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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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She Passed a Good Night The This Afternoon I Sleep but Became Worse This Morning and Gradually Sank. LONDON BULLETIN The Queen has just passed away. "COWES. January 224 p. m.

The end Is very near. The Prince of Wales has not left the vicinity of the Queen's bedroom since 9 a. m. Emperor William and all the royal family are near Her Majesty's bedside. London, Jan.

23, 4.31 p. m. All official bulletin from Osborne, Umnl 4 p. Bays the Queen Is slowly sinking. London.

Jan. B. I.M D. m. A bull- tin posted st the alanalon House reads; as follows "Osborne, 4 p.

m. Jly painful duty obliges ma to Inform you Ibat tba Ufa of our beloved Queen Is In tba greatest danger. tbgd.) "Albert Edward." Cowes. Isle of Wight, Jan. noon.

Family. and Enjoyed SomeTranqtl, BRITISH TRIBUTE- A number of (tributes to the dying Queen are being published. Lord Strathcona says Tba Queen's serious Illness will causa deep sorrow in every part of Her Majesty's dominions. Hops will everywhere prevail Uiat our great Queen will soon be restored to her usual -health. ler Influence for good throughout the em Dire atanda aa one of the most marvelous and beneficent1 wings in the modern political world." Ian Maclareu says The Umpire will wait every day for tidings of the Queen.

Hhe belongs to each home. Bhe Is In every heart. Her iiiness win oina tne umpire mors close- ly together." W. T. Stead wires The, Queen for thirty years baa bean tbe-Neatorjif tba Umpire and the fly-wheel of the Hlale machines, influencing tba direction of affairs to an extent but little realised.

Loyalty to Jter la the centripetal force uniting the loosely Joined congeries of British republics called colonies. Her auccessor lacks experience, moral aa- ine drain are incalculable, but not Immediate. tier los would be Irreparable." QUEEN DOES NOT BUTTER. (Cable Special.) -Cowes, Jan. 22.

a. ra. Medical science haa employed and Is employing its utmost resources to defer tba flnalty Uunn.illncxshlch it admits Is Inevitable. That these efforts have been successful thus far beyond tbelr the physlclana ascribe quite rightly to the auperb resistance which nature, reinforced by the model life the Queen baa lived, la making. The average man or woman of her age would have succumbed at the first at-' tack of tba.

combined maladies, which are usually fatal wlthjA a few minutes, or hours at most. The one element of satlafactlon In tba present situation la that tba dying Queen suffers not at all. That Is past, and there remains only a peaceful lingering on the borders of eternity before the spirit goes to 11 final reat, 'It la the opinion of the phyalelana In attendance at the Queen's bedside that nature'a powers of endurance are almost exhsusted. The end la almost momentarily expected, but there may, of course, be yet another rally. The Queen'a condition is fluctuating Irregul- any, and it is expected that when the end comes It will be In the nature of a sudden cessation of the heart's aotlonr due lo the pressure of a clot of blood on the brain, which was referred to in the oltlclal bulletin issued at 11 o'clock yesterday morning.

jjrj QUEEN IS BEINO CARED FOR Hnerial -a (CjWe. SpeclaJ.) -East Cowes, Jan. 12. Dr.

Thomas and statesmanship. AVttlu nnun'a At i atatesmansnin. oi Queen's nut immediately expected. London. Jan.

S3. The official bulletin Issued at Osborne Houss at noon to day saya there has been no change for the worse In the Queen's condition since this morning's bulletin. Her Majesty baa recognised aeverkl mem- bars-DI' Hie rujal family -who there, The Queen 1a now sleeping. Cours. Jan.

U. noon. The newa from Osborne House confirms the belief of every one that the death of Her Ma-Jesly Is Imminent and Ita at any moment would not be a surprise. The weather la cold and rainy. Beyond tne newspaper few persona are about the gateof the royal residence.

Mounted messengers from Osborne ride through Cowes at Intervale at break-neck speed sending oft the lateat tidings to om-clala and 'foreign courts. The rector of Whlpplngham church remained at Osborne throughout the morning. None of the royal personages have -gone drlvlug or walking. It la underatood that Emperor William of Oermany will not leave to-day. London, Jan.

it a-m. The Queen rMiiv irood nlslit and there i nr nminnaiiia her life a few days though It la recognised that tba end is Inevitable wlUiin a very shot! tlme.l 2.0 hope of recovery can be'entertatn- ed front the alight ralliea that have taken place. Last night Her Majesty took some nourishment and secured 1 tranquil-Bleep. Only Her Majesty's' marvelloua constitution, nas kept ber alia curing the elratn the past days. Yesteruay while awaiting the return of tha Prlnco ot Walew from to resort very freely to stimulants to! Z.V..

