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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 10

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 in. 1909. EL PASO HERALD Miners Prospectors Engineers Architects For mon in tlio al)ovc professions wo carry in stock in El Paso at all times just the items that they need. Everytliing for the ing room, the surveyor in the field, or the man in tlie mine, is offered by us. In a general wav, we mention: DRAWING PAPERS TRACING CLOTHS TRACING PAPERS BLUE PRINT PAPERS DRAWING BOARDS DRAWING TABLES MATHEMATICAL DRAWING OUTFITS Transits and Levels There will he no delav when we fill vour order for Transits and Levels, as we carrv at all times here, in El Paso, stock sufficient to supply all demands.

At the same time, our prices are no more than you would pay elsewhere. We can ship out-of-town orders promptly. Special Notice carry books for the engineer, miner, prospec-tor, architect and draiightsman. For tihc scholar av have in price and good in quality. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION 308 San Antonio St.

El Paso, Texas. ARIZONA NtW MEXICO WEST TEXAS IP (Continued page one.) MADE NEK 8 VISION IN Many Crews to Move Machine Shops Will Open. Other Railroad Nfews and Notes. Belen, Jan. Ivlonday.

Jan, 18, the town of Belen ceases to be simply a stopping place, but assumes the position of being one of the important and busy points in New Mexico on the Santa railway system. Upon that day 30 freight crews now running over the main line will take the through east and westbound freight trains in and out of this city in four dif-ections. From Belen to El Belen to Vaughn on the Belen to Kast Vegas, and Belen to Gallup. The 30 crews comprise about 100 men who are already preparing to move their families to this city as fast as buildings and homes are biiilt for their housing. Besides the 30 crews 100 machinist.s and clerks are to be stationed in the machine shops here, which will be in charge of Will Bean, son of S.

I Bean, mechanical superintendent of the Santa Fe coast lines. roadbed, track and line from Albuquerque to this city and to Rio Puerco has Vjeen thoroughly gone over lately and strengthened to enable the heavy IG'X) class of engines to travel safely aiui make speed with the red ball freights. Before July of this year it is said that the California limited east and westbound will be routed through Belen and over tlie cutoff. The passenger crews will still make Albuquerque their division as at present. The men who will be removed to Belen at present leceive about $800 per month, will be lost to Albuquerque.

P. Wagner of Alamogordo, for part of the Fort Marcy reservation, owned by the public schools, provided he crect thereon a tourist hotel. ork upon this structure is to commence before summer. Harry A. Judd, of Kngland, a British mining engineer, has arrived in Santa Fe to represent Britisli capital in the purchase of the Corona and Kagle Mining and company's properties in Lincoln county, owned Ijy ex-governor M.

A. Otero, J. H. Fulmer of Mishawaka, ex-attorney general George W. Prichard, and others.

MINIXG OTHER, STRIKES IN SYLVANITE CAMP SXOW IX XKW MEXICO kej if ves TUP'. Specimen Ore $400 Taken From Quo A'adis, and $100 Ore From Ridgewood. Sylvanite. X. Jan.

most recent interesting feature connected with the development in the camp have been the discovery of some very fine samples of specimen ore in the Quo Vadis group, and of some high grade gold ore on iiie Ridgewood claim. Estimates have placed the values in the Quo Vadis specimens as liigh as $300u to the ton, and it is said tliere is a pay shoot over fifteen incites wide in a quartz vein about twenty feet in width. Tlie property formerly belonged to li. B. Buchannon, but has been taken over by Pier.s-on K.

Irvin, of Sylvanite. and J. E. Mill.s, of Oklahoma. the price being reported at $60,000 for ttie group of six claims.

The ore in the Jiidgewood mine is said to average about to the ton, and the property is being worked bv P. Davis unaer a bond and lease from K. A. Wehr, G. Stump and N.

