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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

in 4 I i t- city and viciNrrr, Tn Baud oCHwlth BMt Ut Bight In th eommitto room ol tbe City HalL Present Aid. HwTi Aid. verdure. Aid. Wbillana, Aid.

Hutchinson, Dr. Robillard, Gty Clerk Ltt and Mr. J. Kerr. Aid.

Wrhillan took the chair at eight o'clock. The firet order of business was too opening ol the tender, for the contract of mooring night eoil from th city for term of fir Tear. Toe following wr tho Meenn. Percer W. Taylor, Joseph and T.

Brieur. Mr. Taylor" tender did not name any price, and being irregular in other reepecte wae not considered. Son discussion took place a to th merits of toe tender. Mr.

Kerr than moved, seconded by Aid. Heney, that the tender of Percervilie be accepted, on the necessary eecnritie being provided. A special meeting of the Board will ba held to at that Uk' contract i dnly signed befor to tender go before the Council. flimiiT wa th largest day' work ba th canal, for the lock-Den, for the last two weeks, then, being ieo-lockage daring th day. Th work of locking i now much harder than bafor the cold weather set in, a th aw-dsst that i brooght np from th foot of th look stick to the bottom of the boat and cunuumuly in the sluices, thucauaing eonsidrbl tronblsv Navigation, it is said, wiu om about the and of tUs week, when repalrswiliouainieocaonoMof th lock gates.

Tn stadents of the College of Ottawa will celebrate Amrrr Thanksgiving to-morrow. The American ttadont bi Tery college in Canada have always, recognised th day set apart by the U. Government. The College of Ottawa baa granted to Canadian student holiday also, in order to make th day all th mor enjoyable. The student U1 attend morning and evening prayer in th college aapel in a body.

At raa next meeting of the Separate School Board th details of th working of th committee will finally arranged. On of th provision will be that if either the English or French committee should ezaost their funds by increased expenditure, tbey shall not have reeoars to ths hnanoe of the other committee without the unanimooa consent of the Board. Mb. Acs of i Canada, entertained a law friends at his bona on 8L Patrick street last night it being th 6th anniversary of bis marriage. He reeerved a large number of handsoms presents, itoog 'sad recitation indulged in, and among other Dr.

Nolia gave a recitation. The meeting r- broke up at an early hour this morning. Ir-was decided yesterday at the meeting of ths Hull City Council to purchase soro property on the corner of Duks and Quean rests, for th purpose of erecting a market for th ooovenieuoo of those tiring in that tK aioity. It was also decided to connect the yolic statios srith th pump house and sque-dact by telephone. It wan determined yesterday at the Holl City Council to dirids th lower flat of the building now used as the msrket for th pur-, pose of making a place to keep th reel and fir engine.

A resolution 'was passed prohU bitiog th rctioa of wooden buildings upon th principal streets of th city. TkS io on th canal abov th out in some laces is two inches thick, but in others there just a this sheet oorering th water. If caution b) not taken, aocident may happen to vestureeoeo boys who make it a practice very year to skats on this, regard loss of dsngeron places. Ths Prinoess Louie Dragoon Guards held a meeting at ths Drill Ball bat evening when it wa decided to bar th annual ride to Aylmer in two or three weeks. Captain Gourdeao informed ths troop that next Tuesday evening th new winter cap 'will, be issued to the troop.

A boot, thirty men are at wor'x digging sod carting away th named ruin from th tase-' mat of the 8t. George's Ward primary i today. A drain i being dug from th rear of th school yard, and will connect with the main sewer, now in course of construction on Waller street, Ths Board of Health to determined to hare th removal of night soil more carefully looked after in the fntnr than in th past. Aid. Wbillana, th Chairman of th Board, said last sight that several complaints had made to him, as well as to others, during ths pastyarr Tas parlor ooncert of the Ladies Aasooia-' ties of Emmanuel Church which wa to bar bees) held last eveoiog at the resideno of Mrs.

E. C. Barber, was postponed la respect to the memory of th 1st Mr. May, who wa an honored member of th church. Ms.

John Qualn, th Inventor of the new Quaia Telephone la at present forming a com paay of Capitalist in th city to take hold of and introduce-his new telephone Several prominent citizens her agreed to accept the position of directors in this new Mb. P. Fraaehot, of Buckingham is at th RaaselL Mr. Franehot, who is an exten-. sir mine owner, report that the phosphate industry i daily growing He ex.

pacta to see th output of the winter sold early next spring. 5 Thus are at th Protestant Hospital patients, 30 males and 21 females, all of whom are progtaaiiug favorably. One woman was brought in yesterday with a broken wrist, the result of a fall on the sidewalk. Ths ladies, who so successfully conducted the Orphans' bazaar which olortd on Saturday last, will bold a meeting in 8t Patrick' Orphan' Asylum to-morrow afternoon. Th ladies presiding over each tabic will submit their receipt and expenditure.

Tus new sewer 00 Waller street ba been completed a far a Wilbrod street. A gang ef men were at work to-darf-emoving the decayed timber which bad been used In the old itTuctar. CossTsBLS McKeorie this morning served, several summonses in the Townships of Ke-peao and Osgood to appear at the County Court which ait oa Saturday next, Ths new swing bridge at' Hog back is now completed and ready for use, thus raabting parties driving along th west side of th Canal to return by the east side. Thb annual supper of th Esst End Metho-dist Church take place next Monday evening la th basement of th Church. A splendid programme has bees arranged.

