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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 i -r i i- -1 The Evening Journal 34 ELGIN OTTAWA JuMished by The Journal Printing of Ottawa, Limited. JOURNAL TBLEPHONttS. 21 KDlTOrUAi, ROOMS 0 O- REPORTERS ooooooo coo-oooooo OTTAWA. MONDAY. FKB.

11th, 101. KAIXWAY CJ10SSIH03. One of the leading tawyera of Ottawa Intimates to the Journal In connection with the juewtloit'of the right of the Railway Committee" of -the 1'rlvy Council to authorlae unconditional ue of (treeta by railway companies that Mr. C. W.

Spencer la right and that the Journal la wrong. The Government haa the aupreine and unconditional Jurladlctlon. If a chooiea to use It. tui lir lntfinalea that the Journal's contention of municipal right night be correct If the municipality were the owner of Ita (treeta, but this la not the case. Ottawa, he eoys, does not own Ita streets- No municipality owns Ita highwaya.

The owner of public blghwaye and atreeta la the crown In other word the Government. The municipality la almply the The crown therefore, unleae debarred by apodal legislation or circumatanccs oaa do aa it pleas-is In connection with nubile highways aad. atreett. In the, ease of the nee of atreeti by railway companies the crown la not debarred by any special clrcuaslancca. On the contrary, the crown, alias the Railway Committee of the Government, is (Irea special privilege by Act of Par liament.

The Dominion Railway Act states specifically that the Railway Coonmtttee of the privy Council shall have the power to determine the con dition upon which railways may croae and one public highwaya and atreeta The Journal has looked up the authorltlea referred to by the lawyer In question, and regrets to hare to admit that he la correct. We therefore have to retract our view that a municipality Is legally entitled to the same protection, from a railway aa regarls Ita atreeta as a private owner la entltl-4 to for hla property: The Oovern- ment can evidently legally aid a rail- irar.if tt wlU -u sobbarg-ot tha a street. The lawyer In question Intimates aa tallow In continuation -Notwithstanding that the Railway Commluee of the Privy Council "haa entire. Jurisdiction over public htgh- ways, that fact does not make the position of the C. P.

K. any the mora respectable in having seised a- pub llo highway aa it did without per-enlaslon- from either the Hallway Committee ot the Privy Council or the city, nor. In my view, does It justify the Minister of Railways either. In having (ranted to the P. R.

recently the order authorising the railway to continue ulng the Uliyally-obtalned Wellington street cruwsiug even though the Railway Committee qf the P. Ivy Council d'es poaeeas, aa representing the crown, Jurisdiction over atreeta -In the matter of railway use. In my view the Railway Committee, In ex- erclalng jurisdiction must comply with tha oapreesed terms 'of the Ttallway Act; and tha- expressed terms of the Railway Act are that before the construction of such a piece of tin aa the P. R. laid across Wellington street, the railway company must fee riana and giro proper public notice.

This was never dose, and neither the Railway Cam-" mtttea nor the Minister ot Railways, la my view, had tha right to over- ride and Ignore the expressed stlpu- latlon of the Act of Parliament." WASTE D-S200 DAMAGES-- bridge waa constructed with the consent ot the City of Ottawa, and; aa the council la doubtless aware the city had no legal right to destroy Sack ts the elsem In Mm tetter of the CP.R- solicitors to the city clerk do-" mandlng the aum of KM as comoenaa-' tlon tor tha Itm destruction of. the bridge Which trte CP.R. placed over the waterworks viaduct. The CP.R. claim will probably tit found to be arimethlng worse than 111-f ounded.

