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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Mrs, Anna Gage, wife of Ex- Deputy S. Marshal, Columbus, lays i "I-was delivered of TWINS in less than-20 min' utes and vrith scarcely, any pain using only two bottles of. DID NOT SUFFER FRIEND 5 nailed i roe. MUDFIEID REGl'UTOll ATLiSTl, (U. SOLD BY All.

DBCGGISTS. TIME TABLES. LOCAL TIME TABLES. Solid trains between "Peorla ana Sandusky" and "Indianapolis and Direct connections to and from all points In the United States and Canada, L. W.

B. arrive Lieav SOUTH BOUND. No 21 Pacific ET 7:10 a ra a No 25 Indlana'p's a No. 23 Mall Ex ex Sun. 3:25 J-lOpm No 29 Passenger ex Sun No.

151 Rochester Local Arrive 4:45 p- m. except Sunday. NORTH BOUND. 6-30 a No. 20 Mall Ex ex Sun.lO:22 a 3 30 No 22 Michigan City dally 4:45 No 24 Detroit Ex ex Sun No 150 Accom.

ex 6:45 am not run north of Peru on Sunday. Trains 21 and 20 run daily between Indl- vIk Tlp ton arrive, at Bloomington at 5:32 p. ro. making direct connection with C. A.

fast train arriving in Kansas City at 8:55 next morning, connecting direct at Kansas City for Denver, San Fran- clsao and all points west. Free reclining -Jmlrs between Tipton and Missouri river I ra i a connect at TIpton with main line trains forSandusky, Peorla and all points east and west. For ticket rates and general Information call on J. J. Skinner ticket agent, L.

E. wl! PCTU. or C. F. Dally, senera! passenger agent, Indianapolis.

Ind. Bradford and Col. Philadelphia N. Rlclimond Ind'pli 4 LoulsvUle Effner Crown Point Chi Richmond Cinti, Crown Point Chi Montlcello Elfner Bradford. Eflner local freight Ind'pli LoulBvllle R4chmond and Clntl Bradford and New Montlcello Chicago Chi ft Intermediate Rich except Sunday.

teave Arrive. am 1:00 am am 3:05 am 5:45 a 8:00 8 1:05 8:30 a in I 1-35p 12:30 pm 2:30 111:00 a Agent. Loganaport, 2:45 a HIT' Louis lirnltcd dnlly. 'old no-13 fast Mall OBllT. 'old no 47' Kansas City wpresi dally' 010 Pac expttsi dallj tx tun 'old r.o No.

BAST, BOUND, 2 Y. Boston lim dallj 'old no -U, Fast mall dalli, 'old no w-iv--- Atlantic'Llmdsllj ex Sun 'old no 74 Local frt. Accora. dally eiflnn EEL-BrVER DIVISION. WESTBOUND.

If-IK ro. 10J4 SJ7 pm 3:33 pm 2:41 a a 4:52 ,12 50 No 36 No S7 BOUND. No 30 leave 84 leave ,.10:30 a 2 35 10:45 a 3:30 VANDALIA IND. No 20 St 4 No 16 to St Joieph Sundaj only a 8 85 No 8 parlor car, Indianapolis to Sontb Bend via Coliax. 20 hnathrbngh sleepers, StLouh to Mackl- naw.

TOTR THE SOUTH No' 18 No irforTerw.HantedalIrexSun 2:55 ra No 81 dallj ex .11 No 13 has tbrouib patloc oar, South Bend to Indianapolis TlacoTfax. No 21. has 'ttircfiKD 'Sleeper, Mackinaw to St. Louis: NO 15 (Jolly except Snnday Vo 17 SuaSar-oDlr 30 For complete. time card 1 glvlnft all and for full Information ai to through care, address J.

C. EDQEWORTH, Agent. Logaoiport, Ind. Or, B. A.

Ford, General Agent, St. Louli, Mo. flntiapo Made Man.of and leading druiRiiw we will con; narantoe to CUM. We ioljcll and ctaalluire tat worl GOSSIP OF DAME FASHION Old-Fasbloned Muslins and American Colors for tho Fourth. YoanR CIrl'l White tho 'latent Up- Fubrlct-A Smart Traveling; Costume.

