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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


101. If I adLAJRSXatXX Kv. P. Owes Jom. oa Wednesday Airruwn.

Joha a. Nicholson, of VolrW.u Lola lll.FkM UtA AsMx!) IUT. AoiJ. ui ecrlm. pk WANTKD- Far a ItvtAiM else why will.

toud kd ul jisitsAdB books teiwexnoe. Apply by to thsionioe. 1 VAKTH- ttrtaer wtth Aililie JouaaiALonlco. BOARD AJTO BOOMS-JJiiltminll wader heading on etmt nwdfortoehtnUttmmtimtertum. WANTED A gosd at SaiTaeodesBi Apply ItURNleHKl) BOOMS to Ml tondera eon- OOMS TO LB ertth baars.

Apply B. O. SOOMd TO LXT Three oom'orblyhed bedroom with board or partial bawd, wiih-IroBMdatoMaCujiiaUaW. apply ailzueotuce. Rc O0V.8 TO LET Two Trr plesmnt front room well mrai.e.u vsusixces the boas.

APPiy wi toast, KOOl TO UtT-Ono oTBtoro bedroom, comfortably loniW-bm ltoud to laahloa-able locality. For carta aisdorese apply at tail amos. IWW IB WWII WMil'f TT twos OOD ROOMS. cooking aad ettaodeaoe, alao im.n1 tmrmm saodsrat flsooorn jrfBaak. J.

Psrker. lx twsr KUUaa Uub, proprietor. FOB BaUI OB TO XJTT- dwrNaraaraia arnatep tat far wordor sow tubmupttrnt insertion. IIX WOOD for aJe-i feat mill i)i lBnkaixeet rB SaXaV-Cbildv oarrtat wort (IKter oear a abort Oat in Bee. Appty Anha HOUdB TO LKT A eomlortabia veneered hOBee.ooatainlnttraama rent tlJW per mnnta.

Addreaa a.Y. tbiaotttoa. TIOU8K FOB BALB-A vary aire) tarnlahed XI oot ae. ooelmim i bodrooma. prior oin-Carooom, breekieit room aad kitchen a half iotih houmi, it jax United and la beaaUfully aitaaied on Cambridge at.

Apply 10 Bparka at. HOUaajTO Lr rrom Che let July next, that prett UtUe isoUtod oottAge, eoaveaienuy itoated lur a pnvat raatdenne. at the corner ot Nicbolea aad Theodora ate. Thle ooUnge being ooaatmoted of brick. anicUpboanled.

tender it warm and ooeilortaola, and aaa aa excellent cellar. There lea aloe tardea, ahede tree. end iroodoutbutWIIng rent noderate Apply at No. E5 DB SALS A yona, eon ad aad isntlo mare, a rood roadater eultable for a ady todriva. alao a bu.inea cart, no hone luotiea early new.

ATplylandaDakaat.Chandlera. HOUdKS FOR SAL (on eaay tarmaV-Brlck veueerud dweilina. No. Uk Uayar auevea ruum with full lot ateo tramo eotiage altaaud want ude of Metcalfe atawarton. Apply Geo.

H. Woodbara.S Bparka at. II OUSKS TO RKNT Two honaaa, beanUfuliy 1 1 eituatodattneaoitheBd of Dalhonal. bt, Pueilun girea on Uie 1st May next. Apply to the nmleraigned.

W. f. Lett. VToUSaTTU LaTT Briok hoaar. No.

303 King nX. oor WUbrod.kow ooeaaied by Mlchard upe, aeq Clerk of too crowa to vnaaoary. Apply to Marriott. Slgla fl MKMBKRSOr PARUAMSNT- Confldea- tlatbeoretary ineaoveruaar.wnpiae weu-. known and experienced wrlar on political and: eovial bjeota, dealrce emptor meat In thia fit hmhMt iWimmm: all cjomtna leal too airfctly oonlldenual.

Addreaa Big ma, JuUBKAk: umo. OUeutlJC-Weatlof Boatht of lot No. in-X Mh Conoeasloe of Glonoerier, Ottawa front, vorj exoeUeat land and witola 7 miner of i be city For price apply to Francla Clemow; JMjtt BALKCheap for caah handaome cutter, tobea, harneaa and phasum. Apply, letter to JovajtAL ottoe. a BABGADf-Bny eV7 WUbrod atreet; honed A new; 17x31 with extanaion kitchen; lot oix ath room, -Demareet" w.

c. hot and eoraj: Water, alaotrio Delia, apeekrnc to be, (rate, etc, A wla.44 KhonatreeC i E. MARRIOTT, Real XHate, Fire, Ufa and comnueaua Acentt: id aOgin Ottawa. SpeoialtT reuUng nropn and klnda ler aaie or rent. The following for aale j.

ncn will bay two hoanae on Klgie at, baring double room downalalra.kllohnn.aaren bediootne. baOirooniand w.c IS nnn will hoy a new brick veneered houa $4 oa Olooceaier aC, with all the modem famtnmmenta heated by eteem. II 90 4nn will boy a eolid brick hones on Kent ataadlng on lotenxUx, jj 4 OPH will boy a new veneered hoa-e oa Oiuniealia ha Ting the) modern Imi yjr, nn will bay a brick luuouted botm oh fOflvU MacLaren enatalning doable rooot a laneion Kitcoeau wwiaua, tuiei taa note nauae nenwn ox aaa ea eaay terme of paymeat will bay A gooox Bonne la Mount eherwood ooa-tauiina thie rboma down ataira, four badrooma, tabling for three horaaa, driving shed, a gardah of three lota well laid ont. (3 Q00 vbnjaNawBriokilouaeanNepean ft (llin will buy a good boaee on Lron at.1, with modara Improveenoata, aad good outbuilding. Rl ld will bny a good Plastered House, wajl fisbea.

with lot n-haif on chai kfa All'ivUlbny two eouagaa with outbuil4 VW inga oaNepeaa jj 1 on will burn Urge double lot gQQ will buy a lot on Arthur street, 01x10, $GUU wUlbvyac rletonBankst. AN l'KD to bay, a good brick honeeaonthf of Maria at alao to rent good house about 15. Ou. Apply AV Marriott, real aataw agent, si aJgta at, WANTED Uoneea to reat la all parts of tW city. 1- AGKNT for the Bsesrr Fnnd Acofaiant Aaso-ciatioa.

ii Agent United State Life Is. Co. JL 4. H. PLOOD FOR BAIX 1 180 ACKK FARM of the very choicest lajjd.

A auitahle lor gardening purposes; large fraiue dwelliu and outbuikiinjoi oomulete: well fenced and watered li.lng springe; within Bfiorn minutea' driv of Ottawa. A good hargaln pan be had In thiproperiy. fe mHREC good brick tenement In th Cn heart oi the city. Can be made to VUjVOV pay pet cent, clear. (' ONBfln new brick dwelling, mod 5 ni)(l enimpravemaatsaaddeasjea.

