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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AMUSEMENTS. M'ednradajr Matin-t-. ST. GEORGE THEATRE Carnar Bank ana Bomereet. Taday and wedneeday.

ArGtOM. Kt-CINt PatltNT? OUOVADIS Today. Stata 2ft Cents. Modern Dances "Tha art or the Joyooe Spirit My method Interprets too aplrit of tha n.w dancea I and Baaaty without Hens or crudity. PROF.

LAINO, master of tha aiod.ra dancea. for th. ooa also. Tango. Hesitation.

Maxise. ate. prlvata Ueaons or prlvota ay appointment- Binn.r' claaara for ordinary ienraa and Fridays. 1 a. m.

AaaemeUee every Thursday; am. 81. Patrick's HalL Learler Ava MIC. TO LET I)WETiLlNGa O'Connor ajt. BHOIU Bank aad Muagrova Bta, MONEY TO LOAN ea Real Estate Security.

0. A. DOUOtAS 00, LTD. PlaHaaclal Brokera, a aTTRKKT. MAIL CONTRACT OEAUED TCSDBKS, avMr.Md to tha potmaiatr 0iteral.

will ncmiv4 Ottw untU.jioon. on Kr.lyt th th March. 114. fur th conv-anc of Hla Ujty' Malla, on a contract for four mrt. (imti pr waak.

ar lUmMninu ivumt rtw. and S. from tha Fuatmattar Oanaral plaaaura- Printed nottcaa conUintnf further Information aa ti conditions of propoaed contract mar ba an and blank formi of tendar mar obtained at the Poit Office a of Cumberland and Uaaon. and at th office of tha I'oat Office Inapeotor, P. T.

COOUCAN. Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inepector'e Omca. Jan. tstk, llt.

A Friendly claittlat Bhewed Me How te Cure It Forever. I WILL TELL VOU PRE! MOW TO OCT mo of Young, too. For a Ions time I waa aorlr. troubled trv hideous growth of Superfluous Hair en tny fac end arms, lly face waa Indeed a eight from tha exasperating growth and 1 'aW? tw (grew almost to ate myself for S. ar enallghUy p-.

psaa-anc. There i adrerUaad for bu-4 parfluoua Hair, and I think I I triad them all Put never with any result, axeept te was; my money and earn my akin. But. not wit standing all my reara of dlasD- Jpointmant, today there Is not a sign of yam Hair on my faca, anna er anywhere else. I got rid of It through following -the advice of a friendly ac.entlsu- a Profaesor ot Chamtitry at an KniUsn University.

Tha treatnatnt he advised la so thorough, imp Is and easy to use that want every "wurked euct a change la my appearance and mr gladly waive Diy naturdi fueling of aensUivenees end will teil.broedrast te all wae are afflicted heW dfwrfoytd every trae of heir. 4 eevsr to return. If you ars suifsrer and -woul to have futt details. Just send along your rame (atatlng whether Mr, or Miss) and eddreea. and a two-cant stamp for return r-teug and I will eend you In full detail ha advice and InMruction which -resulted tn my own cure aftsr all sLaa faJUd.

Addreae voiir letiar. Mra. KUhry Jen-. kins, Hox 171 aC. No.

fttrcnawa M. Boston. Maes. NOTE: Mr. Jenkm.

as her photo-. graph shows, la a lady of iWlnsnsent, and for ear was well-know aa a society laaoer la Scranto. Pa. ib ratliabra oloi Errokah I Horn ramadu for I I COUCHSXOLDS. I AMUSEMENTS.

RUSSELL-Fri. Sat. Sat. Mat' To Most Notable R.ualoa Th WtrM'i Greatest PRIMROSE A DOCKSTADER In Their Big Siwctacular production of 20th CENTURY MINSTRELSY With an A li-Prominent Company of Bunil Cork Celeb rltlee. Showing tho Birth.

Rleo and Development of Minstrelsy. NEXT Moil, Tueiv WedsM Thurs. Evngs: Mr. Laurence Irving AND MABfcl, HACKKEY AND LONDON COMPANY. Presenting II Is lint Famous llm i issss Monday NImWrW0 VNWKITTEN LAW." H'nK and Than).

