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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 135

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Saturday, September 22 7:06 University Courses CD ittle Rascals (Sj PTLClub TBA Magic of Mark Wilson (IP) Kidsworld Circle Square Treehouse Club 83) America 79 7:30 Ran Burgess Bay City Rollers The Archies Let's Go Audubon Wildlife Theatre. "Living Wilderness" (13) TBA 8:00 Skatebirds (3 JO Oaffy Duck Oift Mighty Mouse Heckle Jeckle t48j Fanfan Dede Pink Panther Rocket Robin Hood (J3i5uterfi iends a Fusee XL-5 Scooby Doo Cartoon Party (J Characteristics of Learning Disabilities 34) Polka Dot D(K)r 9:00 Jabberjaw (5JO Fred and Barney Cf) Sounds of Asia Q( Bugs Bunny Road Runner Le Petit Castor tS) Les Cadets de la foret Circle Square Battle of the Planets Plaslicman Making it Count 84) Jeremy 0:15 f4 Hattytown Tales 0:30 Wild Kingdom Clue Club HO The Jetsons Les Aventures de Oui-Oui (48) Tonnerre Audubon Wildlife Theatre The Flintstones Let's Go 88) Making it Count 34) Fish Tales 9:45 84) Fish Tales 10:00 Flipper. "Dolphin Love" (Part 2) University Courses (DO Globetrotters Dynomutt (S) Buford Files and the Galloping Ghost Les Heros du samedi 55) Yogi I'Ours Harrigan Rocket Robin Hood Swiss Family Robinson. (Return) (J8 The Growing Years 34) Mister Rogers 10:30 OO Sesame Street (jj) Jabberjaw j10) Popeye To) Clue-Club Snelgrove Snail DETER IEN N.AN lO.NOC: TE.N,0' en SPBN.EN PAROL AVERSE Krcddic's Charters." Untamed World (119 The Growing Years 34) Down to F.arth Flash Gordon () Godzilla Joe. le fugitif 44) D'Une politique a l'auire Forest Rangers Spiderman Spiderwoman 0 Art America 4) Shape Up 11:15 4) Tennis the Nasty Way 11:30 Getting it Together (SO Godzilla Seagull Sam (8) Hey.

it's the King tldj Fat Albert Les Richesses de la mer Inside Track Bionic Woman (13) Tom and Jerry (13) Art America 34) Just Do It Yourself 12:00 00 WOW! "The Stowaway." Three teenagers from Toronto aid a young stowaway who is unwittingly involved in a major espionage operation. University Courses 0D Jonny Quest ((f) Movie. "The Young Lawyers" (1969). Jason Fvers. Louise Latham.

Jason of Star Command Movie "Wee Willie Win-kie" (1937) Shirley Temple. Victor McLaglen. Vivre et survivre 4 Samedimidi. "TM 1000 L'Actualite F.ssais d'automobiles Fails saillants du sport." (iff) Kidsworld Anyway You Want It Bugs Bunny Road Runner The Flintstones. OJ.S Weekend Special Answer to puzzle WELLS Id EAT ICANOEI IS A ST TON I HOjS US AN 'ENABLE ns i TAiCT eBl.e rot ALL EG EE LE NOTE 'SI TV JOURNAL 39 (18) Making Things Glow 84) Championship Bridge Hong Kong Phooey O1 Tarzan Super Seven fl3j American Bandsland (IS) Crockett's Victory Garden 34) Pins and Needles 1:00 0 Alias Smith and Jones Reach for the Top (5) Mario Par 27 Poly en Kspagne Sha Na Na Movie.

"Hell Boats" (1970). James Franciscus, hliza-belh Shepherd Willie and Floyd (18; Antiques. F.nglish and American Pewter 341 Media and Method- of the Artist 1:30 0 What Will Thev Think of Next! (5) Soap Factory Wild Kingdom IB) 100 Huntley Street Old) 30 Minutes this Week in Baseball Emile Audubon Wildlife Theatre Laurel and Hardy (13) NCAA Football (19 Wali Street Week 34) Men of Ideas 2:00 0 This Week in Ontano WOW! "The Stowaway (5)0 Pre-Game Show World of Plants Mysteres et secrets des profon deurs sous-marines Tarzan "Le Retoui du Di Kenny." fl) Movie. TBA The Beat hcomliers Movje. "I he Neptune f)i-saster" (1973) Ben (lazana, -Yvetle Mimieux.

(18) Movie. "A Man Called Gaunon" (l9). lony I nnu iosa. Michael Sarrazin. Major League Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Chicago Cubs.

2:30 00 You Can Do It George Hamilton IV 34) Understanding Behavior in Organizations 3:00 OOOC9 CBCs Sportswcekeiul Scheduled evWorld Waterskiing Championships from Long Pond. Toronto; the national finals for the Junior Equestrian Squad in the Coca-Cola Equestrian event from Toronto; the Grey Stakes from Woodbine Racetrack; the St l.eger Stakes from Doncasicr, England, and the World Synchronized Swimming Championships from Tokyo..

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