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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

YEAlis) A PARISH. Hob. W. H. Ksntal.

Mlnarter of In-1 land Revenue leaves hls afternoon or la-morrow for M. Aaaiha dee Mnia to a Hand tha oelobrailoa of ths nf Uath annlvsrssry of lha orranlaa-on of lha pariah. -Tha eeiehratlnn haa baaa organised by Rev. J. B.

Basel formarly of l.V.O THK PAHADK. In the restart of the OrBnasrrren'e Prala to rarest Church Cathedral on Sunday tha namaa of Baker bodge. No. 44 and Ottawa Lodae. No.

4t. P. A. P. O'a, who lad tha procession with lha band of Baker Lodre, were Inadvertently omitted.

Tha Prentice Boya' lodges ara coins to spend tha glorious Twelfth at Woodroffe Instead of at Kempt vllle aa eta ted. MOW VAIXT OKOKKFJ). to snahls them to carry on. THANKS rnOM RBUINA. Hon.

W. T. Whits, Minister of Pin- lanes rsostvsd ths following telegram yesterday afternoon from tha Mayor of Rsglnat "Tour rnosssgo rsostvsd. and ws deetre to sxprsss etnceee-appreclstion of your contribution of lls.oa to ths relief fund. Ths fund Is being ad- ministered by ths CI vie rtnaaea Com- mtttes with ths President of ths Board of Trade and Deputy Provtn- clal Treasurer and Mr.

J- A Allan, banister of this city. 1 am acting sa chairmen of communications. sent forward ysstsrday's mall to Hon, O. H. Perley.

acting prsmlsr, giving aa full details aa posatbh) at the present jtlms. Complete lists sz pec ted on Wednesday when all details will ba forwarded to "yon. Ws appreciate sincerely ths widespread sympathy being extended to aa" P. MoAra, Mayor. EVENTS TO-NIGHT Porehsin Thamtr Ttf 0-nt1eman or Lmin.

jstrltmnnla, AiMMtaiiutn OoiontaJ Stock Co. In "All ths) Ooraforta of a Hon A Geniiine Bargain Lot 66 99 ft, 1st lot off Bank, on very central street. This lot is offered for few days st very low figure considering its splendid commercial situation. Here, is an opportunity to clear up $5,000.00 within the next year. Caldwell Realty 199 BANK IT.

Phone 8380. Phone 8806. GRIPSACK SI STAGES I i i i I I i I THE OTTAWA EVENINO TUESDAY, JULY 9. 191X TODAY IN OTTAWA AND THE MANY CENTRES IN THE DISTRICT TO MAfMN.l.l IMJOUK. Arrangements hnva baan complsrsd wheroi.

ihe "ttswa branek of the Ob- tsrio Veseisbls Orowera' sAaorlatlofl will itay a visit to Uacdonald Colle al Sle. Anna da itellevue on July lilb. if VAl.t I OVKH S.OM The report of the experts sppouited to make tha valuation of the Wellington atreet alto expropriated by tha ginnrnnieiil will ahorlly be preaented. It la understood Ibal lha I will he lii eserea uf two million dol- Jie. ritl'MH'K ll')i Prentlee Rove Lodges 44 and 49 'will ii.

Woilr.rre on the I'th of July of to Kempivllle ss haa been stated. The lift, and drum band of No. 44 will accompany the lodges to Wood-rotlo, l.WW HM'IIU i A Inwn social le be held under tha anapliea uf the Ladlee' Aid Society of Pt. Andrew's' church on tha grounds' of Mr. Jnhn Wutts on Main street.

The event will take place tomorrow and will continue for the afternoon and evening. An oroheatra will 1 In attendance. IP you want Canada's finest sugar, at its best, ssk yomr Grocer for Extra Cniiltic Ssaar in the new Sealed Package containing full pounds or sugar. cahaa svoAa mmmta CSX UUIICB. For Sale Three of the best Jots on the north side of Carling close to Bank.

Prices right and terms to suit purchaser. This is one of the last chances to get a Carling Ave. lot near Bank St. Apply D. Jr.

