, Hob.

M. A. Brlroun wo To-toato last week for a few days, at UM King Kdward. Mr. O.

J. Pe.bernla baa returned frora the pacific coast. Mr. W. 8.

II has rWuraed from Proves NrvK. where -h. haa (or a mosio. 1 Mr aa V4ra M. AlcCorslles; and Mlases Cacllla an 'I AU cards, of an Juan.

Porto Klio. are at the Chataau Laurler Mlaa Bertha I.eger. wno he bfn at Old Orchard B'ach. eh hrr Slater. Mrs.

Wtltr Poivln. of Mont-' raaL la at oreeant epenulng aomr Urn. la that dir. ah. (or shortly with Mrs.

1'ot-vln. Cherle Fairweether has ri- turns trom Prince Bdward Island. i apendtng a fw date In Montreal a bar war horn. Mm. W.

H. Kowley. who la apend-tng the mummer at St. Andrawa, N.B., want on a motor trip up th. Xlramechl nirrr, accompanied by two children.

CapL and lira J. Edgar Marsh anl their young aon baya returned treat atkvlllc. Mm. Oaorg Drummoni and Mlaa Majr Drummond have returnrd trvm a thrca wrrka' bolldajr to Xioganara. Oapt and Mra.

O. Barry. Camp BordaB, ara apandlni a faw daya In teWB at tha Ruaiall. air. O.

T. MinehelKta. of flan Joan, porta Rtco. la apandln a faw waaaa at Hlgbland Park. jitaaa Itbal an Adla)a ratamad (rem Philadelphia, whera they apant aaaaa- tuna laltlnf relatlrea.

Mlaa Mariana Dllloa laft on Bat- nrday tar Cornwall, where aha will be tha luaat of Mrs. JaJnaa Me- in.oak. Mra. T. Braca Bord.

Maw York, la apaadtnc aoaia tlma town with trlanda. Mra. M. K. JCIpp and bar daorhler Auaala bar raturdad from Boaton.

whara thry warn tha (uaata a( Mra Thomas Allan. Mr. and Mra J. W. A.

it wart of MoBtraaL ara auylng at ibahr.taau latarlar. Aaala Xaalay la at Lake Claar lor a eoplwof weeks. aTlaa Xoraul Peltoa waa boataaa at mtooallaaaaeja shower Friday evening In honor of Mlaa Daaltry Parlow. avhaaa wadding takaa plana aarly In rVptembrr. Tha cwaata meladad aim.

R. a Mra. O. McTad-dra. Mrs.

R. B. Xaw. Mm 1, -0Ha Mra. O.

Oillaapla, Mra R. Bray-ford. Mra. C. McDonald, and tha Mlawa Daaltry aad Marjorla Marlorla Doanally, Batty.

WINDOW SHADES i SjcmJI Mad Of 4 FINEST SCOTdH HOLLAND ARD OPAQUE CLOTH At New Reduced -Prices Tra-aai as ft traa aad ataa od afaidiiw, aad ara Bearal' ay MolbBn am ward antrly, aad coanMaad witk Hailaad tar Oaaaaaw CaMh, (tm fw a aerfactly aiBakla, Boat- aavaaJo alaldw. 1 Shades Supplied in a Variety of Yintt ECONOMICALX PRICES, cleghork: BEATTIE uxmcn. JACK50N BLDG. PHONE Q. 6006.

1 fb Mb lurti-t AatrMt. A 'raaaJaiaatlaa aadUaAIAaT wkaa yaa see te. Ckase uvaiasowt aar wnaeiaa aaa aaia Irrltatloaa. It raluaaa at oaaa avadaall baak. tha aaia.

Baa.aU a fr. Caaaa Olatasaat fraa If roa tauj aapar aad aaad tar aoataam. taa a aoxt all or aaaaa bbbb WS'ea ua. mnm. Qvriii 1098 The- Cro.H.Roera U.d.ltn Ruth Stephenson Ow.

Pritcha.rd-. fcvda K.rbr. ImLmI Crttln, Mildrl PHton. lrn C-n. Hart Uiiian O'H-iin.

