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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 5

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FIVE EL PASO MORNING TIMES- MONDAV. MAY 26, 0 1 3. -0- Up to the Minute Breezy News and Gossip of the Sport World Pelkey Broke McCarty's Neck English Polo Team Showing Lots of Dash in tr dice El Paso Wins Thrilling With a Sharp Jab to Jaw Games Captain Ritson is Considered a Marvel Game from Silver City th? Heart as Was fit Pugilist Did Not Score 4 to 1---Barker and Fobby Smi Make Home funs -Silver Die From Blow Over Arnoanced. Wild When learn FiiiJ r.cses. a i II Mil -1 i VI i ii i ui'i I oinptou hit iut a low drive over the au.u i.i.fcU4j ei- ll III.

I I he ball. He it'ipped liehkard eg third Cotnjitnu also made a beautiful eatch of Keller's long fly In the Inning. Home Todii) The vl-liors leave here tonight and arrive In Kl Paso Mondaj morning. I'he sec, trip Into New Mexico of the White Ii.m been a most sut-ewfui after the second examination had lieen made the result of the autopsy held last night was made public. Th officials stated that the investigation showed that McCarty died from the result of the blow on the jaw.

which dislocated his neck whb'h ruptured his spinal column and caused hemorrhage of the spine. This evi-bnee will be produced at the formal inquest tomorrow. In discussing the case tonight, the Crown prosecutor stated that all prize fighting is illegal under the statutes of Canada. It was intimated that In addition to the charge against Felkev. other charges would he placed ngaitist Tommy Hums, the promoter, Kd Smith of Chicago, the referee, ami Billv M.

A Aoriatcd Prfno lii4patch. Calgary. Albert; May A dislocated ueck caused the death yesterday uf Iuther McCarty during hit ijcht with Arthur Pek-y. aeeordtnR tu in-lorinatim) gven out tonlfrht following autopsy conducted by Dr. Mofhler at the request of t'ouniy Coroner Cos-U-lIo.

It was stated by the physicians that death undoubtedly hud been caused by the dislocated neck and that the heart wax found to be sound. A clot of hluod on the brain added in convincing the physicians that death was not due to the blow near the heart. Shortly after the contest began yesterday, Mc(iirty received a sharp Jab I hey Hpi I Times. Silver city. N.

M. May Hcpr 'scntatlves from 101 Paso, Silver City, llurl.y ami Sunlit Rita formally organised the Copper league When they me oere l.isl niglil. I'lav begins Saturday when Silver City and Kl Paso meet in Kl I'nsi The officials elected are: President. W. Hi Jimmy, stipcrinfcndfii of the China Capper Co, ul Hurley; iec retary utiil treasurer.

Art Woods, ki p.isn. Hurley and Banta lllta of four gnnusi 1 liree of tileui. I lilt taken on. hav Sllvi City will play In Ii Kaao next Sinirdaj Ml inlay. stiimuarv b' K.

I I Following Is tin Fl Paso Klefer, Smith, s. 1 1 10 Santa HI a son back Carney, manager tor McCarty. These. to the jaw which sent his head will begin play day, f. however, are not exp eteii lor ho me time, as a peculiar situation confronts the authorities, as the bout was held outside the city, and that It was under the jurisdiction of the mounted police Barker.

I .1 ack tun, B. Smith inn. gM em to Slher lily. quickly. It did not appear to have caused an pain and he was at'ti-rward on his feet for half a minute.

The left to the jaw followed by Pelkey with ti right to the heart region which caused the spectators to believe the latter blow had brought the knockout. Physicians are of the opinion that the dislocation of the neck was not sustained in the fall which followed. McCarty fell slowly and did not strike his head. VIuj cal In Hie has been 1.1 I'oso game I he I. iselnill that llnnuiiid and that several police officials attended th." contest, none, however, protest lng that It was illegal.

The case of will not be far enough advanced to be tried at the assizes, which are now MttliiK. and If heard, will come up In October at the greati HI Willie ill 1 today won llielr secoai game in I. fl the Silver Cilv tenni. Score one nf (lie fastec lie Hume Totals Silver lit.v Kllllliiy, o. Buckles, o.

Ward. Medina, s. liibhnrrtt, I Neck, I. f. Colnpton.

Barnatt, p. h. tonight and I earlie Shortly before fall one nine hour if In ployed Inning In the soul Invest twlng disuesed nnd twenty-flee inlnntei i 1 1 rmithful xaiii--. SOQthpfl vv. He ttrlirk ARTHUR PELKEY and feel the humidity gfefetljr.

