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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 79

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE APRIL 2. 1944 for Father Amb U.S Spain Sub at assador to eceptions er. MADRID (AP) When President Roosevelt appointed Carlton Joseph Huntley Hayes to be Ambassador to Spain 'eary in 1942 he didn't name just one Ambassador he named four; i i turned to College in the Fall she had a whole group of Spanish friends her own age. Through her friends, her parents met their parents. Carroll stayed in Madrid and went to a Spanish school.

The Colegio De Nuestra Senora Del Pilar. Mary Elizabeth rides horseback with one group, plays tennis with another, goes to the University of Madrid with still another. Frequently nhe was hostess at the Embassy for her friends and frequently Carroll was host for his friends there. One of Carroll's companions was the young Duke of ganized the Embassy wives. Save for a small group of Spanish aristocrats, the Embassy social contacts with Spaniards were limited.

Mrs. Hayes mobilized the wives of both Embassy and colony there were less than 10 American women in the whole American colony of Madrid into a team which abandoned its social contacts with each other and set out to know Spaniards and more Spaniards. Mary Elizabeth helped. So did Carroll. Before Mary Elizabeth re Verague, Christopher Columbus, descendant of the Admiral and now a cadet in Spain's naval academy.

Carroll's enthusiasm was aviation, and through it he mt many a Spaniard. The sons of high Army and Navy officers, high government officials, leading aristocrats. French refugees by the thousands poured across the Pyrenees frontiers into Spain shortly after the Hayes family arrived. Few had proper clothes. Not long after the United States entered the war escaped American prisoners, most of them aviators, crossed the mountains, too.

Mrs. Hayes: organized the women of the Embassy and the colony to knit and sew clothes for them. The Summer house in the Embassy garden was filled with dozens of sewing I energetic, capable and modern, a leader in her own right in American women's organizations; Mary Elizabeth Hayes, then 18; and Carroll Hayes, a lithe boy of 16 with all an American youngster's likes, enthusiasms and hobbies. While the Ambassador organized the Ehbassy, Mrs. Hayes or 'Boss Ambassador is, of course, the one Mr.

Roosevelt chose an author, historian and political theorist" of world reputation. Hayes, a Catholic, seemed a good choice to Spaniards when he arrived in May, 1942, five months after Pearl Harbor. With him came Mrs. Hayes, I ye 1 Globe Soil Test Laboratory Analysis of Soil Needs for Victory Gardeners "St Lai imm machines, where American women and their Spanish friends worked for hours each afternoon. The Hayes are seldom alone for lunch or dinner.

But there's always one meal together, breakfast, at which thefamily now three because Carroll has returned to the States pools news and activities of the day before. Perhaps the Ambassador is busy working nights in the Embassy and can't go to this reception or that Mary Elizabeth will be there. Perhaps the Ambassador should but can't call on one of his Spanish friends Mrs. Hayes makes the call instead. Perhaps the Ambassador hasn't heard from this Spanish high official in a long time Carroll calls on the friend's son.

i i nil iii.i, iiMiiMimwMMWiJuil 'it, A i AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER A BUSY HOSTESS Mary Elizabeth Hayes (left facing camera) at a tea to her friends in the Embassy garden in Madrid. i- A -i 1 ference in the plants. However. -wouldn't save seeds from the same plants for replanting the second time. swim FEE friirn1 iwirt j0 food at two-week intervals, it should take on an attractive appearance again.

I have plenty of horticultural beans for what I need for tieed, but they were grown near yellow eye, red kidney, and Kentucky wonder. Will they be all right for seed? II. E. Hanson. I would not hesitate to plant these seeds myself.

There may be some cross pollination, but I believe that it would be so slight in the first generation that it would make little dif- HOW TO MAIL YOUR SOIL SAMPLE VICTORY GARDENS WITH 1 --place postcard with coupon pasted on it in envelope to protect it. 2 Attach envelope to box containing soil sample with elastic or string. 3 Wrap up sample securely and address to Garden Editor, Boston Globe, P. O. Box 189.

Boston 9,. AG R1C0 tilizer should I use? D. M. Jamaica Plain. Choose a sunny and if possible area with good garden soil.

Apply 5-10-5 fertilizer at the rate of five pounds to 100 square feet. Broadcast the fertilizer and rake it in and sow the seeds after May 10. I have a couple of bittersweet plants that have been grown in the same location for several years, but fail to flower. What can I do to get these plants to flower and bear fruit? A. M.

