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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 6

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Th Eve i Jour nal OTTAWA, MONDAY, AUGUST 80, 1915. VKMOCRACT, DXITCRACT ASD AFATHT. Th ConatltatloaaJ Coeveatloa which revising lk Coastitatloa of th Stat of Tork. Ut we rejected resolution providing that ability to read aad writ th BafUth Ungues be made a quhltScatloa tor ToUn. With large aad ever growing aambera of elect-ore la Canada who la to aataral order of thlafa ar aoabl to road.

writ English, or Froaeh, aneh a proposed restriction upoa th ballot la of Interest to Canadians." At tnt sight It would seem that tha pro- position wa a wla oa, that Inability to tha 1bb guage of their adoptad country. wHb coaaoquaot Im pediment la tha war of aadarataBdlnf Ita lawa aad Institution, should dlagaallry ImmlgraBta or lllltar- ate from th im of th ballot. Bat aaeh a view doea aot bear doe analysis. It air be that there are many amoag thoe aaabla to read ar write tha languag of thla coaatry, who. la the telenet of wla gad Aosat govaramaat, ahoald not bo permitted to' bar a vote la th determining of pollclee they do aot pre- tead to aaderataad; bat.

oa the other hand what democrat eaa believe thai each wholesale reetxlctloa of th right to vol, aa that propoaed by the New Tork constitution revleer would be oerlaia aid to better government, to nor honeel aad efflcleat admlnlstre-tloaT Would It bo tin to aaorlflo th right of thou- aaada of Intelligent eltUeno va though they are ua- able la read or writ Bagllah to tha Ignorance of a few who auy be hopeless of enlightenment? After all It eaanot be aald that whaterer devla- tloaa wa bav mad la our government from th path of morality aad trae democratic principle were due to aa Illiterate ballot. The great meaac to democracy la Caaada aad tha United Stale today aad alway la aot the Igaoraaca of th maaeea; It la th criminal apathy of th educated aad as-called well-to-do classes. aaARETTKS AND SOLDIER. Thoe good aoala wh atacerely believe that elg-arettaa are eoDa sella, mankind's arch anemic, will lad little eoaeolatloa la th lataat report of th America Red Croon. High oa th Hit of eupplleo, right la among medical appllaaeea aeat to the varlou war froaU la the Item.

"Cigarette. The eUra policy of efficiency Bret, adopted by warring Bat. tone, which ha ruthlessly dealt with drankenneea or anything Im calcalated to latarfero with th perfect working of the war machine baa left tha cigarette aa-touched. Indeed eacoaraged It. Deaoaaced aa a meant to efflcieaey aad health thla form of amoklag la aalTereally ladalged la where th conservation of of-leleacy aad health la tha aapreme aad vital coaalder-atloa.

Perhapa tha eeemlng tecoaalataaey la aot hard to explala. Tha mlllloa of maa who are lighting 1b tha trench, aadergolag all kind of trial aad hard-ahlpe. aubject to tho ateraeet discipline, broke lit long habit when they left their home. Their Individual kamaa weakaeaeea aad habit formed la year of peace aad comfort were aacrldced la effort to tar the tat. Ifoet of aa kaow how hard It' la to break off well formed habit, to glv ap th Uttl comfort aad aa-joymeata wa bare beea accaatomad to for years.

Aad moklng waa oaa of tha few enjoyment of th old ham lit which th mea could take with them to tha tranche. It baa beea a aolac aad comfort to them whea fleeh aad aplrlt were being sorely triad, Heaee th presence of th cigarette la large aumbera the battlefroot, with tha Red Cross, la tha eonvalee-eeat hoepltala. After all It do seem that diversion of aoma sort, concession of some kind to human weak-aeeea, seem to be a accessary aa proper food or clothing. TH COX8I8TKSCV OF MR. BRYAN.

la a sutement th otW day Mr. William Jennings Bryan, former Secretary of State for th United Slates, need theee words: "The qoeetloa hist sow Is whether aa Antr im cltlsen should put hie convenience er evea bis rlshta above his nation's welfare. If America dUaeaa refuse to consider their owa safety, or the safety of the nation, thea a eecond euee- Hon ansae, namely, whether the Government ehould permit a few persons to drag the country Into thla unparalleled war." Ia other word Mr. Bryaa double whether aa America Government should Interfere to protect American cltlsen In th exercise of their admitted righta; la fact believe that tha American Government ahoald Intervene to restrain Americana from exercUIng the righta. Mere la th way thla same Mr.