W. Click. north as Roswell to hi' hdil in Pi'cos iiex't month, at a fruit growers' association iniMht be formed ami which would newcomers to gi't advice thosn wlio have, bt-en experinu-ntirig with fruit growing as to what to plant ami how to liandle the orchards ami ineyards after planting to bring best possible ri-sults. Speaking for himself Mr. Tom said that ht' thought it for best interests of the communitthat the newcomers be put on tlie right track at once, rather than be permitted to go it blind and make failures which would cause them to bc'come tliscour- aged.

puil stalces anil leave, bhining tlie country and giving it a 1 )lack vyv. Kvery sucii failure a certain to any new country and lie be- should be taken to form an which might devise ways and means i'or employing a trained liorticulturist to advise would- be orchardists iinil viticulturists as to what to plant on tlieir soils in ordAr to the best results from a purely commercial point of After they began to make monry and to believe the country a good one to tie to, then might be left make as many experiments as they saw fit to make. is lOndor.Med. Me said liad the proposed meeting with 10. R.

Kone. state comniissionei' of agriculture, and with S. 11. stati' horticulturist, and that they both endorsed th.e idea. said he believed both would eonie ami ir.ake addresses that Dr.

H. H. Harrington, director of Texas experiment stations, could also be induced to be present. Mr. Tom's suggestion proved popular and it is very probable the mercial club will take Immediate action on it with a view toward having the proposed meeting held about I'e'o- ruary Trade Tne suggestion that the next trade excursion be made through west Texas is heartily and to a man endorsed by the business Pecos, as is its idea of letting the world know through its columns of the wonderful development of west Texas.

certainly would like to have the business men of El Paso visit Pecos and it will lie a pU'asure to us to have them spend sufficient tinie with us to enable us to take them in automobiles out intt) the cotintry to show' them what is being done toward developing the agricultural possibilities of this section," said E. Balcom, of the Toyah Valley Eand company. have been on the point several times of w'riting The Herald and A. Courchesne. with whom 1 ani somewhat acquainted, to ask wl.y El so ignored this section, which should be its best trading territory, but something would intervene to make me tor- get to write.

I am glad The Herald is doing w'hat it is to arouse interest in this part of Texas, and speaking for mvself and mv associates wish to say we will be glad to see the business men of El Paso and to do what we can to make their in Pecos and Reeves county pleasant. Wnnt to Get Acquainied. have sometimes wondered why El Paso make one of its excursions this Y. Casey, manager of the I ecos. Mercantile company's interests.

las has run two excursions to Peco.s n-ith what results in a business w'ay I know', but the Dallas men met us and we met them, with the result that acquaintances w'ere formed siblv friendships made. These count in the establishment ot business relations. I would be glad to POl Paso business men visit thev decide to come into W' st one of their Ideal Fnriiiliig orntry. idea is a gooel ont like to see it carried out. Brady, of the McKenzie stract company.

see the FA Paso business men and tliem see our city and what is done to develop the surrounding w'ill show the business El should they suggested by The i the wav of an that will open their J. W. Moore, agent foi Great Northern lands, times if El have the if Texas on and would said judge Brady Ab- would like to ind beln, men of make the trip Herald, something in ideal farming country Coneesslou Granted to Alninogordo Man to Erect Bit? Tourist Hote! Xear Santa Fe. Santa Fe. X.

Jan. fell to depth of two to six inches recently over northern Xew Mexico and as far south as Torrance, coming just in time to relieve drouth conditions. In the mountains the fall was much heavier. The territorial supreme court adopted resolutions upon the death of the late associate justice D. Lee.

who died recently in California, and served on the New Mexico bench during administration. The Santa Fe board of education has granted a six option to John Hair on Face, Neck and Amno KeznoTed by the Principle to modern science. It is the only scientific and praeticAl wny to destroy hair. lime electrolysis. X-ray and depilatories.

are offered yon on the BARE WORD of mkI Pe Miracle is not. It ii the onlf niethod which by pliyai- cians, 5nrgeons, mcdical jonmijs and prominent De Miracle in plain wrapper, for SI.00. Your money back without question (no red tape) if it to do ail that is claimed for it. Booklet free. In plain by tne De Miracle Chemical IXH Faxic Y'ork.

For sale at all cood stores aa4 Jieiiy 65 jt'oiiaxd. FORMKD. Paradise. Providence Copj)er company has been organized to take over and develop tlie Jiab- bit group of claims which was located by J. A.

who is now in the east promoting the cf.mpany. The indicated ore bodies on this property are said to be comparatively near the surface, and it is believed that if the development makes as good a showing as is expected, the proposition can l)e made to pay almost from the beginning. WIM. IVCHEASE FOlU E. Benson, Jan.

men are novv' working the l.eatherwood- Ilandolph mining properties in the Catalina mountains northwest Hensctn, and the president of the companv, J. H. Hubbard, of Chicago. has in.structed general manager F. Crossett to increase the force as fast as additional men can be used.