Kvgs. "THK TYPHOON.1 Weds. Malliarr "THIS IMrOHTANCK OF tlUMU KAR.N" KKT." Seata in Sale Thursday 1 a.m. DOMINION a I 1 W1EK FIBRUARV BABV MBLBN Th- Vrorlda ilte.test land Entertainer. Mra.

Otna Hughes Huseey A Lee 4 Co. Jed Bthel Walaa Traupa Dooesy Jehn Gelger Tha Lngwortha. KINITOaajAPH. PRICK Matinee 15a. 2o.

Rvenlr.a Iftc. 29c. lie. 600. ALWAV THI BICT MOW IN TOWN.

Ottawa Choral Society Conductor Mr. J. Edgar Birch. Russell Theatre, Evg. Feb.

12- Mra, Grace B. Williams Boprnno. Mlaa May Brltlinr-Contralio. Mr. Rclnald VTerrenrath Baritone.

Mr. Carl Webeter "Cellist. festival Orchestral Uub. Prices- 16e lo 1 1. SO.

tl ia as-asmi. REV. R. H. BTEAOV TO ADPHKtM OLD CLl'B.

Rav. K. II, Bteary will address tha menvber of tho Old Countryman's Club of tho T.M.C.A. on Friday night. A musical programme has boaa prepared for tha proaslon and will bo served.

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. WAI.KER At If Hopaw.ll oo the loth, tha wlfa of R. 8. Walker, of a son.

Both walL i AITKENB On Tuasday. February lath. 1914, at 1 Lyon to Mr. and Mra, Bart Allkena, a eon. Both well.

MALOUIN-To Mr, and Mra. p. Met-ouln, Murray a aon. lbs. Both wall.

BAIUIV To Mr. and Mra. John-A. Balrd, a Ird Fab. a aon.

Both well. NOONAN At Ottawa, Feb. 7. to Mr. and Mra.

A. Noonan, of UarkHlt. a daughter. Both well. Perth papers pleaae copy.

DEATHS. MOORE At Krppewa. on Feb. tlf. Hit.

Wlllum James Moore. aed yeara, of Ottawa, formerly of Richmond inl. Funeral notice later from 7J Wei- llncton tit. McPHERSON-On Feb. th.

at the residence of her alater, Mrs, Tinkler, Mackay SL, Mary, daughter of the late Archibald Mcl'herson. of Invarary, BcotUnd. In her lh year. Wednelay. Feb.

1 th. 19H. at I p.m.. to Beechwood cemetery. Service will be conducted by Rev.

P. Anderson at tha above residence at tl p.ib. 8HIPMAS On Saturday nlaht at Uen-aral Hospital. Bower Kldd Hhlpman. ae ootid aon of Mr.

and Mra Albert Hhlpman. of lot La Breton aed I years and I months. ALEXANDER On Tuesday- mornlnn. F.b. 10.

Mil, at General Hospital Adeline Utadya. dearly beloved dauahter of Mr. and Mra. Jamee Alexander, of Arlington ased yeara and 10 montna. Funeral notice later.

IHMEMOEIAM. in lovliur and affectionate remembrance of Alexander Morrison tlklnner. who died Febraary 1Mb. ltll. Uona but not forgotten by hla loving wife.


lTad.rtak.ra Emaalmera. 1 Laurtar Ave. WaaU Ambulanoaa, ehapaL. Phone Queen leM. In.

J. HAM ON. IUCCESSOK attOGBOJ aad Boa. Ml Rldeaia SL TaL JL Ira auauoa aiaiai aa A Glimpse into the Future Are you Looking for a Home for Spring Occupation What About These? For Brick Dwelling An lot II 115, on Waverley BL The house con Ulna ball, parlor, dining-room kltrhen and summer kitchen, bedrooms and den concrete cellar hot air furnace good plumbing; easy terms. Brick DweUln" on Third Avenue, conUinlng hall, double parlor, kitchen, summer kitchen, bedrooms and den, hot air furnace, concrete cellar, electric light, ge for cooking.

A food house for the money. flplendid Brick Dwelling on lot (0 101, on Second Avenue. House contains vestibule, hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, and summer kitchen, 4 bedrooms on let floor, bed rooms on Ird floor, concrete cellar, hot air furnace, mantel and grate. Ruble on premise. fft.ivoo is the price of a fine Dwelling on McLeod StreeL The House contains hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitchen, I bedrooms and den on let floor, bedrooms on Ird floor, mantel aad grate, good cellar, good plumbing.