Quincy. As a service to its readers who plan Victory Gardens this year the Globe again has set up a soil testing laboratory. There is no fee for this service, but instructions must be followed exactly. ft TSE AGRICO VICTORY GARDEN FERTIL-. JZER for bigger yields of.

6 If you prefer to bring your sample to the Globe office rather than mail it, be sure that the self-addressed postcard with coupon pasted on the back is attached to the package of soil. We prefer to have you send the sample through the mail. 7 With hundreds of samples arriving at the Globe Soil Testing Laboratory daily (based on last year's experience), it will be impossible for the staff to report on your sample unless the above instructions are followed EXACTLY. more delicious INSTRUCTIONS I am enclosing a specimen from a tree in my yard. Can you tell me the name of the tree? II.

S. Dedham, The specimen you sent to me came from a poplar tree populus del-toides. In the Spring it produces catkin-like spikes the same as pussywillows do. Can you tell me what would cause the leaves of my oxtongue cactus to be chewed off, apparently at night, leaving the stems bare? G. B.

Bridgewater. It is my opinion that your plant is suffering from too much kindness. If you will withhold water and food from the cactus for a period of 20 to 30 days I wouldn't be surprised if it would take on a new lease of life. It might be desirable to repot jt at the end of that period. I have a sunny space about six feet square where I would like to plant something that would give me flowers from May to October.

I have never had a flower garden. What would you suggest? P. Brockton. vegetables, richer COMBINATION SCREENS The best method of encouraging) any plant to flower is root pruning, I would suggest that about the of August you cut most of the 1 roots of the plant. This can be done by simply digging around them.

This will undoubtedly encourage the development of flowers next Spring. BOSTON GLOBE VICTORY GARDEN SOIL TEST in minerals and vitamins. Economical, clean, easy to use. All convenient sizes at your Garden Supplies Dealer. AND STORM WINDOWS Before buying new arrvrna this Spring, Invectlitar the modrrn Paramount combination glaaa and screen storm windows.

Do away with the fuss and labor involved with old-fashioned storm windows, eliminating the use of ladders which many people dislike. With Paramount, even a child ran change from glass to screens as the seasons require, from the Inside in a jiffy. Mail coupon for FRfcK booklet. PARAMOUNT HOME IMPROVEMENT CORP. 10 Ntedhsm Street i Netrton Hijhlsnds 61, Mm.

I am enclosing specimens from two of my house plants a gar-. denia and a Star of Bethlehem. Tie leaves turn yellow and drop off. Can you tell me what to do? D. E.

Maine. If your gardenia plant is grown in a warm, sunny location, applying plant food at 10-day" intervals will definitely encourage growth. The Star of Bethlehem tends to shed (Clip this coupon and glue or paste it on the back of a penny postal card to be attached with your name and address on the front with your soil sample.) VICTORY GARDENER The test of the soil sample you forward indicates that you should prepare each 100 square feet of your Victory Garden according to the following LIME and, 5-10-5 VICTORY GARDEN FERTILIZER requirements: This is a large order, but I would suErcest just one type of plant pe- many Of its leaves after it is through us Ttltphone: LASsll 5300 COUPON free booklet. I Ttltphone: LAStll 5300 COUPON 'free Strett 1Obtain a container which will hold about a half cup j- ol soil and can be depended upon to carry that amount through the mail such as a half-pint ice cream container or one-half pound candy 2-Take a sample of your garden soil. (See article on jqpposite page.

Preferably, screen the sample a small piece of window screen will do the job. V- 3 Place the soil (be sure it is dry) in the container and tie it up well so that it will not break in the mail. Address it to Garden Editor, Boston Globe, P. O. Box 189, Boston (9), Mass.

4 Attach to the package an envelope containing a self-. addressed postcard prepared as instructed below. Do not envelope which contains card. 5 On the face of a postcard write your name and address. On the back paste the soil test coupon printed below.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to prepare the postcard pre- cisely as instructed. Do not fail to paste on the coupon. Do I not fail to write your name and address on the card. This postcard will come back to you with the recommendations of the Globe Soil Testing Laboratory. If you neglect to send the postcard you will get no report.


Cohatsft Ql'IN'CY John J. Gallagher Tel. Pre. 2M. a HH I.CSLKY-R.

V. Yenmant Hardware, KiH Wanhiiitton St. Tel. Wei. See Your Agrico Dealer tun as.

If you purchase the plants Vh- i from a florist, ready to set into the wneXe r' ff ethPi garden, they will soon be in bloom, If you keep the old flowers picked I it is completely wilted, but will bloom right through thai the oiL is really dry-and LIME pounds 5-10-5 pounds the season. NOTE: In the space where potatoes are to be planted, DO' NOT use any lime. What kind of soil Is best suited to grow pumpkins and what fer- rriicu nnrrr -LAWNS LUtJII Uiittl Pears More than 10,000,000 bushels of pears were canned in the United States in 1942. Pear production varies from 26 to 30 million bushels. in SPEEDY! Successful! Sow WONDERLAWN, the wonder-working lawn grass seed.