This group i.s on the eastern slope of the mountain, and Mr. liubbard considers the San valley tlie logical location for a reduction plant whi-ch will probably be installed. the Houston have some- Paso knew there but am glad it is his undivided aitention. About i-mplcyed the t'omrrn in ils lices, wholesale ware- aiid on tiie roatl. Something lyis ali'eady been said rigarding the magniti- eent two stoi looxl-') foot stole of the eimipany now in course construction soon to oceupietl by ils retail departnuMit and meiiliou has also I ot' iis new wholesaU- and stock room of bk)cks, which will the commn- but dang'rous, because not nre proot, siieet irwn slieds wnich up to the prescTit, have its stocks of goods.

Other Mif- as 11 is me Pecos ebm- has no nioiu poly of tiie nn rcantili' ot ver. 'I'here ai others, notably tht W. liuhlen 1 (joods and i.ii‘»ci ry Dry Goods the i'rt witt 1 Coods and (iro. ry ompany, the Hougl (irociry company, the T. Y.

Morehead I' uniiture the iV'cos I com- the and Zimmer Hardware all of which enjoy trade, two oi' three of them api)roaening tiu year nuu'k. And all of in a of Inhalutants. It well for the jirosperity of the sr.rror.nding country and is thr rjest vvi- denec ot tne way in wliich ttie eountiy is being settitd. In thinking this over it should not be lost sigh.t oi ihal is i)ut I'lt mih's to trie w. st, that liarsiow is but miles to the east, that is but miles away, that (irandra'ls and J-ort Sioekton not far distant, that in tai-h of tlie towns n.uneo are stores enjoying largf trade ami all seeking lo supply the settlers in their vicinity with food, clothing, tools, building material, etc.

Siib.stnntini NiiildinKM. Kvery or Ltu- J'eeos concerns named is weli housed in buildings of pressed brick, red sandstone or cement Idock and in evt ry case more or h-ss attention has been given to beauty of architectural design. Tliere isn't a or building OI eneap eonstiuction in the business section. i'A'en Zimmt blacksmith siiop 'S ol red sandstone and so well 1 that the upper rioor of it is used for ater purposts. Xor have all the business houses Pei'os been in-luded in the list 'I'here are others.

Among them may Oi mentioned H. Drummond, M. Meeks and Higgs groceries and feed. Ed Otto and Burkholtz, meats, llsh and oysters, W. J.

W'. ardson and Charles Monahan, jewelers, Prewitt Wadley and Hight Stewart, livery; Fd Doty, clothing and custom tailoring; I'. W'ilcox, paints, wall paper and decorations; H. C. Zimmer and Israel blacksmiths; ('hris Kitz and M.

B. Roddy, barbers; Ben Capps. arber McAdams, and Krause Brothers, well drilling outfits; Kranskopr and h'. J. Krans, the Saddlery company, harness, saddles, horse clothing, and A.

B. Ligon windmills, pumps, etc. 'I'he Lumber with a capital of and the City laimber company, handle lumber anvl building material. nntl Cold Then mere ttie I'ecos Fie tne Bight, lee and Storage plant, with a paid up carhtal of housed in an upto- date leinent block structure equipped with the latt'st improved machinery, including an eight ton ice machine and an electric light outfit large enough to brilliantly lignt the town with some to spare. 'Phe cold plant has a lapacity of olX) tons.

A new aistilling plant will soon be instaled which will enable the company to furnish a 1 quality of ice and water for domt'stic use and purposes as well. The llecos Bottling works supplies the country round about with gingerale, sou i poj) and soft drinks. i ity bakery furnishes hf city with its cakes and pies and what bread is needed to stay Hunger, i'oldwell I't Darter arc tne photographers who put the pleasant smiles ot the populace on recoid. In has two hotels, tne Drient and the I'arlisle, formerly the Valley liotel. Botn arc conducted on the American plan and both are good.

The Drient, of which K. S. Johnson is owner and manager, is an imi)Osing striu ture. three tories in height, of cement block and red sandstone after architectural plans suggested by the owner. It is located on h'irst street opjiosite the passenger station of the i'ixas railroad.