Kilt L-tgatc StvlU KMrna antl Ill M. ititraoa iiimt Kmt.t Chritn6 Him Edith Murphy, ot PUtaburc. gums of th formr' txmnt. Mr Alfred Brot. Rid Prh.

Billing-' Brldo. 3llw Irma RojtboroUafb gueat of hr iunl, Mr. Hlr.A O'NaJia, Bay (j-t, until hr rUc on A-fWatt Mr. and Mrs. Joha T.

LdtckU. ot ClvUod IUi thair family arrlvad In town Od tteturday a ft-moon, bar ing raotorod all ta way. Taay cam by Buffalo, Watartowa, oroaaiac ttitr St. La Bror-ii)I. Tbay ara vuitlnc tha formar'a hrothara.

and Patar. Thay will aiao tti-t Mr. Lackia'a alster. Mra. Jamn Lains, who la arriving frona Scotland Ihla woak.

by tha Pratorlaa- Miii Kathlraa PowaM. of Ottawa, apant a eoupla of waaka bolldaya witb br oo oat Mtaa Anna Powallr of Arnprior Mlaa Powali la now vl.itiftr at BrockviUc, Ont. Mr. K. E.

DavLa, of London, Ont who haa bn attending tha alac convention, in H-UfaJt. apant lha wcek-and at tha Chatvwu Laurlar. mm hHAVKR-MKLVIV Tha home of Mr. and Mra. Dalrd Malrln, Centra atrvat, waa lha acrna of a pretty wedding; on Tuaaday, Auffuat It, when thair daughter.

Uell, waa united In marrlaga to Stanley Shaver, of Ottawa. Rev. A. Bhavar, brother of tha groom, ulflciated. The bride wore a beautiful gown of klttena ear crepe and tarried a bouquet of row a nd maidea hair fern.

Miaa laura Mel-vln, alater of the brUle, played the wedding March. Tha k-appy couple left for Toronto and other point a and on thetr return will In Ottawa. The many beautiful and rnatly preaenta they received ahow-ed tha high eateem In which they are held. a a CrniUPa-IXORAM. On Friday.

Auguat It, at high noon, at tha MacVlcar Memorial Church. Montreal, the marriage of Mlaa Myrtle M. Ingram 10 Mr. David Currle, of the firm of A. J.

Alexandor waa eolemnlsed. Rev. dlameo O. Potter officiating. Tha bride waa given away by her brother, Mr.

Oeonce A. Ingram, the maid of honor being Mlaa Mary B. Jamea, and the beat man, Mr. Henry Johaaton. who etgned the reglater.

After the reception at the home of the groom a mother, 3120 Eaplanade avenue, Mr. and Mra Currle. aailed cn tha Canada Steamahlpa Line. 8.8. "Manoa" for a two-weeks' crulae 10 Newfoundland.

On their return they will realde at Lakealde. P.Q. CnOSS SCAN LAN. -EOANTHJ-E. Aug.

II (Bpaelal). Ona of tha prettteat waddlnga of aha aeaaon took piece on Thuraday morning: la St Jamaa Church, whoa Anna aldeat daugbtar of Mr. and Mra. M. Scanton.

ot Kganrlll waa united In marrlaga to Mr. W. J. Croaa, of Ottawa. Raa.

A. French. F.P. officiating ana eaieorating nuptial high maaa. Tne winaoma young onae, wno waa given la marrlaga by bar fathsr.

worn a gown of puaay willow aatln, tha roond necked bodlea balng trimmed wlltt Honlton laca edging: whlta truiad georgette nat, ana aha earrtaa a ahowar bouquat of oarnattona and Ophalla roaaa. Attmdlng tna briae waa her alater. Mlaa Allaan Bcantan. wearing a aim Din gtrllah frock of malaa or- ganaia, with wida trtmmaa taeo ana- manair nati nar nouoaar boibk awawi paaa and anemones. Tha groom waa supported by bis brother? Dr.