KILLS BABY CHICK DESTROYERS mmm mm In 5 days watch the earth turn green! Produces a thick weed-discouraging carpet of permanent grasses. 'Drought-resistant. Eliminates frequent re-seeding and re-making. Choice of experts for 26 years. Sow genuine WONDERLAWN be surer of success.

At hardware and flower shops, or order through GARFIELD WILLIAMSON, Inc. 1080 West Side Jersey City, N. J. Join the growing Army of Victory Gardeners but don't plant "just any seeds." Treat yourself to the known quality of Creek's Seeds dependable for 127 years. Grow these nationally famous special New England strains.

The growing experience and the pedigree behind them will tell. You'll have a better garden. 2 IDS. $1.05 6 IDS. $2.55 10 IDS.

$5.00 2S lbs. $12.25 60 lbs. $23.50 100 lbs. $46,00 Cnrri Write for "GRASS" ths xom- BUY WHILE YOU CAN GET IT I llbhl pletc guide to successful lawns. Before you buy your baby chicka dean op your brooder house to destroy those unseen disease killers.

CLEAN BROODER HOUSEI A brushing or spraying now may mean the difference between healthy or sick baby chicks. Hatcheries use and recommend CarbcJa. Brush or Spray it on to all interior surfaces. Kills germs, dries white. 1 pound 'overs 100 square feet.

Best for laying houses, brooder houses, dairies, hog pens, rabbitries, pigeon lofts. Kills by contact such invisible germs as tuberculosis, bronchitiv diphtheria, abortion, hog cholera, colds. ALSO USE A3 A DRY DIP AND AS A DRY DISINFECTANT BY DUSTING. Hardware, seed, feed, drug stores. Poultry Wire GALVANIZED AFTER IT'S MADE 6 FT.

HIGH ISO FT. ROLLS 2-INCH MESH 4 Ft. S5.I9 tTQa i io. zuc; lbs. 60c; 10 lbs.

9Sc; 25 lbs. 50 lbs. 13.50. Write i lor free handy egg-laying chart, Cirbols Chemical Inc. Special Offer All 4 Pkts.

for 10 mi -iu i.i in AT. $5.98 I '0 urn Climbing: Tomato SAVE GARDEN SPACE Enormous Kruil. nerfect SIMPLEST CURTAIN STRETCHER MADE Completely Self Squaring Brata Pina, Not the Customary Nail MEDIUM SIZE I FULL SIZE 62x90 OQfl I 62x90 JlflQ Vine Peach Rip fruit In SO day. Resemble oranges, color, shape and size. Grow on vines like melons.

Baaut Iful.tamptlna; appearance lk sa form. 1 hick, aolfd and delicto flavor. WtMirh from 1 to 3 111, each. Attain a hemht of TOMATO, Breck's Belmont. A superb, acid-free, medium size staking type.

Pkt. 25c; oz. 65c. CARROT, Breck's Golden Beauty. Early.

Sweet and tender. Pkt. 2SC; 1 oz. 85c. LETTUCE, Oak Leaf.

Distinct novelty. Decora tive, all season type. Pkt. 25c; Y2 oz. 60c.

SQUASH, Breck's Butternut. New bottle-shaped autumn-winter type. No waste. All meat. Pkt.

15c. PEAS, The Miracle. For a miracle crop of large. 5 lines with 100 itoib lepi. HearH ittrKe quan- titira of vprv lilicmna frmta whencHnriM, Make delt-j rious praservoa, nlfislskai.

tn. fn. maa I I0A 55 Kina for aJicinjj or for or ifJIv. F.anv tn irrnw ska a a new uiimoing Cucumber Yd. Long 'JS Beans Out' Door.

I Yard- Clothai Drytr A ft. high grade cotton line. 6 ft. arms and ground box. $1098 Vines climb readilr on fences, poles, etc.

savin? An excellent 9mlA varicry and a BilMtVIl rL well-nlled pods. lb. 30C; 2 lbs. very intrat Ina; curioaity, Vines are ram ALL STEEL SPECIAL VALUE: 1 full pkt. of each pant growers.

ccardens. On hill will keep a Rood sized family uppliod all lummir, bear early and continue the season. One plant will bear from forty to fifty fruits, pelicious 'rooure an above, including- ZA lb. Miracle Pea mm- 20-Ft, Extension Ladder $10.98 WHEEL CULTIVATORS normoua crop of Ion or slender Steel op Wood Handle, Steel Wheels, SWEET POTATOES For the Home Garden Most people associate Sweet Potatoes with the South, but Breck's NANSE-MOND does amazingly well in New England gardens. Easy to plant and care for.