'I'here are GO guest rooms in tht hotel with running artesian water every lloor. 'I'he C'arllsle is three blocks uptown from the station. It is a frame struciun with oO guest rooms. The growth of travel incident to tlie lush of liomeseek- ers to the surrounding lias been such that the management ot the hot('l, ir; order to accommodate those wno food and shelter, has "annexed' all the vacant rooms and nearby dwellings. J.

Jl. Carlisle, the proprietor, is now discussing Jc.sus D. candidate tor justice and 'oiistaldc pUblii tick'll wt'i opi)os, Herrera and Luciano iniran respeetiV' on the Fie- 1 by Hibiau the Pt'o- was a west Texas, but am giau it lor a new hotel building with beginning to realize the truest rooms to l)e erected probably on the great country il thine present frame structur-. -ood thing it will be Times, will do the Pecos made by the Land manager of the H. S.

H. C. com- and that lloors he be- WIM. COMPAW. Silver City, X.

H. H. Barlow, of Cold water. who bid in the Granite (5ap Mining properly at a foreclosure sale a few days ago in the suit of Lucius Wing, trustee, vs. the United States and Mexico De- I velopment companv, is a trustee rep- I resenting about 98 percent of tlie bond- liolders.

who, is urnlerstood, contemplate organizing a new companv and proceeding mining operations on the property, which is one of the oldest 1 and best known properties in Grant I county. us call and demonstrate li merits of the OLIVER TYPEWRITER. The Best on Easy Ellis Bros. STIMKIC AT Paradise, the Bisbee-Sonora property of fourteen feet of ore is reported, about two feet of the ore carrying values estimated at $25 to the ton. and the remainder, while of considerably smaller value, i.s thought to be paying concentrating ore.

Systematic development work will be pushed, and if it holds out sufTicientlv to justify regular shipping w'ill be continued by the company. The strike made at a depth of about fortv feet vertically. If you want to buy anything quick, or want to sell anything quick, or trnde or exchange, try a little Want Ad in The lierlcl. The cost is small; results quick. The jtroposed trip will be a for all concerned.

1 hope J. Movt'r. editor of endorses the proposition and what he can to it. Olher.s Fnvor It. Similar were Major T.

H. Bomar. of company; O. Mitchell. Pecos Drug company; proprietor of the Orient Zimmer, of the Zimmer Hardvvart panv; J.

H. Carlisle, proprietor of Carii.sle house; R. M. Hughes, the Goedke Land company, and more of others among tne its of Pecos, with whom The Herald man discussed the matter. Opera House niMonsseil.

There is some talk of a new opera house or theater for P'cos but the matter has not taken tangible form. the present the Zimmer opera house is adequate, but he threatens to tear out the stage and convert the whole floor, which is 2SxbO teet in dimension into apartments and this threat may have brought aV)Out the rumor that a new theater building would be erected. Mr Zimmer, who, by lives in" El Paso but does business in will bullid this spring a storage warehouse 47x60 feet, of red sandstone, witli concrete foundation Pteel ceiling and iron roof lieves will be fireproof. Aetlvlty. During the vear just closed tiie records show that nearly TOO new dwelling houses, many of them rather pretentious as to and style of tocture, were built within the corporate limits of Pecos, and indications are that that number will be greatly ex- ceedeil this vear.

Fram-' constructiim though brick, cement block and the famous red sand- figured among the materials 'ised. The telephone system of Pecos lias liitherto escaped mention. The telephone in Reeves county, as in other of west Texas, is looked upon as a necessity rather than a luxury, and is found' everywhere. There are stations or sub.scribers of the local exchange in Pecos atifl connections are made with 4 toll offices In the surrounding country, covering the entire valley and extentling to the cattle camps'in the mountains in direction. III Hii.Hinesx.

It surprises to tind in an inland in west 'I'exas having a of but souls a wholesale establishment doing a business of 00 00 (j or mort' per year with a corps of traveling salesmen on the road who x)ush its trade for or more in ever.v' direction, but Pecos has sueh a concern in the company. 'I'he stock in this concern i.s held i)y local and the is managed by T. V. who gives it He hopes to make the hotel an ornament to the city and the between Dallas F(U't W'orlli and El Paso. ISnnkti.

are two oaiiKs in I't'cos, Xational and the Valley, the a i)rivate institution unincc)iporated. Its pi'( sldeni is W. D. t'owan, a cattleman ol great wealth. W'.