Croaa, of Ottawa. Tna younr ooupta laft an tha morning O.T.R. train for aaatara polnta on a honaymoon. tha brlda travelling ta nary talleia coat draaa. with which waa worn a amall hat ot navy mohair and whlta geor gette, on ttieir return tnoy win taka ap reaedanca IB Ottawa oa Coopar OB weaneeaay araning.

a pro- nuptial reception was held at aha home of Mr. aad Mra Scanlon la honor of their daughter aad Mr. Croaa. tha fueeta Including only tha Immediate relative Dinner waa aarsd at 1 o'elock P-m and a pieaaant aoclal avaalng waa paeeed: tha bride balng tha recipient of ulte a number of haadwama gtfta. CKMCBRATR SILVER WKDDIXQ.

aurrouBded by a hoot of frteBda. Mr. and Mra. Aaroa Brahlaaky. of Iks oaaoode atreat, yaatarday cele brated their surer wedding, at tha Hacqnet Court.

Tne hall waa rally decorated for lha occaalon and many Ottawa Jesr-Ish clt teens, as wall aa oat a( "town gwaata ware pi unit to congratulate them on the occasion in the even-Ins dinner waa aerved aad later a reception held. Mr. BraniBasry who waa a native of Kiev. Russia, cam's to Canada aad nettled In Ottawa about fifteen rears aero. Hero aa a merchant be haa proved very successful and has takaa a prominent part in an Jew ish affaire, holdlna office la a aum- bar of Jesvleh organisations at tha city.

Ho la a member of tba Hldaau atreat oaeuf raamtlOB. Abdbi the out or town rneste ware, hie brother. Mr. J. Branineky, of New York, eapervlaor of a huge number of tha Higher Hebrew Schools of that city, hut slater.

Mra, r. Diamond of Montreal, ana ot. M. L. Kepplow.

Mrs. M. Kapplow. Mra C. Heine rn.

and Mrs. Bhaikia, both of New York, relatlvee of Mra. Brahlaaky. ONTARIO TEACHERS TOURING THE NORTH TORONTO. Aug.

tl. Two hun dred teachers from all porta of the provtaea left tonight on a special train ever the Canadian National for a waek'a tour of new Ontario. Tha teacnere ara mem bare of taa oa- tarlo Educational Association, and areeNnntas their eecoad aaaaal tear of northern Ontario, under tha awo-plcea of the provincial Department of Kduoauon. Hon, R. K.

Oraat. Minister ot Education, accompanied tha party, who will make etope at Sudbury, Ban It Ble. atari. Hearst Kapaak ea cacavaa. Hallev burr.

Me liakaard. Tlmanlna, Iroouola Falls and North Bay. Tba party will re turn ta Toronto next Sunday. nr Tereato teaaaera ara wtth ta party. fREMIER AT TORONTO "EX." WEEK FROM NEXT RUDAT TOROrTTO.

II. Frewiler Metghaa will be a vms tec To rente exhibition oa -arise rrldav. Sept. i. Aaotbar praaalneat slaitor oa tn aaaaa aay will as Hev.

caaoa aoott. padro of tba First Coatla a eat. aad later ChaplalB Oaaaaal sf fores i eeae OOVsra-MORATal BKLORADat. A eg. II.

Tha Jag ma Mataaaat Ssclety has decided to oaanmevaarater tha lata Klata; Pater by deatgnatmc bint "Fetes the Oraat, taa Uoaratsr" en ta area a asoa meat to bun. Tbla acsioa was voted, at tmmW tmfm, EXCHANGE PLEDGES FOR PEAGCF WORLD CtM4a 05. IW at A NIAdAHA-ON-THB-LAKM. OnWt Au tl A large croard yaatarday wltnt-Macd an Inter. at Laar thr upper brldca at tha Imaginary line 'imdlnf Canada and tha Ualtad whrn woman from Canada and thr Siataa pledgad thamaalrea to praca andcarora.

Mrs. AJa Maraaa Huchaa. dK-iarrd that by lha ooaaeiotia or sub-ronai'inus powar of women, and br the wrnai law of Qoa. dlanrm latnt wa already aaaurad. bat that a nar nmre tarrlbla than any writ.

tan in human axparlaaca waa thretinlnr- Among other anaakara who the powar of woman tt aacure peace waa Mra. Hactor Pr.a lvace. Toronto, ancratary of tha la- trrnatlonal Woman's Iaagaa of BRECKENRIDGE W. I. HONORS MRS.

