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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II 'S ON THE TROL LEY NOW THE ROCKU1TFE LINE OPENED TO-VXi AS AN ELECTRIC BOAJX The Inaugural CorinBle Attended by Xlberal Pelirtetoo rrolty spot Olwa Hew autibyneasotton rftBufr omePuvtltow-Agreessl Rutttoe. -The RocklifTe extension of th Ottawa Eleotrio Street Railway company wu for roily opened tbb) morning. The Libenl delegates weretnvitod to takt put is the opening, bat in oooaeqnao ot the rata only lev made en eppcer.aoa. Or No, 84, which carried the perto, left the Langevtn blook at halt put nine o'clock, a. had been umrad Among thee ea board were Mr.

3. W. MoRae, president of the eleotrio road, W. Y. Soper, president of the Ottawa Hone Car company, The.

Abeam, Aid. Fraaor, A. Workman, J. K. Stewart, uavtoctal lioeaoe tnspeotor of Toronto, 9.

Middbjtoa of Hamilton, the Liberal candidate who waa defeated by one vote at the last general electron, B. Gardiner of Huntingdon, A. Bbarp of London, Geo. Thompson of Wingham, 3. B.

Molloy of Presoott and others. ruusAKT teip. 1 The trip over the Una waa made in oat-Hi; good time, the many ourvee on to. new line and the charming eoenery making the trip an exceedingly pleasant one, Reaching the tormina of the line, tb. part found a lame pavilion bad Bhen rooted overlooking the Ottawa rirer ana toe TUlage of uetlneau roan, a tew tbat oan scarcely be exeeue among tbe Qatineaa mountain.

a ravruojt tne ram bill. This pavilion hi thirty tost wide and ttxty Ions, open on all (idea with teats around it. Uaderneath the pavilion la alio a comfortable as tins apaoe where plcutotreoaa be thalterad from tb. hot (on. Alongside thla pavilion, which la nicely painted, la tee caretakers' booae, wnloo a a vert neat buildin.

and Kbere refnahmenta, iea water and even warm water oan be obtained by all picnic pertiet wno with to spend an afternoon in tha beaatifnl locality. There will abw be rati' and ladles' walk near the pavilion. The UdW walk ti rottto ia construction, ana very pretty. nit nsrrots wtxa moussd, After remaining at the tormina of the une lor a snort time ana annung toe natarai baantiai of the olaoa. the- party started on their return trip, reach tag the oentre of the city at alevan o'clock.

The rtsttars apoke vary highly of Ottawa1 leotricrailwey system stritbedtreotorsoftb toaa were neartuy tnanxsa tor taeir coor- tint ea waa ran over tb extension line at three o'clock thi morning. President W. Y. Spr and Mr. Hatohlsea betag en board.

Che trip was made tn the rapid time ot I oar mmntee ana a nan. THE HABMON SCHOOL CLOSING EX ERCIBES. i A Vary ueasstBlTrmTh Wmm Una, Th directors tbe Harmon School" must hava been delighted with the suooeas oftb oloeing anroises which took plae on TuAtday evening. The elite of oar city in response to the cordial invitation ot the may prmaipet, alias Harmon, assembled in the large eshoelreom, whioh with it annex and tbe specious hall was crowded, a number being unable to obtain even ataad-ica roonxTha scholars. attired in pore white.

with their bright intelligent face presented a picture that all seemed to enjoy. At the slcse of th entertainment, tnoludirig sweet and artlitto musio lntomlncled with true and ennobling thoughts riven by th aaaavlat of th even lD. and tha tetorpreter of some of Tennyson's eboioert Mis Harmon wslosmed all to the beautiful new school which kind friends had made it possible for them to Joy in whose heart God had placed tha noble dcatr to help- aad advaaoe th grand work ot woman' true development tn our great Dominion. To the geneiou donors of prist books, tb mhuut scientist who bad given great en- cmtragement and aid to the students'in 1 tnetr Dorsmcai stnoios ana; ooueouom, Mr. J.

Fletcher. M. and Dr. i. Whlteavee, hearty thank ware given.

W. D. LcSaeur.M. J. xnornirn.L.Li.

addressed a few words of enooura ment to the students and of oommendation oi their appUoatton whioh had mads it possible tor tnm to gain toon a nign per Oentaga Ol auru IB sneir wnbvou ueaw aUoo. Mr. Ernest Wbvto. pvptl of Kraoss. Leipzig, Germany, baa oharge of the musio department, ana smea oy to masters, Mr.

Grounds aad Herr Koehlor, each An adaot in bis narticnlar branok of the art. ana atlases Berry, uinstu ana i.ees, well-known for tbe efficiency of their tastruotlon, he ha suoceeded In awakening 2s his pupils an enthusiastic study of tbe art. About Un daya ago a large number of the musio pupils went, np for written ex-anuuauons in theory, tha result of the fort- I nightly lectures aeuveroq bj uiwwb. In niane-forta Dlavin. readier at slsht.

eta, the fsjlowiog youag ladiei passed with credit: Misses Mosgrov. N.StewarVAtkma, Blanche'. Itlaok adder, Hander-aoa, McKioler.O. Uurtees, Vrry, Carell, Oibbf.Geiumill, Graham Moutrr ana alcLacnun. Booer Roll, English, Latin and Math' emetics: i Btudenta who have gained from 75 to 100 per cent ot tne marsa aitainaora I or eacb a i aUDjee vcuaieu aunsf; mm jwr.