Johnson, also a wealthy ranchman and public spirited citizen beitig identified with every movement to the interest of I'ecos ami its environs. Is vice president and J. CL Love, also heavily inter- in attle and ranch property, is cashier, Valley bank is the oldest financial institution in Reeves county and among the solidest. The National is comparatively new. having been organized about is months ago.

It has a capital J. 'I'. of Odessa, wiio is also in tlui National Bank ot Commeri-e at El is president of the National. ('amp. al -o intei sted in El Paso, is president and '1'.

H. is cashier. Mr. president of the First National bank. Is also and Cipal stockholder of the I'ecos Valley Stone company, which owns the of red sandstone 11 miles east oi from which the material for so many oi me beautiful buihiings of Pecos lias be- taken.

'Phe (juarries are extensive and the stone been shipped to all parts of the southwest. CI ii I kn and are in tlie cit.v a secret orders, among them lodges of the Order of ihe Eastern Star, Daughters oi Rebekah. Indejiendent Order ot lows, blue lodge and cliaptei- royal arch Masons, Knights of J'ythlas and Woodmen. 'Phe women of the have organized a civic federation, has been active in urging civic reforms and improvements along the line of beautifying tne streets and public places. 'Phe principal liti-rary organization is the c-lul), which i.s in main made up oi and maintained by tlie women.

'Phere aro six church organizations in the city. Presbyterian. Episcopalian, Baj)tlst, Methodist and tian. Of the all have houses of worship but the Presbyterian society, which meets occasionally in a hall to have service and listen to a sermon b.v Rev. Mr.

Miller of Barstow. 'Phe have a ciiurch but no rector. Rev. Dr. Marshall, of Carlsbad comes to Pecos month to look after the spiritual needs of the flock.

'Phe Baptist organization is the strong- f'st nunn'rically and finani'ially and is ministered to l.y the Rev. J. Colo. Rev. J.

H. Messer is pastor of the Metho- tlist c-hureh and elder H. C. Magee is of the congregation. The Catholics are without a resident priest at present, though father a priest, comes -at stated to re.

mass and to petitions of the faithful. in Gi'eat is taken in the public schools, which are in charge of S. Robins, Ph. as superinientlent. Prof.

Robins was of tlie Stanb( Nortrial school of Missouri, and has a wide rt'putalion as an educa- lor. I'nder his th.e st'hools have brought to a higii slaiulard of 'i'ficre are six elementary grades and a standard iiigh sciiool a jicriod of four full organized on the ilepartmeut in the hands of a specialist f)f luiiversity training a.nd i)ractical ex it is tlie hope the trustees lo (iiuii) a laboratory experiments ill pnysii and nunlern sci'-nce be contiucted in ortler that the school m.i>' be so complete as to entitk' it to a place on tliC list of liigli an 1 of Pecos tiie iona I ceiiti'f oi the I'p to this many have to El Paso or Fort Worth to llv ir children tlu of ilu' bcttt-r oi liaise places. When pre.sent of the I'fcos school board are carried out migrations v.ill no longer t)c nee- essar y. is healthy that i)ut two physicians. Dr.

W'. .1. insant Di'. to from a recent booklet pul out hy the club; iio a. iiood busln-'ss in real estate, not nuicli in their professions.

Lnwyerm Well llepreHeuted. 'Phis beuig i-ounty seat ot Reevei countthere are a number of here among them Piirkcr Hetner (fc Hudson, Ross Estes, tiie latter (xeorge of El and McKenzie 'I he latter, in adtition tv) tlieir legal business, conduct an abstract offic and inive complete abstraits of uoviiig and Wlnklejk counties. Another absirati firm is the f't'cos Ciiy Abstract compan.v, of which R. W'arn is niar.ager. Speaking of abstracts, of lith to land? recalls real and naturally I ick there is so activity in any commodity there must dealers in it.

'Plie real estate men of I'ecos are marked factors in the development of the country around about it. 'Phey are E. S. T. H.

Bomar, of the Bomar Land company; I'awkett Davis; J. A. L. Oxff)rd, E. D.