Bryan denned aad assorted thee righta to th German Government lea than four moatha ago: "American eltlseaa are within their ladta-' pntable rtahta In taking their shlpa aad la travel- -ling wherever their legitimate business calls them upoa the blah sees; aad exercise their righta la what should be the well Justified con dene that their lives will not be endangered by acta done la violation of universally acknowledged Infer-' national obturations, aad certainly 4n the con- -fldence that their own Government will sustain them la the exercise of their righta. "Bryan." What a marvel of consistency la Mr. William Jenalng Bryan) RBCRCmxa tlT TKB MAIUTLHB PROVINCES. A Nova Scotia paper make vlaarou reply to th fooliah charge mad by aom paper and persoas la th West that the Maritime Provinces have not beea doing their share la furnishing recruits. it argue that whea economic conditions ia the lower provlsces are considered, also th fact that they have fewer mea military ag la proportion to popalatloa thaa tha outer provinces, ia loaaa uat tney nave more thaa contributed) their bit; aad caallengee th West to a comparison of ita aattv bora recruits with th native bora roeralu Nora Aootla.

Aayoa who kaow anything aboat ooadltlons ia th Mali time Prerlnoee New Brunswick. Neva Scotia aad Prinoe Edward Ialaad knew that there la a great deal Ja th Blueeose Editor' eoBtentionv la lb tret THE OTTAWA EVENINO JOURNAL, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915. place th lower provlaeea bav beea bled white of their young maahood formerly to th New England Slates aad latterly to th West. They have fewer maa of military ag thaa th Upper Caaada aad West- era provisoes. In th second place theirs is almost aa exclusively aattv bora popalatloa.

Caaadlaas moat-ly of the third and fourth geaeratloaa. Ia th third place butlaeae ia the Maritime Province I good, aaam. ployment ia practically aokaowa, aad great many able-bodied man are Indispensable at home. There ia bo Boating popalatloa, no rank of unemployed, bo Britlah-bora population from which to get recruit. let la spite of thla recruiting la aot bad.

Nova Scotia baa enlisted 1,000 men overwhelmingly aattv bora. Proportionately New Brumwlck aad Priae Edward Ialaad bav don about aa well. Nor must it be for got tea that many thousands who formerly cams from dowa by the sea are in th ranks of weetera or On tarlo battaUoaa. Th truth of the matter la that whea the real acid teal of aaerlflc la applied th Maritime Provlncee taad It very well probably very much better thaa aom title aad province that are doing a lot of talk lng and making silly comparisons. IRELAND'S POPULATION UROWlNti.

After, nearly a century of steady loss Ireland' pcpulattoa haa begun to show aa Increase. The report of tho Registrar-General of Ireland for 11 show a popalatloa of d.Sll.ttl, agalnat 4.171,011 for 111. Th Increase la aot great, bat tha fact that It la oa the right elde la slgalflcaat of a new order of thing In th Emerald Iile. Emigration waa lower Uat year thaa' la aay twelve moatha since Hit. More Irish-mea are finding opportunities at home.

Irish agricul ture, thank to tha co-operative plan, la la a flourish ing condltloo. More Irish farmers owa their wa farm thaa la tha eaa la either England, Walee or Scotland. There la more moaey la Irish aavlag baaka today thaa at aay time In the country' history. Aftsr near ly a century of stagnation Industrie ar showing saw life. Illiteracy la rapidly dying out.

Of husbands aad wives who slgaed the regtater lastesd of maktag their mark, the perceatage la 14.1 for huabaads aad (0.4 for wives. Ireland In common with tho rest of the Empire ia cheerfully paying la blood aad treasure for tha war, knowing that with Ita aad will coma greater day thaa bar people have yet known. 5rTK8 AND COMMENT. Germany eeemo to have met dollar diplomacy with cheque book diplomacy. Punny what strange bed-fellowo politics will make.

