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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, IS, 1931 i'houc 122 W. Main Bananas Grapefruit Size M's Each 7c Oranges i.arijt' Ooi. Green Pepperj Mi. 2lc Tomatoes Nice Ripe M). 18c Oarrols Hunch SB oik Sr illiSO rcssion Dk L'iHThatof 1920.

window nnrl interior displays. For larfe stores, nilverllslng ex- urns from 4.1 to -18 per ceul. of total sales. The percent- utc bix-nl for iiw.psui'i- lulivrils- in i commonly ranges from '2 'J to I per cent. I "There arc 0:1 rovorri." EuUI.

"where stoies have i S10.COO for one day's anil us a ri'Milt have sold as hinh CCl.tiO worth of mercliaiullae In one (l.ij'." i LDIf'Oll'S NOCK: This Is Hindi sift mid tlir (liuuclil of worlil bUMhii-vi Iradvrs and fiicts abiuit the as developed al the rort-nl limul rbanilH-r of I'uimm-ice al Washington. (AUK.) COUUIKR NEWS PACK inmilUK Servlrr Wrili-r pood linn fitly dollars ot national liicnmp is i.pent in 'iinerlran retail stcrc-s. r-nvlv overvuiio buys al the tore." Ii is Hie producer's vehicle if dMributlnn and ils licup wilh a national condition cf proiiJCiily depression is obvious. the country's diminished purchasing power has automatically leaded au'iinsl Hie riail, our merchants have -tcod i.lii 1 si rain for liian in 1C2WS21 slump, which caught them stocked willi merchandise, then bfhbcre'l them anil as well as loss of sates icei'a. Now ISuy Can-fully i wll ls tlln Thai was Ihe dawii of a new ef Mr.

ami Mrs. n. A. rra In retail uiKchamlisiiig ae- Haiusey'of Os-eila, Is a cd houses al the Ohumiw Klyseos' Hieaicr, Pin Is, for ilisve inunlhs: pas 1 lias iivi'inly completed lie- Gutl.itions for the London season. of ihe special lenlures ul i in whk'h many t'lsiiicis (rum the old Imperial Op- c-tus of Ml.

iv-leisburij and Mo.i- us cliorus. wliicli' nf i u-talJiiiU'd liais which aie (omul In iViiss Beatrice Ramsey Announcement made talay- of the of Bfsrlrc llr-msey, Own's. lo Mr. Uroek Morrow, of I'lugoll. the weddiny having bii'n sccumlrert Saturday, May ninth.

The Rev. Claude O. Hall. imi-T 1 cf tlv: Luvorsi Methotllsl church, performed the ring ceremony at his homo. The only attendant uas M'ss Jfassie Belle Morris, of Oj- i Continued from One! Audit Board dlsconllnued Its dc- Dr.

SmHh thai during the legislative session none uf the offt- uers or Bdmlnistralion leaders had sliu'vn nny hifllnatlon to siipiwrt the House bill by him, I Evimbivi and Wiicutley. lie -i-calli'd thai In the Hunt hi the House over the audit, propos- ils, ivhi'ii Ins wiis voted down by the Ilcnw a.s Committee of the Whole. Rcpre.v.iu:illve K. 1'. Alex- iiuder, chairman of the House and Highways Committee, Kid otlKT administration leaders with Mr.

llrown and Mr. IXney in iii'yitiy the of bill. Is found in the plants trees. of the cily hiyh school here she was an ouUtandhv; btwient. Mr.

Morrow Is the.Eon H. A. Morrow; -of Piggott. of lie Mr. perdlny lo President D.

F. Kelly of tr-f National He-tail nry Association, who heads a large Chicago depaitnicut Kelly explained al the International i Chamber of Connncrc-? OY.isress that merchants adopted a iwrmaneut of placing or- deis only to cover limited rcquire- aicnls and especially cautious about stylo and seasonal "This policy ot conservative buy-; Charles Yavbro Winner 'lie has without doubt been one of saving factors for merchants VOCal Competition duriui; the recent perlixl," Kelly i JONESBORO, Art Yar Kelly gave much of the bro, 5011 of Mr. an! Airs. J. ll cently returned fiom Pcnsaerjla wlvrc lie completed a course in aviation.

Mr. 'and Mrs. -Morrow are now visiting in Memphis. The bride- will leave s'Jon for Houston, Texas, where he will be joined lal- er li'o slores. which you and palrc-nizc nearly every day.

Fo: instance, the chain stores have made rapid inroads on American retail trade and seem to find them now on every other corner, they still do only 18 per cent of that retail trade. The rest of it is divided up os follows: Departments ami t't'iicrul stores 1C per mail-order houses per cent, stores operated primarily by industrial concerns for em- ployos 3 per house-to-liouse I ranvp.tsing 2.3 per coir.iuin-11 stores foar-ienih5 of one pnr stores outside classtrications per cent. i Retailers' Costs' Mount I Kelly a slam at the theory 1 oflen held by maufaclurers and 1 -ither lhat rr-tailers rcl Ihe lien's rhare of the profit in pro- clucticn ami distribution. Expcn- Lamberl of Blythcville, was awarded first honors in a vocal held at the'Jonesfcoro Baptist Yarbro started his musical as a ineinbar of the Blylhcvillr high school (iuart2t In 1028. For th past, right months at Joncsboro college IID liar- studied voice culler under Dr.