M'LEAN Preceedi of Meetiif Go to Aylmer Relief Find. BRROKENHIDOB. Aug. SI. (8 nec In i The Hrerkenridg Wo tnen'a Institute held Ita annual lawn aoclal at the home of Mrs Alexander Heaitlt recently, A targe number of gathering to enjoy the evenlnfc'e entertainment.

Mayor Unw real dad. On behalf ot the fnetltute and the community. Mra. Fred. Iuak pre-anted a beautiful caeeerole and a puree to Mra.

XV. K. MrLaean, who la leaving to take up reaHenre tn Ottawa, Mlaa Mule McLean, who with Mra. McLean had taken a prominent plane In the life or the die-trlct, waa prewnted with a gold brooch aet with amethyeta. At the cloae of tha programme, Mayor Iowd, announced that the proceed a of the evening would be donated to the Aylmer Relief Fund, and aaked for further anbecrlptlonai A number of thoae preaent reapond-ad to the appeal.

The programme for the evening conalated ot a eolo by Rr. Mr. Ogdan. a recitation by Mtaa Dor othy Jo way. a duet by Meaara.

and B. Realde. two playa given by the young people and inatrumenial mualo by Mr Edgar Realde. TELLS OF MISERY NOW EXISTINGJN GALICIA Arcnbuiiop of Lembcif Pictoret Horrort aad Sofferiof. "No word picture of mine can adequately portray tha misery and terrible Bufferings of the atarvlng.

war-harried population of Oallcla. Ukealnta and Russia. The real alt-uatlon a worse than an descriptions, i appeal to tha mercy and charity of all who can. help aa tt waa In theaa worda that His Excellency, Count Andre Bzaptyokl Archbishop ot Leathers, capital of the former crownland ot Oallcla, Austria, who arrived In Ottawa aa star da and left loday for Toronto, outlined hie mission In Canada. was Ike oaat Jtl.

Orace Archbishop Oautitles His atzcellency stated that tha sufferings of hie people had reached a point where heew no other oouree open to him than to actually abandon his sea for jhe time being and become a aofl of world-mendicant. Lamberf and Oallcla were tha actnea of aome of tha moat bitter prolonged fighting during the recent world war. In aplta of tha treaty of peace, Oallcla le still la Use throes of Intermittent warfare wblch haa transformed a nunarto prosperous country Into a land, whera atalka tha spectre ot the moat abject misery and destitution. His Excellency Coun Baeptyckl haa been Archblahop of Lembers; during I la, peat II years. At tha outaet of the war.

In 11. ha waa made a prisoner by the Russian army and takaa to Southern Ruaala where he remained for three roars, being liberated and allowed ta return to (ambers la 217, after tha overthrow bt tha Caar by tba Kerensky regime. la tisant la autwra. Of hut own experiences, durlnc his Imprlsornient In Ruaala, Hut excellency would not apeak. Ha waa, he said, anoro concerned with tha plight of hla countrymen.

Aa excel lent linguist. Hla Excellency epeane French with great fluency. It waa tn the Trench, language that he conversed with a Journal representa tive. A swat In stature, Hla Excellency waa a moat etrlklrur figure In hla black cassock a a of the Basil taa Order. Only a sold pectoral cross and a bishop's ring denoted Hla Bxcellencra high rank.

Aa a result of continual warrant his country waa practically a wests and the eufferlnge of tha people be yond ilrerrlptlon. He aald nail tna population waa without clothing and had to remain Indoors Aa regards food tha altuatlon waa even more deanemta. Bven the ants, who formerly cultivated wheat from which they made their awn bread, aeldom aaw thla staple food. Halt tha population got bread but once or twice a month, sad the other half, emrv twice a year, at Chrtatmaa and Kaeter. In moat lamuiee, out one snoai a uaor waa tha rale.

Under the clrcumetnncee. mor-talltr had tacraased at a tarrlbla rata. The population was dying a alow, horrible death from exhaatloa and lack of Baunanmsnt, mm, eeer tne their wives ana ehllarea wnev Ing away, have beea drtvon ta dla-palr aad killed them to put aa end to their uirerlnga. Orphaned and homeless children who have beea raocaod have toot the faculty mi emtllneT aad lasvhlna. Aisaal fne lliatalaBia Hla EioeUoev eoaetasVad hla har rowing recital with an wrssnt appeal for aawataana Ha fervently kHj that tba BeOBla of who aoald tsadar anaaiHal aid, aa matter how amall, weald 4 as.