Balcom. of the 'Poyah Valley Land McKenzie Brady; 'Phe Goedeke Land company, of which R. M. Hugiies, well known in ICi Paso through his connection with the Myers Hardware company, is a member; S. W.

White the Abstract comjiany, and L. Heath, in dition to these every other citizen of Pecos sells real estate during his odd mo- m.ciits and while he is resting himself. i't'cos is incorporated and governed by a duly mayor and board of aldermen, tie latter representing city at large rather than separate wards. 'Phe city government is at present vested iii mayor, E. S.

Alley; clerk, t'harles Monahan; marshal, W. Hight. and aldermen. D. Cowan, W.

Ruhlen, Charles Monahan and P. Henderson. The In 'Phe city has as yet no puolie building except a small jail for the incarceration of minor offenders, but as the town is there is no disorder and the jail is very rarely occ upied. A handsome city hall in keeping ari'hitecturally with the business buildings of the city is in contemplation the proper time comes." Values and bxch The assessed valuation of tne city for li'Os. vv'as and as the tax rate for city purpose's was but cents on the SlO'i valuation but 4 was colletced as taxes.

goodly portion is being expended on the streets of the they are lua feel wide, grading them and providing for carrying off the storm waters during the rainy season. In the residence sect if of the city there are many homes and th city government the same attc'nticci to the str('ets there as it does to the streets in the business tion. Reeves county is coupled, for purposes of government, with the unorganizetl Lciving and c'ounties. I'hat is to say, the officers of Reeves county collect the taxes and otherwise administer the affairs of and Winkler. These officers are: 'P.

J. Hefner, judge; H. M. McKellor, Julius Brown, sheriff and tax collec-tor; 'P. J.

Sisk, treasurer; Howard Oolller, assessor; J. B. Gibson, attorn 'P. J. Burke, game warden; conimission.ers, F.

W. Johnson, Joe Duncan. C. C. Kountz and 'Pom 'Phe total of the county last year for taxation ivarposes.

exclusive cif railroads, was S4.L'ñl.s4], 'Phis was frr Reeves cotmt.v alone exclusive of Loving and W'inkler counties. lands ther l.L'.’sS.tiS^ acres val led at Real estate was assesst'd for pur poses at Of horses there were in the county valued at Cattle rendered numbered valued at 41. 'Phere were 171 jacks and jennets worth Sheep, ')J(H) worth ilO.fVJ'-, vehicles, worth stocks of merchandise, manufai'turers tools. 0 money in bank. 11 4 1 l)onds.

dits, i 111 miscc llaneous. bank stock, tXi. On this a tax was levied. 'Phe and Intangible properties of the railroails, telegraph and companies operating in county were assesscnl at Jl.tî'^'J.Siq. against which a tax of was levied.

'Pl'e rate of taxation $leO of valuation is low and going lower owing to the taking up and proving up school lands thereby increasing the taxable area without any addition to expenses of administration. le tickei, Wl'ich went by the board. S.ildez and Gonzalez being elected by a m.ijority Aitair.M. Mr. and Mrs.

Willis D. gave a vei charming dinm party in of Mrs. M. M. laid for hi at the where a delicious nine vourse dinner was aftc-r which tlie party I'c- paii'eel lo the Newton Iningaiow on Las e'ruces puncli vvas se-rved durin.g the remaindcT e.f tia- aitt-riioon.

'Phe 'Puesday was hospit- ablv e'ntertaincd Mrs. W'. A. Suther- lanei. Dnily D.

'Plionipson and wife to AVm. Baku-, lots IN and in French sululi- vision to Las t'ruces; lonsideralion hch Wm. Stewart and wife Luther G.Cormanx', at'res in Alameda tract; A. Acosta and wife to L. tract ot land; Ed.

wife and Lucy to il. S. Jackson. ot land in Dtnia An.t county; Miss Aliee Oardinal. of New York, who has been the guest and trie-nds, has ieturned liomc'.

W. A. Flemir.g I'nited States cfunmissioner, lias returned irorn a visit Albuciueniue. Ivan Kelly, the yc.ung erandson of 'Phomas is seriously iil. H.

E. McBride has returned from Paso. AltoriK'y H. B. Holt spent in the i'ass City.

D. Ne-wcoml). a leading citizen of Socorro and manager' of Rio tirande Saj.ply Mcnulay. W. Martin, clerk, returned to Socorro Jack (3raham, of El Paso, was a recent visitor lie re.

