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El Paso Times du lieu suivant : El Paso, Texas • 12

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1918. AtThe WHIT HOUSE Tod 1 THOUSAND VILLA FORMER SALESMAN FOLLOWERS AGAIN ARRESTED IN CITY ATTACK JIMENEZ ALLEGED DESERTER RECEIVE K. I HALL ON BEHALF ARMY END FECIAL -MONTH "Time, Please," Query Tabooed; Central No Longer A larm Clock The old alarm clock will now emerge from the dust' on top of the closet, and father, mother and all the kids will learn all over again, how to set It. There will be no more luxurious lying In bed to the tune of a telephone ring, according lo the Trl-Hlate Telephone company, who yesterday announced that this accommodation to customers will be dlscontlnued as a war measure.

Also, according lo the mandate, there will lie no more ascertaining the correct time from the telephone girl. People wilt now have to corns down town, for the purpose of correcting the family clock. This will Interfere with the dally habits of people, who dally call to find the lime from the Mountain Stale SVHt. BSj GREAT SAVINGS IN Program to Be Participated in by Workers of Allied War Work Bodies. Fierce Battle Reported Racing FrancU W.

Durnell, Crowing In-Around Railroad Center in ternational Bridge, Nabbed; Southern Chihuahua. Ha Story of Adventure. NTS German Miller Executed by Bandits; Chihuahua City Hunt Spies and Prepares to Fight. Brady preside at ihe open-tap program of tl i Knights of Columbus hall at Fort Alias tomorrow after-' noon, according to the plans announced yesterday by is committee in charge Ilrigadier Ceneral J. J.

Hornbrook commander nf the I Robbed of ISOO in money. 100 In jewelry and hia life threatened by Mexicans across the border, Francis V. Durnell. of Msrshallton, surrendered to the department of justice of finals jbere, today at the International bridge and waa delivered to the military on a charge of desertion. I According to Durnell's statement to iSiiecial Agent fius T.

he waa $30 To 40 SILK DRESSES be present, and will receive the hall of-: An opportunity of this iW comes so seldom that these dresses should pot last long. Think buying handsome silk dresses made of such materials as Satins, Crepe de Chines and Georgette Crepes all colors and sizes in the lot handsomely trimmed; finally, for Uie army. Bishop A Behutef will make the sjieech of presentation, li which the general will 'respond. Joe Nealon will speak, and Hobert Krakauer of the Jewish Welfare board, and F. c.

Holloway of the Army Y. M. C. will also sneak A feature will he the addree of Major Timothy O'Keefe, chaplain of the Fifth ('rivalry Musical numbers will be played by a military band and mass singing will be rendered by a regimental chorus. Rudolph K.

secretary, who will have charge of the hall, arrived in El Paso yesterday from Han Antonio, where he was stationed al Camp Travis. K. It Twynman of the Popular Dry (joods store contributed the Purse Snalchcr Is Scared Off When He Fails to Get Coin 1 When Mrs. Mamie Ittrd and her young daughter, Ims, were returning to their home In the Brlokley apartments, corner of 1'psoii and Davis, yesterday evening about o'clock, an unknown man stepped out In the dark when they were passing the Intersection of Prospect and t'pson and attempted each dress worth not less than i $30 to $40. TODAY TlU Inducted Into the service at Itarltan arsenal.

New Jersey, deserted, went to Canada, from there to Mexico and was robbed near Juarez, He said be was a traveling salesman Durnell said that ho was traveling for a cream separator concern when he was drafted and Inducted Into the army, and was to have been sent to Camp l.ewl. when he said he deacrled and left Jpr Canada to avoid military aervice Finding that allied citizens were drafted there, be left Canada, came lo F.I Paso and posed here as a traveling salesman Crossing the border neart the Oilletle dairy, he started down the Juarez river toad for Juarez, when he waa held Up and robbed by armed Mexicans he ssld were soldiers. He sold they tool; everything; ho owned. Including a pair of field glasses, money, diamonds and ntlo-r valuables. He then proceeded lo Juarez nod attempted lo return to Kl Paso, when lie was nrrcHted.

