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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 3

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
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MORK18 418 Mesa Ave Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially i ges ts the food and aids In strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digest- antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency.

It Instantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestloo. Prepared by E. C. OeWItt A Gasoline Engines We sell a Gasoline Engine that Has the least number of working easiest started and operated of any in the market. Salted for HOISTING, PUMPING or driving any kind of MACHINERY.

If your engioe or machinery does nol run to suit you, CALL AND SEE US ABOUT IT. 10 BEPlIlt IS OllR SPECIALTY 81 Paso Novelty Worb, 114 Stanton St. SI Paso, Ter. Mexican Fire Opals 600D ASSORTMENT RIGHT PRICES Mexican leather carver at work. Call CD us.

G.WALZ CO Clad adjQ ares 63 Op Oustom Houia, El Paso Transfer Oompanv. ajLOKB, BUS JLND PbOBIU Soutb Orvgos Every One Eats AT TBK SILVER KING CAFE Most populftr lunch counter In tne ctty. Anything you want; the best of food and thfi best of service. best Chill Con Game in the city every night at 8 open Day and STEIN UHLI6, Props iS)9 San Antonio St, EL PASO CALIFORNIA STABLES W. V.

OARPKNTEK. Livery. Feed and Sale Stable. Horses that any one can drive. Spaclal attention given to Opposite Fire Department.

Phone 41, K1 Paso. EASTERN GRILL Plrst-cla-ifl reptaurant In every respect Firet-cUes cooking-. Short orders day and nitrht. Ditiiier Daily at 3 p. m.

123 El Paso Next to For the Toilet Table our Complexion Creams, Toilet Waters. Perfumes, and Powders are Indispensable for the refined and dainty woman. We have everything In toilet articles in sponges, loofahs, sea salt, fine soaps, bath, nail and tooth brushes, that are of superior manufacture and reliable ualltv. FRED SCHAEFFER. The Druggist.

Money in your pocket if the house you buy or build is constructed with Building Material from our yard; and you will make no if you buy your FEED AND FUEL of all kinds from us. We carry the best of everything in our line. El PasoFnelCo, Offiice: 411 Santa Fe St. a. 0.

BALLINGER. J. J. LONOWELL Balipr Lonpe Transfer, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. New RIgs.Rubber Drivers Hack Service Promptly Furnished Transferring of Freight.

Light and heavy hauling. of freight in car lots for diitributloa given prompt attention. Have fine accommodations for handling live stock in transit through -Full line of buggies and delivery Give Trial. No. It and 14 Ban Francisco itraet asd lOe Santa Fe Street, Phone No.

1 El Paso, Tex. J. A. ROGERS, Real Estate and Rental Aeent Proprietor CHOPIN HALL, the on first class hall in the city for Dances, Concerts Socials, Lodge Meetings, Cack Walks, etc. FOR brick residence Hotel Dieu- easy terms, promptly made and remitted.

OQce in rear Chopin Hall. San Antonio Street. a Union Cigar Factory. The beet grade of Mexican dinars The Victoria Colon a specialty. We do ft etrictiy wholesale business.

Mall ordrrs promptly filled. ALVAREZ, Prop. Mesa El Paso. It will surprise jou lo experieoce the benefit obtained byusiner and famous little pills known as De- Little Early Risers. Fred Schaefer, prucrelst.

EL PASO AND THE QUARANTINE. Plain Statement Of Facts Presented To The Governor By the Chamber Of Commerce. Lack Of Judgment and Wilful Blindness To the Truth On the Part Of the State Health Officer Have Caused the Loss Of Thousands Of Dollars To the City Of El Strong Case Against Dr. No Cause For the Quarantine Exists, and It is Time That El Voice Were Heard at Austin. THE CHINA PALACE HAS REMOVED to its New Spacious Store Room at 110 San Antonio Street, next to the State National Bank.

We have larger quarters and larger 5 stock, better prepared to serve the people. The China Palace, A. STOLAROFF. 1 0 San Antonio Street. Yesterday the followlngr letter was Bent to Governor Sayers by President Freudenthal of the El Paso chamber of commerce, apaiost the farther continuance of the oppressive aad unjust quarantine now in force against San Francisco: CHAMBER OF COMMEROE.

