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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 14

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iWAS GREGOkY RASPUTIN, RUSSIA'S "MYSTIC SLAIN BECAUSE HE URGED A SEPARATE PEACE? Power Behind the Russian' Throne, He is Said to Have Overthrown Ministries and Dic-T tated Momentous Affairs of State. (From she Philadelphia rvbUo ledger. I YyA8 Gregory Rasputin i lie "myatlc monk" of tba' Omk Orthodox Church in Runt, ths "Illiterate Siberian rWlpture reader." the "man behind to throne" In the i Winter Palace at- Petrograri ela-in because, as a perl fW, was ac-erwdtted with having recently t-rlssfl hie weird powers of occultism an the household of the Crar in the Interests of a separate peace on the part of Russia aa against the con. tinned eollderttt of the Triple En. tent D94 his death come a a to e.

vuanlTif political plot Wu hie down rait encompassed under the direction of Prince Pellg Touiwou-poff. nephew by marrlare of the Caar, aa the cable despatches indi cate, because Rasputan represented i I MYSTERIOUS MONK IS SAID TO HAVE RULED RUSSIAN CZAR Chit df mysterious Kussia comes news of the death of Gregory liasputin, perhaps the sLrangrst mid most interesting figure of modern European court life. This "mystio monk." of the Orock Orthodox Church, i reputed to have exercised a tremendous influence over the Russian royal family. It has been naift of liim thHt he was "an illiterate Siberian Scripture reader who hypnotized the Czar, soothed and inspired the Empress, overthrew ministries and dictated momentous affairs of stale in Russia. The life history of Rasputin appears to be shrouded in mystery, but it seems certain that be occupied an exalted position in the Czar's family circle, acting as counselor to the Russian ruler and his wife.

It is said that he was pro-German in his sympathies, and his violent death at the hand of some assassin is attributed in certain quarters to this cause. The following interesting article from the Philadelphia Public Ledger sheds some light on this romantic character. 'hu most dramatic ttctlon In reul life Imaginable. In Russia, with us snows and sun-! lee days, tta cold nights Jid melancholy. Lhe mysuc I a power.

Oc-t is not a fad. It Js a custom. And lhe imperial UomaJioff-Holateln family has been no exception, a tbia atory will show. I'omn now the story of Raaputin'a entry Into the "Inner circle" of the eatlsosd. howeaer.

with the reports royal tajnily. A lady of the Karno- that the Scripture of the monk sooth-'vitch family, the sister of the Coun-ied the neurasthenia, of the Csarlna. lluhanfelsen. mornmuc wife' It seema the Caar eventually -was pro-German proyajranda In Petro- 1 of the Orsnd Duke Paul. Is supposed won over by the recovery to health aimd smt wu.

fiw. first to have Introduced Kaspuun to of the Cssrarttch under clrcum- Sred and because the young- Prince. (h Mr.Iu-v mt oM Petersburg, stances resulted above, and. more-Mad of one of the oldest and noblest i and unknown Itasputln 1 over, by the safe accomplishment of Russian families, typified the unified forces" holding" out for a "war 'to the; finish" as against the 'Mark foroes" that have been operating for some time In Russia to the demoralisation of the army and vexation of all the Isiatri.ments of war? Or did rue assassination come about as the dramatlo sons social Intrigue In dims of the Winter was produced aa a mystic healer just in the fashion that a new faddist "catches on" ta-dar here In Aui-enea. Ills spiritual seances and hypnotic exhibitions s-ere something new." Oregorv Rasputtn came conspicuously Into the high life of Russia upon a day in 1905 when the circle of mystics and religious enthusiasts of which the Countess Ignsiiefr.

wife I of a Oovernor of 81berle, wesinient that Rasputin's roice held the raraee. w-Bere tnts -apostle of abso- special meeting. That meeting was ntuatlon. Before ths big war Rns-soruttsm Inramailr," enjoyed a mea- aimed at reviving the cult of theputln a-as supposed, to bs wielding marie control ot. the royal family "Cblyety," a sect of flagellants, who an Influence toward restoring Count aril the tnflunui i.f.

I the sixteenth century believed iniWtte again to power, ans taw Influential life of the rm-lbmtta, body to cast' Rasputin was both an enigma and perau eoert 7 oa, Aa snirstual. open book He was an What la the answer? AjKfS-ln I this crisis now in the household of Russia what of the words of a high and dtsttneuuhed diplomat at feerosrad. who. at the, time the "mystic monk" was stabbed by a woman several years ago. said: "Re-massber my words Marie An-taJmstte's death knell was sounded wkta the trial of Cardinal de Rohan the affair of the necklace, was de-IBjliiaied on.