The a inusph.rlc conditions tak'-n Twenty yards at least off the length of their drives. They have amazed conservative Britishers by playing In their shirt sloev. urn Htlehi Hill. Hi, White Sov pltehtd a IliaL'lilflcent out sight of the local. scattered hit-, lie si to be scored ggalasl wild one to Catcnei i Sore by Innings 12 9 19 HI Paso and allowed leveu be only run liiui ty tosxlnn a Hohb) KujltU.

il 0 UNDER ARREST Owlnp to fear of the suffnip.tte on rages the greens are strongly gruur ed. I'll1' 11 Silver lit.v Silvel lltv ii ii () I III tile reilh a Silver I i onl run cull, eighth Inning Hill Ii it Com in Suiniuary of game: aplnutlomel, off Hill, k.m.limi rovrs I OKI Kl I Kar- llolllf bit, by I'D WITH ANSI, r.HTI Xl.t.AKY POMCE OOtTRT CH IN I Median Batten I ar. lie pltcltod ball Barnetl iwovetl hliu up one pe(i when lo- alngled Kllllliiy fnlleil to online, with aiiv of beniliiw liiui was retired, I tinkle also got a single mill Hied ibo base- I llll Uttri llluiself for nt nud pit. lied I base hits Smith, Barker Piaplre i les net I.

I'll lis, Hill. Will ot ioj d. I Mil i i in So strong 11 English, manager of Lefty Floyd, In the belief that bis liny i in 1 1 1 hi io Killing of a vvlhl one. nlbovlnit Hill ngnlu filled ilm Of M.lmiv Menus An Kml Prize I hit in Western 1 11 inula. ioi-s vv lieu lie pur- p.isely Issued i Misa io Medina.

At sail ui laailemoaitttn, Sa Laki uses full, the crowd went Helena autoiiiiiltlles lu'kiiui tooting 1 Never was an equal scene A I llg'len Is eouutri vrheu Hie loesl I Ogden eat) defeat Kldd thai Inst night he posted forfeit of S'Jo under the following conditions: First, that this amount Is to be apid to Lee without exceptions If he will afreet to meel and keep 1 the contract Floyd is to weigh In at IM pounds and Lee may make any weight he ileslres If Floyd doesn't stop With tin wild and their horni a nil I hell' feet nud laaoula Twelve in 1 he vv ill not be ml- hot Is Lee In ten rounds. Is to take lie riiI ,0 entire purse. The forfeit was posted as (ft enact, In I hi fans rose lo mighty velum, tenia members lllll pntleutly subside, then ones to Ward. game against an Anieri- rcent priniic stay 25, The members of of npi'lau-e, nrgetl To play ba el and nailed for tin no uhulj i tirrvil thm and the side was r.

II It I me resnn r.iiK.isii reii.nnK emti- se to fll-l tiled. I the English polo team have made fav-j orable impression on the experts who lenge In The Times moriilnv. has absolutely refused to meet a negro and stated last nlKht that he bur; At Memphis Ml Pills intgomer) Idnated. mi- Hard tain Itltsnn was a marvel, and on Hint account his work with the mallet was losely watched Not s.oil who weni io the grounds bin admitted thai tu flaebii.g, datk-holred eavnlrj nffleer from the liinlnkilllng drngiHin is no oul and out scientific pulolst. Kipmllv accurate on the near side, a- weii as Ihe offside, c.ipinin Ritson seemed in lie abb I i Kiel Be i kt-i ran combination entitled ihe Leopards, of F.

Ambrose Clark, -I Rfltbherna, Quincy Shaw 2d and .1 Ii Tnomaa, the Kugllslimen showed rare form. A fair Idea of He' strength of ihe Kngltsh side embodies In the fact Ini they won by 21 goals to a zero, but F'loyd but any nt her np- only licfry fighter. not gro tie Hark nihility lit 1 1- stick heaver 'quailed his batting lecord ml rtonted a Iioiii. inn Bolibj Hmli b. the heavy- of I 1 of Thursday In the four! At Nashville Nashville Chalt u.i to havi JOE It It It Al EP I have witnessed the practice game! on the Piping P.ock dub grounds, The general opinion Is that Hie American team will have their hands full la defeating the Kntrlish aggregation lii the coming International match June Ii was thought at first that the abaence of Captain Huckmaster, who could not accompany his pals here, would weiikrn the team.

rigbi line i bitting i.f i III land mil chit ball at In in, II Ihe the speed, action Knglinhmen one flinll tin- side I Captain U-ttnon ihe see ul nub i surly ih nnd clenn would havi line. The win Meei Wlnlerf Bei snsiti. to occupy playing bib Ide for' hitting baekat.ip, preceded Barker in the third vlth a complete tdtenll hit The bl-t t-nlt was luaile In lite foul'tli Itl- 1 1 ik io Malinger Timui Hinllh Hewenl flrsl an error, then slide second At Mo N.vv ml Otlll I Ic.t side bat of from fSQ ti any li-ngl fight. 1 act ent the Ham for hatttnge 1 1 mi. Ansae in Ini fres Dixpatch.