O. J. Durand, of Deming, was a 'Puesday. J. L.

Norton and Strong, of Ros- were recent visitors iuie, looking over the lards. Her.ry Stoe.s was -a visitor to the Pass City 'Puesday. A. Affleck, of Albucpierciue. vvas here 'fueselaj B.

B. is confined to his home bj' illness. STEALS COACH AND THE TEAM Officiais at "Forreoii Are a 'Porreon, Jan. til here ha been compeled tically abande.n tiv' seare-h for a who st a tine of horses. The coach authori- to strangeV oacl.

and team nd horses belonged to one' of the- largest live-ry stables in the city, and were for public hire. Several eiays ago a stranger ap- cabman in charge itnd en- him to drive- him for a short time. According to the story of the coachman, upon dismissing the coach tlie strangrr handed him a five dollar bill and. not having change, he went In search of it. had some difficulty in procuring this and when he returned to the spot where he had c-oach and the stranger, all had dis- ppeared.

cabman is being held in jail as it is be-lieved by some that he is implicated. DEAD BABY FOUND IN WATER POOL Did Not Appear to Have Investigate. 'Porreon, Jaii. a sensation was caused at the 'Porreon smelter by the- ry of the dead body of a child in a of water. 'Phe child was aiii)ut a year and a half old and wa-4 son of a family niirned Moreno, who lived ne'ar the spot where the body was iound.

Acording to icians, who made an autopsy, there was no water on the and the bod.v did not have the appearance one which met death by drowning. the authoritiCH iire making a thorough investigation. Several arrests have' been made and a number of people living in the vicinity are held as witnesses. BIG RANCH IS SOLD AT TOYAH IIA'r AT WUrrK OAKS. Independent Operators Enter the Distric't Soon.

Toyali, 'fexas, Jan. 1.3.—M. B. Huling sold his Delaware ranch, comprising 11) sections, to Pink Anderson and i J. B.

W'hitehead, of Blanket, Brown county. 1 'Phis ranch is considered one of the best in west 'Pexas, all fenced, subdivided and improved, and is well watered a.s Well as good grass. deal includes between and GCO-O high cattle, all the horses, muleo, wagons and im.plements. 'Phe transaction aggregates of and are Mes.srs Ander.son and Whitehead, witli I ti eir families, are liere now preparatory to moving to the ranch. i W.

F. a pioneer merchant of Toyah, but now residing in Midland, has been spending a few days here in conn, ction with some affairs oV the First National of which institution he is president. Mr. Youngblood is ac-com- by his wife, his being rather delicate since ring the effee'ts a stroke of paralysis about i five years ago. I'hts really led i up to the recent disposal of the Young- I blood Mercantile business to the Mercantile e'o.

i For i 'Phe I'eport is current here mat if acres in and arounel the oil field can be leased by company, tliat c'ompany will spenel million dollars in the develoi'munt of the held, is the result an examination of the oil by the representative and in this man opinion the raw material as it is pumped from the t'arih is ecjual to refined lubricating oil. 'Phe ability of CM-mpany to secure the oil rights of such is a mat- tf'r of yet for the reason that holding such lands are adverse to permitting outside interests to obtain any foothold. In opinion of the more progressive business men in this locality, such a deal is the one corielition to bring about the gre'ate-st gooel to the greatest number, and effect tlie very impetus to real esiav, anei business affairs for which interested good citizen has been hoping. Benjamin Gclson shipped three carload.s of eows and calves to Fort Worth thi.s week. report is current here w.iter in the new foot well brought in by the 'P.

I'i P. Railroad has i to within feet ot t-'e surface, a gain of 3 ieet as conipared with height in the lioh' li.airs ago. 'r. E. Gibbons and F.

E. Kilstler having returned thedr brief triji down tin; valley, state iliat the meadows with their grass knee high, the running and the many sti'ong springs ci'oo out here and there, couple-d with the shaily home like farms of a.lf.'.lra and iruit, make that scetion a paradise. l.urKe 'I'nkeii Out Though Without Any orkinfff Capital. White Oaks, X. Jan.