-N b-nutlfal now brick cotuurc- ruodars lmn. design. jQNS new brick veneered oot tegs. qqq hr4ck (. rjHtlKKwooden U'eements end out- QQ fJlWO wooden tenements, hew; good.

(qq NK wooden cottage In btewartoa. fJOWN lota in dtffta OL'SXa to Let and Rants collected. ArPlY to i. H. Flood.

Fir. Life and Real Estate Agent, 10 Bank street, UtOo hour om I ajo. to 1 HOIST TO LOAl. LjRESS GOODS Kew Twaad Dree Qooda Is Iiwmv Gray aad 'u Cheek. -New Tweed Droai Goods la Fswtw, Oreya, and Btrioea, New French Draaa Good la rawaa, Oroya aad Faaaisa.

)Cw rends Draaa Qooda la fawn. Oroya aad Knickerbocker Dress Good. New gaxoay Knioaerboeker Draaa Uooda. Kaw Baxony Tweed Drees Good. New French Tweed Drees Good.

Mwt-anwUBairDMUooda. New Guloulr Dreaa Oooda. New MUu Cloth Dree looda, New Poo (roe Cloth DreaaQooaa. New Draaa Good from Bradford. New Dreaa da from roubaix, New Dree.

Oooda from Saxony. New Dree Goods trove Be vsria. New I ma Oooda tn beautiful Stylaa from ISota it toSScts Sew Dreaa Oooda In pretty designs from JSots to tfcta. aw Dreea Oooda la rich combination from iOcU 1 do do do SS do do 70. Saw Black Oroa Grata alike lie.

io do do do do do do do do do 80c TSo, Me. Mo. do do do do fltoflTa, ido do JeiaayMlkaSlJBtofeeO. lao I -do ixto do do do Bo to BUS. New Snrah SOka 7io to SewBeMerreille-j74otoMtS.

New Colored Satin fchademea. 7JC P3c Ltl, ftM. New fcUca Brocade bilka, Mo. 74611 IUi "do do do do (UUtoflJe. NewFonaeaSUka, ri'We believe onr'atock of Bllki la larger than (aoee Of too twmuiuwi niniwi uie iingii tcmada eomo apaclal heary lnreatmenta la uropo.

He can undersell wbolnalli prtoae. We have opened over 10 eaaaa of Now MQItnery end have ena.Ked theaervioaaof three of the beet MilUnrra to he had onder the apodal aaparlataad-fpoe of MISS BOUKBTS. I BPBOIAL. 150 White FTteaed Coontarpanea. tl 00l A oaae ot oeeuunu taoie iiiib, ioow.

tipie. pillow ootu uevwraui This is a special Una worth JOcta reqairee so sewing. Vew Series Ueo eartalne. JJew cream lac cartaina. New bleite and eone ooiorea mo rairtaina.

New flneel laoe eurtaine. New Turkish Madras enrtaina. New Scotch Madras curtaina. New Turkish Oaose to cloas eaatalaa, Now Floral GrapeGaon NewMadraeGeuxa Saw Oause in mil oolor (or oloee aad abort ojr- Pricee a tow a any boaa a th DanilnJom. C.

ROSS and CO. BABY NEW STYLE-- SeeOur.Assortment; PRIGES VERY LOT. ROSS; MOORE THE ARK, lia 8fMrk tUreet. See our Clothee Horse at Mo each. XX S7I.

fnv JB. HT. regnlar eoramanleatkm of thia Lodre will h. h.U at the Masonic Hai of Hid can and Uttle Hoesex a' on XHUKaDAYT, the ltth at o'olik, p.m. VlalUng brethren cordially weloome.

By order of the W.M. J. MULLIGAN. Secretary. f.HHTYRE, LEWIS CODE, BARRISTKBS.

SOLICITORS AND eTOTABIKB. Special attention glraa to cotnmertdal brsrlme Orrtom-Over Merchanta' Bank, Ottawa. aVMoerxT ro Lmro RJtu, Bbtatb. 4. F.

MoIirTTTta, J. TjtTjts UtWTB, Solicitor Bank of Solicitor Untoa Montreal. R. O. Oodb.

JOHNSON ARPERy Paistere ft Daoaratora. tSaINTS, fMla. Tarnlahew, yapans, Olas. Potty, J. Wall Paper tram jo a roll up, i KaHmatra given.

Price aa low as good work eaa be don. BATlBrAOt IO0I OCABJtWTKXD. 153 BANK Ottawa, W. Nearlf.ria Street v- D0RAN WRIGHT 00 0OMMI36I0N BROKERS 10 Wall New Tork Hisms OMom. RaaaeU Hemaa.

W. C11AMPNESS, Mgr. tr prtvat wtree to New Tork and Chieagt giviny eontinuoos qoocatlona of those irarrees. Tbobbdat, Ann. 14 STOUKnV lOpea's i Uit(ht Lowest, Closing fl and 1ST 1191 13H 110 S3 10 Hi 76 01 Si T9 81 44 Ittli Ml IM Its VI to 1 1081 J12 01 64 01 45 1U3 So North want BtPaul Lake Mhor Central Pacillc to Minaouri Pacioo West era Union.

1084 nil fl ail mi 46 1011 Mi II 11: 77 Canada Uou thorn Si Oregon Canada Pacine Mi al ii 70 Texaa PaciBo Jeraev Central rutin K. Keaaiag lielAHnoson. Erie Northern PecUlel Kaaaaa St Texas. PaciBo Mail. (limbs UwiariUestNasb Nor wet, trot Kri.

ui wu 1011 101 10! I at Mnr Psciflc. Prefl Omaha, Prat. ou 041 00 I on I 5 SraU at ssarkea. TuuRgosT. April 14 fOpeag Wheat Oli July tl Con May 381 June eui July ill Oals May 1H Juno July Pork-May SI 00 June il 00 Jnly Mr June 7 SO July 00 Highst LeweerCloaiag i 831 Sil Hit 8li 81 81.

81 S. 41 ill 3d an at SrJ sw as ti oo ti oo ti oo uo nut a oo 1 10 rj JT 7 60 7 40 7 44 7W 7 40 7 44 fUerlots How -Kstlmsted nday 18.000 valine rt nana as, corn aa. nam at. Baby Carriages LATEST STtXES A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALL SEW GOODS PRICES IOW. NATIONAL MFG.

CO. 1M ftparlu Rtv, OTTAWA. BLOOD SYRUP. I 4 Spring aagdlrineontalnlng th rlrtoc SnenVv of Burdock, Yellow Dock, A Does not weakaa th systrm like th common llaiaspeiiiiae dui aramuii. wiu uwiwii.

-the Blood. Prepared by CAPITAL DRUG Foeus-raxr Mxotcn. Haix. WILKESBARRE GEO. P.

THOMPSON, T1 SjMLrlts Street. SUN LIFE Assurance Co'y CANADA. POSmONnri888i--- Abbbts: LiabUitiea praS74.IS Cash aurplua to poller holder. li4Jjt.7 iTnclndlnr -onealled eapltal the aurplua to policy holderaia JWt.tH.07 Ule raictes lasuen in tSU R. J.

