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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 5

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUM- Hats It fatest styles' In-Engll now ready fQf inspection. We cordially Invite tmenaina purchasers to fcf PI -iteortct and the prices U'l 3.051 IT U. OIIIIO OC 5d li Li I FINE HATTERS! mam nu. i si I 4 n0Er Mr iMnnv see them, as the, shapes are rlghtt i i :VO.v-A 08 SPARKS STREEt. as oosbbtb xodiBgl7 eloM At tV tat data 85, i lo At tsat SO.

at tt. $Ui ilM IB, 90, IS, list isi lite arportio o. Hi Megloughlin I 1 Cookiticr 4 I. ifBB i- MiTrrtiTiiT lit Fo.k i kzss xmvx oocxjva tu piujiipw school of sotmo Wui dumwoo Ik McIm lMtmiM toUnia On BaiunUy. tbo Sad Amil at N'loeku ia ta) aftanooa oa jru(4 llS SPARKS ST.

(j. oB yiorwoiiriot own tw oclrao SALLi, LAqi5S A loohtrooj Qoah jtftoraooa thjaytaT at PftlCBSB. FOR- Col it CHi nmhin uUlUiu 1 I COtXTHBIA CHAIN! KODKLA 1 MOOED MODEL JL i' RXOOKD JtODKL 3 I hot wiu immr.iniomnac xao IU bo roUetfcd jolBst oar All odoUo wUbiUoa. mm rodaetioa. 1 41-1.

Toronto, itoiea aV-Tao! ii-a, ojmoJ irhich wn tao. Mortavfot yatrdor. 4s awylar aoutn oajitirard, and an rOf. looiirotaf Is aop rina jAlbortaif T)io aiiwaro Is incraaolng- oror tao. toko district, aad Hrr' tha joaston prorlaaos.

j' I 1 HlBlmim and toamora--; tanot quliJt' Si 44; tai Qa'AnpoUo, blow. Wlnnlpos. Hi Poit Attlutr. 10, Parrr BouSd. to.

3C: Toroato. Ottawa, tt. 44; UontrMa. 4.i44j Qoboc. 9JU44; HaU rriaavs fi- PTl- Mt- a fe-rbabAltlOtUirol Val- fcy Woftortt winds.

lair and cool day aad TbttTsda: Tinmry; Ont, (March St. Tao SHr- aacat aloek: Mr was badly aconflBd 1 Itondar: aifMt. Stx snaD ftrms 00-i wnprlnf atoraa bit tit block woro born-'04. oat Tao iota) loos win roach xar- tr t.W parwr eoTorod by Jl' Tt. I Maeh Mk-Tbo OHjrrtto from I Porto JteUfaa Wk aoUasos Is a total wtoct fit Thnna Csp.

trano nauxa jaaroor. aro soToo. ri-; I. 11 -i I I J- XTJBT KbiOpHB BATTIA rtalro. March tith Sorrlshos who adraaeod 'adlsst tao AagloOBarptlaa arrfy Vroj onircnhtd at Z3 -HOsl.

oa tao Atboca rivetj Tboy aro snOerlac oarorcly, froia husk) of food and aro i sMbslntinc on palm nats. Tho dstrtto tloa ofitaotrioatipllos atiSboady will compel than air batUo for Itfao AasESraUaa oapodltlon has IlMoaf aacorly awafttor Howa a orashtaa- dofedt of tho Dotrtahos Is ok-'Ineotod horoi hootyi neotod hooryi I MorrtektUloj March 9a-5 11 11 1 rrya Mir. yoattaost 00a of Mr. Wat. Mkv i aallyo oeotdfdtallr shot hhasalf.

with a tf oahbro rororr Tho yoonxman 'was taoiaot of otoppins Uto tao caorioM la front Of Ms homo oa Brock jctroot. whoa kaoMwrolror, which was his was! acddsntallyi dio- tho fbuHeti ontorlna tho calf of tho jmakW an uiy. painful Woond. I feeail jwas called la but ao'nabt taeata tho ball, aad totho, tt had aot aosa axtraot- 1 I Xotoaroloci looooooo oooeoooooooeoi 1 15saaios'A4oaV 1 It ft of: 1 I i i 1 i I aadaaaarlgoMat. 9 0 oqoo9eooooooooo4p And American Silk Hats prlrM tor Unmadlata niao.

i r(Ur priea $1.00. telSO, reralM Brio Mi ngnlar prle SUO. Co. h6 sprkt st i I Lectures tt4 rt oa Ma. Onto a Son's, old (ton.) Ifiw Cbllia M4 Tory popular orvr America.