Rasputtn'a Sas will have a similar effect on 1a Inner affairs of Russia." Radar of Ktoara. Ho mors sensational news has been flashed over the transatlantic cables atsee the upheaval that fanned Eu-laae Into war. than thoss fsw ter MeTraphs filtering In from I-ondon and Petroarrad giving In a confirm. eery sort of way with lurid details I srr "i sow ivussias mucn loved ths same time much hated "mystic monk." was taken from the keane te ths house of Prince Tous. eeepoff on the Molka Canal; and hew later his mutilated body was tarwst through a hole In the Ice on branch of the River Neva, near fsUusuaky Island.

Who waa Rasputtn? Who was Rl-ehelleu Who was WolseyT It Is unite possible that all the story of the murder of the Greek monk this week will never appear: but Is certain that this monk will take a place In history as ons of earth's "rulers of kings" History's pages are tilled with them. Rasputin la an extraordinary specimen of the king-ruling type. Gaining the Entree. Tot It has been said of him that he was "as Illiterate Siberian Scrip-tore reader who hypnotised the Cxar. seethed and Inspired ths Empress, overthrew mlnhrterles snd dictated momentous (fairs of state" In Russia.

Rasputin has been a power behind the toreae for years. The story of how. ss an obscure figure unable to read or writs his own name, he name to enjoy an exalted position in a king's house, acting as counsellor te Cxar snd Caaiina and maintaining a deepotlo sway that toppled over mlnisteries and unseated premiers. Is 25 CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AND STOPS imiNG HAIR Save your hair! Make it toicJc, wavy and bcau-. tiful try this! This, brittle, colorless and sereg- wv heir Is mute evidence of a ne- gieetsd soalpi eg daadruK that ewL re i esvsss.

1 1 There Is nothing so destructive te the Mir ss a and raft. It roba tha Btfur or its metre, lis tranath and 1 fiff Ufa: event oaJly product a very life; aallX Wfkloh If not remedied oauaaa a Bavtr roota to nrinn. tooaen and laHaa-chan tha nalr fall out taat ttaH Dandarlne tonight now any wi -will auraly aava yonr hair. Oat a 1 1 -cent bottle of ta'a Daadartne from any drus Mora sn eenntsr. and aft ths Krmt From Black Russia.

That meeting was addressed by a mysterious background, but an op-peasant In flowing robea, of eavue book as to b4s deatgns He was a sloUcnoe sod graceful manner It was oretcory Rasputin. He had come on from Hlack Russia. It related that the Countess InvUed Rasputin to her home, where she as- eembled a few or the elite, among them Cxar NJCholas, Incognito. With sbsoluUon as sa4rat constituUon-ths Caar woo over Vt was fn easy avm bureaucracy or any kind or a step Into the Winter Palace, and to system. an Introduction to the court circles Tou have here visualised a power as "Orecorle Nevus behind the- throne who apparently And so It r.ime to pas that Ore- able to direct the governmental gone Nevus came to he a frequent machine end manipulate the Hol visitor at Tsarskoe-Helo.

Upon the ynod. In tbo ronoectlon. it is resurface It appeared that the Caar lated that upon one occasion a mem-was eminently pleased with this eo- br the Duma read before tii.n elestastical personality, one who body a letter of the Procurator of the could stir the phlegmatic mullk and compel mm to turn Prom vodki dka to (Ras work and home devotion Putin, more than any other agency, is credited wilIi havlns ltmin.tA vodka from Russia, nnder the 1m. perlsj decree.) Nicholas gave Ras. putln carte blanche to travel where snd when he pleased -unmolested by m1" reauaea soon after their entry the police or the priests of the Holy Petrogrsd the power of Jlns pot-Svnod entlaltty in Russian official life Influential Wttii Women.

Ktabbed By a Woman. Raaputln's forts always had been I nt strange then that tin his Influence among women. Before newer should become the mark of he runt to Pstres-rad were the dsva assassin. In July. 1911.

Gregory, who of Gregory Rasputin, the Krnpture reader, the healer. He believed "man. i ne tragedy took place freely and practiced literally the Tyumen. In Siberia. The mi tit ih k-th w-s be asessssn's name was JuUs ntiMvn a well-modulated "warm" voice, and used at all times ths archaic "thee" nearo many stories ot RasputHr and "thou" phra-srology of the Bl- "ffalrs with women, of scandal hush -ble.