Here's prohibition aad grape juice Bryaa being kissed by a Oermaa. 1 muted at The Journal (or saying that party critic ism of a petty wrangling character should cease the Montreal Herald-Telegraph eaya th Government haa the "whole and undivided support o(vthe Liberal party la Ita war measure," What about the war measures (or raising revenue? "While Australia Is a country at least as democratic as Canada It haa a system of compulsory military service." London Advertiser tUberal). If the Advertiser bad dared aay such a thing be fore August last It would have beea sacomm untested from Its party. How tblags have changed! BPLEXDID, KVEN IF TERRIBLE. New Tork Trlbuae.

it la well that the world la recognising tha horror. ehould not forget the grandeur and the nobility of the past year. Hereafter mea will Journey (rem the uttermost parts of the world to Liege aad- Louvaln. aa they have travelled from the Antipodes to study the Plain of Marathon. The field of Mara will be aa memorable la human history aa that oa which Prance checked Attlla or overcame the Saracen.

Ia our owa time. aad In newspaper freshly come from the press ws have read of deeda that are aa splendid ss any In human history, disclosing the readiness of man to die (or his Ideal, of people to sacrifice all (or liberty. We have lived through one e( the moat splendid aa well as one of the most terrible of years, whoa burden of suffering (or the contemporary world may yet be justi fied by the gain (or all who come hereafter. BRTA1T ASD HIS SOW-tlT-IiAW. Brooklyn Eagle.

Captain R. E. Owen, British Royal Engineers, la adding further embarrassment to hie distinguished father-in-law, wllliam Jennings Bryan, by attaining recognition in the reports of his superiors (or "gallantry In action." Captain Owen ia fighting to Insure the triumph of democratic prlnclplea la Europe, aot as he should, by recourse te arbitration treatlea compelling year of waiting, but with shot aad bayonet. Captain Owen stuck to his post under Are. He did aot resign.

MOONLIGHT. Madeline Bridge, la Womaa'a World. He ahut his book, and. yawned aad roe Aad wound the clock, and said "Nlght'a getting shortsr. Well.

It's time All good (olke were In bed." And ma looked up, pert as could be, "Tou needn't hurry pa." aald aba, Aad pa he laughed "The boy all homer "Tee they're all upstairs." "Well she', Where's Lily Anne? I heard her at The gala aa hour ago." -Ma went en knitting "She's there, yet She chatting with young Jim Baudette." "Now, what on earth" "He fetched her horn Prom singing class." "Why blame! Bbe had bar brothers" Ma aald, "Tea But tha Us not quite the earn I had my brothers still, you see, Tou always would catch up to me." "Tou were a woman, grown!" "So's Lll, Rhea nineteen, birthday gone." "I waa a man Jim will be Thla August twenty-one. Mayb I never stayed out late. When you were leaning oa my gate!" But pa Vept frowning "This won't do There's got to bo aoma law- 1 Tou call her In you tell her" "What I wonder at you, pa! I woa't laeult my girl my Lit, But there Jim going, now keep still!" "Tea aeeer did see such, a mooar" Life cheeks gaming red, out end look!" May eaya, "It's late." Pa says. "It's time (or bed." And then, the, two old severe mailed "Ah we've esea Just such aseoaa, dear sidelights: Optimists and resetmlata. Exchange.

The optimist eaya: "Qo ahead there's not a ehanoa to leas: The time Is new, aad, on the deed, you rwuir am i reruee. The pessimist enye! "Welt a bit. aad look before yea Uap; I If there ia aay oo4 la it. the chance. will surely keep." 1 Tne optimist eeee but the sua; the peesimlst the rain.

The optimist prepare for fun; the pessimist (or pain. The optimist pulls forward, and the1 pesstmtet pulls back; The one throws wide the throttle, and the ether eands the track; 1 Thla world would be monotonoue If I folks were ell the same; with no one round to raise a fuse 'twould be a tiresome came, I Tha nnllmlrf -ilk kl- I um iwf WHlfc WW. neaaliuiat mo hhia I We really couldn't get along unless we had the two. Crtere Loels sad Ue fleet. Manchester Guardiaa.