1" of Che mergency Juatlfled iuch a free vwe of etlmutanta wblch miifht have, iimvMl ilmntl ntore datlKvrwUa than toe oieeaee ana ruca reiiws-e w.i i be so avplieU again. SYMPATHY OF THE WORLD. a From all parts of the world despat- ones announce amoat un.veri.rra- pathy In connection ller Maje.ty a illness. In most of the foreign news- paper referencea the penwnal te domlnaaes the political. Borne of the.

French reference, show -a prc-lioer ll lis), ueiu wa oi meiincnuiT fUMirvutuui aod the unceasing death roil. Colonial VwZmito tMthm gin-' fii a SIS-1 Secretary Chamberlain Is spoken of as uhoda witters, however, publish In the Libre Parole and-eha- Patrla-ruthiesa depreciations of tba dying Queen. Tha Tempa aays Queen Victoria has become the sym bol of trie nation and the ranpire glories in the proaperitles of ber long ran and tba centur of progress snu well being. In her maturity aha waa the ideal conatltutlonal Sovereign. "Tha Prince ot Wales has had his tastes In friends and court.

Even If be deelred to effae himself and to follow Aha example of hla mother hla sex would render the atep more difficult. Tne death of tha Queen probably will be la more than one domain tha algnal (or grave changes, it la tha and of an ra." RUSSIAN COMMENTS. Among ths Russian comments are: The Hoasla. Britain's prestige Is largely due (to trie Queen. To spar Queen 'Victoria moon haa been for- given her ministers, with ber wul part lng.

is -one of the Queen both KITJZS to relieve the etraln of wmithtnj on UieiNeW ork other two phyaiclnna. Karlv TatrtJBv nmrnln ha.ln were pruviuea iur ine purpose ol aia- rag to maintain the vitality ot the Queen. These wter beds are rubber B.reU temperature. These mattresses; mre plflced on lwo bd.Uad. placed by gid in tn lD and each ti witn several sneeis, i h(, caleful of tw ,0 lerapemuir, ot either mattrew sinks too low.

.1 i vTrtueoilnclaTalmispnroxygen la being oontlnuully released In tntt Toom trom cylinders of comprevsed gas. denied thai there has beetrsny admlnlstratlon of pure oxygen direct ly to -tne patient lungs. The only stimulants "in use; witn argmgte--exception, have bren brandy and champagne. ine oniy instance or a stronger re- "rat v. being applied waa Jost before the chamber of the Queen.

The details of thst interview naturally have been properly withheld, tha only statement concerning it being that the Queen was partially conscious while her Imperial grandson waa beside her. The Queen saw Emperor William while under the Influence of a strong restorative shortly after noon, and was quite able, to recognise him. The effects of this powerful stimulant still remained to some extent at 6 o'clock last evening. The air In the "lck room la kept constantly charged with a large quantity of oxygen. It Is learned that tha alrtcteat orders were stven out at Windsor early In December to conceal or to deny the Friday.

On the day previous to that it waa inougni mat tne wueen wouiu. live a month, inasmuch as there had been no cerebral beyond -mental lassitude and a constant tendency to sleep. The stomach on some days failed to assimilate food. Britannia a good genius." fsct that the Queen was falling In The Noroetl Britain la discontented health. Tha royal wish waa complete, with tha situation and ths dlssatlsfsc- ly resllsed, practically no knowledge lon possibly will be expressed more I of the truth transpiring nntll the even-plainly If Queen Victoria shall die.

Her, lng of tha Queen's sudden collapse successor probably will entertain dtf-l lOTvm view. many questions, ni is. credited ItH strong French symnath- The power of a British Bover aHgn la-greater than commonly stated. 1 (therefore the change may produce a revolutioo la InternaUonal pollUcaJ VOL. XVI-NO.

37 OTTAWA. TCESDAY. JANUA.UY 22. 190.1 PRICE ONE CENT Ottawa's Greatest Store cossel Those Wrapperetfe Bryson, Graham Co. Plannolettes rVetty, warm, winter colorings; fine The" End Came at'Cowes i weight, closely woven and good nap.

Ordinarily (old at 1 Mo a. yerd. TOUR CBOTCX to TARD. Her Majesty the Queen Has Late i She was Surrounded by all the Royal -oesnk' sm It-jSjL HER MAJESTY, THE LATE and the resulting weakness wag the principal cause of formation of the blood clot on the brain, which was admitted for the first time In tba bulletin Issued yesterday. (Cable Special.) London; Jan.