F. JUIIKIII, 0swtnlAmtts.awrBOBtarin, OFFICE, tft SPAKK8 BTStBT. VISITORS -TO THE Capital, "nrron WTU. RKCRIVR a eordtal weooma when yoa visit oar Photo Art studio. No, spars street.

Jf yoa deaf re anything la the Photowrephio line yea wtu nna uiOTOuraavaBiageiopauoBueua. ism. aaa so as any way. Tours, Jta. Piltaway Jarvis.

PAPER HANGING WMlew.lIa Tlntlnc. HTRUSH IN YOUR OKDERal THOMAS KEAOUGH, S56 Sniux street. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PTJRHTJANT to Beetion SI of Chapter 107 of th Revised Statutes of Ontario, and of gec'ioa Chapter 0 of 46 Tletories. Ontario SUtntea, notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons baviag claims seuinst the Kstate of Uluun Curran, hit of tbe City of Ottawa in th County of Carleton.

laborer, deceased, who died at the said City of Ottawa oa or about the let day of October, IMS, Intestate, are required an or before tne mi aay ot Apru, inv, to eena by post prepaid, or to deliver to ftroti. VacTavlah at Mao-Craken. of Ottawa. Solicitors for the administratrix of the Estate and effects ot the said William Curran, deceased, their Barnes in full and addresses and full particulars of their claims, and of the securities (if anyl-held by bem; and that attar th aid date, the said will proceed to distribute tbe asset, ef tne earn ae- arnongtbe parties en ilea tneeer o. naving reeTi-d only to the claims of which Ihey then hav notice, aad that the aaid administratrix will not be liable-foe the said assets or any part thereof so distributed, to aav person or rsons of whose claim notice shall not hav been received at th Urn of each distribution, MARGARET CURRAN, Administratrix.

Boot. MicTivtsh fc If acCsuk km. Solicitors for aaid Administratrix. Dated at Ottawa, this loth day of March, 1SS7. TEB ST1TE.

DINNER. Brilliant Gitlring it Rideau Hall Last Ltdj Luidowut'i it Homo Somi of the Gnest Proseat. The Stat Dinner at Rideau HeU last eight proved a fitting inauguration of th seaaoa uf social festivities. It is aa annual affair given by th Governor General oa the oocauoo of tbe opening of Parliament The Bet of invited ruests 1 a limited one, 'being restricted to tb Biember of tbe yovernment ex-Msmhera of tb Privy Council, Deputy Heads of Departiornta, the Orwmander ef tbe Caaadisn Militiauli Mayor, JBdgvaof tbe Supmoe Gaurt. the lueaJ Sberrff, tbe Catholie Arxtnshop, Jnaoopal utaswis local oummaDders of Militia, and ex Lieutenant Govavnor.

Government Houae was a biax of light last night. Tbe dinner lasted till aiiie o'clock. Tbe auacious dining room was ZAtrflPUtXT DBOOBATKO for tb occasion. A purple shield upwards of ten feet in length and five feet in breadth, Bdc-n with stiver tray, am and sublets, all artistically arranged, adorned tbe walla. Hasting imiinml admiration Tb table alao displayed traces oi tb oVooratnra' art.

beine- Isrhm with Bowers and frutt. Tbe only toast honored waa that of Her Majesty's health, nearly ail toe nuea stiexnen weeuut ware the uniform and iasigniaof tb respective orders to which they belong. Seated on tbe rybtof Mis fcioelleecy waa His uraoa Arcn-bisbop DuhaawL and Sir Hector Langevia in the order named. Un hi left 6 rat came an JOBS HACDOSALO. Next to bha sat Sir Adolpb Caroo, and Hon.

A. Chaptran. Amotur the other guests present were Major4eorrel air red Middleton, GuL Gxowaki. A. 1).

C. to Her Mainaty the Queen, Capt. Wise, A. D. Mayor Stewart, SberiB aweetland, aU tb other cabinet mtnie-tera, tb deputy beads of th departments.

Archdeacon Lander, representing Bishop Lewis, Mr. tut ice Gwynne, and Mr. Justice Henry, ex-Gov. BobilaiUe, Sir Adams Archibald, speakers Plumb and Uuimet, Hon. Peter Mitchell, Hon.

K. W. Soott and LL-CoL PowelL After dinner the guests adjourned to the drawing-ioom where a numerous company of ladies, principally consisting; of tb families of guests wrr then entertaiaed at AM AT BOMB bj Lady Lansdowne. Tb other drawing roneus, a ell as the eosMervatory, war slso thrown open to the gueeta. During the veninfrefreh-ments were ssrisd in the dining room.

Tbeaflair eosjcloded about half -past tea and waa declared on of th mast enjoysbl erects erer held at Government House. During th venins; muiic wss lurnMbed by toe Guards hand, which oocu-pied the main ball-way. Tb guard of honor was furnished by the G.G.k'.G. Lt, Shannon was in command. THE TWENTY-FOUR O'CLOCK SYSTEM Adapted en th Wetsf Divila ef th

Th Canadian Pacific Railroad, in their last time table Issued this morning, bay Intro duced th 24 hoar system in aU their trains west of Port Arthur and it is understood that th twenty lour boar system will shortly take tb place of th present system on all th line controlled by th C.P.R. company, and th next time table iatued will be on th 24 hour system. City Hall Note. Mavor Stewart wss in his office at an early hour this morning, but there was very little busi- na claiming bis attention. I us Doctor O'Reillv savs be has soma liquor cases which will shortly called in tbe Police Court.

Th Prooertv Committee rill meet thia erm whoa they decide whether or not tbe Dominion Alliance shall have tbe use of the council chamber for their meeting on the 21st mat. The Exhibition Committee of tbe City Coun cil held an informal meeting last night for the last night for the election of a chairman. Ala. Lewie, Roger and Borthwkk were present. Aid.

Lewis was elected tn preside. A good deal of discoamon took place with regard to the probable outlay in holding tbe exbioitioo here, and it was decided that bo great sum of money could be given by tbe city to th Agricultural ana Art Association tor toe noiuing oi ine tx-hibition. Aid. Deai ardins thinks that debentures sbnuld be iatued by tbe city tor the purpiaw of making permanent drainage throughout the city. He think tbe debentures' issue would be a better system than onder the Local Improvement Bylaw.

The de ben tores he considers could be floated in tb London money market at a good figure. The) Capitals. Tbe executive if the Capital Lacrosse Club met at tb Windsor House last night, Mr. as. Inbester, honorary president, in the chair.

Mr. Hector McKse. one of the delegates to the re sent lacrosse eonvM.tioa in Montreal, gave a ver bal report of (b affair. Before the meeting adjourned it waa announced that the Capitals bad sixteen men available for th coming Tbe Otthwej Rowing Club. A meeting of th Ottawa Rowing Club will be bald at tbe Kuaarll Hone this evening to coo aider th definition oi the word amateur.