EXTRA SPECIAL Silk Petticoats Officer Smith Is Injured in Chase of Man on Bicycle inf down towards Missouri atreet and disappeared behind some billboards. Mr, flird's screams brought assistance, but no trace of the map. was found. It was reported Hist he had attempted to kidnap the child. Mrs Itird thought that the man was a Mexican.

For today we offer all Silk Taffeta Petticoats, in plain and changeable colors, fancy ruffled and tucked flounces. An exceptional iOQ value, TODAY VZ.UQ Second Floor Special Officer C. T. Smith suffered a severe scalp wound yesterday morning when engaged In a chase of Jesus I Trijo, a Mexican riding a bicycle whom the officers wanted for Investigation. Riding a while horse find leading his men In person.

Francisco Villa attacked Jlmenex on Thursday morning for the second lime since Waiurdsy. accord-Ins: to Information received In Juarex ver the railroad telegraph line from llmenrx laic yesterday. Villa occupied the old town of Jimenez, but was being stubbornly resisted by Oneral Joatiuin Amaru's cavalry force from Duranfo City, which drove Villa from jimSBSJ Runda" night after the first attack and occupation As the railroad wire waa In control of Villa yesierday. few details of the fighting were known here tonight Jimenez Is Isolated by rail, as bridges were dynamited north and south of the town and all wire communication with west of Jimenez, was sue- pi). Mil Ha TlMiuasad Men.

After having been driven from Jlm-nez RUBday night after occupying the plaza for 12 hours, Villa secured reinforcements, returned and again engaged Amaru's forces. Villa was reported to liave had 1,04 men and Amaro SOU, Including the Jimenez garrison troops. Villa was in personal command twciusu Jdnrllr, Lope, his chief of ntaff, was wounded recently near I'arral. During the fighting Friday morning Villa's men captured a Herman who operates a flour mill at Jlmeneo. The man was taken before Villa and Immediately executed Met axes received here last night fmm I'bihuahiia CUy told of preparations made there to repel an egpecWO" attack of Villa's followers, while the lty Is being combed for spies.

Ons man. Spaniard, was arrested Sunday, rharged with espionage, and later re-leaned on bond. Monday, when the news pf the attack rent -tied I'hlhuahua, he was re-arrested and executed after a ummnry court martial. His bnndamen. Jose Blanco and K.

(tarda, were seized liy the military and are now In prison. Dr. Manm-I Trillo, father-, of Colonel Miguel Villa's chief of staff, Is among those emitted at CBthUttUi. AIM Flag'mU Wave on Flagpole al Liberty Monument The American, llrltlsh. French and Italian flag" all waving Just above the ton li of lie (lodtlrss of Liberty In Pioneer plaza, is the plan of Myrtll fob-lentz and llerniim Andreas, who yesterday Instituted the erection of a flag-pule In the north! ciniier of the par- Chicago Board of Trade VciJ York Stock Market Buy More Bonds EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS When Detcrtlve Sergeant C.

T. Smith, Special officer tV. K. Smith and J. K.

Redmond were coming from the undertaking establishment of McBcan, Simmons A Hartford, where lliey had been called in an effort to Identify the young Mexican killed earlier In the morning, they spied a Mexican going east on Mills street, riding a bicycle. Sergeant Smith recognized him as a man wanted lor Investigation. C. T. Smith turned in ttehind the rider on his motorcycle, while the others crowded him from the side, turning the Mexican Into the curb.

As the machine slownd up T. Smith Jumped lo the sidewalk, and as he That Will Appeal To All By Associated press, Chicago, Sept 27 Severe breaks In Ihe price of com resulted today from Kulgarian efforts for an armistice. After setbacks that reached cents a bushel, the market dosed nervous, Malta to 4 cents net lower, with October 11.42 to 11.42 94, and November 1 1.4(1 'i lo II. 40. Oats finished cent to HitHK cents down The outcome in provisions varied from IS cents decline to 17 cenls advance.

