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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CITY AND VICINITY. AlliiifMlilMi Evenlag. Oddfellows Hall Outetouasi KiKampment LO.O.F. Drin Hall Governor General's Foot Curd. Rides Street No.

29. 8t Jtmat' Hall -Concert. Pbobauutiis East to south winds, partly cloudy to cloudy, followed by local Tbb Grand Lodge of good Templars propose meeting bore on Jane 20th for a two or three days' session, sad torn of the good Tsmplar of the city applied for the Council Chambers to hold their meeting in. Aid. Borthwick expresses pretty clearly the senti- monts of the Property Committee who hnv dsy of giving our Council Chamber to this body or that body has passed.

There are other large balls in town, let then rent one of them. The Council Chamber is not for such Tin closing assembly of the Triple Link Club was hell last sreninn inProf. McGregor's. Hall. Shortly after eight o'clock the guests began to arrivs, and by nine o'clock folly fifty couples were tripping the light fantastic to the splendid music of the orchestra under the leadersnip of rrot.

McUillMJuddy. cot. McGregor acted as floor manager, and every thing passed off in the smoothest possible manner, in prog am me was varied, and wound up about one o'clock, when thoee pre-soot departed to their homes after having spent a very puaseni evening. A wilshmah arrived at the Union Deoo yesterday from Liverpool, bound for Ottumwa, Iowa. Hie ticket expired here, and he had but fourteen Britian shilling wherewith to buy a ticket and oootioue his journey to the prairie state.

He was astooUbed when told that a ticket to Iowa would coat mora then what he to com from Liverpool to uot having euouyh money for the I ira Ua wf 1 i etceoi. Ths Dominion Ali.noe applied for the una ot tbeumocu Uhamuer for their annual meeting beginning on the 25th lnst.f They will be disappointed, judging by the senti ments expressed by the members of the Property Committee who earns to ton meet ing last night. The determination arrived at is that the chamber, will for the future be kept for nrinicipai purposes only. EaaXT yesterday morning fourteen emigrants in m.A i .11 .1 placed at worn or iu sue rrtio agent. Mr.

Wills. Then were two Germans amoog the number, from Australia, who went to work to North Bay. About 300 immigrants passed through Ottawa on their way to Winnipeg Swedes on their wsy from Halifax to Mew Otockh. lm, Aanniboia. Owmo to the bad stats of the.

streets His Exo-IIency the Governor General informed ths Primi a T.wtw rrw On. 4. mea toessoort irom xUdean Mali to the House of Commons, that on that account, yeeterday afternoon, they need not proceed any further with the vioe-regal carriage than tbs corner of Dalhousie and Hornet street on the return altar ths Ridasu HalL Hit. Father Nolin's scheme of oolonixatioo on the Nation river is reoeived with much favor by manyfof the Lower Town people and thn probabiiitaee ars that a good sized number will take advantage of the op portunities presented and go up and settle in that country when thn colonization road is Tin following snbscribers bare lately boon aSded to thn telephone) exchange: D. A.

Martin, rasidenos Roehesterville; W. Lake Martsr, rasidenos Daly street; Labbe and St Jean, noteLSt, Patrick street; Andrew land, reaidaooe "Hinton John Crawford, Agricultural Implements, By Ward market. Mb. Thomas Good, proprietor of Shamrock Avenue Stock Farm, has purohased from Mr. t.l.

u. nj 11. if vuuh tatewarv, cjuersuc, so magniDcens iour-yearwold Clydesdale stallion, "Duka of Argyla," (4,342) The Duke is a massive horse, lofty and atylisn, and heavy boned, and grand- color, dark dapple brown, very little whits. Ko. I Co.

of the Biflee a muster In tha Drill Hall laat evening and were put through a number of movements. A meeting will be held on Monday evening when final menu will be mads for the proposed excursion to Arnprior. Tha Cricket elnb in eonnection with the Kiflee meet on ths name evening. A Fakmxs from the Township of Glonoes "I was la we illy yesxeruay, saia inni the rondo in that part of the country were in an almost impaaeable oundition, and that awstof the scow has disappeared and large quantities of water are lying on not only low but also high ground. Janesvilt presented a very desolate appearance yesterday evening viewed from toe v-catbtibe Bideau river.

There ass water andios in all it actions. A eonspiucoun figure of the picture use a flat bottomed bonne whi. "id duty conveying people from one aoass to another. Iu fire and light estimate for the current year will include an altera ol $2,200 for the purchase if a obemiusl engine. For the fire d-nertmenr, the estimates will be about and for the lighting departmtotsomsthiug ia exorse of $16 000 CaTT.

Gendruu, brother of Rrv. Father GyMlr an, baa gone to the Tsmiscamiogu to ae-aine tne ilaM of laal agent for toe die trie I. Alarms nanernf settlers are about going up to looaU tbemsslTes on lands allotted Test fail. Tit Ice on the OVawa river has broken np ss l.r aa Buckingham and the river is quite clear lorm taikiogham to Montreal, It is expected that the ica will break np before Ih-fiih May sa far aa Octave Tim w.ll ha a aneatlnnf tk. I Fiotbali club held on Toee-iay eveoiog next for the pur wo org.rtiiio f.

The olob will la ntmri hi. C. A. RambUog Football eloh' HOSPKIOS of cttix-rs of Koth sexes flrcked down to lammings' and 8t Patrick sUeet L-1J nuiea jeaieroay evening worn in newa pread abroad that the bridges had been swept away. A nana of 28 shaotymen were sent to Georgian Bay lumbering district by tbeGrand Trunk Railway yeeterday to work on the drive and b) ths mill this rammer.

Thkju was no quorum at tha adjourned neeting of thn Firs and Light Committee yeeterday afternoon. Those present were Aid. O'Keefe, Gordon and Borthwick. i Tbs fishery exhibits, whichnave returned from London are now being placed in the old quarters oo the Brrt floor of Victoria Halt In a week or so everything will be complete. A unxt has reached the city that: tha bridge at Gaiettaoa the Mississippi has been earned away by tha flood.

Tha river rose firs feet during one night this week, Tbikj was so meeting of thn Property Committee laat night for want of a quorum. The aldsrmrn present were Messrs. DunxSher, 'Bjorthwkk and Dalgliso. Tbi ladies of the Eastern Methodist Church will entertain Rev. Jlr.