67 BANK ST. Here is a Chance to Secure a Home Small Cash Payment A Nies Brick Dwelling; on STJNNYBIDX Olcnvj to Bsnlt St Conisine Red Rooms and Dsn -All Impi hi laasnsa $680.00 CASH WUl hsralle thUj balance and 5 Yean. Vet rarttcnlars of BEACH ARGUE Phona Qomn M7. IM Bank tH. 1 1 i i I 1 I SWW Ct mtMH IIOIHK A (It la beans prepared ana plans people from tha American Bank Nolo i 2 heth.

iLw-ST wl Tha party proceed to th, ,7 about two o'clock and epent the con I1M0O. Tha ot vault ac- rmt commodaejon. In which la stored gold on th. I reserve, bonda, debenturea. go and whk.h CMUM, ua kaeneat rivalry ware.

co the one hundred yard daah. won by dollars, waa metalled twenty-live iUn ,.0,0, second Mlaa Jean-year ago and lha Inrreaaad financial MoKiroy; egg and ipoon race. operatloa or tna nonunion oemajia an eniargemank Tha new vaolt will ba Installed aa sooa aa It Is completed. KARTHQr AR MKMH. An aarthquaks ahock waa recorded on the Dominion Observatory Betemo- graph Sunday morning at five mlnu- tes past three and Is regarded aa tha aama aa reported In Alaska.

Dr. at. K. Kins, when aueetlonea. stated mat ths record was wsll defined, thd dis turbance continuing for aa hour and a half, and he estimated the distance aa mllea from ths oily.

V.M.C.A. BOYS CAMP. Ths V.M.O.A. camp at Black Rapid, la bow In full running order and about twenty boya are out. Ths camp Is undsr ths direction of Mr.

Balder- atoB and will oontJnus for three weeka.A camp Is being arranged for ths sen tore for wssk-snda This Is un dsr ths direction of Mr. Dingmsa and will be a weekly affair during the eummer. Thoss who wish to attend should snsks application at tha of fice for only a limited Butnber can be acoommodatsjd. SO ACTTAIj watt. Anothsr message was received by Hon.

Oeo. H. Perlsy, acting premier, from Commissioner Perry of ths North-. Mounted Pollcs s. folrows: "In South Wast Begins, Bangs 10.

1 Township is. ons killed, eight Injured. Elghtssn farmers suffered damage i underway lor Ui near customs Co be erected un Sussex treat. boom time will have to alapee, he ore tha plana ara sufrklentrs advsaoed to-allow of tenders- be In called. Al'TOIST M.XKD.

Aa a warning to keep on the right aide of the I tree la and to refrain from obatrut-ung tha atreet oornera. George iloudreaulu an automobile driver, was linsd three dullara arid two costs. Bou-dreault waa landed In the tolla by Trafflo Conatabla Jaa. O' Brian for blocking trafflo with hla aundlng auio, at the corner of Hideau and Huaaex airaeta. HANK' ITK A very pleaaant and tnlrraatlng little picnic waa held at RocRcllfTe Sat- rmiij vi jrouuv i Mry unl M1 Jnn MoOregor; Ihreo-legged race, won by Mlaeea Clara Duval and Ethel Dennl- jaon.

A very dainty table waa laid after the varlnua aventa, and tha good things aupplled were thoroughly en- joyed. It le the wl.h of the young people to convey their Mianka and ap- preciatinn In Mlaa Wlnrhenter and Mlu Pryca for their kindness In chaperon- Ing the party. KXlrOltMKS NKW tXIHIK. Kor ths purpose of forming a rUotvh regimsnt a meeting of Ht. Anurew's i society wss held last night.

Mr. TFI1-llsm Stewart, chairman of Hie committee, presiding. He reported that the executivs had waited upon Col. ths Hun. Sura Hughes.

Minister of Mllllia. and although he did noj. make any definite promiee. he apoke very ravorably of the movement and promised to do si in his power to form the regiment hen they tied secured a capable and efficient colonel. Ths chairman announced that anyone wishing to Join ths regiment who were not connected with sny other unit should apply to Mr.