Qaneral selling in the com market took place from the outset, but. It was not until the final half hour that the most acuta weakness developed. Doubt as to whether llio action of Ihe Bulgarian premier In seeking peace had been fully authorized, and us to whether his move was not a trick to gain time for the Bulgarian troops did much to ratan) the descent of values. At no time, however, did the market react to any Important extent. Temporary upturns, which were rioted, came from pnifii-iakiiig did not caanfi the prevailing bearish sent uncut, other fact or than thn Him, slice received hut little attention, especially afler confirmation of the.

proposal seemed complete, lion was associated directly with tin-Itulgarisn peace overtures. Strength was contributed also by the enthusiasm displayed over the fourth Liberty losn, wilh reports thai enormous subscriptions from corporations and individuals had been promised. In a turnover exceeding half a million stiares lit volume, representing the Injection of strong Investment buying for both cash and speculative account and reflecting much short covering prices In tpaiiy Ingfanctl rose to new high levels for tlift present ruovenienl The general Iniilint: sentiment Indicated increasing confidence In the stability of the market's technical condition, and the gains established ran from 1 to '1 points in the gf iieral list. Purchases of Fnlted Stales Steel on an Immense scale, which lifted It 2 1-4 to lSil and indications of concerted buvlng In many other popular issues. Impressed the short faction and there was a general scurrying to cover.

In- lenchci I he cut long, I I ho sc Extra Special 6 To 8:30 si. on BliAl SILK HOSE SPECIAL 7c GO dozen will be on sale tin long they Inst. They arc Mill Hulls with slight imperfec I for his man lie was thrown to A gash four and a half Inches iving bare the skull, was cut in ilp. The Mexican. Jesus Trljo.

iptured by the other two and to Ihe station with their In-ompanlon, where Smlth'H wounds ragaatf by Police Surgeon Lynch. I5c 20c NOVELTY I I A HANDKERCHIEFS SPEC! Hi tc A tig lot for your choosing. All white with embroidered comers, or white with fanclt borders. Values to Sl. on size Hot tics oris Mouth Wash, each 79c tions.

EXTRA lie SPECIAL VITAL RECORD. 79c mill ti I. Mr. and Mrs. Mnrclal her L'7, at 713 South DIMITV, SWISS M) LAWN BOUDOIR CAPS, 25c Vou will find these new, pretty and attractive, absolutely washable, and so Pkf.

Lux Washing Pmviler, Cftch ,1 12.06 WHITE HOSE EXTRA Sl.ull -Kxtra good quality all pure silk hose, In white only. Standard M.60 Al! Day Specials TOILET GOODS McrPOllxcd Wni, cncli o9c 5c sic Hose Tallinn, each 11c Si. no iii-rpiciiic Hair TodtC) each 79o ItC UW If HO if Am- iiionlu, cmdi lie 50r sic ISottlp Xon Spi. MMh 30c sic Mi Cleansing, cacti S5c slie Meatholatum, rnch 16c 50c Htac Poppy I 'aco Pnwilcr, i'iii'Ii 20c $1,50 ic Orfctitnl t'ream, each SI. 1 8 5c sl.c Dr.

Lyons' Tooth Paitoi cncli toe sic I oris Mouth Wash, each toe (Main Kloor) I f.i Florae, September 81, ulreet, a son. nice for the house 25c 10 'rin- bond market shared In the Improved lone with a decided lnqulryfor Liberty issues and foreign war flotations. Hales (par villus). ulled Slates bonds told issues) unchanged on call. 700 KMT UNION si 'ITS BMCGtAL B0 VVuinen's mediiini weight ribbed Higher quotations on hogs gave so iriMKtli to pixel IMons, bul the wenkin I corn finally became an offset.

'Inning quotations: Corn (icl. IMtft; 1.40 Data Oca, 78c: 7314c. ItllUr, III. Lard 0ot I2H.4'.' Nov 156 0.V Ribs Oct, 125 40; Ill 40. (Limit of 3) SOc size Mind's- Honor nnd Almond Crcnin, each SI.

00 II I OITIXC, GOWNS, BPECLVL sue Fine, heavy quality all white outlnK (towns. hiRh or low necks, fancy braid trimmings. Actual valu-. $1. n.wnn Anita daughter of Mr.

i died September street, Hiirlal. I cordia cemetery. I.ANI1IAN Mr the Inrnnt If, A. Baird, I Hosewood at iZ, to union -k nnd long firm who will contribute lt the erec. in thro other poles al each of the nei i 'irners of the monument BkAt poll will cost about II is lid.