In Siberia and along the Vol- decree, and at the time of this ga. In these earlier days he went attempted assassination the soman from house to house. Guaeva said: In that country and day as In our am trying to put an end to the own country and day were the wives ttw'ul evU wrought by him In Russm of rich men who suffered the en nut bT nu Impostures under the guise and nervous breakdown of the life "Prophet." She declared "he hod of the Idle rich. Gregory minister- shaken Christianity, was sowing ed faithfully to this class and soon temptation and was biasphemnusly tt was noised about that he had a mocking the most holy feelings of strange art of healing. From Mos- Xra and she sdded thst cow on eastward he became knows "enjoyed absolute Immunity and as a healer among the bourgeois had openly without conscience, ruin-rellglous circles.

led the Uvea of young girls" This was the man who became The report was given to the world Ingratiated In the favor of royalty, that Rasputtn was dead. -But not so and came to live In the Winter Pa- The Caar sent his court physician lace and at Tsarskoe-ftelo. This and the Caartna her lady-tn-watting "animal magnetism" to allay nsr- to the victim. He recovered rapld-voue torture was one of his strong- ly lust at the time the European war est carda It was the cornerstone broke. Because of Rasputin's peace upon which he bullded a control proclivities the report spread then that compelled blind devotion and that his attempted assassination, made him at one and the same time, was part of a plot to keep the the.

most loved and the most- hated Pacifist out of the picture until Rus-man in Russia. Isla had thrown down the gauntlet While royalty vouched for him to Germany and refused the Keiths masses cams to desplss him sers demobilisation ultimatum, probably because of hie known In. i The Peace Reanera, tsrvention la the affairs of state-, t'pon his return to Petrograd, craft. The police and press same Rasputin sought reassertlon of his to denounce htm. In a Duma da- old control.

Despite hat known Hi-bate we find a leader of the Us- berlan origin it was anted that he erats referring to ths fact "that the was of pro-German leaning. All the highest affairs are settled In the reports of Russia suing for a separ-highest sphere by aa obscure char- i ata peace which nave come out la tan." from time to time during the two wUe-tlea your hair will take on "Well, how much haet then stol-f. at life. Iisetre sad tanrtance today?" eh Is ee sea-Ural, it will se. waTy and fluffy and have the v-seerejkce or aounaeaos.

en in- si parable aloes and softness; bat at will please you mast will be sr lost a Isw weeks use, when Vi Wall Seleslly see a lot or fine, i hair growing all -r las seala. Eow rAT rom may BZ00IOC IHDT. By nssaetk Taawa. ferhsas yea are atddsnly bsoomtng -i-TTli ss as that row have beea xittlBs ea weight for rears, la ettaer tine the vgea-earrru-eeww the bteed. trsaste sorauajn adotts Wies sved all age.

Vst tt may bs ssse Hnt easiir sjs be prrsa year druggist sn set ssse ssr eeh saaal and eoe beforeeotas w. M. Wsayb yeureslf ss sstekaowjasi LZZ ssst sea ars fcssbsc weight, won- er this IsioasoaslTS recipe, bat be ears set the eanulae ell srtleoe In eap. sole form. It la sold ealif In passages.

Any AfW ess sueety yer a larse, slss will bs sant ea rootlet of stJ aoteer toeaar erderTAddTese D. f. WtOe Ore Deposing Ministers. But Rasputin held bis ground against all his enemies. It is re- lated that the only minister to op- pose openly the "mystic was Kokovtaoff and he bad to go.

It occurred In this fashion. The minister was In conference with the Cisr, and kept the monk In waiting Felt-slippered. Rasputin paced up and down the corridor. After a long time ths Minister ap- peered snd Raspatln ssld te him suavely and quietly: KoKortsott auanea ana aweea awar uneasily, but could offer ne rerorr. ej-naa ansuea use I sua ror fa ror of the Csar which rears1 ted la the elimination of toe Minister.

That the monk shared the eery inner life of the Caar'a household seems a matter beyond all donbt. From the beginning; of his tenure In the paleos of ths Csar the raonk seems to have held the Csartsie, rn high esteem and to nave swayed her through his hypnotle power. It Is related that upon one oocasiSQj the Caaiina and the Csaree1tcl Jour neyed away from Petrograd far a time unaccompanied by Raspetin. The child became sertetuly ill. Rasputin was sent tor.

-aad whether er not he was responsible for the eheiMre the Caarevitch eoe reoeeer-ed bis health. Ever after that. It la said, Rasputin was permanent la the rerMine of the Csar, fneeln. from place to place, snd enjeytng ths secrets el the royal household. His control In the home waa disputable, Take this story.