Henry W. B. Barnes, widely known figure in musical circles Sleek Socicly Personal McEdamos Paul Frame. Roj Weaver and Jennie Weaver motor- ej to r.irapouid. Thursilay for brief with friends.

The eighth tirade were held al the Higl have mounted steadily in the Tuesday nvr-nins. The pro decade. cited surveys to was good and was well at Mrs. lUilh Lawhoni is ill al her home here. Mrs.

L. C. Silencer spent Tiies- dav night at Joiner. al the bccl'-irl" of her sister, Mrs. Louis and profits have often decreased as

Many stores have la net updating profit, but many -rvrn in IQ29, the bst year for which fisures available did High Seniors 1'icnic at Spring River JOINER, Miy 3 Ui-. Spicsr. Mr. I'ylos. and Hie Mlfsei Pearce Knit f-'iom- niny.

leachers in Ihe Siiawnee Ml, accctupanied by the scnioi class, niotorc:) to Mammoth Spring." lor a picnic lunch on tin banks of river, The following students made uv. he jiaily: Misics Carrie Elljn nnr- lett. Melave Tale. Ora llosey, Alma iisk, Louise Talc, ilav.el Holt, an: N'ina Messis. Dukii, Russell Hughss, Gerald Sisk, Sam Baddour and Muslck The senior class ol Shawnce hl-jr sclicol will present "The Brldt Elect" Wednesilay May it the high school auditorium.

Misses Louise anj Melavee Tale, of'Joiner cnterlaiued a bridge party ani dnuce, compllinenling the Eciilur class jf Oinwiu-p school, at the hc'i'e of Mrs. Shelby May 12. ull-vojjetBlilo In 1 rv 'TDhUCIST All- Vegetable Laxative Pure Park Sausai Home Made The Harvard Business School found that among department stores doing a two-million dollar nuilnrss or more, each S1QO of r.pcrat'iwj cxjirns? was divided tip like this (showing whal becomes of much of the money you leave i na department storei: Payroll. 551: lent and operating plant and equipment, $15; advertising, S10.50; taxes. SI: interest, £5: supplies.

So: light, heat and power. S2; Sl-iJO; communications. SI; rc- I pairs. SI; insurance, depreciation I and professional services. S2.50; and unclassified, including bad debts, nepartmcnl have dcvel- by laying special emphasis on 1C customers chain I1 stores have curtailed service and "cash and curry." Kelly but some chains lately have a tendency toward granting ircclil and free deliveries to customers.

Mail Order Sales Drop A large portion of mail or- L'n coin ret! 2 ibs. 25c K. C. Chuck or Rib Sutler I'tirc Crcnmcrv 26c der business has been diverted to stores at the trading center during the past decade became of au- and good highways. That's why two of the largest mail hoiisos have established chains of retail stores.

Stores doing a credit business usually fid that 60 per cent, of their sales aic made on that basis. Payments on charge accounts quently lag 30, GO days or more beyond the date when payment is officially expected. Credit losses nopen charge account sales av- ernge only about four-tenths of per cent. Losses in install' ment sa'es by stores normally 1 range from one to one and a half per cent. The peak of instalment sales, including automobiles, was in 1925 and they totaled for that year $6.,

The extent to whicrT credit losses of both classes i creased In 1D3Q is not yet known, but It is certain that they increased. i The Returned Goods Evil Merchants are now waging war r-ii evil of returning good toughl on credit. Seme "customers, according to Kelly, return 00 per cent, of the merchandise they buy. Depaitment store returns "re estimated at half a billion clol- Iftrs a year and lhat runs the In- of operating inlo millions. Newspaper ndvertl.Oig Is i questionably the most effective mr.dium for the rolail stores.

Kellj and others In "rder of their imiwrtance are direct mall, radio street car and billboard ndvertls- Crimn. who is seriously Miss Sloan ot Cooter is speiiditis: several days here this as the gnest of Miss Inez Still. A. H. Beckhnm of Coster transacted business in Monday.

Mrs. L. W. Weaver and Miss T. Slcne will Ivave Friday for several days visit with thr-ir innthcr, Mrs.

Alice at A. Spenc? was hostess a dinner at her home Sunday vl'en all of her ciiiidrcn were present. Cut of town geests Mr. Mrs. Spence and fam- Iv of T.eachville.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. I. Brear and family of and Mr. and Mrs.

Bcauman of Lcachville. S. L. Robinson busi- in Memphis Tuesday r.nd Wednesday. Mrs.