Tha hrtdgw waa not exactly con structed "with tha consent of the City of Ottawa." This rid re waa constructed by the CP.R. mnch as their third level cross- Irut on Wellington atreet waa con atrttcted. namely, by an act of shall wa say. ennsrprlaeT fvrfhjwing are the taoui The C.P.R. applied to the cMy for perfnlaslon to oonatrnot tha bridge, wUh tha following result (extract from tha offldat minutes of bo city council Dae.

lM)i "Moved try Alderman Hopewell, seconded by AMervnaa Mesaon that the CP.R, givan perm lesion to construct a bridge over the waterworks aqnednot, aa requested, upon condition that they execute an agree ment agreeing to fence their property adjoining the aqueduct and contain-' ina such other conditions aa the en- sneer may think aeoeesary. Car ried. Do yon note tha wording? PermlBsicei to eongtruct "upon eon- dltlen that they (the CP.R.) execute an agraement "oontalnlng auca' con- ditiene as (city) engineer may What happened Why wtjeu the city engineer went down a day or two later to aea what conditions to grama ha found thing. He found the bridge. Tha CP.R.

had (imply gone ahead aa they pleased though the plaoa was clvlo property. Ne agraement waa ox ecu red by tha comgauy. no ana any ever been. The oaty overlooked tha enthusiasm of tha oooitructloa and framed an agreement Inter and the C.P-K. refuacd to sign K.

A replica of the caee Of the Wellington street level crossing, Now the company want! 120 dsmag. because its trespass haa been ii. tlllbert A- Hulllvun could hardly con tKt anything better than tlila iitua. lion. THE OBJECTIONABLE" E0POSITIOK8.

CIVIC w- -w ua lujt week stu'ted tliVit the company only 'oi'po'ed "the very unreasonable agree-- ment'-'- objectionable feajturea oOerd by the city council on Ioc 17 ri-guruing the Welllugtou atreet croaa- lng. The public may be assisted to understanding ot the poalttoa by a re-capllulation of the eo-called objectionable claueea framed by the city. They were three In number, the reat the agreement having been accepted by the C. P. R.

aa eattafactory before the civic railway committee; and ln-dd some 'cUtueea which the city council did not altera ardo touch had been -changed In the railway committee to favor the J'. 1L, by the casting vote of Mayor Payment. The three amendments which the city council made concerned the following 1. The roadway between the extreme eastern and weatern C. P.

R. gates. .3., The railway gates The possible viaduct. Aa regards the Brat matter, the city counrll the railway to maintain the atreet between its eastern and weatern gates. Was this unreason-, able The C.

P. It. has three level crossings In a hundred yards' distance. The city arked the railway to maintain for a hundred yarda the roadway and sidewalks ot Which the railway haa made a grUlrou. Was that unreason able Secondly, the city asked for a special gM on tB TCW crossing.

The ralrKaJ, to mmkt gates it haa on Wellington atreet now do for the whole thing. The gates there now are a hundred yards apart. Th reason for' the city's contention la Illustrated by the fact that a Mr. D. Cuthbertsou, a couple of weeks ago got Inilde theM gates, waa upset by a louumotive and hal three rlba broken.

Mr. Cuthbertaon. Ma ou'er and bis horse all escaped death by almost a. miracle; and there have been several similar escapes of which the Journal haa the names since that new crossing wan put down. Is the clty'i con I en tlon nrea eonable The third and last difference between city and company Is aa to the possible viaduct.

The city councll'a clause la that when the city council decides a viaduct or to be necessary on eiUiax WintrutUiuorlUlua aWesCCthe cTry-ant -the 1 all ay a cost. In a proportion to be determined by the Dominion Government. Mr. Spencer says No. lie saya the city council ahould not have, power to de cide when an overhead way or subway la necessary; Rs says that this city, whose chief, praotioaUy sole weatern outlet he Is blocking, must not hare power to call for an overhead way even thopgb the city undertakes to pay all such part of tha cost as tha Gov ernment may decide.

Mr. Spencer says. "No only tha Government must havs power to propose a viaduct or sub way." Mr. Spencer knows well how active the Government Is In such matters. Who la reasonable In this matter? Mr.