It te related that a governess 0f ths rsar's yeses- daughters was stand-Ing at the- chamber door at bedtime. The father was Mddiita? thess rood nighV Raspntla swasht te enter and was barred by the governess, wh said the Oraad Pseasss retanag ror ths at(ht. Xa bis suave, cool way. Raaputrn backed away and retreated. Hearing the incident from the governess, the thaiated her for her faithful watchfulness.

But in less than a week she was "fired." does (o the Czar. When he first came Into the home of the Case, Rasputin had Utile favor with Nicholas. Ths ruler seemed the hazardous Journey entailed liy the Romanoff tercentenary celebration. That the monk has stood close to the Csax since the start of the European war Is a matter of conjecture. KaspuUu mi a pactftst.

He was accredited with havine; swayed the Canr to peace at aa scute suge in the Turko-ttsliun crisis. ount Wltie was en authority for the state. as regards hs origin and his man whom you either loved or hated -no miaaie course, is quite pmin that the political hatred encenderrd against hrm was due to the silent monk's philosophy of a one- in an sverrumenL Hie belief represented ovnoo in wnicn the lati. thanked Rasputin for allowing hin 1 "tain his high And mara tis said the pontlcsiiy ambitions InaMtounly sent their the receptions arrangid followers of Rasputia In order co "tm ravor. foreign diplo- cacd much to women, was slabbed Th orid beyond Russia and a half years' war.

have been traced by the "wise ones" to this Ignorant, yet all-wise monk, At sny rste. he had been active through the time of the war until the time of bis death, wielding bis occult power In a powerful manner, It was said that ths resignation of Procurator Samarln from the Holy Synod of ths Orthodox Church ot xtnssla back In was due te a quarrel between that eccleslast and Rssnntln. The official explanation however, for the decline ot the Procurator waa that he objected to ths canofslsatlan of Archbishop John Tobolsk. Ia that Quarrel. It waa said.

TO STOP BAD COUGH SOOTH PRT. tRRrTATW THROAT with parmiivt hyrfp. 8ay thir old medicine is the be8t. We are told that tha old time remedies are 'beet and Invariably contain leaa harmful yat better medicine than thona whioh ara In baa today. This belrie; so, undotibtedry tha following-Old faahViwad rae-pa which la quick acting? will be welcomed by many aa Otero seems to ba reirolar arldemle of oaacha tha praaatit time.

8e-cnr from your drug-a i ounee PMnint (doubVa atran4rth). take thla noma and add to It a quarter pint of hot water and 4 ounce of granulated sugar, stir antll dissolved. Take tebraapoonful four tlmaa a day. Na mora racking jrovr whole body with a couh. Clorred nostril should opn.

air yeaaegea of your head should elear and your breath-Inm baeama aaay. Parwilnt sruf pi sant rake, eaayo prepare and aoata lUtla. Kvary person who haa a stubborn eongh. hard cold ar catarrh tn any form should giva this pffsacrlpttoB tyatvi. THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1917.

ths Csar sided openly with bis ud-v Iser. You recall the fsnious Bellls ritual murder trml Kiev. Huspiiiin wss accredited with havlni; a li.m.l in that. Advocate of Autocracy. Because ot th monk's predictions inward ft iurely autocratic goveru- ment lie was sc redlted also with I responsibility rr prepar-ed In the nnine of lite rich merch.

ants of Mo.iow to establish the uu- tocrary go insiiiiiuoiiM ttiul had been in cfffct In fnr'as We ond at Hum ture the ri'in' of unrest MreHtli among the ntird aristocracy as as the people. Thu rrary uMril'it-l the linirsl of ti people "t' treason ucltui Of I lie ty. the pernlclo. Influence ot Hi" Count Will and tin) extension suffniite," siiy nothlns of Agnln in Mny 'ur ci'iiii- report hv aay of the Oversrss A ency to the elfm that Rasputin hi been assassinated. But It was hou disproved Itaspulln shouu slead enjoxlng "'0 high faor of tl.

t'ur and tlio Csarlnu and as v. before constituting a vital fiutoi Kuaaian politics "sundliik' such men ss Stunner. Tscheglltof and Scbumalef. At this Juncture we find M. Kli schke, president of the presa club, known there us ih.

"king of reporters." expelled fiin.i the country. The order of expulsion It was said, was bused story of a plot to kill Jtasiuitin. And now we come to this luic-'. story which seems so authentic in its detail, concerniug Ills reported death st the bauds of conspirators who. It is claimed, were under tlio direction of 1'rince Vousoupoff.