J. L. and daughter, Mary Sue. of Oaruthersville mcsls of Mrs. Alma Grissom.

Sunday afternoon. C. C. Hudgens of Blylhoviile transacted bus ness in Stcele, afternoon. Mesdames H.

S. Taylor. H. A. Silence and Hugh Carter mctorcd lo Haytl Saturday aftcrticon.

Mrs. -W. M. Silencer of Savannah. is visiting her son, C.

Spencer and other relatives Mrs. W. M. Turner was taken Ihe Methodist hospital as Sunday, where she will undergo a serious operation. Mr.

and Mrs. Oarrctl visit ed at Cooter. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Arch. Travis and children the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. U.

Travis of Cooler. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R.

A. Wall mrtorecl Keisor. Sunday where they visited Mr. and James Baker. Kkron News Notes Mr.

Western and family spjni last week hi Newport visiting rela- live's. Mrs. Porter Sinilh had as hei and Thursday. Mrs. Walter of Lost Cane.

Miss Cinova Ryan of Lost Cane as the p.uest nf Mrs. Charlie Nicholas Wednesday. A attended th5 clos ing exercises of the Ekron Ttsday nigiit. Tvvo pupih wcrr awarded eighth grade dipiomis namely Miss Mary Ingram and-Basil Mrs. Porter Smith tv week-end at Lost Cane wilh Mrs.

C. Kartsfield was til? of'Mrs. Tom Norton Sunday. I.eon Cox of Pontoloc. vis- ted friends in Ekron last Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Stone spent Saturday night tluir daujh- er. Mrs.

E. L. Teaford on TV.T-R- y-nine. Mrs. Tom Norton anrl ipont Saturday in niytheville.

Alma Grisscm, tha Grlsscm. Mrs. M. Mir.s Mar- E. Sherril and Mrs.

Abncr Ashcraft were shopping In Thursday Mrs. Carl Reid was a Blythc- ville visitor, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G.

O. Travis anrt, son, Guy Stewart, spcnl Sunday with Mrs. Travis' Mrs I. IS. Stewart al Ulythcville.

"sssan Opera in London To Olfe? Compelilion LONDON. (UPi--Compctition in he international opera season at the Royal Opera House, will br nroviiM early in May, willi the of a little liiissian opera West End A long list of well-known Russian singers is headed by Chalia- ai'no is a big enough draw lo -seriously affect Hie -i'fice returns al Covent Prince Zcrcteli. the impresario ol Ihe oprr.T company has been appearing before crowil- Dr. Miles' NERVINE Dili work" says Miss DOA'T you TRY IT? After more llinn three months of sulIY-rins; from a nrrvnns ailment, Miss used Ur.i.Ii!i-s' Norvinr- which gave hrr surd splendid results she wrolo us Icltcr. ijir.i sutler from "Kernes." II yiii cic.ikc Mnn noises, (iri? easily, arc cranky, blue ntiil fidgety, ijonr are ouf order, rrl.iv Iho uimt- mcdk-ine (hu- day after spending a week with hor sisler, Mrs.

OH SmHh. Dewey Yarbrongh. Lyn Shields, Jcck Marklin anrt Floyd Smith al- Icndcd a ball same at SI, Louis, Sunday, Stores Sl.OO. Bargains for Saturday and Monday Kiumliler, Lt). lilc; Tliii'U Itil) I.I).

IflL' liriskef ROAST ih FRANKS 15 12' 2C "nil BRAINS. mm i6 BACON 31C Best Sides ft. 12JC SPARE RIBS Ib. lOc 4S TOT" am Hlill) am Hlill) fii-iiili-. U).

LU Slit Cll CHITTERLINGS 1 o- 1 NECK BONES Lb. dc liver, Fresh Pig, Ib. 7Jc FRANKS Skil BOLOGNA inai-flt, Maxwell citici', Oinova or lierkeley Hlend Can Limit Can 28c LIVER lieef 09C Ltl Kuilcd SOUSE F'ancy Horne Grown Ot 15r. JLvU GRAPE and 4for25c GRANGES Dozen L(J 5 GREEN BEANS" io BEETS or CARROTS Bunch Be LETTUCE 'S 9 BANANAS l.iiiKC No. 1 lU'il 5Lbs.l9c SQUASH CHERRIES CUCUMIMS Ba 19" ol Ilivor.

in economy. ii (ocKiy 5-014r grocer's! EAGLE MALT SYRUP PICKLES Ronr, 2lc Dill. Quarl 21c Sw. Mixed. Ql.

3If Plain Ql. 1 PINEAPPLE VEGETABLE 17? TOMATOES 2 ft an 2C PINEAPPLE Libby's Crushej or Sliced No. 2 Cun 25c No. 2 Can No. 1 Flat Can 12t Pure Cane Limit 10 47c SUGAR $1,23 1'OHK UKANS ICC 2 for CRACKERS cl'i 1 25 MEAL Ea.

47c PRUNES to MUSTARD COCOA 2 lte 25 Bread or Rolls 5c.

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