Prince Louie of Battenbers needs no defence against the instnua- (one ec nis unsensroua asumctora, but if be did he has It whole and complete In the (act revealed oa Saturday that it was he who. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. Churchill, sent the order on July If of last year that the Klrst Kleet wee aot to dis- Mrae and thai all 1 of 1Kb Ma. country by giving thsm a chance to oommit aulddeT EaeSt AUSTRIAN RESERVIST. Harper's Maeastne.

A Boston man was on his way Important business, la the opposite section of the Pullman sat he saw a small, white foot protrud ing beyond the opposite curtain. Rsaehlng across tne eatie, ne toon hold of the large to and began to recite: "Thla little pis went to market: thla little pig stayed home; thla little pig had roast beef; this little pig had aone: this little pig cried. "Wee! I nil the way home." The loot was suddsnly withdrawn. and a eold, quiet voicethat of the I mother eaia, nsi is mint-Latent- thank you." ess Weilsagtost's Height. Manchester Guardian.

-To think of tha Duke of Wel lington aa a little man la almoet aa difficult aa to think of Napoleon as a fair one. Tst a heated controversy oo- euples the eorreepondsnoe columns ef the spectator aa to wnetner tnere much to en noes in neigm oe- tereen the two. "The Duke waa eery little. If at all. taller than Napoleon," eaya the writer of aa article In a late issue, aad recently a surprising num ber o( aeopie who anew tne uuae.

er lived aa cnuaren wnn someone vw waa hla Intimate friend, hasten to re but the sttaok on hla Inches. The belittling school quotes Thomas Car-trie, whose ere for physical charact eristics waa a keen one. and who dee- vribed the Duke la 111 aa "a short ish, sllghtlsh man. But the Duae waa getting eld then and the stoop that marked him even aa a young man may have Increased. The people wno will not have him lees than medium height have better evidence to go on.

Ons of thsm lived In "constant association with him" till she was it. at the house of the parents of another he waa a "constant a tmru frequently saw him riding In the park and all claim five feet nine Inchee or more (or htm. It la a curious thing that while the stature sf Julius Cae-ear, for Instance, te net In dispute, era ehould be In doubt about that of eo comparatively recent a Welllngtoa. The) Boy of La Passes. Patrick MaeGHII la The Westminster A.

Toult eee from the La Road, oa any eummer day, Th children herding nanny goats. tne women msaing nay. Tou'll see the soldiers, -khaki clad. column ana piatoon. Come swlnrtrtr on La' Baa from blUet la Bethune.

Fall Importation The New Fall for men are ready for ixupection. WARD'S LONDON MAKE. STETSON'S AMERICAN STYLE. THE B0RSAL1N0 HAT. The prevailing color i Battle-tip Gray.

Other shipment In few day. The R.J. Devlin Co. eond k'leet were to remain In their home ports in close proximity to (There's hay to save aad corn to out, their balance crews. This was the but harder work by (ar first step.

It was that great- and swift I Awaits ths soldier boys who reap the concentration of forces which spoilt harvest fields or war, the tiernas plan, it waa a etep of great boldness the action of a man who had no fear of taking end the man who look it was afterwards taunted with his German birth and suspectsd Uerman sympathies. Nothing would have been easier thaa (or Prince Louie to have allowed matters to take their oouree at that moment. in however, to prevent the appearance of controversy betweea Koad, on any eummer day. The nlsht breess ewesne a suffrage button. AT THE RUSSELL LIMITED.

You'll eee them swinging up the roaa where women work at hay, Tha straight, long road, Hoad, the night dewe wet the hsy. The boys ar coming baek agala, a etraaatlng crowd are they. The column's lines are broken up and gaps in the platoon. Prince Louie aad Mr. Churchill or 1 They'll not need many billets now (or those who claim (or the latter the soldiers In Bethune, credit of the prompt mobilisation of For many boys, good lusty beys, who the fleet.