William Stewart. 171 Bank street MARKS-MOLYXKAIK. The wedding between Miss Jennie alulyneaux and Mr. Hobert Percival Marks, wss celebrated In 8U Andrew's Urlmil 0(' zion Church Hall. aiiv brld.

Dlml.d lh. Uh during ih. Marka and wore a whits silk drees With white ealln hanila Th- bride carried whit, roaes and the brldesrusld a bouquat of carnations, Ths best man was Mr. Hrginald Shaw, of Kasabaiua. Ths church wss well filled with 'friends of the happy Many handsoina pressnts wars received snd vsrai larga chaquss attested to ths popularity of ths couple.

The wedding banquet waa earved on ths Iswn at ths resldsncs of the bride's 'ether, where over a hundred were preeent. The couple will spend their honeymoon In Ottswa and the Ottawa vsney. HOW I MADE MY HAIR GROW Woman 'With MarvXuljr utlful Hair Olvaa Slmpla Hom Prcacrlp. tlon Whicli Um. With Mot Ramarfcabla RstwKs.

I waa KreatlT inrablad rtth and falling hair. 1 lrlS many adTr- llaed hair DrvMratlona and vartoua ui arrlptluna. but thfjr all alrnallr man of thm msvie mr hair irMy ao WsVsl impUVrSlinae WIUU 11 Vf UW UV lpropg.rly. 1 think thai minr of th thtnea I trlfd were poaltlvefy Injurluua "nd from my own exprlnc I cannot IlliV sHrvMiff iy rauuuil 7" ajaiieit useiitgj prcparattona truntalnlna; wood alcruhnl and iothr polavnoua auhatanrea. 1 bI1va rthcy Injur tha roots oC th hair.

After my kmc llat of fallunsa. 1 flnaJIy found a almuT prvaniptton which 1 can n-'haaltatlnjtly atate la byond doubt tha most wonderful ihlna; tor tha hair I hava avar aoaa. Many of tny frlenda hava alao uswd It. and obtained wondarful effect thvrafrom. It not only la a powerful atlmulant to tha growth of the hair (or restorinc a ray hair to Ita natural color, but It la equally coed for removlnji 'dandruff.

fWlntf the hair life and brtl-i Uanoy, and fur the purpfwe of keep-ilna ui acalp In flrat-claaa condition. It alao makea th hair eelr to comb aod arrajitfe In nice forth. I have a friend who need It months and dor-Una; that time It haa not only atopped the falllnc of hla hair and wonderfillty Increased Ita growth, but It practically restored all of hla hair tn Ita natural color. Tou can obtain th tnaredlenta for maklneT this wonderful preparation from almost any drucrlaL The preacrlp tlon la aa follow: Hay Rum, Menthol Crystal. armcAm; isarona a compos i 'you like It perfumed edd few drops of ITO-1U It wit Kalon Perfume, which mixes serfect- ly with the other.

Ingredlente. Thla. bow- lever, le not neceaeary. Apply night and morning; rub thor. oushly Into the anal p.

do to your druggist sod ask for an eight ounce bottle containing six nunc, of Bay Rum: also one-half drachm of Menthol Crystals and a two-ounce bottle of Lavona de CompoeeeV Mix the Ingredients youraelf at your own home. Add the Menthol Cryetale to tha I Jay 'tUf1a ana men pour in ine isvors aa (Ann. poeee' ana add the To-Kalon Perfnme. ii eiana one-ssir nour and ready far uee. It la ADRAMA THE LETTER i ssllmatsd 117.4 Patrol reports erld(fc Th.

vn dsmsgs further south much less andiher utbtr M(1 WM charming In did not enend to Rouleau. No csssl. in ot lllk lrlmmM, wllh of absoluts went. Three cases rec- lace with veil and orange ommsndsd for Imsnsdtats asel.lsnce blossoma The bridesmaid waa Mlaa L. C5VIC WAGE INCREASES QTANin i nvcpno act era dciv UintUi.UT l4llIVfl 1 1 L.i-alLelIink atrae teenty-nre ltank street, Scavenging and Sprinkling Systems Costly but Unsatisfactory Board of Control to Await Expert's Report.