Spencer or the city? These are the dlfferencea between city and company. These are the "very the "objectionable," things' this grasping alty asks for al lowing a third level crossing to tha P. on the city great western av. enue and outlet the fourth crossing within a few hundred feet, tha Canada Atlantic-saving one. These are the "objectionable" demands which en title the P.

in its own opinion, to take tha city-by the throat attar having eatabllahed Itself upon a city street under false pretences. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PURPLE AS MOURNING. X00K00 When King Edward ordered purple to be used as the emblem of mourning lor the late lamented Queen, he truck a chord which found an echo In the hearts of millions who knew tha religious side of the Queen's life. Waa It not fitting. Indeed, that the happy- cloae of her long career of usefulness, her triumphant pawing to the Joys and rewards ot heaven, ahould have been marked by a dlnptsy ot royal purple' Britain had no cause to weep when Victoria died the soul of a Queen who had- filled her royal poeltlon to the glory ot Ood, and had made her life an example to prince and commoner, had almply gone from an earthly pal ace to the palace of the King ot Kings Why then hava tolled tha hellaT Were not the bells of heaven welcoming homa the earth tired spirit; why then have chanted dirges In the cathedralsT -Were not the vaulte of heaven ringing with songs of Joy; why then, have mourned? Waa not a new and happier Ufa Just being unfolded to the one we loved aa Queen and woman Two thousand years of Christianity find us stlU with only a theoretical hold on the beauties ot Ita teachings cn the subject ot death and life.

We 'ear, on. death where la thy etlng; oh grave where la thy victory," yet we garb ourselves In the emblems of hope-lassnen and oblivion. Wa haVe said "Abtent from the Doay; present with ae wra. yet we nave oowed our heads and wept aa those without hope. Wo hava spoken of the elt of time being bat Ue entrance to eternity, yet wa hava treated death as though it ware annihilation.

Is It not time that our emule'ma of the great change were altered? Why should wa not have some colors more befitting our religion. Wa hang whits crape on tha door vara baby, dies, and rilE OTTAWA EVENiKO JOURNAL' MONDAY FEimTART II. 1901; properly as, whit. In aa emblem of parity; an expression of our belief that the little eoul haa gone to the realini of biles; why then ahould we not mark the cine of the Chrlatlaa'a-years of maturity other emblem ihau black. What more lilting for an adult than purple, with all that la s'lgnlflesf During the last quarter ot a century there has been a strong movement against the tyranny ot the custom of mourning which haa levjed tribute on the pockata of.

poor, and haa llt.u Jkondar to many ttfi.fle anil inconvenient Can n-e not make a change In this mat ter of the algn of the Passing and substitute purple tor hlaakt .1. a. h. w. WHAT THE DAILY PAPERS AYINO.

Xeipect for Public Opinion. Hamilton Spectator. "Slop the Mar," yelled the Little Enirlaiidcrs. And the government forthwith ordered JO, 000 more troops to Afiic to do the elopplng. Ho MUUkt Encouraged.

Toronto Mall. Tlilrty thousand mounted troops are to bv sent to South Africa to reinforce the army now operaunr This Is the unequivocal answer of the King to those British friends or the Boers who looked to the beginning of his rclgn for a weaker policy In South Af-riou. Ws have had one or two experl-riK of the remits of wealiness In ileallnit with the Hoars. The only way la to master them. It 1e a great ad-tage at tru stage of the problem to have at the hea of the whole Iliirlah army a cnan who is not only a great aoMIer.

tout who has also studied It-NM- warfare on the epot. No man in-clime more to mildness than dries Lord Roberts, but he sees that the enemy niunt b-' brongbt to complete submis sion before It win Oe possible tor a satiafacBory settlement to be reached. Male Beats Drum Beat-' St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The bray of Mlssouris Indispensable product, the mule.

Is now heard around the world from Cape Town to Hollo -and frequently drowns the warring drum beat aa It drclea the globe. Too Much Black Harrlslon Tribune. This Idea of nuking everything hideous with brack when a soul steps Into eternal glory Is repulsive. Fro Library Books. Hamilton Herald.