Liine tv Qu -eri. who form the "Wild Cat Leasing company, started about three years without a dollar in capital, 'i'hey first leased the South Homestake mine- and, una.ble to buy coal or to produce power, they wotild climb 6 iM) feet of ladders every day and pack powder, water and whatever they for the day on iheir backs to produce first eight or ten mill runs. 'I'hey made money from the start. Afti awhile the'y took a lease and bond on the X'orth ilomestake mine for one year and in less than that time they made enough clear money to pay for the mine, I which or They have developed some fine ore bodies and have I a mine that is worth $75,000 or of I money. 'Phe mill and mine running full time right along.

These men all the credit for making the what it is proving to bii now. for they are certainly stayers and bringing the c.nmp to the front iu gold producing. 'Fhey have only tea stamps to crush their ore and of course can put nothing through that run from $10 up. They have immense bodies of low grade ore that will run from iJ to per ton. and have made a test run of 100 torts that avei'aged per ton.

MKXIiO MAY RAISK RAILROAD A.SSESSME.NTS. SarUa Fe. N. Jan. territor- ir.l board of equalization is in session to fix the rate of assesment for railroads, te legraph and telephone lines and other property and will be in scsslort until the end of the week.

It is anticipated that there will be a general raise on railroad mileage. TO COMI'LKTE EXTEASIOX. Santa Fe. N. Jan.

tion papers have been filed in the offica of territorial secretary Xathan JafYa by the Tucumcari-Memphis Railway company. a sut)sidiary corporation of the Rock Island, will complete tho extension to Tucumcari begun several years but abandoned two ago. headquarters arc ChN ago. 111 and the capital stock is 5 'Phe inc and directors are: B. Wine'hell.

C. Lindlev, George II. ('rosby. L. Bell and S.

'P. Fulton. iys ESS1 3 H. CHE HOK, Chinese phjMioisn, Lting trouble, asthma, catarrh in all its forms, dyspepsia. ti heart disease, kidney, liver and bladder trouble, rheumatism and blood poison eradicatecJ immediately.

Cancer cured. No mercury or minerals used. Nervous debility cured as by magic. Ailments peculiar women cared without a kni fe. Boll phone 2910.

near San Antonio St. N. Campbell, LAS CE JCES ADVS. LAS CBUCES BANK Established 1884 OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN DONA ANA COUNTY Las Cruces New Mexico on Is Hl('c- tioii Is Las Cruces. X.

Jan. PI. cent meeting bo.iiil tees, narie-e which struction of streets the town trus- an ordi- to prevent penalt.v of disobeying c.irrying with it a fine of not less than neir moi-e lhan for cac'h offence. 'Phe also carried a provision which will shut oui Vticycle rieling on sidewalks after, which is also a i)unishabl offenie-e. 'i'his ordinance was passc'd without a dissenting vote.

'Phe e)f Henry Stoes and other- property envners who to have ditch on the setuth of abandoned anel oruh mnc'cl was ac'c epted and ordereel by the 'Phe salary of Ramon was raised from to $5(t jier month. Eleeted. election of justices of the and e-onsta'i3les in the ts throughout Dona Ana an unusually eiuiet one anel a comixii atively light vcite was polleel. In and within the town limits, whi-h a lombineel registration ve'tes, cast. In Lopez was reel.cted withciut opposition.

Elijio Sierra also laiui- eel. In lueeinct 3 Marcial Valdez and First National Bank Las Cruces, N. M. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS AND SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE. OSCAR C.

SNOW, President. FAY SPERRY, Cashier CAPT. S. J. WOODHULL.


iv i Cool Airy leleal Summer Resort. Electric Lights and Bath, pean or American Plan. Opposite Beautiful P.ark. Las Cruces New Mexico. Herald results.

Want Ads tor the Dest EI.IA Ll.mVELLYN. ATTOIlAms AT I.AAV’. XeAv Mexiro. Las Cruces IIUOWA IIEEVES, CEMENT A IJvS. Get Dur Estimates.

Cruces. New Mexico 1 HE CRl'CKS IIOWI.IXG ALI.EvT Standarel in Every Respect The Cleanest Sport in the World, W. H. HOTEL SANZ, City Opposite the Alameda, National Theater lad New Postoffice. Xew entirely refurnished and rentodeled.

French restaurant, Cnisino equal to the best European and American Hotola. Just Tell the Cabman, Hotel Sanz. LOUIS C. CURTIS, Mgr..

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