85.00 1 65.09. 65.09 60.09 1888. PatehMora jupoa otott aiU UU ftSO b.b. j. MysiC TBACHBR STJJC1DBHL? Pvtorboro; March to.

Esth.r! Tolior, a Jyouna nnato loachor of this. tows, has eommlttod saloido by drownlni horsoll la tho river, i No cans for her rash action can ascrtaioL -i BABTBNIHCR SHOT HIM. iolloVlilo. March' ti iocolved hero by prlrato letter from Skaaway teBs of the -death of WUUamlDolsea, who went there from was shot dead by the bartender of a saon la which ho took port la a row. BXQTJSST POB A CHTJIH.

lUnaaton, March SO. By the win of tho late Arthur Chowa, a leadlnf Me-thodisl of this eity. the sum of tl.000 each la atrea to tho Methodist Missionary Society, Superannuation I Fund and Sydenham Street Methodist church. These bequests are eoadl-tlotiedj howeror, by the manner In tho estate turns 1. BLOWERS, AT WORK.

tit. Aadrowa. Quo. March 9ti Thoa. Lamb's post -office store' was broken Into, the safe ruined by expiooftee aad ererytalaa- of any aeoailac value taken, tadudiaa- tuo la stamps, of which MO wore bt Jubilee stamps.

Two Canisters AtA a 1 I sacs, ata aot A Ions-: and a short man XK9aBASB IN aPORTS. -v into, March SO. Exports from To. routo for March will show a blf increase orer the; previous, month. The leading: articles and amounts of tha txports are: 3aeoa.

tlSUOQ; asrlcul- tural Implements. 171.000; flour. tUOOO. and wheat, 944,000. The, experts of tho coarse nalns wUl show slight la 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 HBAD Bun untavUle.

Ont. March so. Tester- day a brakemaa "oa" the Grand; Trunk named John Davallo fell between two cam of his train and was killed- his head belaf cut clean off. A' defective plank on a load of lumber broke and let i him His' homo Is la Barrio, whore he has a wife aad one child. Coroner Beeco decided ao Inquest TO BTJUJD TBS Toronto, March Stu-Mr.

L. McKellar. vlch-president of the Toronto Bobber Shoe Manufaeturias; Company. I whose factory la at Port Dalhousle, has re. celted word from Bull that the by-law arahtlnr the company a bonus of S30, O00UO remove their factory to that puce has been passed by a large majority, The oompsay will immediate ly proeeoa with the erection of tho Duiwings at Busu The Toroato house win be retained.

TRUB WHILE XULBTKB. -Windsor. Oat. March M.tha burial of Miss Margaret Mean, who died at the. rostdeaco of her nephew, la Detroit, oa Bun day, took place yesterday afternoon at Sf John's Band-widh.

Her remains were laid beside those of Adam Bogarth to whom she wai engaged to bo married sixty years ago, but who died oa the eve ot the wedding. She remained faithful to the) end aad always wore the engage ring he had given her. ONTARIO BXFTJ7MEN. Toroato, March t. The Ontario Rifle Association yesterday re-elected officers as follows: CoL John X.

DaTldsoq. president; Lt--CoL White. Ouelph Lt-Coi 8. Bugbea, M. Lindsay; Major J.

t. MassoB, Hamilton; ZX-CoL Mao-Pherooa Ottawa, vice-presidents Vance Oraveiey. Toronto, treasurer i Capt. A. XK CartwrighL To roato, secretary; Capu A.

Curraa aad A Mitchell. Toronto, auditor. ad nerilstont aaerUalao is a sure prelado to wealth. Stephen aDijileeorfiBieyeles which i. THIS OTTAWA flVfiNINOJbUBNALl WE DNES DAY, MARCH 30, 1893 The New Franchise Measure Carries In the House of Commons Provincial Voters' Usts to Form Basis of the Dominion Suffrage Nova Scotia's Petty Partisan Course Comes up In the Discussion' The Bouse of Commons yesterday adopted the principle that provincial voters' lists should be used for Dominion This was the principle of the government's new raa chlse bill.