Advanoed Department 1 Miss R. MoDaueall. 2 Miss Nf Btewart. Intermediate Department 1 Mint Moore 2 Mis E. Ritchie, I Mist M.

Urabama, 4 Miss u. wnite, mias u. cram, 6 Mien M. Brennan. Primn Denartment 1 Miss B.

Averv. 8 Mis Burbidge, 3 Mist G. Borbridge. Pnnatnalitv and Drpcrtmant Advanced department Mist M. French, 1st in punctuality Miss M.

Liwler lit in oenduot. Intermediate department Miss Mine Stewart, 1st in punctuality aad conduct Miss Carrie Moore. 1st in order. Primary Department. alias O.

Borbridge, i i i VJ 1 iw cjsa: aiss in orues miss s. uvwv. French. Class Ar 1 Mlsa N. Stewart, Clam Mir B.

MactarUne, Class E. Mis M. Car. well. Class B.1M.

Bom, Class D. Mia M. Usckie. Final written extra nations Besides those mentioned in th above. Honor Kail, the following young ladies have obtained from 76 to 100 per cent, of the mark obtainable in their written examina tion.

I Advanced Depirtment Misee F. Blaikla B. MacFarlane. R. Whitearee, M.

Mu- grovq, L. VAmoie, M. llurn. Intermediate Department. Miate CrmlileA.

Bethune, G. At kin. Resident pupils' piize for deportment ewaraoa to aiiss uun. Blonses for everyone. L.

N. Ponlln. A PLEA FOa THE LITTLE ONE 3. Parwnta the midst of a Da ay AH remember th dear obildrnn and take theat to Grenrlilo by Xmprtii Satnr-dny. two for ono far.

Fawo 60 cents. Blouse for everyone. L. N. Poslia.

PRI5CKSS MAY AJfD PRINCE GEORGE I vTn Oatntag Keyal Wedauc' Kiw Voek, JnneEQ. Edmund Tate, in hie cable despatch from London to tbe Tribune, say After the marrlsg ceremony in the Ceipel Royal the Royalties will all walk In prociaiton to th press no chamber, follow- tog the bride and bridegroom, aad from there they will prooeed into tbe threes room, where they are to be joined by the etffaat-iag clergy, and the registration of the marriage will be attested la tha nraal form. The Bank of England, the union Hooae and tin Royal Exchange will be magnld- oaatry Ulomteetod on tbe ntgnt oi tne Royal weddini. the Lord Mayor sparing no LUa in bringing loyalty is tb. city to the ant on this oooasioa of national rejoicing.

Instead ot tha Prinoe aad Prinzes fct Wale holding reception at Marlborough Uooes in the afternoon of the Royal wedding, a waa oris (sally proposed, they will Vive a garden party en the pievtons day, July 5, at which tbe Qoeen and aU the member of tbe Koyal Family wno are men la and tha rtoyal guest from abroad, wUlb present. Mowing Known COOT ciroie. mm wa the alleged intention of. the Cxarewitch to ooroe to England tor. the Royal wadding.

Xba Vneen nea aeoiaea uas toere nu ue aaa bridaKMlda at tha marriase of Prince George of Wales and Princess May, and tbat tney snail eu oe ner own graancauumi, chosen from the families of the Prince of Waha, the Dnke of Bdinbmrgh, tbe Onke of Coonanght, Prlnoaai Baa trios and the Doch-eta of Albany. They are to wear trooka of oream cotoara satin. Forthe first time in months tb Prince of Wales showed herself publicly on Tbura-day. Shi drove to Asook The oration she reoeived waa marked and utmaual. It waa the most spontaneous and hearty demonstration ever granted a royal personage here, oh ass been keeping so much to herself of Uu that wits was like welcoming her beck to poblio Ufe again.

Ber IVec Brekta by Swing. A Uttla girl named Beanvln of Murray street, while swinging a oompanibn to ds, straek tha awtna board ecebast her leg to violently tbat she broke the Umo. mo aaouianoe uoa pa Water street bospitol for treatment. TbeCltr Ieus Mr. R.

G. Cod," Who is acting for Mr. Oliver the oare of Oliver vs. the rt nf OtUwa. ha reoeived tntalllgene from Toronto tbat tbe appeal of toe city againn toe ioeieo bridge baa been dhmjssed without oost.

Tn Bes Btrnek stack to the atoptaa. Btephen Dwyer oTJouth Algoma, was (bowned In Bell's Baptds on the Madawaaka river lart week. He was working on Mr. Broneon's drlva and with a companion named Edward Maloae was running tha rapldatna boat whan it struck one rock. The force with which th boat struck split Irom Dow jumped log and from that so tne shore, and Dwyer inmruvf onto the IOU DBf PJ MIH MUM It naa aririea out rrom tne suv he Jumped towards land he fell into a deep bole and being unable to swim tank at once to tbe bottom.