It is necessary tu add that- marched eo very (Ine, though the etep takea by the Klrjt I Have aow aot little borne of clay Mea Lord waa of the most Important beside the firing line character. It waa Atilv i ha first stan. Good luck to them. tjod-epeed to The Third Fleet that la. the squad ran with reduced nucleus crews and the various mobilised cruiser did aa a matter of (act.

demobilise on July it, and the men went to their respective civil occupations. Mr. Churchill returned to London (ram them, the boys who marsh away. A-elnalng up I -a Hoaa sunny summer day. Ililag the Blaaae.

Life. It la a biological la of neture Cromer oa Monday, the itth. and the hare women (rem original aad First Fleet was ssnt to Its war eta- spech wishing achievement. tioa oa the following day. On July It uimon Barueh, In N.Y.

"Times." there were Important communications vYa have sever seen a biological law between the statesmen of both par-'of nature, with Us sleeves rolled sp tlee and some chiefs of the sea eer- snd srim detsrmlnstloa la Jts eye. vice, the nature of which eaanot be telling women to "move oa. but further revealed at present, and the we have heard es much about It from order to mobilise was aivso al mid-. time te lime Iron distinguished night. It was.

ol course, thm set of scientist that we think something the Board of Admiralty In Its oorpor- ought to be doae towards putting It ee ste capacity, but Mr. Churchill Utok jeshibitlon. Or. If there la more than (ull responsibility with the Cabinet. one biological law of nature end ws aad It la on this that the claim Is baa- are ranlidently Informed that there ed that he by hie personal action "4 brauaht the German plan earn- 'n'lr J' v.ri.?,".VTnci! whole naval Mranath of Britain w.

mobilised by August (. and the ships W11 of volllnlarlly. Just were eway at their appointed stations. jaK-sus uKM se peeviah aad un- iD eiaime mi kens reasunsbls. kseplng women from orl- Churchill are therefore not conflict- making achievement ina but complementary, and 1 may then mm mwhi ia know it.

it's a add that when the whole story told that any bioloclosl law of aa-another, ramoue name will have to bejrure should have so enueh power. added to theirs. without having beea graduated from any doctors college or having any Aa Aeotrlan Tbesaght. license to practice. There ere lotet of t.

ik. Ejik. Tha womsn spending their husband's hard Before you and ether pen-fUhtera earned weal, h. lng la pa Ira rooms will declare war aaaln-t Oermany I -tt" goad ehould like to aak yott what you In-, Zl" Tjt tend to do with the (ew Ihouaand txzTzr-" ta u- fizz vmuiLZ foli then, to hexes 1 Producing eny epoch snaking achieve-Will rou 'orce them to become menu, and all because a borrld blo-treltore to their own fatherlands and (h(m But-now place them siongsld beastly k.n and Kngllah cannibals and (ores themj)lMt un, mmn to kill their own brother-. or will biological tew! There won't be you let them be honest to their tl at It to cover the (ace e( Coming up to all expectations.

"A Pair of Sixes' at the Russell Theatre a loonvuu-d two good. Ui small children. Being (ond with (our of children, and (eeling sorry (or the mother, the Beetonlan soon made friends with the klddlee. Early th next morning he heard their eaaer questions and the patient Tee, dear, of tne mother, aa sne tried to area them: and. looking out.

with Isus-hter and proved one of the funniest farcical comedies ever written. But while It Is well snd cleverly written, there Is no doubt that It would not have attained Ita wonderful eureesa aa a fun i matter had It not beea for the excel- lent portrayal try a good company. wen balanced without a weak point. I Climax followed cllmsk until the eudi- enre had no more laughs to laugh. Oscar Flgman ae T.

Bow John a hone out brilliantly, and waa well supported. The ladles. Miss Ethel i Wilson. Miss Beatrice Clerongwr and i Mias Rita Cartyle, were aetreera of a high standing. Not overdone, hut In keeping with the play, they resented a natural grace which waa very entertaining.