A Note of Sport. Th Rifles' Cricket Club have fully organited their club and order tb neceeiary acooutra- menta. The captain of tb club states that aa boob as tbe snow is on th ground ana in condition for DUving cricket the Rifle will pile in and practice with a vengeance, and as there are some good players and many willing (earners in the club the Rifles expect to have a good cricket club before many months have passed, lb Rifles are oesotUtinir to play tb first match oi th season with the second eleven of tbe Ottawa Cricket Club, and will also make srrangemento to plsy several outside clubs during tbe summer months. Tb secretary of the Ottawa Cricket Club ha. received a reply from Mr.

Krneat Turton. of LVleware, a well known English cricket player, stating his willingness to act as prof eenonsl for the Ottawa Cricket Club, and saying that would arrive in uttawa aoout tn nrst ot May, wbea th dab will begin practice. A special committee baa been appointed to look after tb interests of th aroma eleven of the club who prainiac this season to do soma good work. Tb brat eleven are roily as strong a last year. The secretary of th Ottawa Foot-ball Club received a challenge bom Montreajyestrrday to play a friendly gain next month.

The challenge will hardly be accepted, as tbe Ottawa have de-aided not to practie this spring. Mr. Torrance, a well known American horseman, was killed st the Croix Boiny steeplechase. Franc, oa Tuesday. His boras fell and two others ran over him.

Brock ville lacrosse team will be augmented thia season by the addition of four new men well known in lirrrnsr circles. Tbe Pink Tea Tb seoond evening of th Pink Tea given under tL auspices of the St. John' Church Y. P. Asaociatioa was very successful, and was marked by a pleasing event: th presentation to tbe esteemed pastur of tbe church.

Rev. H. Pollard, of a haaooto picture of himself, accompanied by aa address. Rev. Mr.

Pollard replied, feelingly expressed his own and Mrs. Pollard's pleasure and thanks for the gift. The address wss signed by Mrs. A McCullough, Mow Mary F. Gov, Mis Florence Emily Good-all, Miss Lottie Smyth, Miss Aggie Huband, Mis Rosa Wigmore, Miss Liilie Mcllwam, Mia Victoria Guy, Mia Bessi Crouch, Mies Hells Mills, J.

Reginald Hooper, Fred R. Bott, G. F. Guy, Chan. A.

Abbott, E. L. Brittain. Th musical prugramm for tbe evening wss most successful, and th sale realised a good sum. Cash qsllecttd by Miss B.

SMdalL la aid ef Bt. Jeha's r. AsssctailM riah Tea. Mr. T.

A. Bate, 2 00 Mr. Jarvis, 25 ct XM II VT Tt a.tnli. ail A A mr. a.

ii, DtBitB, nr. r. ti 00; Mr. W. Soott, 50 Mr.

J. Baiiy, I fW. I shs AA flat. Is- "-w, r. a.

a raflit, 91 ur. a 50 Mr. T. A. Mace, 1.00; Mr.

Strpbso Slinn, $3 00; Mr. V. E. Gibson, 2 00; a i "wo, ou on. u.

K. rreaton, uasu, 2acte.8aFrlend.2oct. Total. 11725. Tag Son of England an talking about fonniBs? liom I- mm Town.

Ax anti annexatioo meeting is oallcd to i. i i ftmim in otvwarxon inu reou TBE LAND SLIDE AT PAKKNHAM. srsCUL TO TBI JOCUAU Pakxkbam, April. 14. General 8uper- utendent C.

W. Spraosr. and other official oftheCP. Inspected tb break is th line near here yesterday. It waa decided to tax bd fresh around lor the track farther from th river, a a large piece more of th bank gave way daring th uight, Mr.

Spencer estimate tb ooat of repairing th damage at 114,000 apart from damage don to tolling stock. Th work of taking op tbe wrecked box car was ooo. menoed yesterday. A Urge gang of man will continue work both night and day Botilth Mo is in ooniplete mooing order again. THE IRISH EVICTIONS.

arxciAL to thi jocaxAi. Moktrxal, April 14. H. J. Cloran presU dent of the Local Irish National Laago has, at th request of Wm.

O'Brien started a sol" scriptioB her to assist evicted tenant oa Lord Lansdorn's estate said to number a hundred and fifty, as soon as evict loo are re sumed. Mr. Cloran says be will call a mass meeting of Irishmen when a general invitation will be sent to Mr. O'Brien urging him to -com to Canada at once and denounc th vicUuna, THE ICE AT THREE RIVERS. larxojAi.

to tb joumiiAL.1 Tbkix RiviaV April 14 The Ice bridg opposite here still holds firmly and th river Is rising rapidly. DOWN A DECLIVITY. Ceastrwetlea rale's Fatal Bea-seT the hie silver sllrwad. PAMlEKgUka, W. April 14.

A terrible accident occurred on the Ohio River Railroad oa Tuesday night about seven o'clock near Willow-grove, The construction train, with 30 laborer and a lull crew, was running on a aiding when engine, tender, caboose. and ten car jumped off tbe track and went crashing over end down a aterp declivity. Ibe steam pipe bunt, scalding everyone near. John Hal don, brakeman. was killed.

Joseph Krese was scalded to death. Robert hvsna. the engineer, is dying, beveral others are seriously injured. th Wrrrh ef Ihs gieaasaT Varterta. Pills.

Anil 14. Tb captain of the Victoria says tb first boat hiweied wss mostly occupied by ladie. 'tne boat capaireT and only lour of its occupants were eared. Tb other boats were lowered in safety. At least twenty person were drowned.

Tbe captain says tbe majority of those lost were French persons whose names be did not know. Four bodies have bean recovered. The captain attribute tbe accident, tb only on be has had in 28 year, to the.faiiur of the fog born. The crew, he says, did their best to allay the panic. Mr.

Bram Stoker wsk. on board the vessel. It is not known whether eh wss saved or not. Loniion. Anil 14 Farther particulars of the wreck of the packet Victoria bow that the vessel struck the rocks amidships.

The pas, sengera immediately sll rushed to the stern, which through a downward list of tbe bow, wat buoyed up by deep water on that side of tbe rocks. A terrible scene then ensued; while endeavors were being made to, float the life boat which were ftriouftly interfered with by the strong swell of the sea. At last when a boat waa ready to be lowered, and fifteen men and women embarked a lady a shawl became gXTAXGLXDIX A rt'LLXT of tbe stern davit and caused tbe boat to descend to the sea bow fiwerooit. Most of tbe occupant were thrown out and drowned. Two ladie jumped from the deck of th steamer into tbe boat after it reached tb water, and overturned it.

Other boats were then safely launched and succeeded in reaching tbe shore, rescuing on th way with boat book two persons whs had been swept out to sra. Wassaas Farelga Mlaaleaary seelety. Toronto, April 14. The Woman' Foreign Missionary Society oi the Presbyterian church concluded its annual meeting yesterday after-noo wbea the following officer were elected Pres. Mrs.

Thomas Ewsrt; vice-pre. Mrs. W. McLaren, Mrs. D.

J. Maodonell, Mrs. John McMurricb, and Mrs J. Cameron; recording sec Mrs. Archibald Macmurchy: horn sec.

Mrs. Hugh Campbell: foreign Mrs. John Heme: Airs. James Alaclennsn; nominating committee Mr. Macmurchy and Mrs.