C. Be at C'n. store Flooded. During last night heavy storm the fine of water poorbg down through tha manhole, and eterstor shaft tnto every merchsadise, ofUoe furniture, car pet, sanmateaat avi.uw to besidos the damag to walla and oaiUngs. It appear tne water rrom tn enure root la ranted down bva larre 6 mob Dioe tn the oaatre, but last night it proved of iaaumaient ospadty the water raising above tbe man- holesr tneee betng no otner means oi esoapa.

A larr nartof the firm' staff were engag ed all rooming tn ratcuring damaged good. The loot Is a very eeeioos one for the firm as thetr ft no Indemnity tor noooj ooALPERsm KirkpatrlckU tn Mont real. A T. Tncker. Ottawa, was at the Albion, Rev.

Mr. Littler ot (Selkirk, manitoos, leaves lor home this evening. D. a Watter. Mrs.

A beam, Ottawa, were at the yesterday. ixr.t.u aMi rjj. Jsrvts. Ottawa. are at tha Turkish Bath hotel, MontreaL J.

A. GemmUl, T. A. Ueament, a. i were at the Jy.

Re. T. W. Wh Beld, A. K.

Mstthews.B. V. Wright, John Ogilvy and A. Knox were at the Walker House, Toronto, yesterday. Mr.

Harry Fletoher haves next Thursday a -trip to gngland. He goes by the VanoouTSr and will away about tlx weeks. Postponed Owing to tbe very Inoioment weather of bat evening the letter carriers' moonlight excursion ha been postponed until next Monday evening, Jane Cnallle Bate. M. Voulto.

Canada, tla.ntlo RaUtrays CHANQKOT. TUHT Commanolrur Monday, Jaro 20th, train will leave Ottawa aa foliowa: Far Monti el and points oaat 8 a. at and 7. rnt. For New SOp.

Private ad vice to Montreal irom London tat. that Grsorre Ooutd kia arrival will have a consultation with dissatisfied G. T. R. shareholder with th view of wresting a majority of the (took from th Tyler m-torest and electing an American president.

Blouses for everyone: IT. 'Poulin, To tbe Cascades, Church of England Excursion, rlaturday next. Train leave Union Depot at 2 p. return 8 p. m.

Tickets oenta, children 25 oeota Atth meet leg of ktcOill corporation, Montreal, yestorday, Sir" William Dawaon' formal resignation a principal of- the university was- read, with a resolution ex-preesiog wana approval oi 6ir William's Invaluable services. ss i Cballi Sale. L. N. Poulln.

Six (8) Dpt. 1 Watarproof Coats Just arrived at J. R. McNeil' To Sold i a Call Solloitod. Bloustofcr.

everyone. N. Poulin. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. Unheard of redaction, only 50 oenta to travel ovr 120 miles of boaaetfol riwer soonery.

Erery Wednesday or Saturday to Orn-lUe aad rogurn by Emprosa for 54 coat. THE EVENING JOURNAL, THURSDAY JUNE 22. 1893. -J, aottlBCS About Trrarnt Appointment tuts Kvenlnr. Workmen's Hall Stewaatoa Lodge, A.

O. O. W. Borbridge Hall Keyston Lodge, A. 6.

U. W.v Hall, Kent street Harmony Ledge, 0. g.t. 1 Manchester' Hall Court Empire, G. 6 F.

F.iectrloPark The Judge Broa. Harmony Hall Ccnrt Baytwator Concert. St Patrick Literary society picnic yesterday wss very eajoveole. Ths Orangemen ef the otty ex cart to vakuld ou the Jt. Mr.

A. W. Milne has been appointed S. P. U.

inspector tor Ottawa Tut Forester of Wakefield will ptenlo on tha let July tn their own locality. Thb steamer Swift took a large number of passengers this morning to Kingston. Tni Deanery ef Ottawa and Pootlao counties is to (ration at Shawvilla to-day. Oorxv Vigilant, O. had three Initiations aad several proposals at its hist meet-tag-Tan excursion to behalf of the Old Men' Home is being arranged for, to take plao it Carlcton Place on the 20th.

Tan letter oarriers rxcuraton, to hav taken place laet evening, was postponed till next Menday evening. i Rm-AiRs to the Ottawa Fst bridge were to commence to-dy. Tb daisy area das to toe non amrai ot saitaoie umoer. Da. Brs- wilt live at the Windsor dur ing the absence of Ms family, who have gone to onmsoy rarx lor tn tnmmsr.

Tub applioation for a now trlsj In th oass of Maudreil vs. Matthew will argnl tomorrow In the Chancery Court, Toronto. Brronr. Ross this morning the gnaraniahee in the case of Turner vs. Barns and Florence Beaton waa enlarged until WjOaiune, Th hlsh wind veaterdav avontni blew a tne aerota tha trolley wire oa St.