Moaer to Buy toed and eKHhmc. and othorwexa relieve una m44a area needed ta thO 1 way. Any aowtribwtlowa kewardw lb relief of the aalferlaa popubv tlooat ot Oallda. tTkrainta aad Raa-sta, aoald he sent ta hat naaae aa tha Anhblohop-a Palace here, or be forwarded as 11 aTawa atreat. Wna.

nine, where be would 1aH after sokes to Toronto. Those eeatrt notions would bo seat at oajee ta tha aoo ftti lea essVsWee HI aroliaae deltvered aa eloquent axwanaw sw the a sad at hat eountrrmoB. at taa different aaaaa. aa at the Beuslltca, yoatarday ato k. Laat evening, HI tsoeliencT oinctatad at the Beaedft-lloa of Wl aaiisnnat at tha Lkralalaa Charah atsobaatat axroeV TEX OTTAWA JOURNAL.

SIR GEORGE PERLEY GIVES $1,000 CHECK CtMt FeTWUUf Qk D-MtieM wf Plwl Many large coatiibutlaaa to tha Aylmer Relief Fund have baea ra celved direct by Mayor 0orge Nub over tha week end, tncJudlng one of 91.0ft- from Rt. Haa I'erley. 910 from Hon. Oeorge l.ryaon. 1360 from tha City of Klngaton.

9 1 00 from tha City of Brandon. Manitoba, and $10 from Mra K. B. Devlin. Promises have ateo beea received from tha mayor of the following towna aad cltlee: Montreal.

Toronto, Weat-muunt. S.4; and Threa Rivera. P. Theae generoua doahalione now bring the total amount raceivad for the relief of the Ore vtcttma to Ueeldee mahlnaT the above donation. Hon.

George Periey. who waa chairman of the Ottawa Re Jief Committee. folJowlng- tha dle-aatroua blase of 100, offered aome timely euggaatlona for tha carrying on of the relief work. Hon. Joeeph A.

Teeeter, Provincial In later of Roa da, la expected thla afternoon to view the nlna of the town and to determine upon the advlaablllty of commencing work on Main and front atreeta of the town, to provide employment for thoae thrown out of work by tha Are. Hon. Mr. Teealer will be met by Mr. J.

Caroa. M.L.A., Mayor Naah and councillor of the town. Following Mr. Teealer' a vlaft an adjourned meeting of the council will be held tonight. FLocrirm SahatJUiUal Checka.

Dependents of ei-eoldlera who Buf fered from the ravagea of the fire have received checke ranging from ISO to 9100 from the Ottawa branch 3f the Canadian Patriotic Fund. The reclp.enta are: Meadamea R. Ram- aay, C. Proulz, M. Vilon, Z.

Beau- dry, M. Melody. A. Boucher. J.

Dubois, A. Hill, O. Edey. A. Kdey.

a Irving. A. irvin. Lt. mmmone, u.

Ma- dore, M. J. Cyr and Mr. and Mra. M.

Soullere. each 1100; Mra. A. Beaudry and Mra. R.

Bourgeau. each 190. During the course of hla sermon yesterday In St. Paul'a Roman Catholic Church, Aylmer, Rev. Father L-abelle urged hla congregation to aeelat the relief oommUtee In every way, and aaked thoae mem-berg of tha congregation who war reoelvlng benefits from the com mute not to Impose upon their klndneea longer than they could help.

Ha advised them to become independent aa eoon aa poaalble. He also aaked for the pooling of pres ents received from friends. In a general report on tha cloth ing altuatlon In Aylmer. Issued by Mr (Mayor) Nash, she says the work of clothing, housing and feeding of tha homeless la Juat commen cing. Previously the rush for relief waa so great as to tax the re i lei workers to the limit.

