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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 14

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'EL PASO MORNING TIMES 0 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1910. FOURTEEN PASO LI MUCH DESIRED (hut would make the construction of a rallwgy expensive. The nW sur- vey, which will with the cut- i off at Fort Sumner, it la said, will follow the valley of the Pecos river. I It ehl this will admit of easy con- tnctlon and will lie h'ap to operate and maintain, owing to the absence of heavy grade and the necessity for I sharp curves and the omtructlon of deep rata.

The Santa Fe ha been endeavoring for (Otn time to get a ompletlon with the eni off east of Helen, thus avoiding the long ham and making a saving of considerable money and time Buck ronne tion would out A Merry Christmas Farmington and Durango Want Southern Outlet orr man; miiea in the compaoj on-tcmplatid Denver to Galveston route. TOW WAS MOI EC in inn, 1 is DAT. tiprrfal In Tli Tisies. Las Vcgaa. K.

Deo. I. A bit of gftgfaM, I hough distorted history of North eastern New has been CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We wish to thank our friends, and patrons (or the best Holiday Business in the history of the store. International Book and Stationery Company Herald Building SUGGEST LOCAL MONEY PLAN May Ak Different Towns to Furnish Capital for Independent Railway In addition to extending patrons "A Merry Christmas," we quote today prices on coal we carry in stock. In considering these prices also remember that "full weight" and "clean coal" are habits of ours.

hprrlnl li Thr 'Hmn. Farmlngton, Dec. 24. Thi Durango Herald has started boosting a Scheme to get southern railroad called to the attention of E. A.

Kiefer. president of the Land company, a frequent laltor to Las Vegas. In a recent letter to Ucorge A Fleming. Mr. Kelfcr aald: "I have been very much Interested In the following recital from what might i ailed ancient history in Connection with the settling of North- New Mexico.

"A man waa In the office today and aald he was one of the contractor 1 who built th Santa Fe grade just north of I a Vegns and waa very I niu' surprised to know something of Colorado Nut 8.00 Ion Colorado Lump 9.00 ton Arkansas Anthracite $10.00 ton Penn. Anthracite $15.00 ton Texas Nut $5.50 ton Texas Lump $7.00 ton Gallup Egg $7.50 ton Gallup Lump $9.00 ton i outlet which sounds good The plan was proposed bj Dr. Q. I low dey of I purangpi who in in corregpondenca i with rrof, fgyette a. jone.

formerly I of Albuquerque, and has interested I him In the matter I'rof. Jonea. who i la now in i T'-gon on I big mining "inpni'-ni inn country aiiivv deal, win be remembered as the gee- n'' mre. lie tens me mat juiy iii.f, urns tint- in int. ii.

i Large stock of all grades on hand. Special prices on carload lots. We Will Be Closed All Day Monday rttS in the history of New- Mexico. In that the little town of Otero, located then near the town now called loglat and civil engineer who was here couple of years ago in the interest of capitalists who were contemplating building the Colorado, I'nlumhus At Mexican railroad between Columbus, X. a station seventy miles weat of F.I Paso on th" Kl I'aao A- South The minute hi oilier day, Mr.

Hi fixed trm valuation II waa done Ih'' uglsnd'a brothi uf hi fiirin hi 17 In eay it tlO.Ofltt, and who ih ther li not worth It, BIG RESERVOIR READY IN 1 i il.n Itmt." PIOM It. Raton, containing about 40flO people, waa put onto trains- and moved bodily I tn what is now the town of Las Vegas It seems there wsa a large number Of people there who had followed Hie building of the railroad I thfOUgh Kansas, and It required about 100 flat curs to move the town. Of eoursi many had gone on by team and Severs weeks were in locating the cars with personal effects. In fact, houses were literally loaded onto the flat cars. On July 4.

almost the entire population of the territory assembled to ace the mov ing. Kngines were put on the front and rear of I these cars and Ihc train started fori l-aa Vegas. It la estimated that people gathered to witness the moving of the town of (Hero. "Tlrnea have surely changed, and Instead of going Into the country aa people did prior to 1879 people now I go there In Pullman cars and arc western, and the l-'riiltland coal fields via Farmlngtoii Dr. Dowdev's plan of which In baa written I'rof.