It wss endorsed yesterday by giving the bDl its second reading. Mr. Powell ou behalf of the Opposition moved an amendment providing that the Parliament should make some arrangement to retain superrlsloa ot the Usts on which its members aro elected. amendment was defeated by a' vote of IT to Before the debate begaa Sir Charles Tapper asked whether the report M. Cameron.

M. Is to be appointed Lieutenant-Governor of tha Northwest Territories was wen founded. The Premier replied: fancy If were founded at all tho matter would be made official, but as it has not been made official, tt Is not well founded. A THI FRANCHISE DEBATB. Mr.

Bourassa, XJberaL LabeUe," resumed tho debate oa the Franchise Bill. Be stroagiy supported, the plaa ot adopting tho provincial lists. Speaking especially with regard 'to his owa province, ho sad Queboo was strongly opposed to manhood suffrage. That being so, tt was surprising that tuo Tories should proposj to force on them asctk a Be considered the franchise was due not to every man but only to those who could exercise It freely. Intelligently aad la the pub-lie interest, and therefore welcomed the bill before tho Mr.

Clancy Conservative, Bothwen, thought that tho difference in the boundaries of provincial aad Dominion constituencies wss aa Insuperable obstacle to the successful working of the government's bin. Be also held it unfair to make the municipalities pay tor the preparation of Domtnloa lists. -7 Mr. Casey support of the bin said tho ohjectloa concerning the cost being borne by the municipalities was hot well taken because the municipalltlee bad to prepare the lists for their owa purposes anyhow. Mr.

Sogers' of -Frontenae, Patroa, after denouncing the present Franchise Act aad approving; the bill before the made an emphatio declaration that ho believed in compulsory voting and thought action ia that direction should be taken after tho present bill went through. Disfranchisement far two or three years was the penalty ho thought proper for those who. neglected to vote without good cause. 1 1 Mr. Poupori ot Pontlac followed.

He proved tho first aad only Conservative to support the government bill. He prefaced his speech by saying that ta the election of 1S4 he had promise his county to vote for the repeal of tho Franchise Mat. He Intended fulfilling that Proceeding he said he did aot give his entire approval to tho bin. before the Bouse because he saw serious defects la It, but ia spite of this It wss aa Improvement oa the aresent law. Tho basio idea ta the preparation of a franchise was that all who wore ea titled ta vote should be- assured that their names would be kept oa tho lists.

To secure this there was ao' more reasonable course than to go to' the municipal authorities, what were fam iliar with the qualifications of those living ia their municipalities, and who had to yearly prepare lists for municipal purposes anyhow. There was one serious defect in the bill which he hoped would bo. done away with- in committee, and that was the surrender of the oontrol of the franchise en thei part of tho House. While availing itself of the assistance afforded by municipal lists the federal parliament should not divest Itself of oontrol ot Its In oonciuslon. he announced that Queboo was practically unanimous la Its opposition to tho present Franchise Aot aad urged that the question Involved in the bill before the Bouse should not be dealt with from a partisan point of view.

v-5. Mr. Powell, Conservative, Westmoreland. N. after a brief speech offered the following amendment to the government measure: "That the bin be aot bow read a second time, but tha it be resolved that this Bouse, while desirous of 'reducing the expense of the preparation of the lists, as tar considers no system ot franchise satisfactory which does not preserve Federal oontrol over both the basis ot suffrage aad the vo tars' After recess tho debate was 00a Unused by Messrs.

Brittia (Kingston), Msrtla (Queen's, P.E.I.), Hughes, (Victoria), McCleary (WellandV Henderson (Helton). GUUee (Klcbmjid, N. a). (Stanst-od) Clark Wallace. Legrls (Masklnonge), Chauvln (Terrebonne).

McNeill (Bruce) aad Mclsaae (Aatigoalsh), Hughes aad W. F. Maclean, 6:. Mr. McCleary (Welland) thought the passags of the bill would mean tho Introduction ot party politics Into municipal affairs, aa undeelrable thing'.