By tha formation of a general clothing committee, and denominational sub committees, the work has been greatly eyeteitatlsed. The general committee receives donations of clothing, sorts the goods, and issues them upon demand by tha various sub-corn mltteea. The sub-commlt-teea have spilt themaelvea Into several amall committees to visit tha needy, to handle tha distribution to tna Individuate and to keep in touch with the main committee. Each denomination haa appointed lta own eommltteea aa follows: Roman Cat hollo Committee: presi dent, Mrs. J.

Laverange: secretary, Mra. T. Sheppard: aeaistant-aecret-ary. lira, A. Bouchard; visiting com mittee, Mra.

JNoe, ana Mra. La. Pilgrim; dispatch committee. Mra A. Lavigne and Mlaa M.

McOee; working committee, Mlaa La be lie, Mlaa F. Chartler, Mlaa Dorian, Miss R. Monln. Mra. B.

rave lie. Mrs. O. nuertln, Mrs. Lamare, Miss E.

Oravelle, and Mlaa A. lAchman. Anglican Committee: Mrs. R. McConnell, eecretary.

Mlaa F. Ay ten. Visiting committee: Mlaa M. Church. Mrs.

Walter White, Mlaa I Petrle. Despatch committee; Miaa Jennie ftayera, A Ilea McConnell, The I ma Bayera. Irma Delmer, Ruby Flatters, Mrs Harry Joweey. work ing committee: Mra. William Sayera, I aaslated by Ladles of tha Guild.

Methodist committee: president. Mra. O. C. Routllffe.

Mra. H. P. Hudaon. working committee: Mra.

C. White, Mra. Hammond. Des patch oommUtee. Mrs.

H. Ferris, Mra R- HI1L Presbyterian committee: Presi dent. Mra. Samaoa. secretary.

Miss UMla Wood barn. Visiting com mittee: Mlaa Parker. Mra. W. A.

MacLean. Mra. O. R. Naah.

Working committee: Mra. Boil lie and the members of the Ladlee' Aid. Despatch oommUtee: "Live Wire" Aaaociatlon. MRS. af.T.

PATnaOH. Mra. J. T. Pattlson.

ST Bank streote died yeelerday an the 94th analveraarv of her birth. 0he had been In Ottawa with nar nueoana since the Are. II years ao. Only a few days prior to her death shf -cele-b rated hla I let wedding anniversary. Mra.

Pattlson waa ana of tha old est members of Oatvla Presbyterian Church la Ottaw0ooth and was the mother of a large family. It In all, of whom four predeceased thetr mother. Hera waa a atiiet, motneriy and religious nature, in the passes-aton ot which she found many friend a Surviving Mrs. Pattlson ara five eons and threa daughters, Meaara. J.

T. Pattlaon. of "Toronto: A. M. and I.

J. Pattlaon, of Ottawa: Albert S. Patttaon. Edmonton, and Alfred of Vancouver, tha daughtera being Mrs. A.

M. Kenny and Mra. Frank Venn, of Ottawa, and Mra. Samuel Wright, ftudbury. Tha four who died were: Mrs.

H. T. smith ana Mra. h. kom, both- of Ottawa: Mrm T.

J. Pollock xnd Mra. J. sV Wailaea. Montreal Interment tattaar a levee at Norway May tomorrow.

if BOOKS MARIE LOHR FOR CANADIAN TOUR OWWated tUfluk Actreu Wil Appear Ottawa, Maria laohr, the celebrated Eng lish set raw. is booked with Trans- Canada Theatres Limited for a Can adlan tour which opena in Ottawa late in September, according to advices received. Mlaa Lohr fa the daughter of Katie biahop. and as married to Mr. Prince pa, eon of the well known Kiigllah artlat.

She will play In "Tocin from a Minaret' and "Fedora." WILLIAM E. DEY DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Touf C9t Member Well Kawtnra Boat BaUding Finn. Mr William Ernest Dey, of 441 Echo lrlve, and a well-known cltl-jten of Ottawa, died at hla residence on BatunUy after a protracted 411-neaa Mr. was born at Hull 90 years ngo. the Bon the late Joseph H.

Dev. but had been a resident of thla city nearly all hla lite. Mr. Dey was the youngeat member of the firm of If boat builders, and aim managed the Oladatone Avenue 11 Ink. In religion, he was an Anglican ami attended the Church nf the Ascension.