Ths old plank walk on Stewart street onwsea trailer and Cumberland streeU has been rnnoved and a nsw plank walk sill shortly be laid. Aa entertainment under th presence and patronag of Lord and Lady Lansdown will given la th Gloaoatter street convent thb vutng. I 1 Ths improvement oa Chief Young's office in th City Hall have been completed. The Chief has now on of the niorwtofliees in th Hall. PmoBABiiJ-nxs Strona wind and gal from th west and north-wort fair and decid edly solder weather with snow flames.

Ths Ottawa Vouna Men's Amusement Clnb ar having their room on Elgin atrest fittnoV up rn rat -class style by Mr. vv m. Uovt, A SpwrtinCAoveltr. A splendid (porting novelty baa just blea tntroduced into Lnada lrojn i.nglana by means of which a sportsman is enabled to kill small gam at a distance of 100 to 140 yard with much greater ease than with the common eartrtdg and shot. It constats of what is called aa Aatomatis Shrapoell Shell which is made as follows.

Th (bell: consists of two segment bolted together by a. light wire spindla, th spindle at its lower end i bring fixed to aa ordinary snot wadding, alightly larger in eirenmerene than ths shell. This shell ia then out into a cartridire instead of th loos shot and during it Sight tn atmosphere acting upon th jecting wad draws tb spindle from the shell with th result that th case is no longer held together, tb segments tall asunder and the contained shot is liberated in a highly con centra td form. This shell, it is claimed, differs from all other concentrators in this respect that until the pellet it oontains bar acquired a oommou velocity they ar confined, bat th instant they have settled down to a uniform flight the shell relaxes and allow th spindle or driver to escape there is, eoueqoently, bo trail of th shot, rery. pellet striking wHh: equal velocity.

For big gam shooting, and in sn smergericy, thia shell is instantly converted into a solid shot by simply hooking tb Spindle at its upper red, and ia this form it has great strik tng power. As th ease breaks np when th shell hits th object aimed at, it of (course delivers a modi more deetroctive blow thaa any upending bullet. The shell have become very popular in England with (ports-mea and will ao doubt baoome as popular La Canada when properly introduced. A WOULD-BE SUICIDE. A Btea Triee I Btrewa tsaeel.r la tb Last evening about half -past six a Frenchman, whose name is unknown, walked down tb the ferry on the Hull side, which at present is a small boat, Hs seemed to be in a great hurry about crossing sad wanted tb ferryman to go immediately.

'man insisted on sitting in the bow and when the boat was well out in th middle of the river tb ferryman beard a splash and jumped np tn ascertain what it was, when be saw the man coming np out of the water. He immediately caught him by the collar and polled bim into the boat, end urged the msa to keep quiet sad would take him to land. The captain had hardly become seated and touched bi oars nrhen the man jumped in again. The astonished captain did not know bat to make of it, but succeeded hi fishing bim out as before. He now became aware of the man's intention to drown himself and no Insurer went tn his oars, but while holding on to the man, called ss loud as he could for belp, which came from the Ottawa side.

A man in a boat soon made his sppearance and between the two, they managed to get the would-be suicide ashore. On landing, the half -drowned man asked the other two nut to any anything of what he bad done, but gave no reasons for toe act which be bad tried to commit. He was about forty-five years of age, and a well-dressed, respectable looking person. The men, having no time to lav a complaint with the authorities, let him go, when it is supposed be came into tb city. JUSTIN M'CARTHVS FAITH.

RELIGIOUS A Letter Wbtrk settle a Msawtesi fasiilsa. Since thia distinguished lecturer appeared at theOpera House opinion has been much divided on the question of. his religious Many even of his co-religionist assert that he ia a Protestant and so distinguished an authority as the Librarian of the House of Commons stated that he bad answered the question time and again in the Toronto Mail when be was chief editor, and that Mr. Justin McCarthy was undoubtedly a Protestant. Many beta were wagered abiding the event, which this letter sets finally at rest.

Tobosto, November ST, "80. W. F. PoKtU, 17., tx-Shrriff, Ottawa Dias Sib, A eon pie of days ago, at Ottawa, vna asked me to inquire and let yon know if Mr. Justin McCarthy, the distinguished Irish belonged to the true church or to- your church to tbe'Cathoiie or Protestant church.

I am happy to inform yon that he ia a good Catholic and. that I had thia morning tb honor of being with him at high mass, in the Cathedral, here, at which His Grace Archbishop Lynch preached. This settles the question of bis religion, and I am glad of it for bis sake wish I could say th same of yon. Yours truly, J. W.

Fitzgerald, of Peterborough, Ont AMUSEMENTS. Ueeasa Theatre. Last evening st th Lyceum Theatre "Divorce" was again presented by th Lindley Company, and was well received. To-night "Ten Nights in a will be pnt on the board and will be followed by a fare entitled "Le Meitre do Dans." "Divoros" will be presented at the matinee to-morrow afternoon. Ksller Kink.

Th prizes won at th recent carnival will be presented at the Roller Rink to-night, The Guards' full band will present) after th presentation a two mil raos will be run between Sheppard and Desjardina. The Brockvill nolo team will be present on Moo- dsv and TuesdaT of next week, and will 00m pete with team chosen from the Ottawa and Capitals. Mr. Ernest Piano BexHtaL Too who assembled ia St, James' Hall last evening to bear Mr. Whyte's recital were amply repaid for their hardihood in braving the elements and risking life and limb on our slippery streets.

Mr. Whyte was in fine form, and attacked bis programme witn a spirit tnat enlisted at once the sympathies of bis audience. Indeed, in bis rraderiiur of last evening' pro gramme, Mr. Wbyte evidenced the possession in no mean degree of those highter qualities that distinguish the artist from the mere technical machines. Thia distinction his hearers were not slow to recognise in the heartiest manner, and round after round of applause STeeted each effort.