A good house. 7.6ow will buy a new Brick' Dwelling on Oakland Avenue, containing vestibule hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitchen, I bedroom, den, bub room, bath and lavatory separate en 1st floor, I bedrooms on tnd floor, oencrete cellar, hot water heating, man tela and grate, hardwood floors on two flat. Lot II 106, and lane. Would like, to show you this house. If you are thinking of baying we would like to show you some our best borgalna.


Allegation by Alderman Flatter tha amendment, aad Aid. Plnard kept that tha Board of Control was dlahon- on atteaipting to iiwk, wh.n the orakle and that tho city council waa chairman called bun to order. Tha Indect-nt were tho outatandlna leal- alderman pe related, aad foroad Con- urea tit hurt nlaht's auacial maetina of troller Parent to remark, ant not the. civic fathers. The alderman also (ulnar to call you to order a dosea aouaht to belittle tha Canadian Hteet llmea." Pipe company, tha firm that had aub- Aid.

putard: "No chanca. Here you mltted tho hiweat tender for pipe In call Mayor McValty an autocrat, but connection with tha proposed clatl- what about yourself You arc But naau scheme. iong thlnaa Ilka thla" Alderman Fisher accused tha Board Chairman Parent: "I havo called you of Control of beina dlahonorablo for order. Are yoa outline your teeth, openlna tho pipe ten.lers. and when or mtMt tne uh youT Can the council voted down hla motion to yalI BnriahT" adjourn Uat nli-M a araalon for a week AI(L rt to speak on account ol the mayor's lllneaa he eaprea-ed tha opinion that Ih.

council Th" by" aa "amended by Aid. waa Indecent, For both naaertlona ho mD a Jd 'aVond and third JZ!" fgW roadln. to tha by-Uw pn.vldln for the aubrntaalon to the electors of a plehlKlta to ael-ct from certain de- 'r roCti'-JZ: almated achemea tha aourca of water Mocdonald. Connor. Rico and Rows, aupplv for tho city.

This waa also i aya-A Idermen Plnard and Racing amended so aa to include in the pie- i motion for a second and third blaclta Mayer McVelty'a auajaeated readlna waa than put to the vote, and schema of Ottawa river with rapid Aid. Flaher vxpktlned that ha Intended eand filtration. rollnr aaalnst yet. This alao carried. Tha council alao naaaed a unanlm- vlth Aldermen Fisher.

Lobelia. La- oua vote of aympatlty with Mayor rocha. Low, Plnard and Raclna votlnf McVelty In hla lllneaa. and decided to airalnat It. appeal aaalnat Jude Latchford's do-, Con.

McN'elll then moved, seconded clalun laat Haturday. L'imiii ControllfT Parent helng Voted to the chair Klshrr moved a mtitlon aerondrd by Alderman Ua-roche (hat the council adjourn until tha onlinary meet! it next Monday on account of tha anayor'a I linen. The motion waa defeated on a -vote of fifteen to five. The Maror'n 1-lMrme. Controller Kent then moved that ttecond and third readlnara given to the wer plebtacite by-law.

AldernTi Fisher inquired If any further consideration had teen given ti the mayor's Kugneation aa regarded the Ottawa river atrheme. t'pon being informed in the negative he moved that the by-law he amended ao aa to Include tha mayor' ache me on the plebiscite. Alderman Flatter remarked that that would make alx aueatlona for the electors to chooae from. Aa far as he waa concerned he was anxloua for everyone to have the opportunity of voting for hla particular scheme, and If someone choe to put the Mada-waaka river on tho plebiscite he would have no objection. Alderman Hogg Inquired In view of the fart that Information regarding each scheme was to he distributed whether Alderman Fisher had any details as to the Initial coat and the upkeep of the scheme he suggested.

Alderman Fisher replied that he had no further information than that which th city engineer bad already given. Controller Nelson wanted to know the difference between the Ottawa -river scheme and the one proposed by Allan Ha sen. and Aid. Fisher plained that the latter provided for the pipe being taken under Nepean Bay, whereas the former called for an overland pipe. Aid.