The controller talked all around tha salary question at the meeting called for the purpose' of considering that matter last evening and adjourned at I o'clock without taking any action. It waa decided to refer aay recommendations for Increase Inside official, until Mr. Jewel. London city auditor, who has been looking tnlo ths system at City Hall, makes bis report. Ths mslter of Increases to city anglnesr reports proportion of Ihla year's asseesmsat, Controllsr Wilson clslmlng that a largs amount of the pronored ralae In wages would ba borne by tha roeal Improvement work for which bonds will be Issued.

Incidentally city Auditor Cluff submitted soms inumlnallng figures to show ihs ilss of the threatened overdraft and there was considerable talk about lha city's sprinkling and scavsnger ssrvlcs. Ths cltysngtnser wss asksd for a report oa Ihs most effective method, of scavenging and will probably recommend tha purchase ot larga motor i trucks td do ths work. I Acting Mayor Hlnchsy presided at ths meeting, and there were preeent Controllers Cerent, Wilson and slcClanaghaa. with ths city auditor, engineer, tire chief and Secretary Lett. Ths applications for Increase, la wagss aad efftctsl salaries with correspondence attached were read.

Thoss applying were ess msa of ths public works and waterworks department, and ths firemen, about l.sOO In all. eighteen pipe layers, ths Inspectors of street sprinkling, scavenger Inspector and a number of Inelde officials. Including John J. Houlihan, tha mayor's secretary. W.

T. M. Hryrs and F. Askwlth. assistant sngtnssra, Msssrs.

Duffy. Short and Spenard of the asssessors department, and air. Angel la the city clerk's ortics. Chief clerk Henderson rooom manned Messrs. Ms-son.

Blocker. Kendall aad ItlesLavwlor for In. and tha eltly collect alio asked mors money for B. Woodrow, A. BU Ooorga aad Howard Bt.

Oeorgs. Ths laborera said firemen asked for an Increase from SI cents an hour to emu an hour, while the pips layers wanted a day and in.lde orn-t sila Increases ranging from 160 to $100 a year. Controller McClenaghan: "How ars tha nnaacasr Ths chairman: Is mors money than there was when lacrosses were grained soms time The city sudltor said hs did not think ths crty waa getting ths value of the money epent on arrest sprinkling. He figured out that each cart trsr-slled only sis miles a dsy. nut modified his statement when ths crty sng-ineer pointed out it waa necessary make a double trip oa each street to cover the whole surf sea Mr.

Cluff said ths city waa away behind In salartea and pros an ted figures to show that out of an appropriation of M6.000, there was left only fr alx months This included only Inside official a. Controller Parent said ths city solicitor should ba asksd to glvs si) opinion on ths responsibility of ths controllers In ordering an overdraft Controller Wilson ssld ths law wss vsry elear. Ths controllers sould he dlqusltned snd held personally responsible for the amount of the svsrdraft If any citilen cared ts bring a ohsrge. The city sudltor rssd soms more figures, which brought up the matter of ravenslng. is reported only 11.000 left out of an appropriation of 140.000 far this service.

The city engineer said ths Inoreess waa due to the long hauls and to the amount of work that the city wss doing, tree brenehee. leavee. acrap Iron and everything movable wae cried away and reeulta were plainly apparent. If tie people of Ottawa wanted a clean city they must be willing to pay for It. On motion of Controller McTleneghaa.

seconded by Controller Parent, ths mstt.r of ofllclsl salaries was left over until Mr. Jewells report wss prs-vented. Ths scavsnger ssrvlcs was again disc uee. and ths ally smxtneer said hs could not hops to hsvs ths Incinerate-ra ready before October. He waa Dot In sympathy with removal of ths gxrtosge by railroad, but favored the motor truck system with ripping platforms, three central points He wss Instructed to make a full report with a recommendation of ths best course.