Cameron, Toronto; Mrs. Smellie, Fergus; Mrs. Rogers, Loniion; Mrs. Gooden, Hsrrington; Mrs. Rose, Kingston; and Mrs.

Tborburn, Ottawa. It waa decided to hold the next annual meeting at Gurlpb. A jubilee address to tbe Queen was read and enthusiastically received. political'poixters. Mr.

Carraa's Metem. Mr. J. J. Curran, tj.

M. Montreal, said to a Jocaif al reporter to-day regarding his intentions of reviving the Horn Rule question in the House of Commons: The subject is occupying tb attention of the world to-day. That would be. reason enough to justify my action. Yoa are no doubt aware that on Wednesday oi last week aa anti -coercion meeting was held in the city of Montreal at the Queen's HalL It was a numerous gathering and thoroughly representative in its character.

In one oi the resolutions adopted at that meeting the city member in the Dominion Parliament were called upon to bring the question be fore the Howe oi Commons and I hav done so at the earliest moment. "Howydo yoa think th Opposition will receive your motion was asked. "I give it up, replied Mr. Curran. Mr.

Marheaxt Mere. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie arrived in town from Toronto this morning. He visited the House oi Commons during tb forenoon, and came in for a hearty reception oa the part of members of both side of the Hon, The bon. gentleman i lookingSemsrkably well, but could not attempt to take a very vigorous part in tb debates.

totro. A deputation from the Toronto City OnncU, including toe mayor, Ala. Da- foe and Alderman Baxter will visit Ottawa shortly, for the purpose of placing before the Government the question ot constructing a railway sub-way under King atreet Toronto. and a bridge -over the railways for Dundee Street, aa well as other matter affecting the city interest. According to ministerial calculations Mr.

Blake will not, hav th support of over" six bolters, provided the Nortb-West rebellion is not again discussed tn rariiament. Lieut. -Gov era nor Dewdory baa sot yet been re-appointeq. Tbe Fancy Fair. Great interest is being taken by the ladies oi the city in the grand fancy salt to beheld ia the Drill Hall on tb With, 2 1st and ZZnd of April.

Over 200 ladies bav volunteered their services and are now busily engaged in preparing beautiful and nictureaaue costumes for the occasion. Fancy articles have been received from India and Janan bv th management and will be offered for sale. On Wednesday morning th 20th inst 8 o'clock p.m. their Excellencies the Governor. General ana uuiy umsaowne will open the isle.

The famous picture belong-in to Mr. G. A Drummond. of Montreal, aud painted by Gabriel Max, entitled Tb Raising ot Jairu' Daughter will be' exhibited. The picture, which ia 9 ft.

by 10 will be brought to tbe city by the urana iruux ana uuuaa Atlantic Railroad Companies in a large box oar. Amateur theatricals will be given every evening in connection with the bazaar, and dinner will be served every day between th boars of twelve and two clock. Traffic Resumed. Traffio has been resumed oa the Una ot th Pontiao ft Pacific Janetioo Railroad between Avlmer and Fort Colon g. Tb first paa- aenger train on the Ho sine early last fall left Avlmer tor rort tioogs two aay ana sine that time th train hav been running regularly.

Tb chief engineer of tb road state that five inches of solid los lay over th track all winter-making It lmpossiM for traiho to be continued, ihe work of con traction on the ltn abov Fort Colong will started ia about a month's time, aad will be poshed forward with tb utmost vigor, Police Court. At the Police Court this morning John Knight wss fined S3 for being drank. Charles Wilmot and Joseph Miller, two young men who assaulted two girl in Wellington street last night were fined in S3 and 82 cost resriectivelv. Liz zie Davi accused of vagrancy was let go with a caution. A Sussex atreet restaurant keeper against whom waa a charge oi sailing liquar without license sooeared this morning a great deal oi evidence wa taken.

Tb charg waa dumisswl Y. CUTTING OUT TUB WORK. I The Official Programme Presented to the Parliament of i Formal opening of tho Session and Delivery of tho Speech from lie throne. I i -I At five minute past three this afternooa tb booming (of guns from Nepean Point announced the arrival oi tbe Goverma-General to formally open the first 1 session of the sixth Parliament of Can aria. The beautifully bright weather, tempered by a fresh breeze from the north, drew large crowd of spectators into th streets and up to the Parliament building early in the afternoon.

Long befure the arrival at the buildings of the Vice-Kegs party, not only were the galleries of Senate Chamber, but the broad terrace in front of the mam building wss thronged by people, and the guard of honor from the Governor-General' -Foot Guard proved useful in keeping the approacbes clear, as well aa ornamental. sicBTUlSa AT IB! DULL HALL. The first ign of the ceremony oi the day was the rendezvous at tbe Drill Hall at 1.30, of the various volunteer detachments. Tbe Foot Guards in their scarlet coats, the artillerymen in blue aad tb splendidly mounted dra goons assembled promptly on time. Tbe Dragoon Guards mastered about thirty strong under the command oi Captain Goardead.

Their duty was to escort tb Governor General from Kidesu Hall to the Parliament Buildings. The Ottawa Field liattervmen un der tbe command oi Major John Stewart, were btiletted lor Aepean xuint, then to fir tbe I salute of nineteen gun announcing the opening of Parliament. One hundred men of tbe Governor General's Foot Guarda under Lieut. -CoL Macpherson were to lortu in el guard ot honor at the entrance to toe buildingf. shortly before 3 clock tbe- guards formed in tours, and beaded by tbe regimental band, nioved up Maria and Khrin atresia in splendid! order and took possession ot the ea- u-auce to ine nails ot l-arliameut.

AT THE SClUJUiOS. I Meanwhile tb Parliamentary ball were thronging with members, senators and visitors. and tbe Senate galleries getting more and more crowded, while on to floor of the Senate Chamber waa aa assemblage of ladies ia picturesque attire, most of them known to social fame. The throng ia th chamber, galleries and corridors grew thicker momentarily as three o'clock approached. His Excellency waa 17 misutea late.

A minute or two after three the Vios-Regal equipage atrj the eastern gate, escorted by tb Dragoon, amiu toe tuuoner of wie guoa irovn Point, As His Excellency drove up to the main entrance ot the central Parliament building, the Foot Guards presented arms, and tb band played God Sava tb Queen. A hearty round of cheers followed from tb crowd, which the Gov-General acknowledged cheerfully as be entered the building, accom panied by Uapt, Anson and Capt, streatfeud, AD.C".. i Ia the Senate Chamber tbe legislators hsd as sembled, the senator in their seats, and the member ot the Commons outside the bar, and the Governor General proceeded to read tbe speech Iran the Throne, i speech Free the Throne. BetumMt Gentlemen of tiu Senatt Gatfkwun of the Houae of Czratsunu It is my pleasing duty on th opening of a new Parliament tocnogratulate yoa on the general prosperity oi the country and on th prospect of a coming season ot peace and progress. You will, I ant sure, gladly join with tbe reat of the royal subject of tbe Queen in offering tier Majesty your sincere coogratulauooa on her having reached the fiftieth anniversary of Her accession to tb Throne, and in giving expression to an earnest hope that she may be long pared to reign over Her vast Dominions.