Patrick trcet difabling tha oar servios oa that street for nearly two noun. To-mokbow even Int. weather nermitticr. the ladle ef th Old Men' Horn Auxflliafy xpect a large turntut at Mr. MoLeod Dtowart's nne lawn-ground at etewarton.

Ma John Usher of the A. H. was ran in to but night at tbe corner of Kankand Albert street by a runaaray ton. He was knocked down by the pel of the wagon and badly nun in in oaoav Na A. N.

McKelU is "nmntog- aa cursioo to th Oaaoadee Satnrda in aid of di. Dtepnen onnrcn, iintannia. anotner one will berunon Jtay to rengan Fall or in same purpoa. A nxsrotirT of Cobourr no oomplalns that la that locality oertain reaidenta make a practice of starting to sing about 10 p. m.

and keep it up till about midnight to the diaturbano ot wooer ef tbe drowsy god. Tbb str. Laverdure left thlsmemlnc with an xcurston party for Doyle' Grove, above Manotlck, where tbe Osgood Catholic church it giving a picnic to-day. Th Star ana uisaiton oinot wer oa ooaro. They play a match at tha plcnia.

Ma. Wh. Mci.aor of 8ebattopol, mat with a eevere accident a eouple of daya age-He was working at the shingling of a at able at the new Bebastopol church, when a fell from th scaffold, being knocked uneentibU ana ooaiiy lojarea. Ok tbo invitation of Mr. Prince of th G.

V. railway Rev. MrVXittler of Selkirk, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. A.

N. McNeill and Mita Owens -visited Paagan Falls op the Gatineau yesterday. They report the scenery to be eomething sublime. I'uh-tag in the lak at the foot of th fall Is vary goou voo. trwiCiTioBS from aereral clergymaa were considered at a special meeting of the vestry of Emmanuel church, Mondav vo.

leg. Arrangements were made by which Rev. Mr. Freomantl of Philadelphia will preach on July 0 and and Rv. W.

Whllton, Cumberland, Maryland, on July S3 ana ou, witn a view to a call. A thkeb weeks' old baby way left at the door ofUr. Wm. Watt'a boose, Eattoc't Corners, reoently. Acoompanymg ft was some olothes and a eard stating, that the child waa a titter to the one left with Mrs, Watts in a similar minner about five rears ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Watts decided no to keep the child, so the corporation is at present paying lor it support. Storm la Bntaoil. Mr.

W. H. LowtU of Rumeil it la th city to-day. He says no rata fell out hi way laat evening nor was there a storm ot any aesoripuon. i Catenae Produce.

Cbh aoo. p. Closrnc Wkaat, 05 a June, o.g July, 70 74 a Deo 65 a year. Oorr, 41 Jnly, 42 421 rpten.ber. Gate )i Ot June, 0J July, 26 orpei Prtrfr ftln 1.1 Trtl cCi IA Lard CA a Jtio.

.70 Jaty, $10 32 OiH 9i fVt rt 17 fOtt arv JV vSJ. Short ribs JVS.W July, 89 Sept. Criminal Libel Charge Withdraws Toronto, one 22. Tbe charrea of eriml. ail libel made by Mayo Fiemming esinn n.

a. aioueaa, aa. eaitor ol toe world, were wltodrawn thla morn ing upon MacLeant nis Bucga'tona it tne mayor aad been coaxrnea in eronxea BBtines transactlonr. ChaUie Sale. L.

N. Poulin. Canada Atlantlo Railway. cHANaiTor time. Commencing; Monday, Juno Qflt.h.

tra.tnn wrtll lajsLwai ftmm.m as follows: ror Montreal and puma ctvaa ana 7 p. m- For New York.Boston.eto- TBV S- SIS. ChaUie Sam, N. Poulin. The Haa been postponed uutfl Carriers I next Monday noDuwoi i tne Excursion ChaUie Sale.

L. N. Poulin. Bkmaea for everyone X. Poulin.

Loan and rja'ldlnff Lamb, W. Central Chambert Lumber. Mason A Son Kear a P. R. Depot LUBCnos.

i BuUer, W. 224 Bank Marriage Licenses. 8tewart Robert Chamber Yieldine. S70 Mnenan-n Treatment. Skeela, E.

Bank Huicrs. McKay Milling Co SUlUnerw. Aaret, Mrs .218 Ban F.dsrarda. Chaa. 398 Wellington Graham, Mia.

...115 6parkt Rom A 94 and 90 Sparks mineral water. Arnold! K. Cerletou Chamber BorthwickW Raintford, 11. C. 2S.t, 283 WeUibgU a nTntjil WorarfiraL DoufiUt Sros 1U BaJt Isiraoa On itrdsr, Jen Iris, at Wt RMaaai sa, tea aire of nr.

w. laaeoa, of a aseanier. Dmnniro-Onav-By Rev. a. M.

W. Qr-y, M.A, st Uleoesster sa- Ottawa, ea tae rnn. Mr. jciza Daaaiae to Mb Ol es. aoUef test Ieaptetoa, Uieary at ot aiitaoeta ttaa.