Lack of space prevent reference to the programme in detail, and ws were to mention the Mozart Adasrio. the Beethoven Sonata, and the Dvorak Silhouettes (especially the flat AUeirrettoV aa esceciallv commendable. should only expos ourselves to the charge of keinv nnannnw-iative oi the manv DomtS CC eelleoce in the rendering of the other numbers. its following st toe ntOOBAaUfS: Oerelli Scarlatti Mozart Gads ia) Adsgio in minor wi uigue in a Two Sonatas a) Presto In (6) Tempo dl fiallo in Adagio la minor Two Fhantaslestucke, On, 81 ia Allegretto vivo In A flat IhlModerato in minor Bcharwenka Menuetto in C. Op.

43 Lachner PrelndeAToocafainOmia.Op.s7 Beetnoven 8onatalaC sharp No Adairin Sostenuto AUearetto Presto Agitato Dvorak Ttiree Silhouette, On. i (a) AndantinolnD flat 16) Allegretto in flat let Vivace In sftarp minor Suite in minor On. 16 Prelude Andante and Variations Csnxoo Polska inale WagnerJaell Prayer from Lohengrin. rVnef HnnsM wm The clerk of the Carleton County CbuaciL Mr. Chaa.

Mamah, was busily engaged this morning ia making out papers for the next County election of representatives to the Council Board. The Master in Chancery will take ud the case ot 1 ay lor vs. tne sisters to-morrow, wnen it 1 tut k. i The deputy sheriff is anxmosly waiting for the election writ for the county to come. Mr.

Neil S'ewart will be the probable reeve of GHuIboum in tb place of Mr. Kemp, who will rewgn. Judire Hoes will Drobablv lit st the next i sion of ther Court, Judge Lyon being oonnnea to tne noose. I i- Thomsons of The regular semi-monthly meeting ot the Sons of England wsa held last evening, there being a large attendance of member. Nomi, nation for officer for the ensuing year were made, tne election or which take place on th 21st December next On new member was elected, sad a great deal of the regular Dosineaa ot tn loage was disposed- ol.

Ibis society is increasing in numbers and useful' boss. On member was reported sick and entitled to the benefits of the order. The Paper 1 Alliance to be Published Again. Mr. Tessier will shortly purchase the printing office of La Vallate is ssid, about he informed a Jocrxal reporter ithat ne would continue to pnDiisn tne paper It AUi-mnee.

It will be a National Liberal one, and will be issued tnree times a week. Hew machinery will be put in and also new type. Mr. Tessier will probably take a partner in with bun. Returned from the Pacific Coast, Mr.

M. Connolly, th well known contractor, arrived from Victoria, B. last night aad is at the Russell. He has been in the Pacific province for nearly three years, engaged filling several large contracts. le recently completed the bis' graving; dock at Eaouimault This huge floating dock will accommodate vessel of tne largess nzev TrniiKrtinr the Troops.

Mr. Charles Drinkwater. Secreta of th Canadian Pacific Railway, here oa bastm with the War Claims Commission. It is under- stood that the P. Retain of (800,000 against tne Uovemment lor transportation 'Will be settled shortly.

Upwards of seven hundred tbousand dollars has been already paid. On the Track. Th Montreal eipraoi on tb Canada Atlantic due here evening at eight got off the track at Alexandria owing to an open switch. It took several hours to get the train back on tb rails and clear the track for traffic. No damage is reputed.

BWatresjl UlesM. rteaaaat. (Coatord (S. Monitor.) A gentleman holding aa important position in the Hotel Windsor, st Montreal, ba been visiting for a short time in Concord. Four oi New York's "Boodle Aldermen" are living at that hotel, bat his cVscription of their life makes it anything bat a baonr one.

althoogh they base aa unlimited amount of money. Tbey never venture out of the botet singly, bat at least tnree ot them go together. ney carry a pair of pistols apiece, and are constantly on the lookout for surprises. They appear very uneasy and unhappy the doors of society are dosed against tliem, and there is little for tbem to do. Tub work on the Central Fir Station la rapidly approaching completion.

THE EVENING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1886. A SENATOR'S MISHAP. His Horse is Killed and Ba is Lost in the Woods for Five 1 Honrs. Xeeting of tht Irish National Leigut Triiu of VilwaaiM Socialists 1 Gnat i Football latC i- I November M. Senator Wad Hampton, while deer hunting oa hi Mississippi pluUtion oa Monday, became separated from the rest of tb party, who toward the supposing th senator had left the field, returned borne.

At eight o'clock that night, Hampton being still absent, a searching party started out and found the old General a abort distance from the boo much exhausted and painfully hart but making his way homewards. About o'clock in the afternoon as be was riding through a thick wood a "Supple Jack" vine caught hi Kn aad discharged its load of ckshot, which, entering the bead of his borse, killing the beast instantly. It took Senator Hampton tn bi maimed condition be having but one leg sotneltime to extricate himself, lie had been walking through the woods; for nearly five hoars. I I nemxa or thb nuss katiomL lxautk. November 14.

At meeting of the National League yesterday it was announced that 836 pounds were received sines the last meeting and that 149' pounds had been granted to evicted tenants. Mr. Harrington repudiated the O'Connor Don's allegations respecting the appropriations of League funds, tbials or aawACKBS socialwts. Milwackkk, November several special venires, a jury Was secured yesterday to try the 11-participants in th Socialist riots st Milwaukee Garden last May. A OhXAT roOTBAtX HATCH.

Nbw Yobs, November. 24. A great football match will be played to-morrow evening on tb grounds at Princeton between Princeton and Yale. -j Cutting and Clipping. A gentleman received a note from bl law yer which fa was unabl to deoipber.