Incorporated Under the Laws of Texas. EL PASO, TEXAS. El Paso, Texaa, Augfuefc 24, 1900. His Excellency, Joseph D. Sayers, Governor, Aastio.

Texas, Sir; We bejjf to renew our earnest request that the quarantine maintained by the state of Texas against San Francisco on account of the allejOfed presence of bubonic in that oily, be raised at once, and the fad publighed to the world that the avenues of travel throutrh this state ara no longer hedged about by harassing and burdensome regtrictiocs. We deem It useless to approach the State Health Officer again with rejrard to this matter. In Texas, as In California, It appears necessary to appeal from the dominant quarantine authorities to the irovernor. We trust our appeal will be as successful as was that of the people of San Francisco to the jtfovernor of California. Since our last communicAtion was to you Ifjtn we have received tbe followlnjf ieiters from the i Health Officer; DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS.

ustin Texaj, Aujj 16th, 1900. J. Frtuaenthal, President, of Comraerce, El Texas. Sir of recent date to the grov- ernor, also your Lelegram of this morn have been referred lo me. The mudificatiocs in tbe quarantine re- itriciions which were already In when you first took the matter up, and whicn have been considerably extended, must have alrooet entirely relieved the commercial interests, as there is now no embargo any thine: except it ha.s bden directly connected with the Chinatown of San Francisco.

For reasons best known to ourselves there will be no further modifications ior the present. in thii connection I desire lo pay that the public has never been fully advised of the situation there. am very respectfully. Your obedient servant, (Siifned) W. F.

lunt State Health DEPARTMENT TEXAS. ustin Texas, 19ih, 1900. E. Russell, Secretary, El Paso, Texas. Sir: communication of the I6th inst.

received (from the Governor.) Yesterday I received the telegratr: white case: lived in Chinatown. Ooe new case today; Uhinaman. (Sieried) Chas. F. Th's shows the lapse of time ha-i not demonstrated the truth of your that the quarantine Is not hv existing: Heaith Officer of the stale is res pons'ible for his and is ready to he to account for at I have per-fonally visited San have a reliable repre sentaiive on the ground, and am in consultaiiozj with the best health authorities of the country who approve my attitude.

You only hear one side, that of the commercial element and tbe railroads. I hear all. I see no justlticat on for any further modification of the quarantine at present. very truly W. lunt Stale Health In the face of the above letters we raaasert at time has demonelrated the truth of our cocien- If host health authorities of the country the of the State Health Officer, why do not other establish quarantineV And why did ihe one Colorado, which did establirih quarantine, raise Ihe quarantine almost Texas, by her attitude in this matter, is not only causing great loss and trouble to extensive and varied interests, but is upon herself the ridicule of the same and efiicient health authorities throughout the country, is prt pobterous lo suppose that the citizens of San Francisco would have permitted the pension of all quarantine restrictions In that city the first week In July, and kept everything open since that time, If there were any substantial danger there.

It Is Idle for Texas quarantine officials to assert that public has never been fully advised of the sltua- in San Francisco. The federal and state aulhorltiee and the newspapers in California Investigated the matter fully, and all the facts necessary to enable men of sound sense and unbiased attitude lo draw a correct conclusion have been before the public for two months We desire to quote again In this connection the following statement by tbe Texas State Health Officer in his letter to us of August 3rd: of the families in employ Chinese servants that have fretj dally communication with Chinatown, and It if strange that the disease has not been scattered over the city, but it seems not to have That statement is correct, and we might safely rest our case against Ihe Health Officer upon this single admis 8lon of his. If the people of San Francisco continue to employ Chinese laundries, and continue to purchase their vegetables from Chinese huoksters; and is the servants, laundrymeo and hucksters free dally communication with and yet disease has not been scattered over the we are surely justifled In declaring that to maintain a quarantine twelve hundred miles away from San Francioco is noi only unwarranted but absurd. In order to secure direct, fresh and reliable testimony upon the matter in cantroversy, the following telegram was sent by the El Cnamber of Commerce August 22od to Henry of California; F. W.