Wo. TvJBxmt fcorr On Weueasy. the list Inst. urine ncv. w.

t. jiernst. ik. at ise r-Vdenoot (be brtds' tsthxr. IH Albert sa, H'nrr Turner.

M. P. eoa of Kfnrr Turn sr. M.l.,ot XtHXroos. Oat- to Alio J.

ontydauah'r ol Taos, a Uootfc architect, fxtawa, Montreal and Tbreoto papers t'eas espy. FTJaERAL NOTICE. The faneral of the lata lAlea Buna. trHl tako place en 8sturiar tneminr at 10 t- frou 8t. 'Migarats church.

MootrtU raad, Ottiwa. MOOniB OOUnaertsker. e.1 Kmbalmera ti fliiarks ft a as Bus. raeetata larniihrd with very requeue, Ontatkepea aigbtaadday. i'Ucpbone Ko.

STL Ooo- Shtpmaa, Leading Passes! Director an JkebahsMr. BeM ruooral luraammaa. Meuerate prloat. BBankea, Always TetennetieB. HoXNTTRE, CODE OK.DE aAKaisTxaa, touonoa sjtd aovaaust.

Special attenaoa rtven to Cnmaiarclal 1 aaus-rajst oaiiunm cvjaaiiiais Dparxa aa. Oetawa, MO WET TO LEWD ON REAX ESTATE. A.F.MI ola-rrnj 0 B.S.Oooa MONEY TO LEND Iftiasi TO LZirD-, at Srs seeeeat ea sa ua ttwrtautj afaanra, a mat. ni maiavw Cauarawap SvsHes oreawa MOWEY TO LEND. Ann PRivivi run erty.

BIQ UUU sab-artonend farm arapsn in uig-s ana emeu aim at (am interest. unamiiars, TI opart ea, uttawa, WAJfTS. WATTETt A youag sten wiring te rnve Umselt'horeucElv uwfol el tae sad Aaraiat Musmeas tit Sparks St WANTED A thorouf hly gerst eewtag micbiM opart' ue. one eoeoetomed to sowar rratorred Apiwy tu npark at WAXTXp Tbtss seed eareanwr. Apply li Minister Broa, cor.

Asa aad Ounces- WARTfD-Bootk ehorthaad aad I eeper, kavtac ktiowledaB srpawiTing. Mnelhsv s. Apply utttar T. atofactory lemrrsons joastasL wnoa. a TAKTTD A osrrtssirr for Knex ehurefc.

It Oltaws. Aeelleslloa With lasslaiaelels will be reoeived by Ike ears'gued at htt effloe tuanirai caamoetsi naiu p. au aioaqev, rein it. sica.ata.nsra;. Trmp.

com. SVJAL-Tirsdors brrPed for tfT aaa beat Kx CoaJ.well ereeod.Nt Ovuwa Tnung oe's tbrttikAatoelaUen. Adlreaa, "flccj- AO W10t dj, servant wantol at Rldeaa at. eeed Wa-. WANTED- few goVtble mat and briokyaid.

GAWrlaaT rnSAORKR WANTTD-ror Sctara Bantam JL No. a. fl't-oy. AcU win rw coivad by the vndsrslgoed Dirt It aaturdar, Kk day of July, UM. It.

a Bans, Ssa-Treaa. Fltsray liar dot. 4 sw ROOM WANTkTD-Oee or two aaravalsard rooan waaMd in oenrrat leeailtr ever a etnr woud do: Drtvate nWner. Address, J. it.

of ioumast trace. 1 V.TTAKTKT-Twa Proto-toat Nsials arboai laeeoasunuet- temeben fr Kiwi aad slaJ ly ot waietMM, tea llersrsiln dime. IsAea arr IlUa per atonlh. Beard oan aa had toe SB on.aaile' to eome-autw Uk hst. IHB At- prr to Ka Fslrbaira.

eeq-tratuiw. Kortk to nu tt. rair paira, i akensld. P. O.

wa WANTKn-TGeneralaorvsataadnurj. Ap-plyl Cooper st. tl aarAKTPTobuyaroed vf lAka'oanoa, Adam la Irest.CA. W. Jova PslolBoa.

STAMPS WANTKD-ad Caaadtos. Uaited 8taieaeedo her stamp as used It to 49 rears can ror mau I say Lowe, Sts Spsdiaa av, Taj i' S3 etc. Ooarte SrAffTKn AttheOttawaDmiaatiOollrgo aaamtoreireejrtaimaadiraa'iamteto eonrse theroath and sraetteaL John Ketth, priaclpel, O'Cooaor st. WAKThp Bal'semea," wllilnt to "work. Oood pr to Afb) sort men, IHislttQa rennanvaa.

rlna eatsbliOisd latrtr-eve rVs. Chess tlmhrrV Cua paay.CoLbome, tint, ta FOB lALS. TTVJrl SAU la Thaasa, P. bones sad ooatalnlag one sera et Iaad nodar ealti. vatlos, slcaaied on Main M.

bet ween whaataad C.P.K. ataOoa. Heae eaalalns 4 rooms bwliet easier and summer kttohan. seed cellar, larre oodhed with well esswad Utat has pevar railed. Would to TjntsbedUaeeurAAP el? oa prvmtec Jsn.