Hardie at a farewell banquet on Tnesday evening next, prior to his departure for Japan. Ko lioeoses are to he Issued for the eale-'of uquor ax uauneaa rout so persons woo navs not on their premises all the aooommodation required by law. TnBsv. W. T.

Herridge, of St, Andrew's Church, will short'T deliver a leeture under the Young Ladua Aid Society, of ths Congregational Church. Musbs j. R. Booth A Co. shipped during the present week over one hundred and fifty car-loads of lumber to different points In the East States.

laxrrrxsAKT Dr. A. O. F. Coleman was yea-: terday mounted on a beautiful Western boras belonging to Mr, Gill, of the Bank of 3om.

1 Literary and Scientific Society hold their annual meeting on ton. 29th inst. Important matters will oome np for discussion. 8nn have been taken to protect tha Government property at the Gatineau Point wharf from damage by toe expected spring floods. Tbi Gitincan Point Municipal CbnocJ have decided to reducertha salary of their secretary-treasurer from $70 to $50.

Da. Daviea wQI give another of his organ recitals on the organ of St A I baa's Church to-morrow aftscpooa at 4 o'clock. A irxcmx social will bo given by tbeladiee of Cameron Degree Temple I. thiseven-ing in Cameron Hall. Tbi 60th anniversary ol tha marriage of Mr.

Chss. Tonnsand was celebrated by hint on. the THE EVENING JOUBNAL. FRIDAY, APKIL 15. 1887.

THS OTTAWA LAND LEAGUE asstvn to CaU a fabUe Meetlag of Irha- saea ss eaewace Coercion. A meeting of the Ottawa branch of the Land League was held last evening in St. Patrick's Literary Association rooms. The nresident of the Lpsfne. Mr.

M. Starr. occupied tbs chair, and Mr. J. I.

Grace acted as secretary. Among those Amoog those present were Senator O'Donobor. Meiers. P. Baskerville, ex M.

P. Walsh, ParnelL W. Kehos. John Heser. J.

L. P. O'Hsnly, J. Burns, H. J.

U'Doberty and F. R. Latchford. The chairman, in oDenine the meeting re gretted the smsilness of the meeting and said that no doubt there would have been a much larger attendance had the meeting been nropsrtr advertised. Toe Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted.

i Ine chairman read communications from the secretary of the Toronto branch of the league. which asked for the co-operation of the Ottawa branch of the League in the accomplishment of the great aim of the the two branches sending speakers to one another. Ottawa would send two speakers to Toronto, and the Toronto branch would send two speakers in return to Ottawa. Starrs, the delegate from the Ottawa branch of toe ijeegue to the meeting ot toe American National League in Chicago laat summer explained that be bad sent a telegram to the secretary of the American League ex pressing his regret at not being able to that it was never read, sad upon writing to toe secretary, Mr. Sutton, for an explanation he bad learned that the Ottawa branch of the Irish League ia not affiliated with the American National League, ss instead of forwarding the funds collected by it to the treasurer of the American League, it had sent them direct to Ireland.

Ia eonseqoence of this the Ottawa branch is not considered an authorized branch of the league. i Mr. P. Baskerville here stated that on account of the eniallnees of the meeting be would advise that it be adjourned until such time aa a suitable notice could be given to every Irishman in the city. It was then pro posed that the msynr be requested to call public meeting of citixenaeilber in the Grand 0ra House or the City Hail to oundemn the Currcion BilUand Lnrd Laaeiiowne as a landlord ia Ireland, and petition the Imperial authorities to recall him.

It was then moved by Mr. P. Baskerville, seconded by Mr. John Heney, that a committee composed of Messrs. F.

K. Latcbford, M. Battle, Faroe Wm. Slattery. H.

J. O'Doberty, Jno. Heney. P. Baakrrville, J.

D. Grace and M. Starrs be spnointed to. draft resolutions to be submitted to a public meeting, and also to get up a requisition signed by the Irish citizens of the city asking the Mayor to call a public meeting at an early date. Carried.

i Mr. F. R. Latcbford moved, seconded by Mr. Battle, that the Presideas bs authorized to interview the President of the St.

Patrick's Literary Association, Mr. J. L. Dowlin, with a view to securing the co-operation of that body ia calling a a public meeting. considerable discussion the motion tpsssed and the meeting adjourned.

Police Court. Then was vary little business before ths Polios Magistrate this morning, in fact in circles things ars dull. E. Berriean sot too much whiskey for oroDsr locomotion end-was Doed In S3, u. unrney, a returned "from tha-woods shantymaa made things stormy on Sparks street laat evening while nnder toe tnnnenca ol drink, ills little excitement cost turn $5 fine and S2 ooste.

Richard Barrett and Robert Fraeer were two SMisopountoa aa ynung men wno neia a aina of a political demonstration on Wellington street oo Saturday night after eleven clock. The way tha programme was carried out was. Boa played on the mouth organ while the other (rurraaed lor sir John Maodonald, Interspersed with an ooossional address on politico to an Invisible audience. A polioeman with no soul for party triumphs cams along and stopped the proceedings. His Worship said it was too lata in the night to Held such monster political meetings.

Should they desire to do so in future, he advised them to hold them during fhe day so that a crowd oould be collect 9u had an impression made. Fine $2 and (2 costs respectively. Two cabmen named Seyier and jproulx, for soliciting passengers at the Union pot, were lined fl aacn, r- Emmnanel Church. Tbs seating capacity in the lecture room of Kmmanoel Episcopal church was last even s' taxed to its utmost, the occasion being an ntertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Ud Society. The ball was beautifully deoor- ted.

On each side of ths room wss a row of fables presided over by young ladies dressed in snstumes representing English, snd Canadian. Each table wss laden with articles and delicsices peculiar to each nation. From the ceiling hong mottoes of Britannia Rules the Wave," "Card Mills Failthe," ind Canada Forever," A very attractive programme was presented and greatly Appreciated. Presiding over the English table frere Misses Mills, Cswvst, Fowler, Aspinhsll and Button. The Irish table.

Misses Botterell, Jackson, Brook and Taylor. The Scotch table, Biases' Tsylor, Stacey, Dancy, Kirhy and Mary taybw. The Canadian table. Misses Barber, (president of the Y. L.