23. The Invocation of the Kev. Mr. Milburn, chspiain of the American Bcnale, and other exprea- slons of American sympathy, elicit warm acknowledgment The Standard, referring to the Interest ln'nesa of old age it haa serlons aiteci- the United Btaies, 'Quen Vic toria's name baa Ions been accepted there. as part of that heritage ef which the two Anglo-8 a on peoples share In pommon, and we do not feel surprised that the bulletins are awaited as eagerly In New York as In Un- don.

ine Dally Telegraph alludes with grateful pleasure to the prayer of the Rev. Mr. Milburn, and the Iully Mull refers to it with similar appreciation. The Dally Chronicle says that the strain of common blood now tug in UrMUh and American veins hss rarely -teen more manifest or more warmly recognised. The Times says The personality of the Queen Is understood and honored by the Americans, we can naraiy inouie i su ae a sovereign a woman, thon those quoted from EFFECT OF QUEEN'S DEATH.

Ooldwln Bmith Bays Internationally no Changes will Follow. Toronto Jan. 33. In an intorvlew to-day, Or. Uoldwln Bmith was united What effect, Internationally, wHl the death of Queen Victoria have whatever' Dr.

SnUth replied. ..,1 Oueen miifht have None He add .7 .7 r.r..r. Inherited by the Prince of Wales. Bil- tigin's inttrcsts, he said, are In the I hands of rcsponiiible mini-tern and the dath of a Buverelgn could in nil Way affect the counlry'a forciirn relations Th. Linton bud often brn humored In matters of minor Importance utV as ths appointment of bishop, etc but In none of the Imporlalll nucurrona affecting the country, could Ma- Jesty have any Innuence.

and conse- ullDtiy jhene questions could not be juft.ud by iter, death. IN WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 22. The greatest Intercut and ymptuhy Is manifested in onicini neie in nm nii'uii ttie Queen, f-vcry nuitctiti coming uy cable awaiiea witn snxieiy.

the character of the inquiries in- i i t. lined to the. olllclal circles, nor Is perfunctory. is little to be done officially nv i nvu uviihuvs uy 10 Ainnasaair i vioaie an otliclal expression of the evnttmen of the unuea mates xms will be by cattle sum. Later on more rornial exchanges' tii ut.e piece oj snail.

By this means the -State Department will be otTtctally Informed of the accession of the new Monarch to the throiu-. It will return Its official acknon ledgi-roents. and that will be all Ut is dim. ly from rthe White House, an preeslon gf his regret to the Prince of Walos or rather to King Kdaurd as he II be by th time the men- sage Ir lndltitd. Hay will prescribed by the rule of official 'eU Quelle.

May Linger for Weeks. New York, Jan. 21. Ths Kvenl.ig journal iuh ttm iuiiuwwi nwu in- don: Sir Alfred liar rod. one of tne phyntclana to the Queen, who.

on ac- count of physical infirmity. Is unable to go to Osborne House, says: "T.ia Queen. I understand, is in a high brought about by extreme anilei-i and together with the natural weak- her heart. But Her Majesty may linger In life foreekn. longer.

BUFFALO AND THE QUKEN. Buffalo, N.Y.,-Jan. 32. Tliere Is great Intereat In Buffalo In the condition of Queen Victoria, and news from tuo bedside of the stucken sovereign eagerly, it has been determined that as soon as newa of the death la received, tl.o Rev. Mr-.

Reitester, rector of 8c I'aui'i, will be asked to hold a memorial service. The Intention la tnat lue se '-vice shall be heid on th day of Hie funeral, and the bishop will be aaktd to preach a memorial The Metboillst ministers' meeting yestardsy alter Jta regular neaai -n held a service In jhe There were and i period of silent prayer. No let up to our January Sa'e. Orders come In brinitly eveiy day. When we offer good thin peuptt know It is really a Kod thing.

Th'ii cnrlteme it not nimplsced, ftr tho redui-tion nre grvut itouKh and tnai.i; (vHt enough to talk for thrinselvf. TUK MACS. AMATEUH OR CHE STEAL SOCIETY Concert Postponed At a meeting of the In rectors of the Soc iety U.M evening it was decided. In view nf MaJrMivs rnndlttun. tKmtnone i-oiM-eft advertifcj for lvertlr'T'd Thur.lay next.

tle 21st of Fub- rn vnn 1 .1... nwl -t I can be boitaht at a smnll price? H.iiue- times, our January ttale afforda im unmistakable soinct lines. For l.i stance. -Knglinh fine worsted fttid IrmeuUs cclebratril Krwh woels worth-r. guUr oiKge range, ut cnoice in caii joa The Leading College- The best'srhool In whlhta secute practical business si.oithand elu- catlon Is the letropolitf.n Buunets College Kmpioylng only malft teachers who ut the head ot the Mnti having an vkcelient equlunient (including "lrvm tviH.wr.tlng jncaj, up-io-antc; pntcticat large, romrcrtaili.

ituslnes I-lucntrs AMsoclatloa Cansdj. Circulars free. R. T. WIMJH.