Dohrmann, President of the Aesociation of San Francisco; and U. S. Surgeon-General Walter Wyman at Washington: being acquainted with the situation in San Francisco as to bubonic plague, in your opinion Is the continuance of the quarantine by Texas against San Francisco To this Inquiry the followiog replies have bean received: am pleased to report that there is not the slightest cause for the quarantine by Texas against San Fianclsco or against any other portion of California The quarantine referred to is wholly unwarranted. (Signed) enry age is doubtful if there ever were cases of plague here lo justify Texas quarantine, and there certainly is no cause to maintain It at the present lime. (Signed) W.

ohrma President relations in health matters are with state health officers, and it is incumbent not discuss questions like that propounded by you except with them. (Signed) VM an urgeon General The opinion of Surgfon-G 3ner al Wyman, however, can be gathered from the fact that he visited San Francisco bimse and Investigated the matter, that he took no action as an officer of the Federal )verment to place restrictions on the movements of the people of that city, and that evidently he has not recommendiid quarantine by other states against California, since no state except Texas has made any prolonged, systematic efTort to bar out travelers from San Francisco. We also invite your altention to the following resolutions adopted after full by the El Paso Board of Health, August 23rd: esolved That this Board hereby endorsenand approves the action tho Chamber of Commerce in requesting that the (luarantine against alleged bubonic plague in San Francisco be raised Immediately, it is the sense of that no necessity exits for quarantine. That a copy of these resolutions be by the Secretary of the lioard to me Chamber of The members of the Board of Health, all of whom were present and voted for the resolutions, are Dr. W.

N. Vilas president. Dr. Chas. T.

Kaoe, city health physician, secretary, Ex-DUtrict Judge C. N. Buckler, Captain T. J. Beall, Mr.

C. R. Morehead, president State National bank and president school board, Mr. E. C.

Pew, member of school board, Dr. M. O. Wright. How many million dollars this quarantine has cost the state of Texas we will not try to estimate.

It is estimated here that El Paso alone is losing twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand dollars per month because of it. The Health Officer may, indeed, strive to belittle this phase by saying that it is side, that of the commercial elements, and Ihe To this we reply, first, that In any aspect Ihe commercial and railroad elements coniti- lute a very large and Important side; and secondly, that In this case there is no other side. The other side does nol exist except in the Imagination or self fnterest of the Texas Quarantine Department. The only that could be considered in this connection would be the safety of the people of Texas; and it is proved by the whole course of events siBce last March, when Ihe first alleged case of bubonie plague was reported in San Francisco, that the awful peril from which has hovered over the Texas Quarantine Department for all of these months, is a phantom, a ereatura of Ihe imagination. The of the quarantine restrictions upon which Ihe State Health Officer lays bo much stress do not meet the case.

We want not mo- difioation but abolition. Much of the Injury, Indeed, cannot be undone by any action now possible. This quarantine has definitely turned the tide of travel away from the southern route and sent it over more northern routes. It ia well known that when once thus deflected, travel does nol readily return to its former channel, even when the obstruction which caused the deflection Is removed. So long it is published to the world that Texas maintains this quarantine, so long the tide of travel will continue to run away from Texas, even though the individual traveler who starts from some other point than San Francisco may be told that he has no reason to fear detention.

Travelers fear a quarantine. We have definite Information that people from Southern California and other points outside of the district quarantined against, have taken a northern route because of the vague, undefined, but nevertheless controlling fear that in same way the quaraniine might cause them trouble. The very word quarantine is potent to turn the traveler away. The only etTective relief for the situation is to restore public coufidence by raising the quarantine absolutely and wholly. Then the work of recovering the deflected tide of travel and business may begin.

We wish to emphasize the character and extent of the investigawions made In San Francisco to determine the extent of the danger. The Governor of California, U. S. Judge W. W.

Morrow, Senator Perkins, Surgeon-General Wyman, the business and mercantile organizations of San Francisco, the practicing physicians of the city, Individual citlzans whose families are ecnploylng Chinese servants and are subjected to dally exposure if the plague exists there, the newspapers of San Francisco, with their enormoua facilities for ferrating out the ail these and many other investigators have pursued the avenues of information to the very end, and then deliver ed the verdict that there hae never been anything lo warrant the plague scare raised by the City Health Department of San Francisco and still nursed by the Texas Health Officer. We beg you, sir, to believe that In using terms which approach perilously near the boundaries of parlia- meotary speech, we mean no disrespect to you. If we were to mploy the terms that are suggested by the maintenance of these quarantine restrictions. we should go far beyond the bo-indi of parliamentary language. The Indignation, the sense of irj jtJtice and wrong, under which our people are smarting, have reached large proportions, and the language in which tbe State Health action is denounced in private conversation here is not to be quoted lo writing or print.