1690.1 Fun is always to be bad in an column, ifonc.however, furnish quite the amusement afforded by English perodicnls, when, iu response to queries, they advise readers to take numerous dresses with them for wear in New York, as that cUyjJs quite up to date in fashions. ffhey conclude by saying that it- Blight be well to delay purchasing; these garments until, reaching New York, complexion; but to the- young, girl, especially 1 little Miss is most becoming 1 Alpaco or light silk is suitable for. such a costume. When made with a Jacket, however, that and the skirt fchould be of alpaca, with a white satin or silk muslin vest, Tho stock, cuffs nnd belt may be of green velvet. Another pretty model has a skirt of pray liberty silk.

The full bodice in of white mull "with bands of lace insertion ncross the sleeves, -i. fall of lace makes a soft finish for neck, while shoulders and. waist are strapped with green velvet. A white Milan straw, faced with green velvet uud adorned with green, plumes nnd white luce, completes the costume. matron most favors the Burplice effect for a bodice, which becomes a slim figure and yet has the -FOURTH OF since the American taste in 'dress far exceeds that of the English woman.

This applies mainly to summer dress, for in it the American-girl secures a sprightly touch, entirely lacking in the severe lines of English garments. Take a- dress to be worn at a Newport hop very shortly. The material is old- fashioned'dotted inoslin. made over a yellow Bilk slip. The round bodice Is very full, cut low und round about the is almost concealed by a fall of Tride lace! Big yellow bows at the shoulders conceal tho commencement of ribbon straps to hold the sleeve puffs.

Ribbon is -again introduced in the. skirt trimming. It encircles the waist, falls diagonally from the 'center of both front and back, and joins half way down the left side, where it is loosely looped. From'thence one end, hangs, another wends way to of the skirt, to be fastened under, a huge bow. Another bow, is placed at the waist exactly, in the 'center of the And the maid is' black of "hair and black-eyed.

The-international complications of the past year made our American maids more than ever patriotic, and the glorious FourtU will be celebrated ot with celebration alone will Wo of country be. shown, but in their dress will the rna.ids strive fo remember the dames long so-'bravely stuck ito their' Many Fourth of July gowns will be of old-fashioned made with wide corselets and plenty of ruffles and worn wlli shaped hats. It is true' that the gowns of colonial dames not be copied; bnti of them will nevertheless appear 5n the gown of every Yankee maid. One a dress all white and blue will White muslin the material, having flounces -edged, with, silk and a corselet of the same. Four flounces trim the skirt, three cross each shoul- GOWMS, nity' necessary for the gown' of a married-lady.

Dotted onislin in the light materials, nnd stnped taffeta in the heavier, are the favorite materidls. One cot quite BO youthful is a black and white mohair mixture, which has n. delightful silvery gray effect. Mousseline de soie is another popular fabric for dressy costumes, while others A NEWPORT HOP DRESa der to be concealed under the corselet, four form the'sleeve puffs, From under these- puffs-'creep' -'long, 11 '-sHm sleeves, 1 'almost 1 'concealing" the'-hands and endingiwith she One of the prettiest'ideas of the year thot which clb'th'es-'younff girls 'Iri 'jrey and. white.

of'grreemvel- oombinatloa kill any but a A-DHESS FOR THE STREET. of silk nnd wool are very smart for lie, summer promenade, For, silk is finding great favor, since it aheds dust so Xhei'shades in'which It can- be secured are-limited, however, as It is'but recently, th'an: umbrella cover- To return; to, the surplice, it is used most traveling gown '-at brown gloria, trimmed with ploitings of black silk. 'The- garment is cut a la prlncesse; with very-full'skirt. inl.the close half-way dovrn, nna.

at is slightly apart to reveal a black silk The surplice forms.double shoulder, then nnd'Narrows as it crosses-'the front, -winds 1 its-way about the waist and finishes with two long ends, hanging; almost to the foot. A thick ruche of black the, neck. THE LATEST. and Thirsty. "I was reading," remarked the good teacher to the'school; "th'at there are seen- At -is survive some by-, to domesticate that yal- It.was that quiet moment in session just'before the tie'day's task ended, she was wont to leave in the minds-of-the young pupils some of -valuable information for them to w.hile.

at play. children are so prone'to. can any fyou tell smiled, encourag- gly through any of you 1 tell -me -what especial 'interest attaches to this statement?" the. wickedest in school, wlio always sat i( did, reply tiat. it a only 'thing' in 'A'riiona; that 'could -go days-' without Vater, "and 1 the "amelridroent esecutiTei stssion.andishortly after' thorn, got Recorder.

