The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 8
- Publication:
- The Boston Globei
- Location:
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE BOSTOM DAILY HLOBE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1936 Motion Picture Code dealing poker hand during Tm A 1 rurrPm 7M TlVTlTTT This is because it deals with the'smnkA-fillprl riav wtiii. IsUflUUl ai mw FILMS Sinatra Great as Drug Addict subject cl e.reoti'.his hands tremble, his eyes water and not from any 'obscenity r'jand his thia frame shakes with immorality in the story itself. exhaustion. 5Si infl5n? Eleanor Parker, as his beautiful Fishing for a good Scotch? Th Mm With the Golden Arm Toy; Ovation for Italian Soprano Noisiest, Longest in Years habit, temporarily reformed end then gone back to bis former as as a deterrent to drus addiction wicked wife: Kim Novak.
his sociates, manages through the Walter wrrt an an Le is ciUer. i Basfl on novel by Nelson Alifren. Directed and produced by Otto Pro-mmEpr for United AiUsU. The cast: Frank! Frank S'natra Zosh Parker Mftii Kim Novak Certainlv there is no elamor. tin loyal eirl friend: Arnold Stang.
most terrible agony to fight andrbig-shot" angle. The stronger diminutive Sparrow and Bar By CYKCS DCKGIM conquer the vice. hold narcotics have on the hero McGavin as the wily "pusher" Sparrow w. Arnold Stane ii ar nenata Tehalrii Italian sonrano andlPoston for fl nnr Tmieinal fa Frank Sinatra Is honest and Frankie, the more scorn and con- are all played competently. But Lome Mruavin Sohwipfka Robert Strauss Try Gilbey's star of the Metropolitan Opera Asspci- powenuiiy auecung as me musi- tempi is neapeo.
upon mm. is Sinatra who is outstanding in JtTon7made Boston debut last night that which Renata Tebaldi re- Drunky John Conte 'toro whose involvement with -a! becomes a hanger-on. trvinff to "The Man With the Golden Arm." at symphony Hail in the Boston Umver- L.eorBe t. oinne mnrrtpr maKPS 1L TlCCeSSarV TOr ran mnnpv tor thA naren Herd 9 ri a nh ociies. ve Spey Royal Scotch ceived last night I The famed Italian soprano was making her Boston debut at to master his addiction; peddler.
another Oscar, although it is a prosi-am: -o. Lesaiadn occhi Belli," ifinuirws i Kinskeyhim Markette 7.7.7. Williams Dominowskl Bednar Snorty Rogers MrI'tfcrough unbeUevable anguish. The picture belongs to Sinatra 100-to-l chance. Pictures without SljLSt, inever HimseU gilbet's COTCHWHI8KT inc acciic hi wu'-" uiiiaua uuiu maw wnen rrarutie.wuue Miicuon are not bdl 10 no m'Sorte Mia." Handel: "La fromessa, Symphony Hall, the audience was thafs easy to take writhes and screams in pain and, tries to start a new life for hiro- Academy Award lists.
Rossini: "Dolente lmmagine di FMide Mia," "Vanne, 0 Rosa Bellini; Stornello, Verdi; "Deh Vient Non Tardar" from "The Marriage of Fig delirium is one of the most and his crippled wife. Eventu- The Robert Benchley comedy. very large and barely restrained jj its pent-up emotion until the end. By MARJORY ADAMS "The Man With the Golden Arm" at the State and Orpheum mz I have ever seen on the "How to Sleep," is also featured. ally troubles and anxieties cause him to accept the wily peddler's enticing offers.
Frankie has his Then pandemonium broke out: screen. But it is strong and effective, and, I believe, justifiable. "The Man With the Golden is a study in horror, mental and aro, Mozart; songs by Martucci, favara, Masetti, Turina; "Av. Maria," from Verdi. Not in years has there been such a long and noisy ovation in physical torture and an astound' nrst "hx" alter his cure, then he people applauded, cheered, yelled, whistled, stamped and called for The din was enough to ine but sratifvine redemption.
A Arm," as has been disoussed pre-j has another one, due to bad luck. OTHER THEATRE NEWS ON PAGE 15 ole Importers: Bacardi Whisky Blend. 86.8 Proof man who has acquired the drug viously, has not been given a One of his greatest scenes was him hurt your ears, and it went a and on. lime and again the tall, hand- I some, dark-haired singer, in. a.
tight-skirted emerald green gown I had to return, bow. and. wave to, the audience. Then, for the next 20 she sang three encores, and each the uproar started all over' again. i SHELL BETTER DRIVING QUIZ NO.