Camochan ventured the opinion Chat he did not think Mayor McVelty would support Aid. Flsher'a mo tion, as ne considered there were too many achemea on the plebiscite be-' fore. Aa to Filtration. Controller Nelmm slated that the Information on all the schemes would have to be printed at an early dale, and he was anxloua to know if Aid. Fisher could procure, the data, in time.

It being; the wlah of tha munril nt vurrie explainer mat the in- tune I would sjmost go out of say saind. 1 doctored myself with arvarythiog 1 could let. mrtu at last I got four brae of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and thry have enrxd ase. I cannot speak too highly ol tha) woooenui imeay. aad will ratraiimanrl it so all aaflarara." per boa, er tana for tl .35.

at al dealer-, or mailed direct an receipt of twice by The T. Milbar Co, Lyuaitcd, Tonal to. Out. hy Con. N'aleon, 'That the city solicitor be Ineriructed to -at once appeal from the order of Judge Iatchford of Feb.

7th granting aa interim Injunc tion at the etilt of C. Rosa, and 11. ri Davis." The controller hla, reason for doing so watf that it may serve to remove one or two of the obstructionist that kept enntlnualty turning tip. It seemed easy for them to get in-lunetloDa, and It might do good tu let them see that It waa Just aa easy to get them -removed. Crtllctae Tewdore.

Aid. Fisher stated that he thought or control opened tenders, proceed and has never made a pipe at any time. Replies! to Flalier. Aid. Kills, in reply, referring to last Haturddy's Injunction, Intimated that' a JuJge who hud exvreaaed a altong feeling In another direction a few weeks ago would have been better advised If he had referred the oonalderaUou of the caae to aomeone elte.

"1 can quite understand thulf aiq. naner a grieveo." aald the alderman, "upn flndlng that the ten-Ovra are ao.much lower than the es- ti male, out I anould Ilka to Inform him' that this comttany which he trrlm report that he prepared for the questions has offered tu put up a bond mayor on the Ottawa river scheme I fui one miction dollars for the fulfil-would practically have to be abend- I ntent of the contract. The Canadian oned. he having discovered that the Kteel Plna ivimnin, mi.hi point he had fixed upon would be, an offshoot of the East Jersey Pipe Pro- Company, and are now etrlvlng to posed Georgian Bay canal. It would crtabll.h a factory In Canada under take him at least ten days to prepare lunijcr repon.

tne point he had decided upon In the first plan waa about three-quarter, of a mile above Lemteux Island. Aid. Hugg rapid sand filtration the same as mechanical nitration?" Mr. Currle practically the same. Aid.

Ellle thought If the report would be ready in two weeks It would be Ample time. He reminded the oouncll of the suggestion to publish all the detailed Information In the newapapers Instead of having It an printed and distributed. Aid. Macdonald was opposed to anything else going on the plebiscite unless they had concrete before them. Aid.

Plnard waa alao airalnat placing1 any further schemes before the electors. He again -referred to the recent utterances of Premier Borden regarding the Oatlneau schema and maintained that the Premier had not committed the government to any specific scheme. Aid. Kills replied that Premier Bor-ffer wu ld on the question What would the government contrl- hilfr lLl.c'ty. went to "atlneau hills for Its water sudd vr" filtration.

Lake and Ottawa i.e. n-ver mentioneo, aald Aid. Kllla, and though Premier ltorden had not specifically mentioned tha Thi-, One Mile lake project, what else could he be referring to when that was the only scheme mentioned? Aid, fleiher clneed the discussion on So Bad THOUGHT SHE WOULD GO OUT OF HER MIND. Diseases of the ncrrouj sytteoi ara Ttry coanmon. AU the crgans of th body nay be sound while the nerve centre sua? be affected.

Many women become run down and worn put by household care and. duties sarvcr endtof, and sooner or later BocJ thenuclvea with tbs nerrea shattered, aad toe heart action weaJteocd. On the first sica ol any weakness of either the heart or nerves. Bagging energy, or physical breakdown, do not wait until your tea becomes hopeless. Milbarn'a Heart and Nerre PUut will at one quiet ra the nervea, strenrthen th heart and build up th entire system.