Th question of ths increase to ths IsJborsrs and firemen was then grappled with and ths city engineer asksd for his opinion. He said It meant tti doubling of ths ovsrdraft as It would taka 110,000 to grant all ths Increases, Controllsr Wilson disputed this statement aa tha greater number of the men were engaged la wdkal Improvement work, and tha extra money paid them would not ba Included la tha ovsrdraft la ths board of works depsrtment, but oould be added to the' debentures. Oontroller Parent said this would be only tooling tha people. They might Just aa wsll pay In ths overdraft aa pay at soma futurs time. Controller MoClenaghan supported Controller Wilson, and on motion It was decided; to wslt for ths engineer's report on rhe division of the 130.000 among the public works, waterworks, firemen and ths men on the local Improvement work.

Ths dsta of tha mooting at which tha report will be received will ba fixed at tha regular meeting of lha board thla afternoon. CAJtXZTON PLACE NEW PIPE ORGAN FOR Z10N CHURCH Inetrsunesst Kxpectrd to he Cora pieced Wrthla KtMxrt Tame. Sperm! tn The Journal. Carloton, July The Kara Organ Company, of Woodstock. Is placing' new pipe organ In Zloa Church and the men ara busy working at It now.

Mr. Karn la overseeing himself, and In all probability the orgsn will be reedy In about a week. Mr. ErnesU Mcintosh Is horns from Cochrane, Onu Mr. Wllllsm McOutrs left last week for a trip to the old Mrs Klissibeth Latimer, of Potts-town.

Pa-, la renewing acquaintances In hsr horns town here. Miss Gladys Stanxell, of London. I Onu, Is visiting hsf grandmother, Mrs W. H. Saunders.

I Miss Ercomb la ths guest of Miss Bsss Bates. Mr. V. C. McEwen snd his son.

Harry, are leaving today for a trip to ths coast and points west. Ir. Oeo. MoUonsld leaves tomor- row for Edmonton, Calgary and ex- pecla to be away about a month. Mlaa Watere.

of Montreal. Is spend- Ing her vacation In Carleton Place, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Find- I Isy, High street.

I Miss Ida McF-arlans Is visiting; wllh frlsnds In Montreal and i Mr. W. Milne, who has been boll-: paying at his heme In the' old country arrived baesr last iS B'HSfSil SSI 5 "''p laborers was held over nnrll lbs city h. tacroa whtoh will b. Mrs Blanehsrd and two children.

Dorothy and Douglas, of Toronto, are visiting at Mrs, Blanchard'e home hers. Mr. and Mrs J. P. Moffat and sob spent a few days In town last week.

Mrs. R. W. SouHhorpe la leaving to spend part of tha summsr at Port Huron. Miss Rata MoOtnnens Is holidaying tha oHy.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyle Reld, ot Ottawa, were In town last week to spend a few days at Mrs Raid's home. They hsvs Just returned from a delightful trrp to the eosst.

THAT CAME BUT DIDN'T GET THERE. Fresh, Cold Buttermilk relieves thirst sod tones up the system. Yon can find no better drink during thii hot weather. Once Ton have tasted our fresh, pure buttermilk, the good, old-fashioned kind, youl! have no other. Try it.

Delivered daily. Ksrlnsrra. Panoyor of Dairy Vra dacsj to the) IHMKD S3 MXD I Ktw fMgtlrantly drrvlng a Biotor ear a a- whereby Mrs. Seharf. Ill Ovtherlns was this momma flnsd omrm wetn two oousss of costs.

AXXt AL CABDKJI PAKTi. Ths snoual garden party of St. Margaret's Church, Eaatvtew. will be held on the grounds of Mr. H.

T. Prltchsrd, Victoria street, on Thursday svsnlng nest. Muslo, strawberries, snd Ice cream, and a general good time la promlaed. WIIX IUXXVEH. Keporta from tha Ottawa Oeneral Hospital, Wster street, this morning.

who was Sri by ss regarda the condition of the littu bicyclist on llsnderson svenue Sun. day Bight, ars very favorable, and a complete and speedy recovery Is sx-pscted. MANY IKMIhrS MIUrilNU. Chief Hamlltuu Intends holding "round-up" some day eoon. Horses hava been going ustrsy or hava been stolen in the country.