Casrest, Harvey and Brook. The entertainment was one i4 the moat sheceeaful of the season, snd great credit is due to the young lad lea for the manner in which the affair wss carried out. 3t To Celebrate) Cut Knife. Ths members of tbs late corps of Ottawa uarda Sharpshooters, still in the city, are aking arrangements for fitly celebrating the second aoniveisary of ths fight at Cut Knife Cjreek. on the 2 id of May A dioner (ill be held, probably at the Grand Uuion.

Tie commitus appointed to mske arrange-nients oonaiata of LienL W. Todd. I.ient Taylor and Corp. Ball, with Urst F. Winter ae secretary, and Messrs.

A. E. Nash and Cunningham as treasurer and assistant Measurer. Coffey' Deputy. name of the new bounty registrar's deputy isannounced.

The happy man is Mr. H. H. Csmemn, who for several years past has held a bjllet in the office of Mr. G.

W. McCullough, ousi merchant. The new appointee, who is sain of Mr. Cameron of Stadaeona leading njst'ip the 'ranks of the local Liberals, is popular ia the city. Mr.

Wm. many years sgo filled the office of deoutv refristrar.haa been in attend ants at the registry office since Mr. Coffey's appointment, coaching that gentleman in the duties of his position. 1 The Concert thin Evening. Those appreciative of and interested in high dins music, await with pleasurable expectation tha concert to be given in St.

James' Hall this evening under the direction of Mr. F. Bouchw, who himself contributes an important part of tha programme. Others who will saaist are Mile. Teeaier, a blind vocalist, in great favour in Montreal Miss Annie Lampmsn, Ottawa's favorite pianiatejand Mr.

R. Brewer, the popular vifionoello. The concert takes place in St. James nail, Church Notea, rs and cleanings will commence on the interior of St. John's Church in June.

The eharch will be painted all over inside. sdiourned vestrr meettna? of St. John's Chlnrch will be held on the 25th mat. The ArchvUle Church adjourned vestry meeting will be held on the 18th inst. canvassers for the Anglesea square proposed mission hall have received up to date over lm toward the fond.

The haU will not be commenced till the fall. I The Ladles Say That Mayor Stewart looked so in scarlet and ermine at tha opening of Parliament yesterday. That he would make a fine Sir McLeod. That Sir Josiah Burr Plumb would look well, tooj osvthe titls page of a poetical work. That CoL Gsowaki, A.D.C., in uniform is ths most imposing looking man.

That the dear Senators looked very happy, and at the Commons outside the bar looked tough. tn (as Ottawa Station tf tht MtUoro logical 9ncy tf Cos ado. The barometer Is reduced to St FUl, and eves, ine maximnm ana minlmunr persruns and raisfall are for the ts hours ins a Bina n'rlnrk Tbs VelocitV at thai srlnil as M-- la t-rt Uhowrs. Temp of ths sir. Barnttr.

IHrectlon of the wind Weather as Jli 30 Kt Nat Fine. Cloudy. Raining. Maximum tsmpsrature 41.4 Minimum temperature ti.I Keaa velocity of the wusd 78.4 1 Jtriorted Non- amd roMr. AUtllUW SALES BI W.

a. LEWlJ. To tkt Editor of Tkt Journal. HANDS0M3 HOUSES Going nj in the South ind West of the City. Rapid Rcil Estate ind Buildisg DeTtlopmenti ia OttivaofUtt.

From all appearanoee the coming summer will be one of the livelleist in real eotets business that has been seen iu Ottawa sine the boom in 1870. Ths southern and wastera portions of the city, particularly tha southern, are presenting a very different state of affairs to what tbey did this time l.t year, last year, all was field and common 'now stately residences rear their crests eta, every side. Only two years ago there were not more than a dozen booses south of Lis gar street between the canal and Con cession street and now the. wbols area back to tbe city limits is fairly built np with ths finest residences in tbe Ia the West End of tha city, building operations are and have, been conducted all winter with increasing rigor, but ths classes of buildings put up are not nearly so expensive ss thoss towards ths South End of the city. Among the F1KI about to be built, or which have been built during the past winter and-last fall ars For Mr.C.

W. Powell, a brick residence, coat ing $8 000, on Metcalfe street between Gilmour au McLfen streets. For Mr. Ed, Walsh, a brick residence, oost-iny $7,000, on McLaren street. For Mr.

J. H. Thompson, a brick residence, coating $8,000, on O'Connor street, between McLaren and Somerset streets. For. Mr.

H. Lee, a handsome brick residence, costing $9,500, on Metcalfe atreet between MiLarsa and Gilmour streets. For Mr. J. G.

Butterwerth.a large residence on McLaren street, costing $9,500. For Mr. Wm Uvdgeou.twu largo brick rest. denceeooFiaxkatreot near Elgin, coaling $0 000 each. Mi.O.

A. Motbetalll ts completing a rest dence on O'Connor street bets sen McLaren and Cooper, coating $7,000 Mr. J. F. Lewis is building brick residence oo Somerset near Elgin, at a cost bf $6,000.

Mr. F. A- Wyss is building a fine brick residence on Sandy Hill st a cost of $3,000 Mt. as. Mallier is completing two residences on Somerset street west of O'Connor at a cost of about $5,000 each.

These ill be rented. Mr. F. S. Graves is completing an $8,000 residence on Metcalfe street between Metoale and Connor streets.

Mr. Geo. Burn ia building a fine brick residence on Metcalfe street near McLaren at a cost of $8 000. Besides those are hundreds of less expensive buildings which ars springing np with astonishing rapidty throughout ton South south-west and Western parts of tha city. The following opinions as regards tha prospects of a BOOH til XAL XSTiTX and tbs rapid rise in raloa tha pas year were obtained, by a joDbbaL reporter from the leading real estate agents in the city.

Mr. CLA. LVmglas, said: -There is a great deal of property changing hands in the city, with a good demand and pros- Cof higher prices for property in Centra i and the southern and western portion of the eitv. All nronertv in tha south- end of the city, that is, sooth of Maria street between Concession street snd tbe oanaL is being Lpurcbssed ia building lots and being built Kupon by private parties. This' ia due in a large extent to tbe Increase In tna rental lor suitable houses.