2 inaliy, by omt ci waving some more, and throwing kisses to the-; standing audience. Miss Tebaldi 1 managed to convey the Idea that the evening was finished. 1 Needless to say, au these aecibeli. slenM'? were merited, lor when such a Can you read thes esigQsatam gathering goes wild in its enthu-, siasm there is good reason. In, this case It was both the true.
lustrous glory of her large-voice, and the intensely passionate man. ner of her singing. Miss Tebaldi soprano Is one of the extraordinary voices of the time, reminiscent of the late and very great Claudia Muzlo, both in timbre and the way she uses it. i singing must be as natural to Miss Tebaldi as breathing and walking. The voice is ectly placed, perfectly produced, i controlled witn a iormiaabie tecn-i nic, and capable of spinning -out the tone to the merest wisp of a gieammg, suKen pianissimo.
In' this respect, too, she is like Muzio, Acting is just as natural to Miss Tebaldi, acting of the forceful, passionate sort, whether she is singing an opera or a concert. Even some of the smaller songs I 'k BUMP A 1 naa meir snare ana a bit mere of histrionic emphasis. aince Miss Tebaldi will sin only the Italian language, all save the Handel and Mozart aires and the translated Turina song were of iianan origin. This limitation cuts hpr nff fmm the vast treasury of German and French song literature, but it may be as well, for her temperament leans toward music more outgiving i 3 4 v. aanmangaaHt.
-f. 'iimh)ii nf.riiiiuaWftf.v suiDie. xei, as She Droved with Handel and the "Otello prayer, she can sing a nobly, poised, finely-drawn vocal line. It may be that Miss Tebaldi will always be more on her own ground in opera than in concert. "7 ru scneauled arias, and the t'Un bel di veHremn" if Madame i loot Arte'' from "Tosca," and a third aria which I did hot know but believe to be from "Adriana Le-couvreur." offered as encores.
showed a total perfection of inn. style and delivery which certain songs had not possessed. in the Quieter conn inclined to g0 from soft to loud 1 20 feet 8Hu tli suuaeniy ana with a lew dy ese sisns a namic shades In between: she has i 6 do tne bad habit of putting sound i before vowels very frequently, and for one of her stature, "Lungi dal Caro Bene" was sung carelessly and badly. The operatic Tebaldi, however, is a ereat. a enrepnn.
rti.i fe V-Wsy she is just as glorious In concert music of bright colors and strong feeling. 7 It was this denth and the sheer beauty of sound which so moved and excited last nights audience, and made Mia' Tebaldi first Boston appearance something never to be forgotten. 1 "oes not come to Boston with the Metropolitan In 1951, am sure there will be rioting In the streets, and dire omens for i tv f5 Ft 1 10 i i More Welles Than 'Othello' Rode'uJS SuznK Cloutier 5 f-mnu Mnntano Mcnolai Brur. Biuca Tu.i,R.P.?.vJ! tvuwuni Orson Wells had a love affair with the camera when he made "Othello." now showing it the iBcacon Hill. Shakespeare eetii hnr i- many scenes but there are hand- imaginative and The camera lingers on farei, row.neVro"v5r"s'' tC Tint, hold this page ettt at arm's length ond te if yoa can read the signs In the two top pictures.
Then place the page In an vprlght potition and see if you can read the signs in the two, lower pictures from 20 feet away. If you can pass none or ust ne of these tests see your vision specialist Immediately. are astounding angles and surpris" i 1P hut v. nnce. juuica me picture J.rS, iven t0 mphssite mood rather than actual incident- rS revised and In.
r.Z' 7 ini uie story i 0thf'lo tr8edy. Naturally he ifVi crl'nly making some not, SAVE YOUR EYE EXAMINED BEME YOU DRIVE scenes Uke i steam Cipr! wlth th l.r 'round in tow. ly.ii i a strsnite tonceit IncidrnU P'yea in a rath, jr odd fashion by Michael Mae Llammolr stab Hodenito to deith apares between the wooden floor of the steam room. nr. mi borrowed from Ollv.
its Hamlet" by hsvina the picture wiik kesfif-n on top of the ii munn wettM to photograph endless steps and But In tisin. th. Like every good neighbor in the community, the Shell Oil Com pany is interested in your driving safety. That's why we're glad to see new roads. We're happy that car makers are building extra safety into today's new cars.
But the spot where there's greatest room for improvement is in the driver's scat Better driver attitudes will make our roads safer for everybody. If this test helps you think more about safe-and-sanc driving, it will have done what tho Shell people set out to do. Try it on your teen-agers, too. Shell your sign of a better future on the road-suggests that you and all motorists drive safely and in the future. f.1n?,''r,c 10 Mr.
Welles hs neulected to tell a story, or to make the facets of character bfllevable. It a muter story, but it htm'i the "fc.c ui mi puy Cy Mr. Ehakts SVdl VS. Alio en the program It Troni Bach to Stravinsky." M. I A.
DALEN i coiMr Still 01 Sign of a better future for you. DANCE STUDIOS a rott orrin I MIM4 Km tar t. ie II Itry Street Mill.
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