Calgnry, Alberta. May II Arthur Pelkey. from whose stiff right hook near the heart Lathe? McCarty fell dead In the ring at the Hums arena yesterday afternoon, will face a charge I.f manslaughter In police court here Monday. The Royal Northwest Mounted l'ollce completed the necessary papers In the charge placed against him today. Just before the death of McCarty was announced, It developed today.

Pelkey had slipped into his street clothes, at the request of his trainers, and was driven to his hotel In an automobile. It was not until after he had washed and dressed that he learned of McCarty's death. He started from the hotel when officers arrived and took him into custody. An autopsy was held over the dead fighter's body atc last night and an inquest will be held tomorrow after noon. The result or the post mortem Is withheld pending Inquest.

Numerous doubts were expressed today as to the actual cause of death. It did not seem as though there was sufficient force behind the blow to the heart to cause death, several have de ijared. Pelkey said he did not believe that his puucli actually landed near the heart. It was currently rumored here today that McCarty had suffered from a flight weakness of the heart and this in conjunction with the excitement of the fight and the landing of the unexpected punch are generally blamed for his death. Martina.

f. Mr tl'IH 11X1 Kg I I ini lo 1 1 I hUlts'S single i th. locals. Medina stands clouted out a of Vic 1 1" le I'lltllS III nieal dlroftor Mulligan is a in-. keeping Ho i rank.

Mlsa tto b. TERRIBLE" TURK WINS ALAMOG0RD0 HAS FROM GIANT NEGRO BUi CHAMPIONS of oils Tittle for his hoy Sailor Win. tersteen." was Herrlck's exiifcsslon yesterday after rendliiK Tittle's elinlletiKe In The Times. Joe is desirous of meeting Wintersieen and will agree to meet the ex-snllor In a twenty-round boat for June 21'. He has signified his Intention of posting an appearance forfeit i tsaoof'ffeif I'n iim I l.ollKW'ootl Ctlcket practice ground for members of both two II i courtg of i club will tie Ho- next wo da tin Ausi rft linn a i in- ork I voir thai rta a S.

In. It z. I and I one rends JaekSOII lock, iittli stated aid do nsphyglcal director of this year, The events changi (I ho niiuii since la it Is Impossible lo innlte paiismi loi the work years In I he bole, the liear In be quite as 1. Iv I. tonight at 8 o'i that he hoped yestenhiy likewise.

American teams, which will contest i be I lavis cup. Ihe fast to KclillllI I Infield and lo tinrts 'om- ap- record! i'n; ii i ii NOV1 1. 1 CARD Mi in I I .11 1 STATE I-- III I I .11 Mil. I I Willie 111! Will ppoae i ins will I -llli CXit HONORS Ml III Hl llil li ved da el pla) el in Hon i of Ihe r.t In in both tin the Kl Peso the 'b oilfield halked lie rn Mil and unless vchools ehovv form, rs'i flrsl honor I and plave I III. tin- teams of the other a decided Improvemen Mexico hi win another this year's unteal credited with Ataoofafed i'u Ditpvtch Annapolis.

tin- Cnlveralty of I ZIMMERMAN Hoa'on, ibis "HKINV iiir bases hit for does not 25. Xavy and nniylvmnia di- for aim SchulU Champions united stnti three years in ihe of for the blind: il slop a senna.1 tonal st in Hie In-st purl nl una on second tiled honora In this afternoon. i boat no 'oh hen. The mtdBhlpmen I of I lie to Terrible Turk'' istlinx match from Kansas it negro, in tin bull inad. rt-bbl I.

ills Rihatm, the won his ul Jitsii vv ri Herbert Franklin, Hie 111 two straight falls Hi I I 1 1 llll HI mnd, that 'ar-nn-a of yesterday afternoon. lie secured ring seniors won from Pennsylvania sity by four lengths, while the sylvan lg frtshnian eight finished little more than a length ahead the Navy fourth class team The title has an imposing -and one naturally would suppost it Ldonged lo Massachusfetts, will be McCarty'- bodj shipped 'to Net Mon- Hasting. his birthplace, at with Institu Yorn i ton nis I III I. II I BOYS and GIRLS, i SliOOTMOBILE RACER? a eem fafod Pri DfepofeA littsburgh. Pa May ir.