Property in the lower end of the city is not much higher than it was last year. Tbe boom ia all in Upper Town. Business site on Sparks street are not to be purchased except at fancy prices. Mr. Tbos.

Dowslsy said, "Real eotets in Ottawa is certainly increasing in veins especi ally that lying to the sonth and west of what is called Centre Town. It is difficult to ob tain a building lot in Centra Town with oat paying a fancy price for it. An ordinary lot on Maria street would east $1,500. oa riepesa street, on Liagar street, $700; and back of that about $600 and leas, loose are the prices which are being- paid for lota the localities mentioned. In the lower end of the city, property is much ths sasrs as it wss last year.

Business sites on Spai ks street are not to be purchased at any teasouable figure, and business sites on Wellington street have risen at least 10 per cent, iu value since last year. I think sU liugtoo street is going to be our business street in too near future. Aid. W. H.

Lewis said there bad been a decided increase in tbe value of property ia Centre Town and the southern and western portions of ths city Io tbe east end there bad been no inoreaae in value of property. Business sites were not obtainable except at fancy pries. For instaoos was refused for the Brown bloik sihicn wae pattiaily destroyed by fire, si.d tha buildings oo that property were not worta much. Mr. Heuey had also refused $35,000 for the property occupied by J.

K. Ksmoade, Graven' fc Co and the Citizen office. Oo Wellington a. rect the value of business loca tions has increased a great deal since last jear. O-hers corroborated fhe opinions of Messrs Dxaaley, Douglas and The feeling ia general that I taw a ts txpertenoing tns vital benefit of reosnt railway developiavut around it.

Advicb to MoTHaaa. Ars yon disturbed st night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Catting Teeth If so send at one and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child ren Teething. Its rain ia incalcalabU. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, motoers there is no miataks about it.

It curs Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulate the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colio, softens ths Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tens and energy to the U7I cui SvruD" for children teething is pleasant to tha tests and is tha prescription of en of tbs oldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty rive oents a bottle. Bo sura and ask for Mas. WrasLow'a Soothiho Smrr," and take no other kind. JOHNSON HARPER, Pain tors st Denoraten.

Oils. Varnishes. Janana, Glass. Putty. ac.

Wall Paper from io a roll up. Estimates given. Price ss low as good work can be done. BATlBr ACT ICOt OCaJtAjrTTTT, 153 ANESTEEETOttawa, ta. Near M.rla OUeet.

T. A JOTTE, Ileal Estate Agent. Agent for the Mutual Eesenre Fond Life Association of Re York. LOOK OUT for Ut of City Properties tor Sal which will appear in a few dsTS. T.

RAJOTTK, Office a rUdeal St. Residence, ISO O'Connor St. TOWNSHIPOF NEPEAN. NOTICE Is hereby given that aa anpllcatloa has been made to the Municipal Cooncil of the Township of Nepean. for the passage of a bylaw to authorize The Metropolitan Street Railway Company of iMtawa." to lay a double or single iron railway with accessary aids tracks and turnouts for ths passage or cars, carriages and otner vehicle adapted to the aameooon and along the following streets or highways In the'1 'lownampof epeau: alcia street ana nana street from toe Umlta of to city of utiaa to down Hark.Calruti Ine street from Elgin atreet to Hank street in stewattoa and Mary street from Klgia street Bans street near Laasdown H.ik.

1 urn said spn kaxi will be dealt with at the first "nou of ths eid Council to be bo den after ti a expired mi ot oce month froas the date of this notice next whietaa wsw any persona eJfeoied by the proposed Kail way will be heard. F. VT. HAKMKR, Clerk ot the Municipality. Hlntonburgh.

Napea llarch ztrd, 17. uanuoums nuuojsa The) Ottawa Athletio AanooiaUoa. Si, I bad the pleasure on Wednesday even ing last of being one of the large audience which greeted the first entertainment of tbe Athletic awwuwsi iu toe unwu jiwbt yl was delighted with 'the euoorssful efforts of ou own boys to furnish a pleasant and refined ex-hibtion of their physicaf strength, activity and skill. Tbe excellently rendered songs snd instrumental music lent variety and attraction to tbs admirable performances on the stage. The marching and tbe posturing in the bar bells snd Indisn club scenes were graceful snd beautiful, and the dresses of the boys were chaste and elegant.

Taken altogether, the performances were highly creditable, as wss evidenced by tha many enthusiastic rounds of applause with which they were received. With all those who nave studied the snbieot.1 am strongly in favor of these athletio exercises and I am glad that so many of the young men of Uttawa have devoted their attention to this grand source of health and physical development. Tbe bone and sinew of the conquering Knnian Lesion, and tha Maeednsilsn Phalanx arose out of the competitive struggles of tbs Olympic, Pythian and other which ths renowned Athlete: ot ancient Greece andKome learned tbe enduring rudiments of ths mighty lessons which taught them bow to conquer the world. Through the most severe curriculum of this ancient school ol energy passed Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, who, in the psss of Tbennotiyke. buried them selves beneath mighty mounds of Persian alain.

and left behind them those monumental pyramids of their country's enemies ss landmarks of emulation through all time for tha natriot brave of every land. From the contests ot the OHlissenm sprung the valiant and hardy legions which, in turn, va nquished tbeCarthaginian, the Vandal, and the Uaul. Out of tbe competitive games of Bntsin came tbe men of that redourtable army, which. for man, at any time, or oo any held, were never conquered. I rora trie ijscrosse field, the gymnasium and the cricket ground, came forth manv of the gallant and hardy sous of Canada, who followed tne levy umss into the smoke and thunder of the battle fields of tbe North-Wees.

I believe. Sir, that the Athletic Association in tends to ouud a suitable ball and I aincerely nope that in such a worthy undertaking tbe etf-arU of the Society shall be promptly and liberally seconded, by the citizens of Ottawa, who small interested in tbe intellectual and physical development of their own boys. ALOO.vgcm. Ottawa, April 15th, 1887. Dominion Bank Note Company.

To Uu Editor of The Journal Sib. It was ststtd during the last elections that by the eon tract entered into between the Government sad the Dominion Bank Note the company are bound to remove their establishment to Ottawa within a given time, which is now up. Is Mr. Bur land and the company going to carry out this condition ot the contract, or are tbey tc be permitted to treat it as a dead letter Please to investigate the matter and have all tbe facts made public. Jcrnct.