I- lo Construct the road with capital rained In Ho- cities of Durango, Farin- Ingtoa, Albuquerque, Demlng and r.i PasoJ and he believes the road would be a paying proposition from the start. In a recent letter to hr. Dowdcy, quoted iii the Titnes-Hustter, i'rof Jones eayu. "1 beg to say that I know of no new line of railway that has such merit aa a line connecting your enterprising city with the rap-oily growing oit of Kl I'aao. Such a line la certain to lie built some day I and will pay from the atart.

"The oompan I represented at the time I aw vou 1 now consider Ifkac-; tlve, na I I. arm that they had some Canfield Irrigation System Soon to Distribute Water ACTIVE WORK 10 BEGIN lilisl I III Wl Mil Kll in 71 J'lairi I-1" Tf'-ril. lie. Hi. At Hjf'lO in.

ember in, 110, at Bafford, Aruuna, one uf the rgmlllar land mai In. of thla section pasaed aunt I' llolierta, familiarly known as "'iil Hob," a pioneer, coming here lu tin psrlj seventies and hurt locating at old PueblO on tin- (ilia river, together with Kunkadory iioimca and old Blair- "Trigger John." Together they pioneered Ih" Montetums canal, tit brush, threw stones out of the trail, cultivated the an) fought Indiana and In a crude, I small was mini" II possible for those who followed this blazed trail, In I after years, to build up nd lo maintain a government. The poor old man lived to see iiis moat sanguine hope fully realised During his abort lifetime, beautiful hoinea in plenty take th" place of the Apache wickiup. Hob was an eg-Confederats aol-dler, having served with the Fifth Mississippi light artillery battalion In thai memoralih war of the sixties. TEXAS AND EL PARO shown Hie Innd In automobiles." "TEACUP" SPRINGS TO si I'PI WATER Is fas Timer (Juanah, Dec 24.

Dttg day loat week the Denver pulled the Lands Around Las Vegas lo Be Classified and Water Rights Apportioned baby and the little girl were found. All were temporarily removed to a farm-bouae. for week previous to the blrtli of the child, Jlra. Darrab had been critically III, and only the services of the four-year-old child we re extended to her during Hist lime and il" ensuing period up to today, when hunters ran serosa the shack. The weather ad been extremely cold.

Tber. had been no food and no fire In lbs cabin for a week and mother and children were on the point of starvation. The Utile girl bod atarted barefooted to a spring for water when found. Iniluth authorities have taken Charge of the family. water supply so hard here that together with the heavy oil mill and I Say Trip Through State Has Been Fine I local consumption It came near ex- 1 Missionary Rector for this portion of the lower Pecos valley.

Mayor Sam Prewitt announced today that the city council had' called a special election for January DOih, to vote on the question of Issuing $25,000 sewerage bonda. Plana for th" system have lieen under Inspection here for several weeks and were drawn by a well-known Iiallas sewerage engineering firm. At the annual meeting the Pecns Volunteer Fire Department, held last night In the Commercial Club rooms. Hon. W.

P. Brady was re-elected preaident and all the other officers were re-elected. It was unanimously voted to urgently request the city lounoil to improve and enlarge yn the preaent fire fighting apparatus. The annual election of officers of the Pecos Woodman circle was held Thursday and the following officers chosen: Past fiun.dlan. Mrs.

Viola. Philllpa; guardian, Mrs. M. K. Grauss.

Advisor, Mra. I. Windham: Clerk. Mrs. Nannie Adcock; chaplain, Mrs Matty Hudglns; Physician, Dr.

C. IMrrlsh. The retiring past guardian delivered a very enthusiastic address. ROADS ABE NOT AT ALL BAD houstlng th" supply. As result Colonel Browder got busy and bought six sections more of land adjoining the one on which he haa developed I hla water supply.