The prominent position taken by Canada at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition recently held in London has made tb Dominion more widely and favorably known than before, and will, I have ho doubt, contribute largely to its material progress by calling attention to the advantage offered by our oountry to the agricultnrut, and by attracting the capital necessary for the derel-opnient oi it great natural resource. Negotiations between Her Msjeaty's Govern, ment and that ni th United State on the Fish ery Ouestuio, with respect to which my govern ment has been fully informed and consulted, are still ia progress, and will, we may be permitted to hope, result in so arrangement honorable and satisfactory to Ijoth nations. i Meanwhile the necessary provision has been made for tbe protection "4 our inshore fiaherie. The papers on this subject will be laid before you. i Your attention will be invited to the ex pediency of establishing a Department oi Trad ana fjommerce under the supervtsioa of a responsible MinunV r.

I I Yoa will also be asked to consider tbe pro priety of making such improvement in the or ganisation of the Depsrtmentt of Justice, Cus toms; and inland Kevenue, aa will provide greater facilities for the despatch oi the large volume uf business with which those Department are charged. I A measure will be submitted to yoa giving represents tun in tbe Senate to th North-West Territories in addition to that which they now poaaee in tb House of Commons. Otber measures will be laid bet ore yon; aad among them will be found Bills for tb amendment oi th Acta relating to Government Rail ways, for providing a better mode oi trial claims against the Crown, for the improvement oi th Procedure in Criminal Cases, and for further amendment of tbe Chinese Immigration Act. Gentlemen of tke Bouie of Ommomtt Yoa will be asked ia order to provide against the possible interruption of the navigation oi our great inland waters, for an appro pnatioo is aid oi tbe construction oi a canal to connect tbe waters oi Lakes Huron and Superior at Sault St. aiane.

1 Tbe account for the past year will be laid be fore you, as well aa toe Estimate for the ensuing year. They have i been prepared with do regard to economy and the requirements of th fubiic service. i Honourable Gentlemen of Ike Senate Gentlemen of the Botue of Comment commend these important subjects and tbe others which may be laid before you to your best consideration, with full confident in your earnest desire to promote the development and well- oeing ot fjaaaaa. i iuvttxd ti the cotmoyy Among thoss invited so present at tb opening were Ladies of tb Ministry, lady Macdooaid, Lady i upper, Mrs, J. tL.

Pop. th Misses BowelL Lady and Mis Caroo. Mrs. A. XV.

McLalan, Mrs. aad th Misses Carling, (Mrs. Coatigan, Mrs, and Mis Smith, Mrs. Chaplean, Mrs. ana th Misses White, Mr.

a. D. Thompson, Mrs. G. JS.

Foster. I i Ladies of th Privy CounceUorm, not mem ber oi th Cabinet Mrs. Blahs, 'Mrs. Mackenzie, and th Misses Soott, Madam Felletier. Madam Lanrier, Mrs.

Wm. Macdougall, tb Misses roornier, Ladies of Senator: Mr, and th Misses Hamilton, Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Smyth.

Mrs. K. DickeV. Mrs. J.

R. Thibaodeao. Mr. and tn Misses Uvilvie, Mrs. ScbslU, Mis.

and Alisa Clemow. and others. Ladie of Supreme Court Judge: Lady tucnl and Miss Ritchie, Mrs. Strong, Mrs, and Miss Henry, Madame and- Mile. Taa- encrean, Mrs.

and Miss Qwyno, Mrs. CrvHnhie, La lias of members of tb Com moos: Mauatn J. F. Kirk pa trick, Mrs. Alonxo Wright, Mrs.

W. U. Parley, Mrs. zT. Jttbiuara ana, others, Ladies, offiocrs of th Senate aad Common Mrs.

and Miss Boa lino Mrs. James Adamson, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, tb Mia Wilson, Mrs. Lander, airs, and Mis Kimber, Mrs.

J.G. A. Creightoa, Madam A. Boucher, Madam F. Rouleau, Madam J.

do St. Denis Moina, Madam and Mil. Garoaao, Ladies oi deputy heads of depai tments Mr. J. 1 McDougii, Air.

J. J. Alcuee, un W. Burbidira. Mrs.

and the MissesJs. John son. Mrs. and the Muse NicoU. Mr.

J. M. Courtney, Mr. Grant PowelL Madame aad th ansae zruaeau, xaay jztiuaieton, nirv Schrieber, "Mrs. A.

M. Burgess, Mr. F. White, Mrs. selwyn.

Mr. J. E. Moyian, Mrs. Irvine, Airs.

it. Pope, Mrs. H. J. Morgan, Mrs.

E. Gasum Deille, Mr. J. A. Mra.

Root. Bell, Mrs. F. J. Whitestone.

I Amongst other ladies invited were: Mrs. aad Miss Church, Mrs. E. Brotuon, Mrs, Frank Bronsoo, Madame L. H.

Tache, Msrlsm St Jean, Mrs. L. Prevost, Mra. Uilznoor, Miss srant. axis, zauon.

axis, aaa ordon, Mrs. C. H. Mclntosu, the Misses BaskerviU. Mrs.

E. Skead, Mrs. W. Brotuon, Mrs. A.

F. Mclntyre, Mrs. J. A. Grant, Mrs.

Allan Giltnour, Mrs. J. E. St. O.

Chsuleau, Mr. E. Grifiin, Mrs; H. V. NoeL Mrs.

W. G. Perky, Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Mrs.

Martin, 3irs. Chaa. Magee, Mia Allen. tortus rtoos or the hocse. Th following were invited to the floor of the House: Rev.

JTJ. Bogert and Bishop DubameL Rev. Vicar-General Ronthirr, Rev. W. Walsh, Rev.

W. W. Csraoa, Rev. John scardoa, Rev. W.I T.

Herridge, Rev. W. D. Armstrong. Rev.

J. C. Borth, Rev. John Wood, Rev. A.

P. McDiarmid, and tbe judges oi the Supreme Court, the deputy heads oi departments, tbe sheriff. Mayor Stewart, judges of Carleton County Court, Gen. Middle-ton, Adjutant-Gen. Powell, 'Hoo.

Mr. Justios Wurtele, Sir A. Archibald, CoL Heywood. Ladies from a distance: Miss White, Mis Muller, the Misses Gordon, Mis Kingston, Miss P. McLaren, tbe Misses, Barr, Mia Stella Langevin, Mr.

N. Carmier, Mra, Rocnon, Miv Ogilvie, Madame de Rome, Mrs. NcaUoa, Mi Madame Tho. Chapai. Mrs.

Arthur Curran, Mrs. Scott, Mia and. Mrs. eddy, All Cbsmuerun. eHi sitirx's oocjrrr cakx.