On hi way to hi office he met a friend at th door of a drag store. The friend, after vainly attempting to read th note, suggested that they step inside and hand it to the druggist without comment. The druggist, after studying It ia silence for a few minutes, stepped behind the prescript ion ess and in a abort time returned with a bottle of medicine, dnly labelled and bearing directions. When the gentleman saw his lawyer he was informed that th note w'aa a notic for him to call at hi office between; 3 and 4 o'clock, p. m.

of the following day. A merican Analytf. A gentleman who bad recently united with th -Methodist Church wa invited to play ia a brass band. Determined on doing nothing to bring discredit oa hi brethren, called upon bi 1' as tor and asked "Brother-Higgs, can a man be a Christian and play in a bras bandr "A bras baadT "Yes, brother Higgs." "Cornet or Trombone 7" "Either." Nice fellow in tb bandr "Yes, first-rate." "The danger, then, brother Jones, ia not muoh of your falling from grace, aa for the fellow who passe through the Gary temptation of bearing yon practise Youth ComjxunoH. i 1 A prominent Chicago real estate man and his partner were the best of friends, aad their intimacy extended to personal ss well as business matter.

Hi partner wa a 'bachelor. aad wa ia tb habit of reading him letter of an ardent and aSeetionate nature, from a young lady who signed herself Susiev" Tb haro of th story want away oa an extended trip and returned just in time to Attend the wedding of hi partner. Wishing to how hi good will, he sent tb happy couple a wedding present, and at tb wedding reception, stepped gallantly forward to pay hi respects. I hardly feel like a stranger," be said in his sweetest tones, addressing the bride "in fact, I feel as though I ought to be quite well acquainted with my partner's wife, sloe be ba often don me the honor to read to me ex tract from hi dear Susies latter. Tb face of th husband and tb speaker were studies as tb onde drew nerssu np aad said emphatically aad distantly, "I beg your pardon, air My nam it Helen 1" Chiemyo Tribmu.

Tramp: Please, mum, don't shot the door; I'm atterty destitute. Lady of the Hons (kindly) What do you wantt 'J I- 'Trsmh: Anything yon pleas to give, 1 leave it to yoar generosity. Lady (sweetly) i Corns in, and I II tell the stable boy to giv you a bUi.Pluladelplua Vail. A palindrome read equally Well backward or forward, but the following stansa beat the palindrome in that it read better backward thaa forward Krah, kreh, cth (god od krab, Eht sraggeb era gnimoc ot swot Urnoa ni agar, emosni agat. ioi agat, I vlev snwog.

I Springfield Union, Una emos nl lev lev 'Tb car ill full of alumni." whilne red Mb Beekonstreet Ic her friend front the West, aa they both journeyed Cam brid geward in th horse ear. said the Chicago girl. and now it cnoaee one up, aoo it I i wander they do not open the ventilator. Bot torn Commercial Bulletin. I.

Walter, is this aa old or a new barring strVn1 all "Well, then! what difference doe it make Blatter, i I Ottawa Choral Society, A meeting of the Ottawa Cbond Society win be held this evening in their hall on Sparks street, when the election of officers for the en- suing rear will take nlace. A abort vocal Dnv Cnme will also he gone through. Dr. Davie accepted the position of director of the so ciety, ana iir. tteiyn steels was.

ot pamst. Personal. Lord Henry Fitzgerald, Ireland, arrived from the West last night, and is at th Russell. He a called upon the Governor-General at Rid can Hall this forenoon. Eraatus Brxiks, of New York, is very low he cannot recover.

-j Ths caw of Sea re McLean A 8tewrt was argued before the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. It arose over the attempt of toe appellant to compel the respondent to convey a certain parcel of land in the district ef Victoria, B. iX, for which an agreement had been entered into, Mr. D. M.

Kbarts of Victoria, appeared for th appellant, I' Btetesvalewteal asslivarssats. Rrporttd by tke Ottawa StalUm of (As Mtttara. logical tiwwt 0 Conodou NoTK The barometer Is red need to Si and leveL in maxrmum ana minimum temperatures and rainfall are for th St Sours ending at sine o'clock last night, Th velocity ot the wind is stven la mile par staowra. Temp, of Direction g.k. theair.

"rinTr- of Unwind Weather pjn. j. .37 ZSSM byf Cloady. Tarn. SSI, IX Wlf Ipm.

85 1 StCIS WbjrB Maximum temperature 88.8. Minimum temperature 24.1 Mean velocity of the wind Bainfall 0.S 1. B. TACKABERKY, Auction Marta1 29 SPARKS STREET, a- I. Opposite the Russell House, Auctioneer, Real Kstate Agent, Valuator and Broker.

Money advanced oa consignment for immediate sale. A lars-e stock of Buffalo Robe. Jsoan. Wolf. Goat.

bear, Mask Ox and Black Kobe, also Rugs, Bumtlo Coats, Coon, Bear and Wolf Coata, Persian Isunb Coata, Astrachan ladles' Jackets cheap, also a consignment of House Pro-nertv aad Real Kstat for sale in all next of th city and country. See Ottawa Litiien and Vet Teas tor auverusemeuis. a. rJ. TAUKABI.KKI.

Auctioneer aad Real Kstat Agent. E. B. TACKABERRY. the successful Auctioneer aad Real Estate Agent, has got and for sale, houses and lots ia all aart of ona the city, cheap, and farms In different parts ef th Provinces of Ontario and Quebec Some an farms ia close proximity to th city- I T70R 8 ALB A bonse aad fine ground, about th Bank Street Road, not far from the toll gate.