On this land la perfect tahrynth of springs Including th famous "Teacup" spring, well known to all old cowboys, lie will now water enough lo run ilifferenoca among themselves and arc now, perhapa, out of the notion of building the road, as I have not heard from them for some months. "This Inactivity of tlu-lrs ami your recent leitar to me suggest that it would be an eaay matter to form a development company of prominent oitlsens of saj Durango. Parmlngton, Demlng and Kl Paso, who could have th" complete survey the line made, control Hie tOWhsltes and also be the beneficiaries of all donation! made by the various cities and towns reached. Kl Paao, I think, would give bnniia, and the other smaller towns In proportion. It would cost, according to my previous estimate, in round numbers 175 000 lo complete and make In full the survey, maps, of the total line.

I have a complete report of the v. bni" line, embracing (he geology, mining, coal. gold, silver, copper, etc cuttle, timber, sheep, horaea, goats, fiirm lands, water, fruit, etc In tu. i everything in the waj of ragout i i-s with the computed tonnage. 14 SC4 "ring the proper organisation.

I would consent to become a member WOULD WED JANE HASKELL City Appealt to Victors as Eeing a Good Place in Which to Spend Chriitma till III! VI I II II VN A I Ml PHI Ml I HI lit. Mjim t-il rl 7 line Phoenix, Ari. 1 24. The appeal of Riles Kimball and Richard A. Khipp, iimb si-utelica of a year and a day in In territorial prison, having been convicted of obtaining money by false representation, came up to the aupp nit Thursday from Ctrkham county, This case was tried before Judge Doan at Boiomonvllle.

Greater llltereat attaches the case by reaaon of the tact that the com plalnant, Hlchard Uayton, na well BS the aiiiii Hants and most of the wll- tiprrlat tn The 7'INir Lei Vegas. I Thi final completion of Hie big reservoir and IrrtgaUon ayetem bj DNHemker i. mil, is now tin- hope of I a. Csm field, the Greeley, Colo capitalist, who is behind this Immense project This Information waa secured to day from .1 II Pierce, who returned Friday night from nip lo Denver where he conf' rred wtlh Mr. t'ain field on mall' re, affei ling the project which la to hear hla name.

"There Is now on thi. way," staled Mr I'lerce, i ighli i (on engine, iwniv dump enra ami other equipment, which will be uacil In the con atructlon of the reservoir. This la gpeotrd arrive here in time it the resumption active notislrtic-llon work January II From th it time "ii a largi force of men an I tM ma will be employed mi the wnrrt with a view to ftnallv completing the Missouri Swain Proposes by Mail to Governor's Daughter the entire Denver system. A aeries of large tanks arc to be put In here and Instead of the two-Inch pipe for Inlet they will haw six-inch pipe. This will allow Ih" railroad to load aa many full trulna of water per day her" na thev nn get over Ih" road.

The road Is now hauling from every lank li'twien (ioodnlghl and I'hll-dresa and then not getting enough No doubt al months of water hauling Is before them and to loadalto get her at Memphis will be a great sav lug. Ih" report to such or e' arc members of the Mormon ami turn over DIES OF ganisation, if ih" people or Durango allow the proper spirit I am sure Kl Pago will Join In this undertaking." RIPLEY ISSUES GREETINGS STORIES OF NATURE 6irriill lo Thr TlmfM. tfnoJOOati, 0., Dec. 21. Mlaa Jane Haskell, the beautiful 18-year-old of OoteraOr llaakell of Oklahoma, t.i-day received a propusai of marriage from I man In Wai tensburg, who had read that Miss Haskell was a student In a I'lnclnnatl school of expreaalon and waj i untemplating a stage iMieer.