Mrs. Archie Ooodloe, TiUey. N.B, writes-'' When I was troubled wttk my heart two year ago. I was very bed. i-1 us were so nnatnuni that ome- Canadian law, so why should we try to discourage when they are willing to locate that factory In Ottawa.

1 can quite recognise Aid. Fisher's burnlngBnxletyad hla desire by a motion to-night for delay." Aid. Fisher "One does not expect much decincy, but when the mayor Is lying on his bed (between life and death one might have allowed for a pestponement for a week." Controller McNeill took exception to Aid. Fisher's assertion that the Board of Control win dlahonorablo and thought he should withdraw the statement. i The chairman also strongly pro tested.

"We are aa decent aa anyone else." he Mid. "We are all sorry for the mayor In hie lllneaa. but the citv cunnot close traneucftng Ita buainess. I object to such remarks and must aak the alderman to withdraw them." Wd Not Retract. Aid.

Macdjnald thought Aid. Fisher would retract now that he had been asked, but', the latter only aaked "Why, w.hy,' to which the chairman re plied: "You have charged the Beard of 'Control with being 'dishonorable and the city qoupcil with being Indecent, and'lf you use any more such terms 1 will compel yeu to retract them." Controller aloNelll's motion to ap-ptal against the judgment 'was then carried. Aldermen Fisher. La belle, Ix-w, Plnard and Racclne voting nay. The following motion was then put and carried, aubject to an 'amendment that the Board of Control be authoris- td to engage outside counsel If it svee tit.

I "That the city solicitor' be Instructed to at once prepare the bill und petl- tlona lo the Ontario Legislature for the leglalatioa authorised by clause of report No. 30 of the Board of Con- trot adopted by council on Dec. 111, In order that In the event of the Thirty-One-allle Lnke scheme recelv-1 Ing the largest number of votes on the plebiscite, such hill may be dealt with by thenrivete bills committee with the possible delay thereafter; also, i that there be Included In such bill 1 authority 'to the council to award all necessary contracts for pipe, construction and engineering In connection, with Thlrty-One-Mlle Lake scheme; and, also, tbnt Mr Oeo. F. Henderson, K.C., He retained to act with the city entlettor In preparing and promoting such legislation." Alderman Brethour's motion re waterworks matters being referred to the waterworks committee, and Alderman Low motion asking for sn Investigation into the Howlck Hall explosion, were left over.


At a meeting ot the Join committee of the A.O.U.W. held last night It was decided to hold the Initiation cere-men on the Bfh er af.eeh In Court Royal Albert Halt en the corner nfl Sparks and O'Connor atreeta. The I event la reusing considerable Interest In A.O.C.W. ciralea, an all tha lodge. tha city are trying te have a least six candidates each for Initiation.

Th. Grand officials and member, of Parliament who are members Of the Ordee wilt tavltad t. at tend. I STRONG PROTEST How AT TREATMENT OF MIllTANTS Pritonera Ar Fed Fortibly Dfcrtptiw tf Inhuman Methods Rctorttw To. Vfxu CttWint Wellm Gires I tereitiag Addrev That the treatment of the House of Commons la Knfland of the women was the greatest Indictment of the nineteenth century was the atatemanj of Mrs.

Catherine Waller In a lecture which waa (Wen hut night under the auaplces of the Ouawa Equal Suffrage Association in the Carnegie Library. Mra Waller, who haa spent aome "time In England atudylng the conditions In regard to the suffrage showed heraelf quite capable of handling her subject. Tho Kngllah Laws. It had been said against auffrage that there was no need 'for It. that women's liberties were developing concurrently with men.

which was proven not ao In England, the laws had been such that the husband owned) and oontrolled everything a wife had. ev en the clothes she wore, and when he died, be had the right to will everything to anyone he chose and leave his 'wife and children with absolutely nothing; consequently, the poorer women. In order that they may atlll have the control of their own property, were content to live with a man without being married. It waa therefore no wonder that women were rlalng up and rebelling against such tnjuetlcea and had. re- eorted to militant tactics.

Militancy, the flippant remarks of the controller i now dropped to a great ex- leapect, hi sid. The counHle 1(8 lm that bringing the had certain powers, but 1 when they I enfranchisement of women before exceeded those power and broke the law they became like and robber. week the Hoard in wnoie won a. Forcible Feeding. Mrs.