A valuable property for sal on reasonable term. A pply to Tackaoerry, Auction pgr and Real Kstate Agent- HOUSE AGENCY Houses rented aad rents collected. (, B. Tankabeuj. Aaotloaeat.


Port Arthur, is ia town oa departmental business. Be will be opposed ia Algoma by Mr. Cormier, M. P.P. At a Cabinet Council meeting yesterday, the following appointments were made in connection with the staff of the Royal Military College: Lieut Hope Von Straubenxie, ILK, to be Professor of Military Engineering, Practical Geometry and Draughting, vice Captain S.

Davidson; Captain Davidson, to Professor of Fortifications and Military Engineering, vice Raban, resigned: Col. John Rider i Oliver to succeed Col Hewitt as Commandant Capt, C. B. Main, R.K., -to be Professor of Surveying sod Military Topography, vie CoL Oliver. The Markets.

I Ottawa Vml OA The market this morning ess very fairly attended, the square being filed with fanners waggons. and poultry were the three article moat called for, wfail fruit old slowly and remained the (am ia pric aa it naa tor tn lew aays past. No. 1 brand, per Strong Baksrs' Patent Buckwheat Flour Oatmeal per barrel Cornmeal Provender Bran Canaille, per cart SBAUf. Oats perawt.

Pea Hear s. Buckwheat AtBAT. Beef, per hundred pounda. Beefsteak per Roast Beef Hheep. live weigfat Mutton and Lamb, per pound-.

I iNtolB 4 00 to 4 to 5 Ii0tot7t too tolls 3 mo 3 30 100 toils 0 75 to 0 WtoOW Mto 60 to 6i 74 to 1 00 a to 40 to 400 lito IS IS to 00 0 ou to 0 00 to 8 4lo 10 WOOL. Fleece, per Onto CO Factory Vara, per B. Mlo RIOB. U4THSB AMD TALXVOW. Hides, bSueepsnd Lamb Skins.

Harness Leather, per French Kis. French Calf Common Kip Veal Reaset Hlieepskin. l)u pout Kip Calf f. Tallow, per pork. Dressed Hogs, par 100 1..

Pork 8teak. par Hama. per Smoked Bacon, per Bw Lard, per OAalB AND POIITBT. Oeess, Spring Chicken, per couple Tu rk eya. each 1 locks.

ran, Piver Ftsh, per string. Flat Fish, per Pickerel Mackerel Haddock Lake Trout" Halibut DAIBT PBODUCB. Butter in pails, per S3 freah print Chees Cg.Prdoteo. TBOSTABLSS. Potatoes, per bag Celery, per Turnips, per Carrots, per Parsnips Cabbage, per dosen heads Pickling Onions, per bag rauiT.

New Apple, per bbL Pears, per COAL. Stove; Firnace Americaa Soft, Coke. Mo charge for weighing, vMiacattXAXIoca. Hay, per toau Straw, per ton to 7 on Pi to 100 s8to Mlo I 10 1 1 to 1 40 40 to 00 63 to 70 40 to AO 75 to 8lto 40 to 4 00to650 8 to 10 11 to IS to 11 8 to 10 to CO 4010 SO 1 00 to 1 40 0to 75 40 to SO 3) to 40 I 11 to 10 to to IS to 1 to 8 to Mto 18 to SI to IS to SO to 75 to Mto Site. 45 to Mto 44 to 40 to 14 to 150 i JftOtoSno 1 50 to i 00 7 on to ooo 7001O000 75 to 0 00 7 to no 7 ill lo 0 00 850 toom 1200 toll 00 tOOtoOM SPECIAL MOTICES.

Co and fceur Hr. McJIabwa, Montreal, at tke concert In the tleneester Street Convent this evening. Otstxm fried aad stewed at the Temperano Cones House, 182 Sparks street. asTPiga feet ia vinegar, ready for use. Pig's tongues and ox pickled pig'i hanks, vary fine, and low price also, Span iah onions, Malaga grapes, lemon, aew figs, new raisin Ao.

at 1 BALDWIN BBOS. 25 aad 27 Kiobolas 8t A Brooklyn man, while obasing his wife with a club, fell Into a cistern and wa drowned. Accidents continue to happen In tb nest regulated lemllle. I Semeniber Knox fbnrch Orftan Kceitttl to marrow eTenlDK. Admission only 10 cents.

tlf my dog dosn' bite anything, exclaimed a ratiot avenue saloonist, eferypody say be vhas So good. If be bites somcpody, then everybody says be must be killed. Seems to me dot dog doaa' get some fair show. I Advice 4 CsassraapUvea. On th appearance of tbe first symptoms as general debility, loaa of appetite, pallor, chilly nsalioia, followed by night-sseata and ouugh prompt measures for relief should be taken.

Conaumption is crofuloa dieses of the lung therefor ne th great anti-scrofula or blood purifier sod strength-restorer, Dr. Pierce's "Uolden Medical Discovery." Superior to end liver oil aa a nutritive, and unsurpassed aa a pectoral. For weak lungs, spitting of blood and kindred affections, ft has no equal. Sold by druggists the world over. For Dr.

Pierce's Treatise on Consumption, send ten cent ia stamp to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Jones It' mighty curious that I can never find Robinson ia wnen I call. Brown --Yes, it is. Yon plsy poker with him and I guarantee you'll always find him in, Ottawa Temperano Coffee House provides the beat dinner ia th city, from 13 to 2.30 for 25 oects. Their Exrellenelro amd the Archbishop of Ottawa will be present at the conrert In the Gloucester street t'onrent this evenUagv I believe ia everything in moderation, ssid Crimson besk to hi wife at breakfast.