Mr. 1. RoeO Robertson said he was not la love with the bin before the Bouse but could not see that the Conservative amendment provided for the disappearance of "our old friend, the re-Vising and intimated that unless provision of this kind was msde he could not support the amendment- Mr; Davin pointed out that thi government btu did not get rid of the revising barrister because tt provided that ta case bo provincial Usts had been prepared within a year previous to aa election, new lists should bo pro-, pared by Dominion offlclala Boa. Mr. Fielding took exception to the Opposition charges that provincial lists la Nova Scotia were unfair because ot the disfranchisement by that province of Dominion employees.

Be sail all these names were oa tho lists and Chat the disfranchisement for provincial purposes was effected not by the dropping of the names from tho lists, but by the submission of aa oath to them which if Dominion employees they could not take. Thus while prevented from voting at provincial elections Dominion offlcisls had their right to vote at Dominion elections preserved to them as well by provincial lists as by any others. I- Mr. Mills (Annapolis) said that the Nova Bootia disfranchisement Act had had the effect of keeping Dominion officials from voting at Dominion elections, not because of any power la the law Itself to bring about such aa effect, but because Ignorant officers whea pro- paring Hits left off tho names of Domin ion offlcisls thinking tho- disfranchise ment applied la all cases. The bin be fore the Bouse as It noSf stood wouia have the effect of putting the Nova Scotian disfranchisement- laws into operation for Dominion purposes, A division was reached at ISJf s-rn.

Mr- Powell's amendment was defeated by a vote of 17 to 48, a government majority of 40. Mr. Pouporo of Pontlac (Conserva-ttve). aad Mr. 1.

Ross Robertson, la-dependent Conservative, voted with tho government. -i The bin was then given its second reading ea tho same division reversed. Tho House adjourned at 1ASS svm-v DISTRESS IN HATTL Jamaica, March SO. Advices received here from Port au Prince Bsyti, report a terrible flnsnHsl eonditlon to be existing there. TM premium oa gold Is two hundred aad twenty per cent.

The greatest misery and starvation prevaH la the Interior, and. flour costs thirty dollars a barrel, according to these advices. P-1 GLAD TO GET BACK, 1 Montreal. March SA A party ot twelve people from the state of Michigan, and formerly poor settlers from tho province of Quebec, applied yesterday afternoon to tho mayor for tree transport tn their homes at little Met-apedia. The applicants were Introduced by Mr.

Carufel. the secretary of the Bureau of Colonisation, and after hearing the request of tho party, his worship gave them a letter to Superintendent Harris of the B. with a full statement of tho THB BBAIi FISHERIES. St John's. NfloV March St, Tao steamer Algerino arrived from tho too fields at noon, reports twenty-foe thousand seals.

She saw the Neataaat with S4.000 seals; tho Newfoundland with 1S.O0O; tho Leopard with 4.0M; tao Labrador with T.OOfl; tho Vanguard, with 100; aad tho Walrus loaded. The Mastiff was lost, but her crew were saved. 1 Other steamers were seen bat their trips were not Tho prospects for loada are good, Oao schooner Is reported with (,009 seals. REV. MR.

KN0WLB8 DTOTJCTBTX Gait March SA Rev. Robert at Knowles, late of Stewartoa Ottawa, was formally taduoted Into-the pastorate of Knox church here yesterday afternoon; Rev. Mr. MacLeaa, moderator of the Ouelph Presbytery, said It was Just a year since the ohuroh became vacant by tho removal of Dr. Jackson to Cleveland.

Rev. Mr. Mullen addressed the asia later, aad Rev. Mr. Blair addressed tho people, A reoepvl tloa to the newly Installed pastor aad his wife was held ta tho church last Bight TEST FOR DTSPEPTICS Dodd's Dyspepsia Taklets' are the Wender of the Century, A Propoaml to Teat Thai Bernskahla Meaeylnitwngfth DlsiaiM Box; of Behlth tor Fifty Cents.

It used to be said. "Tea cant, bey health with Many people will tell you so to-day. Bat, to a very great extent the saying has lost its truth and aiigaiAeaaee. Many things that used to be impossible, aro to-day quite easy of aoeoapliahmeat. For Instance, you oaa talk to a frioad a thousand miles away; Niagara Falls have been harnessed to tho service of man; electricity ia one of oar servants.