The annual report of librarian LanccAeid contalna a surprise. An impression had prevailed that the majority of the hooka circulated from the public library are worke of fiction: but the atntlstlcs presented by the librarian a bow that this Is not ths pass. The proportion of fiction to the total number of books In the library Is only 33 1-1 per cent, pt rhe -totsl number of votum- ea Circulated lor pome reaaiug. proportion cfBctton wraw-tW) pe and of the total number, of books used the proportion ot fiction waa only per cent. Alwnje With TJt.

SL'Mary These are the days when the amateur dootor is abroad la all bis glury 8hr-L It usually la a she Is fun of prescrip tions for la grippe. But woe to the unfortunate sufferer-who tries them. BOOQJ3D. While 'travelling In Cornwall In U91 Ttev. 8.

Baring-Gould came near being overwhelmed In a bog. He and bis companions got lost and at aus ipunc themselves In a bog oalled Kedmlre. Six bullocks had already been lost there, that year. M. Bartng-Oould'a adventure la related in wa book oi the Wet." All at once I sank above my waist and was being sucked farther down.

I cried to my but la the' darkness ha could not aea me, and had he seen ma ha eonld have dona nothing for me. Tha water finally reached my armpits. Happily I bad a tout bamboo. some elx feet long, and 1 placed this athwart the surface and held It with my arma aa far expanded aa possible. tsy jerka 1 succeeded In gradually lift ing myself and throwing my body tor-ward till finally I waa able to cast myself at- full length on the aurfaoe.

The suction had been so great aa to tear my leather (altera oft my legs. -i lay at run length gasping for nearly a quarter, of an hour before I had breath and strexurth to arreanea and then wormed myself along on my breast tin I reached dry land. My companion. It turned cut, had bad. a -uuisc- experience.

THB MAIN POINT. Vriref have been ahonnlna ail and saw nothing that I really wanted! tanaiouaiyj What did you get that you didn't waatt i THB OLD FAMTUAiR FACES. J. J- -Montague In Portland Orrgonlan. on, thoas old familiar faces, how they linger In my mind.

How the recollection of them 'round our mem'rr Js entwined. Tbere'a that man In Keene.New Hemp. eiiuea, iv bo waa going to die for sure Till he swallowed bottles ot Dead Shot Consumptive Cure; Down in Linden. Alabama, Uvea that well known Macksrmth'g'wlfe, Who. by means of Pi Hers Pellstafound the pathway back to lite, Both their faces linger with ut, and refuse to go away, For In many adverttesoMflta' we can ee uu every aay.

Up In Tutlla Colorado, dwells a famous miner, who Lost two legs In one explosion. Jones tyiie i-aver puiieo nim through. And In Manly Junction, Iowa, two aeo- tlon hands reside. Who. by using Johnson's Tonic, keep this elde the Great Divide, In the town of Burton, Texas, la a man who the M.D'a Said would die In twenty mlnutea, San son a uu eurea nve disease.

Wo can are them all before us, though they livc-ao far away. For their portraits all are printed In toe paaiers every aay. And the babies! AV tha hahlaa, anting vu uieir mowers Knees, While the mao who takes tha picture anitles and gays, "Look pleasant pleaael" How their pudgy little features are en- graved upon our hearts, Though the little ones that own them live In vetrw What a wilderness of babies we have "iy oome to Know, Who've been saved by foods and mush-ea. clear rmm i We ha never heard their walling nor their prattle and their piny.

But we know thsm.f or we've seen them gapers every day. 2,000 CANDLE POWER LIGHT SAID TO BE OBTAINABLE FROM COAL OIL. Mr. V. XnftM) 'e4amoHeM That two dioiuaaa audi power Hxbt It is cUnitneu, can irmluct from ordinary coal oiL Mr, V.