It Is a long time el nee aa Ottawa audience laughed Itself to exhaustion aa did on Saturday, HAD HARD BATTLE TO SAVE GIRL'S UFE FonTtcn-Year-Old K.diltn Bro-phy Decldiret Two Boyt Pushed Her Into CwuL An umbrella, hypodermics, sort twenty minutes' bard work at artlfl dal reept ration constltnted a trio 1 factors that proved Instrumental In saving tha life of Kathleen Brophy, aged 14 years, who asserts that she waa pushed Into toe Rldeau Canal by two unknown boys shortly before nine o'clock last evening. To-day Miss Brophy Is lying In St. Luks' Hospital recalling the trsaio BMiaenta her fight with death, and her condition la reported aa being normal. Shortly before nine o'clock last night Antonio Bognlck, of the Public Works Department, waa walking- along tha canal bank near tha foot of Waverley street, when hla attention waa attracted by calls ef "help Umbrella Saved Her. On gaining the water's edga the government employe saw atlas Brophy struggling In the water doe to the shore, aad by extending; but umbrella maaaced to catch the girl's clothing and bring her ashor fas an exhausted condition.

Dr. O. Booth waa quickly svmmeaed and the young girl carried Into a Waverley street residence. On the arrival of the physician It eras believed that life waa extinct, bat by means ef hypodermic pad artificial respiration Our New Fall Styles in Footwear Are in And we are pleased to announce that we have never shown such a beautiful array of fashionable shoes, for men and women. Ask to see them; our salesmen will be delighted to show A.

J. Stephens Son CITY OF OTTAWA FOR BALg. TENDERS eddreeesd te the Chairman of the Rosrd of Coetrot and marked "Tender for Uebeaturee." will be received ev the City of Ottawa entU II o'clock en Friday, the trd day ef September, lilt, lor the purchase of the foiiowina debentures: poe.eeose I year, isni.eos ft I year snd tl.leMM.e i year, tie th followln debenture aader lae esstarment at an IiM.MMI rear. I.I1IM rear Itl7.iri.t7 1 year 1M.M1 IS 1 Mar. Alt debenture beer interest St ths rets of tnlsrsst.

aaysbfs 1st January and 1st July. Tenders msv be made: I. For all sebenturea 1. For Instalment debentui ee. X.

For debenture ether thaa ment debenture. au teaser, mast ss an The emcaal Axru4 fotrMt frwi tW lat July, tit. mug tM tmU Am 4fcUOoa rk ten4rtd. Thj 4hsyntvrv ar mmfa I ft.Mt.M toivMriinmUdptia and odd ttrntMntgi wbr ttdtcaysmry vtyibU tu lawful BWMr of C.usYda vt Bduik dMf OtUwa. Ottawa.

Ont. or In sroM eota at th Katonai Bank of Ctimmrf. Torkt. ml th IHvrv of tha loivli rtm hm ma4 aar Urn afir arcpi4uci of tho ofTar. Tha hiirhdrart or anjr loitdor ooi BieM Mviilir avrcaMad.

Pull Drtrrulara. 1olhor with furthor rondlt and otlrcLaJ forma1 of tondra can ba oMlnt4 oa amUc.too to Um CUr Trwagnir-r. NKlaatON D. FORTEK. Mayor.

Ancient Order of Foresters TEX LEGAL USZKVZ nATBXSAL 800IXTT 0 CANADA. IHSTITUTJED 1740. We' give Medical Attendance and Medicine Free.t $4.00 per week for 1 yeex. per week for 1 year. $100 Fan era! Benefit 160.00 Death of Wilt.

Vft Issue Straight Life Pgr Life and Endowment Policies With Loan and Cash Value. Profit Divided Every 5 Yrs. NO Aasessment System. Enquire for Kate 274 BANK BT. A.

MARTIN, H-CA VVi-; W. WILLIAM, Pre. lira. signs of life began to evidence then), eelvea about nlne-thirtr. Aa aoon aa the young girl began te anew signs of recovery she waa rushed to St.

Luke's Hospital, where further treatment waa g1sn bar. Kathleen Brophy la the daughter of ear. jaioneci ttropny, rut street. A BUSY AMBASSADOR. By Canadian Pi am, Washington.