Yea, I notice yon believe in taking sleep in that way, replied hie wife, who beard him wrestling with the night key at I a-m. li, Ad vies To Moth IB. Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth If so send at once aad get a bottle of Mrs, Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It vain is inoalca table. It wiU relieve th poor little sufferer immediately.

Depend upon it, mothers ther 1 bo mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regnlates' the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, soften the Gums, reduce Inflammation, and gives ten aad energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow' Soothiog Syrup" for children teething ia pleasant to the taste and is th prescription of one of the oldest and best female physiciana and aarset in th United States, and is for sals by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-fire cents 4 bottle. Be rare and aak (or "Mae.

Wisuw't Soothixq Srscr," and take no other kind. THE CELEBRATED Cook's Friend PURE ASiS PUREST Better Value titan tie Clieapest Ask for th Cost's and take ao other. Beware o( any offered ander alightly diOsreat I nratolass groums sM It. B0NAFIDE. No Nonaexue.

Deer Heads well stalled Mnk nlea.1 A Dnoka and ether Game, Bogs. Cat. Rata, Kiah, Snakes, Toads aad Frogs. Bruited and Mounted by the best ut Workmen at lowest orioe. rjewr Beads and RtnfTrw) Hlrrls forsala.


BIRKETT, 115 Rideu nd 62 to 70 William Street, OTTAWA. fS wo a 5 9 Home Ruler, Arouse 1 Be you the man or ths wife, and mak th partner of your sot roes happy. Look into th Window of the Tinsmith's Hall," view the flneet collection ot TEA and COFFEE POTS Kver seen, and then ordsr JOS, ESH0iDE. i I A cbAtslwut Radiant Homes later. Are thb Best.

Try them. IHEHCH RESTAUHAJfT. 0. L. BELIE Proprietor.

68 Hatealfe Street, Ottawa.1 Meal at all hoar. Guests can relr anoa being abla to swt all ths de-tcaciee of sue regular taow owe umner wiu 00 servea asuy bom p.m., to 7:30 p.m. OYHTKRo A HPKCl-ALTYf FKEeH OY8TER8 HKCKI VED DA ILY Can be had in any style. TRY THKM. Balls, Parties and Wedding attended, and complete dinners ran be furnished at short notice to private families.

rJoups, entrees, salads, booed turkeys, pate de giber, game of all descriptions. Jellies, Charlotte Kuase, frosea puddings. Ice of all kinds can be had at abort notice. POST OFFICE HOTICE. the British Mail for despatch by Canadian 8teamer via Halifax, will be closed at this omoa every Thursday, at 3:00 p-m Thursday next, tbe ZSth Inst.

A supplementary bag will be closed at 4:19 p-m, J.A. GOUlV. rostmaster. Post Offloe. Ottawa, t3rd Nov.

1886. A fall supply of this oelobrated make of Eti-olamm and Sfkotaglbs just A. CHRISTIE AND CO. I Drsuretits, Sojirlsa Streaj I 8y Mrawberadid you get that lovely machln Why that la th celebrated New William tha ia second to none, aad really la the lightest running and easiest managed machine I ever saw, and it has such a lovely set ot attachments, and th agent sends a lady and give lesson in tinsel work free. If you want a machine don't buy any other yo can get oo liks this from C.

MOD I ARM ID, 163 gparks Street 1887 DIARIES -1887 We hiye now Full Supply of Office Diaries. FOR 1887. JAS. HOPE TTAWA, Ottawa Plating Works, 170 SPASKS STBEE t. ELECTRO, COLD, SILVER, NI0KEL PLATING.

All Orion st seenseel and Werk. its Unaranl 4, A COOK, roprletoc. ffl HI ISil --B a fist 5 8 5 mi I i Z- 1 5 a 1 "EL -s 1 Royal Roller Uink, PROORAJdaCEr MONDAY and TUXSDAT-Oeheral Skating. WKDKKSnAY Guards' full band. Presentation of Carnival Prises, also two mile challenge Doajsxdins vs.

rjnepherd. THURSDA Y-Obstade race. FKIUAY-Oeaeral Skating. SATURDAY Two mil Sweepstake race. I YCEUM THEATRC abasj Instltnt Canadlen Francala.

Bbsbs MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVgT08. kxsaokmxst. or Miss Stella Purcelle Th N.Y. Artiste. THE iI.ADiTg' PLAYi DIVORCE.

1 UNDLZY-S SPECIALTY' THE WEAVERS. Matinee Thursday. 30 cents. GRAND CONCERT. In Olouoester Street, Convent THIS (WEDNESDAY) Under the disttegulsbed psrronage and presence of Their Excellencies and tha ArchblshoD of Ottawa.

1 1 4 P'ROn-T? ATifTTsTITI Overture Mrs. Kearna, Dr. Prsvost. 1 Are Maria Vocal Trio Owens Mmes. Laframbrisee, Anmond, Mr.

-I Arthur Koy. A LsVallon Koniance Mr. afacMahon, of Montreal. Recitation by Mrs. T.

Charles Watson 4. Le printemps Romance. Gounod klmea. Lavframboise. A Cradle Song.

Oliver King Mmes. Laframbois. earns, Anmond, Messrs. Roy, Tame, Oauthier. Martha.) Flotow Mmes.

laframbotsa, Anmond. Messrs. Koy, Oauthler. T. Solo Mis Anmond, A hu'Iea Watson, i W.MMMahon.

A Duet. L'Addio Dotuserti' Miss Auuiond. Mr. Oauthler. lft, Valae.