Fellere. 1m aHBAP-esunner btnrs eatles. at all kiads laitibat, hove eHa. aainrles, pIlntr.oiUMlse and shst XfillstA Lttoad-Isnd. Peaceerst mgles.

tOLMt. ROOMS TO T-Fueai'bcd or uaferfl(4. two ptrlors with xrates and several d-rooete. Hoar hea'ed by (umscs, modem lot-proveaenta. Apply 171 MetcaUe sk LET-rrsm JoJv Ml that ksraa tolnk store and oellar ka Ht Pperrser-extena- le about 100 test aaok.

eeoradiac half let of Iaad la rear taenia i ea iroooe water factory or ear ether basii neamg apparars; snltaiua far man. aer basinaes. Alaa aae bmA oa around fl icr.fti Stars sswell flahled. oao beaded aoeaofflee. Kocalse A.

ttooeruoa. Mi Sparkt tt. OFFICES. The Canadian Bank of Oommsros Will receive eppriearieas for owe month for mas spsce tn the nprer ponioa of the peeeilaas alotr aoasire or them, lot ana im Weiiiasioa t. (formerly La Hvxgss NabonalrL tb aroond floor ot which, sf erre-flt tint, will be rfftnpffd by tbe Bank et IJoaMneoa.

mo LaT-ThatsorM brick bouse ft WeDhaf-A ton et. sew Occupied by Ooaswl Oeoeral Ly. It Is la lUiluUw coadltloa aM eoonla 11 modern eoavenleoees ronsmlou Ift atse, also house Kb. i atr St. ror.

i Utrta. pns- aaaa lat avay. ror tarttcUMn apMy rsaia. as eaura or ssunaiora at at aia-last. MEDICAL, KEBRIIETT A VT5 OPIUlf HABIT 1 pr'Vstair.

Iioubie Ohlorld ot G1 rfsteai Keulai inrutabraarUaecarr. write mr la armeilne, Lebarat Sanliarlam. (akvOla. PERSON ALT" mHBOBOPBT Peeasea tnterestat tn Tbe I aoahr are reoueeiad toeommaatoate wt'h S7g Ma)er streea Toronto. Uatratare ea Dp ties ea appiioation.

la LOST. L08T-Fro-n ft Beeserer a Scotch JerfW tup about weeks old with yeUowttotea nat Me JTteder wi 1 be rewarded a pea re-turnup tame to above tdilrsa Picture Framers. Terr, N. S. ..79 Sparkt THE JOURNAL'S City Classified BUSINESS LIST.

Votb! All tha bnstneaa bourn and pro- kaltM.l Ann. wtwtm tM. hat an advOT- Is art tn Tax JouasaL, and they are arranged alphabetically tor convenience of easy reier- oea. Aoeouatanta, Assignees, Eto. 10S Sparks Boss A Bona, F.

6t Ataxia, montreai Auctioneer. Maodonald A. B. tS3 Nichols Tackaberrr LB Mi FJgln Books and Stationery. Bryaon, Oraham fc to 104 Sparks Durte 33 ana opera Fotherinrham Pocham 183 Spark JarrtaAlH 157 Bank Robertson Broa 69 Mdeaa Thprbum, Chaa.

H. Sparks WilmotE bperxs Boots and Shoes. Bryaon, Graham 140 to 184 Sparks Dobier ft Co Sparks DoneyO FarrelLP ..110 Ri-an 102 Sparks 8topbenaA.J .....19 Sparks carpentsrs ana lomers. Johneon A Bone It. 507 Maria Carpets.

Bryaon, Graham A ..146 to 1M Spark Erratt 84 and Ridoau 66 and 68 Hparka MoMorran, R. 60S, 010 Metronolitan kl'fs. Co. 557 Sussex Clgwr Maaufaoturera De Da Naan A Goldstoln Wellington City Exprvtui and BaftVATagw Transfer. 174 Bank Clot biers Undasu A T.

to 273 Wetlimrton Morpby, Barrosgbs A .85) and 7 WtUisgton Coal, Brlgbam T. Central Chamber Caddie 100 Albert TWm A fW. W. A 12S Snarkt TaompsonOea. ..87 Spark Confaetlonery.

Turner, 106 Spark Hatters and rmtiei a Rrvann.GrahamAC....146toIo4 Spark DsvJln IL MSlT' Hoaaefumlahinga Sparks Metropolitan Mfg. Co 607 bu Crook err and Olaaawara AshtWkLJsa 306 Wellieoton Shaw, a S. N. ..100 Sparks Dontista Bower A Armstrong Bower A Davidson Hntohitoa, Gen Lsggo John LeggoW.A. MaVhawrmeaG.

MoElhimtev. Mark Dr. Sparks ,...107 Spark t(il Utger CS Sparks SS Spark ....140 Spark A L. A. Wellrngtoa Itobertooa Dr 89 Sparks BtankhooseB.