The Missouri awitln wrote; "Dear Friend- I heard you are now a Of expreaalon and being as I am working for thai also, I slab to commit-nl ii. with thee. I have wimetlmes theilgjll of making an archltcet of inyaelf ami a husband of aome pretty Utile dam. eel If you could learn lo love me and I learn to love you, would youl let me make your way and take you with me?" Caught in Elevator Belt and Ter-ribly Mangled church. Kimball i a brother of Hon Andrew Kimball the head of the academy at Thai' her and the president of the Mormon state.

lie la brought Into the case as liming been nidi bis influence lu th" i ommutilD In half of hla brother and Khipp when they were offering for sale Stock Ih MonttSUmil Oraagg ami Banana company whose property was supposed to In be ited in the stall- of Vera t'rur. mar I no ptoo. Astonishing Feats Performed by Wild Animal Hunters Intimates That Army of Santa Fe Employes are His Pride Uprrinl In Thr Tucumcarl, N. Dec. 24.

While working near the engine which fum-Ishea the power for Ihe lift at Ihe coal ohute of the B. P. A S. W. yards in this city, Wenxell Bolni.

thirty six RALLY WIS WELL ATTENDED Xprclal In Thr Timet. Van Horn. Dec. 24. Uiat week J.

II Beach, the moat successful hunter In thla bailiwick, killed an unusually large wildcat near town and sold the tkin tor one dollar. He considered himself well paid In Hi" pleasure of bagging such a fine specimen of the feline race Indepen- Sprit'll I'l Thr 7 loir. Kant, i Barbara, Dec. 24. President lllptc of the Sani i railroad, now at his winter home in Hants Barbara, has Issued Chriat mas greeting to the 10,000 employes on the system, he saygi "Prior lo the panic of ver.ii uf our leading niilrnnil executive Teachers at Pecos Complete Session by Giving Reception ib nl of lli 11 of the realm.

Mr. Leaving New York on November J-liearlng dispatches from Mayor Oay-nor of that city to Mayor McCarthy of -iiii frarMrtaco, the "Threa path- ftndeTS arrived in Kl I'aso un last l-'rl-day evening. The party is to spend I'hristmaa in Kl 1'asn Thg four member of the parly Include Messrs. K. 1 I'ergiisoii of New York.

fit. V. I'iiinev, Charles Thatcher and Kred B. 'Mark Of I'lnclnnatl. They rodi in one Dhi" car all the way.

"The thing that moat surprised lln-pathfinders." aald Mr. Finney yesterday In talking to a Times reporter, "was the excellent condition of the Texas roads. We arc out lo make an Official route througli the southern states for the American Automobile Association and we had been told that Ihe roads In Texas were the worst In the Country. Now as you know we arc all advocates of good roads, but I as sure vou there are roads in New York ami Maryland that will discount any bad road have encountered In Texas. Tim most disagreeable thing we have found since wr started la the sand and that Is not common to Texas.

"The state has been a series of surprises since We first entered It at Tcx-arkuna. Wo had no idea of its up-to-dsleaesa positively HO Idea of the magnificent specimens of generoim manhood we would encounter on the Texas ranches. We had read a lot about these fellows, but did not expect to find lollege men way out hun-dnda ot nillra from everywhere making a glorious succesa of raising fine stock. "We have been treated magnlficent-lv all the vviiv. but the generous hos-pltaltty of the Texas rntu her gels our hearts.

I'oalllvely, I hav. more than half a mind to come to Texas and make It my home; that's how 1 feci about II "The hole route has 1 logged and the report will be filed with the AAA by Mr, Ferguson, who waa oorctarv of Ihe Ollddeu pathfinder tours for a number of years, and has been the recorder of Ibis trip. 1 BOB the party a reaching New York after the trip the official route tor Ihe southern tour will be announced "We make no attempt to establish a record f'T the trip, although we have traveled over ilOOO mllea. have been aent out to explore th- unite and report aa to the best roads, ami thai and also some of the beat trained 1 Beach baa a pack hounds who go financial men of the nation warned out in the mountains surrounding the people of Impending disaster. Van Horn and base wild animals on Ibev were laughed al, and sinister gptrlal In Thr Timtt.

Pecoa. Texas, Dec. 24. Many people attended the closing rally of the Hcevea county Teachera' Institute ISTK. MINI.