Ottawa, April 15, 1887. Colonial Exblbltloa Ktcdai. Mis Alwilda Kirkwood has inst received a Diploma and Medal from tbe Colonial and Indian Exhibition for her work In Indian ink. Tha portrait of Sir John A. McDonald attracted special attention.

Her Majesty ths Queen sx pressed her opinion that it was a oeautitul piece of art, SPECIAL Mr. J. Dunlon will (D. Breach the Gos pel in St, Jamas' II all. Lord's Day evening, 17th April at 7 o'clock and not on Saturday evening a stated In a previous Issns.

A masting of citizen interested in the establishment of the Hoots of Kefuge for the sged will be held in tha large Committee Koom of tbe City Hall on lueeday evening the 19tb inst, at 8 o'clock. Mayor Stewart will occupy to chair. Ottawa Temperance Coffee Hons provides the best dinner in the city from 11 to 2:30 p.m for 25 oents. apilng OrercoaU. at Bot bride-.

102 Kldran St. Best bread; choice Vienna bread; home made bread; buns; rolls, and confectionery at ine raiaos BaKery and Uonlectionery comer oi cans ana Alans street. Oyster raw. fried and stowed, at tha Otta wa Temperance Coffee House, 182 Sparks stress. Young Ladies' Mission Band will hold an entertainment in the leoture room of the Dominion Church Monday 25th April, old curiosities to os exhibited.

Knitting Plain and fancy knitting in underclothing, jacket and oar rises rug Uaissry ia cotton, woolen and silk, double knee ben quired. Knitting cotton always oo hand. Miss McCarthy, oor. Queen and Banc stnete. It is said that Terence Powderly Is looking psle snd tired.

His position at ths neao ol us tvnigbta ol La nor Is no sinecure, a lever Ssa Ileal again, No hardly ever about it. He bad an attack of what people call "biliousness, and to smile wsa impossible. Yet a man nav smite and smile, and be a villain still," but still ne was no villain, but a plain, blunt, honest man, that needed a remedy such as lit. rieros-s 'fleaaant furgative never fail to cure biliousness and dia eased or torpid liver, dyspepsia and throoic Constipation, Uf druggists. This is about the beginning of the season when natnr think most about ths clothes of the season.

Jawnaten's aO Brallsg White lalasent. Tbe wonderful hraliug and soothing rjroner tie of the above named excellent salve have been found by many who have need it to be most t-lscaoious to tbs treatment of salt rheum, pimples, blotches, boils, ulosrs. scalds, burns. cbshngs etc Oo trial will be sufficient to prove that what claim for it was eorrect. For saia at 25 cent per box by H.

P. Mac Carthy and Wm. A. Lloyd, Druggists. The best regulator of the stomach and bowels, ths beet cur for biliousness, sick headache, indigeetion, and all afleotiims arising from a disordered liver, sre without exoeptioo Johnston Tonie Liver Pills.

Small in size, sugar coated, mild, yet effective. 25 ct. per noius soia oy n. jr. uacuartny and Wm.

A. xaojo, uruggista. ftew ballings, new Trouserings, new Spring Overooati uvs. Donaldson Thomson. It was -Dr.

Johnson who said that "the outaids of a boms is ths best thing for ths tnaiae oi man. Mat Book agent. Messrs. H.F. MacCarthy and Wm-A.

Lloyd are not book agents, but have the agency ia Ottawa for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which they can heartily recommend for any oom- piaint so wnicn a took: medicine a applicable. This valuable medicine baa been used with most astonishingly good results in cases of general dsality, weakness, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impov-srishment of tbs blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, and for that general worn-out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of tbe year. Don't lorgei ma nam, Johnston's lonlo, iiitters, 50 cent and $1 per bottle at MacCarthy and Lloyd' drug store. Professor Max Mailer ports thirty-fiv title, -conferred upon him by great sctentlhe and literary societies and universities. FOR SALE CHEAP.

rpBK east I of Lot No. Albert st north, with I nice brick houss thereon house No. HI. Price 300. House No 30, lot, brick bouse.

Prlos 12.100. Charles street. Frame Cottage and i lot, Charles street. Bouse No. 32, Price l.auo.

Lots 10, It, 12, corner Chanel and Osgood ta one-fourth cash. Lots 7 and 8, corner MoLarea and Elgin sts-weet i lot No. 64, Li-gar st, aortn, Lou It and IS stcLsod st Lou 4 and 6 Argyla Avenue, Stewart on. House and I lot No. 174 Uuren st.

I.hI tntL.fMll.l. WW Of land la Cumberland, (70 acres of land, about 1 miieErom taeciiy umiu, nns ones residence with acres of land oppoai the Town Hall In Hintonbnrvh. Alan a larva Lot at this Billings' Bndirs. for sale ebean. A tall lot with a Una trick residence with modern Improvements on Cooprr sU, south, near Klgln st.

I RTACKABERRY. Auctioneer and Keal Estate Agent. B. B. TACKABERRT.

the successful Auctioneer and RawJ Katatw A wwnl. huimS oa hsnd for sale, houses snd lots in all parts of the city, cheap, and farms In different parts of the iVrovincee of ntario and Quebec. Bomenns farms ia ciose proximity to Lbs city. PR 8ALE A bouse snd fine svvjunds, about 4 SOrew. esi tKa lUnl AteeeC Hnul u( from the loU sate.

A valuable nronertv far swJa oa reasonable lerma. Apply to Tscksueiiy, Anctlonser and Baal Estate Agent. IT OUBEAOENCT-Rouse rented and rent ooueoten. i. xscssoorry.

Anntionoer. TV Ctmshlng le and What It I4. '1 think ths big rash is over," said Mr. Sur tees, the City Engineer, when speaking of the Bideau floods this morning, "but if rain should come, one cannot tell what may turn up. There are lots of snow and ice on the ground yet snd rain might cause a 1 rusn yesterdsy when tbe jam broke, Mr.

Surteea descnuee aa a grand sight. Tbe ice came oiling down on St. Patrick street bridge, and when that structure gsvs wav with a roar and a crash, the scene was startlingly attractive. As tne immense mass swept downwards it struck two little house on tbe aty side, near the railway bridge and tore them away. Ou reaching the railway bridge tbe ice guards were snapped away and the mass of ice, broken tim ber and dismantled nouses, swept onward with resistless force.