And yon oaa buy health by the box. mow, ayspepucs, aad people suner-Ing from indigestion, may not believe this. AU the la a fact, aad they oaa prove it to be one, aad make themselves happy for Ufa at tao same time, if they wish, This la how to do it Buy a box of Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets price fifty cents. Use one or two Tablets after each meal, aad they will find that their disease will soon bo replaced by vigorous health. I This is another fact If you dont believe it test it.

Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablet will tebnvinee yoa by curing you. Isn't that proof enough Every box of Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets is a box of health. 1 Dodd's Dyspepsia. Tablets care all diseases Of the stomach except cancer. They digest the food, strengthen aad restore the stomach, regulate the bowels, aad make tha sick welt It is dangerous to wade unknown waters.

It is squally dangerous ta tamper with unknown medicines. Dont endanger your health by trying" new -remedies." stick to Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets. They'll do all that can be doae for you. They'll euro you. I Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by all drusvista, at fifty centra box.

six boxes, SXSO, or will be sent on receipt nf price, by The Dodd's Medicine Co, imiEOUj i Skip ir Ton LUfg, This is an ad. Skip It aad you lose. Read and act oa It, yoa gain. I HALF PRICE AND LESS. Dry goods aad etotalns; Orooertea, Feetwear.

1 Bats. caps, gents furnishings. An new aad good aa can te bought Larose'r sale of the MoKercher Rickey bankrupt stock, 49 to (7 Rldeaa St. aad OT Sussex. Larose's dc bankrupt stock sale has both the putt and the patronage.

Price and quality always telt TH Bs RedCrossPtimicj Car Richolaa Theeaors Sulpkaae, Nature's .1 Oreai at sua ,4 Blood Purifier, For sale at BOLLARD 'PreecripUoa Druggist aSe Phono 1189 MINISTERS CHANGED of Mettodiat Oaarehae Work V- March SO. The Transfer Committee of the Methodist church In pftahda met yesterday whea tho following transfers were made: Rev. N. B. Scott from Toronto Conference to London Conference; Rev.

J. B. Baund-cs. from Montreal Conference to London Conference; Rev. B.

B. Lance ly, treat London Conference to Montreal Conference; Rev. E. Crummy, from Japan to Montreal Conference; Rev. John Mills, from.

Londoa Conference to Hamilton Conference; Rev. T. J. Delnstadt from Nova Scotia Conference 1 to jfew Brunswick Conference; Rev. Joseph Salton from New Brunswick Conference to Nova Scotia Conference; Rev.

J. F. Salton, from London Conference to Hamilton Conference; Rev. J. B.

Smith, from Hamilton Conference to London Conference; Rev. R. Bassard, from Bay of Quints Conference to Toronto Conference; Rev. O. White, from Montreal Conference to Bay of Qulnte Conference; Rev.

Gee. Smith, from Hamilton Conference to London Conference; Rev. Jos. Ward, from London Conference to Toronto Conference; Rev. John Mohan, from Toroato Conference to London Conference; Rev.

Wm. Oalbralta, from Toronto Conference to Bay ot Qulnte Conference; Rev. W. Bray the, from Xondon Conference to Hamilton Conference; and Rev. John Philip, from Hamilton Conference to Toronto Conference.

ii. 1 SICKNESS AND 8TJICDDE. Owen Sound, March SO. Thomas Campbell, aged about a farmer living on the outside of the town, hanged himself yesterday. The only cause assigned in that he had a bad attack of biliousness Monday and during the Bight REPRESENTATIVE GATHERING.

Chicago, March SO. The members of the International Sunday School Lesson Committee are ia session today. With a similar disregard of race and religious creed, the stage of the Andttoriam where tho great gather-lag was called to order, waa occupied by representatives of 1S.O0O.OOO members of the Sunday schools ot tho United States aad Canada, aad 1,000,004 members of Sunday schools ot other laada. Tula eosmopoUtaa body is Intrusted with the task ot outlining the international course of Sunday school lessons to bo used throughout the civilised world, and the present meeting win outline tho course of study for the year ltOL and win also formally adopt tho course for 190. Out Stock I Is larae and complete and prices the lowest 1 1 1 BV F.