8... Holl Prucrlsts- Alien. J. Roberts ....76 Rtd Bntbenr, A 1 84 Bank MaefWthe H. 182 WsUlDStoa MeCormtek.

R. A 78 Sparks Watters, Spark aad Bank Drv Ooods. Bysoav Graham 184 Sparks Fwmda, Cbaa. .898 Wellington Oaajble A 116 Sparks Johnston, 6. Clsresjee IJradeayA Co.

875 Wellington MoMoma R.M PUS, oio Morpby, Burreogb A tSl Wellington .66, 68 Sputa tpers 4, 96 Spark Rom A Co. Dyara aad Cli Parawr, ryiirm p. XteotAiolaas. ..829 Augusta 198, Spark Bootroplaters at4 Engrarsrs 0Osnaor Eagrawar. prttohard Andrew 17S, 173 Sparks Fancy ooooa iVvaon.

Graham A .146 to 1S4 Sparkt Fotheringham ft Sparkt .......79 Sparks noor vuoiouia Bryiou, Graham A Co 140 to 154 Sparkt Florists. EgWcon, 0 4G3 Sussex TvsdaUB. nlBak Furniture. Bryaon, Graham A Oa.

Erratt J-. Giddingt Metropolitan Mfg. Oa Furniture to 154 Sparkt ,...4 and So Ridoau USRideaa Sussex tttnalra QtddJng ...109 Ridoau Theriea, 803 Rideaa Bortbwlok RIdo oontr rurrnsninga Itiisiiwat A on, Graham A Op. nw an i Maodonald .109 Sparks PykeM. 99 Sparkt Qrooors.

Bryaon. Oraham ft On 146 to 184 Sparkt Johnston, G. 8 73 Clarence Raiaatord ISA, 80S Wellington Hairdresser. MnB House Block llai'dwarw. ftaterwerth ft Co 110 Sparkt Graham, loSBaok Grant Bras Sparkt aad Bank Son ton ft Oc, J.D.

834 Wellington ring Cor. Bank and Aloert MoKinky ft North wood 88 Rideaa Straohaa ear. Queen end Brtdgs. Harness and Saddlery. Borbridge 8.

ft 88, 90 Rideaa BorbridgtS-ft 186 Sparkt Xusuraaee. Bhwk, W. Oatarto Chambsri Bradbury A. fc Central Chambert Cnnnragkaa 0. 1 10 Wellrngtoa King.

Edward. tS Spark Lamb, W. A Central Chambers MoMahoa B. 80 Sparks st, Selwyn, K. A 106 Spark oilers.

MaMUlen, A ft A F. 82 8 parks A 08 Rideaa Ladles Outflttera Bryaon, Graham A Do 14 to 1ft Spark Laud Surrsyor. Bigger, Chaa A 68 Daly utuudrloa- Macdoaald Bros I0SI Sparkt PvkeM. 99 Sparks Wing Soon Queen Wast Wing Mow AH 8oeex Wing On 800 Sparkt LI very. Fester.

819 Wetlini Merges, J. S74 Sparkt LtCgTU. Beloourt. MoCrackea ft Henderson. Chamber Bishop ft Smith Ontario Chambert Bradley ft Wyld.

Central Chambert Ferguson A Carletoa Chambert Fiaher J. P. Carletoa Chambev Gemmill ft Carmton Chambers German, M. Central Chamber! Kidd, Blaocbet ft Ontario Chambers Jamc A Ontario Chambert Latchford ft Murphy 19 Klgia Lavton ft McKay. Central Cbamhars Matheaon B.B Ontarie Chamber, TO EXCURSIONISTS I gHX-JIDE PARK.

WAKEFIELD ml Teitsa maderata. fperfsl "55tVa JB Tors. PO texts. GRAND EXGURSIWI rot nr Kirrr or THE KOMH FBRJHE ACED: fbsD lovtaMtnelewm heea ta4lr5tors of the Old sllenieto i Plaoo and Lake Park aaisstssappt. and Willi jre to OtUwa at rat ter tae round trip 1 rhOarea bait TMksts may to had from sir.

ex. 41. err at a "-V- si m. rrar.tia' acasia Bra. iesrieaaa A I 1 tmr gpwssrtnet KEITIJISURO JPABK.

OPKKXtl ITR THE BKABOH. fersnKT "IDA" lewrtw Oorwe'i Wparf svery sn. Hsndsr. leave. Hnil st I aid o'olook pa.

AaHreost-. nat ewiart. aerial reitwav, rareUaterreasdiHp katranceto uwrinuw- sarpameeitftanorrss ATO- LAVaUUiOKP. aa Ottawa. AU REVOIR The Liberal Gon- vention has closed sure enough wilted as it were-r-but ours is tit open, clearly5 showing we've got more "grit in us than it Further, it touched upon a' few things, some, of them not of deadly interest, whilst weplace the whole of pur things (which are a decided interest, mind you) at your disposal, dping it too at lower tariiT-fop revenue, prices than any Liberal-Conserva tive can imagine until he taps the brew.