As it struck at Mr. Clyment's dam it tore tbe stringers away and nothing -re mained of too oriage across to asm out tbe piers. Tbe surging mass of ice backed the water over into New Edinburgh and on Rideau street tbe water soon rose to three and four feet in depth. Tbe first floors of some of the houses were flooded. There wss six inches of water in the Street Railway Company's stables.

Tbe New Edinburgh bridge stood the shocks in good style, not a budge being taken out of it. AS soon as tbe channel was cleared, the water which inundated New Edinburgh rapidly subsided. Cum ml tigs' bridge is badly wrecked, and it is computed that it will take $500 to repair it. 1 Aid. Lewis thinks what ia necessary for the future' is a cantilever bridge between tbe city and Janeville, and do away with tbe present low bridges at this point.

Ths city bridge is only slightly damaged by the ice striking tbe railing, but Cummings' bridge may be called a ruin. The water this morning has fallen all along the river between Billings' Bridge and the Kideau Falls, snd there is clear channel between tbe two points although there are great masses of io between Billings' and Hurdmsn's bridges. As long as the water remains low there is no danger from the ice, but should it rise soother shove msy be looked for. In Janeaville the water baa fallen but the village is not yet completely free I rouu tbe fluid. Dominion Cbarch Y.

P. A. The dosing social entertainment to be given on Monday evening next by the Young People's Association it Dominion Church promises to be uf a most inuVresting character. Mies rraine, who has won fur herself a most enviable reputation all through Western Canada as a professional public reader and elocutionist, hss eonr awntMt t. wtw tlw.

1 1 tons "HowKuby pUyod," The Dutchman's IwUkaa. 04 ftl a 1 a. rr Krtjnsuuo, A(t WUUU Of OeiU. 1 IM cummin? also tunnf-iog a cboioa monad AMTJSKMENTel. FANCY FAIR Of All Nations, Cndar the Special Patronage of Their Excel lencies wo uovernor-uenerai and tne Marchioness ot Lansdowna, In aid of tha proposed Children's Convalescent Home DRILL HALL, Wednesday, April.

20th Satur day, the 23rd, ENGLAND, CANADA, FRANCE, SPAIN, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, INDIA, ICELAND, BOHEMIA, HUNGARY JAPON. All tha Fan af tne Fair! Theatricals. National Dances and Coetnmes Athletics. Mnslo, Oypeeya, the Toy Symphony and the great picture, the MSINU OF .1 llDIW It, till 1 IT i-i ,1 Admission xic, children 10c PEOPLE'S THEATRE, TXRMERLY old St. Patrick's HalL re-modelled and tranaf rated tnioaooay little Theatre st a eoaa ot upwarus oc 1.UUU.

GRAND OPENING Monday Eve'ct April 11 With first -class SPECIALTY COMEDY I Supported by an efficient Orchestra. Popular Prices of admission 15, and yiets. Psinily Mslineea Thursday and Saturday at fctt twiml aion IS and ttota. AroVtlio Best. Try them.

ELECTORS OFOTTAWA QT0VK8 bars gone on I Not only through iy snd lear and servant girl playing with onal oil. frf eourss they dldnt know the can was 'loaded and- went oft "unfairly) but the confounded N.K. Is liable to do anything an I therefore It sat raised tH BPirw Min.w dealer can tell yon) to a fearful extent. 1 have a big stock and want room foe baby carriages, so "SPEAK NOW" i' i If you want oaa. JOS.

R. ESMONDE. P. Doe still boodle. wants ths.

people's WALL PAPER! i WALL PAPER! tonA fin wrnrth of latAat ivaafons In Wall Parsnr and Ceilino' Derhrations- chMiwr than any other place in Ottawa. P. STEWART, ISO Nicholas Street. P.S. Remember all pacer DnrchaW at my place will be hiino; (or 12 pants per rolL REMOVED.

CASBT has removed his LTVKRT to Rochoo Btaoieaopposlte tbs Kirs tttarion w. stress hnrssa hoaeriiwl bv the. Ilav Week or atoath Us haa anew stock UORtiikS Kioa VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB BALB- fTTHX HOUSK and premises at present occupied I by K. N. later, on the south slue of Sparks street near Christ church; the building is new and com mod ions, nested by steam, and furnished with all modem ooavemeaoee-Vnr Mnu and oooditions annlv on tha mnilw.

or at the Sparks' hatals UOioe, lil WsUingtuo St. PEOPLES' CARRIAGE WORKS, CSABOUHXPI, Pxwprletnr, (M year axnatlsau ia OttawaJ Manufacturer o( Carriages of all descriptions. Repairs done with neatness snd despatch; at at parks St, Ottawa, opposite Capiat Church AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE asxVssw sasaanawan 8RLL by Public Auction at my roomt. 4 oo8-untaT, the 16th Inst few p. Au.

th foilowinff bouathold furniture, Ti: bedroom aetta In ah end w. chnirm, mattnwnre, buteane x-dininr Ubies. bwo nre tables, oar petli. cooking loves ktich tab icrnu caan. n.

ic b. Auctioneer. eiv. i6 iHiln Street, AUCTION SALE Of THE lift on Farm. THAVK REBX instructed by Mr.

Thos. Butler to sell bv fubllc Auction, at his hsul Wei. lington Ward markst, on WEDNESDAY, 20TH APRIL -r-At2 The! following farm property, vis: The western part of lot No. 19. in be 4th Concession of ths Township of Gloucester, in tbe Cou- ty of Carle-toojand being known ae the Burron raH.

This property is situated about 6 miles from ths nityl of Ottawa, on the maoadamlxed road to tenraiie. ana eonialns about aores, of which are leered an in a good state of cultiva- tiooi. the remainder 1. wail tinthetwl TKerw is a dwelling bouse and rlrat-ciaaa outbuildinsra thereon, also two never falling spring wlls. Also ths luiiwwuig norves, etc, i orown mars, years oiu; 1 stallion, I yer old; 2 ood mares with fosL sge4; 1 two-year-old colt; 1 yearling colt; and many other ertb-les too numerous to mention.