MacCAHTHY 9S3 Wellington street 00M99O-90O9 99IM00 SpilnsFoptwear 'J; Solid Lsatker Shoes la nawest styles for the present season. Quality high. Prices low. CVNEEUN, 68 WdeiirSt 1 Cltasu Hepawell Y1CT99JIA ATS I GarpsntcrS Pnllder i If von eoetempiste ouueiag, at P.n.. alterations or additions to your HOME, advice from aa 9 experienced sad practical build-Z sr, (oheerfully given) may be of VOBODS 7- "an that bread ahouU bej light, sweet Butritioua, eaally ilgeebS perfset as tho finest flour aad skOled hands oaa make it Full weight Lowest surreal price.

Delivered everywhere. GEO. W. SHOULDIS BAKER AJCD CONTZCTIONIB, Comer Somerset aad Cambridge Sta. Phoao 1909, Lucky Charms w- TkVl' a aaer Tine of Charms in Rabbits' Foot.

Four Leaf Covers, and sUver coins, aU of ttta very JaW 85 AND 97 SPARKS ST. "PHONE 991. 1 FOR SALE A new 9 etoroy brick veneered gravel roofed dwelling. No. 114 BoteUer St-with modern eonvoaieacos; also vacant earner lot adjoining.


leohis. Sail Taohts, Oars, Paddles, MARIA STRBJR KUDOS. OTTAWA, 3 Alterations made without oxtra ehArgv j5 I 6. IL H0L6R00K, 1 3 109 CPABXS ST. Seeds Breads ird Cagesi BRASS CAGES.

Braa9 Cages with guard 9 Extra large Bra99 Cageg rarrot Uage9. I Squirrel' Cage9V- All New Qobda- BDttirworth Boildin. 197-SPARK3 8TREET-197 Spring Footwear With QUALITX, BTTLE aad PRICES CORRECT. Every pair we sell (ivas satisfaotkn. Retallack 99 SPARKS 8T.

a room is aa much aa art as dressing a woman. The wall paper stamps you aaartiatio or otherwise. With Inartlstlo wall paper yoa may work forever aad yet there- will be something wrong about tho rooms. While the right paper, well, it will si meet furalsa an empty room. Nowhere else will' yoa find so much beauty for so little money as P.

STEWART, Paiater aad Papsrhansar. 996498 SPARKS STREET, Also Painta, Window Shades aad Curtain Poles. 1 ALL RAIL COAL -1- i.i 1 BEST QCAUTT. DaUvered CLEAN aad DBT $5.75 per toil $5.60 FOR CHESTNUT Spot Cash. Immediate Delivery.

RAY GO "69 SPARKS 'Phoao TROWELS (OnelnnatU) l'. For Plasterers and Bricklayers. Agrateware Fall tango. Pretty new -things In Oraamentad Jags aad Tea Pots. LAWN AND GARDEN HOSE.

W.GRAHAM Hardware an Heusefnrnlshiogs, I 195 BANK' STRSKTrC Phons 1 I -fj. i 2 a- Phydiclana' and Family Prescriptions ''dispensed, -s'ih ifj PURE R. A. sMraick Disaolnalnir Chemist 76 SPARKS STREET. Phono 1H.

1 v-i a HABIBIAQB UCBH9E9, i R0BT STEWART 1 1 ISSUKB OF Harrtaotj i Licenses Corner at Klgia and Queen Sta; OTTAWA. I Paaldenne 90 Ja street, Ottawa, B. YIELDING -IflSUKR OF- Marriage Ljcenses 979 SLATER STREET, OTTAWA. Do You Need PrinUng, Bcokbiading or Paper Baling. All classes of work done; asHo-dato stylos aac pruea We Can Fill All erdera for Legal, Divisioa Court or Municipal ssrava.

Orders by meal prosaptly filled. 1 i i. i 1 HALDANB CO SS ELODf STBBBT. sVoxt Jowraal (DtXloai Ritooi iOlnim Dirhriiiic i. In Tan Suede Gloves, fine soft kid.

Regular 80 cts. per pair. The whole lot will be sold at 60c per Pair or by the package per pair. New fresh stock, i Don't miss tHls drive. Ro n.