That his death If it be true is the result of a pollUcai plot Instigated by those who realizes, ana leareu KaspuUn's powers in regard to Influencing the Cxar for a fe pa rate peace seems a plausible thing un der all the circumstances. i BrtUnd the Veil. It is hard from ihis distance to. pleice beyond the veil that alays lias overshadowed Russia snd to. road between the lines of the censored press despatches.

But it la a I fact that the Youssoupoff family long has been known as the head, "ih. Knrllsh Influenre" In Hum- I tia ss the result of an Knglish In the century. Prince Kellx married three vears ago Princess Irene of Iliissia The Princess Is the I'rxr's on! niece. She Is the d.lllirh'er of the I'xar's fister. lUichess Xenla.

aiot Grand Puke Alexander Mlchsele-vttch. who visited Philadelphia a few vcars ago. and now commands one of the Hussisn armies. And so. now that Itaspirtin is "officially dead." what of I'n-doubtediy whole masses snd many classes in that land, where the occult personality held uch firm wav.

-are thu, he is gone Hut what of the royal fsmily. whom Rasputin dominated, with whom lie was in esppctsl f.ixor lierauto or the fact that the birth of the rxar-evit-h. after the many year of aaltmg for a male heir to the t'irone. at a time when the monk" was In the heydev of his inlliiep-e Hi I lie -Win tcr Palxee at Petrograd? TOMATO IS Tomatoes should alwas-s Ki'i-ned before being used for salad do this easily, place the fruit III basin and poor boiling water ove-It Von lll find that the xkin a i be removed without any lioiii-le. HFK HAT CAMK OFF.

Her hat obscured his view at the theatre, and in a kindly voleo ho leaned forward and asked 'f it would he possible for her to remove A stiffeninc of the head was hi only answer. After a few moments he repeated his request. Then sho turned on him 'There no demand for do-ing so." she aiid. "No demand?" he echoed. Then he rolled his overcoat placed it on his seat, sat on it, and gettinr his hat from under the seat, placed it on his head.

In a moment there was a cry of "Take it off:" "Take that hat off:" And with, a swift movement the lady unfastened her ha'ptn si I removed her hat. So did the m.m WHFN FRYING BACON. Before rrytng baeon. put the rushers Into boiling ater ror two three minutes. They plump out te twice Ihelr original thickness, and all chance Is removed or their hemr too sahv TAKE "CASCARETS" IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS AND CONSTIPATED Best for liver and bowels, bad breath, bad colds, sour stomach.

Oet a 19-eant box. Blck headache, blliouanaaa, coated tonrua, head and noae clortrad up with a cold aiwaya trace thu to torpid I trer; delayed, fermenting food in the bowala ar aour. rasay atomacli. Potaonoua mattar clocffod In the lnteattnea, Inataad of bain omat out of tha ayartam la ra-abaorbed Into the blood. When thla pblaoa ranches tha delicate brain ttaeuo It oauaaa con--etlon and that dull, ale a en In a baadaacha.

Caaoarata lm mod lately cleanse tha feomaoh, reraora tha aour. undigested food and foul ffasea, take the ex-oaaa btle from tha llvar and carry out all tha constipated waste mattar and poisons In tha bowel a A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by They work while you sleep- a 10 -cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver ana Dow is reciuar ror months. i 1 THE BLESSING OF A tit. NAii.Uoi 7j Avf. oiiavvii.

oni, AuetMt 9. I think it my duty ti! you what has din forme 1'Uiep years af? I bgan to fed run down and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Ividnsy 1 rouDir. iiiviiik Iran 01 ru i i-a- tlvra 1 thnuglit I would try them. The r.sult was surprising. During ths 3 1 yrars past 1 have taken! them regularly and would not change for I have not hsd sn hour's slcknrss since I com- menced using and know now what I liavrn't known for a good many yais that Is.

the bl.ssinif of h' Slthy bdy and clt-ur thlnkmi: bisin." W.M.TKIl .1 MARRIOTT. HEALTHY BODY H.4 A. IT- (i for 2. tla1 si io I i 'This event will take place on the "I in pofaipatd on receipt eA-eailns; of February 2nd and a bum-In Kruit-a-iive Limited. attendance of cadets will take I in the drive, which is considered one of the bis; occajtlona in the year taw MR RM1; BED.

If ou imwcM a Mono hot-water' bottle thiii it. cracked. Ill) It with jand. thn place in the oven three lioui before it in nuedod. and you will find it quite as useful for warm- ins; a bed as when it waa new.