Waller spoke of the inhuman- rd Aid. Fisher. "Their conduct, to i ity of forcible Jeeding a resorted to my mind, was dishonorable and bad bbstneaa. Judgments have ruled the proceeding with this scheme at present Illegal, and yet they give out the bids and Information of the pip tenderers. do 'not know whether any of the tenders are any good, but the tenderers knew that they could withdraw any time they liked.

In my opinion a tender half a million dol-Inrs below any of the other required careful Inspection." Then Aid. Flaher sought to attack the bona: nde of the Canadian Kteel Fine Company. "I am told this is a company with a total authorised capital of 1200.000. How much of this has been-sold I do In Ilolloway Jail, where the women who were arrested were confined. She cited an Instance of a woman prisoner being forcibly fed by mean of a tube.

iler nose and throat were both Injured in the process. Protest Treatment. This led to a resolution which was moved by Mr W. W. Edgar and seconded by Mra.

J. C. Cox against the Inhuman treatment resorted to In the Jo lis In England. A copy of this ia to be forwarded to Eiurland from not -know, but my Information la that this branch of the Equal Suffrage As-this firm haa not even got a foundry I eoclation. Waller stated that If forcible feeding was to be practiced on any woman In any city.

In Canada, the public: would' immediately rise up In revolt. Miss Burt, the president, occupied the-chair and Introduced the lecturer'' The meeting waa open to tha pub lic waa wen 1 New Spring Now is the HTiim A. A. Bankrupt Stock BIO, BIO VALUES. a 0.0 varda of Fancy Flannelette, suit able tor Kimonos, Blouses and Drosses, in II colors, in strips, spot, and I oral r- design.

Regular ltc. to clear at aJV EXTSA0SDINAB7I ma varda of Fancy Muslin. Prfnta, Or gandie, Chambray and Scotch Oingham. all worth from tha down to 16c To clear at this sale- Hi. WONDERFUL VALUE.

Children a Wool L'ndervests, alia 1 to 4 years of age; alwaye aold at lac Sale (T price 16o TOWELS TOE 10c 10 doxen White Linen Towels, with red Worth lac. At this sale All CareTnms-' ferto TOMER'S 10c A SEAL SNAP. too doaen of Pillow made of fine White Cotton; alwaya sold at lc. 11-. Sale price 1.1.C WHITE WEAK SALE.

Ladles' White Corset Covers. Regular 10c. Ladles Drawers. Regular lie. Nlght'-Oowna.

Regular 19c 19c 39c GREAT VALUE Of EMBROIDERIES To be sold during this clearing -sale, all at big reductions. Per -yard front Sc, Hc i-sc. Flouncing, 45 In. wide. Regular 11-00 to clear IDC BARGAINS I BARGAINS 100 doaen Ladles' White Blouses and (thlrtwalsta, They come In fancy vesting.

Pique and Embroidered Lawn; all new roods. Worth 11.00 to Jfl- TO TO 11.00.. To clear 49c 99c WRAPPERS and HOUSE RES EES. It doaen Ladles' Wrapper and House Dresses, in all colors, and nicely trimmed 59c 99c luncheon would b. given by the aaao-rlatloa In the Chateaa laiurtar on February It for which tha tickets Obtained -by-us-in Toronto, is being offered Tomorrow at OKEAT VALUE.

4. 00 yards of English Prints, I Inches wide. Regular price lac To clear g. COTTON AND BHEETTNO. A full inches wide L'nbreached Cotton.

Worth HSc. For this QjQ Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting. 71 In. wide for double bed: a good OO-strong make worth Sc. At this sale NO MISTAKE.

Thst Is exactly what th. people are saying about theDress Goods Remnants Sale of A. A. Fournler. Limited.

It la the biggest and most ridiculously low priced bargain that waa ever heard ot in Ottawa before. The Sale Continues tor February, A few of the Items are; Venetian, worth 78c, Sale price Black and White Plaid, worth Sac. Bale price AOC Tartan Plaids, worth lie Sale price IOC Marquisette, plain or fancy, a worth t0c-7Sc. tor awAv Two-tone Whipcord. Reg.

0c 0j Sal price AsfAie Black White Shepherd. I In. wide. Regular price 60c. Bale price Cream Embroidered Voile, ular toe, for Reg.