Kddle Mc-H iorty of Oahkotb, Wise, and Frank Klaus of Pit tabu rgb, middleirelghui, fought st rounds here tonlfrht. The riglii was one clinch after another. Klaus tried rushing tactics, followed by rlirhts and lefts to the stomach. There was no decision given The opinion of man was that It wss an even break. tions older, larger ami wealthier, Hardly flf 1 people are aware that much-coveted title belong to the New Mexico Institute for tin Blind ut Alarnogordo.

The record Is all tine more wonderful when I is considered that Hie Now Mexico institute Is Ibo youngest ami smallest of all the state schools holding membership In he National Athletic Association of Schools for Hi. Blind, New Mexico's achievement Is Wlt'l-i ut a purallel In Ihe annals of athletics. Tim school joined the al Athletic Association ill Ihe school vears of HOD 1 Which was Ihe first of R. I't att's administration as superln endeni Beginning ith thi boys' indoor contest, which was held February Ifilo, the Inelilute ha- day night. Tin- fatal ending will have the effect of putting the lid down tight on boxing bouts In Western Canada.

Tommy Hums succeeded for Just one year in running bouts in his arena, loci ted outside the city limits Hotting on yesterday's contest was lively at two to one against Pelkey holding out for ten rounds, while McCarty' was five to one for the decision. tT was not generally supposed that pelkey could assimilate enough science in three weeks to give htm I chance with McCarty. Pelkey showed a great deal of Improvement over former appearances. In the brief conteat he ex-iilliled better judgment of distance than his opponent and also put more steam into hi blows. It was stated unofficially today that as soon as the responsibilities for Mccarty's death ha been pin ed.

Pelkey will go south to meet Gunboat Smith the first fall In and oiic half minutes and Ihe see, mil In five minutes. Ihe Turk displayed rare cleverness ai I lis Japanese game ami had little difficult? in getting good holds ou the negro. After the match RabalU) Issued a challenge to any 200 pound Jul Jltsu wrestler in this country or Mexico. lie has won many matches In Mexico and holds the championship that slate. By knocking out two negro scrapers.

George Campbell, a 190-ponud "pug," won the bailie royal. There were four negroes iu Hie scrap when It started, hut Johnson," the last one to knocked out. disposed of one Jes, netle" In the fiist few minutes The fight lasted about ten minutes. Cuco endeavored to kill the first hull III the scheduled "two-hull' fight The "bnnderllls" w.u-k the 'torregdort" trns exceptionally good hut cuco was a victim or hard lin and failed kill Ids bull. The bull barged well when the "hsnderlllas" were being placed into bis shoulders, but vv heii the judge sounded "kill," he quit like a whlped dog nnd refused lo charge amount of o.iaving and "batting" stirred tin enough action for one good charge.

After vainly slabbing nl the torn" five times, the Judges awarded Ihe fight to the hull and be allowed to go free Hernnndex, better known "I iisto." killed the second nnd last bull. Cuco and Thato" placed th" bande-rlllas" Ini" his shoulders. The llttl" matador slabbed at the bull three tlmen, Milt I It I II tl VI' I I A vntt itttt ti Press Disposes. Detroit, Msy 15 "A study of twelve large American cities shows that In hut one of the number do the communicants of bodies Protestant and Catholic combined equal lo non-Christian population." This was Otto of the statements which Rev. lAihnn A Crandall of Minneapolis made today In the annual gormofl in If you do, fill out the coupon beiow and send it to the circulation department of the El Paso Morning Times.

I been nt. r. in eight contests (n Incliiiling In he eight won seven first honors. Tin- eon lists this year ere held on May Hi and the girls and hoys, respectively, and Ho- records have been submitted 'o toe na lonal board, is 1 made. Uftptlsl convention, In the rthern tod a N't don Indoor Hi- i contest, I 1 'i AMATEUR BASEBALL i iv York second with MaHHaehns.

Its Hill Mi xi. wn points; N' 1 1 polnis I i are the third one being good An unusually ASS CITY IiKAfil'l all and eirl REM WIK tBLE ESI UB. Nevada i inter I'hi ioo i in Sen erk sad I Ives, Jnjtorerf Prr hintrb. Min.ola, N. May 2a.

Hamilton, aged .18 years, of Reno, Na-vada. had one of the most remarkable es' apes from death In an aeroplane accident today ever seen ou an aviation field here. He was trying out new type of monoplane, the frame wnrk of which Is built of Iron tubing When about inn feet In the air the machine turned turtle without an In stent's warning and crashed to the ground before a large number of spec. Inters. Hamilton, who was pinned under the debris, was picked up In a dazed condition and taken to the Nassau hospital, where It was found he had a bad scalp wound, a deep cut on the eiiln and chest and numerous contusions.