Terms snd conditions msde know at the tlioo of ur runner pari i i-tissnpiyto'i.-S Auctioneer, etc. Elgin St. AUCTION SALE OF VALULABLE FARM PROPERTY. AVK BKKN' Instructed by Mr. Jas.

McOoey so scu oy t'uoiic Aucuon as I BC ILK K.l rilllastsa Ward Market, rtawa, OK THE 20th OF 1PRE, At 2:30 p.rru the farm known as the Acsrrw FsRM. aud conteining 100 acres, being part of lot No 1 In the Kth range of the Township of Hull. 1 here is oa tbs said property a good farm house, barn, stables, etc Ibesod la brown and clay loam, and in wood state of cultivat on; and is situated about I rniie from the city ot Ottawa. unoe the Chelsea Road. Terms and oondiiloaa mads known at the time of sale.

For further iMsrtlcuiars snmv to allio uuusputaoie. n. ksvis, Auctioneer, si, Klgln Bt, AUCTION SALE -OF New Second-Hand STOVES POT8, kettles, grates, single and don bis wa icons, hand carta, wheelbarrow, stove pipes, tinware, and thousands of other arucsea loo numerous to menuon. THURSDAY. APRJX 2)st H.

HINDS', Cor. Rldrau and Kloj litreetm J. B. MACKENZIE, Anctloneeer, I1UBERT KERR'S NEW HOTEL, Cori MosgroTe tnd Besserer Sts. Canal Basin, WILL OPEN Thursdav.

7th. April I Uf' PLE ACCOMMODATION- sT i tensive yard room for teams. Boarder taken on ressonshlo terms. Private enuaaca for Kneels. -THE- BRUNSWICK.

(Lin British Lion,) Ha been completely Re-modelled Extended i TKIXO fitted up with all tha modern Imorove- A menis. ncx ana uaa vvaier and la now tne headquartera of the ravelling public Street oars psss the door every 6 minutes. BUSSES MEET ALL TRAINS. Aa obliging porter In attendaaea. GET TOUR PH'mn taken at the Royal Btudio, Wellington street.

FIRST-GLASS PHOTOS At Moderate Prices. I. Cepytag. Pnlarcinc mmm Calswlnc BwwSBBSsy atisnnew so. JxvACSlS ABEI'IBLQ, -NOTXOwEl TB HERrBT given that an application wfQ be made to the mentofCansdsatihenext Besnlon thereof, on behalf of tbe Canada AUanlio Railway Company for an Act to amend the A eta rmailng toti.s said Com pa and to eaaole the ssud Company to charge portions of Its huthor- uei nona issue on separate poruuns ot Dated at Ottaara, ths SLat Maich.

AJ) 1S87. J. 1. GORMULLY. Solicitor tor said Company.

Progres de Valleyfleld. TaUeyfleld. Qua. OTTAWA TEMPERANCE Coffee House No. 182 Sparks St.

Open Daily from 1 tvm. till II p.m. LESSEE AND HANAOER, J. A. MACPHERSON.

DR. The most nonnlar Dinhut and Refreshment Rooms In the City. Braskfsat, till 10, SSc Noon Dinner. 13 tin 15s. Krenlng lnnner trechercXe) till 1 10c Othsr Rafrsakxaanta at All Hamrs- I.

Breakfast, till lO-JD, Bo. 1 Dluatr (reekerckej UM WlXKo. I Tea, UU JO, TSe. n.n.i 'i sm msvr pen odicala. hng ish and Canadian.

No intoxicating wmww bu wm toe ureuiiaes. nooms to un O. Xi. 81 Agent, 110 Wellington St Iales4aaaust Bwaa.) AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR 333 and 335 Wellington Street. -o) Sol.

Manufacturers of thU now Celebrated Rarrlgerator In tha Dominion. SwSoUn far the Preservation of Fresh cooked and uncooked. FUh. hfilk. Butter.

JTo jL "d'a2h 'hhclrcuutlon of Dry Air. It Is unpcostbl. nslUva. to receive odor from the other.7 All Usee manufactured. Also, Dealers In PINE and HARDWOOD LUMBER, ulTH1tvvla etnTT oqulpped with the newest and latest IMPROVED MACHIN AiiY, have on band constantly a full and GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HOUSL FIIIISH, 1erby ofTering to the JOBBING TRADE special Induoement for pnrchasing ALL IN IMTAKI.IHHMItT.

Prices snd KstlnlateitarannMd tappiloadls? FACTORY and 65, 67, 69 AND s-rrELEFHONE CONNECTION. BDUOATIONAL. I NATION BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fawwata, giw wnxur sons OBAnon. rpi lEACR them nlch they will praottss when thev are men.

11a nn mm th.m nut Into the world onleas they are as we 1 equipped to nght the ba-tles of life aa those by whom they are surround-1. Ths National Htii4 Coi Lnoa la Juat the place h-re they can oMaln such aa education as will enable them to hold their wn whea tbey come Into contact with In keen business men of the world. Tbe subject taught embrace just the branches necessary to impart a good, sound practical busi-ness education in tbe snorteat tin possihl oon-sisteot with tborottahnswa One hundred nd lorty-flv student have attended the Collesre since the first of July last. Thev are no vacations, studenis may enter at any time. The proprietor ha.

been In the business for twenty-two years snd gives his personal attention to tbe student A word to ths wiss is sufficient. For particulars, address J.M. MTJSGROVX, National Business Collesr. otasra. SHADE PARK Ayxshire Dairy Now In full working order on the Latest Improved System, with the above iou dal H-arj of Lhe beat dairy breed of oattle in existmoe.oonpied with the latest aud beet sj stem of handling Cattle, Milk and Cream.

We shal endeavor to give the beet of saiisf action. Milk and Cream delivered every nmrning. rders by mail will fllled next morning. Address T. G.

NANKIN, p.o. bx sas. OtUwa. i 47 Telephoas Connection. MORTGAGE SALE Valuable City Property NOTICE 1) HKKKRY OIVEX that nnder power of sale in a mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, ere will be offered tor sale at Publio Auction at the offio of the undersigned, Messrs Pinhey.