Faust Oounod Mme. Laframboliie, Kearna, Auiriond. Messrs. Roy. Tssse, Oaulhier.

Poor open at MOL Concert begins at 8 o'clock-Admission. 60 cents. efWt. 1 Cnndrr 1'owell. BARRISTERS, Solicitors, fco.

sBnpreme Court and Departmental Agent. Offlo. tb Spark street, (opposite the Russell House.) Abthcb W. Gckust F. 0.

Pownx. Taylor McTelty. "DARRI8TER, Solicitor, So. Soottish Ontario AJ Chambers, Ottawa. SsTMoney to Loan.

F. K. LatctaTord. BARRISTER, Solicitor, Ac. 8unrerm Oonrt and Parliamentary Aawat.

IS Klgia street, cor 8parks street, Ottawa. Walker McLean, BARRISTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors, Parlia-mentary Agents. Notaries, ate. Klgia street, (opposite Russell Housej Ottawa.

W. H. Waursat, D. MoLass. llodsiDS, lildd Rathe; ford, B0RRI8TKRS, Solicitors, Notaries, sto.

Supreme Court, Parliamentary aad Departmental Agent. Ao. Money to Loan. Orooes: SeottUh Ontario Cnsmbers, Ottawa and Kempt-vUle, Ont 14 Johk BQDonra I aao s. stpd a.

nuTHSsronii. W. B. Barry, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, etc Offloe, as Sparks Street, keen' Block, opposite the RusssU. Money to lend.

Bradley Maow, BARRISTERS, Ac Room Soottish Ontario Cnambera, eor. Sparks and Klgia au'eote. SSOOOO. IUND8 of residents ef thai city Loaned With nHrtlnn, rJf Mtlft. Afl MortgiLges snd Debentures pnrchssiiil ISfntifiltU.

Br. J. Kolin, Corner of Rldeaa and Sussex NTIST. streets Bower Baridsoo, DENTISTS. 81 Sparks street.

ArUnolal Teeth without Plates, Kxtreetloe avoided. Crows tog System. Almost painless operation. Br. Mark, FELLOW Royal College of Physl-lans and 8ur-.

geotts, Kingston. 8 PKt'l ALT Diseases of omen and Children. rsa Offloe. 41 Wtilatee St. Connected by privjitx telephone line from Lloyd' drug store, tut Ridean aad Adams' Dairy, gtt e.

parts st. 7 Trtrriiurg A. J. A. KobllUrd, tTETERINARY SURGEON.

4S York street. Ottawa. A. O. F.

Colemaits VETERINARY SURGEON. 181 Rldeau street, Ottawa. James K- Bowes, RCHITKCT. Room Scottish Ontario i Chambers. James Slather, RCHITECT.

Ac, 110 Wellington Fred. Alexander, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. Room No. Victoria Chambers, corner of Welling, ton and OX'onnor street. Ottawa.

gatntt i5Urttor. A. Harrey, CB EATENT ATTORNEY and Notary Public (Patent An wait and Notar.) II Year Pro-rional Kxperienoa. Patent. Trad' Marks Designs.

Copyrights, etc. In all countries. Onioe victoria Chambers, Wellington street. Take Klevstor. Telephone.

lorutiott. Professor V. 8, BonbrlEht. 1HE DRAMATIC ART. Stadlo-ISs Sparks Carpenter and Jobbing Shop, KAT SPARKS opposite Mm' marble works inter Bash put up.

Furniture relied and general Jobbing done neatly aad on ahorteet noUre. Uric- brae furniiure in stock snd made to order. Artiste' Sundries, Curtain Poles aad Picture Framing a specialty. A snare of your patronage is respectfully tolHten. SKMKMBCK TBS ADTJRSW THOMAS FERGUSON, 3 Sparka Street.

COAL AND WOOD STOVES. Th PALACE ALADDIAN" Rail Stov. AROAKD RANOER Coal and Wood Cooking Stove Pipes put np and Jobbing' Attended to. C. EN RIG HT, txt weluwtoj rntrrr.

LOOK HERE! a labqb stock or English Grates, And a great variety of Plain and FUrured TILE8 Just reoelved direct from the Eagiish Manufacturers, and 8ELLIKC CHEAP FOB CASH, Mills' Marble Works, 234 SPARKS AUTOMATIC 333 and -co) SoUlfrntufaotarersof Ud. aow C.1-IUrfrlg VljSl for the pnwervation of l-resh MeatV cooked and uncooked. Fish. MUk, Ja7bw eaaiUv, to receive odor from the other. All Mae manufactured.

Also, Dealers in PINE ariOARDWOOD LUMBER, pressed snd la 'rough. MACHINERY, We have Oar factory Is equipped on band oonstantly a full at GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE FIIIISH, Thereby offering to the JOBBING TRADE special Inducement for pnrcnaslng ALL RWJWISTTE Of OCR ESTABLISHMENT. Prioe snd Estimate furnished on application. FACTORY and 65, 67; 69 AND crTELEPHONE CONNECTION. onv a STOVES AND RANGES Are tlib Best.

Wholesale and Retail at the Tariely Hall House Fnrnishing: Warerooms. 632 and 634 Sussex Street SEP GET YOUR HOLIDAY PHOTOGRAPHS FROM r- pittawayuarvis They give the best value for yoar money. 500 SWITCHES. -SsSrOS 600 SWITCHES. pub s.

s. Fjaisi-A-iT. i Dressing Oases and Toilet Itequljltes C( OSBOUIVC-KlLLEVSIAIVUFACTUUIiVO Co -or- RntMera of Rlah Tfikaa (Vkmrtettiaiil' 7nndmlnaT liiBaBfBiar BTnartsis'aD to 10.000. 000 gallons capacity, and a duty of 100,000,000 2 ui London, (Ont,) pumping engines, the moat economical tbe Dominion, were built at ear -work. We are now building a pair gallon capacity for.

the City of Hamilton, We alao build High CU 'f Automatic Cut-off Compound Condensing and Single Uy Under ondensing or From 800 b.p. to 12 h.p., with Boiler of all sire Eurinea. We are now erecting a pair of 300 h.D. and building another pair of 300 h.p. with 3 Chatham, If-B.