They must ho of jointed toeel, and i set in tit masonry of the par-net lii lead Willi all four flags fly- Ijlearhe suits, eleeves, length. Hi Extra at 59 lied September losing quotations: Alltertrtu Sugar Alnff leill I in vinerii'mi Smsililiz AJet Hrtlaktiz Aniertmn 'tvt and Tst itiisirkin i Ali-tlksiill lUlllni'ini Stat Olito 39 I I ill ini, 89c (Main Floor) Hiirlal al tVlnona, Mium-mtn ipecial (Main Floor) ina Ai a I i il.A- il September 1 li I til I. Its Children's Day On Our Third Floor Millinery CMdr en Sale Day $3,06 TO 13.50 (K Until. PRESSES EOR JUNIOR GIRLS 13.50 Doa't fail to see these splendid dresses for Kirls, ages li to 16 years. Made of chambray, poplin nnd Caverninent Hill lt and west iir of tell It, block Mayfifld lltilld-g company to J.

it I'anish. Con- juration. IE.SW San lam graiil. A trai of laud In irthweat corner of a tract of 127 res. lunging to the Catholic i intrch Anthony J.

Bchulef to Heorge Cent. Consideration, tl and other itttable considerations. A certain tract of land In the Vsleln an' oiKurlntnc acres. I' H. Stew- lingerie, light IxtraJ2.59 Contiaues I hlrai't.

Mi- -t 'Stna Hitiprr celendd i'ii-1 rin Hosii cults i siis Stiisr Kris 4irel lai N'letlisra 1 li, zinlOM Ciiplwr hit Mar. Uarins Kfinli-a Ciritsv itdoii)fl zne Ns- llrnri I'trelisim MltiiU Ceelae MlvHiial Psrlftc I'nilrsl S'ettkehl I'setfle Iviniflvltmila i auolUltled i.I.i.H kspflNw loo sail nlOmii Pnelfle SiHiilmii lUilH'tjr Tpxss i'isapji i tRten jfaetns S. A r. stsai uli i'i4r dark 49J Cattllc Receipt, S.OtlO. Market slow lo lowci.

Beef cattle, lt.7tiM0 butcher slock, cows and heifers, $0,604, IJl.tll csimers and cutlers, ta. 30410; Miockers and teedets, lift callea, 117.75 wis Hbeeti Ihs-ripts, OHO Mniket slow, gelling lower on all classes. II Kansas II. By Ahso. lated Press.

Kansas City. Sept. 17 Hogs Keceipts. 3,000. Market higher Hulk.

IIH heavy. III.7ICH.70; llglll. SIS 5511 I'l all piss. Jill ,1 111 Cntlie Iteceipls. lO.iiiin.

Market steady Steers, 17.S0tI westerns, llt'W IS ios. i heifers. stockera, UI 17 calves, fi 0 1 1 SO Sheep lleceipts, Market steedy, Mitnii.H, 110 75 yegrllapa, to 'il tl wethers, tttrll I ewes, su 10. S2 GINGHAM SCHOOL PRESSES FOR I.IHLS, EXTRA $1.50 Dundy gingham school dresses for girls, ages 2 to 14 years. Dozens of styles, elbow and three- meat COIl I olhei .11 il it vol si I nit Ills Ni It.

Breaded Veal Cutlets with Tomato Sam Potatoes. Hot Hulls and Bulter, and a cup of our incomparable coffee. J5c -4 to 8 p. Lunch Counter. Miolrrn afr, Mill.

Building. Dancing, 9 li Irvine's Jatt Baud. ill I II MVUM.TS. At New York. By Associated Press.

York, Kept. L17. Irfnd- Market quid spol. pi speller, easier Kast St, Ixiuls delivery, spot, i l.iiiiilnii. By Associated Press.

Ktlg Sept. 1 The following were the quotations in the London metals market today: Tin Spot, 1377 futures. 1377. Ills. Spot coppers and futures, 132; electrolytic, ri37.

