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Daily News du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 453

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

NEW. YORK'S BEST ENTERTAINMENT, SECTION WEp.NESOAyNjaVEMBER.25.,3587 i i i i ii 1 1 By KATHLEEN CARROLL Daily News Movie Critic THREE MEN AND A BABY. Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson. Directed by Leonard Nimoy. Area theaters.

Running time: 1 hour, 39 minutes. Rated PG. ETER, MICHAEL AND JACK ARE CAREFREE PLAY- boys sharing a penthouse Central Park West bachelor ing for Turkey and leaves the package instructions for his roommates, things turn into a comedy of errors. To begin with, two packages arrive. The first is a cute little thing named Mary.

Mind you, these gentlemen usually prefer their women taller, but soon the shameless male chauvinists are cooing like sugar daddies over this 25-inch-long bundle of affection. That's right, Mary is a demanding 6-month-old baby who arrives in a basket with a note of apology from her desperate single mother who claims Jack is the father. Yep, Peter and Michael figure, this is See BABY Page 43 lipad Hugh Hefner would die for. Their bacchanal exis tence of glamorous women and lavish parties, however, is shattered when a friend asks Jack to accept a package for him. "This is a very delicate matter," the friend warns.

Sounds easy enough but when Jack takes off the next morn-.

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