The Kit 11(1 retains the heal than water. MAKING IT PLAIN A common mistake which some peoplerontinue to make is to accept At the regn'lar meet fa; of the fol-trm n( leRwtte Cluh held la-4 evenlnir the from a druggist an "extract of cod A thp nirmbrr9 WM.e BddreM- lirers thinking they will get the bene- ed by Maor Ha-roM Ki.her on the fn.sni.uiejA-" subject 'i 1 1 xt i i n. when a lart- iil be Held on the Evening of February Second, and a Large Attendance is Anticipated. MORE LETTERS FROM THE BOYS OVERSEAS The annual kistpecUon of the CoU giat will take place early In Feb -iw when Inspector J. A.

Hon MA. will vlelt the school. litttws and cards contlnuo to a from ex -pupils of the Colleglat ho arv overseiaa, to responeo to tht emeinibrances) sent from the achoo: at ChririUTiaa Ail theve reiMes aie read to the echool by Dr. McDou-pall and ario full of Interest for the 'tudeni. In addition to the list published in thu column last week replies hu been received from Lieut.

Oe-'aM Blyth. Yacht Patrol Section DiMdeon, 107th Can adian fit Hatien-: Lieut. R. 8. Engineers; R.

W. v. Oemmill; H. 0. H.

Kirby. Major E. niith Infantry Bauallon: Kobertisn; Ueut. Bert Kadip rav R. Mi-N't Sri.

Northwoud. 781h WimKipeg Orena- dls: J. U. Taylor. 77th Battalion: ICapt Clifford ttlfocm.

14th Bauery. if.Kjt Maior C. A. Young: Lieut. "Bill" McLe-ugtilln JMh Uattaliou.

I xi it Wednesday afternoon when Capt. Harry BrooWlns called upon the members of ths Cadet Corps who wished to attend the annual sleigh drive to take a pace from the the cadta moved forward aa a roan. ly programme of the Cadet orps. Results In the intercIaF- league (tames which have hten played thin week are a follows: 4A-I5. Fifth form-U: 3B-17.

3A-S1-1S; 2K-99. 2G-6. The romtneri'Ml team defeated the 4-i players in regular league Ulf. thv olher day by lhe svorc of SI to 24. Wilhe Ceorire waa the mar for the nconr ten bafkrts durins; the frame, whilo Hob Brown and W.

Howe did the hea-y work for the mathematicians. umber of hoAs-rmm 'ourth ar fifth forms -nt the third, were pre- The Senior Basketball team of the 'olleajiate now prernts a natty up. on the jyninnrtum floor. lereev with a romblr itton or the nle and pray rotor of the O. c.

i. have. een aerured for the player. in the game. Crepiir-ViJong in full awinic or the annual whool concert which wil' likely talk place in the latter pat of Vbruar.

The GIes C4ub and ihe orchetxtra are practlolnr recular-lv iinilAr the direction of Prof. Bi-rti-. -sot ieUen will pro- Beat, ArVaatsVtl VsatUL. LJgV OaratVlMMl. Hsisotrsrpav mme no iroabla rJJ Tssrrimdr twikraa awUleav tofi w1U aU Wm sUl la tsossr.

Tbra tm. ItltaovUlrOimreealftaaMaittsaAr Wlwmt am -jnaOltr mwmkmrmmU, Ukf rksj ttswkay rk svaMl rterksrr Mrrk. avll OOaplSi tnaeWr IbowrN'IMMMIlMsTtatlreiBa. 0s) SaDir rmmT OS Vsvm VO sUSHr yawimarerv skms sssoarusai ftailnasi jam mtm sV4 rti mlmv 94 tsM sn- tfinsim txta re jutm aasey DEFT. H.Si TOKOMTO.

OltX to Strengthen cent. In One In Many Instances tot lowing the simple rules. Here Is the prescript ton: Uo to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon -Opto tablet Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyea clear up perceptibly right from the start and Inflammation will quickly disappear.

If your eyea ara bothering- you, even a little, take steps to save tham bow before It la too late. Many hopeioaely blind might have been saved if Ihey bad cared for their eyes in time. NOT E-Another prominent Physician to wborW the above article was submitted, said: "Bon-Opto la a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee to atrengrthea eyesight 60 per cent In one week's time In many Instance or refund the money.

It can be obtained from any good druggist and Is one of the vary few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use in almost every fsmily." It is sold In Ottawa by Allen A Cochrane and other drug: stores. of Smoking The difference is very great An "emulsion' conxn real cvd liver oil, which has had the heary endorsement of the medical profession for many years, while an "extract" is a -f product which contains no oil and is highly alcoholic. emulsion of the world. It guarantees the highest grade of re.A ad tiver oil, skilfully blended with glycerine and hypophosphites, and is endorsed h)' good physicians everywhere. flntt Bownc.