From rlsstvlew a bay mare with while hind test, rsr- rying a halter is missing A grey horse is missing from the Richmond road. AHUM a.tNHI KI.1KM. John Cooney added another 1.000 files to his lesd In ths fly swsttlng campaign at City Hall thla morning, and now has su.ww tiles to hla credit sa compared about I.WW turned in by all the other competitors The con-tret closes on dlonday next If there ara any flies left In Ottawa by that time. INHI'MTKI) CIVIC WOHkH. Ths Board of Control yasterdsy went on tuur uf Inspection ot the civls works The Incinerator.

Bank atreet high level bridge, the Weat End drainage eyatem, the various streets where psvlng Is bslng dons, snd ths places where wster mslns srs being put In were visited. City Kngineer Ker accompanied th controllers snd gsvs Informstlon of ths works snd of ths progress being made. CIIARtir: WITHDRAW X. Ths charge against Mr. Oeo, W.

Mc-Creary, real aetata agent. Bank street, of recklessly driving sn sutomobils at the time when the automobile driven try him collided wrth the bicycle ridden hy Andrew Rankin, a painter, resulting In the death of the latter, waa withdrawn In the police court this morning. Magi-srate O'Kerfe, In sis-Hilar that the case was withdrawn, ssld he was gladt are that tha coroner's Jury had exonerated Mr. Mccreary. til'ILTY OK THKKT.

In the police court this morning Joseph Lefebvre, a coal carter, was remanded on a charge of appropriating to his own use a sum of money vbg to his own use a sum of IM, which he found on ths Interprovlnclal Brtdga last Saturday. While Jean, Baptists laifon tains wss driving over the bridge he missed hla money. A motorist Informed him that hs had seen a coal carter pick up something and Lefebvre wss found lo ho the Hs pleaded guilty and waa remanded for a week In which to make restitution. JTTAW. COITSTY W.C.TX.

At Ih TfffMit cmnvvirilnn of' th County of Ottwira. W. C. T. U- hld at Buck.nKtosvm.

i rm. ah oor-don honorary pretridrnt. Othr offictri for the coming year are: President. Mrs. (pr.) Metcalfe.

Thur-o; vlce-preal dent Mr O. Black. Thurao; Mra. Irdaiid, and Mrs. Hurls, Aylmer; secretary.

Mrs. Campell, Rockland; treusurer, Mrs. Torney. Thurso. Miss Hood, of Thurso, was the winner In th medal contest, the Judges being HeVe Turnbull, of Rock- Todr we are opening our new aec-tton of our big departmental wtrrrm.

The baJitoina onred on pajre 11 of today's Journal surpaa anything we have attempted 'n the past. P. CLARKE, Mirer Hprlngs Dairy Farm at DEHC41KXBB, F.tJ. Phone: Qnom Itet. I Issdi Rsv.

r. W. K. Harris and Miss told to leave the place by ths nelgu-slacLsss Ayhnsr. burs neat door, out wars loaihs to do 1 veetry el urscs church ass evented the reetur.

U. I. Cm-- v. iw we rawwie iv w- sbls him -to recuperate hie health lu Scotland, snd sa IMS native heale, the Kmeratd lels. soeompsuled on hla eontlnenlal lour by Ura.

Uoruwn. and the heerte of hui parishioners so out towsrd. him and hi. Isinllr In llielr (revel, abroad. During Uorman'e alaience tlie er-vlcas at Grace will be conducted by K.v.

Mr. Coleman during July ana Auguat. and by Kev. Canon Muckle.tuii during September and October. For the remainder el July and ftir Ausual Hie evening ssrvlcs la being dlacontliiurd.

but the regulsr service, will be re.ui.u.d with the Dret Sunday In hentetnber. We believe that a movement 1. on toot amongit the corigrrguttoi. to preeent Mr. Uurinan with eonie Utivlult.

evidence of the affection uf hla towarda him. Thla Is aa It ahu-ild Lu between rector snd peoplr. itownv hoys. Vsislsd premises are conilns in lot their shsrs of sttcntlon tlicac b.tlniy In peculiar way and at the sams lime dangerous way. It seems tnat when the' kiddle, find out ths Inhabitants hava moved away for the summer they Immediately wlah take poaae.alon and enjoy the shade uf the trees on the forbidden properly.