The first ftone for paring 1 laid In Ntw York In 1658 LIBERTY BELL TIED UP. Practically In Pawn by a Man In Chicago. William O. McDowell, Prescient of the Liberty Uoll Ajtioclu'tlon, to fee Ucavllr Short In Accounts llnti The Columbian liberty bell, which created such a furore nt the world's fair, is practically in pawn in Chicago. The president of the Liberty Boll association is.

said to' be $20,000 short in his accounts'. His is William 0. McDowell. His resignation has been accepted by the executive committee of the organization. The resignation was caused, by reason ot large discrepancies in his accounts, $20,000 of which he is said to hate admitted having misappropriated, Minnie F.

'Buflinger recording- secretary of the association, and regent. for" the Columbian liberty bell in Washington, made this statement. Her husband is the counsel for the association and is now in correspondence with an auditing committee in New York, which ie looking thoroughly into McDowell's accounts. "The result of the committee's investigations," said ilrs. Ballinger, "is that between $00,000 and $100,000 belonging to the association is missing.

McDowell claims to have used only $20,000, but the committee places the amount of his peculations at the. figures I give above. He agreed to sell. 100 fac-similes of the bell to one organization for $15 each. He has failed to deliver the goods.

He also wrote to a number of patriotic Americans abroad, urging them to buy fac-similes of the bell. He never forwarded their purchases nor turned the money be had received into the treasury. We have not yet decided whethcrornot we will prosecute him. Several of the members of the executive board favor his prosecution, but others plead his family and for he husno funds left so far as we can ascertain as reasons for pr.rmitting him to be unmolested. His fall was due to Wall street.

"Tho Columbian liberty bell is now in Chicago in the possession of a man norned Knapp. The bell was placed in storage some time ago in New York city, to remain there until it should be required at some celebration. Without the consent of the executive committee, nnd even without the knowledge of its Mr. McDowell placed the car. built expressly for it, put it in.

charge of Knapp, who was to receive a monthly saJary of $70, and it to Chicago. Of course he never paid Knapp his salary, and that gentleman holds the bell. It is our intention to raise money this fall by means of entertainments and otherwise to redeem the bell. We will also invoke the nid of congress to make an appropriation for its keeping. Wo hope to bring it to ne.Tt year." DEATH IN STRANGE GUISE.

Jinj, Killed by Stonn Sot In Motion by a Rapidly Movlnif Blcyclo. Three-year-old. Ernest Schlickwein. the son of Franz Schlickweiu, a German txuck former jiving about four miles southeast of HiDsdale, near Chicago, 'met his death-. the other day in a manner 1 hitherto unheard of.

Just at dusk he was following h'is mother along a pntih beside the roadway whicJi fronts their home, when tihey were by 3 wheelman riding at his best speed toward Chicago. Shortly afterwards Schliekwein- missed her son. Hastening back, she discovered him prostrate in 'the path, while an ugly wound 'in his left temple was bleediug profusely. little one tenderly in her arms, the frightened.moth- er hastened to her home'and a physician was: The child did not re-' gain-consciousness and expired in. the- nrms mother before the: doctor arrived.

jagged stone.weig-hing.about ounops ly.irig n't the point where he 'had fallen told the 'story. It 'had been snapped from -under the Wheel of the scorching cyclist witlrsuffi- cient force, to cause death. The who of iCpurse, ig- of the accident, ond clevy to' his identity remains. Mrs. Sciilickwein'is prostrated 'arid may not recbver.