McMORRAN P. S.Cash Only. AIR goadd RVLs fen in Bangs, latest na tural, eurli warranted A I Ladiee aad Geetlaman's roams for ai Face Massage and Manicuring. E. MIXdOBBS, By -Apaointasaat, Bair rreas Planed av asd all Kama or botjbb rcnstT, ax- GHAUDiERE PLMlltlG MILLS 1 The A CdROCT.

For Evening Dress 4 WOBM isadtae ACoassras well seaed far niniiig wear as it is far 'uiiiinery iiiiiiiii It (rfe "ckie" te 0s agura, without suaV tt at sow 1 i 'T Wear Conel 1 For plala, oolored, figured aa4 window- glasa, gkvsing aad class repairs leave your order DUFORD'5 3BATJ STREET. Notice, Merchants Butchers, Bakers, Hardware, FUh Dealers, Grocers, eta, Clsaa Dewspapere for sale at 90s. ta par 100 lbs. STREET, Opposite Fork street SSMAKIIIG First Foor, Bank Chambers. Latest styles and complete asuaraa-tloa may always be relied npoa.

as ia deed very maay ladiee ia our fashionable circles know, aad others be equally well pleased pa au trusting their orderejto as. -v-y, Phoao 117. .1 t.l Hotel Cecil. STTAWA. A modern built, wall equipped Hoe telry.1 with iall Improvameata to.

date. aad whoso (chief characterisUee are. 1 Courteous Unexcelled -8uprfer Service, i aad Traasleat Patroa- Make your advortleomeut so clear that it can Ibe understood without of. fort, end lt-Vtth your stroagest point aad; then PRE For; FamifV of 6 pairs at 6Q5 ui ij r. i.

SUSSEX STREET vr sUl i. a HATS Oh mS3koa, tar' SaST swstortaeT gre, aad faded hal I 1 teiU aataaa tao 11 if- Opposite Post Offloov ad (IiwibiiI Bsmaa, aid Bliaii 1 Koituirc: 99 AND 99 BJJJBAg sTtBKBt, 4 Metallic Gcnica ana trsn D6C0mi0Sw. 1 PLAIN AND DECORATTVKi Permaaent, Durable, 1 Fire-nroaC asmoarsl. "fdniteble far overr Wad at Buadlnc Jest 1 what ia wanted ia every etoro aad. office, la -warehouses aad factor-' loo, ia asylams aad aoepitala, ta aeaeta-' arias, ooi logos aad aehool aousia, ia tho parlor, kitchen aad lihrarvj la rtwroaos halls aad the 1 tree Is short, any place where permanaaey aad beaaty of deeira aad color are wanted.

BBssbiasd with perfset a sens tie it Telephone naTi A': I deeire to warn massss ore of tao i BC4VLBD OATS agaiaaft laferier hraade of Rolied Oats that are being offered in. thia eity. aad would ask pareb-asere of our goods to see that tho paeaagos have ear 'trade mark' tC aOXXED OAT9 lt' -i- mom T9 L9AS Money to! MONET TO LEND AT 9 FEB CUT, aa Improved City or Farm Property, OEMMTLL dt MAT, 1 RubthoHeaifna Sprtnds i NATT7RAL LITHIA WATER. rwrARNINGTj lAlds Digestioa, i Btreagthsas the Ksrvsas Systaav Ooadaeos sleep. Bxeeodlnaiy sWss -ohms ia all forms ot 8kia Diseases and is a spsolfie ta Bhoomorlsra aad Ooaa.

A9olp9as O. Cssseaa ueaenu n.ini, OCQao't Metropolltaa Life BuIMiac, Ai HUDSON 'ACCTIONEER, ASSIGNEE, BIAS IESTATB. INSURANCE, MlnlM avoperty and stocks, ISI SPARK BTRBSf Hoaees rented, property bought aad sold, swats aad book debts eoUeetod. Patent Bieyeie Guide aad Staadf fr-aala 4KNXKAIi lAGKNT i aUiigirttn for KMziHt Call at eJARVIO i S97 QUEEN Sue r'" Fv BV Awalags I aa aaaal Frtoo If yoa are interested la any earning event aad would like ta see a report of It la The Journal, drop a pest card to, or telephone the reporters' raesn fpaoao 9 IT), aad Tao Jour-aoJ wtUoadMvor ta da the aftair I i' i 'i :0. 'V-'.

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