I- Enter-on, of OlUtw, Miyi bo tau cuxd tUU rmlt au(l It announces that a uuiii.ivuy of local ompiuiista waa or aanlea on fetunfaty inoralnjcftto manu-iMCLuctj Ut llau. li la known aa the i-uwraon IncaaUeamat oil light and la th rwult of xprlmnu whloeh Mr. Krovraua baa ben couauctlntf for somj Uim. Th company. Mr.

Etneraoa, aaya. will opao up ualuaiia on tiuasex aifetit la th coma of a few wk and theV expavl to compleiely ravoluttouUa the city litfhuiia buo.neM. uu ualurdHy Mr. Ivmeraon aula that bla new Ught couia iurnua oandie power iar 1-1U ceot an hour. Aa ordinary table lamp, with au iCmeraoa lnuaadeacent oil burner omn, lb saya, tltrow a tioO candle lifhL Th company baa.

It la understood. obtained a charter for the Province of Ontario and wm conunenca at an early date. To new llicht la svnerated from coal oil and la distributed through a bulld-Ina' by means of a. hollow wire which sreatly rceemblea the wiring for e- loiiy. in larve DuUdinss wnero tute light is used It will be neceeaary to hava a venerating: plant In the uutia- tnr.

Mr. Umerson eiatHl on Saturday that he bad alrvady been SucceestMl in Induclnr several tars hotuos In Ot tawa to uee his llghu The lAdtea Aid and the Woman'e foreign attaslonary bociety ot Bethany church will meet oa Tuesday night. Ir. Motlth wilt deliver a lecture o-nurht to tha Boys' Brigade Company on the subject ot Aid to the Wound ed." The addraea will be given In Beth any church at O-m. The company wUI drill on Thursday night this week.

JL meeting of the official board and of the trustees of the atethodlet church wlU be held to-alght tu ths ihurch. The Ladles' Aid Society will meet on Friday afternoon at the renldence of Mre. K. W. Kler, 10th avenue.

Tha Ep worth Laague will meet on Friday night and wlU be led by air, Wm, Bumatda. Tho Rev. 1. J. Christie conducted ser vice at AH Balnur church.

Westboro', yesterday morning at oVIock and In 8C Matthias church In the evening. Tha Coterie Calender will hold a meeting on Friday, lvth; at the resi dence of lira. Jeramett, Seventh ave. A tualneee meeting or toe tnrrega- Mon will be held In the church to-nlirht. I- -arras-Wnk- AHaa, -of- -tlh moola.

Mra. Toa. OllehrW who has been III for tha past week Is convalescent. air. and Mrs.

A. J. Kler. who bare been staying with Ur. R.

W. Kler, lotli avenue, have gone to reside on the Richmond road. The orchestra of Bethany Church Bunday acliool.bava-dm-faled to hold-a conoart In the town hail oa March Hta, FOR MUNICIPAL PLANT. Halifax 'City CotineC I Vovlng With the Times. Hsllfas, Feb.

The Halifax Rlec-tha Tramway Co, that operates the atreet railway In this city furnishes electric light end power to the city. The council laat night decided not to renew Its contract with the company for city righting and to eroat a municipal plant for the purpose. The estimated coet of the plant Is ll.OM.MO. The aura paid annually to the Electric Co. by the city for ha nice atreet lighting Is about IX.

tm. Not only will the plant be large enouati to do muni cipal He-hUng. but It will be capable of producing light nr commercial pur poses as well and thua enter Into active competition with ths company. ACTION MAY 1 BETAKEN COUNTY AND CITY TO GET A VIADUCT Over tha Lerel Crossings oa Wei. Uagtoa gtreei.

It Will ba Discussed To-l When the railway and lighting com mittee meeta on Tuesday afternoon. they will be waited upon oy a deputa-j tlon from the t'ounty of Carleton. composed, of Warrion Bradley, County 1 Councillors MacLean, Boyce, Qraham. Kerry, county Solicitor J. O'Meara and: Engineer C.