21c Now dont fall to.aee eur Drees Oooda Remnant Table when'you com. in. MEN '8 CLOTHINCTAND TUENISH-- -r INOS, Men's Ties, Regular prlc He, 'OfJ Sal price or wtJC Men's Brace. Regular price lie -1 ft Bala price Ae7v Men's Heavy Gray Wool Socks. Regular Sic Sal.

price 19c 11 0onr XldM BBd KloholuBU. Suits OUR spring suits arc now ready awaiting your inspection. The materials -used are.of the best and the styles the very newest that New York has to offer. We feel confident that they cannot fail to meet with your approval. Suits at $16.50 i At this price we bIiow two very ityiiah model made of serge or whip, cord.

They have the ciitwy coata and two-piece gkiria with a little fullness at the back. The eoaU are lined with a guaranteed taffeta silk. Colors Navy, Taupe, Copenhagen, Tan, and Blaek. -Suits at $20, $22.50, Our eiJO.00, and 25.00 8uiU are the hest we have ever had at these prices. They are made iu a good range of materials, and have smart shorj coaU, with peg-top, tier or plain tailored skirts and are in navy, tan, taupe and black, also in black and white and brown and white checked material, -the eoata are satin lined, 1 Suits at $26.50, $27.50 to $35 At these prices we are showing some very stylish novelty suit in Bed-for cords, brocades and other fancy Material.

Among these no two suit will be found alike. Oversize Suits 37 in. to 47 in. Bust $22.50 to $27.50 Our range of oversize uit ia very complete, including model in navy, grey or black serge, made with new style coat and plain tailored akirt. We woul'd make special mention of our range of black suits.

They hav been well chosen, and are suitably trimmed for mourning wear. Prices from $16.60 to. $38.00. Houtine bualnaaa waa left tlU the neat meeting. It' was announced last night that a Discounts Ranging Prom 25 to 50 Do you realii.

what it means to buy now at A. A. rournler'i. It mean this: A 8AVIH0 OF OVZR $3.00 out ot everT S5.00." Thi irreat rtock which we offer waa secured away below coat Therefor we can Mail giva you iVeria aariw and aarmra that choicest lelections. Everrthinff of first quality.

Slaughter Prices Bays Braces. Regular price llo, Sal prlc 17 Men' Wool Olovse. Regular -f Q-pric loc. Sal. prlc AaC Men' and Boys'' Rubber Collar; odd Regular Ic each.

Bate price 2) to pairs Men' Pants. Reg. price 12.00 and IMS. Bala price $1.25 Men's Good Strong Tweed Suits. ular prlc 17.10 aad 18.00.

Sal price. WE NEED THE SPACE" Reg- $4.95 SHOES AT ANT PRICE. We are obllf ed to make lie deer sweep this time, mm Spain Goods ere comtnjr thick end fast. Goods now In stock must CO mi. any cost.

YOU NEED THE GOODS. Below are a few of th. value wo offer- We have about 30 pair of Men's Bog Calf and Kip Blut. (any toe, val- rQ uea from 11.6 up. Our price PAeaCJ The Men's Box Calf Boots would be cheap at e.

our price Boya Box Calf Grain unllned Boots; just the thing for Spring wear jJ About 10 pair of Wonwn'e Gun Metal and Kid Butt, or Laced Boots, to -f (Q clear at A.aO I We have a splendid tine of Women's Boots that would be cheap at 12.00. (p-f M( Our price tOjl.Jf Mtasec Dsngola and Sox Ktp Blut, and Button regular prlc 11.60. JJ- (f Our ePXaAa Child' Dongola and Box Kip Button aad Laced Boots. I. to lxi.

Reg. price flO tl.H. On Sale UOC Felt Ooods of all deacrlptlohs to be aold at tee than coat. Our prices on Rubbers are always th low-eat. Everybody knows Uuit Fournlefe Rubbers lead.

aXTr CA8EB, all rises, this sal Qgg STARTLING SALE OF REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE. A. A. FOURNIER, Limited 225 to. 331 Wellington St, Ottawa Phone Queen 1421 Agents for Pictoral Review Patterns wUl be out ehortly.

It haa not been decided yet who will (Ira an address at this luncheon..

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