Mr. Weldon gava notice' in the House this sf ternoon that he would bring op to-morrow tb case of Queen's, N.B in which tbe returning officer unseated th Libert member-elect, Mr. Kiug, and gav tb seat to PRESIDENT LINCOLN" REMAINS Tsae BssBSveel trsea their Seeret'SeaUa rlaee SrxJieoriXLD, III, April 14. The remains of President Lincoln will be removed to-morrow from tbe'plaje ia which they have rested so long in such profound secrecy, to their former place. There is a local association her known as the Memorial Society.

Its purpose has barn to bold appropriate atrtajeso a'tbe 15th oi ApriLin memory of Illinois' greatest man, Tbe true object of this society bss been to keep secure the remsin of tbe late President Lincoln. They hav carefully guarded their charge. Oo Friday tbe association will bold appropriate exercises. It has alao prepared a statement of the fact in tb case. wbicblwul be read at tbe service.

THE LICESSED VICTUALLERS. special to the jockhal. 11 1. m1. ler, ia a letter to it.

Merrier, aay there are over on thousand unlicensed groggeriea in tb dry, and want tbe Government to appoint an inspector, who will be under their control. MANY IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE. grSClAL TO THE JOCESAL. MobtbesX. AdtQ 14.

Over fourteen hundred immigrant passed through here yesterday for tb west, over thro honarsd being for British Columbia. ANOTHER POLITICAL UPSET. Mr Richard Cartwrtxhl asi Men. Messrs. Laarler sad 111 Meet With a Mlaadven- tare.

Hon. Wilfred Laurier.Sir Richard Cart Wright sad Hon. David Mills did not attend th state dinner at Rideau Hall last night. They aterted for Governmen Hons before eight' o'clock bat have not reached there yet, Tbe three dis tinguished guest Jen tb aty together in sleigh. Sir Richard Cartwright waa attired in nis rich Windsor uniform, aad Messrs.

uanner and Mills la coatomary evening dress. Opposite Sir John's residence, Earnsclifle, this sleigh tipped over on oo side, lingered mocnetarily at aa acute angle. then par cusseanes upset. i am oc- cu pants war roughly throvn out all three coming down ia a heap. Sir Richard Cartwright wsa under moat, and his rich uniform got a benefit from tb deep and dirty mod and slush of tbe roadway.

Mr. Lanrier fared a little better, but Mr. Mill came out on top without being much tb worse of the upset, For- tunsceiy all inreeesospeu witnout eetiuus injury. Tb leigh waa righted and tbe three statesmen made their wsy back to tbe city. Tbe Governor-General was notified by telephone not to expect ni guests.

Alllzuaee. ISFXXSAL TO THE JOJKXAL.i Bebltk, April 14. Tb Cxar most decidedly rejected the French proposals of an alliance In tat en Franc and Russia, whereupon the French ambassador at St, Petersburg, M. De Laboulsye, offered to resign, but the question ot resignation not sreueo. POLITICAL POINTERS.

Tb Governor -General sad Lady Lansdown will hold a Drawing Room ia th Beast Chamber oa Saturday evening. Th event is being looked forward to with much interest Is social circles. Several of tb departments are still engaged prepaiing supplementary estimate not included in the lists prepared some time ago. i The Cabinet met at eleven o'clock this morn ing and sat in three boars. Wilson Barrett Mr.

Wilson Barrett, th celebrated actor, has, luckily for Ottawa, bean induced to pay this city visit, and will atrpear at th Grand Opera Hon bar on Friday evening, Apiii 29th. Tb this plays for that evening will 6 lb color Sergeant, "A Cierioai fcrror, and 'Chatterton." This triple bill is one of Mr. Barrett' most popular perform noes, and hi visit U1 bs looked forward to with much pitaaurahl anticipation. A Mass for Ireland. At eight o'clock Rev.

Father PaflieT cele brated High Mass ia St, Josephs Church as a means oi interceding with th Almighty to tniti gate tbe evils onder which tb Irish people in Ireland are bow laboring. Tb church waa tastefully decorated for the occasion. Father Dowdall wss to bav preached an appropriate sermon but waa unable to do so owing to illnias A large eongrvgatioa attended tb service. A Narrow Escaoe. Three men narrowly escaped death this lag sear Billings' Bridge, They wi com tog down the river in a boat wbea it swamped sad run ia coder th ic leaving th awn struggling ia the water.

Thsy grabbed a piece of floating to aad hang oa to it antil reacned. On ot them was Mr. Meaty, who keep a dairy atore oa sparks Despntchea la Brteg Cardinal Gibbons will go ts London from Rotas to visit Cardinal Manning. It at reported that the congregation of the Holy Office has decided in favor of th Knights of Th German Government has ordered that all public placards in AUace-Lorraiu shall be printed in the German language. The English Grand Lodge of Templars ha endorsed tbe basis of re union adopted by th recent Boston' oonieranoa.

Eargene Andre Oudine, French sculptor, and Wm, Augustus Sarite, th artist are dead. Peraoriai. Mr. J. Gillepie Mutr and Mrs.

Muir, net Don-ert, who were married at tbe residence oi Sir Frederick Middleton yesterday, will take np their residence in Monti eat, Mr. John Corbett, architect of 'the Marine Department, died yesterday. He will be buried to-morrow at 8:30 a. m. in Notre Dame cenietery.

Mr. W. J. Stevenson, city editor Brockville Timet, is in th aty and is regiitored at tb Grand Union. Mr.

8. A. Logan, of Brock ale, i in the city. is here oa business in connection with tat Government. Mr.

J. Norria arrived in the city from Brockville. He intends remaining for a few days. Mr. G.

Holmes, of Coboorg, is in th The Irish League meet In St Patrick Hall, corner Elgin aad Sparks street, this evening, for th purpos of brassing ths Irish questioe la Its ooercioo aspect, R. solotions aondeming Ralfocr's bill will no doubt pasted by the meeting. A Pttbuo meeting will be held in tb City Hall tomorrow veniog for th purpose of organizing a Health Association for tb l)oniinion. All are invited. Tbe Normal School retained classes yesterday, sad tb Model School resumed classes today.

SWEPT AWAY. Four Spans of St Patrick's Street Bridge Gunmiiigi Bridge Swayed by the Torrent Kew zbnrgh noodei St, Patrick's Bridge has been swept away. This was the intelligence that reached tbe City Hall Ute this afternoon. The first indication of impending danger ws euorueo eariy in tne attemoon. when tbe volume of water pouring over the Ridean Fall was seen to diminish with startling rapidity Tb entire river, extending to a point above tb St.

Patrick's bridge, is said to have fallen over three feet in fifteen minutes. Huge cakes and blocks of ice became iamoxed near the bend in the Rideao, enormuus mi tare came piling on in auirk anre.ssina finally striking tb bridge sad sweeping it out oi existence, 'xne water is still ruing at pointe further up the river, and Cumming' Bridge is now ia great danger. A barn near tbe edge of the swollen torrent ha been overturned. At three o'clock the city engineer was asked by telephone to blow np tbe channel in order to aava Cum mings' bridge. 4.15.