H. Keefer. The deputa-l tlon will ask that the oommlttee re-J commend to council the Joint action; ot the dty with the County of Carleton and Township of Nepean, In appearing before the Railway Committee of the Privy Council, to request that via-) uuot oe conaiructea at tne rauwayi crossings on Wellington atreet. I From the dpmions expreased by the niayor and members of the committee, It Is more than-likely that the city will appoint a deputation to wait on the government. I It la thought that If the Joint request Is made to the government for the.

Viaduct, that It will be granted. The. people of Carleton County who' have to uee the Richmond road, have long wanted to see something done, so. that they might avoid croaalng (he! tracks. Many of the farmers go out their way three miles to avoid theaei 1 crossings.

They enter the city by the Merlvale road near Bt, Louis' Sam. At the Theatres LADIES STMPHONT RCHESTIIA. Xn the corning appearance "of the Boston Ladles' Bymphony Orchestra at the Orme Concert Hall on to-morrow and Wednesday evenings the musical people of Ottawa will have an opportunity ot hearing and aeelng the first complete ladlra' orchestra ever heard In Ottawa. Two very excellent programmes will he given. The Ladle Orchestra hav been meeting' with crowded houses, and at Shcrbrooke on Thursday every number waa encored.

The plan of seals will be found ut Meaara. Orme Soa'a, la Sparks atreet, Seasonable 4 A LADIES' FUR-LINED WRAPS LADIES' PEBSIAH LAMB gg JACKETS UD1ES ASTRACHAH I MEN'S C09NSKIN COATS 'tapirs fiis i mn rnATS 3 MUSK OX SLEICH ROBES R. J. DEVLIN P.g.-S Ladles' No. I Sealskin Jack-eta (mlallia )at about halt price.

Gentlemen Here are More Bargains Ws hava added to what la left of tha patent leather even In ahoea another lot ot kid lace ahoea, aultttble tor allppors or draaa pmiKMea. They ar all to 'o at tha aaiu price, aa the othera 75 cts. per Pair Be window, 1ST SPARKS STREET. Unlike Other Good Things The Magi Caledonia Waters cannot be too freely partaken of. AU best grocers, hotels, dubs and druggists sell them.

Lesson in Refinement Persons-lacking In goodrbxeta do4 not purchase such Instruments as the Nordheimjer, Mason Risch or Gerhard Heintzman These pianos are found In houses ot higher education anu; culture in all parts ot tha Dominion. J.L. 18 SPARKS' STREET. ftnle agents for Ottawa and Eastern Ontario. JUST PUBLISHED -1 Canada British Rule 1760-1900.

BY SIR JOHN O. BOTTRINOT, WITH EIOHT MAPS. Neatly bound la cloth PE1CE 1.25 Mailed on receipt ot price by JAMES HOPE SONS CANADA Under BRITISH RULE 17601900 By Sir John O. Bourlnot, K.C.M.G., LL.D.. Lilt.

D. Price $1 25 Postpaid Kvery Senator, every Member of Parliament, every Canadian should poaaess himself of a copy of this book. JAMES OGILVY 87 SPARKS STREET. Thone 1120. P.

Taeger Co F.EAI, ESTATE AXO 'IN3VRANCE 1 AGBNTSr To Landlords If you have any houses bccomlna ra- rant It will be to your Interest to let us have a description of It for we can set you a gooa tenant in a short time. If we do not rent your house there uo charge. If you have any fir Insurance policy expiring let ua give you. a rate before you renew, our rate Is low with the oeai J. TAEGER CO QUEEN STREET.

TEMPER; TIME, MONEY 'r These three things you eava whaa yoa buy ths RED SQUARE BRAND why Vher l'l lrh8.r" b' Ptlcal merit. Thafa WM: HOWE RIDEA.U TftKEt. It Beats All Creation VIENNA lVin IrneUtlhle. unecualed oVes wllh U. on.