Toronto. Ont- ta-u ROYS Tm1 et a no tor a Ixwher oatftt. vgea Ton oaat gs)i. ABSOLUTELY PR EE, -an aa, alflerae oot'H oonaplsi. ootssUtinc of pavir et ptonslle arocsg.

loUsstaeal atavl backer aksvseav (tUJ gJj-aJ. good llTsly pock, mod uror vll aavls rock ho-key snick. Mass In svdaUlloe) srvery kof tmm tacaraMaasitfa iiimi dMdr rir of rtl fssidra avorkstr wtaia (iBafeT anal Wi prectr4 br eaktM spsv of aYronr stt Wws'T Hwl lk IbbWc WHk Tkii SaisastU Ym WiU, WFITB TO-D A Wrs jmm tit flV gatirNkraWlMM I min i a-. RE0AL HANUFACTUaUNO CX I Doctor Tells Eyesight 50 per Week's Time A Free PreicHptlen Vou Csn Have Fill-ed snd Use at Home. Philadelphia.

Pa. Do you wear claasea? Are jou a victim of eye strain or other eye weakneeaea? If eo. you will glad to know that according; to Dr. LewU there la real hope for you. Many wnoae eyes were falling say they have had their eyea restored through Lhe principle of thla wonderful free prescription.

One man saya. after trying it: "1 waa nhqpflt blind: could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without sny giaaaes and my eyea not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It waa like a miracle to me." A lady who uad It aaya: "The atmosphere seemed hasy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for nften days everything seems clear.

I can even read fine print -rlth out giaAMs." It Is believed that thousands who wear glaaeea can now discard them la a reasonable time and multitudes more will ba abW to r-trengihen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses, l-ye troubles of many description may be wonderfully oenented uy The Cost Do you know that the cost of your two or three cigars say a quarter day will maintain about $4,000 of life assurance for a man between 25 and 30? Yon can afford to smoke, sure I Bat 70a can also afford an Imperial Policy to provide for year wife and little one should death call you suddenly. For particulars writ THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO A. S. Wkkware, District Manager, Ottawa, Oat. BWjaasawsaeees ANNUAL DRIVE OF COLLEGIATE CADET CORPS PROMISES TO BE A SUCCESS W1 pcll number for Lh pro-Statu mo, which now being to.

The rjuna.tic Club will prfrnt th main fatur of the prorrtuume in th frc tntKled "Ic. On rurle Kra.nca.lsB-" A club baa ben In form l-Cl of th Commercial parunont for th purpotM of matk-injf Aoldiers' oorafwUi. Thia club whlrh ha htn dealcnjUcd "Th WJUtoK -War Workors" will knit socks aivd make hsndkrchief, for lh boys in th treaiche. Ofll-cr rrntly tlocteJ are: prrldMit. MleM 8pcar; e-president.

O'- A Ai tui IcavbMt to Ton will flUe over the ics oe "STARK" Skates without say tiresome effort tiois ssKuuu (or Ottawa. Ths PLssUNT HASOWABE 197 Sparks St. FAIRY PALACE DOIX HOUSE, BEAUTIFUL DOLL TOYS AND Js t4ak trt. will Vk BrsA4 MirsgnmW I VlUeout ta. Viral TtU Big lauMral Ttirf Doll II um.

mo kl aud rocssar UmI II ttoU tansllr o4 4olk; tbaa Ml Waath of 14 waas tab. hov4, rrtirr.lroa evn4 sAssnS. eloh hsMkei, OlOilMam llU eVIsS g. llUUOSaM full of sloll elollkM peais tht st ym peej lekklm svnd Vh ml UtlU Frasteh hum hei eVU lba rrx o4 losw Kxooaavr SoVs) krWr smaawUs4 W4 with It MsMfeT eVBtl th bstaMUtlsl bbT CSMTtaVsW hsuiitawr assan It SngMroUsUssrtchkMtel niati. LaMt bk pot laaMS.

vtT fi tat lrlr PrltkMM Put rssi. dell -ort ainca ttih. Ita "nsva la rsmswU" ktT. BlbtsvkaVbL kteaasl sUU ftb adrrsakr4 rocassUse-17 trrm ItaMsl (W to. NsU s0.

tockiPta. ndsfH, msI hm tssw sun all SaweM! safaris est sVseaaaaaL rr iea VnM OinL-rit lodsvr wtU Ssart taskthej hrmth a i1 lm toeu ig frlsarulaat fuar rr thasw lts BMSOvks liitat4TngB. d4 JUsafllr. ftne) BOW. loll.