Lead till 10s. Speller -151. ki Faae smeiirr Qae4a4laas, et a to the Hosedale Furim toy Consideration. H0.00 and ihiahlc i oitslderat ions. able for schc a'l EXTI 11.59 3ailors For $7.50 I ok INDIOEPflON, iiv- i If AO OK lilt mi KRIMI Just try one to-rent Isittle of l.AX-FfS WITH PEPSIN, A Mould Digestive Mixatlve pleasant to take.

Now made and recommended by the nianu-(pctarera of Orove'i Tasteless chill Market Utter. Depart Iirlng the kiddies to our Shoe Dept. today. We show specially priced lines of misses' and I I n's shoes that give the most ser- 94 WOOL SERGE GYM. BLOOMERS Kilt GIRLS WOMEN 02.

08 Only once in a year can you find such a value ns this; made of all wool serge, tut full. Actual llenirr. llixson Company. 11.00 value. EXTRA 12.08 Advertisement.

Ily As Wo repeat our Kxlia Special rforinff of nil silk velvet ant. ft ovum A nwrt fthHdM) ViI.Ibi "isi 11. Thi big n.Iinifi nf Mfelcin I tun bimI TriM t'ontpfttty mi id riihwm ilu mflina ttimri Htiiilt nf4i(i)n Hi in.tiv yvntt, i-kiuaI mu li Mitt ilrtuuiil for tlw rttrii i 'l, Ml.lwmt ltrrlliktic uiiwwt up fltUB 111 ('I 114, MMTtIt tUHt tiSk, ill tlala Uttn4 cni li" 1 ill up in tii mlulnc IM, rin lUte wu it -n tjetilli itt tin flrr, ami i "iismM Itln 1r 1 ArOkitm i Hiiiii Hviii i iHwr jjtaiitt, leftim Ch.iff Mitirin. iltl) gski-i TiHh ItMa i.d l- tvw low. I Mini RutMm mitl tSupWiia' umI limb ill intur tii.

i mi tit fiiMioii nii "7 Ud moi-INtrrl with m((riat t'lmitvinAilcii nint- 13.08 NEW AM O'SHAXTERS I ui; 0 lo III YEARS. $1.08 We offer a special lot of new Tnhis for girls. Splendid for school year. Blue Devil and YANKEE 10 DISCOUNT SALE on SUITS and OVERCOATS O'NEIL'S tL 5 to 8 S2.50 to II S3, 00 1 1 to 2 03.50 (Main Floor) 1 mvfttn l.Hl. MtirhPt HtrmJy ltrtr ptcpm, lt.ttfM.eS5; town nnd luifirw, $7 Htm-kors untl tm 7U i JfUI II, IIok -Heoplplii, 1.00ft Mmjipt (rady, Top 119.

K. Imlti. 11115. 1 HhcPp 1lfi-flptJ, MitlkP! tHdv 1-tmtin, 1S 500 16 50 twtn, ft II 1" KBH IOM i i i 17.50 Main Floor! I'l tlli TAMS. Iteal value J2.95.

EXTRA $1.98 Curk Cin. I ft ti I he Nt I it unit rut Urim I Cilunvtt mil eta I I'otiM lltiti Aril huiiitf ArKnlit tli mi Mointrr I IIUll I'lUHT Himn Htmn.l I Jmuti- flMI it Wall Paper London lead, f-9. Pig lead. 11.05. Copper Wire bars.

36c. unsTi KiiNpg. By Associated Press. New York. Hepl.

37 Liberty bond closings: IVa'a. 1100.94 first conveill-ble 4's, 195. second 4's, lll.ll; first convertible 4K's, 195.52; second convertible tHa, 195. Kg; third 4 Vs. 195.91.

PRODI OR Ml 1.1 iv At raleags By Assot iated Press. CbicSRO, Sept 27 Butter unchanged, 51ff5IVC. Kggs Iteceipls, 2.65 cases Market higher. Firsts, HI Ml 47c. ordinary firsts, 430 45c, at market, cases Included, 43trttc BUY MORE BONDS Be patriotic ant) buy bonds liberally.

Be ready when the committee calls on you. Charges Payable Nov. 1st All charge purchases made Today will be applied on your October bill, payable Nov. I. liilf Oirlr lirmilv in i gtrrinji tlirm.