June Delivery order now. 50 Cuttings ICQ for $1.75 SEED POTATOES. Finest certified stock, 6 varieties, $4.59 bu. delivered locally. ONION SETS.

Fine healthy stock. Scares this year, to order early. Yellow Globe 2 lbs. 90c. Jr 4 catalog of raroand us- gj 4 ft.

lonv. that are of eicrllent qualityfor snap beans. Art of very fin flavor. usubi et'mi we win man all 4 Pkta. for only 1O0 and 2c Poatasro, E.


Finest iceberg yet. Crisp heads even in hot, dry weather. Pkt. 25c. GREEN BUSH BEANS, Keyatonian.

Perfectly stringleas, tender, productive. Pkt. 25C; lb. 85c. HENDERSON'S LAW Seed Mixture ok GnOVJ XC1AS HEAVY CONCRETE WITH HEAVY CAST IRON COVER AND FOOT TREADLE 10 GALLON UNDERGROUND Garbage $11)49 Receiver IU With Extra Heavy Inner Pail White Globe 2 lbs.

$1. fc. ON Long; dark Pkt. 25c; CUCUMBER, Cubit, with firm white flesh, green fruits Yt oz. 70c.

TREES 2 WEEK OLD CHICKS -f F0AT r4 f1. 3r Wrt. for Snecisl Xrass Tres Our seeds cannot be bought in the storesorder them direct from us. Special Value: All three Packets, 60c. The lawn cannot be better than the teed you tow to' make this mixture, and in four weeks you will be mowing the grass; and for years you will enjoy a smooth rich lawn of luxuriant turf.

3 lbs. 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 25 lbs. 100 lbs.

$2.00 $3.25 $6.25 $15.00 $55.00 20c Each 5 it Bulletin a Forest Tres Pries ftmk List. (14.000.000 Trses a Vear- Per 1000 2 yr. American Red Pine. $10.00 2 yr. Austrian Pine 15.00 2 yr.

Colo. Blue Spruce. 10.00 3 yr. Balsam Fir 16.00 3 vr. Norway Spruce 15.00 lb.

DELIVERED PRICES Phone CO 7-7530 Sow 1 lh' t0 200 1uart feet of ground Peter Henderson Co. l2rftlV? I.I.I. 8 GIANT DAHLIAS $1.00 POLES I Bean Tomato We Will Rend far Limited Time Only Our WITH 6 GLAD'S FREE Hanner ollertlnn of Dahlias. Varieties. i-AGE phanes nil A Assorted Gladiolus Free.

'is Ncv Uoiden Muscat. ClUMers Will Produce up to $50 in Food Nina over-popular vegetables for a complete garden of about 20'x25 with planting chart and valuable guide, "How to Improve Your Victory Garden." Contains lb. Bountiful Bush Beans; Vi oz. Breck's Beats-All Beets; and packets Broccoli, Green Pole Beans, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomato, Radish, Swiss Chard. Value $1.40 Special Price All for $1 weigh lVa-2 lbs.

30 olher easy-to-grow varieties. Also A t.VOO Value far Only fl.uu. Add 10e for f'nstace and Parkin'. FORD GARDENS, Bridgewater, Mats. 1860 Plymouth Route 106 fruit, nut trees, berries, small fruits.

MILLER'S GRAPE fsv valuable siarden spare, raise MORE! Pur first duality Hemlock Poles are un-rcjuailetl jor strength and long life at the low mill prices per dozen, f. o. b. Jutland: 8 xlV sq. 8'xl'V aq.

t2.0: 6'xl" sq. 2.35. Unpainted. Supply Jimited. order now.

KIXOX CO Dept. 16. Rutland, Vt. European Filbert Nuts Produce nutritious food for table and TliORCLESS BOYSEflBERRIES A NEW berry that created a sensation all over America. A tremendous bearer of immense berries, up to 2 inches long.

Write tar Free Catalog on Fruit Trees, Berrieershrubs and Roses. Stern's Nurseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, N. T. VEGETABLES, FLOWERS, BULBS, ROSES, FRUITS, SUPPLIES Considered the finest Seed and Plant Catalog', of them all.