Hi HUH IgaNal to The I CafnMgo, Dec. 24. After a thorough Investigation It has bepn that Ho "uatallttyd Is ar- ai-cr than at first ported The post-office Itself was i t.eil of K0 in ash. Raymond'' i of MO In u-li iinil about $sf In a I The robbers were trailed up Ihi Itilldoso by mi of the loss ol ihlrtv five ascks of Inhaoca which were found along the load between Tinnb ami the point mi Ih. Huldosn whir, the wsa lost The poatofflce in at Denver wsa notified and will Investigate shortly1, I til Mi IM'I I to Thr rini'i an Horn.

Teg 1 14. John Mann and Kd Ihc acoiits of Delaware BtOUntalni nere here this week. While hunting for cattle Kd dlaiovcred nn Indian gravi In a bad state of decay II- kicked the loose earth above the remuo bones were preaentcd In a fair state of preservation. Iter on will make a thorough Investigation sti.I If any-thing of stratllnc nalut la found we will detsll It tu our res i big dam and reservoir by December I'll Mi I'lerre Mlil Mr famfleld would I he In lata Vegas next Tiieadav In ar range the classification if the lands Which win b. under ditch.

The lands are to be handled by the lines' ment ami agent corporation of thl-oltv, ami the pints an- now being in p. ii i d. The ante the lands un i drr the project will be pushed ditr log its construction, so Hint when Ih 1 water Is flnalh- turned on, farmers whl be ready appl) it to lands and rulsi crop the first year. Mr, Fatnflebl la otv upllmlstl ghoUl (he future Ijis Vegas lb' told Mr Pirc that there Is no pi" J'ct thai has greater merll or one than will be of greater benefit tn the eomotuniu than the on north of ui no being hulll hj him MKXJCAN Mtiti Min 'N PI I to I I TI geMl p. t'Ac rpnf Phoenix.

Dee on a warrant Is-sueii in Albuquerque, directing hi it fst as a tuglUV from lustier. V. 1'oratall wa taken into cttatod) lu re II. WSI arraigned and his heating act fur IfQnday and was released on bund. The warrant was leaned pursuant tQ DOmplglnl i.f 0 It Newcomb.

of Al- bteuerque, charging emnegslemant. I Forstall, arhg i In the employ of nn Insurance mnipnnv, it Is alleged, was! ais" i in tin promotion of a.itne corporation in New Mexico nut of whlth this autloii ante. lie declare Ih Mhtpani beAMIte bankrupt unit he turn, il over all money due It In hla poaaerslon lie says he has made no effort to Conceal himself and regard hla Sir eel as spile wrk Wlln MI li PHOl MX HONOR I). riei iI Thf 7 is" I'hoenlx. Aril, ler Maricopa i hapter of lb" Daughters of the American RgVolUtion has beep work i ing quietly but earnestly for some I months secure a suitable stone years of age, was caught in the fly wheel reviving at the rate of over revolutions a minute, receiving a broken right leg and internal In-luriea which reaulted In his death a few hours later at the hospital at Alamogordo while he was being taken to El Paso for surgical attention The engineer, who was atandlng at the throttle at the time of the accl-' dent, at once ahut off the power but aid came too late.

The remains were taken east on number .14. Southwestern train to hla old home in Missouri where Interment wtl be made Young Holm was well known In this ellv. having been here for quite a whil Surveyors have completed the survey of the Ut creek unit of the l.ogan dnm and Irrigation projeet which waa begun a few weeka ag" Thla la the pri llminary surv ey on the prole winch will reclaim several thousand aires Of seml-arld I this county. It 1 estimated that h.i basin will covet 11,000 acrea, with a reservoir capacity of over 30,000 acre feet of water. The lend embraced.