Aug. t. Ambsasador aioraentasu at coasts ntlnonie has taken ever the dlpiometio Intereees of itsty, Russia and Montenegro. Theee sdded responsibllltlse (or the United State cabled to the state department today makee this government dlplo-matis agent at tha Porto (or eight Ea repeaa Batman MADE PURS 'IT WILL Coal price -Bay now. Our I tt fe tSTmaSefjA PLEASE YOU Coal has eo th highest sality J.

G. Batterworth Co. LimiUd. BPABJU 8T. Phone Qoaxn 60A-666.

SOW XZADT. 1916 Canadian Office Diaries Ottawa Citv Directory, 1915 For Bait by James Hope Sons 61 8FAKXS BT. A woman'a Idea of a satisfactory husband Is one she can make leal. oua, It doesn't pay to own things yoa owe Tor. THIS IS THE LABEL BUY IT NOW All Dealers Order To-day BRADING'S DINNER ALE The Best and Purest Ale Brewed.

50 Years in Business. 60 Years of Satisfaction. The Brading Breweries, Ltd. OTTAWA, CANADA. Civility and Satisfaction Tou eaa and them bath your search for sood Wall Paper DecorstWna St STEWARTS.

BANIt STKEPT. Pay visit snd be convinced. I sJae carry a lull line el ratals, vareiaaa. sad Window Shsdes. P.

STEWART SM BANK it. rat r2oM gRVaTsT. 'phone a. ua. Pbeee O.

M7. SCRANTON Coal Special Cash Discount For cash aad Immediate delivery we are giving dlecoaat of soo per ton eel the regular price, which gtvee yoa cheap I advance) sooa COAL Best Grades of WEZTB ABB ia4 fLTMOOTH BXD ABB AahrtkstU Oosjjl Alee, feat- BmltMa, He CC. RAT CO SYAXXS IT Pkooei Qnaea wU. SVN0P8IS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WIIT LAND PtaOULATIONS.

rrtHB sole head ef family, er any maw ever II years eld. may bonnetesd a Quarter section of available Dominion Manitoba, awsaatchewan er Al berta. ApcMoaat must aonear in iiaisim at the Dominion Lends Aasncr or Sub- Aaeney tor the Dtstrtct. Entry by proxy may be made at any fn'nVm Laade Aaenev that aot Bub-Aasaey; aa esrtsla conditions. Duties Six months rseldenee upon sag cultivation of the land In each of three years.

A honieslssilei may live within nine miles of his homestead, aa a hm of at leaat sores, on certain conditions. A nsoiiaoie nouas reotursa except where residence is performed la th vicinity. In certain districts a homestsader good standlna may pre-empt a quarter, section aloncslds his homestead. Fries per acre. Duties Six monthe root denco to each of three years- after earning homestead Rtent: also acres extra cultivation, e-emntlon patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, en certain conditions.

A settler who has exhausted his homestead rUtht mar take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Pries li.oS per acre. Duttee ktuat reside six months in each of three rsars. cultivate to acres and erect a houss worth Ho. The area of cultivation Is sublert to reduction In cass of rem eh.

scrubby er etony land. IJve stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain coo- -dltion. W. W. fYRT. of th Minister of the Interior, It. B.t Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Getting Quick Action. Some weeks ago, in pointing out the possl- bilities of quick communication between seller and buyer through newspaper advertising, we said that while 'the lapse of time between the preparation of other advertising copy and its publication was a matter of weeks or months, newspaper copy could be got into print almost before the ink dried on the paper on which it was written.

A friendly critic who read that statement accused us of exaggeration. Well, there was a fire in a retail store about ten days ago. It occurred 32 minutes before the "go-to-press" time of one of the daily newspapers. In 27 minutes three of the stores surrounding the scene of the fire prepared, and got into the home edition of that newspaper advertisements stating that they were open for business as usual Perhaps it doesn't take sticky rnk 37 minutes to dry, but the incident clinches our point. Newt- paper advertising is the only kind of advertising, that can contain real news and newt, is what makes advertising readable.

You can keep in close communication with OtUwa buyers thjough.

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