Impresses your TuTlnlgnmilicr JcJas WJ nv'n unmia.ak.bly of naguinoanca. join lu ad mlrers and you will admire yourself. HLa-EiVliMINO, 888 STREET a mi nnuro ana interior uecoratlon NEWEST IN. High Turndown Collars Arizona In, all sizes, Arizona 23 in, all sizes, Arizona 2 in, all sizes, Arizona 3 in, all sizes, Arizona a4 in, all sizes. Strathcona Horse all sizes, Strathcona Horse, all sizes.

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platform and eauatar scales aada and rspslred. The Pritcliard-AndreiJ 'Ca. or Ottawa, Limit it. 133 6PAKS8 BTBEET LONDON GREY N0TEPARER 1 pound. 35c 100 Envelopes 35c Special value.

Just received C. H. TH0RBURN 80 8P1RI8 ST. Complete Outfit of Safety-Razors $4.00 W. G.

GHARLESON Workman's Old Stand. M. n. S3 RIDKAU STm OTTAWA. Phona 1401.

Elegant Perfumery 1. hAMli. varleos alsas or ha the euaea. The very flaest goods msde by ths great Perrumera of England and prance. And put up In eiegaat styles.

Prices the lowest. h. F. McCarthy CHEMIST. X3 WsXUMOTOrf T.

PARKER SONS Hava pleasure In announcing that they are back at the old stand, which has been thoroughly refitted and Im proved. 260 SPARKS ST. PHOITI 708 "GRADUATES IN DEMAND." The Ottawa Duslnesa Collese Received application for FTVG atudenta to act aa teachers la other Business Colleges during tha paet month, and SIX applications for office help during the past week. It Will pay you to attend a college so widely-sn-1 favorably known aa this old reliable school. Investigation Invited.

Enter any KEITH GOWUNQ, Principals. Onsc-a Muaia iUli, IU STsUlactca it. 7 fel. ii atV WARNOCK SUSSEX STRUCT. Laundry 577 i Ask far the Uin bul af Bdv atla.

ed' Uouae and rieer Paints. i Pure oolare groand ka Oil. for falBtere and Deooraters' use. Suparaae Oaach Cohna. gala ay a Paint aad ardwara the Ottawa Paint Works OTTAWA.

OUT. TIm mf PaUt ftwrtory te OtUwiv BOOK SALB Pansya. Tha Elsie Books. Bee. aie'a, only Ue.

Mo and Xo booaa -zlo. Webster's Dictionary Metcalfe Co. 12? SPARKS 8TREBT. Ladies and Gentlemen Ring Up No. 483 and har minS for your tronk or bmg 10 do ruAira.

Bent lor and 4o llvered without extra cost. Immodlsit attentloa slvon to orders. BORBRIDGE IS RIDEATT BT. IM PPARf! ST. KANUFACTURBRS TRUNKS.

BAGS, XTC. VALDORF CAFE Bill of Pare ON FIRST-FLOOR 13 Meal Tickets, SS CenU Ileal, gr. au venu meai. Pou Consomme a la d'Or leans. vi.

Immrm crocauettea. Ralla. Mackerell. ataltra da Hotel. Kntree Spaghetti.

Veal and Hani Roast Ribs of Prime Beef aa Jus), Roast Lamb, mint sauce. Cold Meats Head Cheese. Tongue, Com Beet. Vegetables slashed Potatoes. Boiled Potatoes, Green Beans, Cora.

Dessert Apricot Padding. Vaallla Ice Cream. Apple Pie. cnesee tanauian uxa, Haa larens uw ivyi on angea and rapes. Tea, Coffee da Wale dort Chocolate.

Waldorf Cafe 131 SPARKS ST. Minto Chambers iMiAjncmnr, Lhalted aceoesaiedaHoa for llaium svardera. Every soastart eg hessa. Paa. TaUUtlOOrZSBAX..

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