HURRY U.PJTHE MAIUS. 'Scheme to -Facilitate the Collection and Dliputch ot Pbital Matter. Continuous daytime collection of mails in' the big cities, with "the size of the various districts doubled nnd the sorting of the mail in the collection 1 wagons ready for immediate railroad dispatch without, passing the pqst offices, Is in an experimental, post office department will undertake in 'both Washington and New' York. The plan -as now 'and which Second Assistant Postmaster- General -the" author, is an entirely collection.

mail manned a postal clerk and driver and equipped with the regr ulation sortibg'box'ca and mail pouches; and 'each' drawn by two horses, will make a continuous round of the col-' 'lecting-places throughout the oity. The outside mail gathered, wm be sorted and delivered direct to streetcar. mail lines or means of directly reaching-, the depots, local mail will go to the city delivery department of the post 'This system will secure a significant saving 'of the delay in A BottomleM Pood. According' report Wond near is' bottomless. iTradition'soya-'tba'ti Icssithan the site was- 'covered, with a heavy: timber; Indians say that several hundred noble red were Damped.

woods when ''uhandhat 1 he most extreme altitude In Mount St. 10 times out of The New York Journal recently offered ten bicycles to-the ten winners in a guessing contest, leaving the choice-of machine to each. All of them chose STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Nirie immediately, and one after he had looked at others. And The Journal bought Ten Paid JOOeach for theni, too.

On even terms a Columbia will be chosen 10 times out of Art i Bmnch Storem an. of Columbia Hartford Bicycles is free if you call upon i ogcnt; by mail from us for iwo 2-ccnt climps. POPE MFG. Hartford, Conn. Aetncicm in almost every city unil -own.

If Cclnrnblis 070 properly represented in your vicinity, let know. THE WORLDS For keeping- In a Healthy Condition. CURES Con8tlpat.oo. Act. on Liver hKld ne y-Blood Dispels Colds and -Fevers, tho Comploxlon the ALL oiweenra.

nictlj Illn.trat«d eirhty-PMTC Storjr Book to crenr -c. JUf For Sale by B. F. KEBSL1NO. BIG AND GOOD.

Sometimes is sacrificed in the effort to give big quantity for little money. No doubt about that For instance, BATTLE AX. The piece is bigger than you ever saw "before for 5 cents. And the quality is, as manya man has said, mighty good. -There's no guess work inthis statement.

It isjust You can brove it by investing 5 cents in "BATTLE AX" BANNER FOR M'KINLEY. Woven anil Pninented by Sirs. K.ncll, of Cincinnati. Mrs. of'Cincinnati, a great admirer of has testified her regariJ for him by making- and 1 to -him a banner which is yards' in 'length and 22 Inches 'It Contains over yard's'ofr Rilk white and blue in color.

Every stitch, the exception ot the on the ia knitted. The latter.was crocheted. At the top of tliore are three widths of about six inches of re- RpectivelyV On' the -blue are -crocheted stars njid the figures reprc-' Benting Abraham-Lincoln's the state.of Kansas having- been into union; about that jtime. of, 'about'rin Inch' each 'of. white red fne 'figures worked' Ifr'the'center to-repre- lii'thetimeof adirilhisthitiori.

vThan; Jpllows; a-jdepth about.13, inches, in length; w.hichiforms the end. of the' 'In of this an equilateral triangle Is.worked, the basis forming the end of the apespoin ing to the 13 stripps. On the blu are worked 45 stars and Ibe fi "1806," to represent McKinley'-s-comipg 1 administration. f- A Spine. James Stiles is in the- hospital ft Easton, suffering from a broken back.

A year ago fell and broke hm Bplnal column, and in spite of, the doctor's ideas he recovered. Since then has broken his spinal column five tines and has spent most of his lime in pitals. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching and sraartinR iwi; dent tu eczema, tetter, lt ril digeases of the skin is instantly apph'W'Chamberlains Eye Ointfhent. Many verv bad cases have by H.

Jt is equally efficient for itchinc piles and a edy for. sore nipples; chapped blinss bitess and dironic sore. eyes. JFo'r sale by druggists at 2o rents box. TryDr Cady'i Condition Pqirdcrs, tlic ire whata horse needs when in badlcono tion Toi-ic.

blood purifier nnd vermifuge,.

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