Four span of St, Patrick street bridge are gone, and the ice is piled very nigh on the remainder. -New Edinburgh la inundated as far up as Crrighton street with tour feet of water. Camming bridge is all broken nil- railwsv .1 i n.i alt warped and bangingover ready to fait The ice ia piled over A part ot the bridge. Tbe city bodge i hard pressed, and it is feared cannot stand much longer. It is feared iuai mr.

summing store boose will be torn sway. Tbe torrent is raging, but tbe water was tailing at last accounts. iiundrrds of apectttor watched tbe from tbe bill overlooking the Ridean. THE LIBERAL CAUCUS. The "ateltera" Sst fresrnt Mr.

Mlafce acaxa Th Ubsrals held a eanens this mnrnin Tk Bolters were rpicnous by their absence. a it at announced, tbey propose forroing a third party, zxoa. Avawara xuaka wss tormally re-elected leader of the Ounoaition. He understood to have accepted. Messrs.

Trow sua x-uut were chosen as the Ontario whips Meer.7Rinfret and Fleet for Quebec. The -lower province whips have not yet been choseu. Tbe aueeuce of the Bolter is com moated upon. The Stated Irehsad. DrhLTV.

Arjril United IreUtnA'mnvo if Iruhtnen had one chance in tea tbouaand tbey would transfer the Coercion debate from Part lament to barricades. But aa that chance does not exist, Irishmen eaa only" thetr teeth and bold their tongue. The idea remaina to nmtutsneoosly summon tn wools adult popuiatioa of Ireland to make one granu niatonc protest sgsirtst tne tjoerexon biui but vea tbe imcremivenxm of this would ha destroyed the misreporting of tbe English press. A Weellen Maaalhetery for sxelaBd. Dtbun, April 14.

Mr. ParnelL Michael' Davitt and a number of other prominent Irishmen are actively engaged in the work of pro- moting tb orgsnirstion of aa Irish woollen manufactory nod exporting company with a capital oi $500,000. Mr. Davitt while in the United States recently, received tnany piomises of smistsncei from American importers of woollen. Aimeeting of those interested in tbe forma tiou of the company will be bold ia this -aty to-morrow.

MR. BOUCHER'S CONCERT, Cader Ttae-Becal ratreaace ia at, Jaaaea' Mall a Friday aighc Mr. F. Boucher, violinist, will give a eoocert ia St. JanW HaO, on Friday next, th 15th instant.

Mr. Boucher has secured the services of Mlle Teasier, the celebrated blind vocalist from Montreal, Mis Annie Lampman, tb favorite pianistrwnd a string quartette, in which are tbe names of Mile. Tberier Boucher a second) violin, Mr. Sarginson, viola, and Mr. R.

Brewer, vnlinoello. With such good artists, the concert may be predicted to be one of tb best of the season. following is tb rSOCBAJIME: -1 a Serenade Morkowski. bCbanson d' Amour Faubert, Quartette. 2 Song Chanson de 1'abeiUe, Victor Masse.

Mile. E. Tessier. Piano solo. Polonaise flat, Ctoptn.

MIm Annie Lampman. 4 Violin solo, concerto, sndsztte et finale, Mendelaxohn, Mr. F. Boocher. 5 Song i Awakening of Spring, DAlmida.

I11e. E. Teener. 6 Trio Narareth, Gounod. Mrs.

F. Bouchor, Messrs. T. Boucher, R. Brewer.

7 Piano Solo, Pasquinade Gottechalk Joeetfy. Miss. Annie Lampman. 8 Song, Flora Boliro Jehm Prume. 9 Violin solo, Polonaise in D.

Wieniawski. 10 Ea Fete aux champs, Rachnnn. Qxartette. B.essnw-.BaSaaxxBxnasxM...w.Ba. The Y.

P. A. of St. Paor. Chareh.

Drly Avena held their regnlar. monthly enter, tain ment last night, airs. Armstrong deliv-', seed a very interesting address, after which Messrs. Flaw, Hinds aad Kowatt favored them with a talk en India, a very pies sent evening eras spent. A'atAisfor th members ef th colonization societies now operating in tb Province ot Quebec, will be celebrated Bt th Basilica tomorrow morning.

Tbebb was no meeting of tbe Hall City Council this azocning, owing to there being quorum, 7- Rxv. R- P. Kolin, 8. MontTeal, speak on ooloniration toattera at the titillira next Saaday. The GRAxn Vn low Kennedy, Olea Rob-' Ttson; Jamee Clark, fvrookvUle; Macpbereon, Glen Robertson; Fi'xstmmons A Caswell.

-O Fulford Brockville: Henry Dalby, Montreal "Blair Moatplaiair, Cnamnlaia; a Lewi. Montreal; Jss etevensoo, London; Geo Baaudet, tar field. Que; Geo Lor, A Uarria, Wm Laing, John Innea, Valleyflaid; Campbell aad wife, Alexandria: Laoey, Montreal; A bristle, Brandon, Man; Roger. Blaicklock, Montreal; "errot, Toronto; Jobs Towers. TSO O'Connor, Toronto; Mr McKeexie.

Mi rjiarenson. Smith's Falls; Hob Hart borne. Weiah. 1 Robert-eon, P. Island; Boott, 8t John; John McDougsld.

West villa, Cnrlg. Russell; It 11 Mel a. Alexandria: Mitchell. Waterloo: Thus Hale, Pembroke; Laberge, Cha-tesugay Henry Wood, Renfrew; Tho Brown, A Kenaedy, MaatreeaJ; Weedam, London; I MoGregur, Oniezoee, Hon Metaer. Mew Ham- -burg; Clin.

HamUton; Oliver. Battle- rbrrf; A Dingman. Ottawa: Riaka, roroato; 8 11 Cook, McKenxie, MontresL. Free TraAe. The redaction ef internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefitted tb consumers, a well as relieving the harden of home msuafsctarer.

Expecially ia thietha case with Green's Fknctr and Botch' German. Syrup, aa tbe redaction of thirty-six cents per dozen, hss been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these reroedies, thereby giving on fifth mors medicine ha the -75 cent size. The A wput Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and tb German Syrup for Cough and Long troubles, have' perhaps, the largest tale of any medicine ia th world. The i advantage of toareased six at the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick aad afflicted, in every town aad village in countries. Sample bottles 10 orate-remain th sum sit.

Oyster raw, tried aad stewed, at the Ottawa' Tamperanc Coffee House, 182 Spark street, BM.KxW eF AU MAsKzV Should never fail to enlist the sympathies of well-to-do person, because their bides are not worth having. Tbey ha vent got the consistency of two year eld calves-and consequently eaa not retain salt, but pleasure, and Bsoewys tbey will obtain at any ooata to themselves or, as painfully exemplified at the Slaughter of toe InnocenM aad carnival of blood at tbe late White River holocaust. Watches, jewellery, solid gold rings of'ail grades at prior to defy competition, and warranted aa represented or money refunded at H. Noeeb. Bidna sorest, aaer Sapptr Bridgsv i.

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