Tuttle Paint Glau Co. BUY MORE BONDS BUY MORE BONDS Mesicau pesos, 7gc. Itubles, HHVI cables, tic. Mexican pesoe, 7sc, tlovernnient Ismds. heavy Itailroad lamds, irregular.

Tltne loans, strong; GU days 6 months, tl per i ent bid. call money, strong: high, ruling rate, ti cloning bid 14, at 6 last loan, ft per cent i-eptancen. 4 per cent. WHEN GOING AWAY Bate pnur miiurtielH nnd automobile lire slureil In a fireproof werehouse. lll UN TKAN'BFCR SHU! Mil I t).

I11S-3I Teias St. Phone 11-11, Weatem and Othw Oili. a I urtue a (V. HsUI SS.Mml hid. ait Siljci silngs, Kaaeaa KM "The House of Courtesy" "The Store of Service" larm Inek.

Little Plaza Phone 4580 Creamery. 17c, flrsgs, 55c, seconds, 54c packing, 40c. Poultry Hens. 311 21c; roosterg, lltijc: broilers. 27c Kggs- Firsts.

4lic: seconds. 3ijC. i tl" li WELDING All rtimilil 1k i I i Job mi Bf MH'tll. BROWN WELDING CO. refreshments to the officers and teachers present.

wwr: THE BEST INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD It llic Mt I Itn 1 1 BnttdH, SutMTlpll(i1i iMil N'pt. '2H WE WILL HELP YOU til ell, f. il, if nating. Non-essential lines reflect further curtailment end while buying of holiday gifts has started, the tendency Is to eyhow luxuries, though here and there new found wealth has brouifhl about some squandering. Weekly bsnk clearing, $.111.41,000.

non i. riiuiic lsrm thick. llivon Cainpany. Adveitlsenient. New York Coppart tl, a i Hetsl gSfidtai I Asssende i'hw i ui ni mti rm ii.

A Hodge car driven by Adolph llirsch wsji overturneU Thursday evening at the sharp turn on Bliss street near Trowbridge. All the occupant of the car, which was badly demolished, were bruised. Mr. Hlr.uh was injured so that be was obliged to be ahecnt business. I lii id in I ii 1 1) i Ihe hr n- IIUll- III Ml II By Assoi-tjited Press.

New York, Sept. Rrndstrrel's tomorrow will say: fiovernment work expands the expense of enterprise And as corals for ordinary IrmlliiR lend lo lw-MM scercer, buyers In the prosperous irop yleldlns tones are sntlous to get down orders. In the blc castrn centers, luiurver. where tscs. subscriptions 10 the Liberty bonds.

hih w(es for lebor end the prospectus withdrawal of large numbers for military effort are factors, buying is conservative Not. Itbstanilnur all reservations Ihe flow of huniness is considerably troncer than the ebb, war work, of course, predomi mr easn. ami iiiniiini priii-enl- nrr to lour lisiii, "I BOM nuiM DAVOim, The Kaster L'ndertaking comiwny re. reived a telegram Kriday from the dauchter of "Red" (lallagher, Instructing Ihe undertakers to notify T. B.

Nor-wood, Memphis. Texas, of her fathers death. Norwood is believed to be secretary of tfie association with which Gallagher carried a life policy for II -000. "Red" (iallaeher died suddenly In the sheriff's office tn this city last Tuesday while in the throes of a hemorrhage. When Vour Eves Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy tor PROMOTION s't-MlV I'l.

V- The teachers and officers of the Fleet Raptlat church Sunday echoul met List night at the church, with IT P. Rigdoti In the chair. Affairs relating mm httlei ihr en ite rait. SIXTEEN HOUR SERVICE Ktery Hay 7 a. m.

to II p. ni. Handed Aleaeiierrs. I'rempi Hen ice. Royal Metscnjrer Service hlim mil aad lit? J.

S. CURT1SS CO. to Promotion were dlcusetd. Teai iters' training school will begin next! Irihanr iinrt.i I VOJIK COTTON. By Associated Press New York.

Sept. 57 The cotton market closed barely rfeady at a net advance of S3 10 131 nolnts. Hern lurk. XV Hitwn Company, Advertisement,.

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