Ilea east of I'te creek an 1 1 north of the t'anedla river, fourteen miles north of this city. The survey Is expected to show that Brysntlne and Romero flats will be covered. The crew Is now at work on th reservoir survey propr and expect to their own responsibility. It requires well trained dogs to he up to the tlick of a bob cat when pursued. He bink-traeka and croases his trail In order lo confuse hla pursuant, and while they arc trying to locate hla route he Is engaged III cutting simd for a safe retreat Wo knew a hunter named imv.

wuftAma in Madison OOUnty, Arknaa, who trailed wolves and cats by their scent equal to the best hounds He had a neighbor named Morrow, a giant In atrength and as fearless as a wounded bear, who as also a hunter. In one of his expedltbma around the foot i which occurred at the I'liurch of I ChTlSl here last night. Teachers from all parts of the county who for Ih" i past week have been attending the institute In accordance with the state law attended and Instructive and lu motives for their Statements were Imputed Many people failed to realize that these nu n. Ith their flng. r-tlpa on the arterlea of finance.

lid gauge conditions just as unerringly aa the engineer can tell by hla water gauke WhethW or not the water in bis boiler li decreasing to the danger polnl "Ijltcr these same men SOUttaad another warning Thla time the people, having their former experience In mind, more readily received with oonftdenae the sialementa of these men, thai the waltar oi our commonwealth at large, of rail hills of th. r.n-toii mountains In quest bear heard a wildcat road and railroad supply employes 0f deer and of the rosila demanded a more I squaw ling He replied, and Mr Bob ll resting talks were made by Hon W. F. Johnson. President of Pacoa Commercial club, J.

F. Hoss, and Prof. J. S. Long, superintendent of the Pei os city schools, flev.

Mr. Me-I'arver of the Methodist denomination delivered the Invocation. Kt. rtev. Mllea Kendrb Santa Fe.

Bishop of New Mexico, which district includes Texsa west of the Pecos valley, will visit Pecoa In January to confirm a clasa of F.plsco-pallans who have km under the instruction of liev. Norman Marshal. cat accepted It a challenge bat-tie. Win hi the act of springing Morrow pullel the trigger, but th" old flintlock hung fire Then business began In The cat ton Mor reasonable and ralr plav return lor the service rendered by our tranapor-tatlon lines. li has been a source of gratification to railroad IBM In the more Important poaltlona to note the growing iii un or nun si 1 1 it I'll Ml IV PINTIU SB, laleif Prut Imputes Spokane, Dec.

24. --With raw mi nts and blclea Ills only food. I'ulrlck Keegan. hero of the t'oeur Ab tie fires was found lod.iv lme rows nucksKtn sun mm snre.i- nun railroad etnplovea of lacerated Ids flesh In terrible man- ablation le through with the work by the first of the ner with teeth and claws Rv a lucky Interests and tin heartv their own critically III In hla cabin on n. support thev an giving their em-The effect Of this Mile creek, near Wallace, Idaho, ploying compeniea stroke In a vital place nlth bunting ktilf.

thi at was killed Morrow said he had nough of Wlldl at fighting to Isst him a life Urn" TH i I8H1 lit ROL.UI Ml I n.icini. I timpani Durham. Cab, Dec. "24. A stvllsh-ly dreased burgler who gav, name aa Jam.s Kelley, was hot ami killed is becoming mere and more tippan nt It la likewise mosi grsllMng to the management of the Santa IV to not the sincere pride and affci Hon evinced toward the road by the men Ita employ Thla spirit has been the cause of comment by many not ii the aervbe.

is has the aplrll of Keegan was suffering from ervsip. lee. declared he had been alone twelve dsva and was too wesk to go a spring for wsler In the forest flrea In the Poi ir d'Alene Keegan beaded a lellef pan Of men who entered the Hulllon mlna at the rlak of their Uvea and res. I ii notitlier of miner with which to murk the grme of Dar rrll Dappa. the Kngbah gentleman and Anrona pbuic.

who named the cities of I'hoenlx and Tetnpe With the assistance of Mr, Wiatt. It hh had set In pa a fine block In as far aa our fum Hon Mv. but what a I Ity you have here, and what a splendid road have leading Into the city I positively Is one of the beat 1 have acen for country roada and main a city more pretentious than this hss not hslf aa good aa you have In Miur counts, the erects of Kl I'a-" "1" on and better to ride over are p'essed and surprised and the ho-nev feeling that seems to permeate the town makes us feel that we will gnatly enjoy our Christmas among you." leamworn awe mi qum aaomi sire on tne psrt or everyone 10 hen- mghl by pperson mote the welfare of the road ao ii I'aso It" I onl "with ou PWPrWW of mar, handla. smiii i.i li so. management's real awn si Kail) as bresking into the borne town loves a good xien.l at when the voung man fired with luiir.