VV have now built and put 136 into of Automatio Gut-off Kngines. Ineae r-ngine and poller are Duut Dy- to aid ol toe most powerful and elaborate machinery and tools, aad built la duplicate ia all their parte, ia tbe most careful Tbe valve are all of th sliding typs and will ran for wear without -injurious wear, with a moderate amount of care oa the part ef tb attendant. Contracts given foy complete waterworks of any capacity. OSBORNE-KJLLEY COMPANY, HAMILTON. THE FEDERAL LIFE Head Office, CCaBASTKS CATITAt, Writs Uhaval.

non-rofeltahle nollnleatitme all dltlons also to meet the growing demand tor Lite una company oas auopten um IHIQ TVr -A 1ST Of I nsursnee by Mostuabt Prkx icaw. Tbe only Company, tn Canada giving this system of Guar- anteed Life Insurance at Actual Cost, with a small annual charge for expense. assured pars only hi Equitable lYo portion of the death lossei actually ooonrring among the member. Thiaplaa rormsnee ifintssAts r-ui 1 1 rree rrom everytoins ieretgn to pure rate snsuranee, at tne smallest possible cost consistent with safety. Ths aosjtai.

Lrrs has securities deposited with the Rereiver-General of Canada alone amounting to more than all its Hentm lo Policy -hoidsrs aad tbe Public asrend for circulars explanatory of the HouiKe Puan. agents Waatesl ta Kvery tareereavetesl Town eg Apply to A. SELWYN, i 82 Sparks Street, (Dp-stairs.) OTTIWI, Ont GENERAL AGENT FOB KABTEKN OKTAKIO. HULL, SASH; DOOR and BLMD FACTORY Tkoranxhly Eialpp)d wlta Hew aad Catect IasprarfssV A General Auortmeat af HOIT8E FUTISH caaxtaiattr Baa Btsdr Rstildflisr asaaf Tup.l.v ai vaIalh ST v. as w.

atsawaavca-' mwisEaiy avusi -i Dried. WarkauLntlilp THE PLANING MILLS DEPARTMENT OOSSICZSD WITH THS laVOZOET KKABLE8 TJLtLl iTOBBIIlTO- rTHR. A TTn i Aad 1TBIJ0 CEinSKalitT parcaaae ta ana btabUihiaent. EVERf REQUISITE FORHOUSE BUlXpilG. BCILDIHC aad DIMZKSIOM TIMBEK Catta Ortter.

Harrises, Clap lwardi, ghesUhlnga, Bblnxlea, Lath aad lUoltltTiga la Stack. -1 Wsialesala Ketaa. E8TIMaVXES nrXXISHZlK TO THE TRADE, i CaaABS, TOBACCOR. IVniiila I wm a n. 8herrlee, Imported Port, and th Beat Uquor of rrano and Germany are kept eon.

tantlv on kua uiQAHSThs "Olaastess, lOe dgar. 6c, are aim very oe sumi at snese pnoes. tsuotalions ssnt by mail. W. o.

HeKAT, Importer aad Wholesale Denier, so-440-450 ooasex orjeet. EOYA1 STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS 4 Are Unexcelled SEE Ou'g NEW XMAS PHOTOS -e AT i $3.00 Per Dozen, Tbey ar Kxtra Good Tain. JP.S.-A very Urge and Cbolo lot and at prioe to suit all cissses. forgot our 3 CABtNKT PHOTOS they Set tiww window for Royal Studio iand Art Rooms, WXLLTNOTOM BTRKBT, Oppoalto Parliament Buildings. a REFRIGERATOR with th Mweit ud Uttm ijm-w- LUMBER YARD, 71.

LYON STREET. T3m BQYDEM, LONDON AND PARIS HAIR WORKS Oppcsiits Post Oinca. foot pounds per 100 pounds of coaL These I r-; TUm -wA TIia mgtx rressure iiingines. aad type to supply steam for these or other in the Hamilton Elaotrio Light Station. h.p.

each Boiler for th new paper mill. successful operation S10 of oar latest type Address ASSURANCE COMPANY. HauniltoB, Canada. sMjTkkhhebt srwtiT. Mi, tbe raves It Ha nlan.

sritliAtit fcnnlensfian ensi. Insurance eassayment only for actual mortality. Sr 1ST r. Q. asr; WstlTat FOK PSICES.

ONTARIO Jfii nniiAP a r- nt rauiuttT. i SHOES, Proprieter, 233 to 239 QUEEN street. MAIL COXTRACT IO master General will be received at Ottawa until moon, on Friday. 17th December, lens, for the conveyance of Tier Majesty Malls, ea a proposed Contract for four years, three time per wi.S"c.h WT- between Aahtoa aad Prospect, from the 1st January next. rrinted not toes containing further infbrmat as to conditions of proposed Contract may seen and blank forma of Tender may be obtains at the Post Offices of Ashton, Minister, Vwy --Hill and Prospeet, and at this offloe.

P. FRKNCH, I Offloe Insqpeetnr. Post Offloe Inspectors Offloe, Ottawa. Bird jeja. MONEY TO LOAN ok east satsrse Si -ii at;.

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