He belonged to the Canadian Order of Foreatera and wan one of Ottawa's oldest mr-mltera of that moettjr. Besides his widow, he Is survived by two dauirhtere. Dorla and Hasel, and one n. Percy, of Ottawa; alao two alaters. Mra.

R. Lang. Ottawa and Mra. W. Schouler, Montreal.

Two brothers. Mr. Frank and Mr. Ted. Dey, a)o Murvlvr.

The funeral takea place from the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 2-90 o'clock to Beech wood cemetery. Service will be held at I p.m. COMMUNITY SINGING IS BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT Stewart McGenaghan drtt His Viewi on Rotary Enterpe. Mr. Stewart McClenag-han, In an Interview with The Journal, pointed with pride to the achievements of the Rotsrians ail over America and their Influence upon the world.

He expreaed hla firm belief that no achievement of his brotherhood would equal that of the Community Hong festival, provided they were carried out according to the Ideals of the Rotary Clubn. "Do you not recall how after a week of apony In the trenches and days of hard work, amid drizzling rain or driving mow Ion the storm swept marshes of Flanders' Fields, you all glowed as with a new soul. Just as soon as you gathered together In your great camps and sang your rippling ditties of hope and cheer said Mr. McClenaghan. "Do you not recall the wonderful Inspiration these free and easy feata of aong gave you? Now, we have today a cltlsenry no lean In need of Juat that cheer, and we believe that thla means of bringing thousanda together, beneath aua-piiUous sUear (to rive vent to their higher, better, feelings will serve this This la our aim, to enthuse tha cltlsenry of peace, as in the days of the Great War we I enthused the citizenry of battle.

But. there are so many points of contact in which community singing will bene lit tha public. If It did nothing else It would serve I to bring people together In friendlier spirit: It would serve to ImHue people with a finer sense of the soul of music; It would enhance the feeling of camaraderie everywhere, and It would endue the Dominion with new spirit in which hope, humor and chivalry would hold each Its proper place. 'Do yon realize that If Rotsrians tn Ottawa make a success of community singing, Rotarlans of other centres wfll follow suit, and that these again will Influence Rotarlans In tha lesser centres to share In the beneftte of thla new Ideal In Canada. Finally tha new faith and Ita bleaa-Ings will be taken up by other great brotherhoods, and aa a climax to our efforts wa shall Rnd the whole Dominion a community service centre.

Impelled to better service through the sweet influence of music and free cameraderle. Thla is our real OFFER $50 REWARD FOR BUCKINGHAM BANDITS PoEce Ottawa Getting List Stolea Jewellery. Fifty dollars reward la offered by Mr. Orville Barbeau for the arreat of the four robbers who burglarised hla Jewellery store on Main street, Buckingham, at t.90 o'elock Saturday morning and escaped with art Idea valued at 1 1000. Chief of Police Kearnan, of Buckingham, who la diligently working on tha ease reported no new development over the week-end on hie return from Carletoa.

Place yesterday morning, after following tha robbers to that No definite trace of taka men haa secured si nee tha robbery, when they arnaah Don't confuse we new methods with'the old methods making Corn FlakeSvAsk your grocer-for Post Toakties best corn flake 9 J- hmt mmm fsW mmr a IT ttN.TW, KOHDAT. AVQVtX tX. 182L sUDSAB AXD aTTOSOMa 8T Start Now To Eat KOU BSXAD GOOD BBJEAD Aa Be Bare tra taa Cases. All. tea Swssaai CREAMALT, BREAD -tees' asaae wire ssllk aaa aai Irs Cae eg set of i BawaeV Wa aaaa aaaBa 1 il A.

H. SHOULDISi 3 I BkaalMr COMfaMastataMT T89 Bank Bt, 0arUnf7S Wa Beets as AH Itwea ear ska eery. SORETOROArn as a eoaiMosi artrlra, UMLiia 64M COMOSTIOek tvttOf'V'rS'Vr' iiklCJiajY not aav TAINID TBIATMEUT bl runs But it tanirM i stti.K.1 naaaawv ajrouaOe. MTHOMAA' ECLECTRIC OIL Crochet Cottons and Embroidery Threads Our stock.of crochet cottODt and embroidery threads is' very complete, and includes all the well-known and wanted makes besides several new lines that are destined to prove popular. "Peri Lusta" Slipper Cotton A fine mercrtfized quality put up in 140 yard balls and stocked in White.