we Minn vim line II, I'lsn 1 m.t May This Be Your Most MERRY XMAS and each succeeding year even more happy of Arliotia granite, ittttahl) lettered, which will be dedicated on the illth of Dei in' et i lock In the after-noon 4 111 UROVl Ml Ml R1 i HUaoAIIOM gpeetal Id I Demlng Pec 14. II II Moughlatid. one of the live one at Mountain lew who has Just cnmplet I mm III hM JO VI one nilll "II. ine e. mv ibe licsi i i i li i- as giMid as killed a negro burglar, wh" was trj lug.

trusting ibat the future mm Maib from solocied I daj malt, flat lug to break into the asms store I for vou and vonrs. bright. liesHhf il oreil wltli a oinhliiiiHon of fOTClgn ami prospcroua and ilonuil. hop- I vrii vessel used fur brewing, rrrrumtlag, ageing or hipnlni is ll "hi' cbailsid iMf.irc WOWING EXPERIENCE THIS Woman Abandoned in Northern Wilds Gives Birth to Child Od i gallon well i li .11 bun dred aires, built I nee bOme and got ulng I I I I KIMi not ft, mm Kfjrcial tn Thr fliaft Albuquerque Dec 24. I hc extreme of cleanliness Is mi i i bj 1 mm, ton late' Frtm f4asci'li, Icago, I lec.

24 Oregorl firacl, a lautidrv worker, was shot and killed In a revolver fight late Frnlav Uf. le, the Jeaale Oilman, of Aarlatant I'hlef of Police faVhuettler squad Oilman was wounded hv lira, i and may die jii' to produce pure ban i as, vou to trv the Home Fe engine, are now engaged nil. end compare Hie flavor with mRklng a urvJ from point oilier hiirs which you have uwal few miles south of as Vegas to Fort I rti IH'pntch Sumner Recently the same men I completed a survey for a roadbed' lluluth. Minn. Df.

Walter AT LADY I'll 1 TER at I I l'su mil I in t'hone HRAND BALLOON AaVfCNSION at Jnarrs Bull llln Sunday at 2:30 Don't ml II hi! ween Rulihsiher and Vaughn, the nice wife to put into it. wts In tow ti thla week lie said thai an examination of the soil had convinced htm that sub-Irrlgatmn Is the thin for thla In re aandv loan exists ll has a lllc machine on th, ground and has a building erected for the purpose of beginning the iniiuiilia ate manufacturing of tile The local aand Is the best In the world mid ill thai is necessary is enough cement to msk the cement proportion Mf llmighland dl put hli Ills feet apart for alfalfa, which h. figi ie is a mighty profltaMi propontiun Sanla ev idcntlv Intending lo make the Juarct Bull lllng. Sunday Deat a due, I onnOCtlaH lth the cut off 1 fall to see her. Sanitary Grocery Phone 353.

birth. Hx day i nsflss shark 4aiatf, iPWI WbJ4H(MM ftnk tjarrah her butband howled aiound Hv parrah. 34 years M. gave ago. to a habv In a partly r.ear relkan laHe In ihls th wonwo In Ilia cabla lour-year-old dautktrr.

i (aims she was some weeks hehvre at the latter place. This route is as rlato presrnt i box uf straight as the row fllea and was ex- An appr Elite I' pecti ,1 nrov hlghlv satisfa Ml All union barber shops close at II 30 a. December It, and the Mini' on Jan 111 lurkMi Baths ,1,,,, nlghl ib in It Is reported, however that thi was found lo be rough, hesvv grades bclnj nuounUred and other obstacles The public take care msnv people who arc not the poor house.

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