We will not undertake to bring and maintain against the Texas Quarantine Djpartment such charges as have been brought, and apparently substantiated, against the motives of the Health Department of the city of San Francisco. Even if it be true that cases were in San Francisco by tne health officer of that city for political ends, all that we desire to against the Texas StateHealth Officer at this timel-? that through lack of judirmont and refusal to act upon Ihe evidence present to him, he has needlessly prolonged a costly and vexatious quarantine far beyond the time when It was justified even as a precautionary measure. II is the duty of a quarantine department to protect the people against epidemic; but it is no the duty of a quarantine department to pro- teol the people against quarantine. An efficient quarantine officer will know not only when to quarantine, but when not to quarantine, and when to raise a quarantine. The State Health Officer of Texas should know, without walling to be told, that for at least six weeks past there has been no warrant for maintaining this quarantine; and he should know, and should act upon his knowledge, that just as soon as there Is no reason for maintaining a quarantine there ia every reason for raising it.

Next to epidemic nothing is more to be feared by a people than unnecessary quarantine. We fully recognize the necessity for prompt efficient quarantine when epidemic threatens; but an officious, meildlesome quarantine department that overdoes the thing is almost as much to t)e feared as a weak, inefficient or negligent quarantine department that underdoes the thing. The only reason why the present quarantine has not been far more destructive in its effects upon businesa interests is that it has not been effectively maintained. It has been maintained lo the extent of doing great damage to the business interests without being maintained to the extent of affording the state protection if there kad been real danger, Texas has not had bubonic plague, not because the quaraatlne has Icept it out, but because the plague has never tried to get in. Passengers from San Francisco, who bave urgent reasons for securing admission to tbe state, easily auffer lapses of memory as to the length of time eince they left San Prao- cisoo.

Olher passengers find it not impossible to oross the line into Mexico and enter the state of Texas by that route. Others have found it preferable to skirt Texas on the north and enter it from the east. Still others, and many of them, have been passed in by authority of the State Health Officer where no other ground can be found for such action then that they were so prominent and influential that it was not prudent to harass them as more humble cltizdna have been and still are harassed. As to Ihe shipments of freight, it did not take Texas merchants long to discover that even though it involved delay and expense, freight from San Francisco could be shipped to some point outside of Texas and from there reshlpped to a Texas point. We repeat that If there had been any plague to bring in, Texas would have had hundreds of cases of it before this.

That the State has been free from plague Is nol due to this unnecessary and inefficient quarantine, aad for the State Health Officer to claim credit for the exemption is to i-ivite astilllarger of ridicule. There is another important consideration to which we invite your altention. it is not alone the present quarantine against San Francisco which causes us concern. That is probably nearly at an end. Even the Texas State Health Officer will not much longfcr dare defy the public sense in this matter.

Bui what has been done this year may be repeated next, and the next. The same dispositiun to magnify the sama inability or indisposition to see things in their true proportions, the same perverse and obstinate attitude in the face of his owa admissions (as in regard to the general employment of Cninese servants in San Francisco without harmful of these must be reckoned with as long as the present Health Officer continues lo fill the exceedingly responsible, important, and, under certain oircum- Blances, powerful post which he now occupies. In view of the above, we most reapeotfuliy but most urgently request that you procure the Immediate raising of the uarantine againsi San Francisco. We have the honor to be, respectfully, Yourobed eot servants, EL PASO CHAMBER OP COMMERCE, By S. J.

rkudenthal President. rnest E. ussell Secretary. appendix El Paso, Texas, August 23, 1' 00. Chamber of Commerce, El Texas.

Genllamen I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting of the Board of Health of Ihe city of El Paso, held this day, all he members of the I3oard being present, the following resolutions were offered: esolved That this Board hereby endorses and approves the action of the Chamber of Commerce in requeat- iog that the quarantine against alleged bubonic plague In San Francisco bo raised immediately. It is the sense of this Board that no necessity exists for quarantine. esol ed Tnat a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by the Secretary of the Boara to the Chamber of The resolutions were duly seconded and after full discussion were unanimously adopted. respectfuliy yours, (Signed! has T. ace D.

Secretary of Health. Atk for 4 ihe CIG OQ the.

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