XU Utn. Ton wl.l juiir saeuinai mi Free Mi mU SmAsS. TUrr iU.lh.mWk.nisM I tiwj JoiSL Aduess Tlit KAiRY BLRRY COMPANY. DEPT. B.

TORONTO, ONTVUe snd ra our ndr premiums) as rem dtsL lo-daur girl sx-raje to tavnd psvrMsa vf mtt miltvwT ii roe ran aiiavii ins) and Liver Troubles 1 For Stomach, Sources St.Louis Water NATURAL (Kd Cltnr Irud) SPARKLING EFFERVESCENT Bottled st ths springs, st St. Yorre, near Vichy, France, and sold by all first class Grocers, Druggists snd Hotels. WRITE FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE OP WINES AND UQ1JOK3. The Back that is throbbing with pain can quickly be eased and comforted by the application of Thermo-cene. Thermogenic has no equal in its wonderful pain-dispelling and curative effects.

It creates a soothing, healing warmth which goes right to the seat of the trouble allays the inflammation, and banishes the pain! Thbrmoobnb is scientifically prepared form of absorbent cotton medicinally treated and possessing strong curative and heat ssi issains rsMhM VsaJms ss 0HUd tks rtlui ef Still I s.i6sso. sec. properties a light, dry, fleecy wadding, much better than tha old fashioned poultices and plasters. OJIfATTVE WADDING )'ii ili MmS tisiHiS' The softest of Health and Spirits could ask for greater blessings I And yet almost every one may enjoy potn Uiey take, the precaution to observe the ordinary rules of health. Keep the bowels refrdai never allow Constipation to become a habit.

Many people are miserable in mind and body because of chronic Constipation. They are really poisoning themselves because tha waste matter which remains so long to the body, poisons the stomach, the kidneys sod the blood. Atwefcspoonful of Abbey's Effervescent Salt In a tumbler of warm water, daily, corrects Constipation regulates the bowels keeps the kidneys SOLD BT ALLZH je Usk tar tfcseraaes Price; wcrt4ry. Mtw KlUluff; troa-urer, Mla Thoberfe. Wm.

A. 8 led was alocted sargavt of the Commercial platoon of the ca-Jwta laat WeUieiday. A choice of the other C. will be maxto a few weeks. Resnitta of the fall term exam fetation have beibn oompUad for the coiumerrJaJ dexartroent and show lhe oUowuif to have the hlrbt in thetr various claacae: Willi 4-l: Ta-mrt.

J-E; MJs Morfs-n. 2-E; Joseph Brne, 2-H; Miss McCualg. l-O: B. MwfJitcr, 1-H; A. O.

Hudiwa, 1-J a aklmt wltH the hmn 8TARR MF8. CI USITU DTswra. i.s, eu. TOSOSTO SSaSCNi KUiMIM IT. I.

PRINCESS PAT" LHJLI- lovar Cntn Cidr CasvistS Ptjcfutm. Ws waviit you to IrrUuai aVw ejeiicurusi mi; ar. ssunpto will JoaaVJS harm awn tta lntrodur ftmong to orOr ICaewh. Tka4ar Opa aavraplej ntK-aa atnd savk e)rrrri to Vturr aWry. Lrjoa )ua Ui br (wrfnna It Weevth.

MirllT sUMt lT, SV dl)gbtf1 UsW KTW)orMUaMSpcsttssaa earvr. mo ro will aaU Ura sJl ThtfOBWaW9aaTsUr. Of wU roniVr aviwl too ih b'l I1 nrnplst WeVah mm. fcgtklBg tkrt, rd. doll rmrrl, )ua aw ro svod lbelarslr mM rrliusai rl ewu also eel iW atamtslr Bttywln grtuid preernls aman jomt rrta-tvda suilv SBiraaa of thatm aa mt FaUTT Invaluable in all cases of Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sciatica, etc.

Can be worn under the undcrclothmf without discomfort, day or night. r.s,ial Ms ft SjmS bf thm Ti Msswsnls I Nasi cents from your Druggist or from Seles Assess for CmmmdB I flarels F. tllcals a Cs. Usittei letasl sliest, Tsessls Ml active, the blood pure, stomach clean and the akin fresh and clear. For over a quarter of a century It has been a household remedy throughout Canada.

Made in the laboratories of the Abbey Effervescent Salt Co, Montreal. A Medical Offloerof Hsslth, of Looden, Eng. save! "I take it ever geor it keeps ate in the ban of health snd Te overcoats es-ceeelve Mervoue- tskeAbbev'e Vita Tablets, SOs COCHEAKZ'S STORES..

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