SUNDAYH0URS Hornlnc a8 ArsaraooB, to 0. 10Ait.tO 10. R. A. MCCORMICK I mi 111a vshwni 75 gPAKKS 8TRXIT.

sp-Talhpae ISft a TIM Is DHAII'. BAKSKIt tostirano- Mast aao tab 1 as arw liWiWi rtWT. -i- a tw. tmA UM fVk Illaai'seJmaerasar -r- Pntt. Bprt Haaloal rastraansnta rwABoaJ.L..

Bptr wrnaie aad Voioo Caltara Oils. Ta.aoeerOU Oa Patau aad IUt-. Howt -gSa ak, Paper aadPalp HD Tas IT'''? oow open for eosa ACRI CUJLTURAL Garden farteEts Of every etcriptlos tad at aratt to tail HEADQUABTER8 FOR BARBED WIRE THOMAS BIRKETT, 1X3 and IIS BtlTEAV 83 aad 70 WIXXXAH STBEET. WTTKOIIT A D1FFEREKCL sBsttota-aawaa HENRY WATTERS dastrestoaanotueetheatetat tlesait at bit isrot Bitatn aad Gmpibs-r. aO.Culatrt--toa tsto ebaagn.

corner et SPARKS AKD BAXS STXeXETS dim nits and every. rttoW reeutmaiat can be obtatoad at usual. Thus to this part 4 etrtsatoerea I ART PAPERS. irtwrat Swslswt sad onsatoStleaeef Mat) aae atetjaiaa rrom aa msaarttiinaa. Baedallr eaocQtat ths aim gus assortment, tram ahtspew to meet aspen.

av. Get resrr sax, at A. aarfVf ItBieA Twal raetor uagrar sa tjnaapar THE OiPE CHTTACE dap KTfxarlaA)kjasritam EoVbor, Ha SmaueasmeateHi rthtti kv summer resort. riteh reaeVtae. 1 la ruck 4 a aarrowudiaek wre maobes, peaeU.

Bsssrhiaeent risai a maiafl niaaas um aetata Salaalar aa ewtrsa; that rbey aarVwar astrtrssj et rhey aavaaa-a aewLMIattd add petered reUseoit to swpera reaovarad thai I tarttighjeas. re aad sot aaew swstns aroenf verasdsk. w. nave aa aasutrse tb. fvawsj ersetod a ttvrrWr4aadbMSpmfUubomsrwa.iaat a (rttUaerde.

Wa are tow preyaywa to Moat satifsp. sea shall keep ewr and awvlea af a tJab Uacari. With exrelieaa vaeUule-, owes anwtairr re rsrawt 4eaiy raaaa an Ue jeoor ot a tamaerttore wklo rapoa fieat ttto, treksnw wa eraorCa- TtoCxtottotoVrrtbjcw.sS., W.B-Oe aTrtral to Pjrtaed. parUat eae etc at th City alotaL t.C Bweek rvoertaur. aad ebtaia ana vtytnaa dweot to Oap Uotlaga.

SCARBORfl BEACH, MARL and anw sa FOREST HOUSE. (omraBZAYXY, INCH ARRAN HOTEL. DALHOCBXK, K. B. Bfta-iauuag fioscsg i rmirg.

Its) aavartto and str-ftaaml iiiianst sortb tttaatod at the bead at the Salt det Cli.inrt.ssar the uiirlmanl at tie I ilit I Btaos fk hint rlvera toe Kett- gwacb aad Metapadtoo, and patarpastjd lbsprTye( penery pad emnata: EtaaT. an lanie naoas area, ivrsmaga sae staitttT tSSlteseat am taut. aowa lotft Jane. Fat farma, ato-aroW ta B. Alstaslar, Measarws P.p.

Bex 81 4, MeaaV rsaLet P. O. Bex l.Ofia, Ottowa EASTKAn ffL 4-. DOMINION HOUSE. Sssotot' walk from a AA Depot, Open Star 80O.

1893. I cWvwrsl auprevwnMBta have baps, mad 1 Ltn maitory aiitirsamatt ark wieot aad fte ktroea athsrwtotautosji-ta llreVeW order 4s ksaptug wfta tta biga reputaaae a rvltl.a aamms Met. Biaoial rwtotlH rtrailMa. Parttodaa ea pppHoa. T.

la Boyd. Th Sonthrato, Proot's Cook, ntsiao. I ATJTTrTTTXT aftoatod earn a Plsaaaot, It hMlihv aad auiei satstoa reeor t4s p.sats, pldsatt rusras. evnelleet table, surf paUiinc. baattn and aeSlH Per wstst and prefer drainagel ealy tm tC from Parkland, rtrenlars aad lera.

ten on aneUceiJoa. i. m. KalttrroB. LYKENS VALLEY -COAL I THE PUEE3T ANTHBACTTE ttlXKl).

THE GENUINE NO. 4 TUT StfOOS Not Stars aad Caastaat BUxod. Priottoat at ether rtt. T. G.


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