PlilM IIMU Commi P-anlt and Wellington Ktrets. i Phone TflZ J0URH aL AFTES 6:30 P.y The Jourasl assy be had from the Ot taws IWrpmlch ssd Areaer Ca each tht after the Journal efBoe elosrf COUIMCS, i'l'iinm-nti, un. th)fl without a Uer a Kmatm Th- fact that oi" alt.ndnra is much the target is in rnistakable evliene of this. gtiia(M th QUEEN. mm operatives of aftnnoaoolla re convinced mat -waive hours a day too for anythu, nu, to work, and are agitating for aa eight nour oar.

JANUARY SALE FOR ANY $20.00 SUIT in the tore, to erdtr. Out Fit and Finish. The 2 Macs' Co. Ottawa's Greatest Tailoriaj Store On ths Busy Corntr- CLEARING SALE Queen Stoves TOP DMAFT.) Only, six left. They will be sold at cost to clear, while they last.

Don iiu thla cbanca to secure a giaat bargain. uTTWA DESPATCH AGENCY CO RPA11KS ST. MMITKD. Frozen Pipes 'LUMBERS ad STEAMFinERS arc at ymf 'sen'ice PHONE 1350 BLYTH WATT Plumbers Ftc. BANK AXO SOMERSET i See Ouv Cotton Tak.

tham under your consideration, weigh a 2 1-2 yard length In one hand and tha 50 oents It oost In the otner. You will do as we do "Smile." Tl inch Bleached BlMetlng. Mo yard. Aa inch Bleached Sheeting aaly 8a yard. Oar rack BdkUI Bleathsd BheeUng, plala Bo yard.

TbU Tt Inch Twilled Blsaeasd Sheeting Ha yard. Oor laek TwUlad. Blsaroad ahMtlns (spec yard. Aa II Inch Bleached Sheeting (Twilled). Mo yard Or a task Bleached Bbe.tlng (Twilled).

Mo yard. These are values that good last year and every one knows Cottons are higher and going higher Oar tneh Unbleached bee ting (Plata). Oaly lie. Or Tl Inch Cnbleaehed IhMtlng (Special). For iTa.

Will slther sssniBM roa that Ottawa's Ores teat Store la tba plaoa? AH inch TjaMaaeaod Shsetlng (Twirled). Uo. 'Aa at inch Unkteaea.4 SheeUng Or a cent. raea Cnbleaehed I besting (Twlled). la Single fold maottaga wa aaow whaTa good Oottsa wVrsi'aij4i (M $8,000 Worth Men's an! Boys' Fine Footwear At almost HALF PRICE.

samples of Wsn's and Woman's In Sparks St window. lm.mHrstf i TRY ii ti i iGoodwillie's Fine Bottled fruits I rtonxEr) Hed Cherries i BOTTI-EI White Cherries BOTTLEO black Chorrie BOTTLED Rflcnhnrrino. BOTTLEO black Berries BOTTLED Red Currants BOTTLED Quinces BOTTLED Peaches nnTTt.rn ffi Blue Plums frt Lnmharrl Plums. M- BOTTLED Green Gages You will flml Ihr-m very nice' and possessing the origins! pecu liar Flavors that are so desired. I Sheetings! would have been oalled I still.

otBOa ror Mo, tneh) 1 1-1 4. a. 1 and yard. and (sod Buying for U01, er It's What We Use Ourselves that wa recommend to ear customer. We know a.chaaaer niena.

nut tnougn It baara "High ralutlng Kama" wad rather usa our own. Bura Ott-iwa a Pet Black Tea. haa aton.1 tlie teat for soma yaara and TrWTlNO has but Iacraa.1 ita pnptilarlty. I lb. lead package 11.17.

THAT Golden Tipped Ceylon. itpwIM garden Tea. Machine mad and positively pure. We skll rjv- Ih r. tha.

i' 9f. Try a rr aample. Kow la Coffee Season BataYial and what nl'-er When or 'wAary." than it mp of THI8 WWW COFFER Our own import. -nind Grinding. Only 50c 1bs Ask Our Medicine Prices if St mjfMMt J'WWHBBB Bryson, Graham Co!.

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