Packed with authentic descriptions and planting advica written by experts. Valuable to beginners and veteran gardeners alike. Beautiful beyond words full natural color from cover to cover. Sent to you free with orders for these items. If you want ONLY the catalog, we ask you to send deposit of 25c deductible from the amount of your first order.

BOOK Se NURSERY GUIDE accurately describes best kinds of fruits for home Write for free copv. E. MILIEU NURSERIES. Bos B. Naplei.

N. V. GRAPES Many of these vines were loaded with fruit last year, and they are likely to bear for you this Summer. Write for Free Catalog on Grape Vines, Fruit Trees. Berries, Shrubs and Roses.

Stern's Nurseries, Dept. 9. Geneva.N.T. PLAY safe with a Trumbull electric autol matic hroorierator; make your own hover; will take care of 100. 200 or 300 chickens.

$19.80 each. PARKER FARM SUPPLIES. 15 High not open Sunday; tc). Danvcrs 777. QUINTUPLET APPLE TREES MnrnrrtJ I'lWUWUtlll MOlll sciicrien.

write lor ree catalog. Stirs'. Nurseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, N.Y. QUICKLV SURSLV mtl only SUc gcileii a ants ROSE MFC CO.

Beacon. A NEW type of tree that produces 6 RHODODENDRON, Mountain Laurel. Hemlock. Flame Azaleas. Cornus Dok-wood.

2 to 3 10 for $2.50, 25 for $5.50. 100 for $20: 3 to 4 5 for $1.75. 10 for $3. 25 for $7. 100 for $25: clumps, $1 each.

VALLEY VIEW EVERGREEN Doe-ville. Tenn. Su2t mh26 ALL SEEDS, PLANTS AND BULBS POSTPAID on Qg Write for Free Catalog on Fruit Trees, Berries. Shrubs and Robes. Stem's Nurseries.

Dept. Geneva, N. T. BLUEBERRIES FOR SPRING PLANTING BEST VARIETIES of large berried plants: full particulars: free folders. HOUSTON'S ORCHARDS.

Box G. Hanover. Mass. RAPIDGRO FERTILIZER The ideal plant food for your Victory Garden. Write for Free Catalog.

Stern's Murseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, W. Y. COW MANURE Everbearing Raspberries And other Berry plants which will fruit this summer. Write for Free Catalog.

i THE larsest berry grown, delicious fresn. extremely delectable for pre-f serves. Write for free literature. CHASE BEOS. MESERT Est.

157. Kep. 115 Gilbert Belmont, Mast-: tel. Bel. l'HU.

'--GERANIUMS in flower for Easter pink and red, 34-4 and 5 In pots; 50c and 75c cash and carry; bring containers, wholesale only. L. G. HA WES. Florist, 42 est I Keading.

rbR SALE A large quantity of cow manure Annlv to Mar. SEEDSMEN SINCE 1818 FERTILIZER Ct'T-RATE PRICES, all 100-lb. bags: land lime lc a super phosphate. sheep or cow manure. S3.

40: bone meal, J3.5S; Milorganite victory fertilizer. S3.3B. NEW STYLE HARDWARE. 9 Stern's Nurseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, N.

Y. FOR SALE. 15 a cord delivered. Water- fil.ADIOI.IS Visit Us Soon IN THE MORNING When We Can Givo You the Bast Service 85 FRANKLIN ST. 85 STATE ST.

town 8737. Corinth Roslindale. 40 Hure Gladiolus bulbs, $1.00. 7 Giant MAGNOLIA TREES With flower buds to bloom for you this spring. Write for Free Catalog.

Stern's Nurseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, N. Y. Dahlias, all SI.OO. Add 10c for post- Gladioli Gardens.

Yardlry. R. I. DWARF FRUIT TREES Many of them hear fruit the first year planted. Write for Free Catalog.

LAWN MCWERS sharpened, work guaranteed. 46 Broadway, Arlington 6292. Su5t ar2 COW MANURE and loam for" sale, ulngle i DAIRY. HOUlSton 770. ONION sets: we have them: writs for ALL kinds of poultry supplies: anything in the poultry linn Parker's have it "A on-stojv supply store." PARKER FARM LOST tag Dahlias, with 12 Glads.

12 special price on large lots. PARKER some ig name Dahlias, si; Martell, 19 Allerton at. Qcy. loan st .10 bushels for S3; delivered. Geneva 4875.

open Sunday; J.UFPLJFS. is High st.l not Stern'a Nurseries, Dept. 9, Geneva, N. Y. not wen Dan vers 777..

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