Black. Mauve, Cardinal, Saxe, Rose, Fawn, Pink and Buttercup, is largely used for sweaters, slippers, etc. Price 75c ball "Peri Lusta" Crochet Cotton Comes in shades of Rose, Pink, Sky, Saxe, Sand, White and Black, and is priced at 30c and 35c per ball (according to number). D. M.

C. Crochet Cotton In White and Ecru, may be had in Nos. 5 to 1 00 and is priced accordingly at from 25c to 45c "Coates Mercer" Crochet Cotton Comes in large sized balls. White in Nos. 20 to 100, and Ecru in Nos.

20 to 70, at 20c per ball. And in small sized balls. White in Nos. 3 to 100. Ecru in Nos.

3 to 70. and Sky, Pink, and Mauve in Nos. 30. 40 and 50. at 10c bal "Claris" Crochet Cotton White only at 10c ball "Clara's Brilliant" Sand Silk, In beautiful shades of Sky, Pink, Buttercup.

Orange, light and dark Saxe, Purple, Mauve, Tan, Sand, Cream and White, is 10c ball OXIDIZED PURSE MOUNTS A va cd tha front window of the atore, and made off a few minute, later in a red touring oar. a liat aV lha articles stolen is being compiled, and will bs handed over to tna ponce sumo-rltlss st Ottawa and Hull today. Acting Inspector of Detectives Mort Culver has taken the caae la band, and the district authorities have also been notified. Chief Kearnan in formed The Journal that eeveral per-aons claim to have noticed the ear I Beanoa aa Bagta Mid-aoraaaer Qean-up Sale Edisoa PhatMgraph WHB aaw, Oals $125 Eobertaon, Pirurle ft Tilley LISUTBD COT. Bjaab aa Caesar Its.

D. M. C. Embroidery Threads Are carried in a complete range of fine, fast colors (stranded), at 6c skeia; also in White (Red Label quality), at the same price. Rope Floss May be had in 4 yard skeins, in all leading dress and embroidery shades, at 6c skein.

"Artsyl Crochet" An artificial silk used besides crocheting for fringes, is stocked in Rose, Pink, Sky, Jade. Purple, Tan, Grey. Blue. Black, at 15c spool (30 yards, on spool). Corticelli Crochet Silfy White and a large range of colors 25 yard spook 25c; oz.

spools at 55c each. Sweater Silk An artificial silk product largely used for the making of hand-knitted of crocheted articles may be had in white and colors. 2 oz. skeins at 175 yard tubes at $1.50 each. NOTE: We carry a very nice range of silk fringes in good shades of Rose, Dutch Blue, Tan, Green, Fawn, that are suitable for trimming lamp-shades, cushions, etc.

Price 90c yard. Also dull gold guimpes at prices from 20c to $1.00 yard. nety of styles. Special at 75c each. near Ckrleton Place, but a rig-Id arch of that district failed to dle- cloae any mlgn of the roach lip or ita ocoapanti.

Don't forffet our targre ment of cut lat. IWChmahaa araa-arar Dtmmsr. Ten Only To Clear. nr Elliott Dexter la a Plar Ttiat Is Dirrrnasr The Witdiing Hour A Paramoaai Prodartloa Also Paths Colored RHfw and A Roaring Ooraedr NOW ANT ALL "WEEK IMPERIAL awn mowers WE MUST CLEAN THEM UP 1 11 ID-' Off All Regular 0 Prices. Buy Now JVwer Cheaper.

I 1 It will pay you to shop here All our high-grade and exclugiva Oanaenta ara now at reduced prices daring our Midsummer Ulcaranee. u7 -S lanes' CANADIAN BEAM) i82pirki It, Fhone Q.7B36 ASPHALT SHINGLES SJM PES SQUAEE. PAR0TO ROOFING FaUtom iixdiitm Hto Aon t' rfwt-Jrallt Cwawalriv' Em ia lavirx mm. Fan Ualna CoBdnfft.

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