Christie at Christie. No 110. Wellinaton street, in the Ottawa, on Saturday.the Aith day of April, le7, at twelve o'clock noon, the fo lowing lands snd premises, thai 1. Io say. a 1 and aingulsr that certain pan el or tiw if and premiaea suituete, lying snd being In the City of Ottawa omuoaed of the est half Number IU on the tlouUi side of Lewis street In the City of Ottawa, tha said Lot forming part of the original lot let er in concession tetter fronting oa the River, Kideau, in the Town-hip of Nepeaa, now within the limits rf the City of Ottawa.

Terms snd oundluons will be msde known at ths time of sale, or msy be ascertained on np-pllcstion to the undersuned. lasted itthdsv of April, 1887. PINUAY, CHUIiTIS CrTRI'Tnt. Vendors, Solicitors. THE DOMTNION Colleoting Agenov.

lradesssns Areaaata CWIerteat an4 nrrwspondent throughont the Dominical and United ntetea I. N. MARSHALL, Keg. Bahkkk, THE MOLsON'8 BANK. Manaaas, R.8U1.UVAN uaVID, MJ.A.

P. Box 14. H-ook villa. Tlw RAND-IN-HAND INSURANCE Co EnUtblistaed 18.8. Fire and Plate Olass risks taken at most moderate rates of Insure nos noth private residenoe and commercial risks 1, 1 or 1 years.

Heed Unto Church street Toronto. -BTOOEEOLDBBSv-J Austin, Pre Dominion Bank: A Campbel Preo Bntiah Canadian Loan and investment Cou Co flee, newduoe mercriaat, Toronto; Homer Dixon, Toronto, John Downey, bairister.Torbnto: KUiou, Pros People's Loan and Deposit Co: li Plsher. Ksq, Col Gsowski. A to Her Majesty, Sir Uuwland, Pros London and Canadian Loan Company Sir Macpheraon, Senator, Toronto James Mae-lennan. Hon MacMastar, Pres Bank of Commerce Prof Ooldwin omlth, smith, free Building and Loan Association A Smith, merchant, London Jas noott.

merchant, Toronto; Hon A Smith, Hudson's Bay Co; Wm Thorn paon. mombant, Toruolo; How-land, Toronto. 8CCTT st AMULET. Manager, Tsronto. O.

REITFEjrSTIJjr, AswauttaOirinrX. Ottawa TO THE TRADE. CXGABS, TOBACCOS, i LIQUORS. A Complete Lin and a Wen Selected Stock Wines, Sherries, Imported Ports, and the Best Lienors of Franco and Germany ars kspt oon- stantly on hand OlQARS. The -alaalstamr 10c elgar.

snd the Itlag (tend for Jo, ars the very best cigars that can be cold at these prion, Quotations sent by mail. W. O. MrKAY, Importer and Wh6lesale Dealer, -446-448-450 Sussex 5treet REMINGTON STANDARD -Writer. HOLLAND Senate Reporters.

OTTAWA AGENTS. Two aend hand MstehlnM far sutle ler rent LUMBER YARD, 71 LYON STREET. CHEAPER THAU EVER Wtvll Papers. Fue'Bordtwii 1 stec. TBE LARGEST AND BEST assorted stock la the city.

A fun and oompletestock nf PAINTS AIID OILS. jqiii sncpoERD, 227 Rideau street, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. AH sorts of Jobbing ttendd to. WINTER SASH Carefully removed. Bummer Blinds msde snd put up orders for mosquito blinds promptly attended to satisfaction guaranteed.

JAMES BACK, 294 QUEEN ST. NOTICE TS HEREBY GITON that ths An-, vual General Meeting of the shareholders of the (Xtawa Oa. Compaar will be heid ai their ofBce, Sparks street, la thi. city, oa Monday, the 1Mb day of April, instast, at the hour of 11 clock noos. for tha election of director sad other business.

By order. Alex. Spinal secretary. P. P.


aJAPJLPJt. Western Tor, Ham, Jus 11m XritM wen-Bsuart, jsrook villa. Ae in Western-Mas AN WT tool wsstsrn Tor, ietJ Kastsm Moa, Ao. 8 001 I3KH Is sol Eaatem MsrlttmsProl Swi UxOl Iwastern-CnwaU. Mar rishnr lannsstnrAr 100 I0 It Eastern Qua, Threel ruvwrs, sco D.8 vlaOed IK '8 1 00 00 4 00j8 Jul SO Western.

IJ.8 9 101 N. V. Through MaHa do do Ronton IJJOi i'st 1UH 3 xrl lM 18 St at Ry Kempt-vtlle, Merrick TtUeiu H10H I 00 too HOC Metcalfe. Kussell ste. CPR-PembroltavArn nricrAn 11001 I 16 tool Ash Urn, Huntley, Can fee .091 Bristol, Clarendon, Jtt 00l mm BmUJls rails 9 tV 1.

TOO Marts wa. Ae QMOAORy.Tem pie- ton ana Can At Alexandria. AthoL lams 1 no Kastmaa Springs, Ax 1 ito 8 00 D7 OUSgw Ben. Cnrnera. Hinton burghJaiowflaldAcI 100 uool A.M AM HuU Ayuner, Kardley Ae Onron.

Tetreaiiville. moo SOtN 1 0 too UNO 4 sa 00 4 00 too! Oa tinea n- Dally toRrv Billing' Cummings' sad Hard man's Bridges Boohsstsrvllla.fca... 00 0 00 1000 10M LU00 New Edlnbnrgh Oruasna A Bonillarnl 100M Arch rills I. f) 1000 Fr Brttlsh Mafia; Via Mo and Tha ViaHali rax Thursday! Do Supplementary bairl beoj Letters for ragfcetrattoa must posted nftssn mmutesprTsOwtetantixssst'osoatsttsM mails. Offios hours from L00 a-ss.

to I njn. Mosisy Ordsr LMaos snd taring froni I a.m. to I a. J. A.

trUUXK, 1 PostOmos, April. MM. I MERCHANTS and! othen requiring Account Book, Ac, will find my tock of the following line Terr complete. Day Books, Blotters, 1 Jonrnftls, Cash Books, 'v. Ledgers, Connter Check Parcel Books, FassBooks, 'I Baker's Books, Minute Books, Letter Books, Special attention pren to Book of special ruling.

Legal and Municipal Blank alway in iS.W00DBURN 36 ELGIN STREET..

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