This la not all. however, fir ahy oa earth they with to' try and keep warm at the aama time Is more than can be answered even by the youngsters themselves, for Invsrlalily they build a bonflro on the Ons instsncs uf thla au itomni.ri yesterday afternoon oa one of the clal half-hour apeni. residential streets Ths occupants hsd bsrely left ths house to catch their MVK YfH'R MONFY itraln when half a dosen or more amsll By readlna KH.jlKiier'a announcement boya made a daah for the garden at; on page II today. You are sure to the hack, railing aloud to each other find many iMrxains never belore of-ss to who had matches.

They were fered in otUiae. OurADDuairflidsummer Fiiniitiire Sale NOW El FULL SWH.G This event, which is an annual affair, will include all lines of Furniture such as Parlor Furniture, Dining Room Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Den Furniture, Summer Cottage Furniture; also Cast Iron and Steel Ranges, beet makes, at a saving of 20 to 30 per cent. Discount. Don't miss it It's our Big event. CHAT1LL0N FURNITURE Co 135 TO 139 RIDEAU ST.

(0pp. Nicholas). PHONE: RIDEAU 1426. HIS SISTER TOOK HIM TO THE NEAL INSTITUTE He Had Drank It takes years of drinking for one to become drunkard. The appetite for liquor gradually but steadily grows upon the drinker, and he finds that it requires more liquor each succeeding year to satisfy him.

Then he must have liquor, cannot do without it. Now he is a slave to However much he would like tn quit it he cannot of his own accord, for he cannot resist the craving of his appetite. This is why his sister took hint', to the Ottawa Neal Institute. Kor many years he was 'a prosperous Ottawa business man, but lost everything through drink. He waa pitiable subject.

His sutler paid for his cure. At the end of his third day st the institute, when his treatment was completed, she came to see him. He was a changed man, all desire, craving and appetite for liquor gone. Putting her arms lovingly around her brother's neck, she said John, -h how I wish mother was alive to see you now." This grand and noble work keeps the institute' well filled all the time, reclaiming men, and good men, who are lost tj drink, and restoring them to their loved ones sober men. To secure accommodations, csll, write, 'phone yueen 7606, or wire Mr.

Pluiiiuier, manager, to reserve for sealed, giving full information. so snd. promptly snswered that they would Slay If they liked. Aftsr being tout a ssoona time, nowever, they mov- Th. snaious soout ncr own property ss well thai n- whi.

Wished to camp. I I'll KMlltK The regular forttilitluly of the I'ranclt WllUrd W. I'. T. I1, which took place vlvrtla afOjxnoon the home of Mia.

Hyndjll. Flora street, was nut aa attended aa uauaL on ait'uuul of Hid uarm ewather, umi the fa. I that a giat many peopU. arc uut. cf loan fur ths sun.tmr, Mia.

W. W. Wyl'a. president. Occupied the clulr.

after regular routine uua.urss had h.cii deait with, a dlrcuaatou luok ple on twu motions which are 1-c llui next nuetuiK. Ino a Jvlmbiltty of rcduct'itx ili.s niui.liurh.p fee of' the untor.r. whu li. dollar fee the nine an ll.e V.oincn'i I'lilona, and iIh inercaiiia ol Hi. itfluiatiur f-e iie cent.

i. tncinli.r lu ten eenta. '14ii. ku. to tile I'ruwuclal Union.

1: ana decided the next. nicetiiiK wh.ih tukea plut July 22, would uke lli" form cr a th-nlc at will ba the WvallH.r.i Join with the Krencl. Willard In the Ten minuti talk, are bvihg air.iuged for Ihla nieettng to be ftven by pri.n.lnent or 'he W.i". It.

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E. PLTTMMEE, Manager..

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