He probably will recover iii- large crowd atlomleil the ngiiis anu novelty athletic card. The program began shortly nfter I lie noes on lie Ju.i. rex sepedway, and many of tin- motor lit the gill- New MeJXlco vv points, Wi so rn lou gh i second Indoor collies' III bird plac ag boy or I n. '-tat. The Tn-State Southwestern nine II 1 the any can eani defeated the on the foundry afternoon by a 20 attended the sports in ihe enthusiasts grounds bull ring in report.

In the Indlvldm lieona Htnojos wns flr gIV .11 high ir on with 19 1-1 points: yacnim 1 eeond with 1 points. litfslnirgh with ut money to 4 score. Wakefield. I li Tn-State slab artist. kept the Southwestern hits scattered at all tlnicsi and ess supported by good work In the fold Stephana, did the backstop work fr the winner" The South we'eri battery was imposed of yell) and David.

intest, 1911 In 'he boys' indoor lit II vv i. llli I li Anirlntnt prmt Dinpnlrh Salt Uk. City, I'lah. Mav liuer. riding In bis old time feated Hsrvey Wllcoa In a Tin o'i New M'-xb flnl 'liocj flrsl.

form, de- tiers of s. ond and third pl.t. eg wen not reported. motor paced race at Ihe opelllUK III I MATE it i. ot i II MI'loV IV I liai.

Easy to Get---No Money Require Mexico wan first with 49 points; Wei era Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh; se third ond with points, Wis opsin fin III I a tndi of Ihe Halt Palace bicycle track here tonight. Th dlatancs was covered In Paddy Hehlr finish, fits! In the one-half mile rare, with Fddle Root second. Uoyd Thomas third and Krnle I've fourth Moyd ThOmSS feated large field In a two-mile lap raci rt with poino- South Carolina Texas eV- I'niiflc players defeated Times aggregation on th. lone i nd of a 7 to score. The feature of the game was the air light pitching 'f Jones, for the T.

I's. fie allowed but one lonely hit and struck out nine Times hatter, ftirtls and of the Times, played classy baseball in the field and on first COUPON Vf (l II I. I I I II II points not given. in the boys' contest, 1911, New Mexico was first with 84 1-2 points; New York second with 6u 1-2 points; Western Pennsylvania third with 4t points In to- gills' contest, 1912.

New Mexico wis first. Western I'ennsyl. vanla second. points behind New Mexico; Wisconsin hlrd ics. El aso, I secure Am t'XAg, one of Circulation Depl (.1 Paso Morning rimes, Please f.enrl me instructions telling ma how I Racers without money.

the TIMIilS Skoot mobile l. whl'h I s. at I. St. Andrews.

Scotland, May On the eve of the amateur golf championship of the world, play for whlrh will begin tomorrow, British opinion regarding the chances of the American contingent has undergone a considerable reversal It Is now conceded that th jvtatea haa In Harold Weber of Toledo, Ohio, a damo-rous plaver. who with luck, should at hast resch the last eight. C. W. of the O'Neida Conuuiin-ity club of New York; W.

Helnrlrl, Hehmldt or Worcester. Mass DooglM Grant and Campbell D. White of Kan 'Van. Isco, and Ftndley U. Imuglas of Nassau club, Umg Island also are entered.

Th Americans art out acclimated Chicago. May S3. A trad the Cleveland Americana get vlt. outfielder, and Stump, N'e. The Colts defeli) the renrganiierl Grecians yesterday mornln at Washington park by a score of to Ilrennan.

frtr th rtreeinr, atioveed but five bits during the game, but each K-m mad. to eounl Wi infills wois ontest, 191 L'. In tic Mexi' from th York Americans in ex. changi for InfU-lder Robert Peckru-iiaoirh was agieed upon ht fore the with 35 1-4 points; inla third 'h -1 ork fourth with Mi Missouri second Western P.nnay I lit, left lolllKhl. llll.Aelt I.

I for sl cattere- hits Hot ll I i-V ela lid Addre was wanted principally plie hit pitchers for strikeout hoftorp, sach being credited with nine Allawnrlh hit a two-bagger and ftreiuiHii tapped a tin liilv Ibv tight field. ter by Cleveland, while Manager chance upin to -tieiigthen his Infield Ihivugb Ills atuisPHoi. ol I'. lv i paugu. points.

In the school year of 1911-12, IC. MaHlfan (iwcdd A ll. fox as pbj 1 1 Si flffM in in.

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